join our campaign to increase our solar ambition in the UK
“I support the ‘Cut, Don’t Kill’ campaign to stop the Government cutting Solar PV Feed-in Tariffs by 50%, which would devastate the solar power industry and jeopardise 25,000 jobs.”
David Lockie,
Anna Guyer, Solar is our future
Simon Bottrell,
Toddington Harper, The costs of Solar Photovoltaic Energy are falling faster than any other generation technology - renewable or otherwise. It's such a versatile and popular technology that will reach Grid Parity in only a few years - let's make the UK at the forefront of the global solar energy revolution!!!
Howard Johns, Chairman Solar Trade Association
It really is time to start taking solar seriously and investing in growing a serious UK industry.
rob wells,
Sally Guyer, You claim to be the greenest government this country has ever had. What happens here influences other countries - like Chile where there are plans to justify environmental destruction in Patagonia in the name of hydro electricity when solar power is totally viable in Chile. If countries like Chile see the UK using solar power, there is more chance of it being used there.
David Hampton, Nuclear is so passee.
Renewables are so clearly (and cleanly) the future.
Robin Dally,
Will John Duckworth,
Robin Brittain,
James Wortley,
Vivienne Sims,
Danielle Sims,
Chris Rowland, OVESCO is an Industrial & Provident Society which has just raised over £300,000 via a community share issue for a 98kW (544 PV panels) on the roof of the towns brewery called Harveys. A return on investment will be paid via the FiTs to our 220+ community share holders. This will be the largest PV project fully financed by a community share issue in the UK. With the right incentives this project could be repeated at other sites in the UK engaging the public in local decentralize power generation see
Robert Ellis,
John Mustarde, This technology must be seen for what it is, a revolutionary form of power generation, cheaper, more reliable and longer lasting than anything else.
Please don't kill off the industry whilst it is still fledging!
Nigel Beale, You know it makes sense.
So just do it, please.
Timothy Mullen,
David Connor,
Chris Ponton,
Georgia Cooksey,
Alice Cambata,
Cathy Newitt, Think of our childrens futures. Cleaner futures.
Tim Saunders,
Thomas Ellis-Jones, The benefits are huge and due to continuing technological advances these will become greater still.Do not let this shining light of renewable energy fade .
Jonathan Scurlock, National Farmers Union, Farmers are ready and willing to contribute to national energy security and job creation in the low-carbon economy. NFU members and their development partners have already begun to invest in solar PV projects from small to large scale on the basis of existing government policy.
Ben Hart,
Mike Jones,
Helen Daniel,
Meraud Ferguson Hand,
Mary Rayner, Solar power is a relatively easy way for community owned renewable energy enterprises to start generating an income and start the path to more challenging energy generation and saving measures. We need government to show much greater support for this technology.
xxxxxxxx, I feel more than frustrated that the goverment doesnt want to put there support towards a cleaner future.
Richard Holmes,
cathie higginson, Thankyou for looking after future generations
Laura whitfield,
Alex Fornal, Be the Greenest Governement Ever and capture the global opportunity that is solar PV. You will be judged in 2-3 years time on that basis.
Jon Walker, How about actually living up to your pledge to be the Greenest Ever government and Support Solar!
David Owen, Solar Power Portal, It is time that the government woke up to the fact that we, the public, do not want and from reading this report, do not need, dirty or unsafe forms of energy generation. Make ours a solar future.
Gavin Tester,
Joanna Franks,
Robert Curry, the greenest government ever, time to put your money where your mouth is and back solar!
Chris Brock,
xxxxxxxx, Let's become world leaders in what has to be the next revolution. Britain has to keep ahead of the game in this fast developing world.
Tom Greeves, The storage of energy generated by solar is important to cover the time when the Sun is not available, ie. behind clouds or at night. This can be achieved in a variety of ways but must not be overlooked.
Doug Harris, It's obvious, solar capture and ground-sourced heat are the two best options within a suite of renewables.
Mark Hamilton,
paul woolley, Oil will run out, price of oil will rise higher, oil companies get richer...all of this is a given, but so is the Sun, its going to out last Oil, Oil companies and us mere Humans, so why let it go to waste. The Sun has been a massive factor on humans. We have worshipped it, given it God status and built Temples for it, so why cant a 21st Century Government harness it to provide power for the people that they serve.
Add some Green colour to your Blue party and you get a bright Sunny Yellow glow to your legacy.
Gareth Hopkins, We should be investing more in Solar and Wind and making sure that we buy all of the parts from the UK to boost our economy
xxxxxxxx, The difference between UK and German plans for installed capacity in 2020 is remarkable. But what can that tin pot failed industrial nation teach us about how to create jobs and run a sustainable economy?
Nick Pascoe, Solar PV electricity represents globally a shift of internet revolution proportions in power generation, yet the UK Govt. believes it is some sort of hobby pastime. WAKE UP and allow the UK to grow a significant sector like many other nations are successfully building.
Graeme Hewson,
Dr Gerry Wolff, A report by Versicherungsforen Leipzig GmbH, a company that specialises in actuarial calculations, shows that if the nuclear industry were to insure fully against the costs of a nuclear disaster, the price of nuclear electricity would rise to 2.36 Euros per kWh, far beyond the cost of any other source of electricity (see ).
“From the U.S. to Japan, it’s illegal to drive a car without sufficient insurance, yet governments around the world choose to run over 440 nuclear power plants with hardly any coverage whatsoever.” Washington Post, 21 April 2011 (in “As Fukushima bill looms, nations weigh dilemma: nuclear plants viable only when uninsured”).
A recent report by the Union of Concerned Scientists shows that government subsidies to the nuclear power industry over the past fifty years have been so large in proportion to the value of the energy produced that in some cases it would have cost taxpayers less to simply buy kilowatts on the open market and give them away.
Connie Hedegaard, the EU commissioner for climate change, has stated publicly that offshore wind power is cheaper than nuclear power (see ).
jill gough, Nuclear is most certainly not the way forward either. To be truly 'Green' you also need to address the fantasy of 'economic growth' - not only oil is finite but all of the resources on our wonderful planet. We need to change our values and think differently if we are serious about making a good future for all the world's children - and grandchildren.
Richard Mills,
Pat Armstrong, We desperately need all our alternative energy sources in a world of increasing global warming, increasing political instability, and increasing pollution. We need a combination of these sources to avoid being 'held hostage' by someone whose politics we do not like in another country suddenly raising the price of energy way above what we can afford - and a brief study of history has shown us that that is all too possible.
We need to provide our own energy - solar power is a vital part of that self-preservation strategy, and will reduce pollution and global warming. Act now.
Matilda Lee, Please support community solar!
Terry Richter, If the Government is so keen to be green, why can’t it fully, or even partially, fund the installation of solar PV panels on all suitable school roofs? It would create maybe 500MW of capacity. It would provide a nationwide boost to the nascent solar energy industry. The schools might be allowed to benefit from the feed-in tariff income. Schools are already in centres of population, so no new power lines would be needed. The visual stimulus would enthuse whole new generations of youngsters about renewable energy sources. And it could start tomorrow. Have I missed something?
Derrick Knight,
Jim Gillespie, Successive UK governments need to abandon their fixation with nuclear power and wake up to the fact that renewable energy not only makes sense but is the vital next step the world needs to make if we are to achieve affordable, sustainable energy for all.
Said Bijary,
robert woodland, we should be investing in solar power throughout the uk and create much needed jobs in the green industry.
Richard Hitchcock,
Linda Rogers,
Kate Wood, Even if you don't care about the environment this is a golden opportunity for the UK to regain the lost ground since closing down our industries. Like Germany we also could be world leaders in clean, safe, cheap energy. We have the brains - all we need is the political will. Thank you kate Wood
Chris Eaton, Why not actually encourage people by introducing a scheme similar to the scrappage scheme where the govt provide a contribution to the setup costs. Also commision an independent study of what the costs SHOULD be for a P.V. installation, before all the door-to-door pirates bump the prices up like they did when double-glazing first appeared.
Timothy Colbourn,
Jill Perry, Please don't delay any more, let all sizes of solar flourish.
Norman Pasley,
sioned huws, Solar is safe, cheap energy for generations to come. Nuclear is dangerous, expensive energy and Britain should follow Germany's lead and close down old nuclear power stations and halt any further development of nuclear power.
Liz Kent, It is vital that we continue to plan and prepare now for a sustainable green energy future. We should be training people in solar technology, and we should be supporting the manufacturing renaissance in UK that is needed to produce the equipment. We should be installing solar panels where they can provide most benefits - for schools, hospitals, businesses and other places that use energy in the daytime. We have skilled workers that need work, investors looking for green projects to invest in, and factories that could be working for UK Solar Energy. Let's get going now!
Sylvie Smallwood,
Robbie Corcoran,
mark bowden,
Marco Poliafico,
Dr Thomas Lankester, Plans to scale back support for larger (non-greenfield) installations will hinder community-level involvement and the development of utility scale capacity whilst ignoring the cost effectiveness of larger schemes.
xxxxxxxx, To alleviate the high unemployment levels, could you invest in training for the installation of all green energies, especially solar.
Nicola Shepherd, This is a travesty, a real retrograde step, we need to follow Ye example of Germany.
xxxxxxxx, Tides and waves can yield reliable harmless power. Why not develop that too?
Bruce J. Mitchell, Mitchellsolar., I have designed a solar format that keeps the solar power costs in the community, speak to Ray Noble. I have had extensite conversations with Ray Noble, Tim German Cornwall Council and Mat Hastings at The Eden Project and all the entities have agreed to get my system up and running, signed, Bruce Mitchell ph01189497582.
Beyond Building Solar,
Gabrielle Patrick,
Abigail McKern, We have to think LONG TERM to survive!
Jonathan Cogzell,
John Blower, The job dividend to the UK of solar energy is far higher than for fossil fuel or nuclear. Higher short term costs are therefore offset in part by the benefits kept within the UK economy.
xxxxxxxx, Having just installed PV on my house, I fail to understand your reasons for reducing the FiT for larger installations; regulate to limit the city speculators by all means, but don't limit truly motivated groups, farmers and others from helping to move the technology and its application forward.
Too much money went in the past, and is still going, into centralised systems like nuclear; we now have to spend even more on cleaning up the waste. Solar makes little waste (grranted manufactring must take place) so let's see sense and move forward. After all, even the Germans have seen sense, let's not them get to this beach first as well!
Jo Taylor,
Marit Parker, This needs to be in combination with a Smart Grid (no huge pylons!) and other locally-owned renewable power sources (ie community energy projects, eg Settle Hydro )
JHS Solar Solutions Ltd,
Jos Reuleaux,
Kim Eyckmans, Solar energy is our future!
Marcel Landman,
Lorraine Haskell,
Vangestel, Let the UK be the leader and an example in Solar Power , lets shut down nuclear power plants.
Manu Jans,
Jan Kwakkel, Remember: no CO2, no melt downs and no pollution during generation.
René Blickman,
Cyrille Bertrand,
Harold Vogels,
Jonathan Bates,
Suzy Lennox,
Olaf van der Sar,
xxxxxxxx, Do not allow EDF to continue routinely discharging tons of CO2 into the atmosphere from Hinkley Point nuclear site. Close down the AGR reactors immediately. Rule out new nuclear build. Replace it with wind, wave, tidal power and the Severn Barrage.
David Maclean, We need to transfer some of the public funding away from the overabundance of wind farm investment to both solar and tidal power which have a natural and 100% reliable cycle which can be easily managed within the power distribution network. In addition the solar PV power generation installations are delivering power direct to the consumers which will help to reduce the long term investment requirements for national power distribution networks. A win - win - win situation!
Elen Huws,
Kim Austin,
klaus frietsch, in full support, a great opportunity is going astray if the UK Gov goes ahead as planned. the market will die in its infancy. it is as bleak as stated by many observers from different sources.
Kathrin Eichhorst, We need to reorganise our energy system.
Please do it now.
Nigel Dent, Solar PV is the clean energy low carbon local solution to reducing green house gases.
Nik Hilton, This is the human species opportunity to solve its energy crisis by directly harnessing the sun in much the same way the rest of Nature works. Look at the computer revolution and what we are capable of achieving!
Lets show the world how to lead with solar power and that we are genuinely worthy of our title 'Great Britain'!
Lee Chambers,
tim lyddon,
Danny Grimson,
Neil M Smith,
Jan Sisson,
Emma Hughes,
Giles Bristow, Carbon Leapfrog galvanizes professional support around carbon reducing initiatives - for free. Community groups and investors alike require policy certainty if grass-roots projects are to succeed. This is a crucial time for community projects, early successes need to become mainstream if the benefits of behavioural change associated with community renewable energy deployment are to be realised. This sector - at the heart of the BIG SOCIETY - requires enabling policy to help reduce the significant barriers to community energy. Our plea is to keep it simple, effective and long-term.
Ruth Wharton,
Colin, A Big Society is only possible with decentralised power generation and solar is currently the only meaningful way to hand power to the people. Invisible hands ignore invisible emissions...
Justin Woolford,
J Ewans, Invest now, benefit for a 100 years.
Andrew Reeves,
Michael Calderbank,
Paul Slater,
Allister Muir, The future is solar!
William Jenkins, Solar power is a vital part of the renewable energy mix. We need government to lead the way and create the conditions for getting ahead. Britain PLC should be researching, making and exporting solar.
Thurstan Crockett, Local government wants the solar revolution to get going, not stop-start and stop again. Please listen to the industry but also all the other people who want to make it happen right across the UK.
Editha Campbell,
Glyn Thomas,
Dan Broadbent,
Alban Thurston, I'd be fascinated to study HM Treasury's rationale for including FITs in the Comprehensive Spending Review. FITs never were a tax, and yield funds freely applicable to all public expenditure. Instead they are a focussed, hypothecated levy, of minimal impact (around £10 a year per electricity account by 2030). The £860 million figure 'pot' proclaimed by DECC is an entirely artificial figure, with no basis in honour. It's voodoo arithmetic, such as Chris Huhne's claim on C4 News that 50kWp systems amount to 1,500 homes-worth of electricity. The true number is 20 homes-worth.
Jennifer Tunstall, At the risk of appearing to be discourteous,please get off your backsides and push solar anergy in the U.K.
David M. Davison,
Matthew Maeer,
James Helliwell, Leave fits alone for big schemes until the proper review date next April, get a good foundation of a few large solar schemes to bring prices of solar hardware down and offset a lot of CO2 very quickly, it will also trigger employment and investment in associated industries, R&D, construction etc.
ian crosher,
Frans van Schoor,
Tom Harlow,
Shaun Gavigan,
Mary Smith, This is a sustainable alternative to nuclear energy. We still have no idea how to deal with nuclear waste safely.
Damian Tow, Please help us launch the UK's largest community-owned solar array in Brighton by allowing communities to have a higher favourable FiT (eg. 300kW) via a 'community test' linked to the organisation's legal structure.
Tony Major,
Will Cottrell, Brighton Energy Co-op,
Wiebina Heesterman, Our son has 14 Sharp solar panels on his roof. He generated 2517 KwH since 10 june 2011. If every new builkding was provided with integrated solar panels on southfacing roofs, and home owners encouraged to invest in solar panels, this would ease the UK's energy needs considerably, and encourage a home-grown green industry
A M Bowater, Let common sense prevail!
Liz Shepherd,
Mathew Taylor,
Roisin Robertson, By propping up the new Nuclear plans your Government is condemning future generations to dirty and death-giving energy. To give people control- with solar - over their energy generation is a positive policy..better for posterity than the approach your Gov't is now taking.
Simon Heaton,
Joseph Jackson, Just think how much you could save by dumping the nuclear so called deterrent.The time has come to invest in saving the planet and not in things that could destroy it.
Tracey Essery,
Lily Dai,
Tim Smith,
Barry Johnston, Solar pays back its embodied and operational energy five to ten times over its lifetime. Few other microgeneration technologies get close to this level of success.
Angela Horsley,
Anne Rickard, Nuclear is a complete NO-NO. It is totally unacceptable to leave future generations to deal with our selfish contamination, so come on, plug into the sun!
anna thorne,
Simon Vickers, This is one of the easiest ways to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet and reduce the need for geoengineering. Please support Solar and push as much as you can for renewable and non poluting energy systems, you must realise that what is going on now is not constructive for our civilisation and that things need to really change. Gold isn't everything.
Paul Verbinnen, Think energy security.
cheryl buxton-sait,
Thomas MacGillivray, Secure our future energy needs, support SOLAR
Ali Abbas, Why gamble on dirty, dangerous nuclear when we can have clean, safe solar?
Will Greener,
Alex H, It is blinkered not to support more solar in the UK. It is viable, deployable and needed. Sort it out!
Sam Wilberforce, Let us stop exporting carbon-intensive manufacturing to China and start making real cuts in our carbon useage
Ali Edgley,
Natalie McCallum, Ramping up solar in the UK will create many much-needed new jobs and boost the economy, will help us reach our EU carbon reduction targets and most importantly, will form part of the energy solution for our children and future generations without exploiting dwindling natural resources. Immediate action is needed based on the benefits of a long-term strategy. Short-term quick fixes are not the way forwards and will not appease the public whose understanding and support for these issues is growing daily.
Victor Snook,
Robert Irving,
Susan Moore,
xxxxxxxx, Only solar energy on a commercial scale can make a quick and meaningful difference to renewable energy generation in this sector. It has much less visual impact than wind energy and should be easier to achieve through the planning process than windfarms which attract so much local opposition. Withdrawal of the FIT for comercial sites has thrown this new industry into disarray and stifled private investment in this sector.
Ian Gardner,
Richard Waddell, The 'Key Findings' outlined on the Ecologist website are a startling indication of why the green energy industry should be driven by central government. At the Birmingham City Council 'Growing Green' Exhibition 2011, Prof. Carl Chinn outlined the economic and social opportunities provided by green energy production and central government should make this a priority to ensure the UK lead the world in sustainable energy production.
Chris meacock,
Peter Grech,
Matt Stavrou,
Rachel Butler,
Julie Gibbons,
Jamie Johnson,
Sue Everett, While I do not agree with rural solar farms on greenfield sites (and believe it was right for the government to stop supporting these), it is cost effective to support large scale installations for schools, business parks and maybe as 'solar tunnels' along roads and railways (Belgium has just started producing energy from solar panels over several km of railway track - used to power the railway). Please think out of the box and see the potential for both renewable energy and supporting green construction and jobs.
Richard Williams, It is locally focused micro-generation solutions that will deliver a sustainable future as well as many jobs and economic benefits. The other emphasis needs to be on reducing demand through better insulation, building/product design and encouraging behavioural change.
Kathleen Archibald,
Anna Robertson,
Richard Pagett, It is essential to our future energy security that this shortsighted approach announced today is reversed
jeremy melhuish, Please David this technology is vital for our economic future as well as our children's environmental future
Will South,
Brian Leslie,
Philippa Mitchell,
Chris Mack,
Simon Wragg, I have spent the last two years learning this industry, its benefits and it pitfalls, the only barrier holding it back in the UK is Government policy and the lack of true facts available to the public for both the additional costs and risks of other technologies (such as nuclear in terms of decommissioning and storage of harmful waste) verses the benefits of solar 9and other renewable technology). Its seems that the government would rather back the big boys than support change for the good.
reuben wilkinson, what's wrong with this goverment? a solution is sitting there to solve our energy problem, meet our CO2 commitments, and create a new industry and many thousands of jobs. The Germans can see that, and are creating a global industry on the back of it. Whats wrong with you? commit this country to a future and stop being so pathetic, gutless and non commital. you are a disgrace to the unemployed, anyone who can see the vital need for a stable future climate, and anyone business who have already risked investing in solar. You are in power to represent the people of the UK, not your donors.
Wayne More, Why do successive governments in this country refuse to take meaningful action to combat the ever increasing problem of climate change.
Ronnie Persad, I would like the government to embrace the solar electronics industry and smart grid integration for enhancing cleantech solar solutions with UK branding.
xxxxxxxx, Full capital and revenue cost approaches to energy costings in the UK would help everyone see the full range of options now open to moving towards a sustainable future.
Barbara Smith, There is very little support coming from the Government at any level bar the Feed In Tariff. But if the general public is unaware they exist solar will not be in demand.
Rob Holloway, Prof Daniel Nocera believes it's the way to go!
Claire Spencer, The government's concerns ought to be related to how you promote domestic and community microgeneration, not how you cap a burgeoning market. We can't wait for oil to be priced out of reach before we figure out how to live by using less of it.
Mark Roberts, Please do not destroy this industry before it has even gathered pace. I have put everything on the line to start my solar business which is now creating jobs for others and raising awareness in our community about the importance of been green
Laura Freeman,
Rea Cris, Stop thinking profit and start thinking resilience.
Simon Judd, Stop trying to pretend that nuclear and incineration are renewable and start backing real renewable energy.
June Birch, Solar can provide 30% of our energy needs by 2020. Ordinary people love the idea, you can use it on roofs of community buildings. It won't produce another Fukushima. You can't guarantee that with nuclear energy, which you are giving a windfall to.
malcolm buteux,
Jessica Bevers,
Tony Stone, We owe it to the next generation to get on this.we are already 10 years behind germany.we should be ashamed of ourselves!!
gareth george,
Nick Christoforou,
Marion Balke,
xxxxxxxx, Solar is one of the ways people can resonsibilty for their own consumption and to bring money into a community
Paul Stallard,
Sue Lister, Nuclear power is costly and dangerous and its waste poisons future generations. Common sense dictates we use safe renewable green energy instead.
Tom Tranter,
Germana Canzi, We need the energy security and the job creation that solar can bring to this country. Forget your nuclear dream - other countries are getting rid of it, including engineering powerhouse Germany but also many others who never had it and manage to keep the lights on perfectly well. Focus on what people really want and need in order to transform their homes and communities.
Jennifer Wrenn, Solar energy is safe and proven technology. It requires investment to bring it to the next level of production. Nuclear energy using uranium is a by-product of the arms industry and totally unsafe for meeting the needs of our energy supply in the future.
Today we can no longer buy green tea from Japan - contaminated by uranium radiation - please ditch hazardous uranium and invest in a safe solar future.
Other European countries like Germany are leading the way - investing in safe solar and other renewable energy sources - don't let UK be left behind.
Elena Guidorzi,
Paul van der Linden,
David Sully, Solar energy could not encapsulate the essence of the 'big society' more by empowering people to take an active part in a low carbon future. Please do not shy away from this opportunity Solar energy works!
xxxxxxxx, Please give some certainty into planning for 2012 - 2013
xxxxxxxx, Solar is clean and there is a lot of it! Quite simple.
Richard Kelley, The U.K.'s indigenous fossil fuel resources are becoming depleted and costly to extract.
Overseas sources are increasingly expensive and unreliable.
Greenhouse gas emissions are rising.
We need to create jobs for all kinds of people.
Let's do something positive. Please help Solar to flourish at all scales, from parking meters to fields.
Philip Taylor, I realise, as Prime Minister, you have a difficult path to tread between business,
which wants perpetual growth, and the rest of us, who need static or reduced consumption to ensure a habitable environment. As a small island state, Britain
needs leadership from representatives of us all, not only from those that have
your ear. Assuming you are not compromised by conflicts of interest, please
make the right and brave decisions now!
deborah kelly, The govt should do all its can to support alternative energy for homewoners and business.
Mike Middleton,
Geoff Naylor, Don't hide our light under a bushel!
John Thomason, We need PV rather than nuclear. We may not have tsunamis and earthquakes, but what about a war. If they bomb pv panels that's tough. If they knock over our wind turbines, we will have to put them up again. If they bomb our nuclear power stations they will destroy us all. Solar is safe, lets go for it.
Bryan Bond, I remember the conversion to North sea gas in the 60's. It created jobs and manufacturing oportunities at that time. Solar would create similar growth in UK industries whilst producing huge savings. The roof space is available throughout Britain and the sun will not run out. Mr Cameron the train is leaving let us be on it?
Solar PV Tech, Devon,
Mark Straver,
Jodie Allen,
Bryn Davies,
xxxxxxxx, Even my 10 year old son knows solar power=common sense. This is our's and our children's future world that is getting wrecked beyond redemption. 'Let them eat cake' won't work!
Wicki Nielsen, Free renewable energy for millions of years to come. Why would anyone use fossil fuel that harms our Earth??
Heather Golden,
Mr A Bateman,
Manjul Rathee,
Graham Lingley,
Amanda Barry-Hirst, The sun is our very own nuclear reactor, except without all the worrying bits - let's use it.
Karen Varga Green Party, All energy production has costs to the planet and people, but solar is one of the better ones. Reduction in consumption is a very important part of a strategy - but at the moment we don't seem to have one! To give our children and grandchildren a future with some of the comforts we currently enjoy we must make changes - and making solar available to many, especially those on low incomes and in danger of suffering fuel poverty is important for many people in this country (and around the world).
Rowena Corner,
Jeff Mountford,
Mr Steve Aylott,
Jonathan Roby, Remember what you promised 'the greenest government ever'
Helen Munro,
Fiona Shukie, Solar and wind power are the only renewable, clean and sustainable options. Solar now means we can provide a future for our children.
Jamie Hossack, We all should be a lot more responsible for conserving our environment. You were elected by the people to act on behalf of the people, it's about time you start to listen to us. WE DONT WANT 2 MORE NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS IN THE UK Courtesy of EDFrench thank you. A Clean Green Uk Energy Creating Machine Is What We'd Like Thank You.
George Rushton, The government should be encouraging as many households as possible to generate Solar energy now.
xxxxxxxx, The money allocated for nuclear energy, with its appalling safety record, terrrorist risk and long build time, would be better spent on clean, immediate sources of energy such as solar energy, heat pumps and sustainable biofuels
Paul Simms,
John Banks, Having recently just completed a report on solar panels/solar energy i can see the great benefits. So much so, that i have made my own website to spread the word on this renewable energy source. The SUN will be our saviour if its supported......
Helen Miller,
Gary Miller,
Rafael Diranzo, Stop the carbon and nuclear power and promote renewables
David Pointer,
Rosie Much, Please reconsider your position on solar. I have spent a great deal of time in New Mexico where solar energy is standard. You will know we don't need large quantities of sunshine to make solar effective. Please reconsider our solar ambitions.
Rob Garvey, Solar works for me and my family; hot water most of the year and significantly lower gas bills. One of the smartest decisions I've made.
Rachael Hunter,
John Morgan, The earth gets it's natural energy from the sun. With a little ingenuity and commitment we can add the very little extra energy the human race needs to survive and flourish. It is ironic that we think of China as becoming a very industrialised country and are fearful of the pollution this is causing, however, according to latest figures China invests more money in solar energy than any other country in the world and is set to be one of the Greenest countries in the future.
Ian Reynolds MIET, A worthy cause, I agree, but as can be seen from the comments, the public at large appear to be ill informed of all the issues. Solar PV generation, as it is currently being rolled out, is far from a magic bullet. No storage, therefore no ability to provide energy in the times of peak domestic demand - early morning and evenings, most especially in winter times. A mix of solar technology, with far greater emphasis on storage and hydrogen generation, for example, would be the best course in my opinion. And don't forget the term 'Efficiency', she's miss Renewable's ugly sister, so much to do. Give us engineers a chance and we'll fix it. We're the only ones who can!
xxxxxxxx, You have the opportunity to demonstrate what being green really means and make it the most advantageous way for people to use energy- it's all up to you!
Paul Hughes,
Mark Simpson,
Laurie Walmsley,
James Grugeon,
Claire Lund,
xxxxxxxx, Do David Cameron & Nick Clegg use solar energy
Nurul Islam,
Rachel Cakebread,
David Houston, As owner of a nationwide solar pv installation company (PV FIT Ltd I urge you to recognise that the growth potential within the solar energy sector is huge. Solar energy is simple to retrofit, can be rolled out rapidly and costs are dropping significantly from levels prior to the introduction of the feed in tariff system. Help us create more UK green collar jobs by committing to solar as part of the green energy mix.
Kathy McVeigh,
steve parker, As the "greenest" government ever you must keep promoting this freely available source of energy with decent feed in tarrifs as its got to be better than nuclear. Look at Germany's energy policy!!
xxxxxxxx, immerse small consumers and installers in liquid oxygen, liquid will not let them live and oxygen will not let them die.
FIT for small consumers: only if they can afford it,
No support to small installers and suppliers: eventually survival of the fittest, closest I say
Peter Ball,
Anna Leidreiter, On behalf of the World Future Council
Melanie Biddle, I am joining the lobby in support & drive to make Solar PV more accessible and deliverable in the UK domestic and commercial markets
Michal Mroczkiewicz, 2010: Over 1 million sq. m of flat plate thermal installations in Germany against 75.600 sq. m in UK! We need to catch up and quick!
The UK is no longer self sufficient in oil and gas, and is therefore likely to be significantly dependent on imported fossil fuels from increasingly powerful countries such as Saudi Arabia and Russia for many years. As opening sequence of “Have I Got News For You” suggests (with Russian turning off the gas supply pipeline), it's definitely not a future proof concept! A key way to ensure energy security and maintain high standards of living is therefore microgeneration. Solar makes sense!
Steve Cronin,
Ben stentiford, Fantastic source of clean energy
Val Perry,
Nathaniel Shaw, Please make the right choice.
Cathy Debenham, Community sized solar makes so much sense. Please make it a priority
xxxxxxxx, need to promote solar as much as we can , Government need to give some more funding sepecially for small business as at present only the big investers are getting benefits to install solar pv
Dr Kevin Hard, Solar pv is one of the fastest to deploy and reliable of the clean energy generation technologies. First steps should be to reduce our energy consumption, followed quickly behind by clean energy generation. Solar is one of the only technologies that makes electricity and enables individuals and communities to secure their energy future.
Charles Reynolds, Every new house should have a roof with a southerly aspect covered in solar panels or tiles. within a generation the country would be producing substantial amounts of power
Wendy Reynolds, The sun isn't going to go anywhere for aeons, why are we not making use of it?
Please educate yourself on the newer technologies.
We can double up panels now, and print panels on flexible plastic, create cells that can harvest infra-red light.
We should be showing the way.
Julia Drown,
Nick Blackman, I firmly believe the courrent Governtment have got this worng as for a significantly lower capital cost than is being invested in other alternative green energy generation solar energy could make a significant contribution and is being discrimenated against
Chris Clark,
Karen Lee, Please give solar energy development a hand, not handcuffs.
Jeffrey L. Allen,
Paul Mould, Solar is a booming industry and hopefully something that the government will firmly back. It has created alot of jobs and small businesses and this can only be good for the economy, especially in this tough economic climate we're in right now.
Stewart Roberts, Please support development of using the sun to power our industry, homes, and transport networks and improve our economy.
Stewart Roberts
xxxxxxxx, test
bernard chaisty,
Mark Henderson, Please do not underestimate the potential benefite for the UK economy on so many levels.
Iuliana Apopei,
John Lane, Have installed Solar PV panels and even in the rain and cloud still generating power. This should be avialable for all and not just those that can afford them, this is far more efficent than wind energy.
Rachel Getliffe,
philip brignell, As Thomas Edison said in conversation with Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone “I’d put my money on solar energy…I hope we don’t have to wait till oil and coal run out before we tackle that.”
Nick Pascoe, DECC = team nuclear. Conservative party = support big business vested interest. Solar ambition in UK until Coalition are gone AND DECC becomes unbiased.
Paul Neale,
Sulaiman Ahmad,
jon mashhadi, It is time the government started to walk the talk. How can you expect the nation to buy into the idea of sustainable energy if they are not given every encouragement and incentive.
Gary Fuller, Greenest Government ever???? Now is the time to show it!!
David Hunt, For the sake of job creation as well as reduced Carbon, do not slash the FIT
Vicky Baird,
Nigel Calmonson,
Dean Langford,
Michael Clarke, So many jobs in the Industry rely on Government making a sensible decision. Keep the tariff at a reasonable rate so the industry can thrive and grow. It is the easiest way to generate electricity on nearly every property, it has been proved time and time again that it works. Do the sensible thing!!
Brian Quinn, We need everyone to benefit from secure, clean, reliable solar energy
Sean Byrne,
Rob Fletcher, Solar power is the way forward - the government needs to recognise its importance and provide support for its continued development.
Daniel Honey, Over the past 18 months Sungrid have seen a huge investment from our partners who have invested financially and physically to build entrepreneurial businesses which are contributing to the growth of our industry. These businesses are predominantly focused on the domestic market, coaching and mentoring consumers on the benefits of Solar PV and helping drive the adoption of all renewable technologies. We expect the government to be considerate of these and similar investments from all spectrums of the UK Solar market when making any further changes to the UK FiT.
xxxxxxxx, Please be greener and support industry.
Philippa Rogers, Vote Blue, Go Green you said.. How will we ever trust you?
Charlotte Webster, A new energy era is upon us, but unless we act to be part of it we will be mere by standers as the rest of the world catches on. The later we leave it, the worse the consequences for climate, economy and society.
Conor Bishop, Cut, dont kill the solar FiT
James Redwood,
Tony Roper, The population has just started excepting that solar pv is a great way of generating energy and that they 'can do their bit' a give a a little back to the environment. You can see that just by walking down the street these days. Now is the time to embrace the technology - not turn your back on it!
barry nutley, To reduce the FIt's by 80% would be absolute madness! Fine, reduce the FIT's back in line with the initial target (8% - 10% first year return), but if this Government (the "Greenest Ever"??!! My foot!!) wants to create jobs, then it must be saved..
David Cameron, you are not FIT to run this Government! You've lost my support..
Barnaby Fryer,
Nicholas Keelee, I respectfully request that a wider perspective of energy security is viewed. De-centralised solar could become a very cost effective and large part of the energy mix. Add this to a very necessary shift from digging things out of the ground and burning them, a huge number of sustainable jobs represent a great deal for investment and the UK.
Colin Newlyn, Many many people have invested their time, money, effort and emotion in this industry on the basis of promises made by the previous government, and supported by both of the coalition parties, that there would be major support for and investment in the solar industry. To dramatically change the tariffs now would be to betray the entrepreneurial spirit and good intentions of thousands of citizens and would be a major breach of trust. The UK would no longer be taken seriously as a player in the renewables market or a serious destination for investment, and the hopes and dreams of many individuals who have shown precisely the positive attributes and industry that you espouse will be destroyed.
xxxxxxxx, The ability of people to invest in solar projects from the bottom up. To invest and take ownership of their energy use and production is the only way that reduction in CO2 will happen.
Paul Lyons, I have just purchased solar and i hav
Encouraged others to do so. It is one thing that we have got right in the UK, don't make a mess of it.
Keith Tibbles, A wholeheartedly believe that the impetus must be sustained for the solar industry to succeed
Philip Chow, People can have some control over their own energy by installing solar panels. They work very well. Do you want to send thousands of installers to the Job Centres?
Geoffrey Woodcock (Dr),
Peta Phipps,
xxxxxxxx, Please reconsider.
Lizzie Fellows,
Jon Starks, 25,000 new jobs have been created since the start of FIT, there is a huge export potential of experience and skilled workforce if the industry is encouraged to grow.
James Ford,
Annie Lowden, In order for the UK solar industry to develop seriously and offer much-needed employment, we need clear and realistic policy based on sustainable strategies. The last thing this industry needs is any more stop/start funding, uncertainty and mixed messages. The great British public are just starting to understand the benefits of solar PV, don't disillusion them, instead help to nurture an industry that Britain can be proud of, which will stand on its own two feet.
Caroline Summers,
Katie Brown, Slashing the FiT scheme will not only lead to huge job losses but it's also discouraging people from being energy efficient.. Ridiculous and tragic
David Tattam, Cutting the FiT by +/- 50% in one fell swoop reflects awfully on the credibility of your policies. Send a message that you are committed to greener energy solutions, but more importantly committed to keeping to your word. In the long-term, none of your problems will be solved by jiggling the numbers and buying more time.
Lee Furlong,
Richard Lowe, Please support a buoyant and labour intensive industry.
xxxxxxxx, "our small changes might have a significant impact on the world, it will help us grow to become leaders when it comes to 'green environments' please dont jeopardise that strength"
Nicky Frost,
Kirstie Colledge,
mikey baxter,
Benjamin Wade, Having left a secure career within the Armed Forces i believed that the governments pledge to reduce the UKs carbon foot print was admirable. I therefore embarked on a new career within the renewable industry to do my bit for the country. I realise that the FIT needs to readjusted. But to lower it to 9p would all but kill off this sector in one fell swoop. This would put at least 20000 jobs in peril. Well done Mr Cameron!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tom Heel,
Chris Rigby, A new and sustainable industry is just beginning to flourish and requires the FIT to succeed. The RO helped the wind industry, and historically the NFFO helped the nuclear industry. Our electricity bills still continue to pay for these schemes, so I don't understand why there is issue with FIT payments being taken from our electricity bills. An extra £1 or less for a greener, more sustainable future is surely a price worth paying.
Sandra Cooper, A significant reduction in rewards for having solar pv goes against what any government is trying to achieve and will destroy the industry and jobs it has created.
Roger Powell, Having created so much hype for renewable energy, any major cut-backs to the support programs will seriously damage this government's credibility.
Energy costs continue to rise rapidly and are now of serious concern to the householder.
Solar energy in its various forms can yield substantial reductions in energy costs for the householder.
Any failure in government support will demonstrate yet again just how disconnected they are from the concerns of the general public.
Richard Goldsmith, Micro Generation in all it's forms provides the best way to mitigate the need for massive capital expenditure on dubiously popular new nuclear generation investment. Being an Microgeneration Scheme consumer I can testify it creates improved energy consumption awareness and will create reduced overall demand as well as contributing to supply.
Dominic Oram,
Seven Walters, If the government are serious about the future of alternative energy and reducing CO2 emissions then FiTs must stay.
Philip Littler, I'm planning to build an eco house next year to code 5 and this will cost me a premium of about 20% above standard build cost to code 3. I'm willing to to this becauce I believe this is the future. I'm not moaning at being one of the first and having to suffer an extra 20% build cost increase out of my own pocket but reducing the FIT for PV panels is a blow below the belt. Surely you can see the sence in providing an insentive to households to generate clean electricity. Why reduce it now?
S J Saunders, My house was built in 2004, I had a 3.5Kw System fitted to my roof, mainly due to FIT value, yes, but have made investments as House is on Soakways (no water discharges in public system) the storm water is used for garden us.
In 2007 had a Thermal Solar fitted to house, so my house is adding efficiency as constructed with Insulation, Double Glazing, Low Energy Lighting.
My then 5 year old car is also LPG converted since 1998.
I agree to the reducing of FIT but this shouldnt be retrospective, but for New Installation from known date so informed decision, and not on Change Government Policy. The Government always says when it suits then that Respective decisions can't be enforced on New Government Policy ( but want Government either Lab, Con or Lib) they just go ahead, put low level MP to argue the case. But theres One decision that you do effect the VOTER and they had choice. Perhaps if more MP or Government lived in Real World, then the level of FIT would have been lower, knowning that as snowball effect forces down prices, but they like to be on TV telling public its unknown, its sursprised us, and this is reason of Economic situation.
I live Near where the HS2 will pass, wrote to Con MP, sent letters to Mr P Hammond, but although Public consultation, the decision was MADE before the Con/LIB Government took over running country.
So shall see
xxxxxxxx, The fastest growing industry in this a time we need it. Providing green clean energy, jobs, keeping small businesses going down the line, helping the consumer to help themselves. An industry with positivity for a change, lets keep all of the above.
xxxxxxxx, I hear that your Climate Minister Greg Barker is to cut the FIT tariff, as I have just spent £10600 on a SSEG installation, on the promise of a government guaranteed FIT payment scheme for the next 25years, it seems that your governments understanding of solar energy and FIT scheme Guarantees is low. If every house in UK was to put a SSEG on some part of the roof , as they are doing in many other countries, I wonder how many nuclear plants would not have to be built.
Honour your guarantees to those of us who believed the governments promise and leave the FIT scheme payments alone for domestic SSEG's.
Paula Urry, 20% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020, the boom in solar installations is moving us towards that goal....don't ruin it now.
Neil Waller, Last time I looked the sun shone above the uk!........and I expect it will continue to do so for many years to come. We do not have to import this energy.
Supporting the solar indusry reduces our reliance on potentially unstable regimes to supply our energy needs.
As for nuclear........... don't even go there! How much does it cost to decomission a solar panel?
Bill Phelps,
Simon Briggs, Green is the future. Solar is a part. Think of the future.
Enlighten System,
laura davies,
Mike Graham,
xxxxxxxx, Particularly alarmed to hear the latest rumours of extremely short notice application of the cut. Many projects are in progress, companies and customers committed to buying stock based on current tarriff levels. This could put many solar companies out of business unnecesarily through shock to cash flow.
John Daynes, Solar energy generating is the most important science of today, generating power without harmful emissions has got to be the way to go.
Simon Griffiths,
Ryan Birch, come on, lets not make one step forward and two steps backwards, domestic solar can be a big contributor to our energy demands for the future!!
xxxxxxxx, I was hoping to invest myself in Solar PV however if these proposed changes to the FIT do take place not only will I not be in a position to invest I will probably be out of a job as well.
At 45 years old in the current jobs climate and living in the northwest of England that is not a comforting prospect.
'Cut don't kill' please don't snatch defeat from the jaws of success!
Simon rice, If solar is one of the our fastest growing industries why on earth kill it? This is a massive betrayal!
Tim Rose,
Victoria Treen, innovation, jobs, carbon reduction, ecomomic growth, houshold bill reductions. Am I missing something? why would the goventment want to put a stop to the growth of the solar industry when it is so beneficial! Crazy!
Bill Roberts, This will be a hard message for the good and honest people working to install PV and for homeowners and small businesses looking to make their property more energy efficient and to leave a positive legacy for future generations.
James Hoare,
Naomi Andersson, I employ 9 people, with subcontractors numbering another 15 in a small rural area, we are a success story, we are due to install on a Community Co-Op and Social Housing in the next 2 months....please give due consideration to the fact these installations can take up to 12 months to fundraise and install....years of work by good people doing things for their community are being wasted.
Megan Boyle - Rayotec Ltd,
xxxxxxxx, I was about to install a system on my property but have cancelled the order as the payback is now beyond 15 years. i feel sorry for my supplier as I gather I am the third client to cancel their order in the last hour.
Martyn Rattle, Disgracefully waste of time money and effort
Nigel Farren, If you cut FIT before April, 00s of community energy initiatives will be scuppered and homeowners will not invest if the ROI is 4%. You will also at a stroke, lose the support of communities across the country to help you deliver the Green Deal. I urge you to think again.
Mark Smith, I thought this government had already proved itself short-sighted over recent military decisions. Now they're proving themselves extremely myopic over domestic issues. Are they foreign agents? There's something wrong here.
Brendan Ashford, Stop the cut in FIT! It will kill our industry.
Solar Plus UK ltd, another nail in our economy 8th dec what a joke
Russell Rose, I was about to order solar panels to help save electricity, but now I won't because I can't afford to
Natalie Elvin, Please consider the drastic cuts in the FIT's, potentially 25,000 people out of work, equating to 25,000 ppl claiming job seekers. 67.50X 52= 3510 per person a year the government would have to fund, where as Solar is a growing industry and will create thousands more jobs if you don't cut the FIT so drastically
Steven Summerbunce, It is important for politicians and industry members to work collaboratively to develop a long term strategy as this persistent chopping and changing is not only a deterrent to investors but also to quality labour forces. The industry must be prepared to curtail rampant profiteering and policy makers must be preferred to offer long-term stability and sustainability.
Martyn Berry,
Kris Douglas, I work for PaperClip Software, the company who make it possible for smaller businesses to sell more solar installations than ever before, we are supporting this industry because it is employing the right kind of people for the right reason!
Pete Etheridge, Further cuts to renewable energy incentives will risk the entire future of renewable energy investment in this country.
xxxxxxxx, We have an amazing opportunity to help those in fuel poverty at very little cost to bill payers. Please don't destroy this.
Daniel Davies, I have worked in the solar industry for 15 years, it's never been easy in the UK compared to most of Europe but the roller coaster ride has just got seriously dangerous. To implement a policy of support for FITs which has led to massive investment, growth in the industry and momentum being built up. The change in the summer derailed a lot of work underway for ground mounted systems but the latest threat is simply insane. The solar industry is the fastest growing employer in the UK. To cut us off at the knees just as we are getting going and gaining some momentum following the change during summer is an act of hypocritical vandalism from the so called "greenest government ever".
Claire Enstone, The solar industry is capable of providing a more sustainable future for the UK, not only through clean energy but jobs too. This future is only possible with the backing of the government, so please support it rather than sabotage this wonderful industry.
xxxxxxxx, This is a massive change in polciy mid why through the year, with a review due in May why not wait until then
Connor Woods, DECC should listen to the installers and people who actually know the industry, not so called experts who have "studied" an industry but never actually worked in it. Your popularity as a government is fast declining due to these decisions you are making by listening to people who have vested interest in not adapting to renewable technologies.
Chris Lowe, Having been the first PV in Kent ten years ago, the huge rapid take up of PV since the start of the FIT shows how essential the FIT is. We are now carbon negative for electricity- impossible without PV & the FIT.
jenny stevens, Please keep the feed in tariff and if there are to be changes maintain complete transparency to help support the industry.
Brian Rilatt, The 'proposed' dramatic cut in Domestic Feed in Tariff payments will practically kill the industry off in the UK. The investors have yet again abused the system for capital gain
Remy Leaf, We need Solar
Stuart Hardy, It pays catch those rays
Ian Jepson, I have spent 6 years of my life working in renewable energy helping build a sustainable business. We have many happy satisfied customers who are empowered by generating their own energy. I earn a good living and work very hard. My fellow employees and my family's future are dependant on the the current business model which is supported by the feed in tariff. Please don't destroy everything we have built!
xxxxxxxx, Please support community energy groups in empowering local areas!
xxxxxxxx, The leaked proposal to reduce the feed in tarrif to 50% of its former level will kill the solar industry causing major job losses and a huge reduction in future green energy generation. This level of cut cannot make sense.
Jamie Vaughan,
Richard Molloy, Stop kow-towing to the traditional 'old energy' lobbyists and wake up to the reality - our energy security and carbon reduction commitments can only be met by genuine renewable technologies. Solar is number one - easily and rapidly deployable, becoming ever more cost effective by the day and the UK market (the voter) has an appetite for solar. Use the success story so far to win votes. 25,000 new green jobs. Massive take up of the feed-in tariff. Widespread investment in the market. Minimal on-cost to consumers electricity bills (contrary to press reports). Tax generation positive. There are no down-sides. Encourage the industry to flourish not chop of its legs.
Roger Hollies Save and Generate, It is not the silver bullet, but it is a major hand full of silver shot! Solar electricity can lead the way for grid parity of all clean energy generation as well as being a gentle way of easing the grid to absorbing the planned penetration levels of variable generation. Not only that it engages people with their energy use, something that is absolutely critical to a sustainable energy future.
Gareth Roberts,
Jonathan Jarman, I owe my job and livelihood to solar power, I agree the tariff needs to be cut slightly, however a knee jerk reaction that could potentially put up to 25,000 people out of work and undo all the good that has been done so far makes me question why I voted as I feel lied to right now. We are on the verge of something great here please don’t destroy it
Mr Kevin Worsley, Please do not cut the FIT rate just make it available to households only !!
Neil M Smith,
David Forrest, Please be sensible about this this is my career.
james Mackinnon, If the rumours are accurate you are making a massive cut to an industry that is everything you claim to stand for. Your actions will destroy an industry that is creating jobs and encouraging entrepreneurs. The only people to benefit will be the energy companies. Jobs will be lost including mine and a massive opportunity will be missed. Please reconsider.
Jason Connolly, As stated fits are costing average household a mere 30p extra? Surely your efforts should be concentrated on getting tough with the big utilty companies rather than killing the uks fastest growing market, providing jobs, vat income, paye income, import taxes, getting peoples savings out of banks to be spent in the uk. Terrible decision, potentially costing millions in benefits payments when jobs are lost.
Allan Watt, Think how drastic cutting the tarriffs will be to the UK Solar Industry, Hundred's of companies and thousand's of jobs will be effected within the UK. We are already way behind other european countries in this technology, this will just push us further behind in an ever growing industry.
Mark Smith, Please Please
Do not put myself and my employees on the scrapheap again! we have just got over the housing collapse which killed the building industry, and put us on the edge of going under.
By doing this all you achieve is to kill the one industry that is growing in the UK today and put skilled workers on the dole.
On a very personal note my 17 year old son is training with the company as an electrician and he is very worried we can not give him training if work stops.
Greenlife Advice Ltd
James Cooper,
Suzanne Burgess,
Lawrence Burgess, Another booming industry - bust. We will have to lay off scaffolders, roofers and admin staff.
Matt Swarbrick,
Anthony Neal, Be a positive shadow of influence. If you want a low carbon economy, put taxpayers money where it will do good. A paradigm shift from finite fossil fuels to unlimited renewable energy is required, and a second industrial revolution to build the infrastructure. Make it possible now.
Lyndsey john,
Matt Ballam,
Fraser MacKenzie, We are about to install over 500 solar systems on our social housing stock. That equates to 500 families who would receive free electricity in our most deprived areas, the majority of whom suffer from fuel poverty. This decision, if true, will consign those households to a future of fuel poverty.
Paul Delahay, Please don't kill what is fast becoming just about the only viable trade left in the building industries sector. You are just bowing to the power of the big six when this was just about the only plausible fast route way to keep them under control. Rip Solar uk it could have been great :(
Neal Goddard,
Bob Thompson,
Jo read, See the light. Please, before jobs are lost
Rob Scully, I have heard such disinformation talked about this issue over the last few days on supposedly intellectual platforms such as the BBC, it drives me insane.
Following a great PR smear exercise, in which news stories about the success of the solar industry were juxtaposed with news of the highest rise in domestic energy bills for 30 years, the Government has seen the perfect opportunity to appease the giant energy companies who have them in their pockets.
Popular myths peddled by the Carbon heavy energy industry and the renewable-sceptic Tory press (and talked about this week as if they were fact) include -
1. Household energy prices are set to soar because the rapid uptake of the Feed In Tariff is being paid for by all the other energy consumers.
Wrong. The FiT adds only a small amount to the average household's annual bill. In fact the amount is miniscule compared to the variations caused by the rollercaster oil and gas market. The main reason people's bills are so huge is because the energy companies are very quick to pass on any increase in the wholesale price of energy and extremely slow to adjust the amounts back down when the market cools.
2. The scheme needs to be cut because it is just being used by rich people as an investment opportunity, rather than genuinely for people who want to install solar.
An extremely spurious argument for 2 very obvious reasons -
Firstly, I personally do not give a damn whether the people installing solar are making money out of it or whether they are not. The purpose of the scheme is to increase overall solar capacity (thus reducing carbon emissions and increasing energy security) and if it does this effectively without excessive cost (which it has done dramatically) then its working.
Secondly, if you do accept that the cost of installation unfairly discriminates against those on low incomes who would like to install solar and you seriously want to do something about it then the way to address this problem is not by drastically cutting the scheme. Installation and equipment costs have now just about come down to a level where those with less to invest can afford installations (so long as they get a return on the investment to pay it off). Some companies now even operate "rent a roof" schemes where the installation is completely free of charge, the customer gets free use of the electricity and the installation company claims the FiTs. When the FiT is slashed, the rent a roof schemes will be completely unfeasable and the pay back cost for installations will mean that we go right back to the bad old days when only the wealthy will consider intalling solar.
3. The scheme doesn't benefit the UK economy or jobs - all the money goes to countries like Germany, who are the main european manufacturer of solar panels.
Wrong. The solar industry in this country employs something like 25,000 people and is still expanding. No mean feat in a time of job cuts elsewhere in the economy. The Government has encouraged thousands of entrepreneurs to start up their own solar installing companies and to invest in taking on staff and training them to a high standard. Slashing the FiT will remove at a stroke the demand for many of their services and force them to the wall. A great example of disjointed government policy where you set up a scheme to encourage success and then arbitrarily decide that its "too successful" and change the rules. The uncertainty that this move brings will blight the renewables market for years to come. No-one will want to invest in renewables if the goalposts keep moving. Of couse the industry is not helped by the fact that it is made up of thousands of hard working solar entrepreneurs, electricians and fitters - these people are too busy actually doing their jobs to run a slick lobbying campaign on the Government or even to have a unified voice or a coherent spokesperson. The large energy companies, on the other hand, with vast reserves of energy consumers cash in their pockets have this aspect covered perfectly.
It is also a myth to state that the profits from panel manufacture are made in Germany. This may have been true a few years ago, but now the market is centred mainly on high quality Japanese units - a large proportion of which are made in Sharp's factory in Wrexham. This plant recently took on an extra 300 UK workers to help double its output of UK manufactured solar panels.
So, if you can, make a noise about this. Rattle a few cages. It's decisions like this which will affect the future of rebewables in this country and the sort of world we and our children live in in the future.
Ezra Konvitz,
Joseph Allcott, Don't kill a success story. Solar employs more than the nuclear industry and has the capacity to continue to grow. No other renewable technology has the ability for innovation in manufacture to decrease capital costs. Surely there is enough proof that solar works! Reduce the FIT but don't axe it! Allocate more funds or raise the cap. Consumers are paying a small price for a universal benefit!
Derrick Jacobs,
Chris Hill,
Chrissie Godfrey, You should be doing absolutely everything in your power to support the renewables industry. I am furious at what seems like a huge blind spot in Government - slicing the feed in tarrif as the leaks have said you are planning not only stops householders from seeing solar as a good investment, it is also potentially decimating a fledgling but vibrant UK industry which, at the time of recession, seems to be to be plain bonkers. Wake up you lot!
Phill Sylvester, Renewables are the future and should be supported
How much of our energy comes from foreign powers? I am guessing it’s in excess of 90%. How many of those countries would be considered hostile towards the UK?? gas from Russia, oil from the Middle East. The EU is now considering a bail out from Communist China, both China and India have gone past emerging countries and are now or becoming super powers. Their demand for energy with 2 billion people between them will make are demand seem like a small group of scouts huddled around the embers of a once nice fire. We don’t want coal we don’t want nuclear our gas fired power stations are being built and owned by the French, you’ve only to look at the toll on the Severn Bridge to work out how hostile the French are to us to know that energy prices will go through the roof. We have an aging infrastructure that has been badly let down by privatisation. Who made money on privatisation put your hand up; we were sold something we owned at best made a couple of bob but we have been paying for it ever since. Our aging gas infrastructure will be the next thing to go down, much of it laid to carry corrosive town gas back in the 1950s. Fuel poverty is achieved when 10% of a household’s income is used to heat the house. By 2020 the majority of us will be paying 25% of our household income to the energy companies. The banks have robed us and its now the turn of the energy companies both of which are backed by the government. As fuel prices double every 4 years by 2020 we will be paying the power companies over 50p/kW that will make the current feed in tariff look less significant.
The feed in tariff will benefit all of us as it will help to lessen our dependency on foreign fuel an aging infrastructure and corrupt energy companies.
Gerrard McKillen, Top up the FIT pot with money from the treasury if necessary, this will be repaid with tax revenues from the 25000 people employed in our sector.
These cuts will endanger many jobs, jobs our economy needs.
Mike Andrews, The PV solar sector has been the most exciting business sector that I know of. Consumers have switched on to the possibilities and a whole industry has taken off on the back of - and in support of Government policy. This potential cut in FiT would be a devastating blow, not just in terms of stalling a fledgling industry but there will be hundreds of individuals who have invested thousands in their new exciting business who are staring insolvency in the face this weekend.
This is complete madness. Stick with the programme.
Ian Ross,
Keith R. Finch,
Warren Brown, Why stunt an industry which is creating many new jobs? We will be giving notice to half our workforce on Monday if the leaked document is confirmed. Merry Christmas!
Paul Mellia,
Christine Andrews, Please reconsider your decision to drastically cut the Feed in Tariff for Solar PV installations and support a greener future using renewable energy and support the growing solar energy industry which has created 25,000 new jobs in a time of recession and growing unemployment. Please invest in the power of the sun and support solar energy. Christine Andrews (Leeds Solar)
xxxxxxxx, Dave don't destroy solar
It will be bear for the polar
A coalition own gola
25,000 on the dola
Bankrupt Greece installed 18 times as much solar as uk per head
If solar is so useless why has germany and France installed so much more than us
When will this country stop being an international joke
When the russians cut off the gas and the French turn off the nuclear power, we will all have the opportunity to evaluate by candlelight the short sightedness of this coalition government.
We employ 60 people in solar(at present)
adrian dunne,
Teresa Dunne,
xxxxxxxx, Government policy short sighted, thought we were investing in green jobs and a green future, solar PV can provide the roots for this growth which is badly needed.
Change things overnight and kill those roots, companies will die and the momentum will be lost, tax receipts will be reduced and benefit payments will go up!
sean moore, Thank you for ruining my livelyhood. I have spent 2 years investing my time and gaining extensive knowledge of the solar industry and this government is about to kill this in one foul swoop. An absolute disgrace to renewable green policies in this country.
Simon Evans,
Alex DeWinter, You promised consultation, yet you had not done this and you will force this through in six weeks ?
Get some sense and engage with the people and have a meaningful consultation !
xxxxxxxx, Stop being stupid - and help the country grow again
Norman Patersonq,
Samantha Bannister,
Lucy Youngson,
David Keates,
Margaret Rice,
S henderson, Divert some of the bankers bonuses back into the economy and stop pilfering our pockets and stifling economic growth ,
Nicola Branch, This is utterly ridiculous. We need renewable technologies to exisit to help with our energy crisis and we need to keep the thousands of people in jobs. This is a growing industry, a good industry that benefits many local people.
I thought the Conservatives were in favour of green issues, but no, same old, same old.
Let's hope someone goes to judicial review on this.
xxxxxxxx, Not sure what kind of people with having running this country but pv has giving over 25000 people work, when we look at the growth of the economy you need the pv solar industry to help pull us out of the recession that we ARE still in. Why not let it run for another year or 2 and we may be better off as a country for companies to reduce the install cost. Material cost have not been reduced by 75% thats a joke. If this is the case please let me know where you are buying them from.
Emma Evans, No surprise....let me guess some rich Eton banker was going to lose a couple of quid..oh well best you change it, who gives a s**t about the environment.
Anthony Wheatley, need to promote solar as much as we can , Government need to give some more funding sepecially for small business as at present only the big investers are getting benefits to install solar pv
Anthony - H2 Solar Shop
Christopher Watts, Looking at the low proportion of new-builds with solar PV fitted, it is clear to see that even this small drop in the FiT badly effects the take-up rate.
Mark W Tebbutt,
Ian Henderson, First of all, I don't believe that the government have changed their mind about how important solar is to achieving the green goal. Taking this down to a basic level I see the reasons for the kneejerk reaction as follows:
1 The government told the energy providers they could charge a tax levy on fuel bills to fund the FIT. Neither the government not the energy providers told advertised this point.
2 The energy providers are advising that such is the growth of solar installations that FIT payments are greater than anticipated, therefore requiring higher tax levies to cover the FIT payments.
3 Higher tax levies on fuel bills, on top of increases due to fossil fuel hikes, are sending more people in to fuel poverty.
4 So the government are forced to find the balance between increased fuel poverty, the rich getting richer and still meeting the green goal.
5 A tricky one I will admit. As they say, if something appears too good to be true, it generally is. The 43p FIT tariff was just that. However, the kneejerk reaction is not the answer and will bring a MOUNTAIN of problems of it's own, not to mention a disgruntle and mistrusting solar industry.
6 I don't understand why the government allowed the energy providers to charge a tax levy. Why didn't they tax the energy providers on their profits and use that money to pay the FITS???
Either way, it seems like we fell for the government 'double glazing' sales pitch!!!
Heliotricity Solar, What is wrong with reducing the feed-in tariff by a percentage each year which is directly related to the number of installations completed in the previous year - a la Germany. A slow and steady reduction, which is clear to all in advance would create stability not speculation and uncertainty. How does the Government expect the solar industry to convince the public to be more environmentally responsible without a financial mechanism with any credibility to support us?
David Mooney, Tories out
Cliff Gardner, We've achieved growth in an industry that is striving to meet the Governments target for much needed carbon reduction commitments. And they've cut us down in one fell swoop, shame on you
xxxxxxxx, Renewable energy makes sense on all levels; energy security, carbon reduction, jobs and doing the right thing. And while you're at it, let's have some serious insulation programmes to help those in fuel poverty.
Adrian Wright, We all understand that the rate of the FiT was overly generous given the fall in the cost of product but this has been know for many months and, assuming the leak is correct, creating a cut off date of the 8th December is completely unreasonable and will lead to devastation in the industry which will start with installers falling into administration followed by suppliers who will then go unpaid. Thousands of householders are bound to lose their deposit money irrespective of the REAL deposit scheme and the fall out will be a lack of trust for any future Government programme including Green Deal. Equally how can large retailers feel confident about becoming involved with Green Deal when they will have hundreds of dissatisfied customers who have paid deposits and who wont get their systems installed by the deadline?
xxxxxxxx, Keep solar alive
Ryan Oakley, This is an absolute disgrace, thousands of jobs are going to be lost! I myself have invested thousands in this industry and left university to get into what i thought was a great industry. But now the government has left me out of university, out of a job and in debt!
Colin Poulter CEng MIET, Please don't destroy my business just as it's taking off. I thought you encouraged vision and entrepreneurship
xxxxxxxx, Reducing our reliance on carbon fuels is both a moral and economic imperative and one that starts at 'home' with the domestic market. Removing the finanical incentive for householders and dragging out the pay-back ROI time, will not improve the overall environmental situation nor improve the economy with many businesses relying on the growth of this market. It is shortsighted and a knee-jerk reaction that smacks of 'throwing the baby out with the bathwater'. Please don't put this into operation.
Jon Allan,
Steve Luck, Please remember the pledges that got you into No 10 & support our industry not kill it!!
xxxxxxxx, Your recent decision to change FiTs is shameful, you suggest to be wanting to help new green and sustainable industries and then make this decision. Stop betraying the electorate, and please remember neither of you won the the last election so stop behaving as if you can run rough shod over us. The response to the FiTs to date has been amazing and it is great to see so many homes having these systems installed - it could go much further- start to have an imagination similar to those you say you 'represent' - allow solar to flourish.
mR jOHN iRVINE, How can Cameron cut something that has not started. Many believed Cameron was all for a greener energy and Private Enterprise many people have resigned in the public sector to start a business in Solar power.Many electrician have pain £700.00 to train in Solar Power backward thinking both in Europe and solar power.
Alexander Hole,
David Cheshire, The leaked rumour of a 50% reduction in FITs for installations after 8 December will damage many small businesses who have geared up to install PVs before the original deadline of April 2012 when FITs were expected to reduce anyway. Give them more time to complete the work they have planned for!
Will, As an employee in a solar company I am very alarmed to see recent headlines suggesting the Government may be about to slash the support for people fitting solar panels. This risks wrecking a new, high-tech industry that just two years ago Government said must increase its sales and bring prices down. As a result, I and many others [if you can explain any training/investment/personal action you took to get into the solar industry here it would be very helpfuI to show that people took the Government at its word, and them breaking it will have real impacts.
Investors in our company made sure that we provided the skilled workforce necessary to help householders and others make the move into renewable energy. But if rumours are to be believed, we could now be facing such severe cuts that this could come crashing to an end.
I know Feed-in Tariff rates are designed to taper over time, and that there is space for support rates for solar to be reduced. We are proud that as an industry we have driven costs down by around 30% since the Feed-in Tariff was first announced, and excited by the very real prospect that within 5 years our systems could be producing electricity for householders at the same price they will be paying their energy company. But the rumoured cuts of 70% are so much deeper than the reduction in cost that it is very hard to see how orders will not dry up, and how our company can continue as it is – never mind continue the growth needed to bring prices down further.
I feel very bitter that solar employees have retrained to do a job the Government said was essential, only to have the rug pulled out from beneath them for being successful just two years later. I urge
you to contact Ministers and insist these vicious cuts do not go ahead.
Stewart Hiden,
Bruce Cross, Solar PV is providing lots of green jobs and green energy supply - what we ask from you is a stable marketplace with sensible incentives changing predictably in line with the real price reductions and we will continue to grow a world class UK PV industry.
John Leary,
xxxxxxxx, Really need to look at detail of this again. Unworkable. Industry will be decimated by this plan. Employment WILL be affected and trust in government also.
graham miller,
Bev Bambrough,
Tom Paull, Cutting the feed in tariff each year is necessary but slashing it by 50% is will ruin the industry!!
shaun, dont make us go bank rupt! we have just invested everything we had and 4 months off very hard work just to have you kick the crutches away from us? i know you wont be getting my vote next time!!!
xxxxxxxx, Dear Sir
I cannot believe that they have allowed the venture capitalists, suck on the ring fenced budget for so long and allowed the issues now raised to happen, it was obvious to anyone with a brain that this would happen and it was raised on more than one occasion at the initial consultation stage.
Again the man in the street loses out when the fat cats get fatter.
Ban as discussed the rent a roof schemes and give the money to the people it was meant for!!
"We have the power to make things better" Mr. Electric ®
Greg Bishop, In these hard financial times our business has actually taken staff on as many other solar companies will have done.
With these drastic cuts plannes it will stop the industry dead in its tracks.
We will have to let staff go and they will be unemployed. Surely this is not the way forward
paul obrien, have just signed15 van contracts and taken on more staff , some staff have left other companies as they thought solar was the future, we have taken on a new office in wales and have interviews on Monday, some of our staff came from the HIPS work place where they have invested personally in training now THIS GOVT kicks them again
Michael Carrick, Once more we see a government not prepared to engage in discussions with industry leaders before creating huge unemployment and losses to fledgling business's. What makes the decision even more unbelieavable is the proposed timeframe that these cuts are due to take place.
Please please open up a debate before making this premature and thoughtless decision.
Brian Skipton,
Danny welch, We have worked hard and invested thousands of pounds on becoming a recognized solar company, we thought we had the full backing of the government we voted In last year, if these changes come into effect it will be the end of the solar industry in this country.
David Dowling, I employ 18 people in our Solar PV division. If a 50% tarriff cut is imposed they will all immediately be made redundant.
ian williams,
John Fursdon, we are a small buisness who for once could compete with the big boys on a levell playing field. Now what the doal for christmas?
A Parvinmehr, This is a disgrace, the goverment is being dictated by the utility companies.
Gareth Thomas, If you cut the tariff at 6 weeks notice many installers will go bankrupt. We are on 6-10 week lead times for materials and have commitments to orders. If we are left holding stock we will wipe out any profits and hence pay less corporation tax - Bad for us bad for you. Our work will stop on 8th December and employees will be laid off. We have work booked out to April with clients having already spent £20k plus on planning and DNO works to upgrade lines.
Uncertainty is a massive issue. we are a small company (8 employees) how can I order £400k of stock this week to come in 1st week jan if the tariff is going to be cut?
PLEASE ANNOUNCE WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO ASAP, I urge you to make no cuts before April 1st.
80% of my clients are over 50 and use the tariff to give energy security through their retirement.
Cut the rent a roof schemes by making the tariff based on your cumulative installation total, not MPAN numbers therefore it will still encourage domestic, small business and community schemes but eliminate big business's taking the profit out of scheme.
A future tariff for domestic of between 25and 30p will ensure a sustained future. At 20p we will get a small number of people with South facing roofs only - very discriminative.
Gary Carter, Solar is the way forward, there will come a time when the general working class cannot afford to pay the ever changing energy prices of today, prices are going up NOT down! Continuing the solar industry for years to come will one day make SOLAR PV available to the masses not just to the people with thousands in savings.
Andrew Mullin, Support Solar. If you go ahead as planned you will kill the industry overnight. Open long term plans are needed for the UK. We have all worked hard to get our businesses up and running, dont put us on the dole.
Andy Haynes,
Jo Abbess, Please don't destroy the small system solar industry by clamping the feed in tariff in December 2011. Please keep to the April 2012 timeline and have a gradual decrease in the feed-in-tariff. The price of solar photovoltaics will begin to fall significantly in the next few years and we won't need the FiT. In the meantime, we need to protect the industry, and all its jobs, with a suitable, consistent subsidy.
sean lanaway, distressed solar pv installer
xxxxxxxx, This is a ludicrous backward step and will affect the future of a thriving industry, in these times of economic uncertainty why such a drastic u turn ??? The government is depriving this country yet again
Jeff Szarun, We are a small, growing solar PV installation company – Bee Solar Power - based in Abercynon, Wales. This ill-thought out changes to policy could lead to our complete closure. We urge you to support small businesses and the Welsh renewable energy industry and to protect the much needed jobs, carbon reductions and energy supply diversity our industry is helping to secure.
Steven Paull, Reduce the FITs on large "for profit" PV arrays and leave the domestic rates as they are.
Stop paying FITs to local councils.
I'm borrowing money to have them installed on my roof so no quick return for me!
Nicola Johnson,
Donna March, This ill-thought out changes to policy will devastate the solar industry.
James Breeze, These cuts will kill the industry overnight and put a lot of people out of a job.
I have worked hard to build up my business over the last 12 months and this is going to take it away from me.
The minimum proposed EPC value of C is also worrying, many properties do not even have the potential to reach this.
It is true that the cost of PV has reduced and maybe a cut to the tariff is needed, but this would be far to drastic.
Simon Campbell, I am another of many small companies that is trying to grow and this will bring my solar work to an end; I have work booked in until xmas; I don't want to tell people that I cannot complete their work in time.
Benjamin Lenyk, Slashing the FIT rates as you intend is no more than cutting your nose off to spite your face. The industry is thriving yet you seem to want to do your best to totally destroy on of the only successful technolgies we currently have. Please explain yourselves.
Lee Rose, I hope dearly that over the next few days the government, ministers and MPs will feel the rage that is being expressed by the industry and its good intentioned customers over the revised Feed In Tariff plans leaked this weekend. If you could only see how much hard work has gone into getting the industry this far in the last ten years.
Shame on those responsible!
Les Bennett,
Richard Humphrey, The economy needs growth. PV gets money held in savings into the economy. By continuing with an 8th Dec deadline and a 55% reduction in the FIT you are condemning thousands to the dole queue rather than them paying taxes!
Dave Goodwin,
Greg South, Please reconsider your plans to change the tariff by bringing the change date forward. This will spell disaster for small companies such as ourselves.
Jeremy Ward,
Paul O\'Reilly,
Alastair Barrett, Current Generation are installers of Solar PV, the proposed changes would massively hit our business costing jobs.
william grafton, I hardly beleive these FITS cuts are the sensible action of the greenest government ever.
Tim curry,
lloyd scott,
Sean Lovell, It seems bizare that a Government who stated green issues and employment as the target areas that they are going address in their manifesto.
Are now going to be the cause of a mass decline in solar installs the knock on affect will be solar companies going under and having lay off staff.
This is twice that we have had fast tracked reveiws both implemented within a matter of weeks of its announcement, if it was anything else it would take years look at the digital switch over 15yrs and millions of pounds in advertising, how hard could that be next year we're going to turn off the analoge signal simple.
The FIT should be reduced slowly as was the original deal
give us a fighting chance the public are just coming round to the idea of solar, now that there is no incentive we are going have resistance that will be hard to crack , and we will strugle to reach the 2020 target for the Kyoto agreement.
David Bundy, Don't be short sighted and invest in the future.
xxxxxxxx, We have just spent thousands of pounds and many draining hours getting our MCS accreditation and haven't even done our first installation - reducing at this rate is despicable and will cause many businesses to fold - we desperately need to recoupe the money we have invested and if you halve this now that will not be possible. The solar industry is going to be catastrophically affected by lack of forethought - reduce gradually as prices fall, not take the bottom out and watch us all fall,
Mitul Govind,
simon ward,
Andrew lister, Not only are the proposals going to make the solar industry unstustainable it will have a huge effect on employment in rural areas, where there are predomintely SME. Rethink your proposals as the effect of this will bigger than you think! why don't you put back all the unexplained expenses back into the solar budget, this will fund all the ptojects for the next 25years! you do not have a clue!
Richard Hughes, The future for myself, my family, my business and my employees depends greatly on the decisions about to be made! Solar gives the small scale 'professionals' a chance to prosper in the uncertain times where as focus on wind and tidal technologies slams the door in the face of so many who have trained and spent to gain the right to install solar! If the government have made a mistake by implementing a fit rate that is unsustainable then fare enough but it is utterly disgraceful to expect this thriving green tax paying industry to pay the ultimate price for their mis calculation. Cut don't kill!!!
xxxxxxxx, This has to be one of the worst reviews you could possibly have made. Think again before lots of businesses fold and the unemployment figures and benefits claims go up - use your noggin
Karl Kelk, Solar Provides Jobs, free energy, a clean environment and hope for the future !
Dave Brown, 6 of our people unemployed on Monday? You decide?
xxxxxxxx, So much for the 'Greenest Government Ever'! How to decimate an industry segment that’s helping with UK employment. Completely Ludicrous
David Mulvey, I am a contractor and the systems I have installed are all generating more power than the government estimates. PV systems are clean, green and cost efficient. The government should be encouraging people to use this source of energy with the existing feed in tariff. The FITs figures until March 2012 had been published so at least honour those to give time for debate and discussion.
xxxxxxxx, Stop the free solar by limiting the tariff to the home owner only, and not 3rd parties
Gray Scott, PV systems are a near maintance free green, cost effective form of power generation that the whole world is looking to use. Please Goverment think out of the box this time as to not miss a golden ticket in the market of every expanding power generation.
The Sun will always shine if the world still spins lets not miss the chance at what's glaring us in the face.
xxxxxxxx, Lets not kill off this thriving industry that is providing thousands of job opportunities and safe guarding our energy needs.
Heather Brown, Why such drastic cuts in such a short time. You are ruining a thriving industry and adding thousands to the umemployed list
duncan Holmes,
pat healy, Talk about confidence in the 'greenest government ever' first you fastrack the large scale tariff and now you are doing exactly the same to the domestic tariff. Cuts this deep will realy hurt a great industry.
Jay, In addition to this, the businesses supported by solar technologies, being among the fastest growing markets in the UK at present, employs thousands of people across the country and recruits many of those who would otherwise be unemployed. The proposed changes to the feed in tariff scheme will do unthinkable damage - not only to the industry, but also to those many people and businesses who depend on its continuing success.
The myth of the 'green government' is becoming clear for all to see.
Richard Lane, Having been involved in Photovoltaic Systems for most of this year, I have consulted with many Contractors to gain MCS accreditation in the Westcountry. These Contractors have put trust an investment in this industry to help our government reach the targets set out to reduce our carbon emissions. Why is it that our energy providers can still record massive profits, yet allow our 'Green' industry to suffer.
Monday 31st of October is the first day of my own business in Renewable technologies, I can only feel let down if these proposals go ahead as I could become another on the unemployed benefit scheme
Mark Davenport, Small companies that have invested heavily now totally abandoned. It's great this Big Society ha ha
Gary Brandwood, The proposed cuts are too far too fast, killing the first sizable renewable industry in the UK whilst it's still in it's infancy
Paul Fincken,
Paul Rogers, Your policy of a sudden dramatic cut to the feed-in tariffs for solar PV will be a disaster for the industry and risk 25,000 jobs. What happened to the Greenest Government ever? Was it just a blatant Tory lie?
Duncan Holmes, If those proposals go through, they will wipe out a project that my company has which over 25 years would save the same amount of carbon as taking 8000 ford mondeo's off the road for ever. And created 70 full time permanant jobs. Our company is just one of 3000 pv companies, yet the FIT scheme has only generated 6000 jobs, typical government stats, with a hole big enough to drive a 747 through....
Jack Stubbs, I truly hope the leaks prove to be wrong, what a hypocratic, ignorant, shortsighted, move from the "greenest government ever?" there are 25000 jobs at stake, thousands of companies employing skilled tradesmen, paying paye, NI, these unfairly premature cuts to feed in tariffs jeapordise all this! the tories got in by airing views like they supported hard work and british grafters that we should be proud of??! As a family business that have been working hard over the past 18 months to invest the money in skilling up and registering with all the appropriate control bodies and employing new staff that we have trained and all the necessary equipment involved in the job to hear that you may be cutting the underpinning promise that was made by you guys makes it hard to believe a god damn word you say! If it is true that the budget is running out then the person responsible for it to be necessary for such a quick drastic cut should explain as the industry is now in turmoil!
Harry Calthorpe,
David Isherwood, I don't like havinga years worth of hard work destroyed overnight, nor do I like sacking staff, especially the apprentices. Lord knows there's few enough opportunities for them these days.
Freegen Solar Ltd,
Richard Chamberlain,
Greg Jones, Thats that then, my installer cant install by the 8th of december, because so many people have purchased solar systems, so I have today cancelled my contract. Prehaps I go on a nice long haul holiday instead, seams the government dont want me to save carbon any more. Last Tory vote i'll ever make
Caroline Barrett, Such a sudden and dramatic drop in the FIT, which is:
- against what was originally outlined
- due to happen in December, rather than April
is likely to deal a crippling blow to the industry. A December timescale is too soon and will affect many people who have planned to get PV and many people who have set up businesses based on the original government FIT plans. Many people will be very dissappointed if this happens.
Lance soni miller, Please dont do this soni solar is just getting some work in we will all be on the dole by the 10th
Roy Redhead,
Robert Morrison, Please think about the fuel poor in your decisions. Contrary to what you may have been informed of, the funded programmes are addressing REAL fuel poverty issues by decreasing fuel bills considerably.
You are obvoiously aware of the damage this will cause to our industry.
Heavy and early cuts will not benefit the UK economy in any way. A measured and KNOWN reduction will allow market alignment of cost and ensure that a pioneering industry is not just castrated but allowed to sustainably develop.
Your choice.
Claire Baker,
Mark Bowden, Why kill one of the only growth industries in the country??
Simon Bunker, Cut funding cut new jobs what are you doing to this country?
Niko Miaoulis, This proposal is utter, myopic, madness and contradicts everything the conservatives promised to do.
Bill Johnson, The tariffs need trimming not felling. 50% is too big a cut and 8 December too soon. Stick to the rules and make it April with a sensible review of the tariffs. Too large a cut now will cripple the fledgling renewables industry.
xxxxxxxx, My family pledged its livelihood into a business that you said would sustain our future. Any failure to keep to your promises would almost certainly spell the end to our business.
Martin Davidson, Save jobs, save the planet save solar PV
Tiffany Wheble, Solar has created so many jobs in the UK (both directly and indirectly, e.g. electricians and scaffolders) - I was signed on before I found my full-time job working for a solar installation company in Sussex.
I understand the tariff needs dropping - but slightly, and not until April - as this when everyone in the industry has been working to and expecting. 8th December is far too much short notice and completely unfair - and also what if November has a lot of rain, we won't be able to install!
To double the length of payback time will cripple the industry, as why will people want to spend their hard earned cash, especially when the current rate is such a good investment.
Everyone at our company has been working so hard to get the business going, and it has been a fantastic source of employment and getting our economy going again.
I would also like to know, if the tariff is being cut by 50% are the big 6 energy suppliers going to reduce everyone's bills by this amount or give refunds, as it is they who subsidise it? I highly doubt it!
Please, think about the impact this is going to have before making rash decisions.
Surely an answer would be to only reduce the 'free solar' schemes, which companies have been using to make lots of money quickly, and leave the domestic installs alone.
Surely the government must have realised what a popular scheme it would be when they chose the FiT rates.
We need renewable energy in our country, don't kill it!
Kind regards,
Roger Bell, The current proposals threaten a young industry. This country needs small enterprises to thrive.
xxxxxxxx, My company has just been set-up for two weeks and now this is proposed before my second installation.
Richard Crotty, The proposals state a target of 4% return on investment, that may be just acceptable when the invested capital is safe and available to be returned to you at the end of the investment period but not if the funds are consumed on a capital expense. The 18 years payback is laughable, people and/or businesses will not invest significant funds where they are expected to wait nearly two decades to break-even. A gradual, phased and well forecasted reduction in tariffs is the only solution that makes economic, environmental and indeed political sense.
Mark Smith, More unrealistic targets from the DECC to save there budgets with not a care in the world for anyone else
Andrew Collenette, Installing solar makes our customers more aware of energy consumption. Surely this impact has not been researched or considered as part of the "consultation".
Tracie Orme, Why allow over 50kwp 9 months to complete there orders and punish the honest working class who have worked hard and saved for these systems to have it taken away by the fat cats.
Dean Hollick,
D Holmes,
SIMON, Cutting this tariff will bring the entire PV market to its knees and will leave only a few large companies remaining, these tariffs can easily remain viable by one of several small introductions, may I first suggest cuts to the tariffs for the free solar brigade which put simply is funded by the wealthy making them only more wealthy, secondly the commercial sector who are in the same bracket as those in my previous comments. Let the tariff be there for whom it was originally intended the domestic users and individual tariff owners. Finally may I regretfully add that I was one of those who unfortunately voted for this back tracking shameful party or should I say coalition. A mistake which I will not be making again as their policies seem not to benefit those individuals who wish to push this country or enterprise forward but only those who wish to seek free hand outs, dole, sick pay and other such profitable forms of 'income'. May i finally add that the cost of another "25,000+" unemployed would be rather more costly to the government over the coming months..
Jeremy Fisk, By all means reduce the FIT rate to a lower level. I think the planned reduction is too much, but was to be expected. however, the CRAZY thing is to bring in the change 4 months ahead of the planned schedule - how on earth can small companies possibly plan their workflow, stocks and cashflow to meet the high demand in only 6 weeks and THEN have to lay off staff, etc just before christmas because the market will take a nosedive. The solar industry has been a great success story over the last year - providing the country with jobs at a difficult time and the only expense is to electricity consumers. the rising prices in electricity are forcing everyone to look more closely at their consumption and find ways of reducing it, which is good for everyone. "Greenest government ever" !!! - Far from it !
John Mayo,
Joshua matthews, I am a 25 yr old who has invested considerable time and my entire savings into creating a successful small renewable installation company. We employ 5 trainees of varying levels all under 22. Several of theese had previously lost apprentaships when the recession hit and spent time put of work. As they are now in the minority of youngsters who are in training, paying taxes and have prospects to look forward to. As a goverment you have shown us as a generation that you cannot be trusted whatsoever, it's a joke to consider calling yourselves green or interested in the fate of the young during theese difficult times.
Glenn Ashby, Please re-visit the percentage cut of the FIT tariff for solar PV to allow businesses to transition to a more sustainable business model in a planned manner. Also, 6 weeks is not long enough for planned installs to complete by 8-12-11. Please allow companies which have helped drive down solar PV costs to survive by making the transition to a more sustainable FIT tariff structure more gradual. This will allow hardware prices to fall further to maintain an incentive for the customers and growth for the industry whilst saving thousands of jobs.
Beverley Martin,
Terry Warr,
Phill Sylvester, We backed the government with our investment it’s now time for the government to honour its pledge to the private sector 1000s of us trusted you what message will you send to other projects you decide to promote does it suit you for us to all be on the dole receiving benefits and not paying taxes. Surly this is a situation where we all lose, the idea of this proposal is enough for people to lose confidences in solar you know all too well how markets reacts, shame on you for even thinking about it.
Jim Lepingwell, As the fastest growing piece of the solution to the energy crisis and such an important tool in the transition away from fossil fuel reliance, the solar pv industry needs the proper support until it reaches parity. This cut is like burning your crops the week before your harvest them.
Whilst a reduction is a sensible response to the inflated returns now achievable, there seems to be little reason or need for such a drastic cut.
Janet Christie, This action will kill the solar industry
Ben Nuttall, I accept that tariff reductions are necessary but giving only 6 weeks notice before they are dramatically cut causes huge problems for us as we currently have 12 weeks work booked in with signed contracts from homeowners who have invested their own money in the good faith that they will recieve the tariff levels that are currently in place. I would urge you to consider sticking to the original intended 31st March deadline.
David Henderson, Please can we have long term domestic renewable strategy that consults with the stakeholders rather than a knee-jerk reactive government that consults with vested interetsts
xxxxxxxx, The proposed reduction in FIT is completely and totally inequitable
xxxxxxxx, I have been running a solar pv installation business for the last couple of years and have recently started to expand taking on a new apprentice in september. His job and mine may now be in danger. The proposed cuts are to much and too fast and will probably kill the industry very quickly. Also by linking the Fit in future to the energy efficiency of the house will mean that most older houses will have no chance of ever having solar as most of them cannot be improved to this level (C) as they have solid brick walls which are not practical to insulate. The idea doesn't make sense either as regardless of whether the house is energy efficient or not the electricity that it produces by solar pv will mean than less electricity is produced via the usual fossil fuel powered station. So it makes no difference if the house reaches a level c or not as it is still reducing our total carbon footprint and should still receive the Fit support.
Ben Tucker,
Matthew O\'Regan,
jamie howard,
xxxxxxxx, You should've stopped the free schemes or changed the feed in tariff for investors installing it on other peoples roofs. Once again the rich get richer, those who work their arses off get screwed over by the government and the dolies get sky tv and a cushty life doing f-all.
Thomas Garnett,
xxxxxxxx, A whole family will be put out of work if the solar industry collapses due to the cut in feed in tariffs
Capital Energy Solutions, If your proposals go ahead you will put a thousands of people out of work and will never hit your targets for 2020. If you decide in haste know and KILL the industry it will not be there when you realise you have made a mistake and need it to move forward.
Michael Geller, There is no justification for slashing the FIT rates as it is entirely funded by the consumer, this will effectively bring an expanding industry to a full stop at a time when we all need to get used to using alternative energy sources.
Mel Todd, Please look out side the box. Please don't 'cock' up my livelihood and that of my staff. If this comes in, you have personally denied me a living which is disgusting.
Michael Beale, FiT Cuts are needed, we agree. But severe cuts will bury a fledgling industry.
Gavin Fearnley,
Steve Smith,
Clayton Scott, Lets see common sence, if this cut takes place thousands of jobs will be lost
Peter Catt, You destroyed my life with the collapse of the building trade, I'm just trying to pick my life up so please don't destroy it again.
Martin Kingsbury, Dear sirs,
A deliberately leaked government document was shown on the Energy Saving Trust website 28th Oct.Solar Power PV Feed in Tariff is planned to be slashed from 43.3 to 21 pence per watt on the 8th December 2011. I have a copy of this document, which was only online for about an hour and seen by a few of the right people.
The Climate levy fund was set up in 2001 to stimulate growth in solar and energy saving products industry sectors, reducing our CO2 emissions. Extracting 11% from businesses and homes throughout the country via our energy bills, the fund is worth millions?, and was recently deemed illegal by Europe and is now just another stealth tax. I believe our government intends to legally steal the money in this pot to waste at will.
I have been working in the solar industry for about 12 years now, one of my companies Solar Power GB Ltd, is about to be smashed for the third time in 5 years, due to the decisions made by irresponsible unscrupulous governments. The first was when a feed in tariff was announced for PV but not for Solar Thermal, my business flatlined. The second time was when the banks went belly up, and my potential customers investment stopped paying a return, so they stopped spending, I blame the government for their malpractices. I am now yet again faced with how do I look after the workers, and families that rely on my company, and I have got no time to do this.
This government is about to destroy my company, and our planned growth of around 800 jobs over the next 6 months, will be scrapped if this government planned proposal goes ahead as planned.
A government that keeps telling us how they are working so hard to create growth in business, has just put a great big nail in the coffin of the solar industry, losing hundreds of jobs from my company alone.
The poor people of this country will not now be getting a free solar system.
Steve Brown, I borrowed £20,000 to set up a business, and got accredited 2 weeks ago today. Sounds like I've wasted 9 months and £20,000.
Tim Godwin,
Oli Carey,
simon linsell,
Paul Shiels, Save our solar jobs
Nic Goodwin, We have spent two years building up a small company taking risks to employ staff training them, taking them off support, providing them with what they thought was a future - only to have this all ripped away with no regard to the real consequences within a new industry - where do we go from here ...?
Nic Goodwin
Earthandair Energy
Paul Hutchens, As a solar installer we know that a 21p FIT level could cripple the solar market. Worse still; changing the rate by the 8th December gives us no time to plan the change, inform our customers and ensure the future of our businesses. Many jobs will be lost! We know the FIT needs to be cut; but so much and so fast does not make sense!
Zandra Waterford, Cutting the FI tariff will kill this industry, raise unemployment and stifle solar development. How does this accord with the Government's aim of promoting growth. Yet another U turn.
Zara Glew,
Marcus Mackay, The FITs scheme has created circa 20,000 jobs, injected over a £ Billion into the economy at no cost to government while taking the UK some way towards meeting its carbon reduction obligations. So there is no rational for a sudden unplanned cut that will descimate the industry.
Nick Hammerton, Modern Day Ambush !
Stephen Barter,
Angus Hone, If the speculation is anywhere near the truth then DECC/Greg Barker does not appreciate real life business which requires substantial investment to do things properly. Recruiting & committing to high calibre staff, training, building supply chain, permitting sites, undertaking structural surveys etc. Building a quality offering takes time. Policy which changes too quickly is unsettling, and results in under investment. i just hope the cuts are nowhere near those i hear. Otherwise we'll be just like Spain rather than Germany - Germany got it right. Spain got it very wrong.
Andre Mooney, You created a thriving industry on the back of the green agenda and within 2 years you have destroyed it and given more than 20,000 people only 6 weeks to diversify into alternative employment.
This needs further consultation and involve the industry and their views!
Matthew Saunders,
Dan Stephenson,
Henah Akhtar, Don't let British communities down by slashing the FIT rate. We need more clean energy, take us into a brighter future.
mark ellison,
Helen Lacey,
xxxxxxxx, Please dont take a sledge hammer to crack a nut. We all agree that the FIT's are unsustainable at the current level but a phased review, giving the industry time to reorganise itself is what everybody needs.
Peter Keesom, I supported this coalition on its ideas about a greener country. Don't disappoint me.
Julian Pertwee, 25,000 jobs are at risk! Protect this green shoot, stagger the FIT sensibly and Grid Parity will be a reality, cut too quickly and up to 25,000 jobs will go.
Simon Clempson, Support business and give people a chance !
John James, Hi Guy's
This scheme is helping to save countless jobs in the M&E engineering sector
We have invested heavily in re-training, equipment and compliance and have saved at least eight jobs which are now at serious risk.
We have expected a cut of around 10% to 15% but 50% will kill the industry.
This scheme gives so many win's it can't be lost.
Please help us help you
Please have some backbone
Help us save jobs, cut are emmisions and re-focus our industry - the votes will come!!!
Dr HJ Hill,
Dean Hill,
Tom Rimmington, A healthy solar PV industry is essential to meet our environmental targets. Our enviromental targets have been set for a very real issue. Slashing FiTs would put a halt to large scale solar PV and would be an absolutly nonsensical move.
xxxxxxxx, I am the MD of a small solar company (employs 15 people) and we will be forced to close if the proposed cuts go ahead, which means at least another 15 people to add to the governments unemployment stats!
Matt Swindells, If paybacks go back to 12years plus, thats longer than warranties, and will encourage "ambitious" calclulations and lower quality equipment. Wouldnt it be better to cut the tarriff durations? Then the nation still benefits from the energy long after the tarriff term has ended.
Rosemary Bland, Do not cut solar a tthe same time as looking at Fracking and Tar Sands! Very regressive.
Ralph Coleman, Mr Huhne et al need to realise that it isn’t only the companies directly involved with installation and manufacture of PV that are affected. It is a great number of other sectors that have seen an opportunity to propel themselves out of the austerity of the past couple of years and innovate in order to meet the needs of this growing industry in an increasingly diverse range of ways. The cuts will have wide ranging implications and redundancies won’t be limited to ‘the PV industry’ itself.
STEVEN WALDIE, Greenest Government. Your words not ours!!!!!!!!!!
ETS SOLAR -Anthony Bown, It's time the UK did their bit to save our planet and secure a healthy environment for our children.
Donald Gregory,
chloe beerling,
pete catt,
Emma Haughton, If this cut goes ahead, solar pv will be just for those can afford it - a luxury, not a necessity. A bit like university education.
Bryony Hazelwood,
Peter Grant, Ironically Nick Clegg announced this morning a fund of up to £1 billion to stimulate industry growth and create new jobs, whilst Greg Barker is about to drastically cut PV feed in tariffs which will without doubt lead to massive job losses in the PV industry .
Edward Grant, By slashing the feed-in tariff you will decimate a very much needed, up and coming progressive industry. Solar has seen massive job creation as well as a smaller dependence on expensive/carbon hungry fuels. Solar is most certainly part of the answer to the UK's future energy security. Why kill one of the real "green shoots of recovery"?
The planned graded reduction in fit payments is a system that works as seen in other countries, why move the deadline and slash payments so hard? Why announce £1 billion pounds worth of investment into 'promoting' new jobs when you already have a system that is 'creating' new jobs. Your announcement today I quote from the telegraph "The Prime Minister says the government is on an “all-out mission” to kick-start industry. Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister, will announce that 35,000 jobs will be created using nearly £1 billion of public money." There has already been 25,000 jobs created using a fraction of the £1 billion you have pledged and more are being created. If you make these proposed changes to the fit payments you will make a large number of this 25,000 unemployed, while your new investment will have seemed pointless by only really creating a possible 10,000 jobs at best.
If these cuts are to be enforced solar will no longer be a realistic option for protecting the environment, protecting against energy price rises and creating a decentralised stable energy network.
Please reconsider reducing the fit payments by so much and look sensibly at the current fit structure and you will see that it is working as it was designed to.
If you really want energy security take solar seriously. There is nothing more guaranteed than the sun rising in the morning and setting at night. Lets not let the sun set on the solar industry.
xxxxxxxx, This will cripple companies, we have invested huge amounts to become registered and the Governments "own" great scheme which convinced us this was the way forward will now wipe out companies....shocking, disgusting & dissappointing!
Ranbir Dhillon,
Jo Smith, We're quickly running out of time to save this planet! C'mon Cameron!
Christopher Oram, Absolutely dismayed by the complete ineptitude of supposedly intelligent people that run our country. The PV industry needs tweaking not destroying.
adrienne campbell,
Peter Rolinson, To lower the tariff is certainly a backward step. It would be foolish for a government to undermine the industry when so much has been invested in persuading the public of the benefits of solar power. If the government take such a myopic view it will leave their claim to be the greenest ever in tatters.
David Barclay, This is a disastrous day for the only thriving industry in the UK
Scott McDougall,
Carl Cook, Cutting the throat of the solar industry the day after announcing another huge pot of taxpayers cash for the big6 - how can you justify this?
Jon Williams, Granted change was needed. But this is too quick and too drastic.
Danniel Gaydon, If FIT rates are cut to just 21p, our company which we have invested so much time and money starting up, based on the original FIT rate plans set out by our government will undoubtedly fail, as will many many other companies out there.
In a time of such hardship where so many small businesses are struggling to stay above water this would be a cruel and devastating blow. I, for one, and I'm sure many others will lose confidence in a government which already seems to be failing us in many ways.
Richard Gaydon,
Phil South,
S Williams,
G.L. Poulter, Governments have made such encouragement for us as a country to use more green energy.What is the point of this very retrograde step.I thought we were a forward looking country, not to mention our professional Engineers who have made a career change, especially to boost our energy systems. It just seems a bad government decision.
Chris Monckton, This will kill the green revolution and put Britain behind in its commitment to be the greenest ever government.
John Ward,
Jason LeRoy,
chris taylor,
Owen Morgan, Don't destroy thousands of jobs and a positive, growing industry.
Jonathan Griffiths, Do not lose these jobs! The UK needs them!
Joanne Beech, Cut don't kill the solar industry!!
Kevin Davis, I am currently going through MCS accreditation and already planned to employ 5 people, this will not now happen.
Please rething your stragety, there are many more options than what you have proposed that will safeguard jobs.
Shaun Oulton, we are training providers for all the electrical courses and have found an increase in the people wanting to be qualified to carry out the installation of PV systems and under the new FIT we feel this will stifle the growth in this sector and even force some business to lay off staff due the fall in demand.
John Ward, How about actually living up to your pledge to be the Green government and Support Solar
Prof Derek Gould, David Cameron has said his would be the Greenest Government ever. It cannot be thus without continued support for domestic energy generation.
Nicole McCabe,
Steven Box, Cut necessary, but not one to the throat!
Kevin O\'Dea,
Alan Paul, Need to increase awareness not kill it stone dead.
xxxxxxxx, Cutting the tariff makes some sense, but this much, this quickly with less than 6 weeks notice - this is grossly unfair to industry and customers - how will we attract investment and win public support for renewables when government messages and policies change with the wind!
s coulston,
xxxxxxxx, Clueless decision from the government!!!!
xxxxxxxx, This is a disgrace! To invest in companys and then the Government does a u-turn!
Lawrence Weetman,
Madeleine Foster,
Jamie Sugg,
kate shayler,
xxxxxxxx, Why kill off one of the thriving industries in the uk?
Elizabeth waters, Such drastic cuts in the Feed in tariff will remove the economic viability of small domestic schemes and destroy Community projects.
John Mitchell, I am 67 and have just signed up to have solar panels fitted at a cost of £11,950. If the job is completed before the 8th of December the panels will be paid for in 8 years. I am not in good health but I think I may live to see a small return on my hard earned cash. If I have to wait another 4 years (at the 0.21p rate) before I get a return I will probably have passed on! This will kill the market for people like me as I would not have gone ahead with this sort of uncertainty in the market and the proposed lower FIT and I am sure other pensioners will cancel and put their money in the building society.
Ruth Wharton,
Rebecca Curtis,
xxxxxxxx, Decenltralised (distributed generation) is a threat to the Energy and Distribution majors. The Green Deal is a cynical attempt to prevent this.
Dan Andrews, There’s no chance of me installing and getting the MCS certificates sorted out for all of the jobs I currently have in the order book before the 12th of December.
So I expect about 60 customers to cancel their order on the basis that it’s no longer what they thought they were buying. Tough times a head for a company with such promise all because of a knee jerk reaction to something that could have been predicted from the outset.
xxxxxxxx, Why stop a scheme that is being successful?
H Evans,
Alan Speirs,
Simon Lawrence, The Feed-in Tariff helps generate real interest in Solar, it also is highly beneficial to Social Housing schemes, saving residents hundreds of pounds!
John Fowler,
jan lawrence,
wayne lawrence,
Harold Forbes, The December 12th "reference" date is a complete swizz. Just goes to show what a lying bunch of unreliable thugs politicians really are.
Tom Barker, Does the government think it is 'the greenest government ever', was it just a matter of more lies to fool the electorate, does the government think that we already have enough renewable energy, or does the government think that such a rate will stimulate the market sufficiently to avoid the economic chaos that inevitably will follow annual oil prices rises and meeting the Climate Change Act? In any scenario, this move hints at a level of ignorance and incompetance greater than anyone feared. The people of Britain, now and in the future, deserve much better than ineptitude.
Eric Hopley,
Terry Donovan,
Roger Ball, I thought the government was trying to create jobs, not kill a whole industry over night.
Adrian McKeon, PV is the most successful ever driver for UK green retrofit. The cost of FITS to each home is an order of magnitude less than a 1% rise in power bills and the benefits bill for 25,000 unemployed outstrips both. Cut FITs, yes. But balance out the benefits.
xxxxxxxx, It unfair to impose new conditions at such short notice to both the companies who intall the systems and those planing to install them. we are supposed to be encouraging private industry not pulling the rug from under it.
munro grierson,
Steve Keeney, The feed in tariff should indeed TAPER, but this is not tapering, it is a swingeing CUT that will damage the nascent solar PV industry badly before it has become properly established. Please reconsider - taper the FiT more gradually and do not undermine renewable energy take up just as it is taking off in the UK.
andrew sharman,
xxxxxxxx, This will kill a whole industry in a time of uncertainty
Stephen Barkley, Destroying the companies that are delivering new clean energy technology that is friendly to our environment is plain stupid as well as criminal. Please think again before commiting to this action.
Mate Velkey,
John Cummings,
francois Eve,
Matt Thornington, A chance for the UK to get a foothold in the future as a green energy specialist, don't throw this chance away!
Joanne McMahon,
Jamie Baldwin,
xxxxxxxx, Supporting the well off again.
Freya Govus, My dad and brother both work in the renewables industry. By implementing these cuts the coalition will kill a growing industry.
Ben Chisnall,
Bhaskar Bhattacharyya,
Lindsay Dale,
Edward Breslin,
Russell Grainge, Change is needed in the industry but to cut this deep this fast will destroy consumer confidence and leave many businesses in tatters. This industry is too young to recover from this action and subsequently the coalition government will be responsible for destroying one of the UK economies only success stories.
Trevor Crone, I wonder what hat 21p was pulled out of, it must have cost a £million to calculate.
Chris Atkin, Please save our FIT's - PV is truly a clean virtually carbon neutral technology - The UK should be a front runner, not an "also ran" - Save our FIT's!
Julia Wain,
Joe Perry,
Debra Storr,
Allen Jones, We all knew something had to change form next April but the 12/12/11 implementation date is a killer blow to a number of high profile social housing schemes that have created local job opportunities
Make Hay Solar Installers, Householders are only just coming around to recognising the benefits of the Feed in Tariff. If these cuts go ahead, all confidence in the market will go. The link to efficiency is wrong and adds further confusion. Keep them separate and dont clog business up with further red tape. Total rethink over degree and timing of cuts is required. If this means extending the cap on investment, so be it. £900 million is about 30p per person per week vs 25,000 jobs at risk in the industry? All paying taxes now... The sums don't add up...
Mark Knowles,
john kelly,
richard moule,
Judy MacPherson,
Jono Read, So much for the greenest ever government!
Jonas Malmström, Cutting the PV generation tariffs in April 2012 was a sound plan.
Cutting them with 6 weeks notice in December 2011 puts a huge amount of end customers and entrepreneurs under extreme pressure and will permanantly damage the confidence in the stability of the regulations for this business that generates so many local jobs and so much tax income for the UK state.
Our PV start-up company would not have dared the step over the channel to UK if we thought the UK government were inclined to treat businesses in this way.
Catherine Cottrell, This is craziness. Halving the FITs with six weeks' notice?!
Ian Porter,
xxxxxxxx, if drastic cuts are made too soon, then this industry and mine and my fellow pv installers invested time, money and effort all wasted
Andy O\'Leary,
xxxxxxxx, the announcement to bring forwards the new tarrif date to 12 Dec seems to be unnecessay panic which will devastate many small businesses.
Antonia Kent, This is unbelievable short-termism, don't do it.
Carl noble,
J-P Child,
Andrew Roughley,
Neil Lewis, Why destroy something good. Modify, but not this.
Gary Rowe, The incredibly short notice of the cut-off date is grossly unfair and should be revised into 2012 with immediate effect. Giving a mere six weeks notice after a huge change in tariff is nowhere near enough.
Martin Gladwin, Perhaps they're just getting us ready for a 50% take up of Green Deal? ;)
xxxxxxxx, This will devastate our industry, our economy and our jobs. This has not been thought through properly.
John Clayton, how many companies will this banckrupt with panels that can't be sold
David Burns Echo energy, please support our industry and our jobs
Adam Horan, About to tell 7 guys they are being made redundant because of this! This is not what the Solar Industry should be about!
Jonathon Moreels,
Andy Coles,
Alyson Bartlett,
Emily Stokes,
Ricky Malson, Discrace!
Conor O\'Brien,
marie s,
xxxxxxxx, Like many other small businesses, we have been investing in this sector for the last 2 years and all of our funds have gone into general set up/training/finding the right staff and marketing. Like any new business it takes time to develop the brand/trust and recognition of your firm, just as we have gained that and are building a good customer base we are crushed. The government were quick to bail the banks out by billions and still allow for huge bonuses to be paid at our expense - what has happened to this country. Solar was our future Anna not just for businesses and homeowners but for the future of our planet. Our leaders clearly don't share this commitment.
Matthew Dovey,
steven goodall,
xxxxxxxx, It's nothing short of a death knell. Cut deathly quick. DNOs take 45 days for >4kW apps. We've lost our large pending jobs & now have no cashflow to buy up rapidly diminishing stock which is being ordered en mass by the big firms. We've gone from having a great product, to one that is generally unsellable overnight and may not be able to fulfill remaining but the fast-flowing pre-cut off orders due to having no equipment to install.
xxxxxxxx, Having the eligibilty date (12 Dec) set before the end of the consultation period suggests that there is no consultation. It's a 'done deal'.
Ron Dobson,
Mike Simmons, I worry about jobs but I worry more about the planet and our survival on it - this cut does not make me feel optimistic
xxxxxxxx, We need this growth to help the country get back on its feet after what the banks have done
Matthew Waterhouse, Just a bit too much too soon????? Slowly, slowly catchee.........
Louise Attley, What Next!
Stan van den Berg,
Jeni Peterson,
Laura McCarthy,
David Rae, How many people do the government want on the dole Q's
david briault,
xxxxxxxx, At a time when we really should be pushing solar energy forward, this is not the right option. I think it is disgusting that the sector has only been given six weeks to figure out this problem and I believe that this approach needs to be softened to ensure that thousands of jobs are not lost just in time for christmas.
Gian-Carlo Grossi,
Lee Attley,
Darren Forbes,
Ross Walters, a crass, short-sighted move which'll negatively impact jobs, growth, the development of advanced infrastructure and a green economy.A betrayal of the gov's own agenda and a kick in the teeth for anyone who invested in time and money into building a solar business. The Condems have no credibility and cannot be trusted.
andrew fearon,
Darren Durrant-Rance,
lara zavaroni, shocking news disappointed the government fucked us again !
xxxxxxxx, Mainly disgusted with the way the cut off date in early December has been announced giving those of us who have just paid a deposit and have to go through the planning process no chance of hitting the date.
Paul Barnes, I think the government are being very short sighted in what impact this will have on local and national economy for the green jobs sector and households throughout the uk not ALL being able to afford solar panels along with the rising cost of energy bills keep on going up energy companies racking in massive profits not to forget where this money is actually coming from which is utility bill payers IN CERT (carbon emmission reduction target) funding.
The people should have a say in where THEIR MONEY SHOULD GO !
so what if a few people who invest make a great return on their investment we are in a recession and we all have paid for this tariff.
Paul Barnes
Managing Director
The Energy Saving Team
Louise Burke,
Matthew dutton,
Paul Castle, Why kill a growing industry overnight?
xxxxxxxx, Paid our deposit about two weeks ago and have to endure the Letchworth Heritage Foundation's extra planning requirements so now won't be able to meet the date of 12 December. If a commercial company acted like this setting a cut off date before the end of a consultation period they'd be taken to court!
David Taylor,
Ian Jamison, These drastic cuts to the Feed in Tariff will totally decimate to Solar PV Industry & cause severe job losses!!!!!!!!
Stephen Lawson, We all know it needs cutting but this is a ridiculous amount
Graham Fenton, I think the goverment have finally lost their marbles. Oh and I bet the power companies are wetting them selves (rubbing their hands together)
simon Lovering,
xxxxxxxx, Please save our industry and our jobs!!! Myself and my husband both work for the same PV company, love our jobs and have two small children!
adam dobson, i cant see any domestic customer paying for PV with this new FIT rate
John Mustarde, Steady and planned is what we need not sudden dramatic cuts.
Adrian Farnell, These cuts will seriously jeopardize my business and that of several of my associates. They certainly do not give us enough time to readjust.
Linda Marshall, 50% reduction on any commodity is far too much to impose in one blow. Consider reduction, please.
Efficiency North, This is a killer for stimulating UK economic growth, for local authorities and social landlords wanting to do the right thing for their fuel poor tenants, and will put off funders who could have been drawn into supporting the Green Deal
xxxxxxxx, This proposed reduction to the Solar PV Tariff by 50 percent will effectively kill a thriving sector of our troubled economy. An incredibly reactionary move designed to benefit who exactly ?
Sam Fleming,
Vincent Ware, 9 Months of training, business development, MCS, Part P, £15000+ and Stress, putting our last pennies into getting accredited as we believed this was the future and now its being taken away. Looks like sell up the house and go on the doll because we havent got anymore money in the pot to keep going! the very least the governmnet could do is give us more notice! thank Britian
Miranda Bell,
Gurpal Bhaker,
Kevin Keiley,
Francis Jones,
Pat Thorne, This action will cut jobs, bankrupt small companies and discourage small households from doing their bit to save the planet
James kearney,
xxxxxxxx, How can this government do such a dramatic u-turn changing from April to December and slashing it by over half when they said it would be 5p. This country needs a growth sector like solar and they are going to kill the solar industry over night putting thousands out of work. Get labour back in!!!!!
G. Smart, This govt. does not understand the working people
david english, i have just spent the last year building my solar business up , investing over five thousand pounds just to be able to install pv solar , my business is just building up , if the feed in tariff is cut you may as add me to the dole queue,as there will be no pv fitted after dec 12 , how can you trust a government that will do this !
Mark Bradley, How on earth does the government justify a 50% cut when prices have not dropped by 20%. If this happens which I think it will, it will kill this market and all of us who have invested a lot of time, training and money.
Paul Byrne, I think its disgusting that they could try to force this through three months before they said thy would originally do it.Also to cut it by 50% is ridiculous,it just shows you they are not concerned about the world we live in there only concern is MONEY
martin hedges,
mike Tomlinson,
Cleland, Indecision on the government's part will stifle business.
alan joy, If you must reduce the FIT then do so at a much smaller cut ie 2/3p . The industry has only just got going !!!
Paul Bower, Short sighted and ill thought out from the least green government ever!
Paul Barker, government have made us go through hoops with great expense to be able to install the renewables technologies and I for one am a long way off breaking even. Yet another thing which has made legitimate people spend a fortune and then pull the rug from under our feet.
xxxxxxxx, Do these cuts and I loose my job.
Jane Robertson,
Roger Williams,
xxxxxxxx, This is one of the best ways to kill an industry that's barely out of infancy! Reduce the guarantee period to 15years together with a 10% reduction to the FiT - think hard about what is being done.
reg kent, Keep the tariff level high, outlaw 'free' systems. Tariff needs to be at a level to enable 10% plus return on investment, thereby home owners can raise private funding via mortgage, repay the loan and still be able to make a reasonable profit.
Wayne Watts, These cuts are just madness!
paul kightley,
xxxxxxxx, Solar is part of a green solution. The industry in the UK has just started to cut the funding at this stage will decimate the industry putting more people out of work. Once again it will only be the well off & commercial enterprises that will be able to afford to have this and they will be looking to make a profit.
xxxxxxxx, Fully understand why cuts need to be made to the FITS, but the speed and percentage is way to much.
xxxxxxxx, How can a business have any hope of planning a future, expanding, creating jobs and wealth for the UK within the Solar PV industry when we have so called professional Politian’s performing like amateurs with these knee jerk policy decisions?
Frank Stone, I'm lost for words, wont be voting for this government again, they have lost the plot, HOW TO RUIN THE ONLY UK GROWING MARKET..
Duncan Robertson, Save our Solar!
Ross Martindale,
Mike Wilkinson,
Chris Stretton, So the government are planning to allow the energy companies to keep the FIT reserves for themselves to profit. Surely the idea is for the householder and country to see some return on the "green tariff" they have paid in to for the past years.
Venugopal Tatikunta,
high peak electrical ltd, this reduction to the fit scheme will have a detrimental effect on our business,we will have to look at reducing the number of staff we have at present, in the new year
ian parris, The FIT was due to be reduced at the end of March anyway, so why not advise people now of a higher reduction then rather than dropping the industry on it's arse now. This would increase customers now, so to keep money moving and would assist in the prevention of the country from falling onto it's knees. This would allow more time for companies to prepare for a continuation of work from April onwards. I cannot believe the government sanctioned this especially when the utility company prices are at an all time high and the sun's free harnessed energy can do so much good. Shame on you !!!
Guy Bacon, after obtaining our MCS acreditation recently which has cost alot of time and effort i think it is a total disgrace that they are looking at doing this.MADNESS!!!
Alan Lawson(solar concept) Sunderland, Crippling industry before its had a chance!!!
Dan Dodkins,
Nigel Godfrey,
Derick Humphrey,
xxxxxxxx, The UK DECC are rightly reducing and restricting the feed-in tariff. However, their proposals will reduce it by so much that few householders and businesses will seek solar PV in 2012. The intention is to try to encourage householders to spend on other energy efficiency initiatives before they can benefit from solar. This will create a barrier to solar. And, householders and businesses who cannot insulate their houses may be disincentivised from having solar PV as a means to make their house more energy efficient.
Frank Doherty, We can live at 29p and there will be an industry left to build upon. At 21p THERE IS NO INDUSTRY LEFT!
Patricia Park,
tim Hutchinson,
David Hassett, I had to fight long and hard to build a small business and get these cuts are way too drastic. It will kill my business.
Brett Reynolds,
geoff locke, Please re consider changes to solar feed in tarfiffs
charlene gee,
K.J.Marney, Tariffs and timescales should undergo gradual change in an open manner after debate and not as an underhand and undemocratic 'fait accompli' which damages both the public and the workforce.
Andrew Downie,
Steve Shaw,
Edward Windsor, Greg Barker and the rest of the government must be the dumbest people on the planet, with 2.5 million people unemployed why destroy an industry that provides new jobs and in the green industry. But I guess there wasn't any extra cash after the government gave 75 billion to the banks. This country is run by morons
John Day, You cannot expect people to invest thousands of pounds both in new business start ups and for clients to "rush things through" now the date has become known. This is a typical knee jerk reaction to the Govt's inability to have had the CORRECT procedures and FIT tariff's in place, instead of letting "solar farms" taking advantage of the situation and emptying the cash coffers.
Chris Mortimer,
Martin Fellerman, We have installations to the value of 1.5 Million booked to March 2012. The cuts if they proceed will put 39 people out of work to join the list of unemployed. These proposals are typical of the short sighted Government we are left with.
steve andrews,
Rob, Absolutely rediculous to cut the FIT so quickly and drastically. We are all aware that the FIT needs to be reduced but not in one go and within 6 weeks, this will just kill the industry over night with 25,000 jobs on the line. I heard the rumours last week but didnt think it would be possible to be so stupid!
Howard Croft, Cut the tariff but within reason, please.
Darren Redmond, This we kill the Solar PV industry over night!!
James Chrystal, The government are looking for private business to take the country out of recession. They need to support industries like renewables if they want this to happen and help improve the economic prospects of the country moving forward.
Alessandra Marziali, Today, it is a very sad day... they can't seriously cut 25000 jobs over night, can they?!
Joseph Theobald,
Colin McElhinney, We must continue to promote Solar PV systems, this is the way forward for our country. These reduced rates will almost certainly kill off the industry.
Anthony Lee,
Ian Hornblow, Everything one could expect from this knee jerk government hypocritical and two faced
Simon Booth, We urgently need a joined up energy strategy which considers all forms of renewable technologies, is developed in conjunction and association with the industry, upon which we can invest and build the UK economy. Without this, we will simply lurch from one initiative to the next!
Gregory Norminton, When the government can 'find' a quarter of a billion to fund black bins (i.e. please the Daily Mail by undermining recycling), the excuse that we cannot afford the FiT rings hollow. This cut will be fatal to one of the few growth industries in Britain. It is stupid and wrong.
Anya Beaumont,
Ian Silman, As a solar panel installer this will decimate my newly formed buisness, just last week I was looking at the possibility of taking on a full time employee to cope with demand now I am looking at possibly loosing my lively hood this goverment needs to re think quickly
Steve Havenhand,
Colin Brown, So much for the Government investing in new technology!!! Its hardly started and they are killing it off
Lee Crawford,
Caretech Systems Ltd, As an electrical installer this action will have a major effect on our intention to employ additional staff.
John Thornicroft, Why so sudden a change to the FIT? This is not reasonable and unfair to people with outstanding planned installations, like us.
Greg swan, hopefully this saves our industry, and planet of coarse
Derrick Hodgson, Today Cameron said that he was to roll up his sleeves and fight for the jobs front and here we are in reality cutting thousands more by devastating the solar industry. What a fantastic opportunity squandered by the government. They give with one hand and take away with the other. Two of my customers said they would not have gone ahead if the FIT was so low. This government are the "greenest Ever" so green that they cannot see the opportunity for growth, at a time of shrinkage an opportunity to grow the jobs market, at a time of shrinkage, an opportunity to grow the economy, at a time of shrinkage, an opportuntiy for prosperity at a time of adversity. Yes they are the greenest party, so green they know not what they do they have no bloody idea.
Susan Spivey,
Gill Hammond, what a disaster for Solar
nick higham,
Simon Scott,
chris, dont be such chicken shits,continue support for renewables,dont go back on your word again
Joe Jollands,
Andy Tugby, This proposed cut in the rate goes wholly against all alleged "Green Deal" principles and makes a joke of the coalition sustainability claims
Dave Rutledge,
xxxxxxxx, The government would not consider treating any other industry in this way.
xxxxxxxx, I was hopeing to convince the Trustees to install panels on the Village Hall - don't know if I'll be able to now!!
Amy Thomas,
chris Rennie, why kill the sector with 25000 job losses to replace it with 1000 in the building sector making a dirty reactor?
Joe Casey, The market for photovoltaic installations is one of the fastest growing industries around. The proposed cuts to the FITs would seal the end for this technology and as we are in a recession we need to encourage business of any kind not squash it; especially one as promising as photovoltaic’s. This move toward the FITs cuts would only help to destabilize our economy and leave the country in an even worse financial situation than it already is. This harebrained idea is the most ridicules I’ve ever heard, to actively try and ruin an industry capable of supplying huge revenue to the country is sickening. This industry is not only capable of supply revenue to the country but will also provide jobs, benefit the environment, bring about economic growth and encourage the further development of renewable energies.
Mr Kerry Durrant, Dear All,
If this was the banking sector then the government would be stuffing twenty pound notes in our back pockets. Instead of setting unrealistic dates. The new rates can work but the deadlines are unrealistic.
Mike Godfrey,
Chris Rider, This is the way to kill a fledgling growth industry, you must not do it!
xxxxxxxx, This decision to change the feed-in tariff will put my fathers company into has just had it's 50th anniversary:(
Anthony Shirley,
Simon Gallear,
David Spencer, I have real concerns about the renewable industry with this measure, the uncertainty created has already impacted the consumer and urgent reassurance is required.
John Arnold, As a fairly new company within the industry we are devastated at this news, we have just spent thousands on training, new equipment, website, etc, all based on a business model that no longer exists due to todays announcement. The government knows this will kill the makes no sense.
xxxxxxxx, 25,000 redundancies. As a newly registered MCS approved contractor i would just like to thank the government for giving me the opportunity to send all my employees on training courses, allowing me to invest my own money on equipment and sign writing vehicles, and then literally pulling the plug. Thanks a f*****g bunch
Elizabeth Anderson, Please invest in the solar power industry and invest in our future.
Dominic Solari,
Mr Chris Cook, How do DECC expect Solar PV installation companies to business plan for the future ?
As of today we are no longer able to quote for any future PV installations, because we cannot let our potential customers know what the feed in tariff will be ?
DECC have now managed to engineer the perfect conditions for "Boom and Bust".
I can see that Solar installation companies will today be laying off their Sales force, whilst the installation side will be working flat out to grt system fitted before 12th December.
After the 12th December, all the fitters will then have to be laid off as no more work will be in the pipeline, as the sales staff, will not have generated any work.
So as usual this Government have a history of talking up how "Green" they are, but actually are the COMPLETE opposite.
xxxxxxxx, The government clearly needs to rethink todays shock announcment
Kevin Reilly,
David Elder,
Gwilym Davies, I'm a small business trying to survive in this hard financial climate and if this 50% reduction takes place, I will be forced into bankruptcy, it is very difficult to find business as it is. You cant do this to me!
Ian Gibson, I am still in shock. This cannot go ahead.
James Budge, I agree with cuts but doing it to an industry that could help our future is madness. Without the 43p FIT the incentive has gone, why would you go for 21p when your neighbour gets 43p, unless the install costs fall 50% allong with it.
Jon Buick, Moving the March the 31st deadline is a huge blow to projects that have been through OJEU compliant procurement programs. Moving the deadline will lead to huge amounts of money, time and opportunity being wasted.
Jon, The government are obviously not that concerned about the future and generations to come as much as they would like us to think they are. My grandchildren and there grandchildren will have to clean up the mess they leave behind.
Mark Clifford,
Sasha rixham,
xxxxxxxx, How much of the FIT fund has been spent on large scale projects initiated by the Energy suppliers themselves? These schemes outstripped the expected take up rate. Not in the spirit of the scheme?
xxxxxxxx, Do not kill a very good scheme.
xxxxxxxx, quite simply, if this deep and sudden cut in the FIT goes ahead our company and its 14 employees will be no more...... enough said!
Mick Gosney, We all knew cuts were coming , but 50% and in 6 weeks. What are all the Solar companies supposed to do . The cuts need to be less and brought in in April , as we all expected.
Gerald Jenkins,
Andrew Poxon, not only will the sudden change to the tarriff drastically affect what is being done to help reduce our countries carbon footprint but it is also in danger of putting a lot of staff from a thriving business out of work
james lattimore, solar daddy loves solar
paul ward,
chris barker, Please don’t make me make redundancies
Harry Cason, UK gov show the British public that you care about Britains future and keep pushing forward with alternative energy and not running away from it. Our future depends on it!
Ben Mattock,
Andy Dedman, We've invested all our money to create a Solar PV business. Our business plan includes branching out into other renewable energies when the reduction in FIT was to come in April 2012. What the government has done has killed us stone dead. Thanks.
Ian Houghton, Thousands of pounds of my own money, time off work to study the QMS. Endless hours learning everything needed to become part of a proffesional body of people and now you are going to make the cost of investment a waste of time. Do this and this is one vote that you will have lost forever.
Jason Bishop, I have invested £16000 in my Solar business and am due to be MCS accredited on the 11th with no hope of getting the money back, who can make a business plan when the goal posts are moved so dramatically overnight...just another way to sink us all into debt!
Hannah Shooter, This is a poor way of the government showing support to alternative energy supplies.
Gareth Whittaker, ok cut the rates but no so harsly and as quick!!!
Aaron johnson,
xxxxxxxx, please.... you'll ruin my unborn families future
Ryan Patterson,
Mark Stephenson,
xxxxxxxx, the cut will put me on the dole .....
Gerlinda Rehberg,
xxxxxxxx, Backwards move by government just when solar was taking off
Richard Bennett,
Tony Gillett, End 'rent a roof' and investor driven schemes by all means, but save the rest of the industry!
matthew lanzon, if this goes ahead not only will destroy a growing business but put thousands of people out of work and the knock on effect of that will be devastating for the whole of the U.K
Elliott Luffingham, Perhaps the goverment thinks going into the red is the new green?
Kevin Hartland,
Gordon Paterson, Why could they just not set the date for change for the 1st April instead of a mad rush !!
David French, The UK was at the forefront of solar technology in the 80s. We fell behind due to lack of investment by past governments. This industry has started to grow rapidly again. Many thousands of people have re trained and now they will loose there jobs. We need incentives to continue to grow not cut backs
xxxxxxxx, This will kill our business!
Martin cornes, Let's not forget the reason why the fit scheme was born, to incentivise renewable energy to meet the UK targets. I'm all for cutting back to a sustainable rate but let's lead other EU countries such as Germany and take lead for once. Let's also not forget that our UK manufacturing is minimal against other EU countries so make us lead on renewables not only with Solar but wind swell.
Dave Macfie,
Andrew Perry,
bill stephenson, We have invested a lot of time and money in this market. plus we have taken on 5 staff and we are advertising for a marketing manager. This is now under threat
Gareth Rendle, I think this plan is truly rediculous. The government have encouraged companies and householders to invest heavily into this new industry, which also creates huge revenue in taxes, is boosting our ecomony and will help us to pull through this recession which still has darker times to come anyway. The people that are proposing this stupid idea of cutting the feed in tariff really need to think about their actions more carfully and the very BAD conseques this will have on our financial situation as a country and also the fact that our national grid is now being pushed to it's limit is a bigger problem than people realise, WE NEED RENEWABLE ENERGY. (Have a word with yourselves)
Jonathan Smith, We need to collectively support a thriving industry, help to cut our carbon emissions and increase our energy resilience.
J Campbell, OK, we knew a FIT reduction was inevitable...but 6 weeks to clear all booked in jobs??? If that's reasonable, I'm a Tory MP! Pray the snow doesn't come early again this year. Then we have band C to worry about. In a rural area with many old houses that's half the prospective market ruled out. Many aspects of this plan need an urgent rethink.
martin savage,
stephen ramm, 6 weeks?? We order stock further ahead than that, how can any company deal with such a short timescale?
NorthernEnergy Solutions Ltd,
Nigel Branagan, I have spent four years building my renewable energy company, First the government stalls on the RHI for the domestic market now you wish it kill the FIT overnight. Between the banks not lending and the governments narrow sighted view, I don't think I have every seen such a destructive force as this government in killing the fastest growing industry in the UK. It's the last time i will vote Tory!!!
steve pears, i n this be in the best interest of the country and theyve just announsed there building a new coal fired power station in doncaster !.so much for them promoting green power instalations
xxxxxxxx, Regardless of the fact that it will put approximately 25,000 people onto Jobseekers allowance, and that there is blatantly corruption involved somewhere, then it will put much more pressure on the upcoming energy crisis, our economy and will all but destroy the solar industry in this country, I struggle to see hardly any downsides to the feeding tariff how it is, at least until April. Well done to the creators of this website !
Ewa Franus,
Martin Harrison, I thought this government was to be the greenest ever - that green is now a very watery green!!
xxxxxxxx, Greenest ever government? I'd like to see some evidence for that.
stephanie crutchley, I am outraged at this short sighted ditching of the Governments supposed green credentials.
This change will devastate the burgeoning solar technology industry and cost 1000s of jobs.This country should be leading the way in CO2 reductions not abandoning any attempt to meet our pledges
Rachel Hopwood,
xxxxxxxx, Cut the "free install" systems by all means as they are the ones whom have raped the system
Lee Bennett, Send the scroungers back to work instead off blowing up another industry
xxxxxxxx, If this doesnt change i am going to be forced to lay off 26 staff.
Nathan, Doing my first install inspection was due on 21st december. Hope d to get mcs by jan so could register job well before April cut off. This cut Will mean I have inadvertently miss sold the payback sap calculation. Customer is not happy to put it mildly. I have invested time and money on training, tools and equipment. Two interested customers that approached me while doing the job no longer want to know with the slashing of the fits. I am feeling very let down and angered by this reduction.
Steven Chambers,
g nuttall, sort the rate now, the future is bleak
chloe healy,
xxxxxxxx, Yet again a growth industry is stuffed by uk politicians
It's enough ....
xxxxxxxx, Yet another U turn by polititions who have lost all trust and respect from the electorate
abby macpherson,
andrew aitchison,
Eileen McDavitt,
John Robertson, The Construction Industry has taken a hammering in the last few years so as a small electrical contracting company I decided to enter into solar pv to try and safe gaurd my employees future. I have spent a lot of money and recieved my Mcs accreditation last Monday....What now???
daniel carey, if this happens alot of business will be lost and businesses will go under.
Linda Swan, One way householders can feel empowered to help the planet and the gov is considering knocking this incentive on the head - crazy!!
JohnMarchant, I have invested a gigantic amount of money and time into this technology as encouraged by the government only to result in a slap in the face!
dawn wilson,
nigel white, i think this cut needs looking at
i have spent a long time and a lot of money geting up to speed only to have the rug pulled form under me!!
Paul Wieteska, It's outrageous that the government made tradesmen invest in what they thougth was a good future with the introduction of the feed in tariffs, then when people have invested and borrowed on the strength of this and helped employe people, then the government decide to cut the rate by 50%. It's outrageous I my self was training up 3 extra staff and now have had to tell them I will have to put it on hold and they will have to stay unemployed.
David Hughes, It does make you wonder what was discussed at the meeting with the big energy providers the other week when the government was supposed to be putting pressure on them to reduce cost to householders. It seems very short sighted when so many companies have invested, trained and employed thousands of people during a recession who are now at risk of losing their jobs. Does this government really know what it is doing? Or indeed, does it really care? I suspect not!
Mike Rodger, This is an act of political foolishness, to sacrifice an industry for the sake of £26 per household in 2020.
The electorate won't forget it!
Ian Aston, What happened to the Greenest Government ever? It just seems to me that this relatively new industry in this country has not been given a "fair crack of the whip".
S Weston,
nick Beaumont,
Trina Caldwell, Save our solar!
Michael Putnam, Absolutely stupid to kill such a fantastic oppurtunity not just for industry but for the planet
Tom Elliott, One great issue here is that cash injected into the economy through private PV expenditure has been coming out of personal savings. The Feed in Tariffs have been a great vehicle for getting private money out of bank accounts and into the 'real economy' to quote favorite government mantra.
Robert Musker,
Jessica Williams,
Matthew Hawkes, If you truly wanted us the "UK" to be green then you the Government should not have dangled a carrot then take it away. People are doing the solar Pv for an investment, at the same time your changing BEHAVIOUR this BEHAVIOUR is what OUR children will learn from ie turning lights off when not really needed or doing the washing in the day. If our behaviour towards using less electric changes because of solar panels then surely this has to be a good thing, our future is our children, so help us change there minds by making it beneficial for us to part with our hard earned money so we can change the minds of a generation, so hopefully in 25 years when they've grown up there still teaching there children to turn lights off, do the washing in the day etc, or do you want the money for Europe or the banks. Invest in the people of the country the ones whom work bloody hard to get what they've got. The ones whom work very hard to keep you Bureaucrat's in a job.
phillip auciello,
Paul robinson,
xxxxxxxx, We have spent close to £100k on legal fees, training and investment for solar projects we were planning to complete in the next 6 months. We've interviewed for a further 50 jobs based on growth in renewables which will no longer happen, never mind the undoubted redundancies and complete rethink on our business strategy. Once again, it has been proven that you can not trust the UK Government to keep their promises or to back SMEs in favour of big business.
R. C. Conner,
George Neel,
A WARD, just another broken promise !!
Mitchell Hawkins,
Tom Tranter, In principle I agree with the cuts but 50% is too sharp for a sustainable decline. It will ruin new upstarting businesses and put off customers. Also the deadline is way too tight! At a time whene the economy is shot, the government has probably just wiped millions off the balance sheets of thousands of companies. 6 weeks is simply not long enough to turn around an open order due to planning and grid applications. It's madness and about as well thought out as we've come to expect from the "greenest government ever". Thanks a bunch coalition.
flip Bakker, These sudden U-turns in green policy have a devastating effect on everyone's confidence that a green energy future can be built in the UK
Peter Davison, people will not want Solar PV at this prices.Reduce the price a little but leave an incentive !
xxxxxxxx, Many congratulations to the government for another well thought out plan. Just spoken to the company who were going to install our system. They are in the position of having to turn down potential business as they can't be sure of getting them installed in time. They have a load of stock ordered and arriving on 1st December. I wonder what they will be able to do with them? I thought the government were looking to small private businesses to lead us out of recession and employ all those roofers and electricians who were laid off when the bankers made a mess of things? Are the government going to bail out all the solar PV companies who have made all their orders based on the April deadline? I suspect not. 6 weeks notice for such a change is a joke. Good luck to everyone in the industry and thanks for trying to keep the economy afloat. Shame the government doesn't see it that way.
xxxxxxxx, No reason for the cuts as FIT payments come from the energy companies, not Government funds.
Tim Beaumont,
Russell Faulkner,
Tommy Hudson, Do not cutt the Solar PV Feed in Tariff so quickly, bring it down slowly in the furture.
Hannelore Fold, We should be looking to our Scandinavian neighbours and how over 90% of their energy comes from natural resources, not moving away from Solar energy.
dean, I have just paid 3000 pounds to get qualified and paid for adverts 1000 pounds the day they introduced the new tarrif.
I am very upsep and 19000 pounds in defecit already.
Thanks dean staniland.
Paul Stewart,
Rick piddington, Save our industry! Navitas solar has already had to give 7 valued employees their notice the month before Xmas! The government are criminals
Robert Wright, Companies have invested time,money and effort to build a Solar industry to benefit the Uk, the Government proposal is to kick every investor in the teeth.
Jessica Paterson, Clean energy is our future!
Steve Peart, Gobsmacked! But not surprised! Another typical balls up by a government that's supposed to be run by intelligent people. How can you give 4 weeks until the FIT drop when we have contracts with customers up to April 2012. If it is going to drop then at least let it run until April..
Craig parks, How we be green if the government is meen !!!!!! Save are jobs n save the world one install at a time
Pete Bulled, We as a company have invested a huge amount of monies in getting trained for the Governments so called energy backed scheme. Only to be kicked in the teeth. what about the large amount of people going to loose yet again. Thanks to the big fat bosses in industry / government.
T Bush, what are they thinking about? we will have to cut jobs and sign on dole.
xxxxxxxx, This is ludicrous-Why make people unemployed then turn round and say they are trying to get people back in work-surely they must see the potential for solar photovoltaic energy or do they like leading lambs to the slaughter
C Turner, This is a cut too severe when we need desperately clean energy.
xxxxxxxx, Please save jobs
Richard Petrovics,
James Bostock,
Mike Gallagher,
Oliver Shayer,
Janice Wright,
Lee Sheridan, This 21p rate will destroy the lives of at least 20,000 workers in the Solar industry, overnight, Not to mention the loss of work for all the roofers, scaffolders, manufacturing firms, wholesalers, delivery drivers and especially the SME'S who have invested vast sums of money!
Thanks a lot ConDems! for ruining so many peoples lives a fortnight before Christmas!
Yours Sincerely
Lee Sheridan
Partner JS Security & Electrical
Craig Smith, The Government . Elected individuals to represent the masses. not themselves. You the politicians Really should start listening to the people who put you where you are. We want clean safe energy for our generation and future generations. Solar can and will take some pressure of fossil fuels and with time solar and other new technologies will replace fossil fuels. OR is this the case of the government really been run by the oil barons and the Electric companies. Stinks to high heaven to me. just doesnt make any logical sense. but history shows us that governments will tell you what you want to hear and then when in power. oops sorry didnt hear you or see you there, too busy lining my own pocket.
Julia Fernley, Have applied to create a government e-petition titled 'Maintain solar FIT tarrifs until April 2012 as originally proposed'. (Website However could take a week to appear, which doesn't give us much time to get the 100,000 signatories. Apologies to anyone else who's already put something similar in the system.
Martin Wilson, Along with a team of 3 other directors, we have worked tirelessly over the last 4 years to build a reputable solar company which was formed purely on the back of the benefits of the feed in tariff, we have worked to your scheme and your guidelines and today you have destroyed the whole thing, we have put all our staff on notice of redundancy as of 12 December. Last year we turned over 1.3 million pounds in a recession and created jobs for 15 people all of which are now without work, how can the economy ever recover when the government make decisions like this
Michael Johnson, We have just got some customer confidence and some momentum, please think again of the whole picture. The money being injrcted into the economy from savers, supporting considerable renewable job,s and inturn additional goverment revenue in taxex. All the buisness set up costs.
Please do not betray us and give us a reasonable time to complete work in progress
Troy m, Please keep our hopes for our and our familys future alive.
Don't snuff out our futures, please
catherine noble,
Stephen Kennedy, I understand that the rate had to be cut, but 25% would have been sufficient and to bring the new rate in five weeks is to soon for a business to adjust to such a harsh cut
Matt Pallister, so the government finally reveals its true green credentials. Nuclear energy isn't the answer - its not renewable, its not CO2 neutral and produces 1000 s of years worth of waste. Other countries are waking up to these facts so why destroy a thriving and successful industry.
Jesse Hartigan, At a time when we need governments to show leadership and provide a clear long-term vision for a better future in the UK, this reduction of 50% in the solar feed-in tariff reveals weakness on both fronts. I moved to this country to help boost the solar industry. This decision to cut the solar feed-in tariff for small-scale households by 50% has undermined my faith in the competency of the government to implement an effective feed-in tariff regime, and to grow a much-needed infant industry.
Michael Hill,
xxxxxxxx, free solar directly benefits individual homeowners. the government have bowed to pressure from the big 6 utility companies to benefit foreign business.
keith thomson, We need to save this industry, my wife and I both work in this sector and our future depends on it. At the very least I don't see how these cuts can help reduce and meet the goverments CO2 targets, and also to help save and reduce the harm the human race is causing to the planet for our kids and future generations.
xxxxxxxx, too many comments to mention.
Charlotte hill,
xxxxxxxx, Shame, we were saving to install in the new year before March cut off, calculating in the current feed in rates... This may mean we can't install till much later! I'm sure many others will be in our position, which will affect demand and therefore jobs
Tom Piddington,
Paul Moerel,
steve jenner, there killing the only booming industry in the country how are we ever going to pull out of the mess we are in
xxxxxxxx, The government should stand by the review of tariffs scheduled for spring 2001, and consider the impact on both renewable energy and employment. At the very least it should stand by orders and deposita already paid by 31/10/11. They cannot be allowed to break more promises made to the public, after encouraging them and publishing firm dates.
Dan Cope,
xxxxxxxx, Free solar is literally power to individual people, especially those in social housing, pensioners and others facing fuel poverty. Accessible, easy maintenance, uses existing infrastructure, can forecast generation accurately.
Ian sproat, Im so disappointed with the way this country is turning , if this happens ,it will surely push us in to a darker ressesion than we are already in.
The government say they want us to go green !! Lol !! Were is the incentive ! They just don't like seeing people rewarded for what could be a worthwhile investment .
Michael Gay,
Archie McIntyre,
Rebecca Dearden,
kenneth pearce, Typical of the dishonesty we have come to expect from politicians
Adam Charvet, What happened to 7% porposed cut? I've only just got into this business and am devastated. Even 25% wou;d be manageable, but 50? It's going to kill the industry. Please reconsider and make the cut a reasonable one, or a lot of people will be becoming unemployed, or even going bankrupt!
xxxxxxxx, We can understand a reasonable reduction but this proposal goes too far !
Patrick, Greenest Government Ever...let the bull run.
Shane Bond, think again Mr Barker 25000 jobs depend on your decision better paying taxes than claiming benefit
Hefin Richards,
Tim Lawson,
Helen Fitton,
Nick Sandford, I am a Lib Dem councillor and I am appalled by what the Government is doing. Solar PV is a way individuals can save money and help tackle climate change. The Government should be supporting a thriving solar power industry not killing it off
Tony Brenton, nuclear power my foot. no one splits atoms in a planets atmosphere?!
Katie Phillips, Good luck with the campaign x
Kelly King,
Neil Brookes, In all honesty i blame the larger companies that have been offering free installations and taking the tariffs. The FiTs were never intended for this purpose. I would urge the government to find a way to cease this type of activity. To completely jeopardise a fledging industry is completely unjust in my opinion.
Frank Gradwell, How green is that tyory tree looking now - we aim to be the greenest party - another political promise in the bin!
Carl-Niklas Wentzel,
darren mason, save our future
Stuart Mackenzie,
Derek Dilks, So much so for "the greenest government" claim!
Peter Haken, OMG The whole industry is in uproar...Greg Barker...cutting the FITS is fair but bringing forward the cut off date...TOTAL CHAOS
Jane Trelore,
Chris Hammond, Greenest government ever? This coalition will be long remembered as being the one that destroyed the green industry.
Mark Salmon,
Emma piddington,
Emma barrett,
Sharon Evans, Dont do this to our company it is just started to generate work for us.
Philip race, What the government has done is a disgrace, yet again we have been lied to and taken for fools
Matt Bell,
Peter Morgan,
Nic Heath,
Sheriden Griffiths, Is the government trying to totally wreck the country? Does it care about anything other than the rich members of society
Terry Hill, Chop MP’s expenses and use all that fraudulently claimed money to subsidise the FIT’s.
Paul Goulding,
mark leo, some good spending a billion on new job generation when they have just put 25,000 on the dole cue
Kevin bell,
Matt Dare, Don't destroy thousands of jobs and a positive, growing industry
Ryan Powell, Cutting the tarriff by 50& will not sustain a stablr future for solar. It will destroy it completely and 30,000 people will lose there jobs. This is the worst idea i have heard.
Lewis Brown,
Gary Dinsdale,
Jaime Pedrosa,
Brian Smith, Defecit reduction and cutting FITs at this stage in the economic cycle will cost more in lost jobs, social decay. Just look at Pit Villages from the 1980's. They never recovered
John Mckeown,
Sharon Owen,
xxxxxxxx, A seriously backward step if this happens!
Richard Johnson,
Mr S Leese, you are cutting to far and will devastate the industry
xxxxxxxx, This is the way forward. Maximise our understanding of natural energy through use, development and discovery.
Richard J Plant, This action by the govenment, who seem only to pay lip service to green energy generation, will be a disaster for the PV industry and more importantly prevent ordinary people being able to invest in green technology.
James Smith, I can't see how the government can cut the rates but this much, potential 20,000 job losses, same old government boom & bust
Graham Scott, The sun provides kindly provides this resource. The government should kindly support and encourage the use and implementation of this resource.
robin atherton, I have spent £thousands and many lost hours to have my MCS inspection next week. 12th Dec is too soon to make changes - it gives small businesses no chance to rescue their plans. There will be little or no market at 21p/KW and especially the requirement for band C energy efficient homes. The cut is too deep with not enough notice.
Mrs M Leese, you will put my husband out of work with this cut
Julian Cartwright,
Paul Killoran, Peoples jobs depend on this, how can you introduce any cuts so swiftly.
alex lydon,
Larisa Killoran, At least give 6 months notice.
Rob Carey, FiT Could be cut over a period of time gradually!
Matthew, Cut the energy company's greedy, excessive and home destroying profits. Not the jobs of thousands in one of the most important industries to grow in the UK for years
Tom Bennetts, are they taking the p##s?!
Bruce, More unemployed and more profit for the energy companies. one step forward, 30 years back!
les smith,
Bill Bowden,
d kerr, It would help if the French government were not controlling the UK electricity tariffs through EDF.
Brendan Sheridan, Being a company that has only just signed up for the technology and needs to wait 12 weeks for the accredditation i am going to be too late for getting any installions so the training and the cost of joining is going to cost me money without ever earning it back, the cut of date is too SOON and the the drop is to STEEP!
Richard Arthur,
sharlene smith,
Angela Glen,
Daniel Reid, I think the cut is too harsh. If they are going to make cuts don't make them so drastic as there are peoples livelyhoods on the line!
Graham Glen,
Russell Hallam,
Joel Randoll,
russell bibby, very shortsighted!
Andrew Bawden,
Mark Oliver,
Annette Oliver,
Gill Rothwell, shame on the government for causing so many job losses when it says it is creating jobs. Do not ruin a thriving industry and a real opportunity to make a change in the way people use energy
Paul Bawden,
Leslie Bell, What happened to the "25 year guaranteed price"?
J Dunlop,
Mick Neville,
paul fenty, Think about the jobs, think about the tax, think about all the revinues that the goverment is going to loose, and think about how mutch in benifits it will have to pay out on the back of a knee jerk reaction.
Warren Hand,
shaun robjohn, why did they allow private rent a roof schemes
should have been housing associations only.
Perry Jackson, Cuts are required but the timing is the killer.
john ridley, whilst its is apparent that the tariff needs to be cut the speed at which he is trying to implement it is unfair as we are still in the 45 wait period for g59 permission on jobs alreadty contracted
xxxxxxxx, People need to be rewarded for generative green energy, and cutting the FIT tariff is not the way to do this. Please dont cut these rates.
Paul Leadley,
Daniel Fenlon,
simon pattison, why give in one hand and then take in the other.
John Chittock, This is too big a drop with too short a deadline. This will kill the growing solar installation business stone-dead and set us back years.
Guy Jones, We have invested heavily as a business and created jobs in a difficult climate. If these cuts come to fruition it will certainly lead to redundancies in our business.
Daniel Cookson,
Kevan Day,
xxxxxxxx, Stop this now!
John Leonard, Solar PV isn't THE answer to cutting our carbon emissions, but it is one of the many techniques we must apply if we are to meet our carbon commitments. Solar PV, wind, wave, tidal, nuclear - they all have their place. At least Solar has a small effect on wildlife, unlike some of the others.
David Smith,
James Hamilton,
John Gooden,
Patrick Leonard, Cuts too harsh on very short notice, progressive reductions should be considered so as not to put so many jobs in danger and kill this industry stone dead
Hugo Sanders, Why kill off britain's only growth industry?
richard walker,
Jim McGill, The huge Energy Robbers Lobby wins again good old British Gas and their mates EDF (French) etc
Naomi Stevens, They want us to lower our carbon emissions, create new jobs and be more green. So what do they do? Almost destroy the industry helping to overcome these problems overnight. Well done Government.
Simon Collins,
Simon Collins,
Simon Knight, We have invested £25,000 + on marketing and advertising and employed 5 new staff who will now be without work after the 12th December are the government living in the real world, how can they destroy a new and growing industry like this.
Denise Martin,
james bridgman, we need mass adoption and understanding of green technologies by the consumer - and it needs to be supported.
Marie Hartley,
bob picton,
david drennan, no work and more cuts goverment are taking the piss
Mark Barton,
Matthew Kay, Stop this drastic rate drop.
Stuart James, Why risk destroying an entire industry before it's even found it's feet?
Mr Cameron, instead of installing a wind turbine on your house that doesn't work or cycling to work with your limo following behind carrying your bags - actually support an industry that is creating jobs and allowing the UK to move from a carbon dependancy. The greenest government we've ever had?!?!?!
xxxxxxxx, A crazychange with too short a notice. What about the so called commitment to renewable energy?
Nick Donoghue, Maddness! Green tech is one area the UK can keep pace and potentially be a world leader again - see what others are doing while we're sinking money into the motor/steel industries
Andrew Conn,
Lisa Dennison,
anders howard,
Toby Ferenczi, Considering that according to Ofgem the cost of the solar FiT scheme is only £1 per household and creates thousands of local jobs, it is high-time that this Government increases its overall ambition for solar in the UK.
Rob Minnitt, We need to promote this in our country, SOLAR IS OUR FUTURE !!!!!
Patsy Mckechnie,
P A Brown,
Neil Stothard,
rrob armstrong, We need solar power more than ever
trevor pierce, The original introduction of FIT's was one of the few things that the government got right, you only need to look at the fantastic success of a similar system in Germany to know that it is the right path. In this early phase most of the jobs are in the service side however as it grows it will undoubtedly lead to manufacturing growth. This is a rare opportunity to create commercial success hand in hand with doing the right thing for our environment. To make such a radical change to the FIT's in such a ludicrously short time will undoubtedly lead to major losses in jobs, growth and CO2 reductions.
Cabrelli Electrical Ltd,
Tomasz Lechowski,
Joseph Roddis, I'm an apprentice and this could be the end of my career!
dave lee, this is not the way to stimulate growth or promote sustainable energy solutions!
Steve Williams,
Yolanda Dominguez - Martinez,
Tom Abson,
Paul Jordan, Greener Britain? So we decide to put the breaks on solar!
xxxxxxxx, The short timescale is ludicrous, and will result in redundancies on mass. The reduction should take place in April 2012 to give us all chance!
alan gower,
Alison Blair, Reduce demand, reduce bills, reduce carbon - protect jobs and our future.
Jennifer McCormack,
Philip J, At least meet us half way. Cutting the rates by 50% is just ludacris, and somes up what the British government is all about.
Leigh Ann,
Mr S Fritzon, What a disgrace! Encouragement is needed in all areas of green energy; not this farcical, ridiculous governmental hypocrisy.
Colin Pepler,
Kevin Keohane, I was going to go solar in the Spring but this will stop me. I think there must be many people like me - this will cost jobs and kill the solar industry at a time when we need it most.
xxxxxxxx, Why kill the only UK industry that is growing and produces green energy.
Nick Raw, 50% is far too much, and this is being driven purely by failures in the retail investment market,
lets not forget that PV is the most viable, market ready, low carbon/decentralisation technology,
Tariff cuts are unavoidable but make them realistic - don't sideline PV and revert it to a play thing for academics and megaprojects!
Wayne Cooper, Please don't kill this renewable energy market, It is the future and people are only just becoming aware of it
Peter McCormack, We know money is short, but cutting the subsidy by 50% would seem like pulling the rug out from under so many companies feet. Think again and consider the cut of 25-30% that would me manageable and allow these companies to prosper and continue to expand and employ more and more people as it does so.
Hazel Gaylor,
Clare Spanton, We need to grow solar power not cut it.
Norah Barnes,
Ian Whetham,
Carla Perestrelo,
Laura Potter,
Steve Parkinson, Like everyone else on the campaign ... Small business 2 years patrolling around the world at own cost looking to support the industry. No chance of recovering as it stands.
Lu Zhao,
Mike Kingswood, Solar panels can be put on any suitable roof, house or business, without affecting neighbours adversely, the only green technology this applies to. Why do the government want to kill off the industry, effectively sabotageing their own goals for carbon emissions. How stupid and short sighted.
xxxxxxxx, just passed my MCS last week after spending thousands on what i thought was a growing industry.
i think this could take me under as i invested all my savings in getting this up and running
Bob Tinsley,
Allan Thompson,
Ben Richards, Dont let them take away what we have only just been given!
Lee douthwaite,
Brett Knibbs, Prove you are the greenest government
John Hole - Strenson Solar, We just had this through from a customer
Hi John
Jo and myself had a long chat about this last night.
We are also slightly nervous that if the Govt can suddenly change their minds about the tariff with only 6 weeks notice then there is no guarantee that they (or a new govt) will not cancel the scheme all together. Do you get an actual contract from anyone guaranteeing the rate for 25 years?
For these reasons I think we will have to regretably give solar a miss this time.
Thank you very much for the time that you spent with us an the good advice you offered us.
Chris Smyth, Why is it that when an industry is doing everything that is deemed "right" such as job creation, providing security of fuel supply, encouraging and putting into action the "green agenda", giving the ordinary person access to an affordable investment etc etc does the Government then think "OH, this is actually working.... we can't and don't understand progress so let's make it fail!"??
rebecca warner-hodgkin,
xxxxxxxx, We should be increasing support for solar rather than decreasing it.
lee hook, The solar market has expanded dramatically over the last 12 months creating new jobs and growth for new business. We have invested a lot of time and money as this was a government back scheme.
To cut the FIT to 21p will have a devastating effect on the industry.Thousands of jobs will go and many companies will fold. The government has created this mess and we feel totally let down.
David Shields, The government encourages you to do the right thing then kicks you in the teeth. Get a grip Cameron and start to treat the people of this country with respect.
Sophie Rees,
Christoph Klinger, Finally there is a scheme that is working and now it is getting killed, it's creating jobs, cutting CO2 emissions, doesn't cost the tax payer, is reducing the cost of solar technology, creates capacity and innovation in green technologies - what is there not to like!? other than if you are nPower, eON etc.... just shows what influence these companies have!
James Robert Bolton, It is essential that we continue to support solar power for the sake of out grandchildren
Stefan Butcher,
Gary W. Adams, I wish to complain to the Government about the Decision yesterday to bring forward the change in the F:I:T Tariff from April to 12th December, not only is this a disgrace in view of the fact that the promise to continue till APRIL has been broken but also there seems to be a general feeling that the Government has given in to the Power Companies who must be very uncomfortable with all the money they would potentially lose but very shortsighted of them too as they would still benefit from selling un-used power which they only payed 3.1p for and re-selling it for about 4 times that, also there is the impact of lossed jobs in this sector, this government says it is commited to encouraging new firms to develop and likes private enterprise but then in the next breath gives contracts to foreign companies ( i.. Bombardier issue ) or makes it impossible for these new companies to thrive and grow, i cannot understand their policies, i think you would have to be a genius to be able to, maybe not even then.
jason mills, Madness!!!! How to ruin someones business
Adam Omar, So so many jobs and businesses riding on this. Would be devastating to the economy
xxxxxxxx, The only winners on this one are the energy companies. This is a classic case of short term government panick in the face of corporate greed. The FIT was supposed to be a long term stratergy and a lot of people have invested in the scheme and will lose there money. How can this be a discussion document you are wasting your time if you think ordinary people can make them change there minds. Its a done deal
Simon Worthington, I am not happy regarding the cut on the FIT. This 'Green' government is really disappointing!!!!!!!!!!
Andy forte,
Aly Shivji,
Derek Hutchinson, I have recently started to employ more people most of which are either long term unemployed or find it dificult to find long term employment in the current climate
this is again going to leave these people with unceretain futures unless our green government decide to see sense and revert to the original plan which would also help the possibility of there being a planet for my grandchildren to grow up in
xxxxxxxx, As well as severely damaging the solar PV industry this decision will also have an extreme negative impact on achieving the CO2 targets. My thoughts go out to the social housing providers who are all working towards carbon improvements with Solar PV being the perfect solution to achieve this - where does this leave them!!
paul myles,
James Bond, will be an unemployed manager if this happens with a family to feed and cloth they have clealy thought the impact this is going to have on many familys i will probably lose my home through this decision i hope there happy.
Martin Stow,
janette mckenna, Everyone was aware of the change in price next year. How dishonest can a government be to change the goal posts with only six months to go. Surely this is illegal and threatens thousands of jobs which were created as a result of the governments green and eco initiatives.
It is not so called wealthy people buying into the use of solar, schools, charities, housing associations as well as private individuals who have already been failed once before with the reduction in pensions who saw solar as a way to help protect their future as well as the next generation.
Please re examine the decision and at least honour the original commitment. We complain about a society of poor morals and lack of enthusiasm you can't blame them when the leadership cannot honour its word.
Mr J D Bullen, Please don't kill it before it has chance to grow! We need healthy and thriving industry in this country if we are to get back to being GREAT BRITAIN.
kerry levy,
Q Davies, FIT have proved that they greatly encourage PV take up and this drastic cut will do the same tio the take up....drastically reduce the take up. agreed the rate should be reduced gradually over the space of 5 years say to keep in line with the reducing cost of having them installed but this cut shows this government is not committed to real green policies. poor show.
Gerard Moran, The existing tariff have got to be retained too much at stake.
Gareth Bannister,
mick payne,
Karen Robertson, This was a growing industry the government has stopped in its tracks on the same day it announces its commitment to growth. It's insane. Make cuts,yes, but don't make them so severe that it kills it dead.
Ingars Liedags,
Rudolfs Krese,
Laura Thomas, We need to continue to invest in renewables in order to drive development, accessibility and reduced dependence upon fossil fuels. To cripple this industry would be appallingly irresponsible.
David Doogan,
Terry Skee, The power of the Sun is free to us all - but clearly not enough for this government to recognise the value, in real terms of what has been paid back into the Treasury coffers from the Solar PV industry already to date, never mind its real value over the next 20 years, at a time when every single job is vital to the stability and sustainability of our fragile economy. The industry expected cuts and that is fair enough, but this level and in this sort of timeline is "an unwise" gamble founded on as per usual "suspect" data, that is simply pandering to the whims of those who do not have the foresightto take a longer term view, that by taking a more measured approach they could actually end up with more revenue back for the treasury - short termism at its very worst. What did America do at a time of it's darkest days - it invested in building the Hoover dam, what has already been put in place by many people in the UK Solar industry - is in it's own way the same core issue investing in technology to generate energy to stimulate the economy, create and sustain jobs - not just for today - but for decades to come. Has this government not watched and learnt what our European "Partners" have done successfully with their Solar Industries.
Come on - wise up and put a sensible- sustainable level of degradation of the FIT's into place that will allow the industry to continue - without this "Falling off a cliff approach", we must Support Solar, support jobs, support our future generations - Save Our Solar - this is a real SOS.
Dave Sowden, Micropower Council, Prices have fallen, tariffs need to come down. We all knew that, and were ready for it. But this proposal goes way too far. Rich people with money to spare will be the only players, whilst poor people will pay for the scheme but lose out with the inevitable demise of free solar, social housing, and any non-residential projects requiring any form of 3rd party finance. The 6 week deadline has already caused companies to start the process of laying off staff, and armies of lawyers are now mobilised for the inevitable contract disputes such a tight deadline creates. It doesn't have to be like this - taking tariffs to yield a 5% return for the private residential sector and 8% for the others will allow this industry to carrying on growing, AND remain within the budget the new proposals imply.
K Lewis, we should be investing in solar power throughout the uk and create much needed jobs not kill off those jobs that are already there
Dr John Minten, Another example of this government making wrong decisions due to their ideological dogma.
Besides the ridiculous time scale with a deadline before the consultation period ends, are they really going to spend billions on commissioning and then decommissioning nuclear plants? Crazy economics to kill an industry, jobs and renewable energy to save millions, then waste billions.
Derren Burton, There is not consultation we are being dictated to. Industry is not being given enough time to adapt to the changes. The PV Market will die December 11th. Too Much, Too Soon. We would accept the 37p rate in the interim period during the consultation with a view to the new rate being implemented on April 1st 2012.
Sue Klinger,
Tony Knight,
G Stratton, As a solar PV user it is proving very beneficial and makes very good GREEN sense
Samuel Green, If this happens the company I work for, a very entrepreneurial and amazing company, will have to shut up shop, leaving all of us jobless, likewise for the majority of people in the industry if this happens. The amount the loss of jobs and increase in people unemployed will put up tax considerably and there is utterly no good way to look at this cut, it just kills the industry, dead, fact. One day it would be nice if the government could actually listen to 99% of people, not just the 1% screwing the rest of us over. I wish the government would just once listen to its people, because its its own worse enemy. Economic growth in renewables could see the UK lead the way to a better future especially with there being depleting supplies of oil and gas. This is going to ruin the future of the UK in every sense and I can't quite believe this coalition government are backing this. What a joke.
Brent Berridge, Passing this proposal would only alienate the government further from the voting public and jeopardise peoples futures
michael johnstone, killing the most sensible thing to happen to the uk is stupid - if its the energy companys paying these fits why is it getting cut???
C Dodd, We have over 200kw in planning at the moment i dont see how this is fair to put such a quick deadline and not give any tolerance in the date. If this happens goodbye solar side of the business
Raphael Raggatt, I've just spent the past year studying a masters specialising in solar PV and now my job chances are ruined. Thanks UK govt, I'll be looking abroad for more stable policy now.
Eleanor Seelig,
Brendan Borg, I spent 6 months trying to get certifications, I am awaiting my MCS accreditation next week, spent over 6 grand setting up a company!
zoe steel, Just when everything was moving in the right direction for a renewable future the government has gone and pulled then plug... AGAIN
Lindsay Fletcher,
R J Owen,
Linda Martin, I am concerned about the knock on effect to the rural economy of Lochaline where the sand mine is about to re-open to provide materials for PV glass with the creation of much needed jobs. I fear that a sudden dramatic drop in the rate of FITs will affect confidence and demand at a time when many people have been considering investing in this technology both as customers and as developers and manufacturers
David Sharp,
Charles Patrick, This is surely a knee jerk reaction from the government and needs to be given due consideration. Cuts were inevitable but to be done so rapidly and at this level seems foolish. At least give these businesses time to plan!
Ben Roberts,
Christina O\'Brien,
Kyle Holsgrove, Solar energy will fail without large-scale subsidisation; without Solar (and other renewable) energy our country will forever unsustainable without outside energy sources.
Iain Taylor,
R Hatfield,
Howard Jones,
W. Robert Kincaid,
Jane Fisher, Our opportunity to grow a 'green economy' and reduce climate change will be nipped in the bud!
Ken Fleetwood, Solar Power is bringing many benefits to homes and the environment . With many power stations closing in the next few years we cannot afford not to take up solar power. Cutting feed in tariffs will kill off this vital source of energy and thousands of jobs, which this country can ill afford to do. If this government is committed to greener energy, then think again about what you propose before it is too late
Alison Wilshaw,
Tim Cieslik, Ridiculous decision at such short notice. If something does not change, the industry is doomed!
Philip Brown,
xxxxxxxx, I am waiting for planning permission before my pv system can be installed but now don't think I'll go ahead with the install with the such a drastic cut in FIT
Justyna, Too much loss for the business, too much loss for the people, and way too much loss for the environment!
I have continually tried to speak to DECC, Energy Saving Trust and MCS today 31/10/11 on the number shown on the DECC website without any success in speaking to a human being or EVEN being able to leave a message because I am just told in an automated voice ‘you cannot leave a message at present’ ‘all our advisors are presently busy’ !!!
I’m not up in arms about the tariff being reduced, that was obviously needed.
People’s investments, jobs, lively hoods and futures are at stake here and you cant even set up a helpful system for us to speak to an advisor. Its a shambles, and one that will be swept under the carpet without any thought for the people it affects most.....the ground floor workers !
How can you call it a consultation when the ‘reference date’ is eleven days before the consultation decided, lock stock and barrel........ Utter contempt !!!
At least have the backbone to tell us that this is what you’ve DECIDED ALREADY WITHOUT CONSULTATION and remove those pointless consultation papers from the DECC website.
I don’t want to express my disappointment on the phone to some poor girl who doesn’t deserve it but the people who make these decisions should be made to man the telephone lines to appreciate who and how many lives they are affecting with such a U turn......they set up the system (obviously without any insight, idea or research) and they have now tarnished the complete Solar PV industry by associating it with a lack of research and uncertainty that will have to be dealt with by the poor advisors in the industry that do manage to keep their jobs.
Confidence, once again has been severely damaged in such an exciting new industry.
You have let people down with either your incompetence or just not giving a damn !!
Have you given a thought to the consumers who have committed themselves to contracts on the understanding of 43p, who have now got themselves locked in a legally binding contract long past the cooling off period and planned fit dates for 2012 ? Could the term of the FIT payment not have been reduced to 15 or 20 yrs together with a less drastic amendment to the 43.3p ? I seriously wonder if these people have the ability to warrant leadership roles in any capacity......... your suits look very expensive but i would rather see you roll your sleeves up and get this country moving forward instead of once again taking any bit of confidence and crushing it.
Think before you speak springs to mind, forget the Feed in Tariff issue......the ‘decision makers’ have seriously damaged the public and business trust in your ability to set up a system that they can honestly believe in. That black cloud will set back the industry, and you couldn’t even be decent enough to use a proper consultation which might have held the solution.
Words cant describe how I feel at the moment but you have crushed my business before it has even started trading, but not one person at DECC, MCS, REA, NAPIT, Energy Trust, ever thought to inform me not to part with my hard earned money !
And people say it’s The Double Glazing Industry and Builders that are Rogue Traders ............ something Mr Barker makes comment about on his own personal website and I quote “ The OFT offers the following advice on how people can avoid being scammed by rogue doorstep traders:
• Do not make snap decisions. Take time to talk to someone you trust before
you make a decision.” ..........unquote !!
Thank You Mr Greg Barker and YOUR team.......grow a pair and argue a case for 25,000 + people keeping their jobs instead of claiming benefits...... benefits that I'm sure will cost more than an additional £3 per household !!
Steve – Midlands
Eniko Kertesz,
Adrian Mees, An unfair, illogical and ill-conceived proposal, that will lead to thousands of job loses, and set back the UK's Green aganda.
Amanda Blake,
Tunde Kertesz,
Laura Hewett,
xxxxxxxx, We must continue the push towards Green Power if we are to reduce our carbon footprint and ensure our future
cliff dennis, remove large scale and encourage small scale domestic to improve economy i.e. jobs
Simon Bailey,
Daniel Lang, cut the solar fits scheme gradually please dont put us out of businesss before we start 5 families depend on it,
Craig Bellis, This will not aid the government in reaching its green commitment to renewable energy in the future
xxxxxxxx, solar is no longer an option with these cuts
Sarah Hughes, We cannot go ahead with a 25kw install as the result of cuts because the scaffolding costs and quotes will not be repaid
Philip Brain, All new industries need support to build confidence amongst private investors, even when the technology is relatively mature as with solar PV. Reducing Government support so drastically and in such a short time will put the private sector off investing, not just in PV, but any sustainable energy technology in future.
Alys Daines,
Emma Butterworth,
Robert Harriman, To the Government - Please don't implement the recently announced plan to reduce the subsidy by 50% on installations from the 12th December. This is going to put at risk many companies, jobs and the long-term benefits available from this carbon-neutral technology. It is short-term profit at long-term expense.
xxxxxxxx, Cutting the tariffs by 50% makes no sense if we are serious about tackling climate change. It also reneges on commitments made by the previous government - how can we believe anything a government does if it does this?
wayne lee,
James Smith, Well, i can't say i didnt see it coming but they have not allowed enough time for these changes to take effect.
the solar industry can't take this Boom & Bust attitude the governments seem to take.
xxxxxxxx, The country is desperate for economic growth bad timing for cuts of this magnitude
Emma brown,
Phil Dodd,
Ashley Beeby, My wife and I are 65. Planning permission, National Grid quote and orders ready for 50 kW system. Rug pulled. Retirement plans in tatters.
Don McCarron, The proposed changes are nothing short of economic vandalism.
Oliver Williams, Don't give in to the power companies - we need this power and the incentives.
Ian Wilson,
Graham Lingley,
Jay-Dee Williams,
Dr David TItterington, Please review your decision: protect the solar industry and promote low carbon technology.
John Rock, I have a 4kw pv system installed saving CO2 and I produce my own energy. I wouldn't have been able to install the system on the new porposed tariff. We need to encourage renewables not reduce them.
Kathy Wilson,
Helen Daniel, This is threatening my job security, and there is a real risk I could be made redundant. I urge the government to think twice about these savage cuts and work with the solar industry to meet us halfway.
Susan Williams,
Andrew Wood, Do not kill a growing business that is employing peoplenot making them redundant
Juliet Carter, A brilliant way to devastate the solar industry!
Bryan Hair, The wholw idea of solar power is fantastic, lets not throw it away.
Ben Wilson,
Billal Vindhani,
rupert clare,
Joe, This decision is disastrous for investor confidence in the industry and will destroy businesses and livelihoods. It reflects a complete lack of understanding on the part of the government of the importance of stability for sustainable economic growth.
Nigel Foster, This is crazy , only out of touch MP s can do things like this .
Jan Skrzypkowski, Stop the FIT CUT! this could jeopardize our and many company's which could lead to them being shut down is this what the government wants? This could be the end of solar! Do not cut Solar PV Feed in Tariff's, is it worth putting 25,000 jobs on the line?
Jill Pack,
Chris meacock,
Barrie Phelan,
martyn watkinson, After just building a brilliant talented team spending a fortune on training, mcs accreditations, napit accreditations real accreidtations thousands on marketing, vehicles, tools, testing equipment offices, computers endless hours of quotes and desighns. I am very dissapointed that once again the polticians after preaching of honesty and integrity are the ones that brazenly ruin an entire industry.
Happy christmas from the coalition XXX
Ken Hobbs,
Lesley Chatfield,
Aaron Lowbridge, After having high hopes for a greener, brighter united kingdom, we are now in a horrible situation after ploughing money, time and energy into building up our Solar Company only for the Government to crush it all with one fatal blow. The solar industry is now on its knees due to no fault of our own and it’s up to us to fight back and make them realise how they will affect the lives of people who work, Invest and support solar energy. After joining a solar company around two months ago I was taken back when I come to the realisation of what solar power could do for the United Kingdom, obviously the government do not share the same views and beliefs as me and many other people around the UK.
Karl Barr,
Cherrie McCarron, This scheme seems to have been abused by large companies profiting from "rent a roof" schemes. Would it not be more sensible to stop this practice, which seems to be entirely about profit and not green energy than penalising the industry per se. At a time of economic stagnation, and a serious threat to jobs (and the minimal impact this scheme has on the large electricity suppliers) does this make any economic sense to stymie a thriving industry in this way with it's impact not only on green energy production, but on the ever threatened jobs market, and on the economy. The deadline becoming effective before the end of the consultation period is highly questionable, and suggests a knee jerk reaction rather than a carefully thought out plan for this country's green and economic future.
Paul Goulbourne,
xxxxxxxx, From Green to Grey.......
Calum McKenzie, As a government should you be allowed to only look after the big generation companies or is it that they are all your mates and see solar as a thorn in their side, I wonder could there be some greased palms to kill solar? would that happen? Its just that you are all so un trustworthy, hey expenses pointed that out.
Huw Francis,
Paul Amans,
John Tait, Please reconsider the gravity of the cut and the extremely short time frame to install existing orders. This is a cut far too deep, and far too fast. Why not be reasonable, and reconsider. The implications for manufacturers, installers and customers alike are too serious to just walk-on-by and ignore!
Gareth Hopkins,
Louis Brooke, These cuts will destroy projects which are helping lift low-income households out of fuel poverty and will leave solar as a niche market for high income homeowners.
Paul Knox, This news gives me just over a month to get solar electric panels. I thought the idea was micro-generation for all, not the rich
Pippa Goldfinger,
xxxxxxxx, They've whipped the rud from under our feet !
Gary McLschlan, A big blow to my business , after investing nearly £4k to date to get my accreditation my assessment date is 15th of November leaving me very little time to recuperate my investment. Things are hard enough in business in this climate at present without this blow to the industry .
Adam Shore,
Paul Cray, How does this engender trust in this government? The decimation of an industry in 6 weeks, quite an acheivement, and jeopardising our carbon dioxide reduction targets too, well done, you must be so proud.
Julie Baugh,
Charlotte Nordenberger,
Bill Green, This would be terrible for the Industry, costing thousands of jobs.
Geoffrey Keith Naylor, How very wrong the government's decision is.
James smith,
Denise Hopkins,
xxxxxxxx, What folly to consider stopping people using solar power to create safe clean energy. Surely we're committed to becoming greener and then the government does an about turn by cutting feed-in tariffs. David Cameron is breaking a pledge.
Neil Simmons, A 50% cut in Tariffs will result in a return of around 5% p.a. for 25 years. That is 125% for the whole period, less 100% initial capital invested which is not paid back, gives an effective return of 25% over 25%, less than 1% p.a. compound. Why bother, my bank account pays more?
Gary Collinson, Unbelievable decision, particularly the speed at which it is to be implemented. Play fair
Tania Tweedie, I do not understand why ( Oh so Green Government "NOT" ) why you make LIFE so dufficult.
Simon Barber,
Paul Gauntlett, Please consider increasing the FiT budget by forcing the big 6 energy companies to contribute from their profits
Craig Whitaker,
R.J.Geering, We should be supporting new green industries, not bankrupting them.
Jim Fisher, An awful decision, how can anyone make their way in life when the government make decisions as short sighted as this. Obviously there will be job cuts, but now consumer confidence will be rock bottom too. People were catching on to the benefits of feed in tariffs, but many Brits continued to be sceptical. Deep down we know that the government, whether they are red or blue will make disastrous choices like this, hence our continued ‘British Scepticism’.
While they argue that material prices have reduced, what happens when orders dry up in December and the shipments of panels stop from China? I think that is a supply and demand issue and the prices will rise again. Steady management of the feed in tariff was required not this sudden drop.
I have worked with people in this sector and this sickens me to the core. Companies, small and large have invested time and money following government commitments. Demand will drop off the cliff now and people’s lives will be in a mess again. Add this news story to the sorry strategic direction of this country and we have some dire problems to think about.
For me the feed in tariffs promoted three great positives. Firstly job creation and a new thriving economy, secondly the drive towards renewable technologies and thirdly to help generations of people with very high mortgages, no salary increases and poor pension prospects. You could say that the feed in tariff at the old rate was a way of paying us back for the banker’s misdemeanours and general strategic mismanagement by the government.
They did it to manufacturing and many other sectors…. now it is solar. Are we really stupid enough to wait for the next government failure or get out of this country before certain things really hit the fan!
Katie mchaffie,
Christine Raywood, Keep March as the cut off date
c armstrong,
Matthew Larner,
Peter Dillon,
Morven Weir,
w henderson,
george hartgill,
Ben Wyatt, We CANNOT afford to be this short sighted.
SEAN RIDER, unbelievable! well done 'the greenest government we hane ever had' Cameron and co. should write a new book and call it 'HOW TO DISTROY AN INDUSTRY OVER NIGHT' You nshould be ashamed of yourselves!!!
Tom, Is it driven by the energy companies? worried about their future profits, methinks so....
colin hubbard, Cut don't give, give our companies a fighting chance, you have already failed us on the larger schemes.
sarah hubbard, Please stop this nonsense, solar is the way forward, not backwards!
Phil Blint, Typical bungling and miss handling by our so called Green Government. We can grasp the reasons for these cuts, but the high handed and arbitrary way this was announced breeds resentment to all politicians, who seem to work harder to get it wrong that right!
Rob Musk, The Government is currently making a big noise about investing £1bn to create 37,000 jobs. How about putting a little more into the kitty to save 20,000 jobs in a new industry that is good for the country, good for the environment and provides numerous products and services that people actually want....
Andrew Hunt, Don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on sustainable energy.
xxxxxxxx, Much as I support the Government's efforts to decrease the Deficit, I feel that to cut the support for Solar Power installation would result in many job losses, and this cannot be good for the social stability of this country - unemployment has a devastating effecct on so many people.
Anthony Bailey, The tariff needs to tbe reduced, but the timescale for implementation of six weeks is far too tight and shoyuld be increased to April 2012
Giles Cooper,
xxxxxxxx, Besides all the points mentioned, it also jeopardises Britain's attempts to reach its green house gas targets, reduces the diversity of energy sources, reduces the proportion of UK produced energy , and it stops the need to have new grid sytems across the country when the PV locally produced electricity can use exisiting grid systems. The policy goes against all the Government's pledges on climate change.
brian siddell,
xxxxxxxx, I strongly support this petition.
Toby Hammond,
Jane Burton, Come on you MPs in government, think of the bigger picture, think of the planet and our children's future. It's not going to happen unless you encourage green energy and make it a viable alternative.
Caroline McShane,
chris cunniffe, any chance at times like this to help pensioners and the poorer members of todays society should be taken remember its not only them its also employment for many thousands who only would be on the dole if not doing this work
Andrea Allison,
Henry Freeman, recently started a business carrying out structural surveys for solar installations. If solar is no longer an attractive investment I will not have any surveys to do.
Timothy Mullen,
June Higgins, Just think about even more people out of work and we have to have renewable energy sources for the future of mankind
Phil Wittam, The cut off date of 12 December will put my Company in risk of going under with the loss of 90 jobs. Like all Companies we work on a 3/4 month order book with supply chains geared up to this. We see some £2million of business going down the drain. This decision by the Government is so obviously been made on the basis of pressure from the big 6 energy suppliers and probably back handers too! When all the dust settles the big 6 will be the only suppliers left for Solar PV and we all know how competitive they can be in the market place.
Alan Silvester,
W.M.Crompton, It has been established on the continent that a thriving solar energy sector actually drives down the cost of energy & significantly reduces the use of fossil fuels
MRS E EMMETT, this would be false economy. look to the future not just tommorrow
xxxxxxxx, Could not agree more "Cut, Don't Kill"
xxxxxxxx, Solar is no brainer..
xxxxxxxx, Don't create an industry on one premiss and then kill it by taking that premiss away.
liam waldron,
Steven Kershaw,
Benjamin Michael Wilson,
Sam Cordery,
steve homewood,
xxxxxxxx, In my view in an attempt to block the huge profits and returns in the investor market the changes due to be introduced will kill the growth of this industry just as it was starting to get going. Just compare the number of household funded systems compared to the numbers installed in the rent a roof schemes.......
john white,
Stephen Crewe, “One of the tasks that we clearly have is to rebuild trust in our political system. Yes, that's about cleaning up expenses, yes, that's about reforming parliament, and yes, it's about making sure people are in control and that the politicians are always their servants and never their masters”.
David Cameron
First speech as Prime Minister, May 11, 2010.
If this is the case, and a true reflection of this present day government, then Mr Cameron, listen to the voice of the people and “Cut, Don’t Kill” Solar PV feed-in-tariffs by 50%, thus jeopardising jobs and livelihoods.
M walsh,
xxxxxxxx, The sudden change massively destabilises businesses in this area, disproportionately affecting economic growth because plans were made with the April end date
Ross Gilbert,
Sue Higgs,
Dominic Watkins, I agree, solar energy has to be a big part of the future of energy generation, we cannot reduce encouragement to use it.
Robert Goundry, The environment calls us to ensure that PV costs do continue to come down
Chris Jeffries,
Paul Fowler,
Murat Ozcelik,
Rob Titherley, This irresponsible stop-go, boom-bust stupidity is government led. To create a successful industry then wreck it within months because you don't think things through is not what we want from our poilticians. You need to go off and make the profiteering energy suppliers top up the FIT budget so you can extend to end March 2012 which is what we all planned for. Escape clauses, weasel words and U-Turns do not make for economic recovery. When you behave like this you destroy your credibility and invite scorn, contempt and mistrust. If not corrected forthwith this will become and indelible stain on Greg Barker's political career.
xxxxxxxx, why stop now this is the way forward and the future. come on mr barker think again.
Timothy A Hodgkinson,
George Rushton, I always thought that if ministers really believed in the essential need to reduce carbon emissions and that climate change was a serious problem rather than just another way of obtaining tax revenue, they would encourage people to use alternative power. Guess what.
Stuart Templeton,
chris gilbert,
Jonathan Garratt,
xxxxxxxx, We need to enourage environmentally friendly initiatives otherwise energy prices will continue to rise!
xxxxxxxx, After so much investment in setting up solar pv business by a lot of companies, this is a real blow to the industry.
Elisabeth Mundle,
Kevin Mclelland,
Mr & Mrs Ramsden, As pensioners who want to put our small savings to good use we feel we are being penallised because of the large commercial solar installations. They are using a very big hammer to crack a nut!
Siva Muthulingasamy, Please don't throw the bath water with the baby, this industry can bring thousands of quality jobs to the people of the country on top of saving the environment
xxxxxxxx, I would have expected more support from the goverment in the current climate.
carl Pilliner,
Gary Whalley, A lot of small companies and their workers are going to have a very bad xmas due to these stupid and ill thought through cuts are MP's a waste of time
Emma Andrews,
Sue P., The rich, the councils, roofs for rent schemes and large scale PV farms have ruined this for everyone by seeking to make huge profits. Hit them first and give the owners of domestic installations on their own roofs a chance.
PV Install Ltd, Save our jobs.
Michael Patterson, This abrupt change to the tariff will kill the PV market without giving installers and the supply chain any chance to adjust. A phased reduction in line with falling panel and inverter prices would have been far more sensible and is urged.
Lucy phillpotts,
Tony Clarke, The Industry needs more time to complete orders they have on their books to be able to use the hundreds of thousands of pounds of PV panels held in stock for these jobs.
xxxxxxxx, One government giveth,
the other taketh away.
Alex Ward, The government is acting too early, the industry needs more time to get established!
John Cook, At one stroke the government who are supposed to be creating jobs have killed an industry
Jim Gillespie, Whilst this petition is commendable the government will simply ignore it. I want our industry to unite and fight by issuing a Judicial Review against the government. Please join us by emailing [email protected]
Andrew Fleet,
Eddie leggett, Just as people begin to invest in Solar the Government pulls the plug!
xxxxxxxx, If the energy rating C classification and above is required for properties to receive the proposed 21p and properties below at 9p, Scottish based companies with a high proportion of installs on rural properties will find it extremely hard to carry on viable businesses. Since these and the tariffs are only proposals we cannot see how many installations can take place before phase 2 review has been completed (due end of Feb earliest?).
lisa baum,
David Bolton,
Jeremy Fielding, what a shame all the money people have in savings/investments will not be released into our economy, buying solar PV systems. Along with all the redundancies this will cause, its economic madness.
Nicholas Jobins, Please back this industry with decent incentives. Do it for jobs, economic development and a cleaner more financially stable future for us and generations to come.
Adrian Gauntlett,
Norma Baldwin,
peter jacklin, Cutting the taffif to 21p per unit will make putting solar into a house not worth doing. It would result in at tops doubling the origanal investment over 25 years. People are better of investing the origanal investment into a standed savings account. The return after 25 years would be greater. How sad is that when were in the middle of a resession and a new Eco investment which would help the indervidual have a better carbon footprint and help the govenment reach targets as set in kaoti agreement. Now with these changes the public are better investing there money in our broken banks. Why can the govenment take the taffif down gradually over a number of years.
derek Hanlon, Dont Wreck my business
xxxxxxxx, The nation needs to increase incentives to green our energy supplies, not cut them !
peter hodge, Please rethink the government decision to reduce the FIT for microgeneration.
Jacob Smith, We need to have a transition to renewable energy within the next 30 years cut subsidies to fossil fuels instead. stop endangering my future because you won't be around in that time period.
Bob Cowan, Dose this government really want to slow down the generation of free Solar Photovoltaic Energy???
Ian Murray, it is unexecptable for the goverment to impose these changes with so little notice. How do they expect businesses to react so quickly to these changes. Have the goverment no commercial sense!!! The tariffs should be slowly reduced over time allowing for growth. Not a boom and bust industry were the words from the goverment less than one week ago!!!!!
xxxxxxxx, Suppose now they'll just up the duty on carbon fuels !!!
xxxxxxxx, Sadly yet another u-turn, another promise broken.
Don Gamble, It is so short-sighted to make these cuts, please reconsider and support an important element in the UK's shift to a low carbon economy.
Gareth Williamson,
Traviss Locke,
frank weston, why stop people from going green
Lin Barrington,
Sharon Powell,
Jasinski, Gabriela, don´t leave the planet to the stupid
Daniel Phillips, Too hasty and not thought through
Klaus-Peter Richter, don´t leave the planet to the stupid
Matthew Robertson, This incredibly short-notice move has ruined my immediate chances at a career in a small, expanding company which specialises in solar. They had a job lined up for me, as soon as they had moved premises, but due to this move they have had to change their future plans.
Francis Chase, Stop this sudden cut as its damaging employment. Phase it in.
Russell King, Dear Gov. We're running out of time and options. What else have you got!?
John Elphinstone,
Sam Langley-Swain,
Michele Bettison, Solar is the way forward for this planet! We have the sun - use it!!!
Do not reduce Tarriffs! The planet depends on this!
Laurie Tuffrey,
Ian Morris, Why cut so deep so soon, just as a fledgling industry is getting started !!!
We all know that we are 5-years behind a lot of other countries and this was our opportunity to catch up, but now we are to be left in the dark ages............ Grrr
Louise Christiansen, Supporting 100%
Peter Bettison, SOJ - SAVE OUR JOBS!!!
Do not reduce the tariffs so much its just going to kill the industry and put thousands on the dole at a time when the government are saying they want to reduce the numbers (on the dole) they have a funny way of going about it!!
xxxxxxxx, The changes are too much and too fast for anyone to adapt and destroys what little trust there was in the government.
Steven Portman,
John Lansley, As a pensioner I can't commit to a scheme which would require up to 16 years before I recouped my investment.
Fraser Harding,
xxxxxxxx, We proposed to have solar panels fitted but now we may change our minds.
xxxxxxxx, At this time why damage an idustry wihich is employing more persons. We need to employ to mend this country
Aimée Leeds, Help Save people's jobs, lives, and the planet!
xxxxxxxx, The proposed cut of around 50% for the FIT is much more than the reduction in installation of PV panels and appears to be motivated by reducing overall payments rather than maintaining a stable and growing solar industry.
xxxxxxxx, As one of the 250,000 people currently employed in the solar pv industry I think the governments actions are disgusting. A 6 week timescale to successfully complete all installations that have been awarded to our company is not achievable. These fast track cuts will severely impact the industry both risking jobs in the short term and destroying the public's faith in the future of renewable technologies and the governments support if them in the long term. We all now have to pay the price for westminsters miscalculations.
Stuart East,
Tony Fairhall, Why such a drastic cut? - is this Government determined to kill off all signs of growth in the economy? Simple economics - if the green tax isn't covering the payouts - increase the green tax and change the rules on the areas where business is taking advantage of the scheme - don't kill the industry? As it is we are heading for a "Power Deficit" within 5 years - we need all the renewal energy we can get our hands on! These politicians don't seem to be able to combine simple arithmetic with common sense!
peter c savva, My opinion is they should extend the date so people can save the money to have the solar panels fitted in the future
Oopps I seem to have destroyed a whole industry! Nevermind.... Ah! the builders have arrived to fix my moat!
Louis cherrill,
D Birch, Many sleepless nights - shocked by cut in fit rate -bad enough in April
xxxxxxxx, The reaction to this review speaks for itself, you must re-consider.....
xxxxxxxx, typical of all the goverments to back track on what they promise my solar pannel have made a big differance to my electric bills this summer
Julian Austin, As we know the national electricity grid is at breaking point with the possibility of future black-outs. Does it not make sense to stimulate an industry that suits the grids problems by generating locally thus creating savings in wasteful transportation of electricity?
Joy Whyte,
Ralph Clark, Why risk so much for so little.
Politicians should be supporting more Solar installations not creating a situation where they become unaffordable again.
Mick Harrington,
xxxxxxxx, People need an insentive to go green! cutting the FIT is a bad idea its only just getting started. Think of all the companies and the enviroment that this may effect. Or is it because the energy companies don't like giving something back! I think so.
pierre sorce,
xxxxxxxx, The Government must not be allowed to put yet more jobs at risk in an exciting and thriving industry such as this. The Solar Industry needs to be supported for a bright future - this action by the Government will do nothing to encourage future investment in the Industry if the rug is pulled from under the investors. The Government should remember they have no mandate!
michelle dalley,
haddon sullivan,
Peter Lees, Whatever happened to the consultation process? Power comapanies filling the Conservative Party coffers? Stinks to high heaven.
Donald Dalton, Do not kill off a bright new industry in the UK which is contributing to the green energy sector.
Will Prestwood, What possible justification can there be to introduce such dramatic cuts with such undue haste? The Solar industry is one of few showing exciting growth trends - give us more time to adjust!
Gordon and Wendy Carr, What should we believe?
We must plan to make this investment.
How can the goalposts be moved at such short notice
dinesh varsani,
karl taylor,
Lynda Devlin, we can't afford to lose so many jobs when they are so hard to find.
Lucy-Anna Chant, Disgrace
Laetitia Nunny,
Dave Watkins,
Mhairi Henderson, If you care about having a green and sustainable Britain then rethink your approach to solar power. It is the future, and the future of oil and gas is finite.
N May, Changes to FIT is an ill thought out policy that ignores the wider social benefits and the obligations the UK has to meet climate change reductions.
Martin Peters, As a small company we have invested over 30k in training and advertising because we were sold down the river that solar was the future. Its just a shame for all that talk the government NOW does not !!!! NICE ONE.
How do they now expect small company's to survive ?
Councillor Bren Gormley,
Verity Dodd,
xxxxxxxx, Why get rid of something that works, our solar has reduced our bills by 50%, which in these times makes a big difference
simon maddison, support clean energy
Daniel Baverstock, Why reduce the Solar PV FIT so drastically, just when communities, householders, schools, farmers and SMEs are prepared to invest in all of our future's during this time of austerity. I have a been broadly supportive of the cuts and issues this so called "GREEN" Government has had to deal with, but this is a step too far… Regulate the investment bank speculators by all means, and reduce FITs at a sensible rate over time, but don't limit the truly motivated, and wipe out a whole industry in a matter of weeks. This scenario really does need a little more SOLAR SENSE!
Deborah Cartwright,
Gary Reeves,
Andy Watts,
Andrew Peck, OVER 50% cut, compared to a 30% reduction in the cost for installation... Me thinks someone arithmetic is little off! Come on, give these guys a break they're creating jobs and this won't effect the deficit as the government isn't even paying for it.
kat lafferty,
xxxxxxxx, Too much too soon.
Alistair Donaldson,
David Stark,
Robin Richardson, All Greg Barker kept saying is response to Caroline Flint's question was that the budget would run out too quickly and that the industry needs to be slowed down so that the boom doesn't turn to bust. As we are in a race against climate change and the industry is capable of regulating itself this is just nonsensical fake rationalisation. It will turn out the that Tories have been paid off somehow by the big carbon suppliers. Barker is ex-Abramovich/Sibneft and according to Wikipedia he's worth £3.6 million. Let's face it, we are not dealing with nice people here. Watch him speaking on the BBC politics play-again. The Labour back benchers knew exactly what they were talking about and Barker had no comeback except to keep slagging Labour off. It smells very bad.
Lesley Stewart,
robert ozzati, this could only happen in this bloody country we should all stop paying our utility bills.
xxxxxxxx, jkdavies
Luke heaver,
Malcolm Hodgson, Bad news for the industry and ordinary working people looking to find sustainability amidst rising energy costs.
Rachel Donaldson,
Gary Dixon, Sorry Mr Barker but solar really does work - even in the UK!
Jessica Huggett,
Fiona Townley, Renewable energy is our future, we need it!!!
Danish Iqbal,
James Pellington,
Rosetta Kern,
John Ruckledge, Yet another extreme cut by the government. Surely they should be looking at the bigger picture and promoting growth in British companies engaged in sustainable technologies.
harry hislop,
Peter Begley, Why does someone in government always mess up a good thing.
Julie Perry, It just doesn't make sense to cut the FIT so drastically, we need to make use of solar energy
craig spillane, This government is a bunch of tossers !!!! jealous greedy fat cats who cant have a slice of the cake so dont want any of us to have a slice !!!!!!!!!!
Kris Daynes, These cuts are a step to far - intention may well have been for the right reasons but very poorly delivered.
Scott Newton,
Tom Bayley,
Mark Thomson,
tony francis rees, i'm with you all the on this one.Tony
Paul Phillips,
Benjamin Search,
joanne drake, i think its a disappointment when we are trying to encourage green living
Rob Glover,
Nicholas Watkins,
Kristian Daynes, Bad Move !!!
carl webster, This government is a disgrace. They are either stupid, blind or just dont care. They are basically killing off one of the biggest growing industries this country has ever had.
Dan Lockett, I was planning a solar pv installation next year. Now I am not.
Jo, c'mon government.. look to the future!!
paul o\'connor, what a wast of money in avesting to my MCS
xxxxxxxx, How much is it going to cost put put another 25000 people on state benefit and give this government the record of highest ever unemployment, I can't afford to pay full price for energy because this government has shafted me in every way possible,
Joel Smith,
Debbie Shephard,
Adrian Houden, The cut is too much too soon! It will kill a new industry!
Megan Daynes, this is a bad idea! People will be loosing their jobs.
Rob Holloway, Our future should not be decided by fossil fuel industry lobbyists and their short-term, monopolising thinking.
xxxxxxxx, The reduction in tariff is a high price to pay insofar as less solar energy will be used in future than would otherwise be the case.
james pratt,
matt hawkins, how much does a nuclear power station cost to build and decommision and what do our offspring do with the nuclear waste???
Jason Seale,
Greg Hill, What utter hypocrisy and total contempt this coalition has for successful entrepreneurs. How dare they announce a £1billion fund to support British business to generate growth when just the day before they crucify a Solar Business with insane and devastating cuts as announced. Greg Barker you are a coward and have no balls - you knew what was coming when I listen to your fancy words at Solar Power UK. As an Ex combat soldier who fought for all this country holds dear - I hold you in utter contempt for what you are doing to this shinning example of a Great British success story. Redeem yourself and stick to your timetable of April 1st 2012.
Mrs H.L.Leverett, Solar PV is an efficient, effective technology, which enables householders to generate renewable electricity. It has enabled many businesses to start up and expand, providing jobs, and helping the economy. How will disincentivising householders by such a drastic cut, far in excess of the price reductions in the price of panels help either jobs, the economy or the governments aims of 'empowering people and giving them a direct stake in the transition to a low carbon economy'?
Dr. Iain Jennings FRGS Chartered FCIPD, I thought our government wanted to encourage sustainable alternative clean energy sources - the news about reduced subsidies seems to be killing off this wonderful new technology before it has almost begun. We should be leading the world in such technologies - not stifling it.
Jackie Davenport,
bev halstead,
shaun mower, a disgraceful decision which only looks after the commercial solar farms.
Dan Eynon, I see no sense or logic in this decision beyond short term, short sighted, desperate economics with no long term plan for growth and recovery. How very uncharacteristic of the ConDem government...
Phil Taylor, Don't be a nuclear nob'ead. Tear down the curtains of oily curruption and let the sun shine in!
Rod Holt, If You (politicians) underestimated the popularity of this scheme, You should be punished, not the installers who have worked hard to make it successful.
ash mercer,
Paula Waudby,
xxxxxxxx, stop moving the goal -posts at short notice. It does nothing but prove the Goverment is in dire straits.
scott newton, Since January this year we have given jobs to over 45 people to carry out PV installations within our company while in the middle of a deep recession, we have ploughed hundreds of thousands of pounds into a local council contract that we are now halfway through and are now unable to finish leaving our profits at the top end of the contract that now will not be earn't to save a thriving local business.
The government should have worked out the cost of all the benefits all our employees will now be claiming for along with the other thousands that will be made redundant across the country..............It would have been cheaper to keep the F.I.Ts as they were!!
Disgusted with the whole thing and how its been handled, saying that, its Britain all over.
Scott Newton
Cookes Renewable Energy.
Tom Price-Stephens,
xxxxxxxx, It's outrageous that such a decision can be made in one hit... it is one of the most positive, fastest growing industries and to make such sudden cuts is ludicrous... why are the fuel companies making such profits and getting away with it?
jolyon western,
Brian Foster, What an absolute disgrace this government is.
xxxxxxxx, When is our government going to learn that short term dramatic reactions will never create long term solutions! This is what is wrong with this countries political mentality! The FITS in my opinion were high from the start and were not Properly constructed in a way that would work for everybody. The FITS did leave small gaps and loop holes which a small percentage of the market was open to chancers, land fill/farms and if you like cow boy hard sell companys with no obligation to nothing but there pockets? but on the flip side it provided a strong insentive for the domestic public to get behind the technology and invest! and in times like these there is no insentives for nothing! nobody wants to take a loan or borrow money but the FITS gave everybody a opertunity to purchase this renewable technology? it is clear that this industry is the first of many renewable energy source solutions that this country needs. With no insentive and no confidence who in there right mind would get involved in solar or any of the other technology's after the clear indecation that the government can just pull the plug so viciously? what confidence does the customer now have? As for the millions of pounds lost in revenue to councils and housing associations that had signed up to the rent a roof schemes? will the government be funding the properties to be installed as they will have to be eventually installed on? what about the millions of pounds lost in the planning, survey, design and stock purchase not forgetting this countries renewable obligations? yet again the government have succeeded in creating more unrest and job loss not forgetting the dark days ahead when we are held to ransom for foreign gas and energy prices. At the very least i think that the government should have worked hand i hand to perfect and strenghen the industry with the industry not just the energy providers. Now there is little to no chance of that.
Richard Williams, As a self employed person who has been on working tax credit for nearly two years the solar industry offered me a lifeline. I perform surveys for installers and was looking forward to earning an income I could live on. This sudden, unexpected, cut has destroyed my hopes. If the installing companies I work with are bankrupted I may not even get paid for 2 months of hard work.
Alastair Newton, If we all generate a little, it will quickly add up!
xxxxxxxx, Do not recall the FIT rate or i will be out of work and on the dole.
john connelly,
Harry Voutt, the coverment just wants to help itself and not the public,there nothing but a bunch of turncoats
Mike Stevens, A cut this deep in just 6 weeks makes no sense. Why kill one of the only growth industries, is it to protect the interests of the big energy companies ?
Paul Griffin, If only to help us move towards energy independence and security, don't kill this newly thriving industry!
jeffrey Pearman,
Martin miller,
Jonathan Watkins,
Naomi Jones,
Jason Rive,
John Taylor,
Alison Chaloner,
Marion Shaw, We need new jobs & cheaper more environmentally fuels. These systems will encourage people to use greener energy & to use less. Our planet needs this.
Michael Stephenson, Energy policy needs to be powerful, predictable and persistent. Slashing solar FiTs is none of them, we need to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels ASAP.
Jay Pickup,
G Halewood, This goes against the Governments policy to encourage the public to go green and the notice given is unaccepteable
Paul Rogers,
Tony Dell, We all knew it was coming, but 1 months notice is absulutly shocking. I wonder if the shoe was on the other foot, would they stand for it. so many jobs will be lost and just on Christmas. So much for boosting the job prospects.
E Mandeville, Don't do this. It will destroy jobs, stifle a very promising new industry and threaten the future of those who come after us.
Carol Tanner, The FIT was due to be cut by 7% in April 2012, Plug Into The Sun have invested over £100K this year in order that our company can deliver the Solar Power targets . We have planned for this . Why has the government chosen to make a change so ruthless in such a ridiculous time scale. Its clear those involved in this decision are acting on incorrect information and oblivious to the consequences. Don't kill the industry, and don't forget its the customers of utility bills paying for this FIT Tariff!
The costs of solar have not fallen enough so that everyone can afford it, we are at the tip of the iceberg. We are very behind other countries in Europe. Renewable s are powerful and clean energy and are our future!
Carol Tanner
Director of Finance and Marketing
Plug Into The Sun
PETER SOUTHWELL, Please do not kill this industry
Iain Richards,
Paul Ballard, The government need to stop the boom and bust scenario and keep some stability in the growing industries of the UK.
Daniel chiu, Instead of creating jobs, good family income, building communities and a greener future, let's go back on our word once again after people have worked so hard setting up businesses, instead of funding something great you would rather see your money being wasted on job seekers than an encouraging tariff, jokers
xxxxxxxx, Absolutely ludicrous putting such a short timeframe on the new cuts to the FIT. Right before Christmas people are going to lose their jobs, lots of people, lots of wasted training, lots of wasted money. People who want solar PV systems don't physically have enough time to get one installed - please rethink this date!!
ian parkes,
Dave Konstanz,
Grant Holmes,
phillip hart,
Emma Thomas, This is a complex and important issue that cannot be rushed through. This is not just about cutting the Feed-in Tariff but also about limiting the number of properties that are eligible, which will have a drastic effect on the industry, in particular the many small businesses who operate within it, threatening livelihoods and jobs.
Jerry Woollett, When are we going to get a renewable energy minister FIT for purpose?
xxxxxxxx, I have an installation date of the 3,4,5 of January after having made my booking in September. How can that be called Golddigging!
Laura Fielding, How to destroy a flourishing industry overnight!
colin mcneill,
Malcolm Rochefort, I have already invested in solar PV at home and generate about 1200 kWh per year this way - cleanly. I would not have done this had the feed in tariff rates been significantly lower than they currently are.
Ian Davies, Micro Generation has to be the future of energy production and we as a country need to promote this in any way we can. The current proposals to slash the feed in tariff is suicidal and will decimate the solar industry in the UK and will stop many people from installing this technology. I urge you to think again about the process of cost reduction to FITS for Solar PV.
It is suggested that this cut is needed as the take up of Solar5 PV and FITS has been considerable higher than anyone anticipated and the costs to government are spiralling out of control. I wonder if anyone has balanced these costs against thos of paying benefits to the hundreds who may lose their jobs as the market crashes and nobody inmstalls Solar PV from 12th December......
This is a travesty, if we need to decrease the payments lets follow the example set by other countries and do it gently of a period of years. This decision will destroy a fledgling industry, potentially send hundreds of companies into bankruptcy and destroy the UK's populations belief in Green Energy incentives.
I urge you - Do not go down this road
Scott Rae,
Paul Metcalfe, Why are they doing this if 25,000 people lose there jobs thats about 1.4 million in benefits to pay out each week by the Government does this all make sense NO.
xxxxxxxx, I had planned to have solar PV installed on my roof in January 2012. Now I am no longer certain as it would take me 16 years plus to benefit. I thought renewable energies were the future. What now?
xxxxxxxx, I've just had my solar panels installed on my house and we're delighted with them - it's such a great opportunity for us and so many other people who want to be able to do something similar. These massively ill-thought out and short-notice changes are so short-sighted - please do reconsider.
Simon Hawksley, At a time of financial crisis it seems insane to place up to 35000 jobs at risk by the stroke of a ministerial pen
xxxxxxxx, Big cuts with 6 weeks' notice sends the wrong signal as well as putting lots of people out of a job before Christmas.
Steven Sellick,
caroline raihan,
Peter Thomas,
R D Marshall, Dont cut so deep give solar a chance to take off
xxxxxxxx, Save Our Solar - what's the point in creating an industry and destroying it in such a fashion - stop trying to copy Germany, what's good for one country isn't necessarily good for the UK's flagging economy...
Roger Hughes,
Val Woodley,
Nicholas Jewitt, Make consultation real. Keep feed-in tariffs meaningful. Protect the environment.
xxxxxxxx, This proposal is a tragedy for the environment.
Laurie Thoms,
Andy Scargill, This is clearly a case once again of how the ordinary person loses out all the time.
Kate Ring, You are Killing the ethos about people looking at renewable enrgy. I thought you were a gov who wanted to promote this. Another broken promise. Well Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Florence Myles, I had planned to install photovoltaic panels as part of the renovation of my house next January, but have now had to change my mind.
Joe Montague,
Gill Branston,
Eleanor Newell, At a time when there is excellent public support for solar technologies, but high uncertainty about jobs and inflation, now is not the time to be cutting investment. Instead we should be investing in and promoting the widest possible uptake of green energy for a brighter sustainable future.
Nic Siddle, Last Saturday (29 Sept), I made the decision to get a survey and quote for panels on our private owner occupied house. Because of the abrupt change to conditions, this is no longer possible in advance of the new deadline. These changes will kill the installation of PV on private houses. The subsidies are as nothing when compared to the subsidies which are already enjoyed by the Nuclear Power industry (even more so if one includes the ongoing taxpayer obligation for decommissioning the MOX plant).
In addition, the Government looks likely to go ahead with a new MOX plant – have they learnt nothing?
The deadline before introduction of new FITs should be extended at least for private houses and certainly for those already in the pipeline but which will not be completed before 12 Dec 2011.
It is of real concern that this Government (which was going to be the ‘Greenest ever’, has gone back on its obligation in such a dramatic fashion
Eirianedd Evans,
R I Bodels, To have a sustainable energy future we must promote non fossil /nuclear fuel generation and incentivise those companies and individuals in solar generation and not cow tow to the big energy companies. Instead the government should give the lead by changing building regs such that all new builds must install renewable energy systems and give tax breaks to builders accordingly.
Peter Orr, Once more the goverment is taking evan more money from us pensioners, who have given them and the banks more than anybody over the years. I've always voted conservertive but that I think is coming to an end
xxxxxxxx, This is disgusting, how can the government justify this, the Feed-in-tariff is paid to generators by the energy companies - not the government, so what's the problem? Sounds like someone’s greasing someone else’s palm as they only like fleecing householders - funny how they are happy to take your money, but reluctant to pay it back. In such a swift way as well - why not allow it to run its course, it's only a few months, and to be honest - working for a solar company - we were fully booked until February and are now trying to shoe-horn all of these installs into a 5 week period which involves doubling our workforce - if every solar company in the country is doing this, then they're not really achieving anything in cutting the date back, just making people panic - the people will get their power, even if it means mentally destroying the staff and completely destroying the public trust in the government - smart move guys, pissing off thousands of people will definitely get you voted in next time *rolls eyes*
xxxxxxxx, Solar Power is the future for us all why kill the goose that lays the golden egg, stop the cut in FIT now, you the government are killing an industry that we need, for all our futures!!!!
cheryl campsie,
Julie Evans, 12th Dec cut off is rediculous.
David Cockayne, what the UK government has done is tantamount to fraud
Alan FOSTER, Not the time to be slashing the investment individuals are making by installing PV solar panels on their properties. What's happened to the Government's Green Targets?
jessica green,
Leigh Dworkin,
William Patton, Cutting the feed-in tariff is a scandalous and short-sighted act of misgovernment. No surprise unfortunately as big government (as opposed to big society) will always favour big energy.
Reeni Kennedy-Boyle, I understand that budgets need to be managed however a blanket cut in the tarriff shows a distinct lack of vision. Surely a 2 tier system could have been introduced that allowed Community Groups and Housing Associations to develop their projects for the benefit of the environment and those in fuel poverty whilst business with capital to spare got less support.
Jeffrey Willis, taper the reduction over longer time in line with price of panels.
Duncan Brown, Why set up an industry and future hope for a reduction in carbon just to cut it in half after only 1 year.
Someone did not do there sum's
Steve Wilkinson, Safe guarding 25,000 jobs and future opportunties for employment in the current market must be a priority for any government.
L Cardy,
michael Allen,
xxxxxxxx, Petrol/diesel has gone up, Gas has gone up, Electricity has gone up, food has gone up, in fact everything has gone up FiT is the only thing to come down
robert payne, solar is our future
xxxxxxxx, I am about to retire we had solar panels fitted as an investment to help with the bills
Charles Caulkett,
Russell Prince-Wright, The timing is too short and the cut too deep - No private individual is "getting rich quick" with the existing scheme - with a current payback of 10yrs, (including risks such as hardware failure, company failure etc) this is a serious, committed investment being made - If the rates are slashed, no one in their right mind would want to take on such a risk with an 18yr payback!
xxxxxxxx, On a personal level I'm absolutely devastated to hear about the cuts, having just paid a deposit to have an installation at home - not a decision taken lightly and one that is going to have a severe impact on our finances. Professionally this is kick in the teeth for the renewables sector and the wider Devon economy. It undermines all the work we have done to grow the sector in line with the governments 'original' timeline.
Andrew Bissell, The sheer level of uncertainty introduced by constant tinkering will by itself have a devastating effect. Renewable Heat Incentive delay, cut after cut to FiT, changes to ROCs. They all smack of short-termism and no commitment. "Greenest Government Ever"? Hollow word.
Peter Goodwin,
Hazel Oliver,
Paul Anderson, This is a terrible decision, and completely belies the rhetoric about this being the greenest government ever.
Tony Guidal,
Rob Jackson,
xxxxxxxx, We have solar panels ( under the free option ) and are very very pleased with the result
Stephen Pyne, The benefits are huge and due to continuing technological advances these will become greater still.
Phil Steele,
Loretta Ireland,
xxxxxxxx, AS a user of Solar Panels the reduction in feed in tariff will be a dis-incentive for further solar energy development.
Christopher Hanks, We understood that the Government was commited to Green Energy.
P.A.Bevington, The problem is the Govt doesn't look past the end of their nose and see the real problems to come quite soon with the ongoing energy price rises.
Alan Ballard, This savage cut has all the hallmarks of a PR exercise by the Big 6 energy suppliers & the government. The energy suppliers will "generously" shave a little off our bills over the winter without it affecting their bottom line and the government will have been "seen to do something" about rising energy costs.
Cynical, moi?
Haydyn Jones,
xxxxxxxx, This is not only renewable energy, which the government is trying to encourage not just bussiness's, but individauls to invest in,( and now they want to destroy the whole industry, with thousands being put out of work),it is also a way for us little people to reduce our energy bills, which the government seem powerless to do.We have all these so called government department or organisations,offgas ,offgem, offthis offthat and they do nothing but line thier ownn pocket and don't give a toss who it affects.
xxxxxxxx, A knee jerk reaction to an issue that's a long term problem -and a cut off date before the consultation period is over - surely not even legal!
xxxxxxxx, As a farmer we want to do our bit towards reducing reliance on fossit fuels, we have just signed a contract with a pv supplier, the proposals are distressing, give us a chance to do our bit without chaging the goalposts.
Cheryl Easter, I am currently employed in the renewable energy business after being made redundant twice from the finance industry,if this goes ahead i face redundancy again. I am a working mother of 2 children who has continuously worked full time since leaving school.
How is this cut going to make our country better or greener?
Richard smith,
Suzanne Metcalfe, We are in the worst recession since the 1920s. Solar is the ONLY industry creating jobs for people at the moment. The government want to make thousands of people redundant and lots of companies go into receivership. Doing this will distroy our country more!
xxxxxxxx, 25,000 out of work for xmas
Jim Blair, I always thought we wanted everyone to get involved in renewable energy programs!
harold bland, This is a most abrupt reversal, giving us no time to make sensible plans to green our homes. It smacks of "headless chicken" government. We need long term planning that will benefit the country into the future.
steve goode, solar has to be the future.long term collection of this free energy has to be utilized
Zoe Forbes, Not only are the cuts brutal there has been no warning meaning companies are struggling to deal with the demand NOT WELL THOUGHT OUT AT ALL....
sian edwards,
Anna Francis, In the context of rising carbon emissions, climate change, recession and high unemployment cutting the tarrif is insane; we need more incentives and investment not less!
xxxxxxxx, we need this sector to stimualte some growth
Donna Soulby,
Neil Hughes,
Rebecca Hollingsworth,
Milward, R. G.,
Milward, D. M.,
D Keele, Why! when we are continually told that solar energy is the way to go.
James Raeside, It makes sense to encourage people to be " green ".
Graham Maguire, Don't kill the industry off before it's really got going. Increase the levy on the energy companies on our bills
Laura Gill,
Mr S Archer, I was going to have the panels, but now the date has changed to December for the cut off, this is now not possible. Would've leaving the change untill April really made that much difference to the government?
David Wake, With the State Aid changes to FiT already making it difficult for community groups to invest in renewables, why add yet another barrier, slowing progress to that 20:20 EU renewable energy commitment. Gradual reduction - not a hatcheting!
stephen jamieson,
sue crockford, We owe it to our kids not to sell the family silver so let's harness the family gold for the good of all of us!
Jane Skudder, Local and community generation is a vital part of the fight to break the hold the big 6 power companies have.
Colin Simmons, Ridiculous for the government to cut this at such short notice. For once the government have a good idea for reducing carbon CO2 emmisions and now they create serious problems for the industry and installers and end users.
xxxxxxxx, The goverment want people to go for green energy and not every body can afford to buy the Solar Panels them selves so i think this is a excellent way of going green and the Subsidy should therefore not be cut by 50%
Hugh Sawyer, Dear The Government
Grow up
Jeanette Jones,
Don Bruce, I appreciate the governments wish to stop the really wealthy making a huge killing with FITs. However, if we wish to encourage householders to install a truly green energy system FITs must be retained at a reasonable level. In recent years many companies have employed and trained teams to install such systems. If these guys jobs are terminated we could end up paying more in unemployment benefits than we save by reducing FITs. Our politicians need to look at the complete long term picture rather than short term savings.
Tony Hickinbottom, This will prove to be a knee jerk reaction that will be regreted in the long term if the PV industry stalls. A reasonable reduction at a annual review would be a easier medicine to swallow. Think again
Georgina Stevens,
Michael Lowe, What ever happened to claiming to be "the greenest government ever"? Hmmm!
Peter Dallyn,
Debbie Austin,
Simon Clark, Government support for solar and all other renewable energy schemes are essential to our future.
Jacqueline Wild, The governments proposal has not considered the affect that it will have on jobs in the industry and the amount of contracts that will be lost due to not being able to complete them before Dec 12.
Victoria Michalska,
andrew williams, solar energy is the future,its free to generate and clean.the government should help save the planet for future generations.
Claire Lawton,
R A McLaughlin, This needs more thought we had ordered 10 different systems to be installed over 4-5months and these needed planning permission and structural surveys , now some can't be done in time and others will be only small it's a stupid rash decision made in haste and needed to take into account sytstems ordered like this.How can we and the suppliers run a business under these conditions?
Luis Torres, Solar PV is creating new jobs in UK. The new level of FiTs will kill many jobs and do not allow end users to save in their electricity bill.
Valerie Batty, The Government should aim to put panels on every suitable roof in the country, not discouraging this energy saving tool.
Sue Chatterton, Solar Power is our future
peter francis, what a short sighted backward concern
Geoff Hughes, Does the government not realise that they are going to drive investors from this country at the same time as helping to push many companies over the edge and more people to the dole queues.
T.S.Cooke, Why do the Government stop wasting money on inefficient Wind Turbines and put more money into Solar Power.
Laura Corfield,
Steve Garrett,
Dylan Wyn,
xxxxxxxx, I am an oap and have had solar panels put on my roof which has already saved me money. Please do not cut the tariff by 50% as this will devistate the industry.
Sjoerd Vogt, Too far too fast! Just when the strategy is really beginning to bite .
Dafydd Trystan,
xxxxxxxx, Absolute disgrace.
RILEY, please do not reduce the feed in tariff.
Gary Douglas, My family depend on my work within this industry
A more thought out approach needs to be considered
charlotte webster, solar = jobs, economic growth, clean energy, energy security, pensions, tax income, exports & optimism. Solar is clearly our future.
Andy Went, if at any time the economy needs support from the government, it is NOW and it is SOLAR!
Reggie Norton,
Mrs Barbara Spriggs, I had the HomeSun scheme were they lease my roof space, absolutely free. Up to now from March when they were fitted I have saved £141.
Ross Heaver, The proposed cuts are just criminal, how can you give companies like mine 6 weeks to save our livelihoods...we have full order books and we are honestm hardworking and only sell systems of the highest quality. Thses cuts just can no be DONE, stop punishing hard working men and women for actions of others who's only aim in life is greed and profit!!
Adam Tsang, 1,000,000 employees under pressure because the government state something and do another as always, alot of people who have planned this over last few months releasing monies from icer accounts etc have been charged penalties for releasing money and also lost money on their invesment
Jenny Lundh, PLEASE WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sue Riddlestone, CEO, BioRegional, The science tells us we need a 95% renewable grid in the UK by 2030 if we are going to play our part in avoiding dangerous climate change and making the country secure in its energy supply. Solar has an important role to play. The whole country needs to economise, we understand that, but a 50% cut on the FIT for solar is too high and will hold us back from achieving this target.
Mrs Joseph Spriggs, Saved a third off my electricity bill.
Money for nothing and kilowatts for free.
J Willis,
Mr Paul Reynolds, As with any form of long term investment, changes need to be on a timescale that is manageable by the businesses involved & a 50% cut within 6 weeks is just crazy !
Jean Powell, Isn't there enough people out of work at this time and what about the billiions of pounds given to the Wind Turbines in subsidies!!
Rachel Lawrence,
Alison Butler,
Susan Murray, These cuts will have a serious effect on both domestic and larger scale PV installations in the short/medium term and hit installers hard (all boom and bust for microgeneration again).
Peter Draper, A mild cut is understandable and acceptable, but a minimum of 28p per unit is required for the larger investors to maintain the free fitting for the fuel poor.
xxxxxxxx, Why stop such a promising industry, the money being cut will go onto create thousands of people into unemployment where you will only be paying job seeker's. Re evaluate and set it to 26p fools!
Kerry Burns, On behalf of the 40 people who work directly under me installing PV plus the 40+ others who subcontract, an extension to the 12/12/11 deadlne is vital.
nick lishman,
Mark Pearson, I thought this goverment was supposed to be supporting green energy projects like Solar not killing it.
Rob Nelson, Destroy the solar generation industry because its too expensive and yet there's money for weekly bin collections which environmentally aware people don't need!
Richard Coghlan,
Mr R E Just, Big solar farm operators were given much more notice why hit the domestic user so hard
A.A.FOLKES, It is completey obvious that the government and Government inisters are not capable of employing good logical common sence. and realising the detrimental effect this proposal if passed will have on this industry an ancillary companies who contribute towards this scheme. This is not the only area of incompitence that good common sense is not employed. There are many other instances of this stuppidity.
Alan Bean,
Shaun Dunbar,
Colin Hooton, Dear Government - please do not discourage 1000s of individual PV solar energy investments in favour of more expensive, and more dangerous, nuclear power.
Jennifer Dixon,
Jeffrey Ball,
Graham Easterling,
xxxxxxxx, The need for free solar systems for people who cannot afford the out lay is vital to keep the market not just for the wealthy
Roy Tindle, Britain leads the World - in rhetoric!
Duncan Baker, This is a growing industry which is totally in line with the government's philosophy of growing green production of electricity. Do not kill it now with a hasty and thoughtless drastic cut in the the feed in tariff.
Gavin Saunders, What we, the public, and indeed any industry needs is stability. From this comes the ability to plan. You couldnt invent a better way to kill an industry than the current proposals
David Atfield, A short-sighted and inconsistent decision that smacks of political expediency rather than responsible government.
Niall Hosiene,
laura bradshaw,
Ian Brown, If this goes ahead I, Like many could be facing redundancy before Christmas - Please don't let this happen to me again.
mr p siddall,
J Chandler,
Dave Russell, Having benefited from a Solar Power installation which would not have been possible if it had not been for the "Feed In" Tariff subsidy, I am already enjoying cheaper bills and a decreased carbon foot print. These "Feed In" tariffs at the existing rate is essential to bring Britain in to the 21st Century and to make installations as viable as possible. Every one wins with Solar Installations, including the Government of the day in achieving alternative energy resources.
This Government needs to think again. Does it want to continue polluting the planet for future generations or think about the legacy we will leave for others.
It's a no brainer ! Subsidies need to remain untouched for the benefit of every one now and in the future.
xxxxxxxx, just as Solar Panels become popular to use natural alternative energy, why spoil it.
xxxxxxxx, Cutting incentives to harness green energy is not the way to cut emissions and manage power demand.
xxxxxxxx, Its all about money not the environment!
D Wheeler,
Joanne Barnett,
derrick denton,
xxxxxxxx, I am lucky and signed up for FITs early. I was waiting for the RHI but after the delays and messing about with FITs I have decided not to bother as I can't trust the government with a future financial commitment. This constant uncertainty is the main reason that we are still in this financial mess
xxxxxxxx, Don't do this! Give us a soft landing or something! We're losing contracts. We'll be losing staff soon. Last one out on Dec 12th, turn the lights off!
Jeremy Singlehurst, Its time to keep encouraging people to Solar not put them off, keep the incentives going.
J S Chandler,
David Roberts, Please dont kill the jobs we helped create!
Linda Hazelden,
jonathan manders, Please please .. lets have some sense re the FIT reduction timescale ... the 6 week window is far too short and is vertainly disrupting my small 4kw project for a ground mounted PV system that went to planning last month and will not have a decision until 9th December .. nowhere near soon enough to meet the deadline. Meanwhile my potential energy "buyer" is obviouly inundated with calls as there phones are "off the hook". If nothing is done urgently then orders will have to be cancelled and irrepereable damage will be done to the important but still fledgling solar industry. You should keep your promises and revert to an April review and effetctivity date.
Daniel Roca Santiuste, Please do not kill the only real job-creating industry in the market. The FiT Budget is well doable.
Kevin Smith,
jerry clark, Incredible - the government plainly wants to kill the solar industry
Jon Carter,
con cronin,
Helen Black, I was appalled to hear about the sharp cut to the FIT, especially the cut being brought forward to 12th December, 2011.
We have invested a large amount of time and our own capital in this industry. I am an ex-public sector worker, I have employed several of my ex-colleague (Surveyors/Housing Officers etc). I have also promised to take on 3 apprentices in January, 2012. If the FIT is cut by 12th December, 2011, this is going to have a detrimental effect on our business. I have trained all our operatives to very high standards, (most of these operatives came from the unemployment register), we have given these operatives a chance of looking forward in this industry, instead of attending the Job Centre every week.
All our operatives are fully qualified electricians and our roofers have all gained an NVQ Level 2 roofers certificate. They have all received the relevant Health and Safety training and are all 2nd stage CRB checked. They have all attended Photovoltaic training courses.
When we visit a client, we advise that we offer a free Domestic Energy Assessment to their home, the majority of them are not interested in this service, they mainly want a Photovoltaic system fitting, I understand that a Domestic Energy Assessment is being introduced after 12th December, 2011. I feel that the Green Deal Grant should be available to these clients before you can expect them to invest their own funding, I can just predict that when this grant does become available, all of those people who have invested their own funding in making their homes energy efficient will expect the government to back date their grant, which I know is impossible to do. So before we can implement a Domestic Energy Assessment to gain the feed in tariff, I feel that the Green Deal Grant should be available sooner rather than later.
As you can see from the above, we are not here for the short term, we have invested strongly and hopefully this will take us on to be Accredited Green Deal Advisors in the near future. I worked in the Regeneration Section of Local Council for 19 years delivering home improvement scheme grants and I have always strived to have the public’s best interests at heart, never wanting them to be exploited. Yes, there are companies in our industry who are exploiting the public, i.e., rent a roof schemes. The feed in tariff for these schemes should be monitored and looked at more closely. I feel that the majority of these companies (British Gas, Eon) are exploiting the general public, the customer does not understand the implications involved if they want to sell their home, etc.
By cutting the FIT scheme so drastically and so soon, I feel that you are not giving the general public a chance to invest in their own homes to become energy efficient, and also get some investment back for themselves, especially at a time when fuel bills are becoming so unaffordable; my electricity bill has gone up from £60 pm to £100 pm.
Yes, I think the FIT should be reduced by 1st April, 2012, but not by half, you have advertised that the FIT is going to go down on 1st April 2012, not 12th December, 2011. It is not going to look good on Central Government that they have changed their minds on a decision that was made and published in April 2011. We need the public to have confidence in the Government and this industry, so they can invest to reduce their carbon footprint, but by publishing one thing and then reversing it to another is just knocking the general public’s confidence. Reducing the FIT by 12th December, 2011 is just going to panic the general public and have a massive surge on installations which will see cowboys jumping on board fitting systems, when they are not even MCS accredited.
I do hope you consider my comments and keep the FIT at the current rate until 1st April, 2012. I think you should cut the Rent A Roof schemes on 12th December, 2011, this will maybe stop them exploiting the general public.
Frank Rozelaar-Green,
Gill Golding,
Rebecca Savage,
Gordon Smith, The price of the cheapest panels available to an acceptable standard has brought the cost down by less than 30%. The more expensive and better panels have only droppedby 22%. The current rates should be maintained until 31st March 2012 as previously committed and then the rate should drop, again as previously committed.
Paul Brocklebank, Do the Government want to support and encourage Renewable Energy or not?
xxxxxxxx, Greenest government ever!?! Start an industry one year and destroy it the next. Consultation, what consultation?
E F H Burt, Just cancelled order for £100,000 system. W.P.D. can't meet December deadline.
Mark Bryant,
don m cowen, cant believe the government are backing down on another success they started, this is a must to keep up with other countries and keep jobs.
Walter Belgum,
Antony Packham, I believe a new tariff should be introduced for domestic systems up to 2.5 kWp so that the lower end of the market and the people who most need the benefits, still get it.
mark thorpe, We had work booked in until mid February and we can only manage to bring 3 jobs forward and 8 people have cancelled asking for deposits to be returned we have explained to them that we could re-quote in the new year as the our costs could be altered to make it as attractive once the dust has settled and manufactures and suppliers review there position. The answer in all cases (was we have lost faith in having it installed at all now and do not trust this government to even honour a 25 year commitment at 21p). This is devastating news for us and like everyone else within this industry we have invested a lot of time and money on the back of a commitment by governments to promote renewable energy ( I feel conned). To deep and to fast are these measures which will cripple us all throwing yet more hard working people to the wolves. At the moment I am fuming and always told it how it is and if i lose my lively hood and home over this stupid rapid decision the house of commons better step up security because here i come. Sent my local MP Clive Betts an E-Mail explaining the impact of these cuts never even got a response or reply.
D A Jones, Too deep, too fast
Nigel Payn, Why is the government proposing to drastically reduce the FIT on solar generated power? Too expensive perhaps? I'm willing to bet that the full cost of this scheme would be a drop in the economic ocean compared to the true cost of nuclear.
Graham Maw,
Mr Phil Bishop, How can you cut a tariff before the end of the consultation period? Government must be in the back pockets of the energy companies. Kyoto 2020 fines will be greater than these small savings.
TONY HOLLAND, Typical of this caring government!! Give with one hand - then take away with the other. Suggest penalising the energy companies not home owners.
michelle hume,
Mike Pope, Solar is a genuine alternative energy supply and does not need to be subject sudden unplanned changes to FIT. Please stick to the March deadline
ian ferguson,
xxxxxxxx, Solar market in UK is really contributing to CO2 reduction and good investment for UK itself
Tjarko Wieringa,
Steve Edwards, Personally I fitted pv panels to my roof in August of this year so the proposed changes will not affect this, however I am also a trustee of a local housing trust which was looking to install panels on the roofs of some of its properties and I fear that other trustees will not now be interested in the project, given the reduced financial incentive.
It begs the question - is this government really interested in providing for the future or is it just after a few vote grabbing headlines for an initiative which it then quietly sidelines when it has served its purpose?
Oh for a government which can see further than the end of its nose!
Andrew Voller,
robert curry, Solar creates a sustainable energy source and in the current economic climate creates much needed jobs, the sudden announcement just goes to promote uncertainty and will not allow businesses to manage the change so that solar can grow, many companies large and small are fearing the worst, "the greenest government ever" have stopped a growing job and energy market in its tracks, Give us time so we can adapt the industry don’t just pull the plug!
Ronald Todd-Young,
John MacMillan, Disgraceful cuts. Too deep and too fast!!!
Peter Clarke, I listened, I voted, now you listen, do the right thing every ones happy when the sun shines!!
xxxxxxxx, Solar is one important answer
A CREWES, The government should be giving more help and support not making it more difficult and expensive to install solar panels.
Barry Leverett, A stepped reduction in FIT tarrif was acceptable and expected but this sudden, drastic cut will make many householders change their minds regarding installation and threaten the livelihood of many newly established installation firms. Is this what the Government wants?
M Hammond, We should be encouraging everyone with a suitable roof to have solar panels and this cut in the FITs will be counterproductive. Not only will it be bad for the Solar Energy companies who are employing a significant number of people in the UK but also for the planet. Every KWH produced by solar power is saving CO2 gas from being dumped into the atmosphere by fossil fuel power stations. Come on the government, where are your Green credentials?
Fritz Raake,
Graeme Hicks,
David Lea, We recently ordered a solar PV system to be installed in February, before the review scheduled for the end of March. The decision to cut the FIT in December means that we cannot afford to go ahead. There must be hundreds of people in the same situation. It will have a devastating effect on the small scale solar industries. I find this revised programme shockingly destructive and short sighted. No-one will object to reasonable reductions in the FIT as the industry gains confidence and experience, but these must be properly thought out and programmed. What a hopeless government we have!
Bill Wright,
A. Allen, Myself and others are cancelling our plannned solar pv installations given the o.t.t. cuts signalled. This coalition government continues to be green in the derogatory sense
Gary Chantry, More people on the dole, wasted money on MCS approval and PV training. Not amused!!!
jackie wray,
Peter Churchman,
James White,
Brian Such, We have solar panels and are very impressed with their results. I feel the government should NOT make these drastic cuts but step back to the 25% trriff cut in April 2012.We need more solar energy not a severe cut back as proposed.
xxxxxxxx, HMG/DECC should not make the industry pay for its errors in designing the policy and calculating the tariff
Julien Chirol, After seeing boom and bust in many other EU countries, soften the review to January-February and the cut to 40%.
All that for the short term sustainability of the sector and to keep motivated a whole bunch of new comers with good will and ideas.
David Leavett,
Jonathan Sampson,
Warren Greaves - Test It Solar, Lets not kill the industry, the Government should change the feed-in-tarffs to suit size of installation and generation i.e. a smaller installation a higher FIT payment. At the moment a typical house could be <2.5kwp but the band for FIT is <4kwp. A new band of FIT at <2.5kwp and the right amount could still make the deal attractive to homeowners and continue to move Solar PV in the UK in the designed directions the Government intended in the first place.
Robin Hanbury-Tenison,
Anita Daimond, FIT is a scheme which is working; providing jobs in the green technology sector and producing low carbon energy. This scheme should be extended not stopped.
Tim Williams,
Andrew Hodchild, Well, what can one say? HMG would not pass OFT audit!
Alva Davey, This is typical of the government moving the goal posts by stealth. How safe is the feed in tariff for 25 years I wonder?
Aaron Claxton,
Henry Pannell,
Irene Newton, I am appalled at how easily the government'moves the goalposts' and then says it is consulting until the end of the year. The changes will hit the South-West in particular and will lead to many job losses which I am sure the secretary of state has not factored into his equation. He should allow all contracts signed up to go ahead - it is unbelievable that they can be changed with no regard to the implications. I wish he could be taken to court over it.
Catherine Simcock, Please do not cut the solar future, as it is a great way forward for the energy future of britain.
Colin Sims,
Mark Davies, The UK has the opportunity to lead the World in the take up of Solar, but then these cuts brought in early will stop that wave of enthusiasm and jeopardise additional jobs. This is a real short sighted move by Government who have a the opportunity to make a big difference in a "Big Society", but have failed again...........
Dick Powell, Like many people I am in the process of purchasing PV panels for my home. My investment decision is made on the assumption of 43p feed in tariff. Pleasee do not flush my investment down the drain. Give a reasonable time for the industry to complete its orders, then if the tariff must be reduced do it on a sliding programmed over several 6 month periods so that the installation industry can re-align itself.
David Thomas,
Steve Heathcote, There will be a massive over night cut in orders, which will jeopodise the industry. Many clients could lose thousands of pounds which they could have taken loans out for. It does not help any industry to completly shift the goal posts mid flow of programme. The Government should at least wait until April before lowering the tarrrif so as to limit damage as much as possable.
xxxxxxxx, If the Government changes this, how can we trust them on anything?
xxxxxxxx, Short term accountancy long term decay. This government needs to get real. More jobs and businesses put at risk. Let this sector grow..........
Richard Hartley, A 52% cut with an installation deadline of December 12th, before the end of the consultation, is crazy. The cut is too much, too soon. It is claimed solar installations have fallen in cost by 30%. Why then is the cut more than 50%. This will make PV unaffordable for most with a payback time of 16 - 18 years, by which time most people will have moved home. Net result = a negative percentage return, far from the claimed 4.5 - 5%.
David Cooke,
xxxxxxxx, I am very sad to hear about these cuts!
R D meech,
xxxxxxxx, short term, knee jerk reaction is not helpful or constructive. Many people are planing for solar. Financial planning crucial. This drives a coach and horses right through many peoples thought through financial planning. This cut in the FIT is unfair to the many who are trying to mitigate their energy bills.
xxxxxxxx, To make this substantial a change, at this short notice, is serious mismanagement in an area this Government (both parties) sought to play up in their manifestos
kevin robinson,
Michel Henry, 89,000 installed PV roofs out of 20,000,000 UK dwellings = 0.4 % of UK housing stock. The pilot study is a stunning success but has millions of miles to go ... Is this how Clegg and Cameron "roll their sleeves up to kick-start the economy" ???
Martin Long,
Timothy Wheeler, I believe that this country needs to support the solar energy industry.
Elly Weir, Two steps forward - and now this is three steps back. Unfortunately our planet doesn't have time for pussyfooting around.
keith lloyd, It just doesn't make any sense, on so many levels. The suppport you give now will be more than paid back tenfold in the future. Why undo all the good that has been done so far?!
A Bates,
xxxxxxxx, Cut benefits to those who won't work!
Angus Rhoderick Murchie, Nothing these absurdly self important politicians and their useless advisors touch ever works. They're killing PV and when the ludicrous so-called Green Deal comes in they'll kill the loft and CWI industry too. Utter incompetence would be a kind description for these wastes of space. None of them has any idea what they are doing nor the real consequences of their actions. They are destroying people's livelihoods and they don't even seem to care. Just as bad as the useless bankers who've destroyed our economy. The degree to which I despise them is impossible to put into words.
Robert Compton,
xxxxxxxx, Typical whenever there is a benifit to the consumer the Government always steps in stating it's no longer fundable. Isn't it funny than the don't tackle very high and quickly rising fuel including petrol with such vigor?
John Stringer,
xxxxxxxx, It's even worse that the government brought this day forward to 12.12.11 at such short notice!
Stephen Jarvis,
xxxxxxxx, I am one of the people affected by the timing of this. Fortunately my installation is being brought forward, I am neither rich, nor a venture capitalist, just someone trying to do their best in difficulty times. To pull the carpet out from under the feet of a new industry that has previously been encouraged by the government, just sickens me! It is another shortsighted bad decision, that further alienates the very people who they expect to vote for them!!
Mike Rochon,
C Robinson, I just cant believe the government have back tracked on this issue. We had planed to have PV but cant now as all installers are busy and we thought we had until April. Lies again
Alex Alston,
Steve Shepherd,
helen Renny,
Chris thomas, Greenest government ever? No chance....
Matthew Salmon, The solar systems are a great way to generate electricity in the daytime, when there is high demand, surely much better than building new power stations
Jon Beamson, If around 50% of south-facing homes in the UK had solar PV panels installed, there would be no need for new nuclear power stations. Invest in the future. You owe it to our children.
Joy Dyson,
Ruth Elizabeth Jarman,
Yvonne Turner,
Emily Wills,
James Thomas, Solar PV was a success story for the economy and the enviroment. In a time when we all need to cut our carbon footprint and keep jobs this is a wrong move. Keep the feed in tariff at 100%!
Mrs Jayne O\'connell, Please dont do this. Our village hall refurbishment project is due to be completed early next year. The FIT will enable our hall to be sustainable for future generations. Since running circa 1920 it needs a heating system installed and the FIT will subsidise this. Please help us.
Nick O\'Connell,
Tony Birdwood, Another shortsighted cut !!!
Diana Smith, 'FiT' fits together localism and renewable energy. Don't guillotine it!
James Terry, Do the government really want to KILL an entire industry and put 25,000 people out of work just before christmas??? Surely that will cost the tax payer more money? A ridiculous decision and one that needs a careful re-think - fast!!!!
Russ Clifton, Please don't kill off a thriving new industry just to bow down to the power companies.
Julian Clifton, This makes no economic sense, and is destroying one of the few potential growth markets. It has no parallels with policies in any other country where PV is being developed.
Phillip Callaghan,
Ryan Clifton, i was due to be taken on as an apprentice to a solar firm, so now what am i going to do in my future that the government has disrupted? Do they know how far reaching these cuts are????
Dale Clifton,
Andy Perkins,
Alice Sievewright, It just makes sense! Jobs, clean energy and a positive future. Don't stop when it's just getting started.
Richard Harris, Solar PV is practically the only renewable electricity generation technology that works in urban areas and can be easily retrofitted to that great waste space zone - the roofs of our houses and buildings.
The Government needs to give a much stronger incentive to fit solar PV to community buildings and local authority property.
Mark, Great! So my local primary school which I was working with to educate the kids with special lessons on solar and renewables, to be followed by an installation with educational monitoring equipment to help save on the huge all-electric heating bills and TEACH THE KIDS ABOUT SOLAR, has now been cancelled.
I love teaching and enlightening youngsters on this and I love installing solar. It looks like there's going to be casualties all round.
Thanks, for being the greenest government ever!
Paul Bryce,
Ross Kent,
SHIRLEY LEWIS, I'm about to have free panels installed; am waiting for the paperwork to be completed but doubt if installation can happen before 12th Dec. I am devastated, I'm in real fuel poverty and need these panels desperately.
Gwen Shannon,
Nick Ely, Cutting the FIT to this level is very shortsighted and will slow down the genuine job creation that renewables were beginning to achieve
Bryan blair, This is up there with the worst idea for cost cutting in my lifetime
No logic in it at all just get the nation to buy into The idea and start parting with there hard EARNED money and then half the incentive to kill the whole thing just as it was taking off!!!!! This can't happen yet give the nation a chance to get going
xxxxxxxx, just been stabbed in the back by our own government !
Mark Candlish, Director and former Chairman of the Renewable Energy Association
xxxxxxxx, A great employment opportunity is being wasted, and destroying the opportunity for cheaper and cleaner energy. Madness
susan wadhams, uk needs to do it can to support/promote green energy policy
catrina orwin,
xxxxxxxx, Typical of the Government to break a massive opportunity to help reduce household utility bills, and help the national grid produce much needed power. A great shame for the common people and easy targets!!
Mark Coppel,
xxxxxxxx, Think of the future this is the way to go
Krzysztof Lisowski,
kevin sharpe, Why would anyone destroy a thriving industry at this time?
Paul Goulbourne,
Mary Goulbourne,
B G Shaw,
Jason May, The government should stand by its original plans for a reasonable reduction in the FIT from 31st March 2012. A sweeping cut destroys confidence in the payback incentive offered by the FIT scheme and wrecks the blossoming renewable industry.
Tim Howarth, Please support the UK solar sector not go about bringing it to an end as you these proposed cuts will do.
Chris Ruddock, The goverments aim is for all properties to be 'C' rated, many of were working on schemes that imed to get properties to that level. The model that made most sense was to install PV on as many properties as possibl;e and then to use the money generated by FIT to upgrade an ever larger stock of housing to 'C'. This change in proposals seems to be lose, lose, lose
Paul Tyler,
martyn jennings, I support this petition
pier hausemer,
Emma Lowe,
Karla Burke, The solar industry is booming. Thousands of new jobs have been created as a result. The company I work for has over doubled its number of staff in the past 6 months. Jobs will be lost if these drastic cuts are made. Surely this is the opposite of what Government should be trying to achieve?
xxxxxxxx, Trust is about keeping promises..when you break promises trust is lost. This government expects one to believe that tariffs will be fixed for 25 years then changes its mind after 18 months. How can oone trust what it says. This technology is vital and needs full honest commitment.
colin hutchings,
Howard Coakley, Not only is this a retrospective step in terms of the environment and our electricity supply structure, it jeopardises local resilience, costs the tax-payer MORE overall, and gives no time for objectors to have a proper say.
chris wheatley, Encourage people to make their own power, thus reducing demand on fossil fuel pollution.
It's a no brainer, why destroy a good idea?
Marlene Muehlbauer,
George Kay,
John Nugent,
Marie Pearce,
Pete Ross,
xxxxxxxx, We agree the tariff needs to be reduced but not by as much as 50%, and the reference date should be 31 March 2012 as previously proposed, to give all those currently involved in negotiations time to complete their work.
Steven Earnshaw, The manner in which this whole saga has been done is nothing short of criminal. How can this even be legal????????????
John Furley, Don't take away our chance to make a difference!
John Richards,
Lynne Parry,
Chris Colborne, The insustry is already in freefall. How can we trust DECC or the Government again? Total shambles.
Paul Arrondelle, The more solar we have, the sooner we save the planet!
Chris Dowey,
Derek Wells, setting a future indexed linked price for renewables can cap our future bills and increase fuel security, the more we have the more WE can control oil prices
Diane Wells,
xxxxxxxx, this country would be better served if goverment concentrated on encouraging the manufacture ofl the hard ware associated with renewables after all it is a growth industry, unless of course it becomes unviable ie by reducing feed in tarrifs
Mr Nigel Dracup, please rethink the stategy, this is a development we should be encouraging and supporting not pressurising
xxxxxxxx, We have had an installation and undoubtedly it is contributing to the national green energy source. This was our prime motivator for installation. The costs of installation have to be within reach of the average consumer either by outright purchase or leasing roof space to a free/low cost provider. By removing the (yes) attractive feed-in incentives the Government is once again showing its colours on green issues. Plenty of rhetoric but no follow through when ongoing financial support or expenditure is required. We are not talking about a short term political issue - we are talking about a long term environmental issue.
Paul Garnham, Why put thousands out of work?
Terry Doherty,
Martin McGawley, The tariff reduction should be properly organised, in gradual increments, and with plenty of prior notice. Killer shocks to the market like this are totally unnecessary and damaging.
This reckless Government clearly doesn’t recognise the key advantages of Solar PV:
It is reliable, safe, flexible in where it can be installed, very low impact, effective at large and small scale, it creates jobs across the regions, and importantly its life-cycle finances can be planned accurately, maintenance and de-commissioning costs are low and the fuel (solar radiation) is free.
KENNETH ARMITAGE, so much for this governments promise to encourage and help people who basically cannot afford to do their bit for the environment and in the process save.Obviously the "fat cats" get no benefit.Definitely not getting my vote in next general election.
simon grisewood, Lot of unemployed people have come over from construction after that was decimated in the credit does the government want disaffected voters...its going to lose seats!
Karen Hurr,
Anthony Morgan, Cutting off this fledgling industry at the knees is not good for our economy, jobs or this country's future. The UK government needs to ask itself what the heck it is doing?
Dom, Another U-turn from our beloved un-elected government. So many promises then once again another industry on his knees.
David & Sarah Franks, As my wife and I are pensioners, we get hit yet again in our pockets, as this would be a great saving on our electric plus helping the environment.
Deborah Kay,
Mark Tanner, planning in progress-resources committed - carpet removed - private enterprise foiled once again-a rocky road to Kyoto. To invest we need to trust.
David Perman,
Peter Wood,
Jonathan Musgrave,
xxxxxxxx, was intending to beat the march deadline. gutted!
Prof. Eric Eisenhandler, After two major "surprises" in half a year, how can anyone ever again trust the promises for the future made by DECC?
Jane Waller,
Elaine Smith,
India Stringer, Renewable Energy Student,
xxxxxxxx, This recent "bombshell" cuttting the FIT from 43.3p to 21p with only 5 weeks notice will cause chaos and disorder in the solar power industry and probably practically stop this industry in its tracks. Businesses and individuals who wish to and have the finances to install domestic solar pv need firm timetables stating orderly progressive reductions in FIT, not "knee-jerk" actions like this - reminds me of Greek referendum to stay in EU !
xxxxxxxx, this move will devistate any chance of us reaching our green targets and cost us dearly in the future.
Nick Leek, We do need to support Solar Energy not kill it
Roger Thomson, This announcement has just sounded the death knell of the fledgling solar industry. What is the secret story behind such a rapid and ill-considered action??
xxxxxxxx, This is typical of government unfortunately thousands believed king clown cameron and clegg-the greenest government my ass!
Terry Hannay, save our solar
lee smith,
D Spalding, Our Government should stick by its promises and listen to the public.We put them theremwe can take them down.
Oliver Cameron-Swan,
Steven Levers, This recent announcement means now I'm abandoning two solar PV instalations on seperate properties and shelving further plans for green improvements to my properties. Such huge cuts are rediculous and very short sighted!!!
Nigel Clements, This government needs to prove that it is serious about its Green commitment. Proposals such as this show it cannot be trusted.
keith goshawk, they should not u turn on this it is to help the countrys power problem they were all for it when started
kate gathercole,
Adrian Struthers,
alan chandler,
xxxxxxxx, It will deprive many retired people of making a saving at a time when every penny counts
Ron Fleming,
Michelle Roberts, Power to the People!
Russ Whistance, solar energy is a vital part of powering our world in the future. The sooner investmetns are made and renewable energy in implemented the better.
xxxxxxxx, I had been pursuing the free solar option, survey done, contract signed; just awaiting installation date. Then t/call from supplier on 2 November to say unable to proceed following govenrment's announcement. Like many people I do not have a "spare" £12 - £14k, so I am left with rising bills and no chance to benefit the environment.
Ian Thomas, What happened to the government's wish to increase the proportion of renewable energy produced in the UK?
xxxxxxxx, This cut will be a disaster for the industry with more job cuts and less people having the benefit of solar energy
Andres Blanco, The cut of the Feed-In-Tariff shows that the energy industries have control over the government, and it just makes more difficult to get a greener electricity and affordable.
Simon Jones, The reduction of FITs will only kill the retrofit of solar panels industry to existing housing stock and will risk not meeting the UK's targets to reduce CO2 emissions
Mark chamberlain,
margaret chandler,
Mrs Carole Coleman, It is a ridiculous suggestion to cut the Solar Tariffs by 50%. People need to use alternative power sources and in this economic climate need ways to reduce their fuel bills. It will also lose jobs for many people.
raymond appleby, keep to the original timescale of tariff reduction. do not impose this unfair, no notice, change
Tim Cutting, It is extraordinary for Chris to talk of renewable energy as the 'third industrial revolution' one week and then be party to cutting support to a vital part of this revolution the next.
xxxxxxxx, The government is desperate to help the economy by encouraging business. The solar panel business was taking off because of the FIT. I cannot understand them killing it.
Donna Riley, If the Govt is committed to building XXXX thousand new homes every year, every new house built should have solar panels fitted as standard. That would mean cheaper fuel bills for everyone and less of a drain on natural fuels. Surely this is a no-brainer. This would be cheaper to install as it would be done on a massive scale and therefore the cost minimal to any new purchasers.
xxxxxxxx, I had a question read out on Radio 4 some time ago in which I argued that more subsidy/price cuts would help to bring this wonderful technology within the reach of ordinary people - we are a pensionner household enthusiastic to get on with saving money and carbon
willy andrews, My question to Mr Barker is this - " What are you and the Government actually committed to?"
Tim Whittome,
Dennis Arbon, Give more time for consultation.
joe hughes, This would be a massive set back!! Renewables are the way forward!
Michael Finlay,
Brian Hanness, Government always on about green energy and carbon energy. When it becomes popular they ALWAYS back track
xxxxxxxx, My wife and I are both in our eighties. The "Rent-s-Roof" deal offered by Homesun provided an ideal solution to our energy problem. To now reduce the Pay Back Tarif to such an extent as to make the scheme uneconomic for suppliers is illogical from a government seeking to maximise the use of renewable energy. Add to this the excessive amount spent on the Windfarm Project, with all the questions it raises, and the reduction of subsidy on Solar Pholtaic energy energy production appears capticious.
Johanna Carrie, Solar has to be an increasing part of our energy mix, even if it can't meet all our needs.
Simon Fisher,
Jon Halle, Just some of the community solar projects which are aversely affected by the timing of the cuts - these ought to be the beacons of a new community energy sector, supported by Govt in the name of the Big Society!:
Bath and West Community Energy
Wey Valley Solar Schools
Community Energy Warwickshire
Oxford North Community Renewables
Brighton Energy Co-operative
Leominster Community Solar
Whittington and Fisherwick Environment Group
Brixton Energy Solar One
Cumbria Community Renewables Fund
Green Local Energy
Gloucestershire Community Energy Coop
Bristol Energy Cooperative
Morecambe Bay Community Renewables
The Solar Coop
xxxxxxxx, This announcement has killed my ambitions of having panels installed and doing my bit for "the Big Society" in reducing emissions. Better get back to work to pay for my ever spiralling energy bill or will the Conservatives now order the energy companies to cut their prices dramatically now they don't have to subsidise the Feed In Tarriff?
Paul Combellack, Crazy decision. This is helping Cornwall's economy no end and would have a drastic effect if implemented.
David Luckhurst, Why do governments in Britain (always slow to get going on green policies) choose to damage fledgling industries, rather than support them in a structured and well-planned way? It happened with the change from Clear Skies to Low Carbon Building Programme and will happen again with this ill-thought-out cut, which claims to be to 'avoid a boom and bust scenario' (Greg Barker). That's precisely what it will create!! Reduce the FIT payment, but don't kill off the industry.
xxxxxxxx, The aim of the government is to reduce our impact on climate change, the only way to achieve this is to give incentives that work financially this recent action is a disincentive and puts in doubt the integrity of the government, in that will it maintain promises or cut at will. They should have controlled the industry better avoiding businesses like rent a roof robbing the FIT of its resources to help older people get a system and some payback before they expire.
elizabeth ings, why do you encourage us to be green, then halve the tarriff so quickly when we have committed ourselves to the expense of going solar.
Kevin Jones, Adjusting the rates is reasonable and expected but the way it is proposed to be implemented is not. The trust in our Government has more serious international ramifications for inward investment to the UK.
Peter Ellis, It is vital that the renewable energy industry is supported at this stage in its development
mr leggett, As pensioners this scheme is an excellent means of helping us to survive ever increasing fuel bills particularly during the winter months.
Jae Mather, The UK has been a follower in the renewable world for a good long time and with the FIT we were beginning to make up some of that ground. The recent changes in Aug 2011 and now in Dec 2011 are exactly what is needed to destabilise the industry and erode confidence. It would appear that the Government is laying the foundations for pulling back from its carbon reduction targets and reneging on its leadership commitments due to typical short sightedness. Our leaders are our guardians and there job is to look to the long term security and sustainability of the UK. This does not appear to be occurring!
Chris Knight, Much better to see solar panels, than those infernal Wind Mills blighting our landscapes.
Nick Dummer, The technology is sustainable but confidence in deliverability must also be. There are loads of roof panels near me now - if it stops people will think it was just a gimmick. Stuff needs to work better and solar is a prime example of how to do it, and show that it's being done.
xxxxxxxx, The gvernment going back on their word!! after asking us all to help the environment. At least give us till Mach
barbara sheers,
Robert Day, The greenest government yet? the suns going down on this one!!
Christine Gibbons,
Richard WEETMAN, Please do not let the Government lose a unique opportunity to help in the fight against fuel poverty in the face of increasing energy prices.
D Morritt, 30% would be more reasonable and NOT unexpected
Roy Rowell,
Paul Cleary, Don't do this!
Bill Stokes, This country needs to create jobs not destroy them!
gerald cullis,
xxxxxxxx, In addition the short notice before the proposed implementation is extremely damaging and undermines confidence in government initiatives.
Marcus Spedding, Support a clean future.
Daniel Senior, Sign for solar - sign for the future
Sten Salisbury, Not only will this affect the solar industry but affects those with aspirations to become more carbon friendly.
Mr.& Mrs Read, Cutting tariffs is not the way to encourage people to save on their energy consumption. Free solar panels is the incentive to do this, also to create jobs.
Karen Lee, Why does the Government support and promote wind power then do this to kill solar?
xxxxxxxx, The proposed change at such short notice is grossly unfair by any criteria.
Keith Bremer, For a government that claims to be the greenest ever and also claims to want to stimulate economic growth the FITS was a clear winner. This cut is too big and too early. I still plan to install solar PV (can't do it in time to beat the December deadline - the roof hasn't been built yet) in spite of this cut, because it makes environmental sense. Sadly the economics are much less attractive now (unless the government knows something about future electricity price rises that we don't).
Peter Chilvers,
xxxxxxxx, this government seems to have forgotten its pledges on climate change.
Zaid Bassam,
xxxxxxxx, I suggest (1) retaining current support until April 2012 and the (2) continuing at a tariif reduced by a third to compensate for lower material costs
xxxxxxxx, I am a pensioner and only other people like me could only have solor panels through companies such as home sun giving free fitting.
david John Kuhn, Patricia Anne Kuhn, It seems strange that the Government has done a distinct back track regarding the payable rate ref Feed In Tariff, especially after the Government has spent a lot of time persuading us that the solar efficiency benefits outweigh the cost ultimately, with reference to for the total supply and installation cost of the units.
Many of us are having to `tighten our belts`in these financial times, so why did the Government persade us to part with our savings etc when ultimately the government were using the FIT costs as an incentive , then ultimately cut that incentive, which apart from putting many people out of work, will ultimately cause closure of Solar Companies.
Tha change in heart of the Government ref FIT we find absolutely idiotic.
The change in the attitude of the government we find absolutely outrageous.
Paul Brett, Let's invest properly in Solar and other renewable energy technologies. It will create jobs, save money and help meet our carbon emission targets.
helen vos,
mr sidney harris, Please dont cut this much off solar. If you do, cut your pay and gold plated pension accordingly, to show willing. Start with your finances first before interfering with the finances of the country and business.
John Dinnen,
xxxxxxxx, The Government is killing industry instead of helping.
Darrell Richings, It would be crazy to cut the FIT so much now just as solar panels are at last within the reach of ordinary householders. Please don't relegate green energy back into the minority market!
Steve Edwards,
dan page,
Amy Catlow, Losing green jobs and pulling investment from industry at this time is damaging. Renewables needs support to get started until we've shifted the norm away from expensive and harmful fossil fuels. Cut don't kill the tariff.
Jon Wheatley, I have raised significant funds from investors to help fund a small company employing young people in a free to install business model. The question that was raised in Parliament about whether any investors would ever be able to trust the government again was met with a put down by the minister stating that the questionner was being hysterical.
I can quite catagorically state that all of my investors are deeply upset and feel that DECC has reneged on it's promise particularly regarding the timeframe. Investors are going to run a mile when they hear that DECC are involved in any future Green Project.
I feel deeply sorry for the number of consumers who will now miss out on prebooked installations.
I feel deeply sorry for those in the most vulnerable position regarding fuel poverty as they certainly will no longer be able to benefit from a free to install model.
I feel deeply sorry for an industry that has been lied to.
The minister also stated that solar companies should now concentrate on the sustainability products that are supported by the Green Deal. It will be difficult for any business to work on the Green Deal as nobody seems to be able to tell us what the exact framework will be or indeed when it may or may not come into being. Are companies supposed to just sit around waiting for the Green Deal.
A cut to the feed in tariff is appropriate but not at the rate stated and certainly not in the timeframe proposed. An orderly cut at the end of March as originally set out with a guarantee of full consultation before rulings in the future coupled with a continuation into any future Green Deal would be the only way to ensure that consumers are not left out of pocket, the industry and 25,000 jobs is not decimated and investors in future green projects will have confidence that the government is able to stick to its promises.
xxxxxxxx, Where possible it makes sense for people to install solar panels as a means of reducing energy costs as well as contributing to the national grid. To suddenly reduce the feed in tariffs seems sheer lunacy when we struggle to maintain sufficient supplies for national needs and presumably contribute to carbon reduction. This will make consumers think twice about installation as the payback time is considerably lengthened and this will turn a lot of people off.
Obviously the contractors face not only loss of business if this reduction in tarriff takes place but also there will be considerable job losses which in the current economic situation seems totally unnecessary. Just another crazy government decision by idiot politicians who would have us believe they have our best interests at heart (or should that be their own interests as we have so often seen)
xxxxxxxx, We would be far better off investing in solar technology than expensive ugly giant windmills scattered around the countryside. Surely as a government you should be saving jobs not destroying them more than ever at this time . Please think again
Billie Lewis,
Chris Stephenson, Change IS needed but these changes have to be phased in responsibly and with due care and consideration. The time scale is the biggest problem without a doubt.
Iain Turnbull,
Jim Dignan, Our modest array of solar panels generates 90% of our annual electricity consumption. The technology works, it saves carbon, does not require massively expensive infrastructure investment and helps break the stranglehold of the big six energy companies. We know it makes sense, but the government, alas, seems determined to stop the solar revolution in its tracks.
Gerald Vasey,
Andrew Broadhurst, I have just had panels installed so this does not affect me however during the installation I had a large number of trainees on site learning the job. They all seemed very hopeful for a new future for themselves. This drastic cutback is going to have a huge impact on their futures. Surely a slower reduction in the feed-in tariff is warranted to allow the companies to plan the impacts and more importantly to ensure the continued take up of such a green energy supply.
Mary Ann Hobson, Energy prices are sky high, solar panels would give long suffering pensioners a little respite and perhaps the option to eat and heat at the same time. If you cut the subsidy, everybody will lose, lots of solar companies will go to the wall, none of us will have the opportunity to get either free electricity or at least lower bills. Government - please think and do not act in haste. The Robin Hood tax on banks would more than compensate for the subsidy currently provided !
Elica G Gylman,
xxxxxxxx, I'm furious to find out about the proposed changes, especially having entered out planning application this week at a cost of £150. We were planning on installing in January and were onld doing so based on the tarrifs.
Quite simply it will not be worth proceeding with these changes.
xxxxxxxx, We were seriosly considering the free solar panel system but this now may not be open to us. Very disappointing. This is a way of reducing costs for families in the present financial climate and a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way of providing energy.
Andrew Jackson,
Andrew Kay,
Hilary Sweeney, What happened to building this country and increasing job opportunities? The solar industry was moving forward, now jobs, investment and stabilty in the solar market are threatened.
w.moulsdale, this does not make sense
Mark Owen, I have recently worked on solar installations and have realised that it is a growing bussines which will create jobs for all types of trades, not only is it good for creating jobs it is a very good way of saving money and reducing your carbon footprint. so what are the government doing when all they go on about is creating jobs and reducing your carbon footprint.
Mark owen
Doug Harris, I was so incensed by the government moving the goalposts AGAIN that I wrote to the Daily Telegraph. They ran an editorial, but I am not sure they understand the undermining of a whole industry that will be the effect here. There are some things that should be outside of politics, such as food, housing and of course ENERGY. These 5-year cycle short-termists have no vision and they should be ashamed. Such governmental promises should still be kept even if the colour of the party in power changes.
xxxxxxxx, The proposed speed of change is particularly odious - how can a business plan for such a change
David Will,
xxxxxxxx, Solar Electric &Solar hot water should be for any one who has the correct roof for it
Ian Reed, The proposed cuts threaten to stop our much needed storage barn project dead in the water just when we have paid out for the planning and architects fees. As a small volunteer charity this was the only way we could afford to obtain the coveraged accomodation. To cut the tariff arbitarily at such short notice is patently unfair for those who have committed hard earned funds to projects now certain to be cancelled. So much for supporting the 'Big Society'.
Matt Fry,
merry scott,
xxxxxxxx, We all knew a cut was coming but we didn't know how deep and we didn't think the date of change would be brought forward. Please re-think, at least complete the consultation, thousands of jobs are at stake here!
Debbie Sohan,
David Natusch, The speed of this cut has left a large number of our clients with project cost incurred and wasted as the time remaining is not enough to commission schemes before 12th Dec. The decision to proceed was on the basis of the current rate which was expected to remain until April 2012. Do politions understand what last minute changes do to people trying to run businesses?
xxxxxxxx, understand with all the cut backs that savings do need to be made, but surely a 50% reduction is ridiculous.
Mandy Dickens, WHY?
xxxxxxxx, We are all encouraged to go green in more ways than one. What is the point when the government can do the same, do we all stop recycling? Practice what you preach!
Richard Newall,
d thomas, The goverment has moved the goal posts .We want more solar power ,this will make more people uneployed .
Andrew Bright, I have seen first hand the growth and level of work and enthusiasm from contractors, developers, public authorities and the domestic market. This is the wrong policy at the wrong time. You have not given this enough time and I hasten to add, not enough intellectual thought. The only impact that will be felt will be less tax revenue when it is badly needed and increasing carbon emissions. Greenest government! 6 million homes in the social housing sector. Many residents suffering from fuel poverty. What an amazing opportunity wasted by short sighted short termism.
Graham Houston, The timing of these proposals are outrageous and designed to say money with no regard to the impact it will have on the work currently underway.
Mrs. B. K. Winter, Solar power is necessary and should be encouraged !
xxxxxxxx, Crazy!
David Alcock,
David Sycamore, The govt has encouraged citizens to install solar and now suddenly does a sudden U turn! This cut in FITs will stall the growth of the UK renewables industry and frustrate the attempts of many people, like myself, who are committed but could not now achieve an install before the deadline. There should be concessions for customers who committed before 12 December deadline was announced.
Manuela, Thousands more will join the dole queues as a result - how shortsighted, particularly after all the publicity for saving enery and climate change!
Mr Martyn Reed, You want us to be a low carbon country, so invest in solar!!!
xxxxxxxx, Having had solar installed I can now see the benefits of doing so. For the government to have such a short sighted purely cost saving decision by reducing the FIT will see many who would otherwise have joined me in saving costs, no longer feel the savings are justified.
Mrs Sandra Paine, Deverstated as our order got cancelled as our supplier couldn't deliver by the December deadline and pre-orders for jan / feb have been brought forward leaving no installers.
Nick Goude,
gaynor barnes, how short sighted
Linda Secker,
Dave Coker, If we all had solar the energy companies would not have such great power, maybe they are worried?
xxxxxxxx, The FITs scheme has turned people on to renewable energy like nothing has before. The industry should be encouraged not penalised.
Stephen and Ann Robinson, We are in our 60s and strongly believe in solar power being the way ahead. Daylight should be harnessed!
Jim Thomson, Get real here - fuel poverty in the UK is killing people, here is a chance to recuce energy bills for vulnerable people. By all means go after the profiteers but leave alone the social feed-ins
Faye Wilson,
Daniel Llewellyn,
Greenest government ever!!!????? Clearly not.
xxxxxxxx, I hope the Government will have a re-think about the harm it ill cause to the Solar Industry.
xxxxxxxx, This is madness.
Linda Williams, Solar power is a sustainable energy source. How can the Government claim to be green and say they want to increase jobs when its current plans are likely to jeopardise 25,000 jobs, bankrupt Solar energy companies?
Sharon Wilkins, Solar power has to be one of the best.
The government says its GREEN, well time to stick to what you promised.
R J Bagwell, We need the use of more solar energy, as opposed to building more Nuclear generation plants.
Ian Bradley,
Jon Davey,
Ross Mitchell, A cut to the current tariffs is the right choice to make especiallly in light of falling unit prices and rising fuel poverty amongst the vulnerable. But the manner in which the cut is proposed is highly irresponsible with potentially huge impacts across communities and the supply chain. Government has an opportunity now to show real leadership by re-extending the cut deadline. Such leadership would be met not only by a happier solar industry but confidence by the entire green sector to invest right across breadth of green technology, supporting governments longer terms commitments. Without this government are at real risk of a long term damage in consumer/industry confidence with knock on consequences to achieving their own carbon budgets.
Nigel Hinks,
Paul Mackay, An effective rate of reduction agreed with the industry would make much more sense than cutting its knees off.
Peter Woodward, These proposals are no way to build confidence in a fledgling industry. Think again about phasing and scale of FiT
Ian Chittick,
xxxxxxxx, I know we al have to make cuts but surely an industry that will in the long term be of invaluable aid to the country's energy problems should not only be immune from such cuts but should benefit from more support. Moreover does the Government actually want the number of unemployed people to rise even more? It all seems to be very short sighted thinking.
xxxxxxxx, Having been on the waiting list for approx 7 months I sincerely hope this silly Gov. action does not spoil my freesolar fit and for many others.
Sally Clarke, Devastating!
George Davis, The goverment once again shows it is a goverment for the wealthy, especially the wealthy ones who hold shares in energy and oil companies.
David Grace, Where is the downside in the present payment structure? Surely only giving the full return to 4Kw systems or less is a win for everyone as these are household size not industrial! Solar is a growth industry, green and at present nothing like on the same scale as in Germany. Leadership in the U.K. is sadly lacking.
Tony Linton, It has cost me several thousand pounds to get myself set up to install solar pv. To have this happen is a disaster for my business. Electrical contracts are already difficult enough to pick up and i get contacted on a weekly basis by electricians looking for work, which has never happend to me before. So to loose all my solar install contracts over night is a joke. What 'SPANNER' got himself stuck in the works without thinking of the consequences of his actions.
Life is hard enough.
Chris Gleave, Sustainable jobs in a sustainable industry shot dead without a thought! How do we pull the plug on such a short sited government?
Lauren D\'Arcy,
Robin Willson,
Lauren Darcy, Solar Power has been the best thing to happen to our country in years and it is unfair to put a stop to this flourishing market.
Steve Murphy,
Nick Beehoo, We need to ensure solar energy is afordable for all, more homes & business's need to cotribute to energy savings by being able to get help with solar instalations.
William Ainslie, The approach this Government is taking shows total disregard for the businesses and employment that depend on solar. I urge people to remember this treatment come the next general election.
Sarah Ollerton,
Rev J.K.Watson,
John Schwarzenbach, A 50% reduction in FIT introduced at very short notice is a wholly irrational response to a much smaller decrease in installation cost, and will badly affect this developing green supply industry.
Keith White, We all knew that a reduction was coming, but it is grossly unfair to implement this before April 2012. If the tariff per unit exported to the grid was increased to compensate, it would make people think more about their energy usage and reduce cost to the supply companies.
DANIEL THOMAS, This would be an absolute massive blow to the industry and me and my company will really struggle by this as the electrical work has almost dried up through the recession so we spent alot of our own money getting into the solar business and its been great we really enjoy it but yet again the government is going to ruin it and we will all be out of work yet again struggling to pay bills and worrying where our next wage will come from. Its disgusting.
Richard Orttewell,
John Forsyth, I do understand the reasons for cutting the FIT as the present rate is not sustainable in the long term; however, with a little planning and forethought this would have been better managed in increments rather cutting it by half in one go.
Cally Atkinson,
Jenny Riley, Not just signing the petition - also signed up for our solar PV and thermal panels :o) Can't wait!!!
Bob Evans, Just been mugged by Government idiots ..when they do stuff like this how can they ever be trusted by the public and trade alike
Ian Williamson, We should be promoting the solar (and wind energy) industry as much as possible not reducing some of the benefits.
Steve Bayes,
Ray Stevens, Keep the solar panel industry alive, you are always banging on about energy, support the cleanest energy of all, no cuts please.
Ian Guest, To maximise "Energy from sustainable sources" must be an important aim of the UK Government. So why endanger one area of the generation of this "free" power with the proposed cut in FIT to 50% of the current rate? Let us utilize the suitable roof space to generate power currently being lost and also help to ease the number of people un-employed as a bonus.
Sharon wright, I am in the process of installing solar pannels now but need to replace my roof first all th8is could not be done before december
Richard Edwards,
simon young, Our home has benefited from this source of electricity. We do not want the tariff to be dropped so low that it will jeopardise the jobs of so many in this industry.
Mark Williams,
Sue Watts, Wake up government. Think long term . What's so wrong with encouraging growth of solar power? We don't get it...Is there something you are not telling us?
Crole Protherough, Why deliver such a blow to an industry which was growing , losing jobs and slowing down change to sustainable energy?
chris verity, combned with the proposed link to home energy efficiency, due to the costs, solar pv is soon to become the reserve of the wealthy.
Nigel Street,
Ann Stewart,
Eric G. Knowles, Companies that are already in the business of renewable energy through the use of Solar energy need to be encouraged to stay in the business for the sake of the position of this country in the energy business world-wide.
Paul McCallum,
Tim Oakley,
linda lever,
xxxxxxxx, Absolute farce, the government has been exiting the public on renewable energy by providing a sweetener then slashing it.
Geoff Robinson,
Colin, My German friend said to me,Colin I know your government is stupid ! But not this stupid!! The future is SOLAR.
Robert, The industry needs some certainty and continuity. the proposal to halve the feed-in tariff with only a few weeks notice is madness and will cost more in lost jobs than it saves.
justin havens,
xxxxxxxx, Too hard, too quick.
Samuel Green,
Rita Woodhead, I do not agree with the 50% cut as it could put people out of jobs!!!!
Pete Evans,
Keith Bennett,
Pam & Terry Jukes, Have written to our M.P. using the template sent to us. How many more times are the Government going to renege on their promises. Hope this one dies the death.
Peter Anthony, more solar energy needed
R A Hillyer, The cut is unreasonably large especially in view of the urgent need to reduce dependence on non renewable sources of fuel
xxxxxxxx, How can the UK meet our sustainable energy targets by 202 without solar?
Colin Jeffrey, as usual the government have cocked in up. I bet they made sure they had theirs put on before they pulled the plug.
xxxxxxxx, It seems plain daft to destroy a newly growing and successful industry in these times of economic difficulty, especially since solar power is clean, cheap and would go some way to solving the problem of supply. Many people will lose their jobs at a critical time and just be joining the dole queue pointlessly.
xxxxxxxx, we need all the electricity we can generate by this clean method. We also need all the jobs that have been created by this industry.
Jim Pendleton,
Paul Stephens, This government has got to go
Jill Mickleburgh,
xxxxxxxx, Solar power is necessary for energy security; lets create growth and jobs through promoting solar power not the other way. Its a win win for everyone.
Robert Judges, Solar is simple, clean and it works
xxxxxxxx, We need to be making the most of all renewable energy and encouraging everyone to use it.
Theresa Mason,
JONATHAN SELWYN, The government needs to end the boom and bust cycle by engaging with the industry so we can help plan FIT changes in a progressive and transparent way which maximises install capacity, jobs growth and CO2 reductions for given 'budget' and achieves swift path to grid parity.
Jamie Ritchie,
D Jarman, The government need to decide whether they want a greener country or more money at all costs
TERENCE JONES, Yet another kick in the teeth for the ordinary man in the street. The speed of the FIT reduction will cost £1000,s in lost deposits for people already committed to a p.v. installation after December 12th, Whilst making hundreds of solar workers unemployed by Christmas.
This government can find money for bankers, war & overseas aid !
Paul Smith, The consequences of this Government Proposal have not been well thought through. Another gut reaction that aims to kill another industry off...........
xxxxxxxx, Alternative energy needs to be more accesible and cheaper to install- not less attractive!
Jane Wright,
Michael Fell, An Absolute travesty, What do the government think they are playing at......
mark finch, Another example of the blatant incompetence and mismanagement of one of the most significant energy re-engineering exercises ever undertaken.
Phil, I changed my job to be in the 'lucrative' solar field.
The other day our new 'Greener Government' destroyed my new job, thus leaving me out of work along with many more. I give up.
Ian Redstone,
lloyd robinson, greenest government cutting solar pv feed-in Tariffs??.
xxxxxxxx, If cuts are to be introduce make them in the Wind Turbine area. I was in Kent some weeks ago and I noticed 7 on one site not turning and it was quite a windy day.
Mike Trigger,
Paul Goodman,
James Mclinden,
christopher john oakes-monger, green? - the voters who voted for coalition parties certainly were.
Mick Papworth, 30 % is workable not 50% and the deadline of DEC 12th is crazy
Barry Price,
Ivica Zdraveski,
C M Flitter,
Felix Cory-Wright,
Deon Fischer,
xxxxxxxx, The one practical thing the govt has helped householders do to cut carbon and create jobs and they are killing it dead. Could it have anything to do with them caring more about the big energy company record profits than the future of our planet and economy?
xxxxxxxx, Typical politicians to go back on their word. Not surprised at all.
claire crawley, An appallingly short-sighted decision.
Stephen Hagan, Understand cuts have to be made but extremely disappointed with the severity of the cut and the hasty approach to implement it.
Cameron pound,
George McAvoy, Solar power is brilliant and free from our sun and far better than ugly inefficient wind farms which receive massive Government subsidies. Solar power and tidal power have to be the way ahead. George McAvoy in Norfolk.
xxxxxxxx, I would like to see the payments stay the same but I would also like to see business premises, schools, hospitals and all council offices installed with solar panels that are fitted for free. All new public, industrial and commercial buildings should only given planning permission if they are built with solar panels. What happens when, those of us luckly enough to have solar panels, need back up, repair or service if the companies supplying the panels get forced out of business. Do we take on the government for not supporting this excellent way of producing power!
Mark Chapman, This is one type of environmental investment that requires capital to be continued to be pumped in to help save the planet and reduce costs for many, especially the vulnerable in the UK... mark.
Simon Powell,
xxxxxxxx, We should be investing and encouraging more in solar investment - not discouraging it.
Steve Henry, 50% reduction in FITs is far too great for domestic installations below 4kW. These are the installations that I understand the government wants to promote. 21p/kWhr pushes payback for these installations well into double figures which is not attractive enough. I was planning to take on extra staff and train them. This is not likely to happen now.
xxxxxxxx, This has affected our decision to have panels fitted as it will take longer to payback
Deborah Lewis,
Mick Hutchinson, Do as you say and support solar
Peter McIntosh,
Lisa Abraham,
Del Abraham,
Phil Bwye, This country has enough unemployed and needs solar power. Its not rocket science!
Pat Callaghan, Absolute madness to virtually destroy a new green industry which will help to deal with climate change and create growth and provide new jobs
Lynda Baker,
Guy Atherton,
sean mark, Hitler failed coalition may just have defeated BRITIAN NOT VERY GREAT NOW
JJ Ferrandis, This "cut" has been commented in the renewable energy sector worlwide and it does not make any favour to UK. Please support Solar and show UK as a reliable economy for green jobs and investments!
Charles Potter,
xxxxxxxx, Please re consider this seems a short sighted decision which will have a negative impact on employment and our future environment.
Nigel Gibb, What about the so called commitment to renewable energy? Can you trust them?
Paul Lewis,
Mike Herrero,
Hannah Moran,
R.T.LANSDOWN, solar power has got to be the way forward
Nathaniel Whitestone, We need to nourish renewable energy sources in the UK. Cuts of this magnitude would just devastate the nascent solar industry, when other energy sectors receive all sorts of subsidies on an ongoing basis. As a homeowner investing in solar, and a businessman doing business with solar companies, I promise you the UK will lose more than we gain by reducing these incentives. Don't cut! And if you insist on cutting, don't make such an absurd attack on such an essential industry.
Laurie Prescott,
Norman McCubbin, Obviously a victum of it's own success, increasing the payback time will put off our older generation from investing their savings!!
Dr Eric Pierce, This Govt seems intent on encouraging entrepreneurs to start up businesses in the renewable energy sector only to remove incentives and let the start-ups crash, thereby destroying jobs and ruining peoples lives.
Meanwhile they support nuclear and fossil energy despite the proven long term risks and public concerns.
I can't help but wonder if a few backhanders are being circulated from the nuclear industry.
I also agree with the comments of Dr Gerry Wolff on this site.
B. Gorse, Stick with your original dates of March 31st next year to alter subsidies. Don't penalise those that are trying to go green by having panels installed - like you the government wanted. To every one of you that has signed this petition sign the two petitions on the H.M. Government listed below, 100,000 signitures on those means it will be eligablr to be debated in parliment. We can make a difference
Snow Lukka,
kate watson, the best way that individuals can really feel conected and involved is to manufacture their own electricity and then will alter habits to use it more responsibly. large scale projects will not do this - although of course a combination is needed. It is not a return of '10 %' as of course we will NOT get our capital back !
RUTH COE, The extraordinary way this stupid measure has been implemented will ensure that the cynicism with which politicians generally, & unfortunately this government in particular, are regarded by electors - the coalition has now proven beyond all doubt that they are not to be trusted, their professed intention to green the economy & promote initiative and employment in the renewable energy sector is JUST WORDS - contradicted big time by their stupid actions. . . . how unfortunate that politicians have the power to act but no understanding of the dire consequences on the rest of us!
Tom Dixon,
xxxxxxxx, the country needs to encourage solar power
David Wilmot,
David A Spencer,
Derrick Johnson, Lets hope the government officials have not been shortsighted and decreased the feed in tariff too much, too soon. Any property owner/ occupier that becomes more aware of their energy use in direction relation to production must be a good thing and be one solid contribution to using less energy. Once more aware i feel people will consider how else there property can become more energy efficient as a natural occurrence. Lets Generate less CO2!
xxxxxxxx, If the Government wish to move to greener energy supplies to augment the diminishing natural resources what better way than to harness what we can from one of natures free resources - the sun.
I hope the Government will reconsider the levels being offered for lead in tarifs which will reduce the numbers taking up this option.
xxxxxxxx, Cutting solar PV feed-in tariffs is a backward step in the move toward more efficient and environmentally friendly energy.
Caroline Kemp, How do they think they're going to meet the Climate Change Bill targets if they make cuts which reduce demand for renewables?
Christopher Payne,
Linda and Chris Ballard,
Anna Lunt, The feed in tariffs are crucial in pushing on renewable energies - Britain used to be a world leader, now we're falling behind but this could change with committed investment in carbon cutting renewables.
Mick Whitehurst,
D G Bradshaw,
john vaughan, well this is the goverment for you thay tell us lets go green and then pull the rug from under your feet.
B Bradshaw,
Goff Welchman, The free solar scheme is the best renewable energy option for anyone without substantial savings to invest. It's vital to maintain this option, especially for older people who cannot afford to wait 10-15 years for a return on an investment.
Patrick Crawley,
Jenny Crawley,
xxxxxxxx, The government should do everything in its power to enliven the economy and save dwindling resources and solar is a practical way to do both. It is madness to lower the feed in tarrif at this time...let the industry get going for at least a couple more years and then maybe phase in a reduction in steps to encourage take up
mr m. w. cox, I thought the goverment wanted to support renewable energy!!!!!!!.
Sue Lamb,
xxxxxxxx, No more pandering to the big 6 power C.o's
Let the people make power themselves
xxxxxxxx, The government's commitment to a greener world requires more support not less!! Given the current economic/employment crisis it would be totally irresposible to cause the collapse of the companies involved in this project.
susan madron,
xxxxxxxx, I am not opposed to a cut but the size of the cut is excessive. I am opposed to time scales December is much too soon Febuary would have been better.
xxxxxxxx, A cut by 30% instead of 50% would be acceptable and allow the industry to grow and flourish
Mrs J Clemens, This is such a great opportunity for everyone & such a shame if Homesun is curtailed in trying to help the earth
s w mason,
Mrs G M Davis,
xxxxxxxx, This cut will only prevent us from moving forward to a greener energy and any future progress in innovation also into reducing unemployment etc. This is a good way of loosing confidence and respect.
Cristina MateosArribas,
Rebecca Lacey,
Patrick Barnett, Solar should be fitted to all new houses as amatter of course to save energy, am in full agreement with your petition.
John Kitson,
Barry Vane,
Paul and Julia Dunthorne, A ridiculous plan, which doesn't even save the government money - as they don't pay the FIT.
Glenys Brown, This will help OAP who may have to get additional help from the government to pay their energy bills
xxxxxxxx, Such a shame if this is not supported by the government as a lot of jobs could be lost and then who would be responsible for paying unemployment benefit?
Tom Vosper, The main thing is to defer the 12/12/11 "reference date" which is far too soon and undermines investor confidence. Many consumers and installers will be left out of pocket simply because the tariffs are changing too quickly. A longer lead in time to a significant change such as this is vital for the industry's stability.
Mike Gummery,
Mrs P M Brocklebank, The proposals are unreasonable and unworkable in such a short timescale.
xxxxxxxx, when the power companys are increasing there profits its time for the gov to help the solar industry
Howard Foster, The government does not appear to have taken into account the tax it brings, VAT and tax from those employed in the industry, or the cost of those who will become unemployed in the next few weeks.
There must also be a question raised regarding the governments interest in green energy, as well as the problem further down the line of power shortages which are projected to occur well before new power stations can be planned and built.
Dr Ken Godbert,
Jim Martin, How many more MP's want to bring this Country of ours to its knees. This subsidy costs the Government nothing so why are they jepodising the 25,000 jobs in this industry. This so called Government has definately lost the plot. They are RUINING the country not RUNNING it
Nick Caine,
xxxxxxxx, I thought it was out for consultation but it seems that it has already been decided
David reid, This is a ridiculous when the government are spending so much on windmills which only work when the wind is right and ruin the countryside. Solar panels work all day every day!
Paul James, Please dont cut the FIT. It will lead to the loss of thousands of jobs in the Solar Industry.
Lee Palmer, I understand that the government were concerned the the PV sector had the potential to get out of control and that maybe the cost of a PV installation was still out of the reach of the average working family so why not address those issues rather than a blanket cut which will cost thousands of people their jobs ?
Firstly restricting solar farms would have been an action which would have protected the funding so as it was channelled to the domestic market and secondly it is almost impossible to obtain finance for solar installations and if the government there told RBS when they were throwing billions of punds at then that 30% of those funds had to be ring fenced for domestic renewable energy projects this would have allowed the thousands of families who want but cannot afford the initial layout for solar to participate and the tariff would have gone to the people it was meant for .
Force the banks to lend on renewable energy and you can save the industry .
Dan Oliver, Leave it alone!!!! Why kill the only growth industry in the country?
Ian Smith, When we are trying to encourage alternative energy sources to reduce our emissions why is the government penalising those who want to help.
Ken Bartlett,
John Worby,
Ken Davies, Please give "Solar" a chance and save many jobs in the process.
John Garside,
Andrew Sharland, Solar power is one of the most effective and least intrusive forms of renewable energy. It is important in reducing our impact on the environment and reducing our need for ever more costly finite non-renewable energy resources. Solar power also has an important role in employment, in industry in the UK and in UK research. It is therefore essential to continue to support it which the proposed excessive drop in subsidy seems to fail to do.
Srikanth Eluri, Please support PV industry, dont kill it.
Michael Carr, Far too drastic a cut.Why couldn't it be done more gradually.
xxxxxxxx, Wake up government!
David James, This is nonsense at so many levels. 25000 jobs at risk, the opportunity to reduce emissions and generate electricity in THE most eco friendly way and reduce our dependence on dirty fuels. It is totally illogical, unless you introduce the possibility that there are big company vested interests influencing decisions! As if!
Mr & Mrs Pullen, We have solar panels on our roof and are delighted with them, we prefer them to the wind turbines which are a blot on the landscape
Andy Farrington, As a lifelong conservative voter cannot believe that a governemnt supposedly committed to reduce carbon emission could take such a short sighted view. I will have to reconsider my voting intentions at thbe next general election.
Emma Hughes,
Milan Wennink,
xxxxxxxx, The new FIT will put 50,000 people out of work. A govt that cares about employment would not lower the FIT but take 0.07% of their £950 military budget (used for example to bomb Libya) and top up the pot of money! The fact is that this Coalition govt are proving again that Britain cannot create a sustainable method of encouraging green businesses - the only way we will get out of recession. When then next oil price spike hits in 2013 we'll be in the deepest recession since 1929-1937. Without support from govt to Green industries, the country will simply sink into the mud, as hyperinflation of electricity, gas, petrol and food prices occurs along with massive economic recession. The perfect storm! The simplest way out of this is to support Green industries. We should be raising the FITs not lowering them.
Nick Neale, Ridiculous Tory Govt decision, typical of haste (& no thought) by Cameron and his fellow MPs. Stop, think and then act! Remember the costly mistake(s) with NHS reform.
Shirley Cawthorne, We were just about to apply for full planning permission to erect panels in our field. We now do not have enough time to meet the new deadline so will not be able to continue with this project.
Alan Miller,
Tony Bishop, This will destroy the renewable industry at a stroke. Probably what's intended from climate sceptics. Reduce steadily in line with prices.
greg badura, To all polticians. Get your dirty hand off solar pv.
Chris Holland, At a time of financial difficulty and job losses throughout the UK, there is no sense in this change, which could potentially decimate the pV industry.
xxxxxxxx, Customers will lose confidence in another Government scheme that is changing goal posts. 25,000 employees joining the dole que in a once growing market that has been destroyed by the 50% proposed reduction in FiTs. Why would investors tie up money for 25 years for a return of 5% a year when interest rates over the next 5-10 years will probably surpass this investment?
xxxxxxxx, this is the wrong move for a government committed to green issues.
Anthony Middleton,
Kathryn Middleton,
george bradley-peer,
xxxxxxxx, The sudden reduction of 55% of feed-in tariff can only discourage those contemplating solar renewable energy. One suspects a hidden agenda here cloaked as cost saving. It does not save the country money to have to import liquified gas for electricity generation from unstable countries who can raise the cost or cut off supply unilaterally if we offend them, or for political leverage.
This sudden cut in FIT is both ill timed and ill thought through and sadly reflects the bungling way recent governments of either political leaning have reagarded renewable power generation.
kenneth smart, I thought this government was pursing a more Greener policy
Peter Bloomfield, Something thats Green energy and the Government
want to stop people benefitting from the savings
xxxxxxxx, I agree with former MP Alan Simpson that this is "economicaly illiterate & ethically fraudulent" they must rethink this.
Mr Robert Pearce, This sudden change is making me think again about installing Solar. I have paid a deposit and am awaiting planning permission to install. How can anyone make medium to long term plans in this country. Everytime I try to do the right and sensible thing, the Government changes the rules. Solar power has to be the right thing to do. The Government. This is a crazy thing to do and my plans are blown out of the water! I am very angry at this sudden change in the rules which were the whole basis of my plans. R Pearce, Wales.
Ian Russell, This reduction makes no sense!
beth wilson,
Tim Durrant, This cut is a short term gain that will dramatically hurt solving a log term problem. Please rethink.
Mary Skipper,
P J Dutson,
xxxxxxxx, This measure will turn people away from installing PV panels.
James Levy, Crazy decision!!!
Sophie Wilson,
Tony Jolliffe, This is nuts - it makes no sense to push us into higher dependancy to fossil fuelled power, when we have a solution that works. Saving pennies will cost us dear.
xxxxxxxx, Politicians should also consider the impact this will have on many of the small businesses set up to service the demand. Yet more people claiming dole......
Melanie Wilson, Did I misunderstand the term 'greenest government ever'? Cut the FIT, but not by 50%.
Daniel Webb,
Tony Gowland, George Osborne calls for stability in international markets and cites this for poor UK growth, yet here he is creating instability in the domestic market by reneging on previous government commitments. Perhaps this government, more than most, needs lessons in joined up thinking.
Mike Beale, We have to encourage, not discourage people from adding renewable energy systems to their property. Let private individuals continue to receive the current FiT rate but reduce it for those commercial firms installing massive solar PV farms riding making huge profits from a domestic application. Also, keep the same rate for organisations and businesses who are wishing to add solar PV to their properties.
xxxxxxxx, Ordinary people are just starting to get behind renewable technology. This cut may kill off the momentum
willliam thomson,
Mark Leech,
xxxxxxxx, The SUN could be the planet`s saviour. Solar panels are a safe way of sourcing energy.
Shaun Grainger, Cuts to the tarrif were expected but to kill the Pv industry this way when Unemployment is supposed to be a key issue is just going to add to the figures that they are trying to reduce. Forcing Companies to invest heavy into an industry and train for an industry that is so short lived is pointless for any kind of investment.
xxxxxxxx, This is ridiculous from a government targeting to cut our carbon emission. please have a rethink.
xxxxxxxx, It's important for the next generation, as well as this one.
Steve Goddard,
Christine Jeffcutt, The Government is being ridiculously short sighted. As an environmentally aware householder this sudden change means that I can no longer justify the expense of installing solar panels. I care about the environment so why doesn't the Government?
xxxxxxxx, The solar industry needs to be supported to enable it to grow and to keep jobs. We need some growth areas in the UK in today's current economic environment.
Simon Woulds, Announcing measures that will put thousands out of work, on the same day as they re-announce funding to 'create' jobs, does not sound like joined up government. It seems that the Lib/Cons have learned all of Labours old tricks...
xxxxxxxx, Phased cuts, that allow the industry and homeowners to adjust is fine. A sharp, large knee-jerk reaction will stop dead lots of planned investment!! Not the best of ideas given current EU uncertainty!
Janis Pearce, This is a disgraceful breach of trust by the government. People have made their plans based on The April deadline and have once again been let down by government. We have paid our deposit, but our supplier cannot meet the 12th December deadline to get us connected, let alone for us to get the relevant paperwork signed off. I thought government was supposed to be doing everything possible to keep people in work and this will not help those in the industry to survive during difficult times. Individuals should also be allowed to plan, without the constant shifting of goalposts by our elected leaders. Shame on you!!
xxxxxxxx, cl
brutal and disappointing
Joan Preston,
David Adcock,
steve flowers,
Malcolm Channer,
Eleanor Thornycroft,
Jonathan Dereham,
xxxxxxxx, Our local community scheme in Reading has been devastated by this announcement - we had plans for panels on our schools, community buildings and council properties. Now - we just don't think we can do it!
Graham Sowerby, Please help pensioners who were stupid enough to save during their working lives and thus qualify for no allowances
Jane Henderson,
Michael Jones,
Jenny Handley,
Hugh Bryant,
K J Smart, Another government change of policy.What next?
David Chambers,
xxxxxxxx, Rather than increasing our Overseas aid programme,the money would better be used in providing a sustainable solar energy programme at home.
Scott Ballard, Solar Help the Economy
Solar Helps with the energy crisis.
Solar Helps against green house gases.
If we can bail out the banks so they can play the virtual stock market and give themselves bonuses more should go towards the real economy.
The solar tariff cut will sink further an already sinking economy.
Jan Grimes,
xxxxxxxx, Please don't punish careful people who have spent weeks or months researching solar panels and collecting opinions, and - relying on your timetable of 31 March 2012 - have waited to apply until the cowboys have been squeezed out and the good companies have established a reputation.
hannah, Please see sense!!!
Peter Cheesman, Solar energy is the way forward and Government should be doing everything it can to encourage its use.
Mike Pearce, Betrayal of the ordinary man. No way to 'govern'.
Dennis Orton, I have solar panels, which are saving me money, and support a greener environment. Much less intrusive than inefficient wind farms!
Matt Hawkins,
lee carthew,
Cicely Slade,
xxxxxxxx, This is the way forward to save our energy resources.
Julian Day,
xxxxxxxx, what is the point in threatening the use of solar power when we are always being told we need to use more green energy. Its senseless
Dr. Larch Maxey, Please shift investment from fossil fuels, especially shale gas, coal and nuclear to energy efficiency and renewables, especially wind, tidal and solar. Please make this shift as a matter of the highest priority to secure all our futures financially, socially and environmentally.
david skardon,
Hazel Preston-barnes, If we are to achieve the UKs carbon reduction targets the giovernment must continue to incentivise individuals that are prepared to invest their own money in equipment
chris king,
Chris Wilson, Another nail in the coffin of a fledgling industry - what sense does it make!
Peter Wrench,
xxxxxxxx, The government MUST leave the tariff's alone otherwise there will be a great loss of jobs and the public will suffer.
Bryan Wells, This is too much and far too quick. Whats wrong with gradually resizing the FITs over a longer time frame. Lets not kill the whole industry in one fell swoop.
From a personal standpoint this is disasterous. Finally pursuaded the missus on the financials (where I'm fully green on it) and suddenly the financials dont make sense anymore.
Louise Willcox,
h.c bates, do not make anther mistake, back solar energy
Peter Irons, Why stifle an up and coming industry that is not only providing clean, free energy, but is providing major job opportunities in what is currently a very depressed employment market?
Marc ter Kuile,
Alex King, the government should be promoting and encouraging as much as possible any and all means and methods of self generated domestic electric power either solar wind or domestic scale chp systems.
xxxxxxxx, short sighted Government
Sean Wood,
Lynda Ballard, " It's amazing that common sense was made and dissemble. I wonder what the politics are: government/EDF/NPower? The whole point is to shift to sustainable energy at war speed. Have we not learned anything from all that has been said on this subject. Time has run out and some are still acting like there isn't a problem. We finally had a solution that got every to act. We could sort out our energy problem and bring cleaner air in 15 years with the current feed in tariff. One should also mention all the small business that have geared up and invested in Solar. What other major business is going to help the economy!" Scott Ballard
xxxxxxxx, Solar is so much better than Wind Turbines as it does not cause noise and disruption to the people who live near all so many elderly people can benifit from solar panels to help with electricity bills
David Terry C Eng, This moving of the goalposts leaves householders,energy advisers, and Solar installations cos worse off and breaks faith in this whole scheme.
Richard Mullins,
Shaun Chamberlin,
Gordon Suttle,
Anna Clapp,
Leon Clapp,
Albert Batty, Don't stop other benefiting from this essential green strategy. It gives everyone a chance to produce power.
Hilary Hawkey,
xxxxxxxx, Tariffs should be reduced incrementally. Government should encourage users of public building (e.g. schools) to install solar systems and promote the technology.
Pip Clark, Yet another cock up
Gavin Roberts, Can we not have a sensible reduction that does not kill the industry.
xxxxxxxx, As one who is fighting the proliferation of wind turbines and the building of the largest electrical hub solar panels are at least 3 times more efficient so subsidies should be going into solar not wind turbines
Joana Monteiro,
jay tompt,
Lesley Kane, This revolutionary form of power generation is proven to be cheaper, more reliable and longer lasting than any other. It is clean and green, and we should be actively encouraging people to invest in it, not putting them off just as it is getting off the ground.
Marion Brealey, Solar Power is needed for the future of our planet
Marco Attanasio,
xxxxxxxx, absolutely stupid, this government shooting from the hip again
s rothstein, All efforts should be made to utilize ways to make clean energy. To cut investments in this is short sighted and makes no sense. The government talks about creating jobs - THESE are the things to invest in.
Lis Johnson, Crazy; cut spending; more out work less to spend;
less economic growth. PV is growing it needs nurturing....and stick to your original timetable, play fair
Chris Bird, Link solar PV tariff to home insulation and energy efficiency measures as an incentive to improve but not just to those houses C or above as this discriminates against millions in older, hard to treat homes.
Peter Brackley, When energy companies are driving up their unit prices at an alarming rate with virtually no effective intervention, it is appalling that the govenrment is proposing such a retrograde step. Meeting our targets for renewable energy as a nation is already going to be challenging but this proposed move to cut the FITs so dramatically will have a hugely negative impact.
As pensioners with a south facing roof we were delighted at the thought of being able to receive some free electricity whilst helping to reduce carbon emissions and save limited natural resources. The new government proposals will stop this in its tracks and at the same time cause serious harm to the economic prospects for the industry.
All in it together, I don't think so. Yet another example of the way in which this government is acting in a shameful way.
Maxime Boiron,
Theo Clapp, Please minimize the devastating effect that cutting feed-in Tariffs will have on many professionals' livelihoods. Please cut less and not so crushingly soon. Thank you
xxxxxxxx, solar is the way forward
anne humphries, think of the jobs and the planet
Ann Fanstone, I think this country should put money into Solar Energy. It creates jobs and will give us energy for the future.
xxxxxxxx, If the tariff is cut it should be by 25% and not untill next year giving people the chance to have them fitted and to save electricity.
Cilla Turver,
xxxxxxxx, The timing of this reduction in feed in tariff is a disaster. Such lack of consultation is irresponsible.
Ian Craigan, Effectively crippling this fledgling industry at this crucial time is short-sighted and counter productive. This is a 'smoking ban' or 'unleaded fuel' tipping moment!
Tony Jaques, Some change to FITs - okay. But pulling the rug from under an industry as abruptly as this will deter investment in other green technologies in future too. Shortsighted policy.
xxxxxxxx, do not KILL solar it is the future
diana rigby,
Wayne, this proposed cut is ludicrous and WILL cost jobs.......
Al Waterhouse, This would really pull the rug on a vibrant new industry and the future of P.V. in the UK. That can't be right, so please - DON'T DO IT! There has to be a better way.
Nick Pete and Wendy, The government by cutting the FIT in the way they did shows us one of two things, either the current Government has an utter misunderstanding of how a Feed In Tariff scheme is meant to work or they are in the pockets of the big energy suppliers.
The scheme has allowed the big suppliers to swamp the market with Free to Roof and installation teams, hoover up all the FIT allocation and then pronounce the scheme is over subscribed.
How many of the lucky 100,000 or so on the 43.3p tariff will be Free to Roof schemes and large scale for profit installs that re-cycle the FIT payments back to the big energy suppliers or their subsidiaries.
A cynic could see this as the fossil fuel addicted power companies’ strangling the infant pretender at birth.
Allan Morgan, Surely, as there was already a planned reduction built into the FIT 'system' there is no need to suddenly accellerate the reduction and put the whole process in geopardy.
xxxxxxxx, The government can't make one policy then change their minds because it doesn't suit them
Derrick Wall, At this time of economic cuts to jobs and wages to once again cut a service to help people save on fuel and energy bills is a crying shame. When will these cuts stop. Why give something with one hand and take it away when the environment needs protecting.
xxxxxxxx, A structured and planned reduction in FIT is needed over a reasonable time not a sudden and drastic cut
Richard Ian Sinton, Government renaging on promises:so what is new
Julian Hall, This is an appalling volte face. It will kill solar energy in the UK stone dead.
xxxxxxxx, If our solar panels are not up and running by december 2011.I will cancel the contract as we have waited about 4 months.
Brian John Wright, Whilst a cut in the FIT amount was expected due to the increased take up of Domestic Solar Electricity and the reduction of equipment costs , it is not reasonable to reduce the amount of FIT's by 50% in one go and with such a short notice. This is a knee jerk reaction brought forward from the 12th April 2012 proposed Government review.This December proposal will be before the Solar industry has had enough time to complete installations already in the planning stage. With the reduction in daylight hours it will be impossible to complete many installations in time with the Governments December 2011 cut off .
How stupid can this be when it may jeopardize 25,000 jobs in a very new industry?
Ali Jacobs, It will end up costing the government (and us all) far more in unemployment costs because of the countless number of people who will be put out of work. DISGRACEFUL
Murray Wiltshire, Another very short sighted decision by a totally uncaring government. What happened to our future green policies? Perhaps this is the first step, today FIT halved, tomorrow we have to pay tax on what we generate!
xxxxxxxx, I am totally against what the Government has suddenly announced. We had our solar booked to be fitted next week, but because of the government announcement, our installers have said that their sockists have now run out of the panels we ordered (due to the sudden high demand) and we will have to wait until after Dec 12! I shall be writing to complain to my MP also.
Brian Davies, Not only did they more than half the rate, they imposed an impossible deadline which certainly to use the words of Greg Barker will result in 'boom and bust' which he said he wanted to avoid! No doubt many businesses will fail, people will lose their jobs, the public will be disillusioned with Solar PV and no-one will believe that FITs are guaranteed for 25 years.
Richard Wakeman,
Darren Rattew,
Anthony ohn Medley, This is for the benefit of future generations not the term of a parliament
Lee Penaluna, Keep a sunny position for this industry
Derrick Price, Yes! Mr Stuart Price is absolutely correct in his remarks 'there is something fishy going on' Mr Cameron met the big 6 recently & very like the big 5 Oil Giants who also rode rough shod over the world-----this lot have made it clear to the Government as to where they should stand in relation with the big 6 if the expectant feedbacks are to come their way in the future.
Gordon Riddell,
xxxxxxxx, This seems unfair - moving the goalposts. We were already working to an April deadline and will have wasted quite a bit of money on designs, planning, etc. Very shortsighted too.
G. Ayling,
chris hillman,
Louise Burt,
Craig Burt, You've got it wrong
xxxxxxxx, What happened to Green Jobs for British Workers?
alan hussey,
xxxxxxxx, David and Nick - AKA Ant and Dec have done it again - Save a penny and lose a pound - Boom and Bust!
Steven roberts, This is our future
William Lanceley, Why kill a very good scheme??
Mrs M Maidment, This scheme has only been existence for a short time. We took advantage of it because we are too old to buy a system and get our money back. There are many other people in our position or who simply can't afford to buy the panels but still want to help the environment. The government has drummed into us the need to do this so why are they back-tracking?
Richard Elkan,
xxxxxxxx, I am extremely disappointed in this decision which yet again helps only the rich and I hope the Government rethinks this decision and also helps us keep doing our bit for the evironment, also jeopardising 25,000 jobs doesn't make sense in his economic climate.
Barry Tiddy,
mark hodgkinson,
DOUGLAS FULLBROOK, Yet another example of a Government moving the goal posts at the behest of the Treasury and losing sight of the green objective. A callous and underhand move reminiscent of the decision to link pensions to CPI rather than RPI; anything to save money and to blazes with the people affected. This does nothing to promote small businesses and provide the much vaunted employment in the private sector in the wake of swingeing public sector cuts!
Barry Powell,
xxxxxxxx, why not promote this instead of destroying it?
Neil Marks,
xxxxxxxx, I have an application in to HomeSun to have 16 panels fitted to my roof and I will never vote for this Conservative government again if this 50% reduction is agreed.
Jenny Hole,
Annie Leymarie,
Archie Turnbull,
Peter Hill, We are oap's and need cheaper power !!
grace hill,
xxxxxxxx, We have to have some way to reduce our electricity bills so don't stop the Feed-in-Tariff now!
Paul Davis, Solar is the way forward to help families on low incomes.Why stop something good happening in it's prime? The Government should be ashamed of themselves. Put the Great back in Britain and do something that's right for a change. No wonder I don't vote, the people in charge of the Country are way out of touch with the hard working people that keep on paying for the Governments mistakes.
jack tillotson, Please keep to the original publicised date for FIT reduction.
Tony and Penny Clear, Solar, not nuclear, everytime !
D.M. Peet, This so called Majority Conservative Government in league with the Lib.Dems. is again stabbing in the back those members of the population who voted them into power. The number of concrete promises made by Cameron in his manifesto to get himself into power during the runup to the last election and the number of those promises he completely reneged upon with the help of ex Labour Objects like Hutton is beyond belief. This Government is Blair and New Labour in DRAG !
raymond carter, Governments support for green energy has been like so many areas just empty words. This action will depress an expanding industry at a time of growing unemployment.
xxxxxxxx, We are part way through our application for solar panels but because of the new cuts it looks as if we will run out of time. I am disabled (mobility problems etc.) and both my wife and I are in our 70's. Reducing our energy costs would have been a real boost to our budget and as Conservsative voters we are doubly disapointed that the time limit is now so short. It would be fairer if you had extended the time so that everyone who had already applied could have their panels fitted under the current schems
xxxxxxxx, i would like to use solar energy , i was always supported go green , but i could not effort to pay for solar panels or installation, so please extent the free dateso i can have solar panel installed. thank you
walter rodrigues.
Katarina Clapp Tomic,
Darko Tomic,
Alan Wright,
Peter Oliver, When will we learn not to trust any politician ?
john moore,
xxxxxxxx, Reducing CO2 emmisions is a world wide objective and as a leading nation we should be demonstrating that we are committed to that goal. For many Free Solar PV provides an attainable opportunity to make a real contribution while at the sametime safeguarding vital jobs during a period of unparalleled enconomic uncertainty.
John Wheeler,
Gary Symons, It is vital that we continue to plan and prepare now for a sustainable green energy future. We have skilled workers that need work, Investors looking for green projects to invest in, and factories that could be working for UK Solar Energy. This is surely a knee jerk reaction from the government and needs to be given due consideration. Cuts were inevitable but to be done so rapidly and at this level seems foolish. At least give these businesses time to plan.
Labour were the same/worse. So many decisions reflecting the government's poor commercial sense!
The deadline before introduction of new FITs should be extended at least for private houses and certainly for those already in the pipeline but which will not be completed before 12 Dec 2011.
It is of real concern that this Government (which was going to be the ‘Greenest ever’, has gone back on its obligation in such a dramatic fashion.
This savage cut has all the hallmarks of a PR exercise by the Big 6 energy suppliers and the government. The energy suppliers will "generously" shave a little off our bills over the winter without it affecting their bottom line and the government will have been "seen to do something" about rising energy costs.
One of the tasks that we clearly have is to rebuild trust in our political system. Yes, that's about cleaning up expenses, yes, that's about reforming parliament, and yes, it's about making sure people are in control and that the politicians are always their servants and never their masters”.
David Cameron
First speech as Prime Minister, May 11, 2010
Rosemary Wheeler,
xxxxxxxx, I would think the goverment would support green energy not try to stop it
peterlissemore, the government should stop doing u-turns and help keep the workers in work and keep backing solar.
xxxxxxxx, e bought solar because it was an investment giving a fair return in a reasonable time scale. the new tariff probably means a pay-back time of close to 20 years. I can't see many new customers at that rate!
So - one green energy policy now stone dead!
xxxxxxxx, This is typical of the government. They never support industry in this country, they only seem too find ways of killing off new growth. When the world is crying out for sustainable energy sources it strikes me as completely ludicrous that they should savagely cut the F.I.T by such a huge amount.
Daniel Towers, Yet another backwards step by the government!!! Please leave this alone for another 3 months!!! We need energy independence, we can't be at the mercy of other countries for our energy or food.
Robert Hamilton, This incredibly severe cut threatens to put many companies in severe difficuties. I feel that any cuts to the "FIT" subsidy should be delayed and staged to allow the industry to make appropriate arrangements.
Rowl, The government bang on and on about reducing our carbon footprint. But do they care, do they fuck. Now they're cutting PV feed tariffs which effect thousands of UK jobs. But, hey I dare say they'll sell the contracts to overseas firms and bring in more fucking immigrants
David Haigh, So much for wanting to reduce the carbon footprint. Individually, one installation may not be much but overall it can make a difference.
xxxxxxxx, Slashing FIT's is an ill conceived plan to remove incentives for PV systems. The success of the PV generation scheme is evidence that the general public and industry is wanting to move, positively, towards green energy production at a time when the energy providers are making us all hostages to their exponential tariffs.
Ian Ungless, Lets create jobs says the government what rubbish by killing a growing industry. Hypocrits!
geoff sharps,
Phil steel, Do not pull the rug from under the feet of a thriving industry in it's infancy !!!
Rosemary Sharps,
john osborne, this is typical of this goverment penny pinching to balance the books , forget the planet just to save a few quid
john s smith, At a time when there is excellent public support for solar technologies, but high uncertainty about jobs and inflation, now is not the time to be cutting investment. Instead we should be investing in and promoting the widest possible uptake of green energy for a brighter sustainable future.
Rod Lawless,
xxxxxxxx, So you want the UK to be ECO friendly....we are already behind some of our european neighbours..this is going a long way to destroy what most of us want. We should increase Solar Energy not destroy it....
Mark Manby,
E.Moseling, On the face of it , this cut, earlier and more drastic than anticipated, will be one more nail in the coffin of British Industry. How sad is that!
xxxxxxxx, What is going on, this subsidy will enable the costs to come down due to volume of PV installs. This will in turn make it more accessible, therefore reducing CO2. How shortsighted are they being. Think of the future not just the costs.
Barbara Fowler, Surely the government can see by the response that a lot of people, who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford to, want to go down the 'greener' route.
xxxxxxxx, Why not make it statuary that all new build should ,where suitable have solar panels as standard what an evironmentally friendly way to create more jobs and green energy and reduce household energy bills!
Jan Patterson,
Peter Howarth, By cutting the tarrif you are making the effort to reduce the country usage of power so much more difficult
kenneth bailey, Solar power is the fastest growing industry in the UK, and helps house holders save money on energy. It is also good for the environment, and helps towards reducing our carbon footprint. Please reconsider, and allow the original date for the review, April 2912, to stand.
Josephine Unwin, The proposed cuts in feed-in tariffs and the qualifying requirements will drastically reduce the uptake of domestic solar power in the UK which is, in my opinion, a drastic and negative move. It was such a good scheme, why change it?
xxxxxxxx, I was thinking of going down the solar PV route, but the attraction of this has now been removed.
Brian Peet,
xxxxxxxx, More notice should have been given, with a phased reduction over the coming months
xxxxxxxx, Having previously given a date of march2012 to suddenly change will be very unfair for some and a devastating blow to a good green energy business
jeff walker, The government has to hold its' nerve and continue to pay the higher tariffs until next year, it is the only way the people of the UK will go for solar in a big way!! the return on the investment is spurring the solar wave.
Simon J Williamson,
xxxxxxxx, We who were about to purchase PV are not wealthy people. With a pay back of 9 yrs I would then be 71yrs so would have my savings paid back and reduced electric as a pensioner. Not too much to ask for a lifetime as a taxpayer.
Anne Rogers,
xxxxxxxx, I along with approximately 25000 others work in the solar pv industry. Not only does this pay my bills but as a tax payer I am a contributer to the nation & as such I need my voice to be heard. This is a fledgling industry that needs to be supported not abused in its infancy. Give it a chance & watch it flourish. Alternatively The government can continue with this ill thought out proposal and kill the industry. Please keep our industry safe.
Diana Majeed,
Alwyn Roberts, Another very, very poor political decision
Caroline Kerr,
John McFarlane, You know and we know it makes sence. We will all be winners, now and in the future.
Wilf Bentley, The 21p announcement is nonsensical and will destroy the industry. 35p would have been a sensible compromise. It's a reckless political act.
xxxxxxxx, unbelivable!!
John Carty,
Trevor Powell, We need positive Government support certainly for solar because efforts so far show what can be done to flag up green energy achievement in communities across the country and fostering this sort of mindset could lead in turn to encouragement for investment to harness the huge potential of more challenging eg tidal energy schemes for which the UK has been noted as being ideally suited.
xxxxxxxx, I hope the government will rethink the cut off date, to help keep jobs for people in the solar industry
Jonathan Tyler,
Lizzie Dicken, It is intensely frustrating that the government are prepared to sabotage one of the few areas of real growth potential for the U.K. Despite lip service to creating employment, supporting research and development and meeting carbon emission targets the government at a undemocratic stroke have severely curtailed one of the best hopes for a sustainable future.
xxxxxxxx, solar energy will help the enviroment keep it going
Paul Marsden, Cutting the feed in Tariff is a backward step. It will reduce the take up, stall the green energy industry and lead to a loss of jobs in the industry. A typically short sighted policy from a government without ideas and foresight.
P M Hardy, This industry provides jobs and supports a move away from expensive fossil fuels for a greener future for our kids.
mark foster, solar is sustainable and clean it is the future!!!!
Colin Cochrane, To slash FITs by 50% before the consultation period ends is a mindless action, unworthy of HMG. At least six months warning should be given of the intent to make any major change in this sensitive subsidy.
xxxxxxxx, Government still wastes millions of pounds (EU etc)and politicians are regularly being found to be acting in their own (or their friends) best interests. All the time job losses and the climate are ignored - why, because they and their families haven't experienced unemployment and they're too self-interested to consider the climate and the effects on other species!!
glenn perry,
Beverley Thomas,
Steven Maclaren,
Derek Clark, Please consider the effect of your policy on employment. We need jobs to aid our recovery.
shirley davies,
Nigel Wright,
xxxxxxxx, I beleive that killing the tariff would mean that only the wealthy would be able to benefit from solar power, when it is "normal" households like my own that need to make the savings on our fuel bills urgently. Thank you for considering this comment.
xxxxxxxx, This industry employs over 25 thousand why would the goverment want to jeoperdice this, they have already ruined the comerical side now this reduction in the fits will make it unatractive to investors. Also this goverment need to meet there energy targets & solar pv is one of the cleanest ways of dong this. Wake up & smile the roses DECC
Denver davies,
Una Harnett, at a time when costs are soaring, the government need to helping not hindering good deals for the electorate
CD Lawrence, We need this technology - please dont stop the subsidies.Renewable Energy is the future.
Barry and Ann Thwaites,
Sue Coley,
David Chapman,
peter Luck, We have to say Loud and Clear , "We've Had Enough, And We're Not Going To Take It anymore." On every Poster, On every street corner, and From every home in this land of ours.
Jim Strutton, We need solar power and it must be encouraged!
rupert marques,
Jane Mayes,
geoff clapp,
xxxxxxxx, stop waisting our money & give everyone the chance
to benifit & provide energy for the National Grid
Mrs M Wheatley,
Zbigniew Storta, Don't stop when it's just getting started.
xxxxxxxx, Its a disgrace, to many cut backs and a total turn around from the goverment
Alice Bondi, Encouraging renewables is so crucial - surely any government with any conception of the future should be doing all it can to ensure that we all use these forms of generation?
William Ryle,
xxxxxxxx, This will be a massive blow to those working in the industry, those hoping to make savings on their bills, and most importantly a backward step in making the UK a cleaner and more pleasant land. We will be personally very disappointed if our installation does not go ahead.
ruthluan sabastiane, as a mother of 2 hopeing to go back to work as soon as my yougest goes to school my partner & i have been cuting back all of our livein cost so that we could aford to have our children we have both all ways workd since we left school & payed our way we looked at the solar pv feed-in tariffs as what it was sopostd to have been,an investment & a hughe saveing as it is now not only will many familley lose out of these saveings when it is most needed in the uk but more familleys will be even harded hit with the lose of jobs & income yet again all down to government choices. i support the solar campaign .
xxxxxxxx, solar panels should be built into all new build houses
Joel Mayes, Solar power is a vital resource that the future of our Earth may very well depend on.
Mary Whitehead,
xxxxxxxx, the goverment needs to get its act together we are once again lagging behind other countries we need to invest in solar we do not have enough energy resourses
Don Patterson, Solar energy will become steadily more efficient as the science improves. The Government seems to want to discourage this process of development as well as wrecking more jobs in the UK.
W J Turner,
Jean Miller, As a pensioner unable to get any other assistance this has been a good thing for me. No-one will be able to afford installation as for most people it would take the greater part of their lives to recover outlay. At 63 a 'paid for' installation under the proposed cut in tarrif would mean the installation cost would never be achieved. If the government want to encourage people to save fuel there needs to be a gain in it. I am saving fuel for my ganddaughters future but the government are so short sighted that any gain I make they will crush with their stupidity. Not to mention all the jobs created that will be lost. I urge them to re-think this. Of course the current tarrif cannot be maintained but it still needs to be a viable figure to encourage continuing growth of the industry and full potential use of this natural source.
xxxxxxxx, Solar is excellent in including the individual to reduce their carbon footprint and take charge of reducing their personal energy bills as well as helping others in providing electric energy for others. We need this for our future of our planet but also in respect of buisnesses and jobs created. Think again Government. This is our future.
Ron Bates, This is the only way as a pensioner that I can save money on the huge fuel bills. Please help my pension go further.
Mrs Ann Pownall, This is important-I am a pensioner and have the opportunity to get my electricy bills reduced by 25%
Martin Wood, Having obtained my quote for solar panels on the 10th October on the expectation of getting the current FIT I am very annoyed to be suddenly told of the new deadline which my company is unlikely to be able to meet. The government are damaging one of our key future industries, not to mention the planet.
roger bartle, c'mon politicians, stop playing one term politics and think of your children!
trevor robinson, particularly at such short noticein this present climate it is inconceivable that this facility should be withdrawn
Naomi Crosby, not very green for a government that promised to be the greenest yet.
jacarrier, Solar power is the way forward.
Jennifer Hardiman, All green initiatives should be supported not sabotaged. How are companies going to be encouraged to invest in new technology when they can have the rug pulled out from under their feet like this.
jason tilsley, merry christmas please sir could we have some in the goverment will be lost..economy lost...local investment lost...more crime..enviromental investment give us back our 43p per unit and we can help all of the uk to help each other.........simple!!
Martin Kelly,
jilly Jarman,
xxxxxxxx, this could do damage to a very green alternative thing not only putting peoples jobs. SO NO TO THE CUTS
Caroline Wright, I was unaware of the scheme until the advertising campaign. If access to free solar energy stops now, people like myself who are pensioners and could not normally fund such a venture will lose the right to save a few pence. Please reconsider or, at least, extend the deadline so that more less fortunate people will be able to benefit.
xxxxxxxx, surely you must agree that solar power is a free NATURAL ENERGY SOURCE!!!!!
Geraint Thomas,
Graham dormer, This is the way foreward,everyone benifits
katherine parrish, how short sighted, we must encourage more solar on houses and businesses! it will generate for 25 years and no decommissioning of power stations which costs millions!
Richard Maddicks, Such a large and sudden cut to the subsidy will knock the industry for six, just when it's expanding and becoming established. It just doe not seem sensible, or fair.
xxxxxxxx, This is another example of the government's short-term thinking. Either the government is concerned about making energy 'greener' or it is not. It is unrealistic to expect that householders will continue to invest in solar energy if they are not going to be rewarded for doing so. Few are so wealthy that they can afford to instal solar panels purely out of concern for the environment. The result of these cuts will be a collapse in the burgeoning 'green energy' movement. The fact that the 'consultation' period is due to finish after the cuts come into effect shows that the government's is using 'consultation' as a figleaf.
Daryl Ling, Why pump billions into nuclear that most people don't want, invest in solar & wind power, cheaper & safer and generates many, many jobs!
xxxxxxxx, I cannot believe the short sightedness of this move at this time when this is just on the point of taking off.
rupert higgin, It is a shame when a government who portray themselves as" the greenest government ever" combined with the attacks on labour for being completely incompetent in handling "the boom and bust" have managed in one fell swoop to accomplish such a shambolic display in both areas. Even if this industry survives in the UK this government's credentials will have been destroyed for the environment, the economy, inward investment and our trust. As a conservative entrepreneur I am truly disapppointed and ashamed to have voted for them.
Clare Rogers,
E Cummings,
Michael Graham,
Mr J Fletcher,
JULIE JARVIS, So many people want to help make a difference with green power, by cutting feed-in tariffs by 50% will not only crush that chance but also mean that thousands of people involved in the " clean green electricity" industry will lose their jobs and add to the misery we are experiencing. SO CUT, DON'T KILL
xxxxxxxx, The goverment should have cut the feedin tarriff by a much smaller amountand the effects then would not be as devastating to companies. The goverment want to cut our carbon footsteps with one hand and then they take the insentive away.
xxxxxxxx, Without Homesun's free panels we would not have been able to afford to have the panels,so with the goverments scheme we have been able to take advantage of the solar panels and beneifit as well as cut our carbon foot print.It makes achange for ordinary people to benefit instead of just those with money.
geoff whitehouse, we need this type of energy now more than ever.
Meriel Weston,
Mike Scragg,
Eclipse Solar Limited,
Stephen Beech, MD of Beech Solar
xxxxxxxx, This is a bad decision taken for the worst of reasons and will have a detrimental effect on the environment and on the economic recovery of the UK.
paul maxey, If you can forgo a pint of beer/larger, a spirit drink or an equivalent item a week you could switch now to GOODENERGY and be part of the renewable revolution.
See - the time is now!
Dean Jackson, Support Solar and cut grants and FITS for on-shore windfarms, they are ugly dangerous, unhealthy and noisy
T.M.POTTER, keep the solar feed in ,and cut back on the wasted money in vestd in wnd power especially as most of the turbine are being imported from Germany .It's about time we thought of our British jobs first
Eric Rush, This technology works do not stop it by rash actions
simon trotter, Our dual fuel energy bill (from EON) has just leapt from £81 per month to £138 per month. I thought Cameron had been into see the "Big 6" to arrange cheaper fuel prices, cheers you've just increased our fuel bill by circa 70%.
Therefore we're changing supplier.
How can the feed in tarriff be slashed in half to protect price rises(according to Cameron and Barker) then our bill is hiked by circa 70%, ridiculous.
In 2011 E-ON looks to reach profits of around £5.5Billion plus EON selling off its assets to Pennsylania power and light (PPL) for circa £15,000,000,000 (that's 15Billion Euros)
Where does this robbery stop??
They're on about the banks being corrupt, what about the energy companies?
xxxxxxxx, Solar is our future it is free.
xxxxxxxx, Need to promote investment in reneable industries to create more jobs,potental export market as well as consumer savings [thus more to spend]and help UK to be less oil/gas energy dependant.
Graham Unger, What possible reason can there be for pulling the plug now ! Its crazy.
Neil Finer,
Joy Burrell, What happened to the promise to help the needy?
Alex, Don't kill solar, Just started business, have so lot of loans, and this is it? Without any warning???Where is justice in this country???How can I run business, if I do not know what to expect from this government!!! So sad, so sad!
Peter Phillips, Leave it be, let it run as promised
P J Pearson, another example of goverments lack of common sense
xxxxxxxx, Funny how cameron met with the energy suppliers superiors, then next thing announces FIT cut by 50%! Dodgy dealings??
David Patrick,
Rowena Quantrill, these cuts + the change in cut off date show a real lack of joined up thinking in government threatening loss of jobs and our ambitions to reduce carbon emissions
Peter Cornall, As a current FIT beneficiary I am very sorry to hear of any step which seems likely to hinder the spread of the use of solar energy. The scale of the reduction in the FIT rate seems bound to have this effect, and to make the achievement of the national target much less probable.
Mick Bridger,
Dathan Eldridge,
Richard Craft, Certainly weed out the "cowboys' but please don't jeopardise the whole industry; we need every green Kwh it's possible to generate. Make it happen government!
Bernice G Clifton,
Philip Dedman, A knee jerk reaction from supposedly " the greenest government ever " the facts - jobs will be lost and companies will go bust. The proposed cuts are a huge mistake for a booming industry in these current economic times
Robert Chapman,
David Mansell, Cut is too big and way too quick
H.R.Hughes, There is no better way of reducing our carbon footprint than making full use of solar energy.
Lorna Rourke,
Christopher Hulls,
John Owen, When will this government do something right for once and support a clean future with solar
David and Sue Shead, Give more householders the chance to generate their own free solar power, and this could reduce the need the need to build more necular power sations
Eileen Soutter,
William Salmon, PV panels are the best way to reduce emissions and cut down the use of fossil fuels and clean up the enviroment
Amanda Bakewell,
Roy D Curtis, We need to provide our own energy - solar power is a vital part of that self-preservation strategy, and will reduce pollution and global warming. Usual Government reaction, this seems to be popular, lets cut it short and then perhaps tax it......
Zoe Efstathiou,
Andy Roberts,
Ray Parker,
amanda newman,
chris todd,
Ifor Phillips,
Sue Brown,
T. P. Brown,
Yvonne Liddell,
Dr Jeremy Bartlett,
Claire James, David Cameron promised this government would be the “greenest ever”. Is this how he keeps his word? I feel very bitter about the whole thing.
xxxxxxxx, thee
Thomas & Laura John,
Belinda Cooper,
john sayers,
B Capper, These tariff changes have been made too quickly and without sufficient consultation - what a about the Localism agenda! An absolute abuse of authority !
Philippa Fletcher, I already have solar panels, but I would others to benefit too.
angela sanderson,
Rev Benny Hazlehurst, This is an example of short sighted thinking - we need as many people as possible to join the production side of energy if Government's own targets are to be met.
xxxxxxxx, Solar panels installed last week - my neighbours were hoping for the same deal
Robert Sanderson,
Antonina Szram Brown,
Maggie Long, We need solar as what will happen in the furture we are trying to help with the carbon footprint and we need to keep people in work.
Jane Roberts,
xxxxxxxx, We ordered solar panels on19th.Sept. Due to be installed in1st. week of Jan.2012. why are we being disadvantaged by a sudden change in the conditions ?
Rebecca Hall, Solar power is clean and green, why limit its use?
xxxxxxxx, Such a worthwhile cause, the government go on and on about saving the planet by going green, but then they cut the one thing that truly helps the world...
Total idiocy.
DINAH PYE, Typical Tories - keep changing the goal posts without any concerns about who it affects and without a realistic warning. And the Lib-Dems - well who would vote for Tory puppets? Shame on all of them for bringing this country to it's knees. These cuts MUST be reversed NOW!
Peter Roughley, Please keep the 43.3p feed in Tariff for individual house owners and not for organisations who are renting peoples roof spaces for pennies
Richard L. Sweetnam,
John Lewis, The short notice of the cuts will hit many people who have already placed orders and deposits on solar installations in good faith but will be unable to hit the 12 December deadline. It sends out a negative message to potential small generators. Many jobs will be lost in the emerging solar installation industry which is providing valuable work to electricians, roofers and scaffold erectors during a period when the building sector is in the doldrums. Dispersed micro-generation should form an important element of the UK's domestic energy policy. Sadly, this decision is another example of muddled government thinking, being typical of the "make the decision first, think about the consequences afterwards" approach of the coalition. Time for a judicial review of this decision, perhaps?
xxxxxxxx, I am appalled at this reneging by the gov. on its original commitment. Does it not care about either the environment or jobs?
Lisa Bell, Many people are investing into the buisness of fitting solar pannels. If the Govenment slash the Feed in Tariff prices then there will be less of the public investing in going green and new buisnesses will struggle. We've just had pannels fitted but I doubt we would have done this if the feed in tarrif was 50% less
giuseppe dana,
chris austin,
Peter Barlow, This is the most stupid thing to do. The present government states lets help industry, well this act will not help this industry. But lets face it they lie about everything dony they
S Thomas,
p mulholland, devastating news, will kill my solar tracker development stone dead. 18months of hard work and capital done the toilet. I should be a banker
Richard Nussey,
Brian Phillips, If the government wants to sustain the momentum of installing solar panels, surely the subsidy should not be cut by as much as 50%.
If there has to be any cut why not start with a 10% reduction of the tariff and see how the solar industry copes with that before deciding what to do next.
Angela Sellick,
xxxxxxxx, to short a time scale to deliver projects already planned, three months work down the pan!
Iain Jenner,
xxxxxxxx, We need more renewable affordable energy - make UK lead the way
E Hackworth, The solar revolution is just starting why stifle it at this stage, we need to be energy independent so a national balance of nuclear, solar and conventional sources are essential.
Tom Christopher, Reduce our carbon footprint, is this party listening to its own comments.
xxxxxxxx, Many people have planned solar
PV systems on the understanding that the FIT would be cut in March 2012 - not this year. Cutting it in December will have severe consequences for those reputable Solar Installers who have been doing a great job, and their potential customers. Jobs will be lost and less green energy will be produced. Stick to the original agreements even if they were made by the previous government.
xxxxxxxx, I want to know WHY the Government is doing this. They know we need to find other ways for renewable energy and this is the perfect solution to utilise homeowners roofs.
Noel Sellick,
B & J M Jenkinson, People should be encourage to use clean power not the reverse what happened to this governments 'green' promises went tne same way as most other pre election promises I suppose
J Leaning,
Linda Macaskill, Think about our grandchildren, vote for Solar!!!!!!
Ian MacIver,
Peter Ding,
frank m may,
xxxxxxxx, I have attended numerous conferences this year and the message for all governments is to provide a consistent and cohesive policy around which businesses can invest. This is one of the worst examples of how NOT to run a country.
Scott Macaskill, Save solar! It is only just getting going.......let it grow for our futures and that of our children!
Claire Macaskill,
Sara Barnard,
John Whiteman, I was really pleased to see the UK government supporting British industry by encouraging the installation of solar panels, providing jobs in the economy means that more taxes are collected and the people installing panels also spend money in the economy. By jeopordising 25000 jobs, a significant sector in the economy will shrink to almost nothing. We, as a nation, also need to have more energy security and small scale installations help to provide that security. Rather than reducing this kind of investment, the governent should increase support for this sector, rather than wating billions of pounds supporting banker bonuses.
Leigh Edwards, A very short sighted decision based on a run on the budget - what about all of the cost of all the extra powerstations we will need?
xxxxxxxx, the only "green shoots" in the whole of the UK economy that will also help towards the 2020 carbon reduction targets and the government has decided to put the brakes on? i dont understand why?
Gafyn Blakeway, I had just saved enough money to afford solar PV when the government pulled the rug from under my feet with its halving of the FIT on 12th December. I cannot see an installation being done before this date, so the opportunity to install solar PV appears to have totally unaffordable. What kind of government is this? I thought the Lib-Dems were for the environment?
xxxxxxxx, Given the legal obligation placed on the Government to reduce CO2 emissions, this proposal makes no sense at all.
The industry is still effectively at "start up" stage in the UK and could be incredibly successful, if supported properly by Government. Anyone in business will know how important affordable funding is, particularly in the early years. I fear that a reduction in FIT at this stage may have such an adverse impact on the industry that another "start up" will bite the dust.
Gemma Clifton, My dad has spent thousands becoming an accredited installer and this will render all of that useless!! With everyone struggling already this is not what anyone needs.
Mrs. June Garland, I already have solar panels which are producing more electricity than I use in a year. I think it is wrong to reduce these feed-in tariffs as more people should have solar panels - and for some who may need to borrow to cover the cost, the tariff will help to offset same. Job creation is vital to get the country back on it's feet. Solar Panels would help, the more people in work means more tax collected and less paid out in benefits. In addition there will be more money in circulation which in turn would mean more businesses would thrive, causing more job opportunities.
Garry Coulthard, Cheap energy for the panel owners and pumping into the national grid to avoid over consumption of gas and mechanically generated electricity. Why would you want to cut it? Solar panels should be given free subsidised by the government to anyone who wants them
Andrew Dauncey, My family business has spent thousands on courses getting accreditation and now that is useless because no one will want to wait so long for an investment to benefit them
xxxxxxxx, Being a senior citizen and with solar panels installed it saves money on my electricity bill and in view of the fact of the little we receive in pensions, every penny counts. Solar panels shoud be on offer to every senior citizen with the requisite requirements for the installation. Good luck.
Audrey Parkman,
stuart vincent, the government should support and promote not devastate an industry that is Green,provides financial benefits and jobs in times of economic difficulty.
laura eccles,
xxxxxxxx, To stop the subsidy would be rediculous cut in the drive for alternative energy
Tom Coley,
Robert Gardner,
adrian sullivan, where now is the green jobs and future that they sold us at the election.....totally betrayed!!
Trevor Eves, The "Solar Gravy Train" is over! A bit better than wind but still part of the great ecomentalist climate con.
You've made your money, time to find a proper job.
L Michael Hohmann, See "Clean Energy Pundit" blogsite for my reasons.
Sue Delling, The Solar/PV Feed-in Tariffs have helped a lot of people to "buy in to" solar energy which is a sustainable source of energy. To renege on the agreement and change the date to cut the FIT is shameless. Solar energy is part of our future and we must support it.
xxxxxxxx, The future of our energy production relies upon these innovators.
Caroline McCarthy, We need energy.
Miles McCarthy, Create the energy we need.
xxxxxxxx, This scheme needs to continue for a cleaner enviroment for future generations.
Marsela Clifton,
xxxxxxxx, Wind farms are not the answer. Not only is the carbon footprint in producing these is ridiculously high but they are also inefficient and detrimental to the environment. Solar panels is the best, cleanest and most efficient option and, as it suits such a large number of properties, should be made available to as many people as possible to produce our own energy thereby reducing the pressure on the national grid.
Roger Styles,
Leon Jones, Don't Kill Solar!!!
Claire Williams,
leon andrew jones,
xxxxxxxx, if you cut the solar panels now what is going to happen in 10 15 years from now when the power stations can't cope with the amount of electricity needed
Anthony Meehan, We all need alternative energy what better way than solar energy and all the other green resource’s the government yet again give the initial incentive then pull the rug from under yet another industry, same old story, a brilliant concept we need to fight for the survival of this forward looking industry.
Anne Power,
xxxxxxxx, If this restriction is put in place it shows that this government is only ready to help the rich. Thats why wind turbines get a huge cash incentive for the land owners. Despite the fact that it is a poor way of producing energy.
David Jones, Greenest government ever!!!!! Just for once why doesn't a government do what it promised.
xxxxxxxx, Is it not evident to those in government that Solar Power is a free concession that could benefit thousands including the elderly and vulnerable members of society.
Gary Eager, i'm disapointed by a 50% cut in feed in tariffs. fair enough the cost of modules has dropped by approx 30% over the past 2 years but a cut this severe now will kill our domestic sales and companies that have formed over the past 2 years will most likely be unable to carry on doing business thus creating more unemployment. The cuts should have been a smooth gradual reduction in-line with the cost of the technology.
Tom Hollister,
Teresa Sunderland,
Alison Turner, I find it hard to believe that the government has been so short sighted; not only with regard to the loss of jobs and an additional source of energy but once again it is the less well off who will be unable to benefit from just the sort of thing they need - cheaper power!!
Carolyn Sellick,
Tim Cave, By cutting FiT in this way, the Government has shown that they have no real ambition to develop a green future in the UK. Cutting an area that is crucial to the future? Thats the coalition way!
Peter Shaw, you must encourage more people to fit solar panels, so cutting the tariffs this much is a NEGATIVE step, so please reconsider!!
Tracy Sweet, Germany has benefitted from a decade of FiT for PV which has resulted in it being a global leader in the technology. This has undoubtedly contributed to their strong economy - please have the ambition and foresight to do this for the UK too!
Sarah Davies,
Richard Sickler,
Mary Burtt, Don't let the Sun go Down on Solar!
Derek Endean,
Robert Mardell, I have a great job now in the solar industry, the first decent job i've had since leaving university. Please do not destroy these opportunities.
Richard Ellis, There seems to be no winners in this uninformed deccission. Why in a time when the economy needs to drag itself into the black, do the goverment kill an industry that is helping manufacturing and jobs, stone dead in its tracks, it makes no sense.
Everyone is a winner, customers, employee's employers, the planet. The goverment win on so many fronts, increasing employment, tax revenue, manufacturing output and look good on the world stage re the Kyoto agreement. Just keep with the end of March date and let us all get on with working for Britain and the planet!
Janet Clarke, This is a disgusting act by the government to destroy the very industry that they are supposed to be promoting in respect of environmental issues. HomeSun installed my panels and I save around a third on my bills, whilst producing clean energy. The government should reverse this disaster of a decision and save British jobs as well as the boost to the economy that companies such as HomeSun bring. They must be made to listen for once, I am fully behind HomeSun in this!
Christian Vaga,
Neil Duerden, A more gradual change and better timing is needed. It is broadly understood that the higher rates were not sustainable but differing levels of connection and rates are needed, not a sudden collapse of a fledgling industry.
Denise Steer,
Herbert Eppel,
xxxxxxxx, Disgusted about this when the country are trying to promote green issues and economic growth, it seems that the power companies with their obscene profits have pushed the government to put the nails in the coffin of the solar industry.
Joanne Lomas,
Jennifer Carr,
je & eb CUMMINS,
Siobhan Murphy, Solar power is so important. Lots of small businesses will be affected by this cut, putting their homes and families at risk!
Michael Screech, Please stop ripping off the public, using our money to do so
Harriet Carty, It is the speed and depth of the tariff reduction that I disagree with. Many householders have committed to schemes which cannot be completed by12th Dec. a smaller reduction in tariff at the end of the financial year could be more reasonable
Laszlo Csanyi,
chris cullum,
Alice Fisher,
Ian Jones, Just look what Germany are doing - I have a feeling that they are smart enough to know about their economic and energy future. Shame we are not so smart - AGAIN !
Derrick Hamer, I have seen the benefits, I don't think that it is fair that others can't.
Freddie Weyman,
Brian osborne, So much for being "the greenest Government ever"!
Tory Promises!!- you just don't get it, do you.
Helen Thomas,
Helen Thomas,
Margaret Minhinnick, Crass move that will do massive damage to renewable industry
Erica Lewis,
c.meddick, i will be extremely disppointed not to have the opportunity to make my own contribute to the environment also the loss of jobs within the solar industry
Allan Lamb, I believe that the Government are not committed to renewables, and they are going back on their promise to support this initiative.
Lisa Glaze,
Ruth Heys,
j charnock-wilson, how green is your government now, Dave?
russell bewick,
xxxxxxxx, One month was not enough time. Push the date back to give people a chance to commit to solar before it becomes pointless. You owe them that.
David Spall, So happy with our panels, would like everyone else to benefit. It also benefits the environment.
Nicholas J Ward, Such large and sudden cuts in the FIT are likely to be devastating to a new and growing sector in the UK economy - why risk loosing these jobs? And why risk wasting the investment made by the government so far? Supporting an emerging sector is the whole point of the FIT - isn't it?
Dominic Bird,
RHYS LOUGHER, We were just signing an agreement on a 50kw solar pv system when we heard this news. The project is now off and we have spent a great deal of time and effort and incurred a lot of costs which has now been a waste of resources at a time when we could have least afforded it. I feel badly let down by the government.
Simon Rand,
xxxxxxxx, More people should be encouraged to invest in these systems.
xxxxxxxx, I dispair for the future of science and innovation in this country when short sighted and counterproductive decisions like this are made .
xxxxxxxx, Solar panels on all suitable roofs is a good long term investment for future generations
Steve Scatterty, Like loft intallation and other government initiatives supporting solar energy is a must to help support long term energy needs of this country
Christopher Strangeways,
Elizabeth Salmon, It seems unjust that such short notice has been given on the cuts when a decision was not expected until April
Joyce Dignam, Greenest Government ever! Just empty words. This green government is willing to let the abundant free energy generated by light and sunshine go to waste, while they spend billions/trillions on spoiling our countryside with wind turbines.
xxxxxxxx, You are saying that Britain is closed for investment - foolish in the extreme in the current economic climate
Simon Stabb,
Sally Solomon, Solar capture is the one of the best sources of energy amongst a raft of other renewable options. Why bring everything to a grinding halt with this severe cut ?
paul hillman,
Mrs Jane Mackay,
Peter Wyld,
xxxxxxxx, I'm expected to spend a fortune to meet the Code 3 for Sustainable Homes requirements enforced by Welsh Government whilst Westminster is reducing the FITs! Appalling
PHILIP WHITE, We have a large community scale PV project for the installation of circa 1500 properties in some of the ,ost deprived area's of Wales. We were due start installations this month the announcement to reduce the tariff to 21p has in one full swoop destroyed our scheme. The investment was pulled immediately and will not be made available unless there is serious commitment by DECC and ministers to help community schemes by holding the current rate of 43.3p for the lifetime of the FIT. Where is your big society now? Phil White and Green Renewable Wales Ltd
xxxxxxxx, The Hampshire based Hartley Wintney Solar Action Group has gone from zero to eighteen Solar PV installations in two months but the FIT reduction may stop the project. After every 25 installations the group will get a 4kW system on a community building, please Government don't stop our project!
Mike Parker, Moving the goalpost to a 12th December registration date has scuppered the installation of Panels on our local school and the massive cut to the tariff in April will almost certainly scupper a proposed drive in our village to encourage new solar after March with a sensible lower tariff. Not only is the move too drastic it will mean that any trust in Government planning is lost. Mike Parker.
Simon Thomas,
aaron read,
Robert Turner, I certainly feel that any change to the current FIT arragements needs to be progressively implemented, such that it maintains a viable scheme for both the industry and the customer.
roy jolliffe,
Sue Ponton, Very short sighted - could provide a lot of jobs and training opportunities as well as make Britain a market leader in this technology - the Germans are already leading, let's catch them up at least!
Chris Rainey, This cut is not fair on businesses, employees or people who may have made a financial decision to get solar then signed up but may not get their systems in by the cut off date.
James Boughton-Thomas,
kedrick davies, This reduction is too step and far too quick. It will have adverse impacts on industry but also undermines the Government's own targets to reduce carbon emissions.
Peter Hughes,
norman hare, this goverment policy is fixed on poor people from taking any means of saving money or jobs.
Carol Fraser,
Charmaine Coutinho,
Cheryl Grant,
Angie Day,
Ryan Wilson,
Suzanne De Celis, The Government should be better supporting the clean technology of Solar.Polluting Energy production is not good for the Environment or the future Economy.
Nick Balmer,
xxxxxxxx, The Government wishes to control electricity and all the profit it brings, that's why they back nuclear power. This is just another way for them to cut our choice for alternative energy.
xxxxxxxx, Because of the government and the banks, inflation is rising way above earnings, solar can help people in these desperate times. So instead of thinking about government cuts, why don't you help society instead?
Martin Pingelov, Save the industry, save the planet, save the people!
jennifer mace, Iam a single parent and often find everyday bills hardgoin even tho I am a homeowner and work fulltime. I claim NO BENEFITS and I thought finally something for the tax payer!!! Can you tell me why something that benefits the great British public is being CUT yet we still allow ££££'s to go over in benefit to people coming over from the EU!!!
David Edwards, The cost of maintaining the FIT at a sensible level and from a sensible date is a few pence on electricity bills. These same bills have gone up hundreds of pounds in the last few rounds of gas price rises. So don't believe the lie that it's green taxes that are the problem Mr Cameron - it's the current energy sources that are the culprits.
Lee Siddons,
steven jacques,
Karen Cunningham,
Marjorie Cotton, The decision to cut the feed in tariff by half will effectively kill the industry. It is shorsighted if nor madness.
J Rossiter,
xxxxxxxx, It is crazy at this time to kill this industry which this reduction in the FIT most certainly will. Germany is encouraging solar and going off nuclear. Doesn't anybody in the Coalition Govt. have the brains to see that solar energy should be a huge part of our energy programme?
xxxxxxxx, PV solar power is the most efficient form of remewable energy and should be encouraged, not discouraged. The FIT was only brought in two years ago and this is a complete U-turn.
John Rigby, Cutting the FiT by such a draconian amount with practically no notice seems to be unreasonable. The cost of installing Solar Panels has not yet fallen to the point of Grid Parity. If the government has data that shows that the reduced rate still makes the investment in solar panels cost effective it needs to share it. At 21p it seems that the 25-year return (for the total of generation, export and consumption) doesn't match the cost of the installation.
Mike Hallett, With nuclear no longer an option - witness Fukishima - we in the United Kingdom need alternatives such as Solar and Wave/Tidal. To hinder development of solar now is unforgivable and short sighted in the extreme.
piers gibson,
xxxxxxxx, Please support solar energy. After what happened in Japan, we need it. Take away nuclear power and give us clean energy, please, for the sake of the generations to come.
Elizabeth Curtis-Knight,
Karen Dandy,
J Searle, Please Mr Cameron Do not cut tariffs. As this is hitting OAPS. Too. Lower their. Electrics. Bills.
Debbie Ellen,
xxxxxxxx, Surely in the current financial climate nobody wants even more people out of a job - there are jobs here for professionals and very many others - these are good jobs - let these people keep their jobs, thus CONTRIBUTING TO THE ECONOMY not taking something from it in benefits etc. Solar power is the future and a much better investment than 'dole queues'
xxxxxxxx, save our grandchildren; vote for solar
Peter.R.Lister, save the jobs of 25000 people employed in solar industry
xxxxxxxx, At least HONOUR those who had their orders in before the 31/10/12. The government is rude and do what they like, no consultation! Lost my vote.
Deborah Bird, I believe the proposed significant reduction in the FiT is an absolute disgrace, will impact severely on the industry, jobs and the government will never be able to meet its targets for carbon reduction.
xxxxxxxx, Solar great !
Janine Ford, Please continue the solar scheme in full - I had panels installed in June 2011 - we have no gas in our village and I am all-electric. It has made a vest differenec to my bills.e.g. my monthly DD has been reduced from £109 to £69!!! PLEASE Government think again. If something ain't broke why try to fix it? So much that is going on at present is bad for consumers - this is good, please don't spoil it!
Edward Sheldrick, It makes sense to create this clean, safe and certain NRG generation; it doesn't make sense to create uncertainty by suddenly moving the goal posts and jeopardising business and consumer investment.
xxxxxxxx, This latest fast-track (knee jerk) review of FiT tariffs, in common with the previous review earlier in the year, fails to differentiate between the overtly commercial undertakings (which are in it purely for financial gain), and the many co-op schemes around the country which are using FiT income to benefit local communities.
Roger Burridge,
David Keys,
Heidi Hollobon,
Graham Long, In these days of attempting to reduce CO2 emission don't destroy an industry that provides clean energy and is an efficient cost effective way of producing electricity. To this Government and all MP's I say think again.
bill austin, i thought the idea was to save the planet, this is a great way to go in the wrong direction
xxxxxxxx, we need this modern technology, support this renewable energy and help all of us.
Paul Johnson,
mary martin, The families that solar panels could really help (i.e. families with young children, couples just starting on the property market) are going to miss the real benefit of this system.
xxxxxxxx, I support the "Cut, Dont Kill" Campaign
The reduction in the Feeding Tariff outlined by the government was not thought through, its too drastic and reactionary. They underestimated how many people in the UK would embrace Solar Energy and/or build a lively-hood around it.
Amanda Lewis,
Luke Walsh,
Christopher Thomas,
Anna Gilbert,
Edward Cornell, If this is not possible then extend the cut off date beyond 18th Dec 2011
craig fowler, David Camerons government yet again another plan so normal hard working people cant benefit from the fits.
Mark Fyles, Just had my first job assessed and waiting for my accreditation, to be kicked in the teeth by the goverment who look after bankers with billions to bail them out, The working class need to wake up to what this goverment is about we are not all in this together, the working man is bearing the brunt while the fat cats grow richer at our expence.
John Davies, 12th December is too little notice for those who had ordered a 10kw system early in October. This is due to the 45 working day period that the electric companies have to authorise the connection.
Rhodri Thomas, While there are valid arguments regarding the unfairness of the FIT benefitting rich private householders, a blanket cut would penalise the initiatives that aim to provide poor households with free solar while using the FIT (via a social enterprise) to re-invest money in community regeneration. If the government is serious about stimulating growth it will not undermine the capacity of social entrepreneurs to use solar PV as a way of bringing investment into some of our most deprived communities.
Mohamed B. Bandali, I am doing my bit to help reduce carbon footprint by producing 3 times more solar power than my actual use and feeding it into the grid. Surely, detering others will kill the campaign and allow the BIG energy companies to import power and make our country dependent on it!
Leslie Burke, It is disappointing that there are no manufacturers of PV panels in the UK benefitting our economy rather than those of Germany and China.
Elliott Wachsmann,
Cal Bailey, I have had to cancel £0.7m of investment last week due to the change of FIT. It feels like I have been forced to take a short term view, when we should be playing a long term game.
K Williams,
xxxxxxxx, for once you can do something usefull and make some cash at the same time , no wonder HMG dont like it , they cant TAX self sufficiency
Matt Ogier-Russell,
j harley,
Jon Glanfield, Don't kill a burgeoning industry with such an important global role to play.
Richard Johnson, The government is cutting help to solar because it wants to promote nuclear - a loser by safety, economic and all political considerations!
Dominic Manning, Only six months ago, our energy minister, Greg Barker, stated that the industry requires TLC: Transparency, Longevity, Certainty. What has happened to TLC and can we ever trust this government, which promised to be the greenest ever, again?
Damon Hart-Davis,
Shaun Hawkey,
Justin Jarrett, I am on the front line talking to customers and the majority of them cannot understand what the government are doing by cutting the FIT by over 50%! I and they appreciate it cannot be sustained at the current rate for too long, but all without exception feel the current cut to be to extreme, to quick and damaging to their friends and relatives having any chance of free solor and doing their bit to help the environment. I urge the government to rethink this process and increase the FIT to a sensible figure to ensure this industry remains bouyant (it is employing a great deal of people which reduces unemployment) and allowing those residents who are eligible to have free solor installed.
Julian Burn,
xxxxxxxx, These 25,000 jobs across the country, which include highly technical manufacturing as well as the installation workers who get the panels onto the buildings plus the surveying teams MUST be worthwhile saving in these days of job losses and redundancies. So don't cut the FITs, allow the industry to grow. Why does Government knock down booming businesses and squash its growth?
Judith Keys,
m. a. tanner, we need to support this otherwise our solar industry will follow the offshore windfarms by providing profit and jobs for non-british companies
Patrick Hagan, Think about the future?
Cedric Robbins, The Government keeps saying we should go green and now they are U turning they need to get their act together if Solar is going to be our Future
Tony Tyler,
RICHARD HANNANT, More government hot air. they pay lip service to a really worthwhile scheme & then pull the plug. It is obviously more important to force the HS2 scheme upon us. A very small minority support that white elephant, which the country cannot afford, yet the sensible solar scheme is apparently not worth supporting. ( I really wonder what makes more sense? )
Neill Talbot,
frank harrison, i thought the government wanted to encourage this not kill it
stephen foster, keep it going
Damian Thomas, Typical of the Governemt, wait until something works, then scrap it in case the ordinary folk get some benefit from it, but its OK fo rMinisters to rob the country blind and squander money on illegal wars and assist illegal immigrants to enter the country unchallenged,,,,,,,,well done Cameron/Clegg and thir moron followers
P KEWELL, People are supporting the save the plant and our footprint only for the goverment morons to decide they may loose more monies. So lets reduce the amount and loose more jobs which have been created. What future are the goverment trying to save , not our childrens future, thaqts for sure
Linda Grimmond,
paddy sanders, You the goverment have pushed for cleaner greener energy,don't therefore" kill it" by reducing the subsidy.Many companies have invested heavily into this new form of energy,in both the development and instalation of these systems we already have enough un-employed and escalating energy costs.have you h not taken note of europe ? there plastered with panels,i wonder why ?.
jane richards, i think the cut is silly when we as a country are trying to become more eco friendly. how brilliant would it be if we could all use and live off things that are naturally found all around us
Ian Wood, My particular concern is for community projects such as Community Energy Warwickshire.
Maureen Wood,
xxxxxxxx, If the Government wishes to encourage "green energy" why is it reducing the subsidy? It does not make sense.
K. Petty, Any cut should be in proportion to panel price reduction. Even for those who cant afford to buy their own, Rent a roof is a great way to combat fuel poverty
Melody Cranbourne-Rosser,
xxxxxxxx, Having created a viable industry for the UK, it seems stupid to cut the legs away from it in this manner.
Michael Sackin,
Gabrielle Maughan, The greenest government? Ho Ho (Hollow laughter)
R A Gregory, A genuinly good idea scuppered by people who have no idea. It will help the poor and eventually leed to a greener power scource. The rich are allright so why bother to help the needy and the country. The same old story Give in one hand and take it away with the other.
xxxxxxxx, The government said it would last 25 years dose this mean they are going back on there word
T. L.Stamp, Why take away something that is good for the country and good for the people.
Mrs Sue Shead,
Malcolm Price, I thought the government wanted to support Green Industry especially as we try and pull out of a long recession and slow recovery. You have my full support to lobby the government to add pressure to force a u-turn on the cut on feed in tariffs for renewable power generation. We this more than ever before!
Peter Farey,
xxxxxxxx, Encourage people to generate electricity please do not cut the feed in tariff,
David Kerrigan, We need sustainable energy and the FIT to encourage conversion at the present rate
K Manning,
Robin Batten,
richard lloyd, We are miles behind Europe on the issue of solar energy and this could provide a large amount of green energy with out covering w2ales in windturbines.
Richard lloyd.
Carol Cockings, Too much too soon, should be left until 1st April as originally planned.
Bob Billett, You encourage us allto go green, then once we all get a chnace to do something really positive you pull the rug from under us. The majority of people cannot afford the £8k to £10k it costs to install solar power. So come on government wake up and get in touch with reality.
Tristan Brooks, We are a small family run solar installation business and currently have around 25 projects awaiting planning in our region which we expect to be approved between the end of October and end December. Most of these are on free range poultry sheds or general livestock buildings. In many cases the building owner has already negotiated and committed to loans from Barclays and HSBC especially to fund the projects. On many of these projects the farmer has already paid sums between £3000 and £16500 to the DNO for new transformers and grid upgrades to permit the connection of the Solar PV installation which would be installed over the next 3 - 4 months and before the 31st March 2012 in line with the Feed In Tariff rules.
In the meantime, if, as reported, Chris Huhne, Greg Barker and his DECC colleagues now move the goalposts with effect from 12/12/2011 we have a potential financial disaster for the majority of our customers and our company. We are not talking about 2.9kWp (10 panels) on a semi detached suburban roof. We are talking about 200 panels and 49kWp on a poultry shed costing £100k. Without more time to secure planning and DNO approval and actually make the installs, we are looking at major losses for our customers, our company and the people that work for us.
A Cartledge,
David McKie, How will we ever reach our green targets if the government keep cutting back on renewable fuels.
Andrew Moon, The cut is too large and too soon. 25% after the 1st of April.
As the government is supposed to be encouraging the general public, please think again and support the solar companies who are trying to get this system up and running.
Kit Forrest, Why does the uk always do things in such a mad cap way. Cutting the tariffs at short notice just sends the industry and public into panic. Woeful management!! No one will mind if you do a 'u -turn on your u-turn'....
Daniel Mourne,
Nigel C Jones, The present Goverment are not helping at all.
Fiona Cullen, I really believe that collectively we need to do all we can to encourage and support a shift towards renewable energy for the sake of future generations.
Matt Bladon, Is it cheaper to make 20000 unemployed than keep the tariff? It is the consumer paying for it not the government, why not let them have the say?
Cllr Colin Mann, To suddenly cut this incentive to produce clean electricity, especially at extremely short notice, is a disgrace and goes against the professed green credentials of the Prime Minister
karen stewart,
Thaddeus Dell, I feel very proud to work in the UK Solar Industry, I am dismayed by the action of the government to change policy at such a pace. Six weeks is a disgrace.
Melissa Brathwaite, I support the ‘Cut, Don’t Kill’ campaign to stop the Government cutting Solar PV Feed-in Tariffs by 50%, which would devastate the solar power industry and jeopardise 25,000 jobs. I've worked too hard for this.
Paul Lewis, I support the 'Cut, Don't Kill
mark ramsey,
BARBARA ELFORD, We have been fortunate to have solar panels fitted - it would be devastating for the government to cut the Feed in tariffs by 50% which would kill the campaign
Richard Patrick,
Robin Dunning, Please do not kill off the opportunity for so many to opt for probably the greenest for of energy creation this country is likely to see. This appears to be a cutting exercise purely for the sake of introducing yet another form of cutting exercises.
J Gburrek, An industry growing and creating jobs outside the city apparently needs to be stopped by government...the mind boggles.
xxxxxxxx, As my community centre is about to take up the offer and find the finance to fit solar panels I believe this will be devarstating to many
tony harding, It really is the height of absurdity for a government that calls itself the 'greenest ever', and says it wants to promote growth, to deal such a massive blow to the solar power industry.
Susan Hannis,
Jane Lawson,
Dr K R Cooper, Cutting the feed-in tariff by 50% is counter productive, wil slow any future takeup and cost jobs, and doing it by 12 December makes the consultation period laughable.
Tim Brew,
Laura England-Kerr,
xxxxxxxx, I would like to know why my roof is unsuitable
xxxxxxxx, 25/30% was proposed don't make it more you will kill our industries the EU is doing enough without our Government helping!
Jos Mister,
xxxxxxxx, We will need some of the people in the industry for maintenance of existing installations
Pam Jarrett, I think the higher FIT should still be available to charities esp as funding streams are so reduced
xxxxxxxx, I understand the needs to control costs but surely it is only reasonable this limited but significant number of contracts agreed before the Minister’s announcement (31 Oct ) are allowed to be completed i.e. installed and registered on the terms on which they were contracted -.that is, the current FIT rates for 25 years? It would be simple enough to supply a copy of contract date and or deposit receipt with the registration paperwork to facilitate this.
Valerie Callaghan, We need to go green for the future of the planet. Go solar
Yvan Maurel, Britain has been years beyond other European countries bringing in the FITs. It is absolutely TERRIBLE to consider cutting them already after just 6 months!!! Green jobs are needed, clean technology is needed. NOW
Shirley Miller, Please do not cut the Feed in tariffs.I have already had mine fitted but would like to think more people will have the opportunity to do so.Also if it is cut so soon I think it will seriously damage the companys fitting them,who must already have stock in situ.
donald jolliffe,
mary whistance, mr cameron needs to come on board now,he has asked electricity companies not to put up their charges - this is where solar will come into its own by saving people money on their electric bills and saving jobs for so many people it makes sense, the government claims to be green, now is the time to prove it is.
xxxxxxxx, We have had solar power installed recently and are very glad we did so.
xxxxxxxx, rediculous, short sighted cost cutting
Carolyn Cross,
Glyn Evans,
Cllr Allan Pritchard, Leader of Caerphilly County Borough Council
pat sykes, David Cameron has recently asked for a more robust approach to 'growth' and encourages ideas to come forward. The renewable energy industry is 'THE' growth idea to beat all others. What more evidence does Cameron need that the UK has the capacity to grow our way out of unemployment, for starters.
Roger Booth,
Peter Ansell, This is not the time to cut the F I T as both installers and customers are doing their level best to reduce the carbon use and at the same time help to save money. The Gov't can and should re think their policy and give the industry every chance to provide people with a good and clean energy source
Paul Browne,
george richards, You have done one U turn !
Now do another, bring back the Tariffs and the time scale, that you promised. You can always find plenty of money for other countries, now for Gods sake find some for your own people.
Keith Gregory, Unfair and just plain rude in the current times. The government want to create jobs but in the other hand taken them away just as fast. The FIT was the first real scheme that helps both families and employers. Shame shame shame on you
Mark Macaskill,
Dave Blomfield,
Jane Smith,
Steve Dandy,
Lucy-Jo Tostevin,
xxxxxxxx, To the government - This nation has trusted you and put you in power to do the best you can for our society/country. Use your position wisely! Help save our environment and our world, safeguard the solar and all renewable energy industries! This world is our responsibility and our future.
xxxxxxxx, This is from the sign the petition page
Ken Peattie,
D H Tuck, short sighted and ill timed policy which should be rethought
Victor Walsh,
Ian Hilbert, Dont let the slashers wreck it for us all!
Anne Trezies, The Government should think again as this would affect so many people but they just don't seem bothered.
xxxxxxxx, I was planning solar panels but am now thinking twice a about it, what a shame
Jessica hughes, This is a brilliant scheme that was just finding it's feet. Please don't squash it. It is in everyone's best interests to support it.
xxxxxxxx, If solar energy is such an important part of the Governments re-usable energy campaign, why cut back now -why was the feed-in tariff set at this level in the first place? or was it just a sprat to catch a mackerel! Once we have signed up then the tariff can be reduced to suit politicians!!
xxxxxxxx, just going to install panels but company to busy to fit befor start of next year
Richard Thomas,
Juliet Mansell, I think this is an invaluable service to homeowners and can not believe that it is being withdrawn at a time when most people need assistance with fuel bills.
Michael Knight, You know it makes sense..!
Matthew Hayter,
xxxxxxxx, We try to be green then what do you do but pull out the rug from under us!
Seema Patel, Solar is the way forward x
xxxxxxxx, We try to be green then what do you do but pull out the rug from under us!
Sarah-Kate Beaumont,
Duncan Nocton,
Richard whistance, cut the tariff but not so much and not so quik
Sharron Hardy,
Jennifer Robinson, At a time whenthe cost of power is important it is sad to see the Solar Industry which provides green energy being affected by the cut in tarriffs,and making people out off work when there are already so many unemployed
xxxxxxxx, I believe that solar energy will save the country Billions in the long term
Mrs S Richards, It's crazy to cut Goverment Feed-In Tariff. Green energy is our future with great job opportunities in this climate.
Ian Hill,
rosa richards, it is a no brainer - we need more renewable energy projects, and we need to support solar power to get it off the ground. we must prevent fuel poverty in these times of increasing energy prices. Solar power can provide resilience against price hikes, and help the UK become more self sufficient in energy generation and less dependent on importing energy or fuel. Also we should be decreasing our reliance on nuclear - the radioactive legacy it leaves is totally unacceptable.
F.C.M & P.D.Thomas,
Kim Davies,
R Frampton,
David hicks,
Chris Noakes,
Colin Milroy, The Government don't have a clue do they!
James Dimmock, Don't cloud the future now that, finally, the sun is beginning to shine on this renewable energy source!
Peter Slaney, We entrust our future to our Government, and future is not limited to the next election year. We hold them in trust that to protect us and our children in perpetuity. Governments that only think of the next 4 years, will be remembered with shame when we look back on what we squandered.
rebecca archer,
Ian Bretherton,
Pam Norris,
xxxxxxxx, The Government is showing that it is not really committed to reducing CO2
Robert Davis,
Alex king,
Faith Moulin, Solar power for householders is an excellent way of reducing the need for more power stations. Why not the UK leading the world in solar technology at domestic scale? Create jobs, safeguard future for our children and grandchildren. Help the industry please, don't destroy it.
Valerie Sharp,
Felicity Norman, Since the scheme was introduced in April last year there have been
> thousands of installations, the creation of nearly 4,000 new businesses
> and the generation of 22,000 new jobs, good news on all fronts, economic
> and enviromental. The cuts will halt this success story in its tracks and
> put businesses and jobs at risk.
> Here in Leominster our Community Solar project
> is
> threatened as the installers rush to beat the deadline of 12th December,
> having previously expected to have until April to be eligible.>Please don't put this and all the other solar projects, whether for individual homes or for communities, at risk.
Jenny Maxwell, Solar is a low-carbon, independent of imports way of producing energy. It is madness to discourage it and sanity to encourage it.
Steve Watson,
roy bickley, as an opotunity for cuting energy bills for pensioners as well as helping the enviroment Solar should be suported in every way posible for benifit of all.
Angie Lewis, Anything that saves the public money, the government stops, think twice before you decide to cut this.
Desmond lees,
Mr R D Connett, Dont kill a good scheme before it has had a chance!
Philip Allen,
Jim Howden,
Tony Redding,
john tayton, At a time when renewable energy needs all the support and promotion possible this is a very backward step
Hamish Cormack,
Ian Gould,
Karen westcott,
michael robinson, The uk has got a lot to do to catch up with germany why get cold feet now our power stations are getting old and with solar power we wont need to replace all of them
Robert Wood,
Jane Goodwin,
Janet Calderhead, Don't destroy our solar future
john matthews,
Yasmin Dix,
David Jones,
graham hill, surprised tories have not pointed out the loss to the solar world will be to the benefit of the EPC indusry. more jobs for the penpushers.
xxxxxxxx, I do not think it should be cut by that amount the government has cut it by it will jeopardise jobs very fast then there will be more people signing on, as there are not that many jobs out there.
Christine Oxley, Keep the sun shining on solar
Don't cloud our future
Rik Child, Shattered by the latest news on the feed-in tarrifs - but should I be? Let’s be honest, there is no sign of this government being green and history shows the Tories will soon be handing yet more power to large private enterprise. Expect a wave of “big solutions” to the energy problem, like nuclear power stations etc….
Marsha Kepic,
xxxxxxxx, To get more homes generating power, more time is needed with good support tariffs
Ian Davey,
W Phelps,
Mr V Palmer,
Bob Wolfson,
xxxxxxxx, I think it is scandalous that the Government are taking away the benefits for solar heating
Martin Grimshaw, For years the Tories banged on about creating a 'stable investment climate' for nuclear. The hypocrisy! The coalition government is shockingly out of touch. Do they not know that hundreds or thousands of new start up solar enterprises will now fail? People who have given up their lives for the last 3 years to make this work? As if it wasn't hard enough to start up a business with the paucity of support that exists. Community owned projects were looking to restore economic empowerment and energy sovereignty at a local level. Churches, youth clubs and schools were looking to survive via this scheme. Where I live, in Brighton, the council was looking to make up the shortfall in revenue, and avoid the worst of the cuts, with the help of solar PV on school roofs - and I imagine they weren't the only ones.
We were finally on the verge of a mild green revolution, after so many years of resistance to introducing the FiT;
all set to mitigate against long term (perhaps even short term) domestic fuel bills from spiralling out of control; which many would argue they already have.
The coalition has demonstrated itself to be the enemy of small business, of new enterprise, of community, of new green jobs, of empowerment of the vulnerable, and of the economy and planet itself.
I am embarrassed to be British. The coalition government can not be trusted. Greenest Government Ever my arse. As we head at full pelt toward runaway climate change: Most dangerous government ever?
Time for a general election.
Penny Wolfson, We are benefitting from having solar PV panels fitted to our home this summer and saw this as a positive way to help towards meeting international targets to reduce carbon emissions. I am devastated by this Government's action, which threatens not only the solar power industry and the thousands of jobs which it has created, but also the future for our children and grandchildren.
Gareth Davies, This proposal by the goverment will destroy the solar industry in 6 weeks. Costing jobs, lost revenue & will not conribute to any kind of sustainable future.
Mischa Nowicki,
Dave Armstrong, Its outrageous to encourage the growth of solar and then kill it off once companies have invested time and energy. I will probably need to let upto four staff go as a direct result of this killing off of solar. It has severly embarrassed us with clients we have recommended solar to. These clients are not farming solar, they are merely trying to make a dent in their carbon emissions - all other government policy leads them to this (CRC etc).
Gregory Williams, Dramatically cutting the rate paid via the very successful FIT scheme is hardly going to encourage more people to be green. I thought this was supposed to be the greenest government ever. Policies such as this, abolishing Cycling England, proposing motorway speed limit rises, and reducing the protections in the planning system all show that this is most certainly not the greenest government ever.
Simon Toft,
mr christopher bond,
Luke Cottle, I work for a major company installing solar panels and if this cut comes in on the 12th dec there will be so many jobs going so close to Xmas. The feed in tariff has created around 25000 jobs and within a month there won't be just 25000 more people jobless. This cut is a joke and our government is a joke!
xxxxxxxx, A balancing of the investment return makes sense but this proposal would kill off the industry. We want solar panels on as many roofs as possible. Can we ever trust this Government again
Lucy Pritchard,
Michele Kondakor,
iain hogg, I am a surveyor in the solar industry, left a very good job to be involved in renewable energy. It now looks as if I will be made redundant if this crazy drop in the fits goes ahead.That could mean a loss of 65 jobs with my company, cut the fits to 33p on April 1st and let this thrieving industry continue.
m lawrence,
clare stack,
sue essex,
Dale fulker, We need this to be stopped, otherwise thousands will be out of energy is the future so why ruin it before its fully taken off!!
C Wilson,
Ann & Derek Ashley, The recent new deadline and drastic cut in FITs(far greater than warranted by reduction in costs of installation) is blatantly in breach of the governments avowed policies of job creation, green energy and the Big Society.
Kim Belding (Solar Creations), Stop the change!
Alison Harrington,
xxxxxxxx, Just returned from Germany. Government funded pv panels everywhere at no personal cost. Even on farm sheds and traffic islands!
Billy Greig, I am absolutely disgusted by this governments decision to reduce the FIT so drastically, surely it would have been easier to cut the term from 25 years to 15 years and this would have kept one of the few growing industrys in the country alive.
Mrs Karon Brett,
Glynnis Hills, look after the future!!!!!!!!!!
Mike Richards, The disproportionate reduction in the FIT in response to falling component costs fails to recognise that these contribute only part of the total installation cost. In truth the scale of reduction actually reflects this government's weak and ineffectual energy policies. The decommissioning of generating capacity in the next decade, climate change and international competition for energy should be galvanising policy and action, and in particular development of sustainable energy sources. We owe it to future generations.
Tony Waite, Tony Waite - Director @ SolarLex.
Cut dont Kill !!!
sandra maddox, cutting the tariff by half is bad enough but to make the cut off point december is terrible. this should be extended by at least 3 months and the tarrif cut in stages. first 10% then 20% etc. give people a chance to get the free panels up and running and so that the companies fitting them dont go down the pan!!!!
xxxxxxxx, Madness - is this a sell out to the big 5 to get the reduction in energy bills DC promised?
Mark McCluggage, 21p/kWh - this cut is to far, to soon, to quick. I was injured serving this country in Afghanistan. Then invested all my time and money in to starting a new company installing Solar PV. Now I'm unsure of the state the PV industry will be in next year. I wish I had never bothered starting a new business in such uncertain economic times. How are we going to grow our economy out of this mess if there is no consistency or support for company's; in what was a new and growing industry! At lease make renewables 0 VAT rated, this would be a small start.
James Gilbert,
oscar, We are going back to the 80's again!!! Arghhhh!!!
Stan Mason,
Jeremy Whittingham, An orderly reduction would guarantee jobs and not nip a small business in the bud.
Nick Christoforou,
Sandy Jackson,
Paul Bosworth, "The reason why Germany is so far ahead of us is because they have a system of what they call feed-in tariffs." David Cameron October 2009
John Bentley, How is it that removing government schemes happen quickly, but adopting new schemes takes for ever or not at all....!!! What happened about reducing the carbon footprint, good talk now do the walk..!!
John Wheeler,
Jasmine Palmer,
Ken Dorning, Please Mr Barker look at what you are about to do and be very sure who will be to blame, don't be a scapegoat, be a hero
Heriberto de Elio, Why to smash a sector that has not suffer that much during the recession and has been growing until now?
Jean Smith,
Nenadich, Self motivated electricity = awareness, savings in energy use.
Tariffs for every suitable home should be a norm/compulsory
altaf patel,
Alex Kennedy, Stop tinkering with a fledgling industry and start being serious about what can be achieved with careful planning and foresight.
Caroline Grierson,
Sarah Clarke,
Norman Taylor, Just another example of governmental incompetence. Do they ever think things through properly?
Ryan Dolan,
Andy Letts, Solar energy is the future, don't nip it in the bud!!
Simon Cook,
xxxxxxxx, Why is it proposed to rush through this retrograde legislation when so much good is coming from it?
xxxxxxxx, There are so many elements to this cut.
- The elctricity companies having to pay the FiT and still making £125 per customer profit - for which they get caned. Then they hire powerful lobbyist into making policy for the government.
- The 'free solar' installers rubbing the government up the wrong way and profiteering (who can blame them).
- The goverment wanting to be fairer to the have nots - who are fuding the have's FiT payments.
- The nett effect is seen locally by the council shelving their plan to make all their buildings (Council, Schools, hospices etc) greener - it is no longer certain to be cost effective.
However you look at it decimating a fledgling industry is not a good way to go about this.
ron maplesden,
xxxxxxxx, Energy from our SUN!
Jonathan Melhuish, The FiT needs to fall in line with falling costs - no more, no less. This cut will kill the UK solar industry before it really began
Pete Bursnall,
james hislop, This can not happen this will cripple yet another industry put hundreds out of work and put back britain in our green quest
Philip Baldwin, PLEASE Don't waste any more time and money in arguing about it,, get on and put in place a proper policy for prioritising SOLAR power in this country's future programme, for our and future families' sakes, and our national prosperity,
Felicity Gibling, I am disgusted by this ridiculous, short-sighted, small-minded government action to hit the solar power industry and green energy generation. This is such an important initiative to encourage renewable energy generation so simply and quickly, to create jobs, to help to stimulate growth in the economy. It makes no sense whatsoever to take this action to cut solar power and thereby threaten the industry, as well as cripple small businesses. It is appalling that we are at the mercy of our politicians in this way, when it must be obvious that we NEED to generate energy in different ways for the future. This is a simple and cheap way to do this, as well as encourage small business and create jobs. It makes me furious.
xxxxxxxx, How can a responsible government put at risk 25000 jobs? Seems to be more about party politics than the costs.
The the big 6 energy companies must be pretty pleased that distributed generation is about to take a big knock.
xxxxxxxx, A cut too far - half this cut would be OK and cost reflective.
Cllr Jason Kitcat, This doesn't just jeopardise green industry and jobs, it risks plans to support local councils as they face cuts; and reduce bills for council tenants.
Peter Milne, The government should encourage every house in UK to instal solar panels as being a far more effective way (and much more popular) than intrusive wind farms. CO2 emissions would be cut and the FIT should be seen as rent for additional electricity production capacity.
Graham Pike,
Carey Glyn-Jones, Apart from the fact that this sudden and ill-thought change to the FITs is an example of very poor management procedure by the government it will endanger the very real progress that the country is making towards the government's stated aims of reaching carbon neutrality. Solar technology is a field in which the UK is excelling and providing much needed employment. DON'T ENDANGER THIS PROGRESS!
Dr.U N MALLYA, one of the renewable sources is being withdrawn and this is sad!
David L Smith,
rose manns, this should be encouraged wholeheartedly not stamped on
Timothy Goodall,
Steph Abiva, Please keep this scheme going, at least for a little while longer. It is unfair that you have made such a sudden cut.
Giles Boardman, The cuts are to much and a ridiculaslly short notice of the changes.
Ann butterworth,
xxxxxxxx, keep the solar energy panels coming don,t cut the subsidies.
mike shoring, How SHOCKING. This is already becoming a serious crime against the future environment. This governments crime against humanity. HERE COMES THE SUN. These BLUE MEANIES cannot stop us. We will see them in some future courtroom being judged for crimes against their own grandchildren.
We have so much optimism. Hey you schoolboy politicians. Listen to the people. Find some WISDOM.
xxxxxxxx, What a way to incourage people to go renewable I dont think!
Pat Sanchez, What hypocrisy for the government to boast it was going to be the greenest ever! Even more hypocritical to claim it supports small businesses. If they were genuine about wanting to combat climate change and wanting to protect small businesses they would increase their support for home generation, not axe it.
DaVid slate,
Stuart James,
Tim Beecher, We desperately need to encourage these self-sufficient, clean, renewable energy systems, not stop it in its tracks at this critical time!
Rachel Western,
xxxxxxxx, It was pretty obvious that there would be a move to bring the rate down - so I invested in PVs as soon as I could. I am sorry for those who will 'miss the boat'; for those who may lose their jobs; and the setback to the production of clean renewable energy and its development.
Steve Unwin, The proposed sudden reduction in FITS is very unfair on those planning a PV installation before April 2013, even more so onthose whao have already committed and may not be able to complete by December. It also risks serious damage to the growing PV installation industry and halting all the progress made on expanding the use of PV as a sustainable power source.
Phyl Carter, Please reconsider this retrograde step for the sake of future generations and the entire planet.
Richard Linnell, An organised method of determining future rates needs to be introduced. The German model would be a good start.
A Clinton, This cut is too much too soon; everyone thought a cut to 37p/kWh or thereabouts was coming in March. It creates a terrible panic for installers and potential customers, and does nothing to create trust in government's support for small businesses. AC
xxxxxxxx, I fully agree
Simon Short, I seem to remember some lovely promises.
So, what happened?
We need energy from 'Renewables' even more now than we did when you made those promises.
xxxxxxxx, Backing solar will drive development in solar technologies (which has already happened to an extent) and will help wean us off of fossil. It will also make a significant contribution to the UK's emissions target.
Martyn Lowe,
Julia Riddell,
Rosemary Wickstead,
Colin Spokes, This cut will affect many elderly people on fixed incomes, already hit by the high increases to their fuel bills from the energy supply companies.
xxxxxxxx, we were hoping to have our own solar pv panels fitted in February next year in time for the March deadline but now it doens't look financially viable so we probably won't be able to do it.
linda jones,
David Green, I have had solar panels fitted already, but you must play fair and let everyone have a chance to feel like they are doing something for our planet.
xxxxxxxx, The 12 December deadline does not reflect the lead times involved in developing projects and this had led to financial losses for my company which intended to develop projects across its 10 business premises.
Francis Mahon, Too large a cut in FIT at this stage, the industry needs more time to take and for PV panels and inverter unit prices to fall,
Geraldine Graham,
Charles Berry,
Bob Widdowson, Surely we should be celebrating the increased take up of solar power. The contribution it makes to reducing carbon and emissions and at the same time supporting a new industry and new jobs is a win, win. Killing success is a strange way of encouraging sustainable growth.
xxxxxxxx, The solar industry and our customers rely on stable and transparent policy, not boom and bust instability.
Adam Broadway, Why hasn't the govenment worked out the huge cost it will incur by slowing down a new emerging industry and making an estimated 15,000 people unemployed?
Gareth Rosser,
xxxxxxxx, My Job on the line support the growing industry not kill.
xxxxxxxx, A devastaing decision by a stupid Government. It will put jobs at risk and cause businesses to flounder.
Leila Dinari,
Lewis Ames,
xxxxxxxx, This revolutionary form of power is in its infancy and green targets cannot be met if this support from the government is cut now. The Isle of Wight is one of the sunniest part of the UK and it would therefore be a pity not to be able to contribute to the national grid. Please reconsider the cuts at least for all the people who have been given installation dates.
xxxxxxxx, This is coming in far too soon. They should have been a much longer consultation. This government never seems to consult before making changes. Look at the mess they left the RDAs in the changeover process. Extend the deadline.
Sue Phillips, I have been saving up to put PVs on my roof now I can't afford to do so as the pay back will be so much longer.
Susan Horsman, As chair of a local environmental charity, and working in the environmental field, I am aware of the devastating nature of the proposed cuts. Most damaging of all to the promotion of renewable energy is the short notice given for these cuts. Installing solar panels is expensive, and not something that people want to rush into. A large number of people who have been considering installing solar panels for some time now are now in the position that, without warning, they will no longer be able to get the higher feed-in tariff, as installers became booked up until 12th December within about a day of the announcement.
In addition, people wanting to install before this deadline are often being offered lower quality panels (as the installers are running out of the higher quality panels), and are being charged a higher price than they were before the announcement.
As someone involved with advising members of the public about solar panels, I feel that this drastic a cut, and particularly with such short notice, is very damaging to the solar industry and to people's faith in the government, given that the public was led to believe that the higher feed-in tariff would be available for anyone installing panels before the end of March.
I think that this will result in far fewer people installing panels. I think that any reductions in the feed-in tariff should be more gradual, and that the public should be given considerably more notice of any changes.
Chris Samples,
Susan Horsman, Please enter an optional comment:
As chair of a local environmental charity, and working in the environmental field, I am aware of the devastating nature of the proposed cuts. Most damaging of all to the promotion of renewable energy is the short notice given for these cuts. Installing solar panels is expensive, and not something that people want to rush into. A large number of people who have been considering installing solar panels for some time now are now in the position that, without warning, they will no longer be able to get the higher feed-in tariff, as installers became booked up until 12th December within about a day of the announcement.
In addition, people wanting to install before this deadline are often being offered lower quality panels (as the installers are running out of the higher quality panels), and are being charged a higher price than they were before the announcement.
As someone involved with advising members of the public about solar panels, I feel that this drastic a cut, and particularly with such short notice, is very damaging to the solar industry and to people's faith in the government, given that the public was led to believe that the higher feed-in tariff would be available for anyone installing panels before the end of March.
I think that this will result in far fewer people installing panels. I think that any reductions in the feed-in tariff should be more gradual, and that the public should be given considerably more notice of any changes.
Do not display name on website:
David Lockie,
Anna Guyer,
Solar is our future
Simon Bottrell,
Toddington Harper,
The costs of Solar Photovoltaic Energy are falling faster than any other generation technology - renewable or otherwise. It's such a versatile and popular technology that will reach Grid Parity in only a few years - let's make the UK at the forefront of the global solar energy revolution!!!
Howard Johns,
Chairman Solar Trade Association
It really is time to start taking solar seriously and investing in growing a serious UK industry.
rob wells,
Sally Guyer,
You claim to be the greenest government this country has ever had. What happens here influences other countries - like Chile where there are plans to justify environmental destruction in Patagonia in the name of hydro electricity when solar power is totally viable in Chile. If countries like Chile see the UK using solar power, there is more chance of it being used there.
David Hampton,
Nuclear is so passee.
Renewables are so clearly (and cleanly) the future.
Robin Dally,
Will John Duckworth,
Robin Brittain,
James Wortley,
Vivienne Sims,
Danielle Sims,
Chris Rowland,
OVESCO is an Industrial & Provident Society which has just raised over £300,000 via a community share issue for a 98kW (544 PV panels) on the roof of the towns brewery called Harveys. A return on investment will be paid via the FiTs to our 220+ community share holders. This will be the largest PV project fully financed by a community share issue in the UK. With the right incentives this project could be repeated at other sites in the UK engaging the public in local decentralize power generation see
Robert Ellis,
John Mustarde,
This technology must be seen for what it is, a revolutionary form of power generation, cheaper, more reliable and longer lasting than anything else.
Please don't kill off the industry whilst it is still fledging!
Nigel Beale,
You know it makes sense.
So just do it, please.
Timothy Mullen,
David Connor,
Chris Ponton,
Georgia Cooksey,
Alice Cambata,
Cathy Newitt,
Think of our childrens futures. Cleaner futures.
Tim Saunders,
Thomas Ellis-Jones,
The benefits are huge and due to continuing technological advances these will become greater still.Do not let this shining light of renewable energy fade .
Jonathan Scurlock, National Farmers Union,
Farmers are ready and willing to contribute to national energy security and job creation in the low-carbon economy. NFU members and their development partners have already begun to invest in solar PV projects from small to large scale on the basis of existing government policy.
Ben Hart,
Mike Jones,
Helen Daniel,
Meraud Ferguson Hand,
Mary Rayner,
Solar power is a relatively easy way for community owned renewable energy enterprises to start generating an income and start the path to more challenging energy generation and saving measures. We need government to show much greater support for this technology.
I feel more than frustrated that the goverment doesnt want to put there support towards a cleaner future.
Richard Holmes,
cathie higginson,
Thankyou for looking after future generations
Laura whitfield,
Alex Fornal,
Be the Greenest Governement Ever and capture the global opportunity that is solar PV. You will be judged in 2-3 years time on that basis.
Jon Walker,
How about actually living up to your pledge to be the Greenest Ever government and Support Solar!
David Owen, Solar Power Portal,
It is time that the government woke up to the fact that we, the public, do not want and from reading this report, do not need, dirty or unsafe forms of energy generation. Make ours a solar future.
Gavin Tester,
Joanna Franks,
Robert Curry,
the greenest government ever, time to put your money where your mouth is and back solar!
Chris Brock,
Let's become world leaders in what has to be the next revolution. Britain has to keep ahead of the game in this fast developing world.
Tom Greeves,
The storage of energy generated by solar is important to cover the time when the Sun is not available, ie. behind clouds or at night. This can be achieved in a variety of ways but must not be overlooked.
Doug Harris,
It's obvious, solar capture and ground-sourced heat are the two best options within a suite of renewables.
Mark Hamilton,
paul woolley,
Oil will run out, price of oil will rise higher, oil companies get richer...all of this is a given, but so is the Sun, its going to out last Oil, Oil companies and us mere Humans, so why let it go to waste. The Sun has been a massive factor on humans. We have worshipped it, given it God status and built Temples for it, so why cant a 21st Century Government harness it to provide power for the people that they serve.
Add some Green colour to your Blue party and you get a bright Sunny Yellow glow to your legacy.
Gareth Hopkins,
We should be investing more in Solar and Wind and making sure that we buy all of the parts from the UK to boost our economy
The difference between UK and German plans for installed capacity in 2020 is remarkable. But what can that tin pot failed industrial nation teach us about how to create jobs and run a sustainable economy?
Nick Pascoe,
Solar PV electricity represents globally a shift of internet revolution proportions in power generation, yet the UK Govt. believes it is some sort of hobby pastime. WAKE UP and allow the UK to grow a significant sector like many other nations are successfully building.
Graeme Hewson,
Dr Gerry Wolff,
A report by Versicherungsforen Leipzig GmbH, a company that specialises in actuarial calculations, shows that if the nuclear industry were to insure fully against the costs of a nuclear disaster, the price of nuclear electricity would rise to 2.36 Euros per kWh, far beyond the cost of any other source of electricity (see ).
“From the U.S. to Japan, it’s illegal to drive a car without sufficient insurance, yet governments around the world choose to run over 440 nuclear power plants with hardly any coverage whatsoever.” Washington Post, 21 April 2011 (in “As Fukushima bill looms, nations weigh dilemma: nuclear plants viable only when uninsured”).
A recent report by the Union of Concerned Scientists shows that government subsidies to the nuclear power industry over the past fifty years have been so large in proportion to the value of the energy produced that in some cases it would have cost taxpayers less to simply buy kilowatts on the open market and give them away.
Connie Hedegaard, the EU commissioner for climate change, has stated publicly that offshore wind power is cheaper than nuclear power (see ).
jill gough,
Nuclear is most certainly not the way forward either. To be truly 'Green' you also need to address the fantasy of 'economic growth' - not only oil is finite but all of the resources on our wonderful planet. We need to change our values and think differently if we are serious about making a good future for all the world's children - and grandchildren.
Richard Mills,
Pat Armstrong,
We desperately need all our alternative energy sources in a world of increasing global warming, increasing political instability, and increasing pollution. We need a combination of these sources to avoid being 'held hostage' by someone whose politics we do not like in another country suddenly raising the price of energy way above what we can afford - and a brief study of history has shown us that that is all too possible.
We need to provide our own energy - solar power is a vital part of that self-preservation strategy, and will reduce pollution and global warming. Act now.
Matilda Lee,
Please support community solar!
Terry Richter,
If the Government is so keen to be green, why can’t it fully, or even partially, fund the installation of solar PV panels on all suitable school roofs? It would create maybe 500MW of capacity. It would provide a nationwide boost to the nascent solar energy industry. The schools might be allowed to benefit from the feed-in tariff income. Schools are already in centres of population, so no new power lines would be needed. The visual stimulus would enthuse whole new generations of youngsters about renewable energy sources. And it could start tomorrow. Have I missed something?
Derrick Knight,
Jim Gillespie,
Successive UK governments need to abandon their fixation with nuclear power and wake up to the fact that renewable energy not only makes sense but is the vital next step the world needs to make if we are to achieve affordable, sustainable energy for all.
Said Bijary,
robert woodland,
we should be investing in solar power throughout the uk and create much needed jobs in the green industry.
Richard Hitchcock,
Linda Rogers,
Kate Wood,
Even if you don't care about the environment this is a golden opportunity for the UK to regain the lost ground since closing down our industries. Like Germany we also could be world leaders in clean, safe, cheap energy. We have the brains - all we need is the political will. Thank you kate Wood
Chris Eaton,
Why not actually encourage people by introducing a scheme similar to the scrappage scheme where the govt provide a contribution to the setup costs. Also commision an independent study of what the costs SHOULD be for a P.V. installation, before all the door-to-door pirates bump the prices up like they did when double-glazing first appeared.
Timothy Colbourn,
Jill Perry,
Please don't delay any more, let all sizes of solar flourish.
Norman Pasley,
sioned huws,
Solar is safe, cheap energy for generations to come. Nuclear is dangerous, expensive energy and Britain should follow Germany's lead and close down old nuclear power stations and halt any further development of nuclear power.
Liz Kent,
It is vital that we continue to plan and prepare now for a sustainable green energy future. We should be training people in solar technology, and we should be supporting the manufacturing renaissance in UK that is needed to produce the equipment. We should be installing solar panels where they can provide most benefits - for schools, hospitals, businesses and other places that use energy in the daytime. We have skilled workers that need work, investors looking for green projects to invest in, and factories that could be working for UK Solar Energy. Let's get going now!
Sylvie Smallwood,
Robbie Corcoran,
mark bowden,
Marco Poliafico,
Dr Thomas Lankester,
Plans to scale back support for larger (non-greenfield) installations will hinder community-level involvement and the development of utility scale capacity whilst ignoring the cost effectiveness of larger schemes.
To alleviate the high unemployment levels, could you invest in training for the installation of all green energies, especially solar.
Nicola Shepherd,
This is a travesty, a real retrograde step, we need to follow Ye example of Germany.
Tides and waves can yield reliable harmless power. Why not develop that too?
Bruce J. Mitchell, Mitchellsolar.,
I have designed a solar format that keeps the solar power costs in the community, speak to Ray Noble. I have had extensite conversations with Ray Noble, Tim German Cornwall Council and Mat Hastings at The Eden Project and all the entities have agreed to get my system up and running, signed, Bruce Mitchell ph01189497582.
Beyond Building Solar,
Gabrielle Patrick,
Abigail McKern,
We have to think LONG TERM to survive!
Jonathan Cogzell,
John Blower,
The job dividend to the UK of solar energy is far higher than for fossil fuel or nuclear. Higher short term costs are therefore offset in part by the benefits kept within the UK economy.
Having just installed PV on my house, I fail to understand your reasons for reducing the FiT for larger installations; regulate to limit the city speculators by all means, but don't limit truly motivated groups, farmers and others from helping to move the technology and its application forward.
Too much money went in the past, and is still going, into centralised systems like nuclear; we now have to spend even more on cleaning up the waste. Solar makes little waste (grranted manufactring must take place) so let's see sense and move forward. After all, even the Germans have seen sense, let's not them get to this beach first as well!
Jo Taylor,
Marit Parker,
This needs to be in combination with a Smart Grid (no huge pylons!) and other locally-owned renewable power sources (ie community energy projects, eg Settle Hydro )
JHS Solar Solutions Ltd,
Jos Reuleaux,
Kim Eyckmans,
Solar energy is our future!
Marcel Landman,
Lorraine Haskell,
Let the UK be the leader and an example in Solar Power , lets shut down nuclear power plants.
Manu Jans,
Jan Kwakkel,
Remember: no CO2, no melt downs and no pollution during generation.
René Blickman,
Cyrille Bertrand,
Harold Vogels,
Jonathan Bates,
Suzy Lennox,
Olaf van der Sar,
Do not allow EDF to continue routinely discharging tons of CO2 into the atmosphere from Hinkley Point nuclear site. Close down the AGR reactors immediately. Rule out new nuclear build. Replace it with wind, wave, tidal power and the Severn Barrage.
David Maclean,
We need to transfer some of the public funding away from the overabundance of wind farm investment to both solar and tidal power which have a natural and 100% reliable cycle which can be easily managed within the power distribution network. In addition the solar PV power generation installations are delivering power direct to the consumers which will help to reduce the long term investment requirements for national power distribution networks. A win - win - win situation!
Elen Huws,
Kim Austin,
klaus frietsch,
in full support, a great opportunity is going astray if the UK Gov goes ahead as planned. the market will die in its infancy. it is as bleak as stated by many observers from different sources.
Kathrin Eichhorst,
We need to reorganise our energy system.
Please do it now.
Nigel Dent,
Solar PV is the clean energy low carbon local solution to reducing green house gases.
Nik Hilton,
This is the human species opportunity to solve its energy crisis by directly harnessing the sun in much the same way the rest of Nature works. Look at the computer revolution and what we are capable of achieving!
Lets show the world how to lead with solar power and that we are genuinely worthy of our title 'Great Britain'!
Lee Chambers,
tim lyddon,
Danny Grimson,
Neil M Smith,
Jan Sisson,
Emma Hughes,
Giles Bristow,
Carbon Leapfrog galvanizes professional support around carbon reducing initiatives - for free. Community groups and investors alike require policy certainty if grass-roots projects are to succeed. This is a crucial time for community projects, early successes need to become mainstream if the benefits of behavioural change associated with community renewable energy deployment are to be realised. This sector - at the heart of the BIG SOCIETY - requires enabling policy to help reduce the significant barriers to community energy. Our plea is to keep it simple, effective and long-term.
Ruth Wharton,
A Big Society is only possible with decentralised power generation and solar is currently the only meaningful way to hand power to the people. Invisible hands ignore invisible emissions...
Justin Woolford,
J Ewans,
Invest now, benefit for a 100 years.
Andrew Reeves,
Michael Calderbank,
Paul Slater,
Allister Muir,
The future is solar!
William Jenkins,
Solar power is a vital part of the renewable energy mix. We need government to lead the way and create the conditions for getting ahead. Britain PLC should be researching, making and exporting solar.
Thurstan Crockett,
Local government wants the solar revolution to get going, not stop-start and stop again. Please listen to the industry but also all the other people who want to make it happen right across the UK.
Editha Campbell,
Glyn Thomas,
Dan Broadbent,
Alban Thurston,
I'd be fascinated to study HM Treasury's rationale for including FITs in the Comprehensive Spending Review. FITs never were a tax, and yield funds freely applicable to all public expenditure. Instead they are a focussed, hypothecated levy, of minimal impact (around £10 a year per electricity account by 2030). The £860 million figure 'pot' proclaimed by DECC is an entirely artificial figure, with no basis in honour. It's voodoo arithmetic, such as Chris Huhne's claim on C4 News that 50kWp systems amount to 1,500 homes-worth of electricity. The true number is 20 homes-worth.
Jennifer Tunstall,
At the risk of appearing to be discourteous,please get off your backsides and push solar anergy in the U.K.
David M. Davison,
Matthew Maeer,
James Helliwell,
Leave fits alone for big schemes until the proper review date next April, get a good foundation of a few large solar schemes to bring prices of solar hardware down and offset a lot of CO2 very quickly, it will also trigger employment and investment in associated industries, R&D, construction etc.
ian crosher,
Frans van Schoor,
Tom Harlow,
Shaun Gavigan,
Mary Smith,
This is a sustainable alternative to nuclear energy. We still have no idea how to deal with nuclear waste safely.
Damian Tow,
Please help us launch the UK's largest community-owned solar array in Brighton by allowing communities to have a higher favourable FiT (eg. 300kW) via a 'community test' linked to the organisation's legal structure.
Tony Major,
Will Cottrell, Brighton Energy Co-op,
Wiebina Heesterman,
Our son has 14 Sharp solar panels on his roof. He generated 2517 KwH since 10 june 2011. If every new builkding was provided with integrated solar panels on southfacing roofs, and home owners encouraged to invest in solar panels, this would ease the UK's energy needs considerably, and encourage a home-grown green industry
A M Bowater,
Let common sense prevail!
Liz Shepherd,
Mathew Taylor,
Roisin Robertson,
By propping up the new Nuclear plans your Government is condemning future generations to dirty and death-giving energy. To give people control- with solar - over their energy generation is a positive policy..better for posterity than the approach your Gov't is now taking.
Simon Heaton,
Joseph Jackson,
Just think how much you could save by dumping the nuclear so called deterrent.The time has come to invest in saving the planet and not in things that could destroy it.
Tracey Essery,
Lily Dai,
Tim Smith,
Barry Johnston,
Solar pays back its embodied and operational energy five to ten times over its lifetime. Few other microgeneration technologies get close to this level of success.
Angela Horsley,
Anne Rickard,
Nuclear is a complete NO-NO. It is totally unacceptable to leave future generations to deal with our selfish contamination, so come on, plug into the sun!
anna thorne,
Simon Vickers,
This is one of the easiest ways to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet and reduce the need for geoengineering. Please support Solar and push as much as you can for renewable and non poluting energy systems, you must realise that what is going on now is not constructive for our civilisation and that things need to really change. Gold isn't everything.
Paul Verbinnen,
Think energy security.
cheryl buxton-sait,
Thomas MacGillivray,
Secure our future energy needs, support SOLAR
Ali Abbas,
Why gamble on dirty, dangerous nuclear when we can have clean, safe solar?
Will Greener,
Alex H,
It is blinkered not to support more solar in the UK. It is viable, deployable and needed. Sort it out!
Sam Wilberforce,
Let us stop exporting carbon-intensive manufacturing to China and start making real cuts in our carbon useage
Ali Edgley,
Natalie McCallum,
Ramping up solar in the UK will create many much-needed new jobs and boost the economy, will help us reach our EU carbon reduction targets and most importantly, will form part of the energy solution for our children and future generations without exploiting dwindling natural resources. Immediate action is needed based on the benefits of a long-term strategy. Short-term quick fixes are not the way forwards and will not appease the public whose understanding and support for these issues is growing daily.
Victor Snook,
Robert Irving,
Susan Moore,
Only solar energy on a commercial scale can make a quick and meaningful difference to renewable energy generation in this sector. It has much less visual impact than wind energy and should be easier to achieve through the planning process than windfarms which attract so much local opposition. Withdrawal of the FIT for comercial sites has thrown this new industry into disarray and stifled private investment in this sector.
Ian Gardner,
Richard Waddell,
The 'Key Findings' outlined on the Ecologist website are a startling indication of why the green energy industry should be driven by central government. At the Birmingham City Council 'Growing Green' Exhibition 2011, Prof. Carl Chinn outlined the economic and social opportunities provided by green energy production and central government should make this a priority to ensure the UK lead the world in sustainable energy production.
Chris meacock,
Peter Grech,
Matt Stavrou,
Rachel Butler,
Julie Gibbons,
Jamie Johnson,
Sue Everett,
While I do not agree with rural solar farms on greenfield sites (and believe it was right for the government to stop supporting these), it is cost effective to support large scale installations for schools, business parks and maybe as 'solar tunnels' along roads and railways (Belgium has just started producing energy from solar panels over several km of railway track - used to power the railway). Please think out of the box and see the potential for both renewable energy and supporting green construction and jobs.
Richard Williams,
It is locally focused micro-generation solutions that will deliver a sustainable future as well as many jobs and economic benefits. The other emphasis needs to be on reducing demand through better insulation, building/product design and encouraging behavioural change.
Kathleen Archibald,
Anna Robertson,
Richard Pagett,
It is essential to our future energy security that this shortsighted approach announced today is reversed
jeremy melhuish,
Please David this technology is vital for our economic future as well as our children's environmental future
Will South,
Brian Leslie,
Philippa Mitchell,
Chris Mack,
Simon Wragg,
I have spent the last two years learning this industry, its benefits and it pitfalls, the only barrier holding it back in the UK is Government policy and the lack of true facts available to the public for both the additional costs and risks of other technologies (such as nuclear in terms of decommissioning and storage of harmful waste) verses the benefits of solar 9and other renewable technology). Its seems that the government would rather back the big boys than support change for the good.
reuben wilkinson,
what's wrong with this goverment? a solution is sitting there to solve our energy problem, meet our CO2 commitments, and create a new industry and many thousands of jobs. The Germans can see that, and are creating a global industry on the back of it. Whats wrong with you? commit this country to a future and stop being so pathetic, gutless and non commital. you are a disgrace to the unemployed, anyone who can see the vital need for a stable future climate, and anyone business who have already risked investing in solar. You are in power to represent the people of the UK, not your donors.
Wayne More,
Why do successive governments in this country refuse to take meaningful action to combat the ever increasing problem of climate change.
Ronnie Persad,
I would like the government to embrace the solar electronics industry and smart grid integration for enhancing cleantech solar solutions with UK branding.
Full capital and revenue cost approaches to energy costings in the UK would help everyone see the full range of options now open to moving towards a sustainable future.
Barbara Smith,
There is very little support coming from the Government at any level bar the Feed In Tariff. But if the general public is unaware they exist solar will not be in demand.
Rob Holloway,
Prof Daniel Nocera believes it's the way to go!
Claire Spencer,
The government's concerns ought to be related to how you promote domestic and community microgeneration, not how you cap a burgeoning market. We can't wait for oil to be priced out of reach before we figure out how to live by using less of it.
Mark Roberts,
Please do not destroy this industry before it has even gathered pace. I have put everything on the line to start my solar business which is now creating jobs for others and raising awareness in our community about the importance of been green
Laura Freeman,
Rea Cris,
Stop thinking profit and start thinking resilience.
Simon Judd,
Stop trying to pretend that nuclear and incineration are renewable and start backing real renewable energy.
June Birch,
Solar can provide 30% of our energy needs by 2020. Ordinary people love the idea, you can use it on roofs of community buildings. It won't produce another Fukushima. You can't guarantee that with nuclear energy, which you are giving a windfall to.
malcolm buteux,
Jessica Bevers,
Tony Stone,
We owe it to the next generation to get on this.we are already 10 years behind germany.we should be ashamed of ourselves!!
gareth george,
Nick Christoforou,
Marion Balke,
Solar is one of the ways people can resonsibilty for their own consumption and to bring money into a community
Paul Stallard,
Sue Lister,
Nuclear power is costly and dangerous and its waste poisons future generations. Common sense dictates we use safe renewable green energy instead.
Tom Tranter,
Germana Canzi,
We need the energy security and the job creation that solar can bring to this country. Forget your nuclear dream - other countries are getting rid of it, including engineering powerhouse Germany but also many others who never had it and manage to keep the lights on perfectly well. Focus on what people really want and need in order to transform their homes and communities.
Jennifer Wrenn,
Solar energy is safe and proven technology. It requires investment to bring it to the next level of production. Nuclear energy using uranium is a by-product of the arms industry and totally unsafe for meeting the needs of our energy supply in the future.
Today we can no longer buy green tea from Japan - contaminated by uranium radiation - please ditch hazardous uranium and invest in a safe solar future.
Other European countries like Germany are leading the way - investing in safe solar and other renewable energy sources - don't let UK be left behind.
Elena Guidorzi,
Paul van der Linden,
David Sully,
Solar energy could not encapsulate the essence of the 'big society' more by empowering people to take an active part in a low carbon future. Please do not shy away from this opportunity Solar energy works!
Please give some certainty into planning for 2012 - 2013
Solar is clean and there is a lot of it! Quite simple.
Richard Kelley,
The U.K.'s indigenous fossil fuel resources are becoming depleted and costly to extract.
Overseas sources are increasingly expensive and unreliable.
Greenhouse gas emissions are rising.
We need to create jobs for all kinds of people.
Let's do something positive. Please help Solar to flourish at all scales, from parking meters to fields.
Philip Taylor,
I realise, as Prime Minister, you have a difficult path to tread between business,
which wants perpetual growth, and the rest of us, who need static or reduced consumption to ensure a habitable environment. As a small island state, Britain
needs leadership from representatives of us all, not only from those that have
your ear. Assuming you are not compromised by conflicts of interest, please
make the right and brave decisions now!
deborah kelly,
The govt should do all its can to support alternative energy for homewoners and business.
Mike Middleton,
Geoff Naylor,
Don't hide our light under a bushel!
John Thomason,
We need PV rather than nuclear. We may not have tsunamis and earthquakes, but what about a war. If they bomb pv panels that's tough. If they knock over our wind turbines, we will have to put them up again. If they bomb our nuclear power stations they will destroy us all. Solar is safe, lets go for it.
Bryan Bond,
I remember the conversion to North sea gas in the 60's. It created jobs and manufacturing oportunities at that time. Solar would create similar growth in UK industries whilst producing huge savings. The roof space is available throughout Britain and the sun will not run out. Mr Cameron the train is leaving let us be on it?
Solar PV Tech, Devon,
Mark Straver,
Jodie Allen,
Bryn Davies,
Even my 10 year old son knows solar power=common sense. This is our's and our children's future world that is getting wrecked beyond redemption. 'Let them eat cake' won't work!
Wicki Nielsen,
Free renewable energy for millions of years to come. Why would anyone use fossil fuel that harms our Earth??
Heather Golden,
Mr A Bateman,
Manjul Rathee,
Graham Lingley,
Amanda Barry-Hirst,
The sun is our very own nuclear reactor, except without all the worrying bits - let's use it.
Karen Varga Green Party,
All energy production has costs to the planet and people, but solar is one of the better ones. Reduction in consumption is a very important part of a strategy - but at the moment we don't seem to have one! To give our children and grandchildren a future with some of the comforts we currently enjoy we must make changes - and making solar available to many, especially those on low incomes and in danger of suffering fuel poverty is important for many people in this country (and around the world).
Rowena Corner,
Jeff Mountford,
Mr Steve Aylott,
Jonathan Roby,
Remember what you promised 'the greenest government ever'
Helen Munro,
Fiona Shukie,
Solar and wind power are the only renewable, clean and sustainable options. Solar now means we can provide a future for our children.
Jamie Hossack,
We all should be a lot more responsible for conserving our environment. You were elected by the people to act on behalf of the people, it's about time you start to listen to us. WE DONT WANT 2 MORE NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS IN THE UK Courtesy of EDFrench thank you. A Clean Green Uk Energy Creating Machine Is What We'd Like Thank You.
George Rushton,
The government should be encouraging as many households as possible to generate Solar energy now.
The money allocated for nuclear energy, with its appalling safety record, terrrorist risk and long build time, would be better spent on clean, immediate sources of energy such as solar energy, heat pumps and sustainable biofuels
Paul Simms,
John Banks,
Having recently just completed a report on solar panels/solar energy i can see the great benefits. So much so, that i have made my own website to spread the word on this renewable energy source. The SUN will be our saviour if its supported......
Helen Miller,
Gary Miller,
Rafael Diranzo,
Stop the carbon and nuclear power and promote renewables
David Pointer,
Rosie Much,
Please reconsider your position on solar. I have spent a great deal of time in New Mexico where solar energy is standard. You will know we don't need large quantities of sunshine to make solar effective. Please reconsider our solar ambitions.
Rob Garvey,
Solar works for me and my family; hot water most of the year and significantly lower gas bills. One of the smartest decisions I've made.
Rachael Hunter,
John Morgan,
The earth gets it's natural energy from the sun. With a little ingenuity and commitment we can add the very little extra energy the human race needs to survive and flourish. It is ironic that we think of China as becoming a very industrialised country and are fearful of the pollution this is causing, however, according to latest figures China invests more money in solar energy than any other country in the world and is set to be one of the Greenest countries in the future.
Ian Reynolds MIET,
A worthy cause, I agree, but as can be seen from the comments, the public at large appear to be ill informed of all the issues. Solar PV generation, as it is currently being rolled out, is far from a magic bullet. No storage, therefore no ability to provide energy in the times of peak domestic demand - early morning and evenings, most especially in winter times. A mix of solar technology, with far greater emphasis on storage and hydrogen generation, for example, would be the best course in my opinion. And don't forget the term 'Efficiency', she's miss Renewable's ugly sister, so much to do. Give us engineers a chance and we'll fix it. We're the only ones who can!
You have the opportunity to demonstrate what being green really means and make it the most advantageous way for people to use energy- it's all up to you!
Paul Hughes,
Mark Simpson,
Laurie Walmsley,
James Grugeon,
Claire Lund,
Do David Cameron & Nick Clegg use solar energy
Nurul Islam,
Rachel Cakebread,
David Houston,
As owner of a nationwide solar pv installation company (PV FIT Ltd I urge you to recognise that the growth potential within the solar energy sector is huge. Solar energy is simple to retrofit, can be rolled out rapidly and costs are dropping significantly from levels prior to the introduction of the feed in tariff system. Help us create more UK green collar jobs by committing to solar as part of the green energy mix.
Kathy McVeigh,
steve parker,
As the "greenest" government ever you must keep promoting this freely available source of energy with decent feed in tarrifs as its got to be better than nuclear. Look at Germany's energy policy!!
immerse small consumers and installers in liquid oxygen, liquid will not let them live and oxygen will not let them die.
FIT for small consumers: only if they can afford it,
No support to small installers and suppliers: eventually survival of the fittest, closest I say
Peter Ball,
Anna Leidreiter,
On behalf of the World Future Council
Melanie Biddle,
I am joining the lobby in support & drive to make Solar PV more accessible and deliverable in the UK domestic and commercial markets
Michal Mroczkiewicz,
2010: Over 1 million sq. m of flat plate thermal installations in Germany against 75.600 sq. m in UK! We need to catch up and quick!
The UK is no longer self sufficient in oil and gas, and is therefore likely to be significantly dependent on imported fossil fuels from increasingly powerful countries such as Saudi Arabia and Russia for many years. As opening sequence of “Have I Got News For You” suggests (with Russian turning off the gas supply pipeline), it's definitely not a future proof concept! A key way to ensure energy security and maintain high standards of living is therefore microgeneration. Solar makes sense!
Steve Cronin,
Ben stentiford,
Fantastic source of clean energy
Val Perry,
Nathaniel Shaw,
Please make the right choice.
Cathy Debenham,
Community sized solar makes so much sense. Please make it a priority
need to promote solar as much as we can , Government need to give some more funding sepecially for small business as at present only the big investers are getting benefits to install solar pv
Dr Kevin Hard,
Solar pv is one of the fastest to deploy and reliable of the clean energy generation technologies. First steps should be to reduce our energy consumption, followed quickly behind by clean energy generation. Solar is one of the only technologies that makes electricity and enables individuals and communities to secure their energy future.
Charles Reynolds,
Every new house should have a roof with a southerly aspect covered in solar panels or tiles. within a generation the country would be producing substantial amounts of power
Wendy Reynolds,
The sun isn't going to go anywhere for aeons, why are we not making use of it?
Please educate yourself on the newer technologies.
We can double up panels now, and print panels on flexible plastic, create cells that can harvest infra-red light.
We should be showing the way.
Julia Drown,
Nick Blackman,
I firmly believe the courrent Governtment have got this worng as for a significantly lower capital cost than is being invested in other alternative green energy generation solar energy could make a significant contribution and is being discrimenated against
Chris Clark,
Karen Lee,
Please give solar energy development a hand, not handcuffs.
Jeffrey L. Allen,
Paul Mould,
Solar is a booming industry and hopefully something that the government will firmly back. It has created alot of jobs and small businesses and this can only be good for the economy, especially in this tough economic climate we're in right now.
Stewart Roberts,
Please support development of using the sun to power our industry, homes, and transport networks and improve our economy.
Stewart Roberts
bernard chaisty,
Mark Henderson,
Please do not underestimate the potential benefite for the UK economy on so many levels.
Iuliana Apopei,
John Lane,
Have installed Solar PV panels and even in the rain and cloud still generating power. This should be avialable for all and not just those that can afford them, this is far more efficent than wind energy.
Rachel Getliffe,
philip brignell,
As Thomas Edison said in conversation with Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone “I’d put my money on solar energy…I hope we don’t have to wait till oil and coal run out before we tackle that.”
Nick Pascoe,
DECC = team nuclear. Conservative party = support big business vested interest. Solar ambition in UK until Coalition are gone AND DECC becomes unbiased.
Paul Neale,
Sulaiman Ahmad,
jon mashhadi,
It is time the government started to walk the talk. How can you expect the nation to buy into the idea of sustainable energy if they are not given every encouragement and incentive.
Gary Fuller,
Greenest Government ever???? Now is the time to show it!!
David Hunt,
For the sake of job creation as well as reduced Carbon, do not slash the FIT
Vicky Baird,
Nigel Calmonson,
Dean Langford,
Michael Clarke,
So many jobs in the Industry rely on Government making a sensible decision. Keep the tariff at a reasonable rate so the industry can thrive and grow. It is the easiest way to generate electricity on nearly every property, it has been proved time and time again that it works. Do the sensible thing!!
Brian Quinn,
We need everyone to benefit from secure, clean, reliable solar energy
Sean Byrne,
Rob Fletcher,
Solar power is the way forward - the government needs to recognise its importance and provide support for its continued development.
Daniel Honey,
Over the past 18 months Sungrid have seen a huge investment from our partners who have invested financially and physically to build entrepreneurial businesses which are contributing to the growth of our industry. These businesses are predominantly focused on the domestic market, coaching and mentoring consumers on the benefits of Solar PV and helping drive the adoption of all renewable technologies. We expect the government to be considerate of these and similar investments from all spectrums of the UK Solar market when making any further changes to the UK FiT.
Please be greener and support industry.
Philippa Rogers,
Vote Blue, Go Green you said.. How will we ever trust you?
Charlotte Webster,
A new energy era is upon us, but unless we act to be part of it we will be mere by standers as the rest of the world catches on. The later we leave it, the worse the consequences for climate, economy and society.
Conor Bishop,
Cut, dont kill the solar FiT
James Redwood,
Tony Roper,
The population has just started excepting that solar pv is a great way of generating energy and that they 'can do their bit' a give a a little back to the environment. You can see that just by walking down the street these days. Now is the time to embrace the technology - not turn your back on it!
barry nutley,
To reduce the FIt's by 80% would be absolute madness! Fine, reduce the FIT's back in line with the initial target (8% - 10% first year return), but if this Government (the "Greenest Ever"??!! My foot!!) wants to create jobs, then it must be saved..
David Cameron, you are not FIT to run this Government! You've lost my support..
Barnaby Fryer,
Nicholas Keelee,
I respectfully request that a wider perspective of energy security is viewed. De-centralised solar could become a very cost effective and large part of the energy mix. Add this to a very necessary shift from digging things out of the ground and burning them, a huge number of sustainable jobs represent a great deal for investment and the UK.
Colin Newlyn,
Many many people have invested their time, money, effort and emotion in this industry on the basis of promises made by the previous government, and supported by both of the coalition parties, that there would be major support for and investment in the solar industry. To dramatically change the tariffs now would be to betray the entrepreneurial spirit and good intentions of thousands of citizens and would be a major breach of trust. The UK would no longer be taken seriously as a player in the renewables market or a serious destination for investment, and the hopes and dreams of many individuals who have shown precisely the positive attributes and industry that you espouse will be destroyed.
The ability of people to invest in solar projects from the bottom up. To invest and take ownership of their energy use and production is the only way that reduction in CO2 will happen.
Paul Lyons,
I have just purchased solar and i hav
Encouraged others to do so. It is one thing that we have got right in the UK, don't make a mess of it.
Keith Tibbles,
A wholeheartedly believe that the impetus must be sustained for the solar industry to succeed
Philip Chow,
People can have some control over their own energy by installing solar panels. They work very well. Do you want to send thousands of installers to the Job Centres?
Geoffrey Woodcock (Dr),
Peta Phipps,
Please reconsider.
Lizzie Fellows,
Jon Starks,
25,000 new jobs have been created since the start of FIT, there is a huge export potential of experience and skilled workforce if the industry is encouraged to grow.
James Ford,
Annie Lowden,
In order for the UK solar industry to develop seriously and offer much-needed employment, we need clear and realistic policy based on sustainable strategies. The last thing this industry needs is any more stop/start funding, uncertainty and mixed messages. The great British public are just starting to understand the benefits of solar PV, don't disillusion them, instead help to nurture an industry that Britain can be proud of, which will stand on its own two feet.
Caroline Summers,
Katie Brown,
Slashing the FiT scheme will not only lead to huge job losses but it's also discouraging people from being energy efficient.. Ridiculous and tragic
David Tattam,
Cutting the FiT by +/- 50% in one fell swoop reflects awfully on the credibility of your policies. Send a message that you are committed to greener energy solutions, but more importantly committed to keeping to your word. In the long-term, none of your problems will be solved by jiggling the numbers and buying more time.
Lee Furlong,
Richard Lowe,
Please support a buoyant and labour intensive industry.
"our small changes might have a significant impact on the world, it will help us grow to become leaders when it comes to 'green environments' please dont jeopardise that strength"
Nicky Frost,
Kirstie Colledge,
mikey baxter,
Benjamin Wade,
Having left a secure career within the Armed Forces i believed that the governments pledge to reduce the UKs carbon foot print was admirable. I therefore embarked on a new career within the renewable industry to do my bit for the country. I realise that the FIT needs to readjusted. But to lower it to 9p would all but kill off this sector in one fell swoop. This would put at least 20000 jobs in peril. Well done Mr Cameron!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tom Heel,
Chris Rigby,
A new and sustainable industry is just beginning to flourish and requires the FIT to succeed. The RO helped the wind industry, and historically the NFFO helped the nuclear industry. Our electricity bills still continue to pay for these schemes, so I don't understand why there is issue with FIT payments being taken from our electricity bills. An extra £1 or less for a greener, more sustainable future is surely a price worth paying.
Sandra Cooper,
A significant reduction in rewards for having solar pv goes against what any government is trying to achieve and will destroy the industry and jobs it has created.
Roger Powell,
Having created so much hype for renewable energy, any major cut-backs to the support programs will seriously damage this government's credibility.
Energy costs continue to rise rapidly and are now of serious concern to the householder.
Solar energy in its various forms can yield substantial reductions in energy costs for the householder.
Any failure in government support will demonstrate yet again just how disconnected they are from the concerns of the general public.
Richard Goldsmith,
Micro Generation in all it's forms provides the best way to mitigate the need for massive capital expenditure on dubiously popular new nuclear generation investment. Being an Microgeneration Scheme consumer I can testify it creates improved energy consumption awareness and will create reduced overall demand as well as contributing to supply.
Dominic Oram,
Seven Walters,
If the government are serious about the future of alternative energy and reducing CO2 emissions then FiTs must stay.
Philip Littler,
I'm planning to build an eco house next year to code 5 and this will cost me a premium of about 20% above standard build cost to code 3. I'm willing to to this becauce I believe this is the future. I'm not moaning at being one of the first and having to suffer an extra 20% build cost increase out of my own pocket but reducing the FIT for PV panels is a blow below the belt. Surely you can see the sence in providing an insentive to households to generate clean electricity. Why reduce it now?
S J Saunders,
My house was built in 2004, I had a 3.5Kw System fitted to my roof, mainly due to FIT value, yes, but have made investments as House is on Soakways (no water discharges in public system) the storm water is used for garden us.
In 2007 had a Thermal Solar fitted to house, so my house is adding efficiency as constructed with Insulation, Double Glazing, Low Energy Lighting.
My then 5 year old car is also LPG converted since 1998.
I agree to the reducing of FIT but this shouldnt be retrospective, but for New Installation from known date so informed decision, and not on Change Government Policy. The Government always says when it suits then that Respective decisions can't be enforced on New Government Policy ( but want Government either Lab, Con or Lib) they just go ahead, put low level MP to argue the case. But theres One decision that you do effect the VOTER and they had choice. Perhaps if more MP or Government lived in Real World, then the level of FIT would have been lower, knowning that as snowball effect forces down prices, but they like to be on TV telling public its unknown, its sursprised us, and this is reason of Economic situation.
I live Near where the HS2 will pass, wrote to Con MP, sent letters to Mr P Hammond, but although Public consultation, the decision was MADE before the Con/LIB Government took over running country.
So shall see
The fastest growing industry in this a time we need it. Providing green clean energy, jobs, keeping small businesses going down the line, helping the consumer to help themselves. An industry with positivity for a change, lets keep all of the above.
I hear that your Climate Minister Greg Barker is to cut the FIT tariff, as I have just spent £10600 on a SSEG installation, on the promise of a government guaranteed FIT payment scheme for the next 25years, it seems that your governments understanding of solar energy and FIT scheme Guarantees is low. If every house in UK was to put a SSEG on some part of the roof , as they are doing in many other countries, I wonder how many nuclear plants would not have to be built.
Honour your guarantees to those of us who believed the governments promise and leave the FIT scheme payments alone for domestic SSEG's.
Paula Urry,
20% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020, the boom in solar installations is moving us towards that goal....don't ruin it now.
Neil Waller,
Last time I looked the sun shone above the uk!........and I expect it will continue to do so for many years to come. We do not have to import this energy.
Supporting the solar indusry reduces our reliance on potentially unstable regimes to supply our energy needs.
As for nuclear........... don't even go there! How much does it cost to decomission a solar panel?
Bill Phelps,
Simon Briggs,
Green is the future. Solar is a part. Think of the future.
Enlighten System,
laura davies,
Mike Graham,
Particularly alarmed to hear the latest rumours of extremely short notice application of the cut. Many projects are in progress, companies and customers committed to buying stock based on current tarriff levels. This could put many solar companies out of business unnecesarily through shock to cash flow.
John Daynes,
Solar energy generating is the most important science of today, generating power without harmful emissions has got to be the way to go.
Simon Griffiths,
Ryan Birch,
come on, lets not make one step forward and two steps backwards, domestic solar can be a big contributor to our energy demands for the future!!
I was hoping to invest myself in Solar PV however if these proposed changes to the FIT do take place not only will I not be in a position to invest I will probably be out of a job as well.
At 45 years old in the current jobs climate and living in the northwest of England that is not a comforting prospect.
'Cut don't kill' please don't snatch defeat from the jaws of success!
Simon rice,
If solar is one of the our fastest growing industries why on earth kill it? This is a massive betrayal!
Tim Rose,
Victoria Treen,
innovation, jobs, carbon reduction, ecomomic growth, houshold bill reductions. Am I missing something? why would the goventment want to put a stop to the growth of the solar industry when it is so beneficial! Crazy!
Bill Roberts,
This will be a hard message for the good and honest people working to install PV and for homeowners and small businesses looking to make their property more energy efficient and to leave a positive legacy for future generations.
James Hoare,
Naomi Andersson,
I employ 9 people, with subcontractors numbering another 15 in a small rural area, we are a success story, we are due to install on a Community Co-Op and Social Housing in the next 2 months....please give due consideration to the fact these installations can take up to 12 months to fundraise and install....years of work by good people doing things for their community are being wasted.
Megan Boyle - Rayotec Ltd,
I was about to install a system on my property but have cancelled the order as the payback is now beyond 15 years. i feel sorry for my supplier as I gather I am the third client to cancel their order in the last hour.
Martyn Rattle,
Disgracefully waste of time money and effort
Nigel Farren,
If you cut FIT before April, 00s of community energy initiatives will be scuppered and homeowners will not invest if the ROI is 4%. You will also at a stroke, lose the support of communities across the country to help you deliver the Green Deal. I urge you to think again.
Mark Smith,
I thought this government had already proved itself short-sighted over recent military decisions. Now they're proving themselves extremely myopic over domestic issues. Are they foreign agents? There's something wrong here.
Brendan Ashford,
Stop the cut in FIT! It will kill our industry.
Solar Plus UK ltd,
another nail in our economy 8th dec what a joke
Russell Rose,
I was about to order solar panels to help save electricity, but now I won't because I can't afford to
Natalie Elvin,
Please consider the drastic cuts in the FIT's, potentially 25,000 people out of work, equating to 25,000 ppl claiming job seekers. 67.50X 52= 3510 per person a year the government would have to fund, where as Solar is a growing industry and will create thousands more jobs if you don't cut the FIT so drastically
Steven Summerbunce,
It is important for politicians and industry members to work collaboratively to develop a long term strategy as this persistent chopping and changing is not only a deterrent to investors but also to quality labour forces. The industry must be prepared to curtail rampant profiteering and policy makers must be preferred to offer long-term stability and sustainability.
Martyn Berry,
Kris Douglas,
I work for PaperClip Software, the company who make it possible for smaller businesses to sell more solar installations than ever before, we are supporting this industry because it is employing the right kind of people for the right reason!
Pete Etheridge,
Further cuts to renewable energy incentives will risk the entire future of renewable energy investment in this country.
We have an amazing opportunity to help those in fuel poverty at very little cost to bill payers. Please don't destroy this.
Daniel Davies,
I have worked in the solar industry for 15 years, it's never been easy in the UK compared to most of Europe but the roller coaster ride has just got seriously dangerous. To implement a policy of support for FITs which has led to massive investment, growth in the industry and momentum being built up. The change in the summer derailed a lot of work underway for ground mounted systems but the latest threat is simply insane. The solar industry is the fastest growing employer in the UK. To cut us off at the knees just as we are getting going and gaining some momentum following the change during summer is an act of hypocritical vandalism from the so called "greenest government ever".
Claire Enstone,
The solar industry is capable of providing a more sustainable future for the UK, not only through clean energy but jobs too. This future is only possible with the backing of the government, so please support it rather than sabotage this wonderful industry.
This is a massive change in polciy mid why through the year, with a review due in May why not wait until then
Connor Woods,
DECC should listen to the installers and people who actually know the industry, not so called experts who have "studied" an industry but never actually worked in it. Your popularity as a government is fast declining due to these decisions you are making by listening to people who have vested interest in not adapting to renewable technologies.
Chris Lowe,
Having been the first PV in Kent ten years ago, the huge rapid take up of PV since the start of the FIT shows how essential the FIT is. We are now carbon negative for electricity- impossible without PV & the FIT.
jenny stevens,
Please keep the feed in tariff and if there are to be changes maintain complete transparency to help support the industry.
Brian Rilatt,
The 'proposed' dramatic cut in Domestic Feed i
John Faulkner, The FIT should not have been reduced so dratically with so little warning. It is a bad message for renewable energy and it does not giv firms enough time to adapt.
steve henwood, it's obvious!
Alex Barr, I have solar PV fitted to my home and think it's a great idea.
gareth evans, we need this dont cut the feed in tariffs
Dr Elizabeth Archer, The decision to reduce FIT so much and so suddenly is potentially disastrous for the solar industry, just as it is beginning to find its feet in the competitive environment of energy supply in the UK. The decision could set back the development of solar power by years that we do not have.
John Hobson,
Andrew Beale, It's a no-brainer. Networks of small local power-generation, integrated into a net. Why depend on monolithic huge centralised power-generation faclilities and big utilities that boss the government around for their own ends? Go local, more redundancy, more employment. Andrew
mari shackell,
Karen Hawley,
Peter McColl,
Karen Gentleman,
Paul Allard,
D A R Wallac,
Angela Heather, Should we not be aiming to see those glorious panels on each and every roof top? A method of making energy which takes up no extra room or land, and can be added to every existing home. It seems crazy not to make use of such an opportunity.
xxxxxxxx, Yes another example fo the Government's short-sightedness at the expense of future sustainability. What happened to being the 'greenest government ever' I wonder?
Mary Dunn, The money spent on Solar Feed-in tariffs is an investment in our future and the first steps toward sound ecological lifestyles, and the eradication of political upheaval in oil-producing hot spots, and risky, even more expensive extraction attempts (either deep-water or tar sands). Those are the real unaffordable options!
Andrew Hougthon, stop going backwards, stop being so short sighted you can only see the next corporate pound, the next election, the next way you can screw the public. Be a smart progressive government that actually serves the people and planet for good.
Mrs A Cooke, Please reconsider changing the date of change for soiar tarrifs as your proposals will adversely affect the poorer section of society who cannot afford to invest in solar on their own
xxxxxxxx, I was on the brink of commissioning some panels and will now miss the deadline - it's back to the dark ages with this gov.
David Peilow, The so-called 30% cut in equipment pricing is as a result of dumping by certain countries onto the world market. It will not be sustained and will inevitably rise again. FITs should be cut by at most 10%.
Georgia Power,
Sally Organ,
Margot Cooper, It is a better investment for the government to support the initiative of individuals who are putting up their own money and enthusiasm and reward them accordingly, than to spend taxs in the normal round of consultanty and blind alley development.
Ken Rowlands, This has to be the most obvious way forward but as usual politicians show the usual disregard to whatever seems to be the best solution!
xxxxxxxx, This is a retrograde step that will reduce the number of renewable projects and will take jobs from the industries associated with renewables
John Walke, Surely the more solar energy used has to be a benifit against the use of other traditional fuels, both it cost and savings in polution
xxxxxxxx, I support campaign for solar energy in UK
Hugh Montgomery, Why slash the feed-in tarrif? 1. Greenest government ever? 2. we lose jobs 3. It puts us behind european competitors like germany 4. it kills 'green growth' 5. It diminishes energy security.
Margaret Morris,
claire pindar, Solar is the way forward. Don't make it just so the rich can afford it. Think of our children and the future of CO2 admissions.
Vince Jones,
Patrick Blaeser, Clean energy is our future
xxxxxxxx, I can't beleive this is happening with such short notice. Yoiu hae caused a major panic and a shortage in panels and fixings for us customers who have a legitimate and ongoing order in the pipline. Our panels were due to be fitted next week, but now there is a shortage and we may not get them before the deadline :(
simon main,
Pete Millward, It isn't so much the cut, it's the time scale.
Usual government ill considered action causing chaos.
Andrew, Stourport, This is a ridiculous change of policy with the tariff cut by too much and too soon. There needs to be a sensible structured reduction in tariffs on fixed date boundaries. Without this the whole industry becomes totally unstable and it is impossible to plan for the future.
xxxxxxxx, Why can't the Government wait until March 31s t2012 as promised so everyone is prepared?
xxxxxxxx, Not enough warning time
Gabrielle Russell,
Wendy Smith,
anne adams, I feel it is very perfidious to suddenly cut then feed in tarrif amounts after promising they would continue
Ian Harris, the smell of a nuclear lobby is strong and odious
Sophie Vanicat,
Nei Hopwood,
Elaine Quigley, Solar has to be the way forward, why are we wasting the opportunity to harness this available energy?
Ian Farrington,
Toby Walton, How can the Coalition claim to be the greenest government ever, if they slash support for renewable energy!
Julie Duncan,
Alastair Duncan,
xxxxxxxx, My company employs 18 people, 12 months ago we employed 2. Should this bunch of ignorant completely out of touch buffoon's succeed in their quest, then come January we will be back to employing just 2 staff again.
Undoing everything we have worked 18 hours a day for the last 24 month's to achieve.
"The greenest government ever" what nonsense! 30p FIT and an instant end to the "Roof Renting Parasites" is the answer echoed by practically every other installer I have spoken too!!!
xxxxxxxx, It is so short sighted to Cut the feedin tariff . it will cripple many new businesses and reduce take up of solar power thus increasing use of non renewable resources of energy.
Debbie Pearson, Please don't destroy solar panels and please don't make more people lose their jobs by cutting the Feed-in-Tariff so much
Rebecca Welton,
Elaine Quigley,
Krish Patel, Don't Kill Solar !!!
xxxxxxxx, Changing the tariff will greatly extend teh payback time for the system I had planned (my rsouth facing roof has some shading from a tree with a tpo). Changing teh timetable means my installer cannot get a system in before the December deadline so I am not proceeding.)
Richard Hands, With regard to proposed new nuclear power stations in the UK, theymay receive support via loan guarantees, tax breaks, or other financial instruments and there is concern that, directly or indirectly, such support may be provided for the building of nuclear power stations in the UK.
Several of these subsidies are so large that withdrawal of just one of them would make nuclear power entirely uncompetitive.
Source: Energy Fair
November 2011
Jim & Christine Llewellin, We see gas & Oil tankers passing our home every day. We cannot continue robbing the worlds resources at this rate
jason naylor / elizabeth wilkinson, if every home was supported by the government to have solar fitted, how much energy and resources could be saved from powerplant usage??
xxxxxxxx, Keep our beautiful planet clean and green!!
john parker, One of the few industries that is in growth and providing jobs and helping the environment. Why Kill it? A complete U turn on promises for a better economy.
Phillip Selby,
Dr T Ettling, Cost me £450 in planning fees so far - now HMG change the rules - money down the drain
Claire lawn,
Lisa Sood,
S Stroud,
xxxxxxxx, Phase any changes in gradually - not this quickly.
Nicholas Vale, Raise the export tariff to match energy suppliers' rates by ensuring meters run backwards when a customer generates more than they use
Dave Garbutt, A very short sighted decision by a totally uncaring government.
Peter Walker, Solar ambition - forward thinking on climate saving AND economic growth
Ian James, Go green don't be meen!!
Erica Neustadt,
alex allcock, i would have been looking forward to buying my first home and getting solar panels fitted, offsetting high energy bills, and investing in green energy. this 50% reduction has put me off a solar installation. conservative party should change this policy
Craig Busst,
Ruth Matthews,
Alex Byfield, I can't believe that this has happenned at such short notice. Good luck to you all.
From Alex at
Rav Stephens,
David Burbidge,
Joe Cliff, Microgeneration is important, not least because it is transformative connecting people directly and practically with a low carbon future. Don't let vested interests in the power industries turn the government on this.
Matthew Turner,
xxxxxxxx, Solar panels are green and not unsightly I am about ot be forced to have 3rd nuclear power station built on my "doorstep" without even being asked if I want another one - solar panels have got to be MUCH BETTER for everyone
Trevor Read, Everybody sign up please. Let's spend British money in Britain. Cut overseas aid programmes to help pay for British Solar programmes.
xxxxxxxx, Please re-think this. It is so important for the sustaining of our planet.
greg Clare,
kelly suriol,
Pete Cawley,
becky wardell,
Yera Olagbaju, I support the ‘Cut, Don’t Kill’ campaign to stop the Government cutting Solar PV Feed-in Tariffs by 50%.
elaine cooper,
Andy Hix, The government says it wants to help businesses invest in the green economy - let's hold them to that!
Claire England,
John Kaye, A cut like this will affect the chances of achieving our renewable targets.
Trevor Sharman, Solar PV is a key componet to creating a sustainable energy & economy.
Anand Mehta, Solar is the future and part of our life also the NEXT Generation to come!!!
Masaka, solar is the future to saving energy, don't kill it
Sheila Wade,
David Wickstead, After planning to install solar pv at home and at work (GP surgery) based on the governments April review date why should I trust them again?
Alison Chaplin, Solar PV feed-in tariffs were a way that people on low incomes could obtain the benefits of renewable electricity without the outlay which they could not afford.
Yet again the Government has shown it serves and values middle and high income earners over people on average and low incmes. In reducing the tariff as much as they have and as soon as they have they have made so called free electricity and water a preserve of the well off.
Dan Lewin, Please don't kill an industry and the chance to keep the UK at the forefront of the solar energy revolution
xxxxxxxx, I thought the government had some stupid ideas, but this takes the biscuit. Cutting jobs and disposable income at a time like this is insanity
Erik Fok,
buzz knapp-fisher, We have saved up for P.V just to be told they have blocked us from making some money to get us out of energy povity!! a brilliant idea destroyed,,the little shits the big boys yet again strike down a good idea to de-centralise power from the big energy oil........
Geraint Roberts,
michael westlake,
Michael Evans, Solar is one of our only booming industies helping with economic growth. Also it's great for the planet. Surely a win/win.
James King, yes lower the tariff, but gradually and not a months deadline, absolutley ridiculous and killed the market
Sian Cliff,
Sue Scott, We can't afford NOT to encourage solar energy
Jackie Rosser, The Government should be encouraging Solar!!
Debbie Fish, Community Tariffs needed, we are a community group who have worked for months for backing to install free solar panels in our community, with a percentage of the tariff go back into our local community.
Chris Whitehead,
Colin Osborn,
George Crabb,
David Trangmar, The next time we encourage businesses to set up in this way, don't be surprised if there are few takers. Changing the rules after only a year or so is just not fair and makes people distrust the government.
John Kettley, Renewable has to be the way forward if you believe in global warming and the Government must do or why a Department for Climate Change. They must change their minds now.
Jenny Goss, We were about to place an order for a 3.75 kWp system before the cuts - all our funding, calculation etc. were based on previous tariff so we probably can't do it now
xxxxxxxx, Such a sudden announcement has caused total confusion and chaos and thrown the plans for even those of us who were already signed up for solar power because of the sudden, unprecedented, demand for solar systems.
Iolo ap Gwynn, This cut presents a serious blow to the development of renewable sources of electricity. It is typical of the ignorance of the current London government.
andy maxwell,
chris pert,
Rosemary Ashworth,
jacqui manders, December 12th deadline while the "consultation" is still under way is guaranteed to been seen as completely unreasonable and very probably illegal. Disgraceful !
Andrew Way,
Simon Herbert,
Mark Samson, Investment in renewable energy requires a long term commitment and support from the government. Stop messing investors about by cutting solar PV Feed-in Tarriffs by 50% after the investors have already made long term plans based on the original tariffs. This 50% cut, proves that this government cannot be trusted and may renege on its commitments to the renewable energy industry and its investors.
xxxxxxxx, We have to be forward thinking and realistic about the limitations of oil.
Helen Suddards,
xxxxxxxx, To the Government, please prove that you are committed to promoting greater uptake of green methods of power generation and not just using the environment as a convenient smoke screen in either squeezing more tax out of people, or in denying the tax-payer see benefits from making the effort in going "green".
John Morse-Brown, Don't kill one of the few growing industries in the UK.
Robert Bourne,
Leonie Cooper, With the economy so fragile, why destroy thousands of jobs by making large volume small scale installations unviable? be the greenest govt ever - back solar & keep the FIT.
Jonathan Purssell,
Matt Hatton,
Jill Wareham,
Aisling Doherty,
Jim Riley, I have solar pv myself and encourage others when I can, this can olny reduce the number of sloar panels fitted.
Natalie Hall,
Nigel Brady, The job losses in an industry that is on the verge of booming would be a catastrophy. Get it right for your children and grandchildren Mr C.
None of us is immune to climate change no matter how much money we have..!
Imogen Morley,
xxxxxxxx, Stop exploitation of this valuable service by subsidising those with income under £15K pa to have panels installed to benefit them and everyone else.
T.J.Jenkins, Don`t let this chance slip away!
xxxxxxxx, Again this cut would affect the poorest the most who DON'T have the money to buy solar for an easy money investment just need to cut their energy bills & save energy for the next 30 yrs +. If you don't put back the deadline & don't do a more gradual cut their will be NO option (or at best an extremely limited option of free solar to save us from getting into fuel poverty, by saving £100-£200 & rising every year especially those of us only on electric or oil. We had signed a contract 18 Oct for install date in Jan, they are trying to do it before the new deadline but we are VERY worried we won't have enough time as after they
may not do it if they can't afford to if the 21p goes ahead for the 12Th. Our hopes of saving a great deal of money for our family is in ruins & I don't know how we would cope. It looks like the Government want to make sure there's enough people left to take up their "Green Deal" idea! But also with the planned cut, the APR would have to be a max of 2% APR over at least 20 yrs on 9K for a min 2.5kw & taking into account cost of replacing the inverter which has a life of 10-15 yrs at a cost of at least 1K now, to give people enough incentive. The only confirmed APR I've seen is 6%! so far & that was from a not for profit company! so low APR is not looking likely. The scheme should include maintenance otherwise how would the people who need loans afford it on top? Loan payments on energy bills would need to be from only FITS (& not the whole amount over the duration) not from energy savings & export otherwise who's going to bother? So far this government only knows how to destroy & not improve lives. A Lot of "Rent a Roof" schemes from GOOD established solar companies who do a mix of free & purchase, are at least helping us low income families out of FUEL POVERTY, UNLIKE THE GOVERNMENT. For pities sake PLEASE don't kill off the ability of free or almost free solar for hard working low income families (who don't qualify for a lot of things because we work) & the elderly who don't have a disposable income & need it NOW & can't afford to wait (this yr my energy company put my D/D UP by £30 p/m they wanted £35 but got them to do £30 & don't have much options for changing due to being on economy 10) for a POSSIBLE but not looking promising option, the end of next year. PLEASE RECONSIDER NOW before any more in the industry lose their jobs, future careers & livelihoods (for some its too late) which would have given good growth to the UK.
Rob Townsend,
Peter Ellington, As an accountant and economist with an interest in teh issue of climate change I consider that this is a backward step that should not be made.
Adam Kamenetzky, Solar energy generation must be encouraged if we are to transition to a low-carbon future in time to mitigate the worst effects of climate change. I wholeheartedly support this campaign, and hope the government realises the importance of sustaining confidence in this vital industry.
John Wallis,
Claire Curtis,
xxxxxxxx, Solar PV is not the answer to our growing energy demands, however will help to cut our countries emmissions. Move Investment required in new similar technologies like this will help. Therefore government need to incentivise rather than put people off. Buying energy from overseas does not solve the answer.
Our countries leaders need to wake up and start acting.
Chris Williams,
xxxxxxxx, Another blunder from a short-sighted "government"
xxxxxxxx, We've been working towards the 31st March for 18months, renovating roof etc. All fine til the rug was pulled out from under us! Can't trust this Govmt to keep ANY promise.
Shirley B,
Arthur Baker,
William Halligan,
Alan De Witt,
stan read,
Jane Grace,
Kim Howard, We need green affordable alternatives for our power
xxxxxxxx, we want free solar panels
John Wokersien, Micro generation using roofs of residential property has to be one of the most effective means of reducing the impacts of climate change and reducing the need for generation at power station level. It is less intrusive than wind farms and less destructive to the natural environment than tidal barriers. Please invest in the feed in tarrif to continue this incentive so that every house owner can contribute significantly to their own energy needs using the power of the sun.
Chloe Hall,
Mima Huggins,
xxxxxxxx, with the current economic state of the country it is important to maintain poeples jobs
Jonathan Hiscock, The feed-in tariff was to be reduced anyway from April. Why interfere and throw the industry in to chaos? Many jobs will be lost and the benefits will have to be paid. How does that save money?
xxxxxxxx, We were going to have Solar Panels installed not only to our house, but to our daughters as well. Shame on this government who we now consider untrustworthy.
Janet Sly,
Martin Schade, The gov says that it is cutting the cost now to enable the scheme to continue after april. As I understand it the FIT is financed by a surcharge on everyones electricity bill. How then can they say that the money is running out? Are we not paying electric bills anymore! The surcharge is, I am told, minimal cost to individuals; yet the benefit is huge with the generation of clean electricity. As others have said, local generation will reduce the need for further investment in high power transmission network across the countryside (another saving for the generating companies - this could be translated into further investment in the FIT pot). If the gov are set on reducing the FIT then maybe they should consider stopping making millionaires of those fitting free systems who are generally backed by big investment bankers, and consider leaving the FIT as is for the end user. Cut the FIT for free system suppliers and let us small people benefit from the energy that we generate.
Chris Pajdowski, Don't kill the UK's solar industry by making the FIT economically unsustainable. We need to support innovation in renewables in the UK and it goes without saying we urgently need more solar power too.
Justin Roberts, These cuts will kill the industry before it really gets going
Mike Luscombe, It's unbelievable that this govenrment can claim any green credentials at the same time as cutting the feed-in tarriff. This initiative was only just getting started! Solar power is a great new industry addressing the most urgent global threat to the future habitability of our planet. But it needs a kick-start to gain popular awareness and momentum. The UK should want to be at the forefront of this new industry. Mr Cameron - what kind of environment do you want to leave for your children? Why do you not want the UK to be a major player in this promising & optimistic new industry?
Gareth Share, Think of the future we are leaving for our children.
Ruth Bradt, How does cutting Solar PV Feed-in Tariffs make any sort of sense??
David B. Metcalfe, Everyone must write to their MP I even had a meeting with him at his surgery.
xxxxxxxx, I have no problem with cutting the tariff rate from April next but it is unfair and in my opinion dishonest as you have gone back on your word.
xxxxxxxx, I am 59yrs & have invested my life savings as I have no private pension to receive an income & reduce bills. I now have panels fitted but no microgeneration certificate I have been phoning for nearly 2 weeks to get it & may run out of time for the higher rate so it could all be a waste of money.
Benen Whitworth, If the government wants to keep its promise on becoming the 'greenest government ever' this cut cannot be allowed to happen.
Dave Baron, The government should be encouraging solar power not killing off this important sector!
Matthew Jenkins, We need to de-carbonise our energy supply and solar is a part of the solution. We need long-term vision, not short-term mistakes.
Matt Reeves,
Carol Vaga,
Daniel Vaga-Casseldine,
Jordan Vaga,
David Reay, let small businesses and home owners build on the installation and benifits of solar power.
Kevin Howell, Knee-jerk cutting of subsidies is not the way to encourage the take up of alternative energy, which our furutre relies upon as we are so often told.
xxxxxxxx, Support Solar PV--cut out wind farms
xxxxxxxx, This should be a big help to pensioners and people on low incomes
Laurance Thompson, It sounds very much like a knee jerk reaction in order to save money- or perhaps lobbying by the mains electricity suppliers, who are now being vilified by the public for awarding themselves a 20% increase in profits.
xxxxxxxx, Madness
xxxxxxxx, thought the higherarchy in the goverment wanted people to conserve energy and lower co2s. but then again why not kick the small people in b_ _ _ _
xxxxxxxx, A small reduction (say 10%) in FiT could be justified but a 50% reduction will cause enormous damage because householders will not will not be willing to commit to the expenditure for a small return.
xxxxxxxx, Why such a short period of time before changing the rules
Lucy Aitchison, Why does the Government want to build an industry and then cut it off just as it is getting going? We need sensible, planned, gradual cuts, not sudden chopping and changing.
xxxxxxxx, sustainable is absolutely essential for the UK otherwise we are dependant on other countries to supply us with energy.
Peter Assheton,
Nick Clarke,
Peter Ayton, I can understand you wishing to curtail those corporate companies cashing in on investment income, but not penalising the single householder wishing to cut their carbon emissions and investing in their home. Instead of loading the cost onto everyone's fuel bills, why not get more support from the big six, which have make adequate profits out of their oligopoly position and would love to have the good PR in helping the environmnet!
Andrew Mascord, The 12th December cut-off date is unfair and ridiculous particularly if the reports about he government raising more in taxes than the subsidy costs are true. How about some joined up thinking for a change.
xxxxxxxx, Stop companies buying roofs and keep the subsidys for home owners only.
John Keel, I was pleased to get my roof converted, and despair that others will not get their chance.
Grant Gutteridge,
Ken Elvin,
xxxxxxxx, this solar heating is imperative to helping people like me to try and keep warm in the winter and at least do our little bit for the planet
Estelle Lloyd,
Sarah Howarth,
Zainab, Solar is the solution for a greener environment!
Amy Curling,
Andy Treby,
David DuBarry-Hennessy, Making solar power further out of reach for the majority of individual home owners will not prevent their opposition to nuclear power, the development of which is soundly at the core of the coalition's agenda, notwithstanding their pathetic attempts to disguise this. Making large scale commercial and now small scale domestic solar PV projects uneconomic will not have us all rushing for a nuclear alternative.
john white, when will we see a government with some business like imagination. Think of the huge knock on effects as well as the direct ones.
Jason Taylor, We need to be encouraging this type of energy generation, our world deserves it, don't destroy it now.
David Hooper,
Nicolas Lehotzky,
xxxxxxxx, thought this government was supposed to be the greenest ever, by cutting subsidies less people would be able to afford to go green therefore we are still reliant on carbon fossil fuels for electricity. Recent energy price rises are largely driven by green taxes, therefore the government still keeps treasury revenues high to pay the deficit.
Shaun Askew,
Mick Dann, FIT's are such a great idea, so many voluntary organisations were seriously considering adding solar systems to their buildings to provide a cheaper and greener alternative to their current energy supply. News of the government slashing the tariffs has stopped all of these schemes in their tracks.
Irena Lebed,
Jim McDonald, Sure big companies were abusing the scheme. Changes to arrangements could have imposed upper limits on feed-in tariffs and restricted recognition to residential premises.
xxxxxxxx, We have to become part of the Government's growth agenda. We have the ability to create 100 new jobs in the next 12 months on top of the 50 new jobs we have created in the last 2 years. Repeated through companies across the industry, this adds up to a massive growth opportunity at nil cost to the Exchequer.
John Oddi,
Peter Bladen, Please do not put me on the dole!
Steve Barnard,
Tony Worrall,
Heather Cooper,
Paula Chatfield,
xxxxxxxx, urgent!
Damian Tow, Community solar schemes are a perfect vehicle for allowing the 'non-affluent' to invest in an ethical and environmental project which provides both a reasonable financial return and allows re-investment of the FiT to create a 'double carbon benefit'. Community projects can also act as a trusted third party to support Green Deal implementation locally, but not if our income stream is so drastically cut so quickly.
Tom Rickman,
Rosemary Leavesley,
Ben Kimber,
Debbie Wakefield, Please keep this wonderful environmental scheme going, don't take a backward step by ending it!! Look to the future, it is becoming brighter because of these initiatives.
Clare Leavenworth Bakali,
Adam Winstanley, We risk falling behind Germany and the far east with large scale solar technology as we simply do not have the support from government for British companies to thrive.
Matt Willson,
Natasha Moseley,
Garth Shephard, This stymies a burgeoning industry, peanalises community projects and jeapardises those with insufficiet funds to finance installation (who rely on 'rent a roof' schemes).
William Armstrong,
R J Gibbs,
Paul Gasson,
Adam Stephens,
Mary Stow, This is madness! Don't kill this country's future economy & energy security like this. THINK
xxxxxxxx, Stick to your promises for once and save the solar industry
A Mawle, In these difficult times our Country's future electricity supply could be part funded by people buying solar panels. Thus easing the burden on the Government.
Jonny Wilson, Cut it a bit but not to 21p!!!
tony kerr, In addition to the renewable energy advantages of the FiT, it is known that SMEs are most effective at creating the new jobs we desperately need. This sudden change of policy is both careless and unnecessary.
xxxxxxxx, Why are this CON DEMned acting like idiots? Can't they see they are raping this country of all worth? Solar is definitely our reasonable hope for the future!
It really IS time to start taking solar seriously and to start investing in and growing a serious UK industry. We still can be world leaders it just has to be recognized and facilitated.
Amyan Macfadyen,
James Robertson, Don't you think there is some connection between Germany's booming economy and its continued and deep support for renewable energy? - here's a hint: renewable energy is not just good for our national energy security but it takes a lot of people to instal and maintain it - and if we had some decent government support in the UK we would get a similar virtuous circle of jobs and investment.
Brian Marshman, Why destroy a good thing when it's clearly beneficial to the planet we live on!!
Amble Skuse,
Mischa Altmann, in the not so distant future the FIT will be seen as one of the most effective tools for catalytic change. But hindsight is easy, how do we inspire foresight? The 4 scientific principles of sustainability are already defined and peer reviewed: search for them!
Catherine Budgett-Meakin, On all counts this is a stupid and short sighted move. The implications have not been thought through at all
gunning t.h., we know this is the wrong thing the government is doing but it will land on deaf ears
Adrian Kellow, I was about to start a new job on 1 November with a solar PV company in Cornwall where I live but, following the leak from the EST a couple of days before, I received a phone call to tell me that unfortunately they had to withdraw their offer of employment due to the significant effect the changes to the FIT arrangement would have on their business which had been expanding. I am therefore one of many direct victims affected by the changes.
Chris Walker,
tricia golinski,
Hugh Johnson, You are destroying the jobs of the future not only renageing on your pre-election promises.
Glen Park, I thought you were planning to develop a growth plan for the UK economy so why the massacre of the burgeoning solar industry?
Alan Kilbey, We observe the true colour of this "greenest" Government.
In recent months in West Wales accidents in an oil refinery killed four and in a coal mine three. It looks like all systems go for the £1bn Pembroke Power Station after the Environment Agency last week decided to grant the project an environmental permit. The new £1bn gas power station will pump heated water into the Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation (and require consistent supplies of LNG that needs to have sailed through the Strait of Hormuz). PV is benign in operation and presents no more risk than basic construction during installation; duration 1 or 2 days.
The subsidised nuclear industry will require at least £78 billion to clean up its past, yet alone the tremendous investment required for new nuclear power stations; duration from concept to commissioning 15 years!
Whilst it has to be good to improve "energy efficiency", the logical approach is to apply EPC level C requirements to RHI and not PV generation, which during daylight is predominantly used for small appliances and rarely for space heating. Sure, domestic dwellings are responsible for CO2 emissions but predominantly from space heating.
Water bills include charges for repair and investment.
Motor road fund licence, fuel duty and VAT vastly exceed the tiny PV FiT and 25% of that revenue is not used for the benefit of the fuel users.
It is as if DECC et al cannot adapt from big fix power stations/ companies to grasp the notion of distributed generation which in addition to CC benefits is militarily less vulnerable and more secure because no imported fuels are required.
David Moulder, This is just the sort of expensive industry-damaging knee-jerk red tape that Conservatives promissed to avoid!
George Dove, Do not cut the feed in tariff!! THis will be an act of madness just at a time when the solar industry is starting to move.
Anne Burley, The government should be doing everything to encourage renewal energy, not acting against its development.
Paul Angel,
Phillip Jang, Solar is safe, cheap energy for generations to come
Christopher Collins, So much for being the 'Greenest' Government ever!!!
Roger Tovey,
Andrea Trueman, How much have you spent on HS2 already? And you pull this.!?!?!?!
kate holbrook, It is short-sighted to pull the plug on solar at this stage when people are just starting to take an interest. It is a big investment for people to make so needs to be planned for. The tarriff makes it feasible at last: our country needs a range of sustainable solutions for the future so DON'T pull the plug on this one now!
Claire Drake,
graham, Another stupid cut by this government.
Sadie Rhodes,
David Armstrong, We elect them as representatives, they don't get it and think they are leaders and stop listening to us... and the rest will be history.
Charles Bushby,
xxxxxxxx, Have installed Solar PV panels and even in the rain and cloud still generating power. This should be avialable for all and is more efficent than wind energy.
martin alcock,
melanie hinks,
Mark Blinman,
Mason O\'Dell, greenest government ever? not very!
Dr Lesley McLarnon,
Helen Banks,
Ben Comeau,
Danny Kelleher, Why can we spend billions of £'s on nuclear but can't support jobs and the planet
S Cowell, Don't kill this 'Green' industry in its tracks.
A Rodriguez, Renewables are so clearly (and cleanly) the future
xxxxxxxx, Unfortuantely the sun shines on the unrighteous - aka the government - as well as those of us who want to do our part with solar panels!!
Mrs J Basnett,
Vivien Pomfrey MSc, We should be maximising our focus on, and investment in, sustainable technologies, as it is vital that we move as quickly as possible to a carbon-neutral economy. Climate change will have a catastrophic effect on people in low-lying countries, and we will all be affected.
Jeff Dugmore, I have already lost my job due to the proposed cuts.
Geoff Stephens,
tim gaymer, Imposing a change to the feed in tarrif at such short notice will decimate the industry and lead to many mistakes made in installations which are taking place at speed to meet the deadline
xxxxxxxx, Another U NHS..less jobs availables... What next?
Mohammad Tabarra, In April 2010, the government made a good decision to engage the public and save the environment. Don't change it now.
xxxxxxxx, Thanks to goverment Homesun has cancelled my installation pending on results. Again goverment has acted to quickly and messed up.
Malcolm Heaver, A sensible cut yes, but don't kill the industry
Alistair McLauchlan, How are we to reduce the use of fossil fuels if there is little incentive to use alternatives.
Jeff Mann, The intention to cut the FIT by 50% at this time when tremendous growth in this particular job industry is just starting to take shape is absolute madness! How can the present Government possibly justify this act of Hari Kari at a time when the job market is virtually on its knees?! Maggie Thatcher was revered for her determination in being "not for turning" - you, Mr Cameron can be similarly applauded for doing a complete U turn on this occasion! Don't let us down!!
Kamal Kapadia,
Matthias Fripp, The fossil fuel industry is subsidised more than renewables and doesn't pay the cost for its environmental destruction. We need solar power and the only way to get it is to pay a fair price.
adamartin, dontcut dontkill
solar for keeps
d. bednall, about time the government started looking after us,
Kevin Morrison,
paul cumbers,
Simon Jarvis, Installers and wholesalers alike have spent a lot of money on training, marketing, stock, planning, job creation only to have the goalposts moved ahead of schedule and without fair warning. What a shame our government could not treat us with more respect.
Stephen Decker, Ridiculously short-term thinking by the Government. Doesn't make sense for the environment, the economy and employment prospects.
Tony Cooper, The government's over-hasty and excessive planned cuts in the FiT are very likely to decimate a key nascent renewable-energy industry. Instead the FiT should be steadily reduced in a planned fashion as has been done in other countries such as Germany, and with an announcement later this year for the cut to take effect in April 2012 as was the original plan. (Note that I have no personal financial interest in the solar-power industry)
Brittany Dickson,
xxxxxxxx, surely this is more effective especally if all homes in the ukhad solar panels. much better than wind turbines which are not effective in cold spells when there is no wind.
Clive Burgess, The blue-est Government yet.
Jake Clarke, Please keep and create jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Jake Clarke, Please keep and create jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Gareth Dobson, Cut the period over which FIT's are paid by all means but don't cut the headline rate and undermine the whole industry!
Deborah Hunt,
Erich Radtke, It is absolutely unbelievable that the government might actually have the power to make those cuts. To cut the FIT's by 10-20% is understandable. 25% survivable. 50% absolute senseless and inhuman in every way when I think about Installers, manufacturers or the future of our planet.
Tom Cahill,
Martin Fodor, this rush to kill off the solar industry is folly! We need a steady growth in local generation and jobs from this, not an extreme cut. I'm especially disgusted with the attempt to rule out most older homes from what would otherwise be an obvious low carbon option in 'hard to treat' solid walled properties. The new barrier pushes all older homes in the country into little action ever to reduce carbon by setting such a high threshold for FIT support when they already have excess costs to make any wall insulation projects viable.
Lindsay Southcombe, The solar industry is a sustainable industry and the FIT is a chance to make generating their own energy possible for many people, cut the UK GHG emissions and generate skilled and useful employment.
Jeremy Anson,
Alan J Walker,
P Clarke, Keep encouraging solar. Sudden announcements are loosing confidence in jobs, and suggest another Gov UK failing to keep promises. April was the date for tariff reduction, keep it April. Be fair, (and stop paying landowners hundreds of thousands to build profit making turbines installations - wind is good too, this should be for the common good, not profit. 99% of the population should have at least 80% of the world wealth shouldn't they? Guess how much they do have!!
Nick Akbari,
mark thorpe,
Rebecca Aspin, There are many logical, rational reasons for not cutting the tariff so aggressively and quickly. The fact that national insurance, VAT and income tax contributions contribute more to the UK economy than the cost of the FIT bill being one of them.
Maria Nogueira, Solar is the future
xxxxxxxx, Don't waste this opportunity. Give the industry more time to complete orders in hand
Craig Sams, We need a sustainable future for our families, business, country and world. Why are we seeing short term political decisions impair and damage our future and economic growth.
Jan White,
Andrew harwood,
xxxxxxxx, It would also prevent many households from producing greener energy by investing in solar power, as the lower FIT is not enough to pay off a loan within a reasonable time.
Ashley Read, The goverment has behaved recklessly with little regard for the solar industry and those customers caught up in this mess. How can investors in new technologies ever trust this government again?
Stephen Limb, I appreciate the feed in tarrifs were a tad generous however a gentle reduction in rates would of been more appropriate given it seems to be one of the few areas creating employment!
xxxxxxxx, I feel solar power is the way forward and the government should do everything it can to support people have solar panels fitted
xxxxxxxx, Think again please
Sue Scales,
D Tucker,
karen taylor,
Nick Connett, Millions on carbon capture!!! Why? And a kick in the teeth for the man in the street trying to do his bit. Make solar compulsory on all builds, don’t kill it off.
Russell Bridge, The way in which we have had the rug pulled out from underneath us has been disgraceful. It shows a real lack of understanding of the impact this type of arbitrary decision making has in the real businesss world. Job losses, rushed installations, supply chains in chaos, lack of consumer confidence, boom and bust. Need we say more? Please re-think. Real people's livelihoods depend on this.
Leszek Ziolkowski, Please help us use green energy.
Andrew Moughtin-Mumby,
xxxxxxxx, I believe it is crucial at this time of crisis both economically and with the fuel crisis/global warming that this scheme continues.
Malcolm Blackmore, This calculated slamming on the brakes of the fledgling PV and alternative/renewables sector is outrageous and will fling some twenty seven thousand people out of work. Compare this to Germany. The only explanation is that the mega-corporations behind nuclear power (and in support of Fukushima - read "Normal Accidents" from Basic Books for the inevitability of accidents in complex technological systems NO MATTER WHAT PRECAUTIONS ONE TAKES ITS THE THING THAT YOU DIDN'T THINK OF THAT GETS YOU - to gain an insight you daft Oxbridge PPE graduate ignorant of all things technical.
£805 million and you had already stopped the loophole of huge PV farms. It stinks.
M.Blackmore PhD
James Boyes,
Oliver Penney, Cutting by solar FIT's by 25% would seem fair. 50% is too much and will damage the industry.
Maelle Lego,
Alex Herbert,
Oliver Buxton,
Kevin Nesbitt,
Roger Brown, As an OAP I am looking to economise as much as possible to ensure a reasonable warm winter.
Thank you
Andrew Finn,
Stuart Homewood,
Danni Craker, We are not just talking about jobs, we are talking about depriving communities of a way to become energy self-sufficient - solar is a big part of that.
xxxxxxxx, I already have very efficient solar panels so am not affected by new legislation. I voted for this government but I find this move quite illogical - even disgraceful
Robert Smith,
Tristan Goodchild,
Matthew Salter, Encourage green initiatives – don’t stamp on them!
xxxxxxxx, short sighted panic has won over planned green infrastructure
Ian Gay, Consumer confidence is a major factor. Trying to believe in Govts that we never trusted in the first place!
daniel marconetto, My livelihood depends on the government making the right decision.
xxxxxxxx, As pensioners any help is a bonus towards saving money
Rob Howe, Don't be so short sighted, solar PV is a clean way of making energy. Don't kill it when so many people are starting to see its benefit.
Kay Mitchell,
xxxxxxxx, A very shortsighted move
anthony wood, unfair to stop on 10 of dec should be april
Claire Aston, Please listen to the people and look to the future.
Mr Robert G Drew, It has always been a source of amazement to me that there is no requirement for at least a solar energy assessment to be made in respect of all new building development. The creation of the Feed-in Tariff system by HM Government was/is an extremely important move to promote the usage of a green, re-usable, inexhaustable source of energy. The proposal to significantly cut the Feed-in Tariff, for any new installations not completed by 12th December is quite astonishing to me, and I consider it to be a retrograde move, certainly not in the interests of promoting and encouraging citizens like myself to move towards installing/using solar energy. Your intention is, quite frankly, very very disappointing and reflects very badly on the present Government.
John Eley, Why in politics now is everything short term and long term plans never thought through properly - I guess just to win votes - Think again on this one and don't destroy an industry that is a job creator and working well
xxxxxxxx, It just makes sense to use the sun!
Tyna Harrison, From a purely environmental standpoint our planet is relying on industries such as this to give it the longevity is deserves/requires and is entitled to.
Tyna Harrison
Gogreen2 Marketing Ltd
Karen Coupe,
Jonathan Vize RIBA, It is a complete nonsense to cut this scheme when we need to increase the use of green energy and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Feed in tariffs should be increased to encourage more of us to partake in the scheme and local authorities should only refuse planning consent for the installation of pv panels where these would be extremely unsightly. Applications for installations should be exempt from planning fees
Jane Dancaster,
Sue Cooper, It is so important to keep on supporting solar power. It will have a huge detrimental effect if the tariff is cut this much.
trev hawkins, goverment should stick to the original date, why are they putting up barriers to free and green energy?
Alice Klarr, Atomkraft? Nein, Danke! Solartechnik? Ja, bitte!
Mr Brian Coombs,
Christian Golding - i4c Executive Search - Specialists in recruitment for the Renewable Energy Marke, We should embrace and promote the technology and become a worldwide leader in Solar usage. The cut has been badly timed and planned. This has a knock effect to many other businesses connected to the Solar Market. As unemployment rises in the UK dramatic cuts of this sort will endeavor to put more people out of work within the Solar market...confusing!
Liz Marsden,
Tom Walsh, The premature and draconian cut has all but destroyed all the good work the FIT sought to achieve.
xxxxxxxx, So much for our green government
Mr C J Bula, Employ don't destroy
xxxxxxxx, We are a Nursing Home which ordered solar equipment to benefit from the FIT and started the planning process (required) which takes 8 weeks. Now we won't get planning permission in time to get the 43.3p we expected :-( So much for trying to help the environment, I wish I hadn't voted Conservative!
John Corlett, Having recently returned fromsouthern Germany I find it hard to believe how far behind we are in solar energy in the UK. Now is not the time to cut the all-important subsidy.
Dr Candida Spillard, The cost of installations has come down by some 25%: this figure, rather than 50%, should be used for the reduction (so as to maintain payback rates and times). But above all, the date should be set back to April 2012, as originally promised.
Paul Tipler,
xxxxxxxx, I am shocked that the coalition government is even considering reneging on its promise to offer the FIT scheme until at least April 2012. This is a plea for the case of renewable energies and for the government to put its money where its mouth is.
Don Alexander,
xxxxxxxx, complete nonsence to hinder such a worthwhile scheme
Rob Meehan, Perhaps we should march backwards to Parliament on 22nd November to demonstrate where the 'greenest government ever' are leading us on climate change, job creation and independency from imported fossil fuels charged at ransom prices. The coalition government, their deep connections to greedy corporations and the over bearing influence of lobbyists is a direct threat to our national security, prosperity and my children’s future. This is just the beginning.
Susan House,
xxxxxxxx, I'm afraid I have little confidence in politicians' commitment to renewable energy supply. Particularly so, given the recently announced plans to scale back the FIT scheme.
The emerging renewable industry is a clear threat to the hold that oil companies exert over nations and, together with politicians' and political parties' greed for money (regularly donated to party funds by oil companies) and power, all efforts are being made to prevent the proliferation of renewable energies. In this context, it matters little in the corridors of power that schemes like FIT have an invigorating effect on the economy and employment as well as empowering ordinary people - but there again, ordinary people don't contribute lump sums of millions of pounds to political party funds.
Saving the FIT scheme is almost as much about saving the advance of our democratic rights as it is about providing clean, safe and renewable energy. We owe it to ourselves, our country, our economy, our environment and our children.
Tanya Dean,
Karen Hithersay,
Terry Flatt,
Andy Hawley,
j kirk-alton, Ive paid up a deposit and look to be left high and dry through an industry crushing decision by DECC to change FIT deadline. Dishonest practice which will scupper small business and undermine a feel good area of the economy, all for the sake of a 4 month short change decision. Brought about by the Committee for Faceless Bureaucratic Disappointments
xxxxxxxx, A forward looking green industry that will benefit our planet should not be strangled at birth. The job opportunity for thousands of people in the UK should not be thoughtlessly thrown away.
Debbie Black,
Reuben Vick,
Brian Harper,
Tom Pakenham,
Keal Wilson, I am an employee of a Solar PV installation firm, I previously worked in the Solar industry installers, I watched as solar cuts in Australia forced our company directors to lay off 10 of our 40 staff.
Marine Sanchez,
Nimla Poynter,
xxxxxxxx, Don't cut this investment in our future for a short-term profit.
Inigo Harrison,
keith Hubble, EON cancelled our install due to the deadline, its unlawful what the gov have done in respect of notification.
Angus Campbell,
David Edwards,
Edward Borgstein,
Kevin Warnes,
Paul Smith,
Gary Pennington, Solar is the way to go !
Simon Howlett, Emily Thorpe recently gained her first full time, well paid job within a solar energy company - she finished university 2 years ago.
She will soon find out if she is to be made redundant, due to the governments 50% cuts to the Feed-in Tariff.
This industry can support thousands of jobs and change unemployment figures - don't cut.
Chris Goodings, To much too soon! Keeping tariff at .43p for two years was a mistake, should have been reduced to something like 36p for this year to persuade customers to get on board, 21p will put people off.
It will not only undermine faith in any investment in the PV market, it will undermine any Government backed scheme with a big vote of NO CONFIDENCE in anything they tell us.
Paul Hawley, Not just the UK but every corner of this globe needs to work aggressively toward a new energy basis for human life.
xxxxxxxx, Why jeopardise an area of growth and employment at a time when unemployment is rising fast?
Paul Jeater, Clean,green energy needs support not cutbacks
Alexander Goodall,
kim butt,
rch construction Ltd,
Pete Johnson,
Joanna Rimmer,
David Rimmer,
Carole Jordan, This move hurts not only one of our most vibrant industries but low income families in affordable housing who would be able to reduce their fuel costs. It stymies the enthusiasm for renewable fuel and keeps us dependent upon imported fuel sources to the detriment of the whole country.
Sam Colby Butcher, The Sun provides an astronomical amount of energy. It dwarfs the quantities we manage to produce by burning stuff. What are we thinking? Wake up and smell the carbon.
Kevin Hawes,
xxxxxxxx, Give customers time to understand the benefits and affordability of this new and exciting energy option
Sophie Rivett-Carnac, There are so many reasons why solar can revolutionise the way the UK - and rest of the world - generate energy, and so many advantages that this technology offers our country beyond renewable energy generation. Why on earth threaten this burgeoning industry - the government is behaving in completely nonsensical way.
Laura Mayhew-Manchon,
Dave Dickson, So many people out of work, so many families affected, so many new people joining the dole queue!!!! My company have taken over 300 jobless people into this industry over the last 18 months. Solar is the future for industry in the UK. We cannot allow this to happen.
Vicki C,
Jodie Walsh, The Government wants the UK to be more energy efficent but yet they take away the only motivation people have to spend so much money on purchasing a system its a joke! Not only are they putting people off having solar panels they will be making thousands of people in unemployed!
Beth Wright, Solar was one of the best investment opportunities in the UK and the government are willing to end that aswell as thousands of jobs...shocking!
raymond callaway, Stop this madness before people lose there jobs
Angela Adshead,
Danny Laurence-Long, For once can you be a government that is true to their initial words?? You know solar makes sense, it's already proving that fact.
Wayne Anthony Phelps, Solar is a safe future, lets not throw this opportunity away. Get behind Solar!
p adams,
Rupert Waters,
Secon Solar,
Tim Herrington, If we don't support this industry now think of the fines we will incur from Europe for not reducing our carbon
xxxxxxxx, so short sighted; so unfair to those already committed; so many jobs lost, thus increasing the unemployment total; even less chance now of reaching our mandatory carbon reduction targets by 2015; complete reneging by the government on election promises.
Robert Rees, The government claims that the drastic cut in the Feed-in-tariff is to prevent boom and bust in the PV industry but by cutting the tariff so suddenl that is exactly what they will achieve.
Chris White, The government is obsessed with paying down the debt created by the greed of the banks. The FIT has generated a growing but fledgling industry which contributes to paying down this debt. The cuts will jeopardise this industry, lead to jobs losses and ultimately add to the debt burden. Does this make sense? I think not.
R J Craggs, The proposed cut in PV FiT and the implementation timetable will have a far more significant effect than the immediate effect on PV industry. The whole renewable (micro/small) energy industry will be destabilised by lack of confidence in future arrangements for both customers and suppliers.
xxxxxxxx, Please don't make short term savings and sacrifice the enormous benefits of solar energy.
Alex Dyson,
xxxxxxxx, I have just pulled out of having solar panels installed as I can not get it prior to 12 Dec so not economical for me with interest rates at present.
Lorain Jones,
andrew hardaker,
TJ Hart, How can the UK have a hope of achieving its legally binding carbon reduction commitments if the government pulls the rug out from under the industry that is a crucial part of reducing our reliance on fossil fuels?
simon glastonbury,
martin, do not kill off FIT incentive
Will Fox,
NICK CROWE, The pace of these changes is ridiculous
charles barraball,
xxxxxxxx, I support this campaign as we need greener future....
tony curtis, I support a phased decrease in the tariff to give the industry time to adjust.
Katharine Tatum,
Joanna Downes,
David Freeman,
Stephen Martin, This government has placed so much pressure and stress on the industry - how are we meant to get our business of the ground now?
xxxxxxxx, Solar Photovoltaic Energy is a great leap forward, for reducing homeowners energy costs. If our current Government cuts the feed-in tarrifs by 50% then there will be little incentive to purchase, for a realistic payback peroiod.
John Coote, At a time when the UK economy is struggling why would anyone want to jeopardise an industry that is making a positive contribution to a low-carbon future?
Kirstie Wielandt, The era of fossil fuel has passed, time for a new chapter.
Anne Hall, As a Liberal Democrat councillor I am disappointed that the Coalition government has taken the decision to cut feed in tariffs and with so little notice. We should be doing all we can to support renewable energy sources.
Marti Mann,
Anthony Ackner,
Tony Stone,
Jyotsna Ram,
paul gilliatt, the opposite to what we should be doing, safer and cheaper than nuclear
Martin hall,
Barbara Sheppard,
Sue Jones, Encouragement of non fossil fuel power is essential
Mr Stephen Walters, There are better things to cut than solar energy
Neil, Do not link new installations to the green new deal.
Diane Would, solar is surely the way that individuals can help improve the environment and contribute directly towards renewable energy.I am sure this is the way forward for renewable.
xxxxxxxx, The cuts themselves aren't the issue - they were expected as solar gets cheaper. The problem is the timing, or rather lack of time between the announcement and the cut off date. Either scale the cuts back on 12th December, or do the 50% cut on 31st March, but 50% on 12th December is an industry killer.
Lorna Coates-Smith,
Alex Hunt, don't kill off a success story... that is truly insane?
xxxxxxxx, A small cut commensurate with the reduction in panel prices is OK but NOT 50%!
Sam Matthews, FITs need to be reduced but this is being done too quickly by government.
Chris Archer, Why try to kill off one of the country's growth industries??????
Mark Coates-Smith,
Guy Watson,
Pilgrim Beart, What consumers and the nascent UK PV industry need is PREDICTABILITY from government. A steady, regular, measured reappraisal process with no surprises, so that everyone can plan ahead by at least a year.
Slashing FITs by 50% with only 6 week's notice is the third time this year that the government has failed to act regarding sustainability incentives, and then over-reacted at the last minute, hugely damaging the confidence and livelihoods of the thousands of entrepreneurs, employees - and yes customers too - who have responded to the Government's call to move us to a clean future.
I am a solar PV customer with a (long-planned) install scheduled for the end of November. In just a few weeks I have gone from thinking I was being supported in making a significant investment in a clean future for the UK, investing my money in producing a common benefit at a modest long-term return, to feeling like I'm being portrayed as greedy for stealing money from the poor. A investment which is locked-in and will only start providing a 10% return after 10 years is hardly avaricious, is it?
alan croft,
Carl Green, I will have no choice but to make people redundant when the cut comes in to force due to lack of business.
Nic Goodwin, This rash decision to cut the FiT may well mean closing our business and making 4 staff redundant
malcolm steele,
Chris York,
xxxxxxxx, Keep up with the rest of the world
Dr Fran Tattersall,
Chloe Bines, The potential for solar PV in the UK is huge. We need to providing confidence in the market, not pulling the rug from under its feet. Greenest Government ever....what a joke.
Kevin Worthington,
Sarah Oswald, I understand that there may be a need to reduce the current tariff rate, but feel that a) The government should at least wait until the end of the current consultation before determining the new rates, and b) the reduced rates should be phased in gradually, rather than making an immediate, across-the-board drastic cut.
I would suggest, when determining future subsidy rates, the government compares the amounts of subsidy given to Renewables -t he future of the world's energy needs - to that given to other energy industries such as nuclear and fossil fuels.
Paul Evans, Power to the people!
David Houlden, This is one big U turn you need to make David.
Karl Dawson,
helen wilmot,
David Savage, The term 'fuel poverty' is being used for those who people who cannot afford increased energy bills (more than 10% of their income) but this is really a 'poverty' issue. Fuel poverty is really about where the UK will obtain its energy from when it's rapidly dwindling resources run out. That is why the feed in tariff was initiated to provide an incentive for homeowners to generate their own energy and as a result offset the national energy demand. At a stroke the government have taken away any incentive for people to invest in their own energy generation. It is just another example of the government dancing to the tune of 'big business' and going for short term savings instead of looking at the long term implications.
Nadim Chaudhry, Solar is the future, costs have fallen 70% in 3 years. The quicker we get as many boots on the ground and skilled up the better for our economy. Solar provides greater value to the British Economy with a greater domestic value chain and reinvestment of profits than our foreign owned utilities.
xxxxxxxx, Step it up 'Greenest Gov'!
Richard McCredie,
Janet Green, It is crazy to make the cut so suddenly and so dramatically. This is creating chaos in the Installation marketplace
Peter Clarke,
Ashley Handley,
Sefton Owens, Another kick in the teeth from the alleged 'greenest government ever'. Why would anyone looking to invest in renewable technologies ever trust the British government again. I won't for one.
Chris Wright, It is cynicism of the first order for Greg Baker to issue platitudes about being the 'greenest government' as he opens the SmartLife Centre in Cambridge the same day as announcing the savage change of date for implementing Feed In Tariff changes.
xxxxxxxx, If free solar power has been fitted into some eligable homes I think this should continue until everyone who has applied gets the same opportunity
Tom Sperrey, Given the 50% fall in the costs of PV over the past five years it's clear there will have to be a corresponding cut in FIT. But in the current economic climate where we desperately need business growth the rapidity of this swingeing cut cannot make sense. Make changes, certainly, but please let's engage our intelligence first.
Matthew Hill, Renewable energy is the way forward. Stop limiting our future.
Roger Hughes,
Stanley Knill, Mears have decided to pull out of the industry and write off £2 million pounds. This is madness. Why does the government want to destroy the industry and thousands of jobs - AND cause the waste of millions of pounds????
Amanda Crosbie,
sarah pearce,
xxxxxxxx, I can not believe the Government have only given the industry 6 weeks. Our small company has lost probably over £''s of potential sales. Many of our orders were awaiting planning permission for listed buildings/barn conversions. Why did the governement just restrict it to one Fit per Electricity account holder - this would have stopped the roof renters and ensured the FITs were going to genuine householders not multi-national investment houses.
Julian Maynard,
Mr Stephen Dicker, Why not just increase the VAT content rather than cut the tariff? At least the government will recover the over-budget subsidies without affecting the industry as a whole ???
Susan Bourne, Typical government mismanagement. Make the cut BEFORE the consultation ! Ridiculous !
John Connett,
J Bullen,
Matt Demorais,
andrew dickson,
Pip Howard,
Oliver Clark, I was planning to have solar panels installed early next year. This cut to the FIT has made it uneconomical for me and so I will now have to abandon the idea.
Sarah Bines,
Peter Longley,
Eduardo, Solar is our FuTURE!
Mrs Jane Chalmers, Solar panels make so much more sense than the ugly useless windmills littering our beautiful countryside.
Jason Drury,
Steve Healey,
James Mclagan,
xxxxxxxx, I know the world is going into financial meltdown at the moment but surely enabling the UK population to save money where it can, ie, electricity means it will/may have funds to spend elsewhere. Surely this can only be good for the countries financies? Please dont miss another chance of helping to save peoples homes. (In case you're wondering what the 'other' is, Many of us cannot understand why billions was spent to bail out the banks who are ripping of millions of people. The same money split evenly between all the adult population would have meant almost all, if not all debts would've been paid off. The banks would then have had their money back and the whole country would've been better off, what do you think?
Mike Rios-Hall, Dave; don't let the Big 6 and the bankers make you abandon the Solar revolution
xxxxxxxx, We already anticipate redundancies of 50% of our 20 strong workforce if these Government measures are taken
Susanna salts,
Deirdre Dyson,
Helen Degnen, We should be doing everything we can to increase sustainable and renewable sources of energy, not cutting back. Disgraceful!
Joe Weeks,
Andrea McGhee,
Mrs Sydney Charles, On the Tuesday Chris Huhne says '88% of people view solar power favourably, renewables are delivering jobs across the UK, we must deploy public finance intelligently, subsidies for fossil fuels are five times that of renewables....' and on the Monday Greg Barker destroys all of that success. What is behind it? Is it that investment in solar PV is outside the control of the energy companies? They have the ear of ministers and have plans for 30GW of gas powered electricity investment, when only 11GW is needed. The clue is that the government is now talking of Power stations in terms of its Growth strategy - ignoring the green shoots of growth being destroyed by this 'consultation'. Very convenient for the big companies worried about losing custom.
David Langouet, Sir,
I am chocked, fustrated, angry by this decision. Many people, companies have invested so much and believed this could be one of the few Industry left in the UK who would carry the country to an Economy recovery and give a chance for the Futur Generations.
But it appear these Gouvernment have betrayed the Bristish Industry (again, thank you Mrs Tatcher) like their did with The Arms Forces.
Why anybody would send Familly men and women to a fight, to tell them that it is for a better futur and betray them by widrawing their promeses and living them with barely nothing to hang on to when they believed and invested so much?
Today the issue is a safe/ Green Environment and already the problem of food production for a growing population worldwild is on the Agenda. If you can't listen/understand the solutions of today how can people like you solve any problem?
andrew croft, now is the time for investment not cuts. Micro solar is, en masse, an infrastructure project - and just the thing the government should be supporting
Marc Payne,
Ben Russell,
John Stott, I agree that a reduction is needed but not 50%
Dawn Mannay,
Phil sparrow, This is really going to affect my company and many of my staff. Please rethink this outrageous decision!
Colin Reading,
Maliya Price, And there we were, waiting for our bonuses so we could install. This is insane to cut solar. With all the wars over oil, doesn't it make sense to invest in alternatives??!!
Ann Price,
meg owen,
Jan Hinchliffe, There's nothing new in governments moving goalposts, but suddenly dragging them off the field of play and errecting them on another pitch looks more like a lack of ability to govern.
Ann Williams,
Jim Brown, Making such a sudden change to the business environment of a significant emergent industry is simply an ill thought-out policy, particularly for an industry to generate so much good for our society in the long term.
Mike Lazonby,
S, Roberts,
Daryll Witt, Think of the future, renewables is the way to go.
Alison Roberts, It's a no-brainer
Kev, Idiots , DEFINITION OF CONSULTATION IS : a meeting in which people or groups have a discussion before decisions are made!
I know Britain is "Broken" but let's be honest a "broke/n" government can't fix shit!
pascal groves,
N and D Hart Eastbourne, We think it is unfair that such short notice has been given for changing to solar energy and there is to be such a big cut in the feed in tariff. We thought the government were all for encouraging people to go green!
Matthew Potticary, After making so much progress in taking the correct path in the future of energy which is the moral thing to do for future generations. We now see the government taking a completely different tact. It would appear green energy is a vote winner in line with public opinion. The government then U Turn implementing huge cuts in the solar energy sector,how very hypocritical. put another way would you buy a used car/bicycle from David Cameron.
mary F, Oh the intelligence - NOT! Jeopardise the future for our children, increase unemployment needlessly and really put the Uk on the map as the first 4th world country. Seems private education really helped your brain cells Mr Cameron! Sad and pathetic !
christie Townsend, How many people have paid deposits with companies who will go under if this goes ahead. Is this legal? What about the cost to the taxpayer with all the extra unemployment benefits?
Dr John de los Angeles, As a past Vice President of the RIBA the Architects Council of Europe and International Union of Architects, I can say that the vast majority of Architects throughout the world would support your campaign, as I do. The UK lags behind many much poorer countries in Europe when it comes to renewable energy and for the UK to inevitably fall further behind is simply a catastrophic disgrace.
Eileen Wragg, Tenants of a Housing Association in Exmouth, the largest town in Devon, were informed earlier this year that solar panels would be fitted in their homes. The properties have no gas supply, & the heating bills for the pre-payment meters, are unaffordable. Last winter, it was not unusual for parents to pay £50+ per week, just to take the chill off their rooms. With escalating fuel costs, & another harsh winter forecast by the Met Office, plus worsening unemployment, warm homes will be impossible for many. If there is not help for people in fuel poverty, such as PV installations which are now at risk, there are bound to be casualties from health risks. The Government should revise its ludicrous decision, & I shall be asking for this to be debated by Place Scrutiny at Devon County Council.
Chris Wright, Our small business has been decimated by this sudden change. We can't buy kit to fulfil our existing orders and new enquiries have dried up.
Sandra Harrison,
xxxxxxxx, Its scandalous that this parliament should get these things so wrong! It is unbelievable that the country's finances can be used to prop up and support archiac institutions (the high street banks) and cannot and will not be used to support a growth industry employing thousands and changing the way we use electricity in this country.
Philip Roberts, Currently doing 7days a week installing, and due to the g'vmnt's unreasonable time frame we're struggling to get equipment. A complete farce to expect such a short timescale to be enough time. Yet another Cock up from the g'vmnt.
Jim Dunn,
Peter Childs, This is too important for politicians to destroy.
Stacey DeAmicis,
Mike Maguire, Not only should it be supported, it should also be compulsory on any new builds and especially on the roofs of new 'supermarkets , at their expense, for the benefit of their local communities
xxxxxxxx, I stagger to think of the huge amount that could be saved on the grid if all homes had solar power
Emma Prosser, Solar power is win-win; home owners benefit and so does the environment. Targetting solar power for spending cuts seems crazy.
solar solutions north east, Reduce if necessary not Kill the feed in tarriff.
Kevin King, I have been an electrician all my working life and have had to go through two recessions. I have lost my job in both. After being made redundant in April of this year i thought i would invest my redundancy money into becoming a PV installer. Things were doing well and my buisness was starting to build up,if the current changes take place it looks like ill be back at square one and wasted my redundancy money. Not good for a forty three year old father of two,morgage,loans and fuel bills.
Yours sincerely
Kevin King
Mr. C. Bowker,
Michelle Walsh,
Niall Bamford,
Nigel Potter, Our Politicians, representing us and intrusted to plan for our future, cannot be allowed to change the goals so devistatingly on our renewables industry.
Gavin Thomas,
DERMOT BARNES, UK Gov is shooting itself in both feet with this ill considered move. Job's, & businesses are being destroyed whilst de-centralised energy, carbon emissions and green jobs objectives are ignored. The big power companies continue to make obscene profits. What next...maybe invitations for the big six to join the cabinate of 'The Greenest Government Ever' ?
Jon Yearsley,
Phil Butler,
David Wilkinson,
M, It is absolutely essential to make the big push towards renewable energy in the UK immediately - if we leave it much longer or fail to support existing schemes, it will be too late.
Clare O\'Brien,
Ian Henghes, Technology leadership needs investment. Investing in carbon reduction and job creation is win win. Cutting support for solar PV is taking austerity policies too far and undermining our jobs, a growth industry in new technology and our future.
Jon Starbuck,
Catherine Dawson, Gvt spits in face of business by cutting one of our only growth industries, BEFORE the sham consultation deadline
Joan Morrison,
Susie Wheeldon,
xxxxxxxx, whatever happened to "the greenest government ever"? don't kill the solar industry!
Jennifer Haydon, Until the British Isles produces ALL the power needed to run our country we will be held to ransom by others & have to pay whatever exorbitant price they choose to charge.
Please reverse your decision & SUPPORT solar power producers & customers.
Do you not care about our children & grand-children's future ?
Kevin Guth,
Anna Doeser, give real support to renewables now to secure a sustainable future, keep support for green jobs and local solutions to energy.
Ann Kolodziejski,
Andrew Turner, This drastic and unexpected change in coalition government policy undermines their commitment to reducing CO2 and to help small businesses. It further risks destroying a fledgeling UK industry.
Martin Towers, I was going to invest. 100%. But not now. I will have to consider my options.
Martyn Ravensdale, This is so obvious.
Jill Bourne,
Grunde Løvoll, Solar energy is the only renewable energy source which can meed our demand. So a sustainable future will _have_ to include solar power. Actively hindering the development of solar is in my opinion a crime.
David Edwards,
Julie Pritchard,
Alan Bithell,
David Kime,
CArla Smith,
Martin Holme,
Ben Bishop, Cuts to the feed in tariff are part of the tariff maturing. However, the proposed cuts are too great. The system was created to stimulate an industry to grow. The cuts will damage the industry terribly. But the cuts have to happen, we as a country do not have enough money to support a tariff on this level. But why cut the level of the FIT, why not reduce the spectrum of people that can apply for it. Currently anyone can apply for the FIT, many companies are now offering solar panels for free to any home owner. But the catch is that the company are the people who get the income from the FIT. Why not make it that only home owners are allowed to benefit from the FIT. Make it so that the FIT benefits the people that matter, the people who pay the taxes. Rather than going straight into the pockets of big business? Stopping these companies from using the FIT as an income generator. Make it so that only the home owners see the benefit. Yes, this will reduce the level of solar deployment accross the country. But it wont kill the sector like the proposed cuts. The British public will still be able to afford solar panels and more importantly its the public who will see the benefit.
Please reconsider the cuts, something like a 20% reduction would be suitable. Please change policy so that companies cannot offer free panels in return for the FIT, why should companies like this be allowed to make money straight from the tax payers pockets?
George Hardill MIET, You only have to look to Germany to see the benefits a coherent solar policy can bring - wake up Goverment!!
T Cullen, This is abd for teh planet as well as jobs, industries etc when the government is supposed to be addressing all these issues. Can't trust ANY government
Andrew Pattison, This cut is unfair to anyone who has already signed up for installation
pam mcnaughton, Solar is the only way to go for ordinary households
David Morris,
turanor, the big six energy companies are charging their customers as pert of their bill up to 12% as a contribution to renewable investment surely this is or should be used for the FITs - this makes a mockery of the statement from the Government that their fund of £860m is running out
Wendy Russell, This seems such a short-sighted move that doesn't give the industry or the concept any time to adapt
Eddy Adams,
Luke Bellamy,
Hazel Simpson, You cannot create and develop for the future without investment. We are never going to get on feet without it. Oh, and the environment benefits too.
eva Warman,
Jeremy Ottevanger,
martin, tariff cut is a massive backward step
xxxxxxxx, It's stupidity to stop such a worthwhile scheme, both economically, and environmentally.
Peter Bruniges,
Mark Philpotts CEng MICE MCIHT AIEMA, They are more interested in propping up tradition power generation and the vested financial interests behind it rather than the resilience a nationwide system of microgeneration will bring. Greenest government ever, green-wash more like!
Jess Phillimore,
John Drysdale, Gov't needs to learn to cut wasteful expenditure not useful investment that develops jobs and a more sustainable energy base.
Rhona Probert,
Dilys Cluer, Don't strangle this vital industry in its infancy!
Matt Walton,
Elaine Williams, Solar makes sense.
Simon Midgley, How not green is this, Mr Cameron!
Alex Farnell, The handling of this fast track review has been staggeringly careless. Unforgivable.
Polly James, The most important fact regarding the fitting of P.V. panels for EVERYONE IS - they are providing electricity at a much lower cost than the electricy suppliers with pylons and underground cabling. TIME TO THINK OUT SIDE THAT BOX DAVID C.
Colin Quickfall,
Rick Leslie,
Richard Bond,
Purdey Silvester,
David Silvester,
Susan Robinson,
alan guy, still cant trust the goverment!
tanya smart,
wynn connell,
Phil Bitis, 'greenest government ever' I think not
P Kirkman, we must continue to encorage solar and other forms of green energy!
Sam Brightbart, With massive Green Energy investment, everyone wins! Come on, policy makers, let's start preparing for the future instead of ignoring it!
xxxxxxxx, We need energy security, diverse energy production strategy and jobs for people doing THE RIGHT THING. Help us all to help ourselves to a better economics and planet.
Peter Westlake,
Julian Porter,
Vicky Wyer,
David A Knowles, for the sake of our planet please do not cut the insentive so soon
Mark Warwick,
Sally Warwick,
Susan Lees,
Nick Albrow,
Stuart Clay,
Philippa Coleman,
Kevin Greenlow, Don't do this now! Every attempt to help people & companies out is being stopped! Why! We need Green Energy now more than ever. Think Again!!
LOUISE WILLIAMS, The Solar industry is reviving rural economies - support it and save thousands of solar jobs and British companies!
Jenny Burbridge,
wendy clarke, “I support the ‘Cut, Don’t Kill’ campaign to stop the Government cutting Solar PV Feed-in Tariffs by 50%, which would devastate the solar power industry and jeopardise 25,000 jobs.”
Simon Newton,
Howard Davies, Solar power is the safe way forward, is this government as blind as they appear to be - you will be judged at the next election.
L Little, I think you should prolong the time span so more people can get solar panels
Janet Coman,
David Rennie,
xxxxxxxx, We need to think long term and secure our energy independence. the industry needs to streamline but boom and bust only destroys jobs and investor confidence.
Alex Malcolm, The Government's credibility and local distributed energy generation policy is at stake here.
Nick Shread, Absolutely ludicrous decision to cut the tariff at a time when momentum is behind people's uptake of solar energy
Stuart Curran, This is really important. Killing an industry that is so important for all our futures before it has a chance to properly establish itself is short-sighted in the extreme.
Roy Roberts, Typical back tracking by this Government
Dianne Penny,
Judy Hudson,
Hannah Corr,
Kyla thompson,
Ceri Howes,
Pete Fairhurst,
tony benge,
Kam Sanghera, At a time when we should be growing the green energy sector, and at a time when we need growth in the job market, knocking the confidence of this sector seems short-sighted.
Drastic changes of policy like this will also undermine belief and uptake of future initiatives.
Neil Ritchie, Please Mr. Cameron, show the political will to follow through on your green commitments, your children and my children should remember your government for being "the greenest government ever".
Millie Leigh-Wood,
Alan Brignall, The costs of not making the rapid transition to a solar-electric economy far out weigh any short-term budgetary concerns on offer. Drill up not down! We need to embrace both ground-based AND space-based solar power if we are to make this successful transition. The end of easy energy is upon us and Britain is set to lose 1/3 of it´s generating capacity over the next few years. We can either keep importing fossil fuels at prices out of our control or we can make a start on the path towards energy security in the 21st century with solar. Does seem strange to me that we´re even having this argument.
Anthony Lamb,
Lance Eames, What's Cameron's thinking behind the cuts? I've heard plenty of speculation, and we can all guess the real reasons, but what has he actually said?
Edward Whipp, You're relying on companies like Eagle New Energy to exapnd and pick up the pulic sector fall out, don't kill us off just as we're getting started!
Annabel Harford, The imposition of a 50% cut on 12th Dec - even before the FIT review/consultation is wrong - not to mention an 'own goal' by damaging one of the few high-growth industries in the UK and reversing the carbon/energy security benefits of UK solar power generation. Whatever happened to Cameron's statements about our government being one of the 'greenest ever' - what a joke.
Bethia Smith, As a pensioner, my solar panels have made an invaluable contribution to surviving fuel poverty. I had hopes that future schemes would do the same for others but this now seems ulikely
Anne Thomas, Solar energy could make a significant contribution to our energy needs, carbon reduction and jobs creation. It needs to be supported. Sudden cuts in FITS undermine it.
Jonathan Pyke, Solar is an essential part of the UKs renewable mix. And its the best option for small homes and businesses. It's frankly crazy to be cutting so fast and deep when the industry is still finding its feet, and it smacks more of political gamesmanship and climate change denialism than it does of a sensible and balanced energy policy. Sort it out.
Gordon Morris, It might well be necessary to modify the scheme as technology develops and component and installation costs change, but the proposed approach to cut the FIT will in all probability emasculate the burgeoning industry, with adverse implications for employment and R&D.
Colin Higginbotham,
Willi Moore, Cutting FITs sends exactly the wrong message to the population at large - renewable energy of whatever form is the future, creating thousands of new jobs and a whole new energy infrastructure if a smart grid is created.
Christopher Tennant, Supporting solar is cheaper, cleaner and a more responsible decision to protect our energy security and future energy needs by NOT having to rely on new nuclear power stations that will leave a legacy (and bill) of decontamination for generations after generation to come. The Government are taking a short term view and need to act more responsibly. Don't cut support for renewable energy, cut Trident and cut Nuclear Power.
Andrew Sherwood, Another short term short sighted act by a government which is far from being the greenest ever.
Debbie Staveley, The measures taken by the government need to be as sustainable as the technology they support. Cutting the amount of the feed in tariff with just six week's notice is not right, not fair and makes a mockery of the coalition's claims to be "the greenest government ever".
Marc Seery, A reduction was inevitable but to pull it so far forward is appalling and will cause job losses.
Chris Baxter, Don't kill the goodwill and the drive forward.
Edward van Reenen,
xxxxxxxx, This government is about to kill off the solar PV industry in this country in its infancy, because it is too successful! If the tariff reductions are staged properly in accordance with the original timings then it will stand a good chance of surviving.
xxxxxxxx, I was lucky enough to get my PV system installed 6 months ago but these cuts are viscous and could stop PV in its tracks!
KATHERINE KING, We need to use every possible natural source for energy and to help people realistically afford energy
madeline carroll, when we are being encouraged to look for alterative conservation of power its madness to end this susidy
Sally Nutbeem,
xxxxxxxx, Germany has a vibrant micro generation program. They dont change subsidies at short notice
Edward Sadler, This is ridiculous! Cutting the tariff by this much and giving such little notice is going to kill this still fledgling industry. I am trying to return to the solar industry after a break from work and now cannot find a job, as most solar companies are too scared to employ now in light of what might happen to demand. This government needs to sort itself out, because it is clearly not in favour of renewable energy!
ruth price,
Charles Booth,
Mrs Christa Mardon, The government should support solar, wind and wave power, and not use palm oil and wood from abroad to power our power stations.
Nigel Pugh,
John Hurley,
xxxxxxxx, This country needs to become as self sufficient in energy as possible, even at considerable cost, and I am also appalled that the government has misled the solar power industry with dire consequences for many firms and employees.
Dan Pike,
s willard,
David Bater,
David Laird,
Dr. Amelia Roberts, In the face of 1 million unemployed young people, no industry should be attacked, least of all those which support sustainable futures.
Peter Exley,
Will Lord,
Abigail Storey,
John Hastings, I think it's a disgrace to pull the plug on a thriving industry when it should be bolstered. The government wants to increase employment, but, with this ill-thought out move, it's going to make several thousand workers unemployed.
Rene Scherer,
Paul Jesson,
Simon Gershon, ...And deny community organisations free electricity
David Hoadley,
Mr Tom Wells,
John Hill, Solar PV has emerged as the most accessible way of producing clean, renewable energy for communities, commercials and private individuals but this emerging market still requires the support of the government. We all expected a cut in the FIT rate but the ill thought out timing and implementation has already caused massive damage and will erode confidence. All we ask is that you (our Government) stick to plan and stop moving the goal posts.
Cristian Ramis,
Charley, We need to produce as much renewable energy as possible. This proposal will send us backwards
Mike Clay, Please provide a realistic and sustainable reduction of the solar subsidies that stimulate sustainable industry growth rather than unpredictable changes that make business planning and realistic growth impossible. Also PLEASE do not introduce the 'Energy Efficiency Rating C' caveat for FIT qualification, this will exclude a huge proportion of suitable south facing housing stock that will never be able to achieve the qualification due to historic building techniques - energy efficiency through insulation and electricity generation are two completely different sides of the coin - linking them is unrealistic
Ruth Baber, This is so short-sighted. We need to increase sustainability incentives, rather than damaging business and employment prospects
Richard Evans,
Jake Lauder,
xxxxxxxx, I will lose my job, income acssociated with that, social life and relationship if these cuts go ahead. My company has already gone into administration with redundency looming. This accompained by the fact i'm a 22 year old graduate who has just witnessed record unemployment numbers for people my age is bleak to say the least. What will I be able to do now?
Chris Tinson, Back incentives that promote growth and new jobs. Celebrate new industries, don't kill them!
Farah Sabba,
Hugh Sneddon, Keep it real for joe public and dont bite the hand that feed you.
Christine Mumford, It is too early to cut the feedin tarrif.
Roger Watson,
Judith Ayres,
A L Little, Installation costs have, and will continue, to fall, but sudden changes in the FIT are disruptive to the industry and jeopardise jobs. A gradual reduction in the Tariff would be fairer to all concerned.
James Wickham, Not a green decision.
Trevor Stephens,
Nigel Smith,
Jacqui White,
David Bryden, Surely the change is ultra vires - it is coming into force prior to the end of the government's consultation period.
Martin Sherring, How come the government can find extra money to build more houses, but when it comes to a measure design to promote a new industry in the UK, it's happy to throw away all the benefit from the FIT so far?
Mark Burton, We are living in a climate emergency. Government needs to use whatever means it can to reduce emissions and rapidly. Feed-in tariff is one of those means and should not be killed at birth.
Neil Hawkey, This will kill off any new FIT's rated green technology investment in the future!! What a short sited view and again proves that you cannot trust The government.
xxxxxxxx, Everyone should be encouraged to instal PV without any dead line
richard holmes, the conservatives changed their logo to a tree to illustrate their green credentials, what hypocrasy. I am more appaled at the liberals to be honest, where are they? I work for a small solar business and we have been decimated by this decision.
xxxxxxxx, I was made redundant last week by PV solar company. For the first time in 20 years I am now claiming benefits, with no chance of a job till after Christmas,
Lilia Patterson, I don't support the 'cut' comment in the above, nor do I agree that this is 'an accurate representation of the 'reality' - since billions in investments still remain for 'renewables' just that they are being offered to the priveleged few, via the landed aristocracy, of the UK, and NFU guided investment, rather than the 90% landless majority of the UK instead. It has to be remembered who the 'Tories' mostly represent - those who want to keep 'power' for themselves, mostly from the 'landed priveleged few' rather than those who Labour mostly represent, i.e. the 90% landless majority instead.
Caspar Thomas,
Andy Wright, Very disappointed with the size and speed of the cuts. My company is now going to make almost 40 people redundant just before Christmas, including me. It's also the second time Osborne's comprehensive spending review has put me out of a job.
Brian Jeanes, Whilst I agree that the current tariffs are unsustainable in the long term I feel that the proposed cuts are too severe and too quckly implemented.
Ben Smith,
Andrew Bishop,
Takis Lefkaritis, carefull planning is needed and correct execution of any cut decisions. A 55% reduction in a few weeks is unacceptable on all levels. You simply cannot destroy peoples future with unprofessional handling of a situation.
Begin with a 5% reduction every 3 weeks till a desired level is reached. Base your arguments on data. Add benefits for the homes and organizations that require this the most.
Support this Country and assist economic growth.
Hayley Whitman, If we want to avoid another crisis, we must do all we can to ensure a clean, independent future for our energy needs.
xxxxxxxx, solar is the way
Solar direct savings llp,
Francis Meynell,
R H Smith, 6 weeks absolute madness.
xxxxxxxx, The costs of flood damage to our towns and cities far outweigh the cost of householders reducing carbon.
Evelyn, The UK needs to invest in green energy instead of using dirty options like Nuclear and Gas. The public wants green!
Brenda Quail, Moving the goalposts is disgraceful with such short notice, causing needless panic in the industry with the inevitability of job losses. This will not encourage us to use sustainable energy and reduce our carbon footprint.
xxxxxxxx, Ok Uk govet
we palyed by your rul;es, we saved up the cash to fit PV, we have to reroof to do it and no roofer will do extensive work in nov-jan this far north. so the work was set for feb/march and now we get 9p/unit as reward for using all our savings.while you paid fly by night firms to offer free pv but take the tariffs for 25 years. reputable firms will suffer massive cashflow issues.and the next payout is conditional so those of us with old homes wont get more than 9p.tho you suggest 21p is on offer, cheers!you just put a lot of folk off trying to do their bit.
Mrs F Watson, Listed building owners need exemption from efficiency requirements. We need help to pay our bills too!
xxxxxxxx, I'd like to see a far greater commitment to the present administration taking serious steps which will be maintained in order to fulfil its pledge 'to be the greenest government ever.'
Mitch Henry,
xxxxxxxx, We have invested thousands of pounds in training and accreditation schemes - we are creating local jobs - if the cuts go ahead all this will finish for us and many similar small businesses
xxxxxxxx, Solar still needs more encouragement. The environment still needs more protection.
Verena Stubbs,
Andrew McGowan, This sudden and drastic cut to the FiT will have a drastic effect on our solar manufacturing and installation industry. Do we really want to damage our own industry - the kind of industry that is key to our future well-being and prosperity?
Simon Forrow,
Michael Adams, Wake up!
Simon Morrison, Cutting one of the only beacons in an otherwise dark, economic downturn, sinical!
Justin Benn, Solar Power. Photovoltaics or prevarication. Only one of these leads to the future.
Prof Robin Roy, I shall now not be installing solar, although I am very keen to do so, because of the unexpected FIT cut
xxxxxxxx, Fuel poverty as bills increase, particularly for the elderly & lower income families.
Greener environment for us and our kids for the future.
Encouraging children to look after our planet now and the for the future.
25,000 jobs on the line.
Ian Brent-Smith, How can my clients, who have negotiated £100k loans against single farm projects now face their banks?
Leigh Knowles,
Tracy Scott, This threat has already meant people backing off having solar panels put in which are much greener for the enviroment. What we going to do when oil etc do run out or become too expensive?
Julie Gill,
Barrie Mould, The Government encourages planning. SD encourages long term thinking - so what on earth is this six week deadline meant to indicate?
Reuben Barker,
Jeff Smith, Jobs are important create them not destroy them.
Chris Ellis,
Avery Family Hampshire, Had my panels instaled and registered 2 months ago now and cannot believe the government can be so short sited... i will still get the higher tarrif but it was more luck than judgement .. our installer has spent a lot of time and money going back to school and registering to become and installer of solar panels and now the market for panels will crash thanks to the governments stupidty ...
Nigel Follows,
xxxxxxxx, I have invested heavily in solar panels for my home and want to buy some more, but cutting the FIT means it no longer makes financial sense to take on the burden of the additional upfront cost, especially when all other costs are going up so fast.
xxxxxxxx, You don't set these things up and then remove them overnight. If the level of FIT wasn't right, reduce it slowly, don't slash it!
John and Meg Bacon, 'The greenest government ever - not on this evidence!
Marc ter Kuile, I am willing to pay more tax to allow the FIT to continue at the same high rate for new installations for another 5 years.
Brian Scott, This knee jerk reaction from the government is short term planning at its worst and will hamper national growth.
Darlene Masters,
vivian carr, I have carefully considered both Solar Thermal & Photovoltaic for a number of years and assessed both to be unaffordable (on an individual basis) for an average household no matter how "green" and have thus not adopted either. Just as the recovery time for the not inconsiderable investment
becomes more reasonable the Government proposes to drastically increase the recovery time under the guise as being too great a return calculated on the basis of the capital being recoverable. Discussion with Estate Agents as part of my assessment of solar technology indicates that, certainly in the North of England, that solar arrays are, at best, not negative to house value and have little or no "resale value" as part of a house sale.
Robert Watson, I think that the amount of loss involved is absolutely crazy. Support indusrty in the UK not kill it off!
Thomas Scorer, Why is this government so predictable ? How dissapointing. Surprise us with some good news for a change Cameron.
sarah gleave, we must develop clean sustainable industrial jobs - for benefit of all the voters under 45 -
Steve Mewes,
CLIVE HARRISON, The present coalition purports to be truly committed to renewable energy, so why on earth are they cutting the incentive of the Feed-In-Tariff?!
Mike Barnes,
s.m murage,
steve oliver,
Sophie McGuire,
Julian Dines,
Neil McCulley, Having recently setup my own company to work within the solar photovoltaic industry, I find these cuts both excessive and ill timed. It is now very unlikely that I will remain in the business and have only a small chance to recover my startup costs.
Nicky Leyland, I feel this work is vital towards moving our country forward on many levels. If cut's have to be made surely they need not be to devastating levels for this important industry.
alec warburton, The power companies have told the Conservative UK government to stop all clean micro generation schemes as they are tax free and don't put profit in their shareholders pockets, they only want free taxpayers subsidies for huge capital, environment destructive wind farms.
The world is turning to solar power and we are forced by the puppet masters of this government to support the fossil fuel/nuclear power cartels to pour poisons into our one and only atmosphere, the seas and leave the land contaminated for our children and changing the climate for their greed. I despair.
Gary Groombridge,
Stuart Tate,
James Lancaster King, government has really screwed things up now, even if they backtrack, many industry players have had to make cuts and leave the market
Joanna Lloyd,
Richard Maxwell, Further to the rate reduction the proposed change of Energy Performance Certificate requirement will rule out a large section of the housing stock constructed prior to 1920.
john cantrell, lets keep the momentum on solar power - don't cut it back now
xxxxxxxx, Don't make solar something for the elite. Green energy should be accessible to everybody. How else will we ever change our energy future?
Charles Titherley,
xxxxxxxx, You just cannot trust this Government they are prepared to subside the bix 6 Generators with their renewable schemes and allow them to shut power stations thusthen blackmailing the tax payer into subsidising nuclear new build wrong wrong wrong
Sue Tremlett,
Roger Ian Shotton, I thought our voted MPs wanted us the elctorate to make our country green, cutting solar PV Feed-in tarrifs by 50% won't help WILL IT. We are still in the EC then why don't the MPs wake up and follow their colleagues in Europe who encourage their electorate to instal SOLAR PANELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JULIE HOLTON, Making the decision to have a free solar system installed was one of the best life choices I have ever made.
L Atkinson, The installation of millions of panels on people's homes to generate their own electricity was something to be proud of - now this community spirited and green enterprise will be killed in one foul swoop.
David Childs, Although we have installed and registered our system for FiT before the proposed changes, it is disingenuous to break promises upon which people have taken big investment decisions. The Government should therefore stick to its previous committments or risk losing credibility.
Alan Stewart CEngMIMechE, Solar Power and 1 MWatt Windmills are the way forward not nuclear power stations
Graham Fereday,
Eric Branse-Instone, The country is on the brink of a further recession. What does the Government do? Pulls the rug from beneath one of the few sectors that is showing growth before it has had chance to properly establish itself. Sure, reduce FITs over time, but slashing by 50% by surprise is not the way to encourage future investors.
Dawn Miles,
Susie Holden, Yet again we waste an opportunity to invest in green technologies for the future. This is a huge and costly mistake.
Shelly Fennell,
Safiyeconnor, Greenest government ever? In with the big 6 energy companies more like
xxxxxxxx, It's ridiculous to build up a UK based industry which cuts carbon emmissions and then destroy it.
claire Fullerton, I was about to sign up understanding I had till April -
i find this reduced notice an absolute sham.
anne Jackson, Support this industry, invest in it!!! Progression not regression!!!
Bruce Shayler,
Laila Hackforth-Jones,
John Long, This is a backward step. Have the courage of our convictions. You know it makes sense.
Isobel tarr, Cuts to the provision of jobs which contribute to a sustainable future make a mockery of government commitments to reduce unemployment and be the "greenest government ever". The solar feed-in tariff is one of the best things to come out of the coalition government. Don't kill it.
Lucy Craig,
Marion Treby,
Sam Hall, This government has lost my vote. It's outrageous to make these cuts to one of the few far sighted actions they have taken.
Dirk Plutz,
Roger Banister, Scheme was possibly over generous but steep cut will undo the progress that has been made.
vernon cooper,
xxxxxxxx, I have no axe to grind - my panels are already installed.
stephen pitchley, everyone should have a chance of free solar energy.
R. Henderson, The Government should stick to its original date of March2012 to get the full FIT
Sarah Scott Smith,
xxxxxxxx, Future has to be green.There is no other option.
Monique Stone,
Pete Mesley, We signed our solar installation contract about 2 weeks before the deadline change was announced, and are now struggling to get them to do the work as they are so busy. Why should we be penalised when we were pro-active and are now being left behind due to the government's knee-jerks?
Mark Buckland,
xxxxxxxx, This is killing this countries need to reduce global warming. How stupid are they
Andy Procter,
colin marriott, trust the people who already tax us to death to devise another way to prevent 'joe public' from actually benefiting from being 'green' another triumph for the Eton crowd
Paul Whitcombe, Renewable energy is the only way to protect our environment.
Even in the current climate we must look to the future. Keep the the current feed in tariffs and encourage this relatively new industry.
Jane Collett, I would ask the Government to reconsider this short-sighted decision which threatens British businesses and goes against David Cameron's pledge to be the "greenest government ever"
Tom Munro,
xxxxxxxx, We are a company who has invested in creating solar jobs and installations - our work in this area will be greatly reduced and jobs affected.
Nick Robins,
Augie Le Carpentier, It must help being an MP with his head up his arse when looking to the future of clean, safe energy.
David Watson, The speed and severity of the cut, when a review was due in any event, makes no sense, and its impact on jobs makes even less sense at a time when the economy is stalling!!
Andy Polkey,
Gemma Harris,
Andy Portman, I live off grid with 750w of solar panels, have telly, washing machine, computer, etc etc - solar works , don't cut it
Nick McAllister,
xxxxxxxx, Totally Unseasonable notice period given for reduced tariff. Many people have made substantial investment are fully commited and now at risk of not making the new deadline!
Simon Annear, We all agree that a cut in the tariff was needed but not by 50% and NOT within 6Weeks. The greenest government ever R.I.P you wont be getting my vote.
Gerhard Bissels, It's very sad the Conservative government is pulling the plug on the UK's energy future. Of course, their friends are in the nuclear industry; but it would be nice if they occassionally did something for the benefit of the country!
Daniel Thomas,
Hugh Peters, This will lose thousands of jobs, and the threat to the climate from this short sited decision giving power companies bigger and bigger profits is just sad. or maybe they went to Eton as well.
Paul Sheppard, Just think of the future generations and not lining your pockets. The Governments a disgrace.
Richmond Crowhurst,
Sharon Curry, A cut of this size without suitable notice is unacceptable. Many businesses will now suffer greatly because of the snap desicion which has taken little consideration of lives and families of those in this industry.
Susan Groves, This is a really valuable initiative which needs continuing support
michael dees,
xxxxxxxx, Why crucify a green, free energy source? We need all the methods of generating energy,not restricting them.
Annabel Gregory,
Nick Seymour, cut the tariff - yes but over a senesible period of time and by sensible degrees. a cut as severe as this, is going to be the end for most of us in the installation business.
daryl brown,
xxxxxxxx, The Greenest Government ever - pah!
Yes the tariffs need to drop in line with the increase of uptake - but the industry is not that well placed in this economic climate to continue if the incentives for ordinary investors is not there. First the RHI, and now a huge reduction in the FITs - what next?
Martin Bund, What is the maximum annual budget set at for FIT in the UK, this must be very nearly 1% of the cost to build 1 nuclear reactor, ignoring the cost of waste management, labour, taxes etc. Isn't something wrong about this?
Shawn Duckett,
Katie Watts,
Damian Baker,
Rebecca Hailes, This cut seems ludicrous when tax revenue is examined - well done Element Energy, great work.
Stuart Clarke, Cutting PV Feed-in-Tarriffs would be a great step backwards in the efforts to save the planet.
jan tonkies,
Gerard Cook,
Fergus Brazel,
xxxxxxxx, Solar Energy is significantly more cost effective than Wind Turbines or any other form of re-newable energy.
Vasant Gangji,
tim garnham,
Tom Fletcher, I believe that PV is the future
xxxxxxxx, Please leave this subsidy alone to allow more people to save resources.
Nicole Gordon,
Margherita Colombo,
James Johnston, Managing Director, Solar Sketch
The UK needs to cut FiT by a maximum of 25% to ensure it does not kill the industry. Any more and its little more than ridiculous - from A) the number of jobs it has created - great for pulling UK out of stagflation, to B) the fact that PV costs are falling steadily (not suddenly), but give 5-10 years more it is predicted to be at grid parity with coal (currently the cheapest source of electricity). C) Most importantly - the innovative new business opportunities that distributed energy are going to bring to the world. Many of which the UK are currently leading, and with a little insight, UK PLC will be in a position to export this knowledge and products around the world. I for one will leave the UK for “greener” shores with my PhD research if there is no home support.
Neil Hardwick, Dont cut the tariff!!!
Simon Harris, Director of H2o Solar Power
xxxxxxxx, its criminal
Jo Woods,
xxxxxxxx, GREED not GREEN is the policy now.
Shay Brazier,
David Jones,
PAUL ALLEN, The government wont be happy until everybody are out of work
Marie Pritchard, This is a brilliant opportunity to help save our planet and the government has cut the tariffs by half with minimal notice creating havoc for so many people in the industry. Shame on them.
Lachlan Bateman, Don't repeat the mistakes seen here in Australia, where thousands of jobs have been lost and many companies closed.
Ieuan Jones,
xxxxxxxx, I was about to commission a PV system for my house, but have now cancelled as a direct result of this change in the feed in tariff
David McKie, I serious challenge the ethics of the decision made to cut FITs in the manner it has been done. Not only has the cut been announced during the consultation phase, the speed with which the cut has now been introduced gives no orgz nor the public time to react appropriately. I thankfully purchased my system earlier this year, but given this new announcement there is no way I'd consider solar PV. An utterly absurd decision.
Ben Ward,
leslie arther moore,
Kahya Engler,
Tony Gale,
Janet Tolley, To save the environment is TOP priority, if we can save money that is also crucial.
Alan Savage, Due to the proposed changes in FIT I cannot now install solar PV before the December deadline. It is not financially viable for me to do it after that date.
Kenneth Perry,
Thomas Royston,
andrew wilkinson, this is short term thinking - this country is going backwards on renewables and missing a huge opportunity for growth
Francesca Rigamonti,
Stuart Lambie, I have written to my MP - write to yours if you have not done so already!
Sonya Bedford,
Robert Parker, The home I'm currently living in has Solar panels and it makes all the difference. When I move out I would invest in solar panels for my new home. I fully support solar power as a new step forward!
Heather Strutt, NOW is the time to set things right.......the future is in our hands !!
David A A Smith,
Jonathan Blackmore,
Clare Clark,
xxxxxxxx, Just as Streatham is about to launch REpowering Streatham - for a community based energy company - the rug is pulled from under our feet - making our project potentially non-viable economically. So much for 'big society' and 'greenest government ever.' Where is the consistency?
brigitte sims,
andy kelleway, Why?
William Stuart,
Peter Hayward, This industry has already created ten’s of thousands of jobs and with new technology just a few years away, I can’t help wondering why this government thinks this is the right move?
Sarah McFadden,
Roger Thompson, A travesty to change the tariff after previously announcing that the rate would persist until April 2012 ... we've been saving for a system in line with the april deadline ....
Matt Day,
rob van nues,
m kelly, i believe solar power could become the most echo friendly power for the future. tarriffs should not be cut.
Daniel Thorpe,
xxxxxxxx, There is no confidence in the UK government and this completley takes all confidence away in the future of renewables in the UK.
xxxxxxxx, solar is the future, don't kill it
Richard Ian Williams,
Terry Jarman, I like many people were seriously considering installing solar panels but were waiting for bonds that were tied up to mature. The very short notice period has totally wrongfooted both installers and the buying public. Shame the decision of such short notice cant be legally challenged.
Tim Tabor, I have already been made redundant due to these changes. The government must not continue to kill what was a rare success story in today's economy.
Anthony Agnew,
Lisa Mak,
xxxxxxxx, This cut is madness. We want more solar panels, installed not fewer
Helen Jenkins,
Stephen Allen,
xxxxxxxx, i was going to think about getting solar but not anymore
James Chapman, Don't kill the only viable alterative option for the general public
Simon Barrett, The government misread the intuativeness of British business to maximize a scheme like this but six weeks to adjust after investing millions in money and hundreds of thousands of manpower hours now that is just corrupt, it takes 3 months to have a new 3 piece suite delivered. If the government thinks weve all had some kind of windfall for our hard work then so be it but let us go forward from that and prosper in the coming years for massive job creation and taxes back in the pot and P.S can you stop your "smarmy" smiles Huhne and Barker under questioning your having a better christmas than a lot of our children this year
xxxxxxxx, I am a fresh-faced graduate employed in a sector I truly believed could make a difference. I now face losing a job and adding to the impressive youth unemployment figure.
Stop being so short-sighted, clean energy is a worthwhile investment for the economy. The mishandling of the FiT will kill the industry and undermine all sense of confidence green investors have.
lauren jade holmes,
richard collier,
Rachel Day,
Danielle Hoop,
xxxxxxxx, in these times of dwindling power sources, it seems ludicrous not to continue to promote alternative power production, especially of the solar kind.
Colin Lees,
Barbara Seville, Not happy about the recent decision
Tom Flack,
Gary Bonnette, Your given five years to turn your affairs around and we have been given 5 weeks to turn our stock into business when the stock equates to six months work for 80 personnel. Hope the job centres are ready for us.You have the rest of the building industry on it's backside, now the electricians can join them.
Sandra Barton,
Mike Abram,
Sandra Kuhn,
Chris Hancock,
Jonathan Stamp,
Lisa Matthew,
Carol Hayes,
Simon Dyson, This is a massive industry - especially in non-hub locations (e.g. London) and the introduced cuts are paramount to commerical suicide in these locations that are already struggling with the onset of yet another apparent recession.
keith crowdy,
xxxxxxxx, We all understand that the Government does not hold unlimited budgets for energy saving schemes, however, to deliver such a blow to an industry in its infancy with such harsh timelines is lunacy. Could the Government not look at a more gradual solution and ensure ongoing success.
Jane Shields, Householders and small businesses do need this initial support to enable solar energy to be used more widely which will directly contribute to the reduction in the use of fossil fuels and carbon emissions and lead to a more secure future.
Lynn Peat,
xxxxxxxx, With these planned tariff cuts and foreshortening the target date the governement is going to kill off about the only industry that is growing and definitely has a future. The UK has quite difficult greenhouse gas emissions targets to meet in the future so why undermine such a beneficial solution as solar. They should be helping households and industry expand in the renewable area not sticking their heads in the sand or spending billions on nuclear which few of us wishes to see in this country.
Deryn Lloyd, Cut dont kill
Mike GHush,
Vicky Matthews,
D Pulley,
Paul Lovick., Seems a shame to stop something that not only helps the homeowner but puts something back to help our environment.
N E Unsworth,
xxxxxxxx, Iwould like this operation to continue for other homeowners
Bill McKenna,
mr peter wingfield, surely not a good time to risk so many jobs
Matt Evans, So much for vote blue go green.
xxxxxxxx, the government would be more interested if they could tax sunshine/daylight
xxxxxxxx, The government says it wants to support businesses and encourages banks to make loans. Pulling the rug from under one of the few growth areas in the UK, the solar industry, does not look like supporting industry to me. This is hardly leading by example and will be even more reason for the banks to justify not lending. Best of luck with the judicial review.
Caroline Jackson,
xxxxxxxx, Not sure if I have signed already but it's worth repeating. Just starting up in my new venture installing and in the middle of my first job (after being made redundant 18 months ago) when the law changed. The light at the end of the tunnel that was just starting to look bright at last suddenly went dim again. Thanks for that Cameron and friends.
felicity Nightingale,
Brad Bell,
colin etheridge,
chandra varsani,
Nicholas Nutt,
xxxxxxxx, We need to encourage people to go for alternative energy sources and this will shut it down. It's crazy!
terry Barnaby, To much of a change to quick.
Perhaps banning "roof leasing" arrangements would be better.
Richard Curthoys,
xxxxxxxx, People living in rural areas only have electricity or oil to heat their homes, yet the media seem to forget those forced to use oil instead of gas, despite oil becoming increasingly expensive. Solar energy is an ideal way of helping rural-dwellers out of fuel-poverty, so remember us and especially use who are also pensioners.
Mark Ellis, Yet again government cutting too far, to fast. Well I'm sure they know what there doing !?!?
simon piper, disgraceful. ruined my plans for sustainable home. i will not be proceeding with pv,geothermal package now that most of the incentive has been removed.
r dewhurst,
gary shehean,
xxxxxxxx, The cut will kill the solar power industry
Mike Darby, As a pensioner looking to save, invest money, and help the environment PV panels were an obvious choice, but it is now too late for us to make that choice, and as an older person I am unlikely to either be living in my large house or be alive to get any return - so whats the point? As for the economy - we are in dire straights and a recession, and this government is determined to chop a developing green energy industry off at the knees, and watch even more people made redundant - and what do they think will happen to the price of solar panels if volume sales dry up - Doh!
Robert Slack, boom or bust. Well our government can achieve both at the same time!!! A long way to go still a few more areas of renewables to tamper with. Greenest goverment ever, what a joke.
xxxxxxxx, What an utter and disgusting waste of taxpayers money, to be told at the 11th hour, I cannot have the solar panels installed, after 3 surveys, signing contract and lease, it just makes me wonder even more why our country is being run by these individuals.
xxxxxxxx, Solar PV panles are a good thing to have, so its not good what the goverment want to do.
Andrew Margetts,
xxxxxxxx, The goverment should stick to there original promises,that means next year
xxxxxxxx, Energy Ministry seems to be acting to dessimate a fledgling industry to benefit of established big six energy companies vested interests.
Hugh Pryce, I signed a contract in August but will not now get my panels in time.
Tony BOOK, we have to make 'them' see sense.
Robert Rusby, They cannot have acted legally? Chris Huhne on question time quoted " if a government tries to do something before consultation it can get into trouble"! Talk about a self Condemnation!
Jane Baker, So want to do my bit.....
matt kirkham,
Jenny Hulin, It's the wrong time to take such drastic action on the subsidy. Just as the new industry is gettign going and could really develop, creating jobs and reducing carbon footprints.
Patricia Chilton,
nick holmes,
C Clack,
Jo House, The amount of subsidy that goes to cola, oil, and nuclear, I totally fail to understand why the government will cut subsidies to solar installations.
Mat Connolley,
Joanna Clegg,
gesa reiss, Yet again our completely incompetent Government makes an idiotic decision.
xxxxxxxx, The consultation proposals risk wrecking this country’s developing solar industry and undermine the Government’s claim to be the greenest ever.
Anne Gallagher, “I support the ‘Cut, Don’t Kill’ campaign to stop the Government cutting Solar PV Feed-in Tariffs by 50%, which would devastate the solar power industry and jeopardise 25,000 jobs.” - So so true! A step backwards not a step forewords.
J Davies,
Paul Robinson, To move the goalposts with so little consultation and warning is unreasonable.
PETER EWING, We cannot have solar now due to the government cutting the feed in tarriff. Households have a big enough squeeze as it is. Nothing like making it as hard as possible for people. Well done government 10/10 for effort.
Iain R S Shore, Don't do this: leaving aside the negative effect on jobs, this is going to destroy any incentive to retro-fit solar for domestic households: also, why not legislate to require ALL new developments, residential and commercial to carry solar pv? FAR better than wind! And so easy to do this....
Peter Skelton, Here is a growth industry that not only supplies jobs, but can significantly help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions without leaving a legacy of nuclear waste for future generations to worry about. So why throw away the opportunity now? Regrettably, it's all to easy to imagine why, but one might have hoped for a bit more forward thinking from a government that professed to have green aspirations.
helen tanner,
Eleanor Watts, Nicholas Stern made it clear in his report that investing in renewables would give us jobs and new expertise in the economic downturn. It is madness to cut down this burgeoning industry just as it is beginning to take root.
Ken Webster, Who's the short sighted fool who thinks the way to stimulate the green economy is to cut the clearly most effective benefit, i.e. the FIT. The cost of onbe proposed power station would cover the cost of providing PV panels into every suitable property in the country. More jobs, green economy, carbon free capture. Will someone at the highest levels please show some backbone and creativity. Maintain the FIT, it's what is making the difference.
Pip Richards,
david greeves, Solar power is everlasting, its free, it makes sense, so invest in now not just the future!
James Leaton,
martin burtenshaw,
sally atterton, Get another stupid cut by this Government !!!
Frank Davey,
S Farmer,
Howard Fuller, Don't cut the support for solar power. This is a golden opportunity to develop a great British industry which will employ thousands!
joan bond, Please think again!
David Reed,
David Biderman,
Andrew Allen, Just another person being made redundant from the Solar PV industry. Thanks Gov
xxxxxxxx, It seems madness to cut the Feed-in tariff by such a large amount in such a short time. Where is the joined up thinking in all of this?
David McQueen, The talk of the 'greenest government ever' wasn't just hot air was it?
faith fhain, in the light of recent nuclear disasters,and the apparent lack of money for health and education in this country a move toward nuclear in steed of solar and real clean energy is pure maddness
Angela Scott,
Wilfred Reynolds,
Glynis Freeman, We signed the contract months ago, but we have been told that we cannot have it installed until after the 12th December 2011. That means that we will not be getting the tariff we signed up for. We have been waiting since March 2011. The government only gave a few weeks notice of cutting the tariffs by 50%. This means that the company have unwittingly missold because of the government's stupidity. They either want us to care for our planet or they don't. If there isn't going to be anything in it for us then why should be bother. I'm really fed up with all the hassle.
brian gibbons,
jonathan mason, lets profit for the future, fossil fuel is unstainable & nuclear is dodgy
xxxxxxxx, The scheme should not be stopped if more families are to move from fossil fuel energy to save the worlds resources
Deborah Flint, Please can we stop the one step forward, three steps back kind of energy planning that we are being subjected to in this country?
xxxxxxxx, This goverment is so short sighted. If More Houses had solar panels there would not the need for nuclear power. the german goverment has gone down the solar root why can't we!!
Liam Edden, I Have lost my job as a solar installer because of the mess the government have caused despite this I will continue to fight for solar and hopefully return to my job in the near future
Mark Sutton,
Roy Lawson, You are letting down the elderly who cannot afford to buy
Christopher Sharpe, The Government has reneged on its commitment to the renewable energy sector with this action. It is a double whammy of slashing the FiT and introducing a requirement for the premises to be Energy Level C or above to qualify for the Tariff from April 2012. As an installer I can honestly say that the argument that Tariffs have been reduced to match decreasing equipment costs simply doesn't stand up. Secondly the introduction of the Energy Rating requirement introduces a huge consumer barrier particularly in rural areas where there is far less new or recent housing stock. The homeowner now has the upfront cost of an energy audit plus any costs involved in getting the premises to Energy Level C before they can even consider a Solar PV system. Far from costs reducing I see overall costs rising particularly for anybody in an older property. To me this looks like a budget led ill thought out knee jerk reaction to a problem that hadn't been properly thought through. Yes the FIT needed reviewing but there is no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater and cripple an industry that is still in its formative years. We are at least 10 years behind Europe in the acceptance, understanding and investment in this technology and with this legislation we will stay there. We have a tremendous opportunity here to invest in a globally growing technology thereby creating jobs with a long term future in a struggling economy. I emplore the Government to re-think and re-schedule their plans to give the industry time to get established and play its role in getting us out of this recession.
Paul Lewin,
Charles Wong,
Sarah Maguire, We're going to run out you know. Finite resources and a linear system and all that. Then what? Lets just fix it now, before the Russians truly have us over a barrel. Pun? Not entirely.
paul craven,
Jan Penrose,
Stephen Larkin, Will anybody trust government green energy schemes again? Destroying confidence is just so wrong. Maybe we will also know that government action has been illegal too soon.
Francesco Anselmo, I have installed 6 PV panels over my roof in August this year and am delighted with discovering that with such a small investment I can match my annual electricity needs. A solar future for UK and Europe is truly possible! Distributed generation is the key for the future. Let's subsidise families, not big energy businesses who only want to maximise profit at the expense of the taxpayer!
duncan wordley, it is madness to cut this. what about the free energy devices as well. we all know they are there!
Tracey Jackson, The UK can never quite manage doing something green for very long can they. I bet loads of middle class families managed to get their panels fitted in time before the tariff was cut making the richer even richer.
mark pratley,
Leif Leszczyński,
Jane Dickson,
Pamela Horner,
Don Cunningham,
Joy Stewart, Had hoped to install before end of March 2012 but this sudden change gave us no time to do it. Unfortunately we will probably not be able to proceed now This is a 'mad' decision from a supposedly 'green' government
Cameron Winn, Why cut back on a solar future now when it is growing and giving people jobs? Make a cleaner future for our children.
Jamie wood,
Cecilia Liszka, To slash the tariffs by the amount proposed, so much earlier than planned and to backdate the reference date to before the legal implementation of the tariff changes is a combination of factors that spells disaster for a developing and hugely valuable industry, and risks arresting it at an early stage by removing investors and installers from the market, ruining commercial confidence and demonstrating a total lack of reliance on government policy support for a clean energy future.
Peter Andrews, Madness! Government nurtures the solar industry, it takes off, it employs people, it cuts the UK's carbon footprint...and government kicks it in the teeth. Madness!
Jerome Macdonald, Ive just spent six months getting MCS and real approval, and only had a week to ocnduct any business before the cust took place, I have invested £000's of pounds in re training, advertising litriture, web site creation, nearly all my savings, and now its been a total waste of time, I have had 4 cancelations over the week, and only managed to do a handful of installations, as people decidednot to go ahead with the 21p tarrif, I have no one interested in it now and I think te future is very grim for the industry, only ritch people with lots of spare cash will invest now as the returns are too long term.
lee newham,
Catherine Beeston,
Anne McLaren, It's fair enough to cut the feed-in tariff as the cost of installation falls. What's not fair is to make that decision unilaterally, before the consultation process was complete, and to implement it immediately before the fledgling industry has as chance to regroup.
Ashley Kay,
Peter Yeo,
tomsparrowhawk, Bring in chnages slowly, a little at a time.
Terry Carter,
Ingrid Murphy, All you need to do to understand why we have got to keep on installing solar is read a few books on the subject. Have you not read these, ministers? What are you planning for your children post-carbon?
John Marshall, This measure will also jeapordise many community ventures in this field. Whatever is happening to "The big society"? We have a responsibility to future generations in this.
Jeremy Gass,
Mike Arundale,
Mark Devaney, It is madness to cut the tariffs so quickly! We need to cut Carbon output and we need to grow our economy! If the FiT is cut so drastically then both of these targets are pushed back considerably!
Kate Graham, Surely spending on solar power is more important than weekly bin collections?
Al Clark,
Penny Locke,
Laura Harrison,
Tim Ayers,
Stephanie Pywell, David Cameron's claim to head "the greenest government ever" rings hollow in the light of this proposal. The FiT needs to be high enough to offer a full payback in about 15 years for an average system, in order to attract clients other than committed "greenies".
Hester Higton,
Kerstin Hewitt,
Gavin Warnes,
Sue McNab,
Graham Gaskell,
Keith Heywood, Solar panels will help energy self-sufficiency - but not on their own. The FIT was too generous, but it should be reduced more gradually to allow stability in the industry.
Linda Whitebread,
Jan Harney, Seriously considering getting some. Worried that your cuts will force companies out of business leaving people with no maintainers to call upon.
Laurent Talbot,
Elizabeth Shepherd, Something as vital for our future as solar power should not be a political football.
Patrick Cosgrove,
Austin Wilkinson,
David Ambrose,
Dan Jennings, Take a look at any country (Say - Germany) that has developed a lead in solar technolgy and you will see investment by the government to get it off the ground.
We may have missed the opportunity to be top tier technology developers for now, but Britain could lead the way in Solar business, if only it had the encouragement. Stopping the PV Feed-in would send the very worst of signals.
Ryan, This is an investment, not an expense. Be smart and keep a feed in tariff
George Niblock,
xxxxxxxx, I'm only one of thousands whose project has now been axed as I could not possibly have completed before the December deadline: My timescale had already slipped due to the Council refusing to clarify the position on PV panels in a (minor) coservation area unless I paid them a fee plus several hundred pounds to get scale drawings done to get a Certificate of Lawfulness.
Caroline Royds, Please don't undo all the good that the generous fee-in tariff did to promote solar power in this country - it made a real difference and the proposed cut is really really putting off a lot of people who were considering having them installed.
Owen Clarke,
Stephen Trinder,
Rebecca Hilder,
Teresa Seed,
xxxxxxxx, We need to continue to encourage individuals as well as organisations like schools and the FIT is easily the most effective way of doing this.
Nelis Drost,
John McClean, Boost the Solar PV industry and support the installation of panels on public buildings, social housing, factories etc. This is a tragic waste of a fantastic opportunity where so many will benefit.
xxxxxxxx, How the government can even be thinking of this is beyond me, we need sustainable alternatives to generate power and should be encouraging installations!!!
niki bannister,
Angela Rees,
Mike Goddard,
Felicity Radford,
Alex Corless,
Fatima Martin, I have installed solar panels and even at the current feed-in tariff we hesitated to invest. Any less and we would not have dared to do it.
Jill Cunningham, I already have solar panels on our roof: 2 for hot water and 5 for electricity.
Leona Graham-Elen,
Pamela Lorimer,
Marjorie Drake,
Clare Codd,
Hugh Kelly, If we don't start making the transition from dirty energy now, when will we? Consistent policy on clean energy is essential for this technology to get off the ground and become the new normal. Please don't betray the principle of being a 'green government' by undermining all the projects that the FIT has helped to get started!
david britten,
Donna Vose, The upfront costs of installing solar PV are still unaffordable for most people, cutting the tarrid will only further slow down uptake.
Julie White,
Dennis Gound,
Judy Masters,
Fiona Moore,
xxxxxxxx, The Government`s decision is utter madness. Tariff reductions should be phased in gradually.
xxxxxxxx, It is surely only reasonable to give as much time for a change in the Tariff as it takes to plan, order, manufacture and install the panels...there is a big future for solar, we need industries like this. Please re consider the speed and consequent devastation of this proposal...
Sue Hobbs,
Alistair Owen-Thomas, Why was a true green initiative halted so needlessly? It's time to rethink this decision and to back solar fully now!
Paul Brain,
Joanna Lowndes, It is very irresponsible to cut the tariff by such a large amount. Is this the greenest government ever?
Loic Lopez,
john dougill,
Euan McPhee,
xxxxxxxx, Instead of short-term commitments, more careful long-term planning is needed by the Government to encourage Solar PV take-up at a reasonable cost. A gradual reduction in Feed-in Tariffs (possibly not guaranteed for life) as the price of installation drops, seems a more sensible way to achieve the necessary take-up if we want to reduce our dependency on imported fossil fuels.
Clare Maynard,
Richard Randall,
John de Carteret, A rapid transition to renewable energy and investment in solar technologies is essential and urgent. Premature cutting of FITs is short sighted.
karen smith,
Susan Garnett,
Carole Shorney, I agree, let's make the UK at the forefront of the global solar energy revolution!!!
Alison McKay,
Jen McClelland,
Sophie Franklin,
Jonathan Pinnick, Don't kill the solar energy industry & put thousands out of work in the process
xxxxxxxx, The FIT scheme should exist to cover a gradual transition period until the cost of installation naturally reaches a level where support is no longer needed. Cutting this process off now is sheer madness, as in the long term it will save money and promote green industry in the UK, not to mention cutting carbon emissions.
Ruth Jagger, Don't take steps backwards where our environment is concerned.
xxxxxxxx, I disagree with the rash way this has been. There should have been a gradual reduction
Meg Henderson,
Francesca, The solar industry is an emerging market and could make an massive contribution to the economic growth of the UK. Why kill it now?: 'Cut, Don't Kill'
Phillip Smith,
Joan Groizard Payeras,
xxxxxxxx, Getting the "little man " to install solar panels is essential to reduce carbon emmisions - in these hard times dont disincentivise us!
Carol Smith,
xxxxxxxx, I think my tiny installation may have beaten the deadline, but what about the thousands of people who would have been on board if they had the money and the installation companies had not been overwhelmed by the rush, together with their (mostly non-British) manufacturers. Let's taper this thing and increase the involvement of British companies in the investment needed. Our people and the economy need the jobs - try Derby for starters.
Peter Daniels,
Rosemary Humphries, Encouraging people to use solar PV is very important. Don't cut the tariffs now and put it out of reach of people.
Peter Randerson, The sudden reduction is particularly damaging for Community projects who, in many cases, have already committted money for surveys and plans.
Evelyn Glarvey, Let the solar tree of life blossom and grow. Don't cut it off at the roots
Mark Wellington,
Adam Maunder, Solar power looks increasingly like the European continent's best option - cut it out of the equation, and we've got a whole lot less open to us. C'mon, chaps!
Rod Evans,
Bob Baylis,
xxxxxxxx, I have solar panels - they work. Keep the industry going & give everyone a chance to have them too!
Tracy Humphrey,
Stephen Swinley, To fast to soon the installation price has not dropped at the same rate.
Douglas Reid, Abrupt cut-off = mad short-sightedness
Karin Haverson, The success of the solar power industry should be a reason to be pleased, especially in today's economic climate. There are thousands of small local businesses who will be affected. Just cut gradually, not slash all in one mad go, give everybody time to adjust. Anything done too hasty and drastic always causes serious problems.
Ed Carlisle,
emyr owen, Please support our green industry, don't kill it off in its infancy.
Bridget Bradley,
xxxxxxxx, We had been seriously considering solar panels as part of our efforts to reduce energy usage at home. I "ran the numbers" on the EST website and found that, with the 50% reduction in FIT, after 25 years the panels would still not have paid back their cost. Unless there is a re-think, we won't now be going for solar.
xxxxxxxx, Solar really is a no brainer
It's so so so much saner
Why the wait
why so late
when we'll all - you & me - be the gainer?
J Buckner, A project that provides jobs, skills, growth, reduces fuel poverty and carbon emissions...isn't that what we need?
xxxxxxxx, It took me a year to plan the installation of my PV panels based on projected feed in tariffs. The Government must behave responsibly and honour the promised dates for reduction of tariffs so that businesses and individuals can also plan for their future commitments.
John Ellis, It must make business sense to bring the FII figure down gradually rather than in the draconian cut as at present.
Alan Godfrey, Slow reduction of tariffs may allow good firms to adapt and others to redeploy and keep more employed. The community share projects have really started to spark widespread public interest which may be snuffed out with a 50% cut in tariff.
Colin Smith,
Alan Quilley, This is a very short-sighted decision and not in keeping with a Government that claims to be the greenest ever.
xxxxxxxx, It's more of the same from this government they don't seem to think anything through before acting on it.
Tony Neeve, Short sighted decision that will leave the solar industry in tatters.
Cathy Rosa,
xxxxxxxx, Director / Ocean Solar
xxxxxxxx, Of course the tariffs have to be reduced EVENTUALLY. This sudden reduction is very damaging. The change should be phased to keep pace with the falling cost of solar panels and to encourage development of this vital area of the economy. Green criteria are important!
Iain Pickles,
xxxxxxxx, Listen!
Rosemary Rechter,
Joan Ruddock MP,
michael brosnan, this idea not only saves me money it is also preserving the world resources its a win win situation
sandra brittain, am one of the customers with signed contracts and no panels,it just not fair
Paul Mellor,
Ann English,
Amanda McIntyre, The Government is erasing the legitimate expectations of a growth industry in the most bizarre way - how can what they are doing be called a consultation?
Joe Norman, Solar panels on house roofs are a visible sign of support for renewables.
Community solar initiatives, whether on a community building or as a "solar farm" bring people in the community in active support.
Both help to change the thinking of a community, creating the political support the government will need to meet its legal obligation to reduce carbon emissions (an obligation we are currently not on target to meet).
All this in addition to a useful contribution to the nations renewable electricity supply.
Jeremy Aston, We need a stable RE environment. Make a strategic long term plan and negotiate annually with industry on reductions.
Phillip Clarke, I am writing this whilst using the free electricity generated by my solar panels whilst generating no CO2, please help support this fledgeling industry become a viable renewable industry for the future.
Jamie Caulfield, Boom!!
Jill Williams, Thought the plan was to create 5000 new jobs in the private sector so why cut jobs in the essential green industries
Wesley Thomas,
Will Letts, As an MCS installed, I have fitted over 100 domestic systems this year, totalling almost 500kWp. Our systems are offsetting 284 tonnes of carbon emissions annually and my company alone has employed 6 staff who have a very uncertain future if the industry is allowed to collapse. Cut, Don't Kill!
David Ley, The action taken by DECC was irresponsible and ill-timed. We have a market sector that is geared to developing the renewables contribution by the nation and this action has mimited teh impact of such growth drastically. same on you !!
Chris Blanchett,
Yone Zubiaurre,
John Thompson,
Karen Merritt,
mike roach,
Anne Clements, The first really good thing that was facilitating this industry and now it's been stopped - shame on you!
graham crowley, i currently work for carrillion energy services and have seen 15 people in our depot lose their jobs as a direct result of the government cutting the feed in tariff some thing must be done to overturn the decision and stop more people losing their jobs
alan gaudry,
Susan Francis,
Nicholas Scales, Dave the Chameleon strikes again. All that talk of climate change, going Green and turning the conservative logo to a Tree. - utter greenwash! - Time this coalition did some good and put renewable energy BACK on the Agenda
Mr Phillip Edwards, End of January will see the completion of my south facing property,we were going to purchase the full package of up to £20,000 worth of solar products. After this 'disgusting' goverment slashing the tarrif, that cash is now going to be invested abroad, probably towards an apartment in Turkey, on the Bodram peninsular. So Mr Cameron you can stick your solar panels where 'the sun don't shine'. Yours hatefully Phil Edwards.
xxxxxxxx, Come on give us a break. I have been waiting nearly 5 months for free panels to reduce our bills and this has jepordised everything. Have a re think in the summer of 2012. You should be supplying free panels to those who want them.
Colin Tapley,
Chris Francis,
xxxxxxxx, this is such a good scheme that will help save the environment and it is criminal that it will not continue.
lucy Power,
Kevin Atkins,
xxxxxxxx, We need to keep doing this to try to save the planet and show others what they can be doing. It is a step forward we need not a step back
graham colin beard,
Gavin Caniff, This government are a complete joke they put the prices of fuel,gas,electricity,food etc:- up and then go on that it's all to do with global warming etc,what a load of c**p. I'm a qualified heating engineer that changed my line of work to the renewable industry thinking that's where it's all going to be going, so i sat a solar pv course done part p and 17th edition in electrics that cost me £2500. Then i got a job installing solar pv which i thought would be a steady field to be working and as a big future.In the lasted two months,thanks to Mr Cameron.Been laid off three times in the last six months since these w*****s have been in power. Bring Back Labour And Get HITLER Out
sue james, short term cuts to long term invetment in solar, very very stupid
xxxxxxxx, I had previously sined up for a Solar Installation but cancelled the agreement when the Cutt OFF Date was changed without notice to 12 December 2011.
John Kelly,
Peter Gibson, You made a mistake ..... Now just swallow your pride, move on and grab hold of this fantastic opportunity!
Alan Lambet, Consultation should mean what it says, and not be usurped by government dictat during a consultation process.
C T Bolton, We signed a lease with Homesun for free solar panesl. These were due to be installed on 18 Nov 2011 with scaffolding being erected on 17 Nov. The scaffolding was not put up until the 18th and nobody came to install the panels. The scaffolding remained for nearly three weeks. We are hoping that following the High Court decision installation will start again and that we will finally get our panels fitted.
Derry Bowman,
Sarah Goldstone,
Paul Baskerville,
xxxxxxxx, would not only be a cost saving excersize for myself,i strongly believe in the future of solar energy not only to offset the need for potentialy disasterous issues around nuclear energy but to create a better enviroment for the next generations.
Don West,
Robin Phillips,
Steve Whalley,
jimmy lettice, please dont go back on your promise and put the full tarrif back and dont slash it by a greedy 50%
xxxxxxxx, Solar energy is the way to go its free lets try to save our planet not distroy with polution
xxxxxxxx, We need to have a re-election and get rid of these millionaires that is running and ruining our once good country
Robert Currie,
Andy Edwards,
xxxxxxxx, i think what the government have done is awful,they obviously dont care about our planet
Francesca, Let's reinforce the massive benefits of free, clean, renewable energy by supporting the industry to sustain the economic growth of the UK and build a better future for ourselves and our families.
xxxxxxxx, my job as a solar pv installer is now on the line
xxxxxxxx, I hvae missed out because I could not get the capital together for fitting panels in time to benefit. So the planet misses out . . .
Andy Kennington,
rosemary horton,
Sallie Unger, This is so unfair and unjust loads of people have lost their jobs because of this
Julian Bishop, Yet another braindead kneejerk decision from this incompetent coalition - and the reason? Simply that the big energy suppliers stand to lose money, and to hell with the British people, many of them struggling to make ends meet, who just want to save a bit on their energy bills, whilst helping the environment at the same time. Please, Cameron and co, please try to get something right soon - for all our sakes. Getting rid of Chris Huhne would be an intelligent start.
Katherine Gutkind, as the world dies, we need governments who do not add to its death, but support the slow but vital process to stop its decline, not the opposite. When will the right people have the power?
Graham Cox,
xxxxxxxx, Apart from PV is the most sustainable energy, this is a one industry where jobs are created. So there is increased tax to the government. A cut like this is nothing but sabotage. FiT should be reduced gradually rightly in line with the reductions of cost of PV panels. If not sure look in the German success story, UK 38 thousand homes, over there 300 thousand.
Kevin McConnell,
Nick Kingston, solar can be the pathway for all renewable technologies and lead to greener communities across the UK. Solar is KING !!
xxxxxxxx, Solar has got to be one of the ways to go for free energy
all new builds, Homes and Buisnesses should be built with solar roofs,
xxxxxxxx, To cut the tarrif before April 2012 will mean no-one will trust govenment policies regarding energy again.
Mani Vannan, Britain's future lies in wholeheartedly supporting the solar energy projects.
gillian harman,
Christopher Carter, Better to support PV Solar than to throw taxpayers money at wind turbines!
ray cox,
Christy-lee Knight, Keep the solar industry alive! cleaner and greener practice is crucial for the countries economy
xxxxxxxx, Working in an energy efficiency company we have had a marked decrease in solar enquiries from the public. FiT's are a great way to tackle our already lagging carbon targets and should continue at the fullest rate.
Mike Gibson, I beleive this governments reversal of it's commitment to the FIT is crass and ill thought through
David Rudge, The solar industry should be encouraged by the government,not penalised by it! Solar panels are much better for the environment than the grossly inefficient and and landscape despoiling windmills.
Janet Read,
Rajiv Bhatia, We require long term clarity and a consistent and sustainable policy.
CRS Energy Ltd,
Alex Thompson,
S j Mellor, Solar power is a much better way of generating cheap energy than the grossly expensive wind turbines.
xxxxxxxx, With the decline in costs heading for grid parity and the huge potential across the rooftops of Britain, solar P.V is clearly a game change in energy production. If the UK messes this up we will be confirmed as "twilight" economy stuck in the past as far as energy in concerned and everything that follows from it.
Warren Miller, I was employed in the Solar industry and because of this cut i have been made redundant, so i am 100% behind this campaign and hope we can get a positive result.
rob mcghie,
Gerry Fletcher, It's a no brainer. Schools, offices, let alone homes could produce enough electrify even in winter to make a substantial contribution to reducing their electricity costs. Cities could become mini power stations. We have a grid let'all add to it and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and imported electricity
Philip Richardson,
Chris Jones,
N buswell,
Andrew Coveney,
Brian Edwards,
xxxxxxxx, It makes no sense whatsoever to kill off this industry in its early days, when Europeans recognise its value and the UK needs the jobs.
Paul Chapman, The fits tariff should have been cut gradually way back in 2011 and not 50% in December 2011
xxxxxxxx, How can the government pretend to back alternative energy solutions and carbon emission reduction with actions like this.
Paul McCabe,
Gary McMeekin, The government is using my taxes to fund legal action to prevent me claiming at the higher tariff. My panels went in on 12th January (after ordering 12th November). Now I'm in limbo....
Roy Cotton, Unlike Wind, to the best of my knowledge Solar PV makes no sound, causes no sleep disturbing vibrations, and is incapable of macerating passing wildlife !
thomas paterson, 18th of jan 2012 just had to lay off 9 workers today
Stuart Harvey,
Davorin Sadar,
Lynne Humphrey,
Naomi Brandel, An intelligent government is one that supports all eco power for the future. Solar is successful. Why weaken it?
stephen gifkins, we need as many alternative energy solutions as possible now so that we are NOT reliant on oil and gas.
Colin Gathercole,
mark jones, Mr Cameron how are the panels on your home performing with your full rate FIT
xxxxxxxx, We don't need coal ! We need vision! Please don't kill the solar option.
Rachel Mulliner,
clive silverson, stop the rent a roof not penalise the home owner
Joanna Harper,
Evie Sier, Solar is the future, support it like you did that white elephant of a nuclear industry!
xxxxxxxx, However much it costs the government/energy companies it will be only a fraction of the cost of de-commissioning nuclear power stations.
yvonne davies, why not cut the benefits for these totally usless wind turbines that cause devestation to the mountains and areas where they are errected and are not as effeciant as solar panels. Yet again the goverment is wrong
xxxxxxxx, Yes, a GRADUAL reduction is needed, but stop wasting taxpayers money pursuing a supreme court case when you have alreay lost twice and reduce FIT gradually so that the return on investment is still attractive to take out a loan to install PV.
Stevan Gorgievski,
John Downie, I bought a solar panel system and have a contract with Eon. I gave my latest meter readings to them on 26/01.2012, and was told I would not be paid until 6 weeks after my readings, is this a stalling tacktick to stop paying the proper tarrif I had signed up for? I think the Government are penalising not only Solar businesses but the individuals that have paid out on the selling tactick of being told we would have a tax free benefit on the energy produced from our solar panel array's.
xxxxxxxx, Nuclear waste with an unimaginable half life what about a secure holding location like in the cellars of the Houses of Parliament then short termist politicians can have a daily reminder of their folly. Support Solar Mr Magoo aka PM its THE FUTURE and your legacy to your children
Trevor Barker, As a retired person in their 60's my free installation option could now be scuppered by further reductions in the FIT beyond the threatened 50%. No way can I consider paying for an installation with the extra costs needed by any supplier that survives this reduction, nor can I, at my age, await a 25 year return period to break even on costs.
So much for reducing my carbon emissions.
Matthew Little,
Emma Spurgin Hussey,
Mark Johnson,
Parag Bhargava, We need to think of the future and our children. Encourage them to be green by promoting this alternative energy!!
xxxxxxxx, silly changes to something that could generate a lot of income for the copiuntry
ron e henry,
xxxxxxxx, How can a government say it wants to be GREEN on one hand then pull the rug from under the feet of a succesful method of generating power for the next 25 years
Marcus Mötley,
martin cornish, Solar energy is our best hope for the future!
John McCarthy,
Joe McMorrow, Why decimate a successful and thriving Industry, that achieves what it sets out to do? Solar Panels do not spoil the view (wind Turbines) do not wear out (Wind Turbines) do not cause local planning mayhem (wind turbines) and do not line the pockets of disinterested Corporations looking to cash in (wind Turbines). Madness.
D.PRITCHARD, it is cheaper to install it is no danger to wildlife. It works if there is no wind only snow can stop working
jo markham,
David Fitzpatrick, Time for us to be a tad more assertive in this. Show in detail the lies about nuclear, both its actual and true carbon costs, as well as supporting a *suite* of alternatives, not least better construction and building regs (such as Passivhaus) so we do not use energy in the first place!
xxxxxxxx, think of our children and grandchildrens future
Peter Sharpe, Solar is an essential way to assist in the reduction of greenhouse gas.
Support solar
join our campaign to increase our solar ambition in the UK
“I support the ‘Cut, Don’t Kill’ campaign to stop the Government cutting Solar PV Feed-in Tariffs by 50%, which would devastate the solar power industry and jeopardise 25,000 jobs.”
David Lockie,
Anna Guyer,
Solar is our future
Simon Bottrell,
Toddington Harper,
The costs of Solar Photovoltaic Energy are falling faster than any other generation technology - renewable or otherwise. It's such a versatile and popular technology that will reach Grid Parity in only a few years - let's make the UK at the forefront of the global solar energy revolution!!!
Howard Johns,
Chairman Solar Trade Association
It really is time to start taking solar seriously and investing in growing a serious UK industry.
rob wells,
Sally Guyer,
You claim to be the greenest government this country has ever had. What happens here influences other countries - like Chile where there are plans to justify environmental destruction in Patagonia in the name of hydro electricity when solar power is totally viable in Chile. If countries like Chile see the UK using solar power, there is more chance of it being used there.
David Hampton,
Nuclear is so passee.
Renewables are so clearly (and cleanly) the future.
Robin Dally,
Will John Duckworth,
Robin Brittain,
James Wortley,
Vivienne Sims,
Danielle Sims,
Chris Rowland,
OVESCO is an Industrial & Provident Society which has just raised over £300,000 via a community share issue for a 98kW (544 PV panels) on the roof of the towns brewery called Harveys. A return on investment will be paid via the FiTs to our 220+ community share holders. This will be the largest PV project fully financed by a community share issue in the UK. With the right incentives this project could be repeated at other sites in the UK engaging the public in local decentralize power generation see
Robert Ellis,
John Mustarde,
This technology must be seen for what it is, a revolutionary form of power generation, cheaper, more reliable and longer lasting than anything else.
Please don't kill off the industry whilst it is still fledging!
Nigel Beale,
You know it makes sense.
So just do it, please.
Timothy Mullen,
David Connor,
Chris Ponton,
Georgia Cooksey,
Alice Cambata,
Cathy Newitt,
Think of our childrens futures. Cleaner futures.
Tim Saunders,
Thomas Ellis-Jones,
The benefits are huge and due to continuing technological advances these will become greater still.Do not let this shining light of renewable energy fade .
Jonathan Scurlock, National Farmers Union,
Farmers are ready and willing to contribute to national energy security and job creation in the low-carbon economy. NFU members and their development partners have already begun to invest in solar PV projects from small to large scale on the basis of existing government policy.
Ben Hart,
Mike Jones,
Helen Daniel,
Meraud Ferguson Hand,
Mary Rayner,
Solar power is a relatively easy way for community owned renewable energy enterprises to start generating an income and start the path to more challenging energy generation and saving measures. We need government to show much greater support for this technology.
I feel more than frustrated that the goverment doesnt want to put there support towards a cleaner future.
Richard Holmes,
cathie higginson,
Thankyou for looking after future generations
Laura whitfield,
Alex Fornal,
Be the Greenest Governement Ever and capture the global opportunity that is solar PV. You will be judged in 2-3 years time on that basis.
Jon Walker,
How about actually living up to your pledge to be the Greenest Ever government and Support Solar!
David Owen, Solar Power Portal,
It is time that the government woke up to the fact that we, the public, do not want and from reading this report, do not need, dirty or unsafe forms of energy generation. Make ours a solar future.
Gavin Tester,
Joanna Franks,
Robert Curry,
the greenest government ever, time to put your money where your mouth is and back solar!
Chris Brock,
Let's become world leaders in what has to be the next revolution. Britain has to keep ahead of the game in this fast developing world.
Tom Greeves,
The storage of energy generated by solar is important to cover the time when the Sun is not available, ie. behind clouds or at night. This can be achieved in a variety of ways but must not be overlooked.
Doug Harris,
It's obvious, solar capture and ground-sourced heat are the two best options within a suite of renewables.
Mark Hamilton,
paul woolley,
Oil will run out, price of oil will rise higher, oil companies get richer...all of this is a given, but so is the Sun, its going to out last Oil, Oil companies and us mere Humans, so why let it go to waste. The Sun has been a massive factor on humans. We have worshipped it, given it God status and built Temples for it, so why cant a 21st Century Government harness it to provide power for the people that they serve.
Add some Green colour to your Blue party and you get a bright Sunny Yellow glow to your legacy.
Gareth Hopkins,
We should be investing more in Solar and Wind and making sure that we buy all of the parts from the UK to boost our economy
The difference between UK and German plans for installed capacity in 2020 is remarkable. But what can that tin pot failed industrial nation teach us about how to create jobs and run a sustainable economy?
Nick Pascoe,
Solar PV electricity represents globally a shift of internet revolution proportions in power generation, yet the UK Govt. believes it is some sort of hobby pastime. WAKE UP and allow the UK to grow a significant sector like many other nations are successfully building.
Graeme Hewson,
Dr Gerry Wolff,
A report by Versicherungsforen Leipzig GmbH, a company that specialises in actuarial calculations, shows that if the nuclear industry were to insure fully against the costs of a nuclear disaster, the price of nuclear electricity would rise to 2.36 Euros per kWh, far beyond the cost of any other source of electricity (see ).
“From the U.S. to Japan, it’s illegal to drive a car without sufficient insurance, yet governments around the world choose to run over 440 nuclear power plants with hardly any coverage whatsoever.” Washington Post, 21 April 2011 (in “As Fukushima bill looms, nations weigh dilemma: nuclear plants viable only when uninsured”).
A recent report by the Union of Concerned Scientists shows that government subsidies to the nuclear power industry over the past fifty years have been so large in proportion to the value of the energy produced that in some cases it would have cost taxpayers less to simply buy kilowatts on the open market and give them away.
Connie Hedegaard, the EU commissioner for climate change, has stated publicly that offshore wind power is cheaper than nuclear power (see ).
jill gough,
Nuclear is most certainly not the way forward either. To be truly 'Green' you also need to address the fantasy of 'economic growth' - not only oil is finite but all of the resources on our wonderful planet. We need to change our values and think differently if we are serious about making a good future for all the world's children - and grandchildren.
Richard Mills,
Pat Armstrong,
We desperately need all our alternative energy sources in a world of increasing global warming, increasing political instability, and increasing pollution. We need a combination of these sources to avoid being 'held hostage' by someone whose politics we do not like in another country suddenly raising the price of energy way above what we can afford - and a brief study of history has shown us that that is all too possible.
We need to provide our own energy - solar power is a vital part of that self-preservation strategy, and will reduce pollution and global warming. Act now.
Matilda Lee,
Please support community solar!
Terry Richter,
If the Government is so keen to be green, why can’t it fully, or even partially, fund the installation of solar PV panels on all suitable school roofs? It would create maybe 500MW of capacity. It would provide a nationwide boost to the nascent solar energy industry. The schools might be allowed to benefit from the feed-in tariff income. Schools are already in centres of population, so no new power lines would be needed. The visual stimulus would enthuse whole new generations of youngsters about renewable energy sources. And it could start tomorrow. Have I missed something?
Derrick Knight,
Jim Gillespie,
Successive UK governments need to abandon their fixation with nuclear power and wake up to the fact that renewable energy not only makes sense but is the vital next step the world needs to make if we are to achieve affordable, sustainable energy for all.
Said Bijary,
robert woodland,
we should be investing in solar power throughout the uk and create much needed jobs in the green industry.
Richard Hitchcock,
Linda Rogers,
Kate Wood,
Even if you don't care about the environment this is a golden opportunity for the UK to regain the lost ground since closing down our industries. Like Germany we also could be world leaders in clean, safe, cheap energy. We have the brains - all we need is the political will. Thank you kate Wood
Chris Eaton,
Why not actually encourage people by introducing a scheme similar to the scrappage scheme where the govt provide a contribution to the setup costs. Also commision an independent study of what the costs SHOULD be for a P.V. installation, before all the door-to-door pirates bump the prices up like they did when double-glazing first appeared.
Timothy Colbourn,
Jill Perry,
Please don't delay any more, let all sizes of solar flourish.
Norman Pasley,
sioned huws,
Solar is safe, cheap energy for generations to come. Nuclear is dangerous, expensive energy and Britain should follow Germany's lead and close down old nuclear power stations and halt any further development of nuclear power.
Liz Kent,
It is vital that we continue to plan and prepare now for a sustainable green energy future. We should be training people in solar technology, and we should be supporting the manufacturing renaissance in UK that is needed to produce the equipment. We should be installing solar panels where they can provide most benefits - for schools, hospitals, businesses and other places that use energy in the daytime. We have skilled workers that need work, investors looking for green projects to invest in, and factories that could be working for UK Solar Energy. Let's get going now!
Sylvie Smallwood,
Robbie Corcoran,
mark bowden,
Marco Poliafico,
Dr Thomas Lankester,
Plans to scale back support for larger (non-greenfield) installations will hinder community-level involvement and the development of utility scale capacity whilst ignoring the cost effectiveness of larger schemes.
To alleviate the high unemployment levels, could you invest in training for the installation of all green energies, especially solar.
Nicola Shepherd,
This is a travesty, a real retrograde step, we need to follow Ye example of Germany.
Tides and waves can yield reliable harmless power. Why not develop that too?
Bruce J. Mitchell, Mitchellsolar.,
I have designed a solar format that keeps the solar power costs in the community, speak to Ray Noble. I have had extensite conversations with Ray Noble, Tim German Cornwall Council and Mat Hastings at The Eden Project and all the entities have agreed to get my system up and running, signed, Bruce Mitchell ph01189497582.
Beyond Building Solar,
Gabrielle Patrick,
Abigail McKern,
We have to think LONG TERM to survive!
Jonathan Cogzell,
John Blower,
The job dividend to the UK of solar energy is far higher than for fossil fuel or nuclear. Higher short term costs are therefore offset in part by the benefits kept within the UK economy.
Having just installed PV on my house, I fail to understand your reasons for reducing the FiT for larger installations; regulate to limit the city speculators by all means, but don't limit truly motivated groups, farmers and others from helping to move the technology and its application forward.
Too much money went in the past, and is still going, into centralised systems like nuclear; we now have to spend even more on cleaning up the waste. Solar makes little waste (grranted manufactring must take place) so let's see sense and move forward. After all, even the Germans have seen sense, let's not them get to this beach first as well!
Jo Taylor,
Marit Parker,
This needs to be in combination with a Smart Grid (no huge pylons!) and other locally-owned renewable power sources (ie community energy projects, eg Settle Hydro )
JHS Solar Solutions Ltd,
Jos Reuleaux,
Kim Eyckmans,
Solar energy is our future!
Marcel Landman,
Lorraine Haskell,
Let the UK be the leader and an example in Solar Power , lets shut down nuclear power plants.
Manu Jans,
Jan Kwakkel,
Remember: no CO2, no melt downs and no pollution during generation.
René Blickman,
Cyrille Bertrand,
Harold Vogels,
Jonathan Bates,
Suzy Lennox,
Olaf van der Sar,
Do not allow EDF to continue routinely discharging tons of CO2 into the atmosphere from Hinkley Point nuclear site. Close down the AGR reactors immediately. Rule out new nuclear build. Replace it with wind, wave, tidal power and the Severn Barrage.
David Maclean,
We need to transfer some of the public funding away from the overabundance of wind farm investment to both solar and tidal power which have a natural and 100% reliable cycle which can be easily managed within the power distribution network. In addition the solar PV power generation installations are delivering power direct to the consumers which will help to reduce the long term investment requirements for national power distribution networks. A win - win - win situation!
Elen Huws,
Kim Austin,
klaus frietsch,
in full support, a great opportunity is going astray if the UK Gov goes ahead as planned. the market will die in its infancy. it is as bleak as stated by many observers from different sources.
Kathrin Eichhorst,
We need to reorganise our energy system.
Please do it now.
Nigel Dent,
Solar PV is the clean energy low carbon local solution to reducing green house gases.
Nik Hilton,
This is the human species opportunity to solve its energy crisis by directly harnessing the sun in much the same way the rest of Nature works. Look at the computer revolution and what we are capable of achieving!
Lets show the world how to lead with solar power and that we are genuinely worthy of our title 'Great Britain'!
Lee Chambers,
tim lyddon,
Danny Grimson,
Neil M Smith,
Jan Sisson,
Emma Hughes,
Giles Bristow,
Carbon Leapfrog galvanizes professional support around carbon reducing initiatives - for free. Community groups and investors alike require policy certainty if grass-roots projects are to succeed. This is a crucial time for community projects, early successes need to become mainstream if the benefits of behavioural change associated with community renewable energy deployment are to be realised. This sector - at the heart of the BIG SOCIETY - requires enabling policy to help reduce the significant barriers to community energy. Our plea is to keep it simple, effective and long-term.
Ruth Wharton,
A Big Society is only possible with decentralised power generation and solar is currently the only meaningful way to hand power to the people. Invisible hands ignore invisible emissions...
Justin Woolford,
J Ewans,
Invest now, benefit for a 100 years.
Andrew Reeves,
Michael Calderbank,
Paul Slater,
Allister Muir,
The future is solar!
William Jenkins,
Solar power is a vital part of the renewable energy mix. We need government to lead the way and create the conditions for getting ahead. Britain PLC should be researching, making and exporting solar.
Thurstan Crockett,
Local government wants the solar revolution to get going, not stop-start and stop again. Please listen to the industry but also all the other people who want to make it happen right across the UK.
Editha Campbell,
Glyn Thomas,
Dan Broadbent,
Alban Thurston,
I'd be fascinated to study HM Treasury's rationale for including FITs in the Comprehensive Spending Review. FITs never were a tax, and yield funds freely applicable to all public expenditure. Instead they are a focussed, hypothecated levy, of minimal impact (around £10 a year per electricity account by 2030). The £860 million figure 'pot' proclaimed by DECC is an entirely artificial figure, with no basis in honour. It's voodoo arithmetic, such as Chris Huhne's claim on C4 News that 50kWp systems amount to 1,500 homes-worth of electricity. The true number is 20 homes-worth.
Jennifer Tunstall,
At the risk of appearing to be discourteous,please get off your backsides and push solar anergy in the U.K.
David M. Davison,
Matthew Maeer,
James Helliwell,
Leave fits alone for big schemes until the proper review date next April, get a good foundation of a few large solar schemes to bring prices of solar hardware down and offset a lot of CO2 very quickly, it will also trigger employment and investment in associated industries, R&D, construction etc.
ian crosher,
Frans van Schoor,
Tom Harlow,
Shaun Gavigan,
Mary Smith,
This is a sustainable alternative to nuclear energy. We still have no idea how to deal with nuclear waste safely.
Damian Tow,
Please help us launch the UK's largest community-owned solar array in Brighton by allowing communities to have a higher favourable FiT (eg. 300kW) via a 'community test' linked to the organisation's legal structure.
Tony Major,
Will Cottrell, Brighton Energy Co-op,
Wiebina Heesterman,
Our son has 14 Sharp solar panels on his roof. He generated 2517 KwH since 10 june 2011. If every new builkding was provided with integrated solar panels on southfacing roofs, and home owners encouraged to invest in solar panels, this would ease the UK's energy needs considerably, and encourage a home-grown green industry
A M Bowater,
Let common sense prevail!
Liz Shepherd,
Mathew Taylor,
Roisin Robertson,
By propping up the new Nuclear plans your Government is condemning future generations to dirty and death-giving energy. To give people control- with solar - over their energy generation is a positive policy..better for posterity than the approach your Gov't is now taking.
Simon Heaton,
Joseph Jackson,
Just think how much you could save by dumping the nuclear so called deterrent.The time has come to invest in saving the planet and not in things that could destroy it.
Tracey Essery,
Lily Dai,
Tim Smith,
Barry Johnston,
Solar pays back its embodied and operational energy five to ten times over its lifetime. Few other microgeneration technologies get close to this level of success.
Angela Horsley,
Anne Rickard,
Nuclear is a complete NO-NO. It is totally unacceptable to leave future generations to deal with our selfish contamination, so come on, plug into the sun!
anna thorne,
Simon Vickers,
This is one of the easiest ways to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet and reduce the need for geoengineering. Please support Solar and push as much as you can for renewable and non poluting energy systems, you must realise that what is going on now is not constructive for our civilisation and that things need to really change. Gold isn't everything.
Paul Verbinnen,
Think energy security.
cheryl buxton-sait,
Thomas MacGillivray,
Secure our future energy needs, support SOLAR
Ali Abbas,
Why gamble on dirty, dangerous nuclear when we can have clean, safe solar?
Will Greener,
Alex H,
It is blinkered not to support more solar in the UK. It is viable, deployable and needed. Sort it out!
Sam Wilberforce,
Let us stop exporting carbon-intensive manufacturing to China and start making real cuts in our carbon useage
Ali Edgley,
Natalie McCallum,
Ramping up solar in the UK will create many much-needed new jobs and boost the economy, will help us reach our EU carbon reduction targets and most importantly, will form part of the energy solution for our children and future generations without exploiting dwindling natural resources. Immediate action is needed based on the benefits of a long-term strategy. Short-term quick fixes are not the way forwards and will not appease the public whose understanding and support for these issues is growing daily.
Victor Snook,
Robert Irving,
Susan Moore,
Only solar energy on a commercial scale can make a quick and meaningful difference to renewable energy generation in this sector. It has much less visual impact than wind energy and should be easier to achieve through the planning process than windfarms which attract so much local opposition. Withdrawal of the FIT for comercial sites has thrown this new industry into disarray and stifled private investment in this sector.
Ian Gardner,
Richard Waddell,
The 'Key Findings' outlined on the Ecologist website are a startling indication of why the green energy industry should be driven by central government. At the Birmingham City Council 'Growing Green' Exhibition 2011, Prof. Carl Chinn outlined the economic and social opportunities provided by green energy production and central government should make this a priority to ensure the UK lead the world in sustainable energy production.
Chris meacock,
Peter Grech,
Matt Stavrou,
Rachel Butler,
Julie Gibbons,
Jamie Johnson,
Sue Everett,
While I do not agree with rural solar farms on greenfield sites (and believe it was right for the government to stop supporting these), it is cost effective to support large scale installations for schools, business parks and maybe as 'solar tunnels' along roads and railways (Belgium has just started producing energy from solar panels over several km of railway track - used to power the railway). Please think out of the box and see the potential for both renewable energy and supporting green construction and jobs.
Richard Williams,
It is locally focused micro-generation solutions that will deliver a sustainable future as well as many jobs and economic benefits. The other emphasis needs to be on reducing demand through better insulation, building/product design and encouraging behavioural change.
Kathleen Archibald,
Anna Robertson,
Richard Pagett,
It is essential to our future energy security that this shortsighted approach announced today is reversed
jeremy melhuish,
Please David this technology is vital for our economic future as well as our children's environmental future
Will South,
Brian Leslie,
Philippa Mitchell,
Chris Mack,
Simon Wragg,
I have spent the last two years learning this industry, its benefits and it pitfalls, the only barrier holding it back in the UK is Government policy and the lack of true facts available to the public for both the additional costs and risks of other technologies (such as nuclear in terms of decommissioning and storage of harmful waste) verses the benefits of solar 9and other renewable technology). Its seems that the government would rather back the big boys than support change for the good.
reuben wilkinson,
what's wrong with this goverment? a solution is sitting there to solve our energy problem, meet our CO2 commitments, and create a new industry and many thousands of jobs. The Germans can see that, and are creating a global industry on the back of it. Whats wrong with you? commit this country to a future and stop being so pathetic, gutless and non commital. you are a disgrace to the unemployed, anyone who can see the vital need for a stable future climate, and anyone business who have already risked investing in solar. You are in power to represent the people of the UK, not your donors.
Wayne More,
Why do successive governments in this country refuse to take meaningful action to combat the ever increasing problem of climate change.
Ronnie Persad,
I would like the government to embrace the solar electronics industry and smart grid integration for enhancing cleantech solar solutions with UK branding.
Full capital and revenue cost approaches to energy costings in the UK would help everyone see the full range of options now open to moving towards a sustainable future.
Barbara Smith,
There is very little support coming from the Government at any level bar the Feed In Tariff. But if the general public is unaware they exist solar will not be in demand.
Rob Holloway,
Prof Daniel Nocera believes it's the way to go!
Claire Spencer,
The government's concerns ought to be related to how you promote domestic and community microgeneration, not how you cap a burgeoning market. We can't wait for oil to be priced out of reach before we figure out how to live by using less of it.
Mark Roberts,
Please do not destroy this industry before it has even gathered pace. I have put everything on the line to start my solar business which is now creating jobs for others and raising awareness in our community about the importance of been green
Laura Freeman,
Rea Cris,
Stop thinking profit and start thinking resilience.
Simon Judd,
Stop trying to pretend that nuclear and incineration are renewable and start backing real renewable energy.
June Birch,
Solar can provide 30% of our energy needs by 2020. Ordinary people love the idea, you can use it on roofs of community buildings. It won't produce another Fukushima. You can't guarantee that with nuclear energy, which you are giving a windfall to.
malcolm buteux,
Jessica Bevers,
Tony Stone,
We owe it to the next generation to get on this.we are already 10 years behind germany.we should be ashamed of ourselves!!
gareth george,
Nick Christoforou,
Marion Balke,
Solar is one of the ways people can resonsibilty for their own consumption and to bring money into a community
Paul Stallard,
Sue Lister,
Nuclear power is costly and dangerous and its waste poisons future generations. Common sense dictates we use safe renewable green energy instead.
Tom Tranter,
Germana Canzi,
We need the energy security and the job creation that solar can bring to this country. Forget your nuclear dream - other countries are getting rid of it, including engineering powerhouse Germany but also many others who never had it and manage to keep the lights on perfectly well. Focus on what people really want and need in order to transform their homes and communities.
Jennifer Wrenn,
Solar energy is safe and proven technology. It requires investment to bring it to the next level of production. Nuclear energy using uranium is a by-product of the arms industry and totally unsafe for meeting the needs of our energy supply in the future.
Today we can no longer buy green tea from Japan - contaminated by uranium radiation - please ditch hazardous uranium and invest in a safe solar future.
Other European countries like Germany are leading the way - investing in safe solar and other renewable energy sources - don't let UK be left behind.
Elena Guidorzi,
Paul van der Linden,
David Sully,
Solar energy could not encapsulate the essence of the 'big society' more by empowering people to take an active part in a low carbon future. Please do not shy away from this opportunity Solar energy works!
Please give some certainty into planning for 2012 - 2013
Solar is clean and there is a lot of it! Quite simple.
Richard Kelley,
The U.K.'s indigenous fossil fuel resources are becoming depleted and costly to extract.
Overseas sources are increasingly expensive and unreliable.
Greenhouse gas emissions are rising.
We need to create jobs for all kinds of people.
Let's do something positive. Please help Solar to flourish at all scales, from parking meters to fields.
Philip Taylor,
I realise, as Prime Minister, you have a difficult path to tread between business,
which wants perpetual growth, and the rest of us, who need static or reduced consumption to ensure a habitable environment. As a small island state, Britain
needs leadership from representatives of us all, not only from those that have
your ear. Assuming you are not compromised by conflicts of interest, please
make the right and brave decisions now!
deborah kelly,
The govt should do all its can to support alternative energy for homewoners and business.
Mike Middleton,
Geoff Naylor,
Don't hide our light under a bushel!
John Thomason,
We need PV rather than nuclear. We may not have tsunamis and earthquakes, but what about a war. If they bomb pv panels that's tough. If they knock over our wind turbines, we will have to put them up again. If they bomb our nuclear power stations they will destroy us all. Solar is safe, lets go for it.
Bryan Bond,
I remember the conversion to North sea gas in the 60's. It created jobs and manufacturing oportunities at that time. Solar would create similar growth in UK industries whilst producing huge savings. The roof space is available throughout Britain and the sun will not run out. Mr Cameron the train is leaving let us be on it?
Solar PV Tech, Devon,
Mark Straver,
Jodie Allen,
Bryn Davies,
Even my 10 year old son knows solar power=common sense. This is our's and our children's future world that is getting wrecked beyond redemption. 'Let them eat cake' won't work!
Wicki Nielsen,
Free renewable energy for millions of years to come. Why would anyone use fossil fuel that harms our Earth??
Heather Golden,
Mr A Bateman,
Manjul Rathee,
Graham Lingley,
Amanda Barry-Hirst,
The sun is our very own nuclear reactor, except without all the worrying bits - let's use it.
Karen Varga Green Party,
All energy production has costs to the planet and people, but solar is one of the better ones. Reduction in consumption is a very important part of a strategy - but at the moment we don't seem to have one! To give our children and grandchildren a future with some of the comforts we currently enjoy we must make changes - and making solar available to many, especially those on low incomes and in danger of suffering fuel poverty is important for many people in this country (and around the world).
Rowena Corner,
Jeff Mountford,
Mr Steve Aylott,
Jonathan Roby,
Remember what you promised 'the greenest government ever'
Helen Munro,
Fiona Shukie,
Solar and wind power are the only renewable, clean and sustainable options. Solar now means we can provide a future for our children.
Jamie Hossack,
We all should be a lot more responsible for conserving our environment. You were elected by the people to act on behalf of the people, it's about time you start to listen to us. WE DONT WANT 2 MORE NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS IN THE UK Courtesy of EDFrench thank you. A Clean Green Uk Energy Creating Machine Is What We'd Like Thank You.
George Rushton,
The government should be encouraging as many households as possible to generate Solar energy now.
The money allocated for nuclear energy, with its appalling safety record, terrrorist risk and long build time, would be better spent on clean, immediate sources of energy such as solar energy, heat pumps and sustainable biofuels
Paul Simms,
John Banks,
Having recently just completed a report on solar panels/solar energy i can see the great benefits. So much so, that i have made my own website to spread the word on this renewable energy source. The SUN will be our saviour if its supported......
Helen Miller,
Gary Miller,
Rafael Diranzo,
Stop the carbon and nuclear power and promote renewables
David Pointer,
Rosie Much,
Please reconsider your position on solar. I have spent a great deal of time in New Mexico where solar energy is standard. You will know we don't need large quantities of sunshine to make solar effective. Please reconsider our solar ambitions.
Rob Garvey,
Solar works for me and my family; hot water most of the year and significantly lower gas bills. One of the smartest decisions I've made.
Rachael Hunter,
John Morgan,
The earth gets it's natural energy from the sun. With a little ingenuity and commitment we can add the very little extra energy the human race needs to survive and flourish. It is ironic that we think of China as becoming a very industrialised country and are fearful of the pollution this is causing, however, according to latest figures China invests more money in solar energy than any other country in the world and is set to be one of the Greenest countries in the future.
Ian Reynolds MIET,
A worthy cause, I agree, but as can be seen from the comments, the public at large appear to be ill informed of all the issues. Solar PV generation, as it is currently being rolled out, is far from a magic bullet. No storage, therefore no ability to provide energy in the times of peak domestic demand - early morning and evenings, most especially in winter times. A mix of solar technology, with far greater emphasis on storage and hydrogen generation, for example, would be the best course in my opinion. And don't forget the term 'Efficiency', she's miss Renewable's ugly sister, so much to do. Give us engineers a chance and we'll fix it. We're the only ones who can!
You have the opportunity to demonstrate what being green really means and make it the most advantageous way for people to use energy- it's all up to you!
Paul Hughes,
Mark Simpson,
Laurie Walmsley,
James Grugeon,
Claire Lund,
Do David Cameron & Nick Clegg use solar energy
Nurul Islam,
Rachel Cakebread,
David Houston,
As owner of a nationwide solar pv installation company (PV FIT Ltd I urge you to recognise that the growth potential within the solar energy sector is huge. Solar energy is simple to retrofit, can be rolled out rapidly and costs are dropping significantly from levels prior to the introduction of the feed in tariff system. Help us create more UK green collar jobs by committing to solar as part of the green energy mix.
Kathy McVeigh,
steve parker,
As the "greenest" government ever you must keep promoting this freely available source of energy with decent feed in tarrifs as its got to be better than nuclear. Look at Germany's energy policy!!
immerse small consumers and installers in liquid oxygen, liquid will not let them live and oxygen will not let them die.
FIT for small consumers: only if they can afford it,
No support to small installers and suppliers: eventually survival of the fittest, closest I say
Peter Ball,
Anna Leidreiter,
On behalf of the World Future Council
Melanie Biddle,
I am joining the lobby in support & drive to make Solar PV more accessible and deliverable in the UK domestic and commercial markets
Michal Mroczkiewicz,
2010: Over 1 million sq. m of flat plate thermal installations in Germany against 75.600 sq. m in UK! We need to catch up and quick!
The UK is no longer self sufficient in oil and gas, and is therefore likely to be significantly dependent on imported fossil fuels from increasingly powerful countries such as Saudi Arabia and Russia for many years. As opening sequence of “Have I Got News For You” suggests (with Russian turning off the gas supply pipeline), it's definitely not a future proof concept! A key way to ensure energy security and maintain high standards of living is therefore microgeneration. Solar makes sense!
Steve Cronin,
Ben stentiford,
Fantastic source of clean energy
Val Perry,
Nathaniel Shaw,
Please make the right choice.
Cathy Debenham,
Community sized solar makes so much sense. Please make it a priority
need to promote solar as much as we can , Government need to give some more funding sepecially for small business as at present only the big investers are getting benefits to install solar pv
Dr Kevin Hard,
Solar pv is one of the fastest to deploy and reliable of the clean energy generation technologies. First steps should be to reduce our energy consumption, followed quickly behind by clean energy generation. Solar is one of the only technologies that makes electricity and enables individuals and communities to secure their energy future.
Charles Reynolds,
Every new house should have a roof with a southerly aspect covered in solar panels or tiles. within a generation the country would be producing substantial amounts of power
Wendy Reynolds,
The sun isn't going to go anywhere for aeons, why are we not making use of it?
Please educate yourself on the newer technologies.
We can double up panels now, and print panels on flexible plastic, create cells that can harvest infra-red light.
We should be showing the way.
Julia Drown,
Nick Blackman,
I firmly believe the courrent Governtment have got this worng as for a significantly lower capital cost than is being invested in other alternative green energy generation solar energy could make a significant contribution and is being discrimenated against
Chris Clark,
Karen Lee,
Please give solar energy development a hand, not handcuffs.
Jeffrey L. Allen,
Paul Mould,
Solar is a booming industry and hopefully something that the government will firmly back. It has created alot of jobs and small businesses and this can only be good for the economy, especially in this tough economic climate we're in right now.
Stewart Roberts,
Please support development of using the sun to power our industry, homes, and transport networks and improve our economy.
Stewart Roberts
bernard chaisty,
Mark Henderson,
Please do not underestimate the potential benefite for the UK economy on so many levels.
Iuliana Apopei,
John Lane,
Have installed Solar PV panels and even in the rain and cloud still generating power. This should be avialable for all and not just those that can afford them, this is far more efficent than wind energy.
Rachel Getliffe,
philip brignell,
As Thomas Edison said in conversation with Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone “I’d put my money on solar energy…I hope we don’t have to wait till oil and coal run out before we tackle that.”
Nick Pascoe,
DECC = team nuclear. Conservative party = support big business vested interest. Solar ambition in UK until Coalition are gone AND DECC becomes unbiased.
Paul Neale,
Sulaiman Ahmad,
jon mashhadi,
It is time the government started to walk the talk. How can you expect the nation to buy into the idea of sustainable energy if they are not given every encouragement and incentive.
Gary Fuller,
Greenest Government ever???? Now is the time to show it!!
David Hunt,
For the sake of job creation as well as reduced Carbon, do not slash the FIT
Vicky Baird,
Nigel Calmonson,
Dean Langford,
Michael Clarke,
So many jobs in the Industry rely on Government making a sensible decision. Keep the tariff at a reasonable rate so the industry can thrive and grow. It is the easiest way to generate electricity on nearly every property, it has been proved time and time again that it works. Do the sensible thing!!
Brian Quinn,
We need everyone to benefit from secure, clean, reliable solar energy
Sean Byrne,
Rob Fletcher,
Solar power is the way forward - the government needs to recognise its importance and provide support for its continued development.
Daniel Honey,
Over the past 18 months Sungrid have seen a huge investment from our partners who have invested financially and physically to build entrepreneurial businesses which are contributing to the growth of our industry. These businesses are predominantly focused on the domestic market, coaching and mentoring consumers on the benefits of Solar PV and helping drive the adoption of all renewable technologies. We expect the government to be considerate of these and similar investments from all spectrums of the UK Solar market when making any further changes to the UK FiT.
Please be greener and support industry.
Philippa Rogers,
Vote Blue, Go Green you said.. How will we ever trust you?
Charlotte Webster,
A new energy era is upon us, but unless we act to be part of it we will be mere by standers as the rest of the world catches on. The later we leave it, the worse the consequences for climate, economy and society.
Conor Bishop,
Cut, dont kill the solar FiT
James Redwood,
Tony Roper,
The population has just started excepting that solar pv is a great way of generating energy and that they 'can do their bit' a give a a little back to the environment. You can see that just by walking down the street these days. Now is the time to embrace the technology - not turn your back on it!
barry nutley,
To reduce the FIt's by 80% would be absolute madness! Fine, reduce the FIT's back in line with the initial target (8% - 10% first year return), but if this Government (the "Greenest Ever"??!! My foot!!) wants to create jobs, then it must be saved..
David Cameron, you are not FIT to run this Government! You've lost my support..
Barnaby Fryer,
Nicholas Keelee,
I respectfully request that a wider perspective of energy security is viewed. De-centralised solar could become a very cost effective and large part of the energy mix. Add this to a very necessary shift from digging things out of the ground and burning them, a huge number of sustainable jobs represent a great deal for investment and the UK.
Colin Newlyn,
Many many people have invested their time, money, effort and emotion in this industry on the basis of promises made by the previous government, and supported by both of the coalition parties, that there would be major support for and investment in the solar industry. To dramatically change the tariffs now would be to betray the entrepreneurial spirit and good intentions of thousands of citizens and would be a major breach of trust. The UK would no longer be taken seriously as a player in the renewables market or a serious destination for investment, and the hopes and dreams of many individuals who have shown precisely the positive attributes and industry that you espouse will be destroyed.
The ability of people to invest in solar projects from the bottom up. To invest and take ownership of their energy use and production is the only way that reduction in CO2 will happen.
Paul Lyons,
I have just purchased solar and i hav
Encouraged others to do so. It is one thing that we have got right in the UK, don't make a mess of it.
Keith Tibbles,
A wholeheartedly believe that the impetus must be sustained for the solar industry to succeed
Philip Chow,
People can have some control over their own energy by installing solar panels. They work very well. Do you want to send thousands of installers to the Job Centres?
Geoffrey Woodcock (Dr),
Peta Phipps,
Please reconsider.
Lizzie Fellows,
Jon Starks,
25,000 new jobs have been created since the start of FIT, there is a huge export potential of experience and skilled workforce if the industry is encouraged to grow.
James Ford,
Annie Lowden,
In order for the UK solar industry to develop seriously and offer much-needed employment, we need clear and realistic policy based on sustainable strategies. The last thing this industry needs is any more stop/start funding, uncertainty and mixed messages. The great British public are just starting to understand the benefits of solar PV, don't disillusion them, instead help to nurture an industry that Britain can be proud of, which will stand on its own two feet.
Caroline Summers,
Katie Brown,
Slashing the FiT scheme will not only lead to huge job losses but it's also discouraging people from being energy efficient.. Ridiculous and tragic
David Tattam,
Cutting the FiT by +/- 50% in one fell swoop reflects awfully on the credibility of your policies. Send a message that you are committed to greener energy solutions, but more importantly committed to keeping to your word. In the long-term, none of your problems will be solved by jiggling the numbers and buying more time.
Lee Furlong,
Richard Lowe,
Please support a buoyant and labour intensive industry.
"our small changes might have a significant impact on the world, it will help us grow to become leaders when it comes to 'green environments' please dont jeopardise that strength"
Nicky Frost,
Kirstie Colledge,
mikey baxter,
Benjamin Wade,
Having left a secure career within the Armed Forces i believed that the governments pledge to reduce the UKs carbon foot print was admirable. I therefore embarked on a new career within the renewable industry to do my bit for the country. I realise that the FIT needs to readjusted. But to lower it to 9p would all but kill off this sector in one fell swoop. This would put at least 20000 jobs in peril. Well done Mr Cameron!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tom Heel,
Chris Rigby,
A new and sustainable industry is just beginning to flourish and requires the FIT to succeed. The RO helped the wind industry, and historically the NFFO helped the nuclear industry. Our electricity bills still continue to pay for these schemes, so I don't understand why there is issue with FIT payments being taken from our electricity bills. An extra £1 or less for a greener, more sustainable future is surely a price worth paying.
Sandra Cooper,
A significant reduction in rewards for having solar pv goes against what any government is trying to achieve and will destroy the industry and jobs it has created.
Roger Powell,
Having created so much hype for renewable energy, any major cut-backs to the support programs will seriously damage this government's credibility.
Energy costs continue to rise rapidly and are now of serious concern to the householder.
Solar energy in its various forms can yield substantial reductions in energy costs for the householder.
Any failure in government support will demonstrate yet again just how disconnected they are from the concerns of the general public.
Richard Goldsmith,
Micro Generation in all it's forms provides the best way to mitigate the need for massive capital expenditure on dubiously popular new nuclear generation investment. Being an Microgeneration Scheme consumer I can testify it creates improved energy consumption awareness and will create reduced overall demand as well as contributing to supply.
Dominic Oram,
Seven Walters,
If the government are serious about the future of alternative energy and reducing CO2 emissions then FiTs must stay.
Philip Littler,
I'm planning to build an eco house next year to code 5 and this will cost me a premium of about 20% above standard build cost to code 3. I'm willing to to this becauce I believe this is the future. I'm not moaning at being one of the first and having to suffer an extra 20% build cost increase out of my own pocket but reducing the FIT for PV panels is a blow below the belt. Surely you can see the sence in providing an insentive to households to generate clean electricity. Why reduce it now?
S J Saunders,
My house was built in 2004, I had a 3.5Kw System fitted to my roof, mainly due to FIT value, yes, but have made investments as House is on Soakways (no water discharges in public system) the storm water is used for garden us.
In 2007 had a Thermal Solar fitted to house, so my house is adding efficiency as constructed with Insulation, Double Glazing, Low Energy Lighting.
My then 5 year old car is also LPG converted since 1998.
I agree to the reducing of FIT but this shouldnt be retrospective, but for New Installation from known date so informed decision, and not on Change Government Policy. The Government always says when it suits then that Respective decisions can't be enforced on New Government Policy ( but want Government either Lab, Con or Lib) they just go ahead, put low level MP to argue the case. But theres One decision that you do effect the VOTER and they had choice. Perhaps if more MP or Government lived in Real World, then the level of FIT would have been lower, knowning that as snowball effect forces down prices, but they like to be on TV telling public its unknown, its sursprised us, and this is reason of Economic situation.
I live Near where the HS2 will pass, wrote to Con MP, sent letters to Mr P Hammond, but although Public consultation, the decision was MADE before the Con/LIB Government took over running country.
So shall see
The fastest growing industry in this a time we need it. Providing green clean energy, jobs, keeping small businesses going down the line, helping the consumer to help themselves. An industry with positivity for a change, lets keep all of the above.
I hear that your Climate Minister Greg Barker is to cut the FIT tariff, as I have just spent £10600 on a SSEG installation, on the promise of a government guaranteed FIT payment scheme for the next 25years, it seems that your governments understanding of solar energy and FIT scheme Guarantees is low. If every house in UK was to put a SSEG on some part of the roof , as they are doing in many other countries, I wonder how many nuclear plants would not have to be built.
Honour your guarantees to those of us who believed the governments promise and leave the FIT scheme payments alone for domestic SSEG's.
Paula Urry,
20% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020, the boom in solar installations is moving us towards that goal....don't ruin it now.
Neil Waller,
Last time I looked the sun shone above the uk!........and I expect it will continue to do so for many years to come. We do not have to import this energy.
Supporting the solar indusry reduces our reliance on potentially unstable regimes to supply our energy needs.
As for nuclear........... don't even go there! How much does it cost to decomission a solar panel?
Bill Phelps,
Simon Briggs,
Green is the future. Solar is a part. Think of the future.
Enlighten System,
laura davies,
Mike Graham,
Particularly alarmed to hear the latest rumours of extremely short notice application of the cut. Many projects are in progress, companies and customers committed to buying stock based on current tarriff levels. This could put many solar companies out of business unnecesarily through shock to cash flow.
John Daynes,
Solar energy generating is the most important science of today, generating power without harmful emissions has got to be the way to go.
Simon Griffiths,
Ryan Birch,
come on, lets not make one step forward and two steps backwards, domestic solar can be a big contributor to our energy demands for the future!!
I was hoping to invest myself in Solar PV however if these proposed changes to the FIT do take place not only will I not be in a position to invest I will probably be out of a job as well.
At 45 years old in the current jobs climate and living in the northwest of England that is not a comforting prospect.
'Cut don't kill' please don't snatch defeat from the jaws of success!
Simon rice,
If solar is one of the our fastest growing industries why on earth kill it? This is a massive betrayal!
Tim Rose,
Victoria Treen,
innovation, jobs, carbon reduction, ecomomic growth, houshold bill reductions. Am I missing something? why would the goventment want to put a stop to the growth of the solar industry when it is so beneficial! Crazy!
Bill Roberts,
This will be a hard message for the good and honest people working to install PV and for homeowners and small businesses looking to make their property more energy efficient and to leave a positive legacy for future generations.
James Hoare,
Naomi Andersson,
I employ 9 people, with subcontractors numbering another 15 in a small rural area, we are a success story, we are due to install on a Community Co-Op and Social Housing in the next 2 months....please give due consideration to the fact these installations can take up to 12 months to fundraise and install....years of work by good people doing things for their community are being wasted.
Megan Boyle - Rayotec Ltd,
I was about to install a system on my property but have cancelled the order as the payback is now beyond 15 years. i feel sorry for my supplier as I gather I am the third client to cancel their order in the last hour.
Martyn Rattle,
Disgracefully waste of time money and effort
Nigel Farren,
If you cut FIT before April, 00s of community energy initiatives will be scuppered and homeowners will not invest if the ROI is 4%. You will also at a stroke, lose the support of communities across the country to help you deliver the Green Deal. I urge you to think again.
Mark Smith,
I thought this government had already proved itself short-sighted over recent military decisions. Now they're proving themselves extremely myopic over domestic issues. Are they foreign agents? There's something wrong here.
Brendan Ashford,
Stop the cut in FIT! It will kill our industry.
Solar Plus UK ltd,
another nail in our economy 8th dec what a joke
Russell Rose,
I was about to order solar panels to help save electricity, but now I won't because I can't afford to
Natalie Elvin,
Please consider the drastic cuts in the FIT's, potentially 25,000 people out of work, equating to 25,000 ppl claiming job seekers. 67.50X 52= 3510 per person a year the government would have to fund, where as Solar is a growing industry and will create thousands more jobs if you don't cut the FIT so drastically
Steven Summerbunce,
It is important for politicians and industry members to work collaboratively to develop a long term strategy as this persistent chopping and changing is not only a deterrent to investors but also to quality labour forces. The industry must be prepared to curtail rampant profiteering and policy makers must be preferred to offer long-term stability and sustainability.
Martyn Berry,
Kris Douglas,
I work for PaperClip Software, the company who make it possible for smaller businesses to sell more solar installations than ever before, we are supporting this industry because it is employing the right kind of people for the right reason!
Pete Etheridge,
Further cuts to renewable energy incentives will risk the entire future of renewable energy investment in this country.
We have an amazing opportunity to help those in fuel poverty at very little cost to bill payers. Please don't destroy this.
Daniel Davies,
I have worked in the solar industry for 15 years, it's never been easy in the UK compared to most of Europe but the roller coaster ride has just got seriously dangerous. To implement a policy of support for FITs which has led to massive investment, growth in the industry and momentum being built up. The change in the summer derailed a lot of work underway for ground mounted systems but the latest threat is simply insane. The solar industry is the fastest growing employer in the UK. To cut us off at the knees just as we are getting going and gaining some momentum following the change during summer is an act of hypocritical vandalism from the so called "greenest government ever".
Claire Enstone,
The solar industry is capable of providing a more sustainable future for the UK, not only through clean energy but jobs too. This future is only possible with the backing of the government, so please support it rather than sabotage this wonderful industry.
This is a massive change in polciy mid why through the year, with a review due in May why not wait until then
Connor Woods,
DECC should listen to the installers and people who actually know the industry, not so called experts who have "studied" an industry but never actually worked in it. Your popularity as a government is fast declining due to these decisions you are making by listening to people who have vested interest in not adapting to renewable technologies.
Chris Lowe,
Having been the first PV in Kent ten years ago, the huge rapid take up of PV since the start of the FIT shows how essential the FIT is. We are now carbon negative for electricity- impossible without PV & the FIT.
jenny stevens,
Please keep the feed in tariff and if there are to be changes maintain complete transparency to help support the industry.
Brian Rilatt,
The 'proposed' dramatic cut in Domestic Feed in Tariff payments will practically kill the industry off in the UK. The investors have yet again abused the system for capital gain
Remy Leaf,
We need Solar
Stuart Hardy,
It pays catch those rays
Ian Jepson,
I have spent 6 years of my life working in renewable energy helping build a sustainable business. We have many happy satisfied customers who are empowered by generating their own energy. I earn a good living and work very hard. My fellow employees and my family's future are dependant on the the current business model which is supported by the feed in tariff. Please don't destroy everything we have built!
Please support community energy groups in empowering local areas!
The leaked proposal to reduce the feed in tarrif to 50% of its former level will kill the solar industry causing major job losses and a huge reduction in future green energy generation. This level of cut cannot make sense.
Jamie Vaughan,
Richard Molloy,
Stop kow-towing to the traditional 'old energy' lobbyists and wake up to the reality - our energy security and carbon reduction commitments can only be met by genuine renewable technologies. Solar is number one - easily and rapidly deployable, becoming ever more cost effective by the day and the UK market (the voter) has an appetite for solar. Use the success story so far to win votes. 25,000 new green jobs. Massive take up of the feed-in tariff. Widespread investment in the market. Minimal on-cost to consumers electricity bills (contrary to press reports). Tax generation positive. There are no down-sides. Encourage the industry to flourish not chop of its legs.
Roger Hollies Save and Generate,
It is not the silver bullet, but it is a major hand full of silver shot! Solar electricity can lead the way for grid parity of all clean energy generation as well as being a gentle way of easing the grid to absorbing the planned penetration levels of variable generation. Not only that it engages people with their energy use, something that is absolutely critical to a sustainable energy future.
Gareth Roberts,
Jonathan Jarman,
I owe my job and livelihood to solar power, I agree the tariff needs to be cut slightly, however a knee jerk reaction that could potentially put up to 25,000 people out of work and undo all the good that has been done so far makes me question why I voted as I feel lied to right now. We are on the verge of something great here please don’t destroy it
Mr Kevin Worsley,
Please do not cut the FIT rate just make it available to households only !!
Neil M Smith,
David Forrest,
Please be sensible about this this is my career.
james Mackinnon,
If the rumours are accurate you are making a massive cut to an industry that is everything you claim to stand for. Your actions will destroy an industry that is creating jobs and encouraging entrepreneurs. The only people to benefit will be the energy companies. Jobs will be lost including mine and a massive opportunity will be missed. Please reconsider.
Jason Connolly,
As stated fits are costing average household a mere 30p extra? Surely your efforts should be concentrated on getting tough with the big utilty companies rather than killing the uks fastest growing market, providing jobs, vat income, paye income, import taxes, getting peoples savings out of banks to be spent in the uk. Terrible decision, potentially costing millions in benefits payments when jobs are lost.
Allan Watt,
Think how drastic cutting the tarriffs will be to the UK Solar Industry, Hundred's of companies and thousand's of jobs will be effected within the UK. We are already way behind other european countries in this technology, this will just push us further behind in an ever growing industry.
Mark Smith,
Please Please
Do not put myself and my employees on the scrapheap again! we have just got over the housing collapse which killed the building industry, and put us on the edge of going under.
By doing this all you achieve is to kill the one industry that is growing in the UK today and put skilled workers on the dole.
On a very personal note my 17 year old son is training with the company as an electrician and he is very worried we can not give him training if work stops.
Greenlife Advice Ltd
James Cooper,
Suzanne Burgess,
Lawrence Burgess,
Another booming industry - bust. We will have to lay off scaffolders, roofers and admin staff.
Matt Swarbrick,
Anthony Neal,
Be a positive shadow of influence. If you want a low carbon economy, put taxpayers money where it will do good. A paradigm shift from finite fossil fuels to unlimited renewable energy is required, and a second industrial revolution to build the infrastructure. Make it possible now.
Lyndsey john,
Matt Ballam,
Fraser MacKenzie,
We are about to install over 500 solar systems on our social housing stock. That equates to 500 families who would receive free electricity in our most deprived areas, the majority of whom suffer from fuel poverty. This decision, if true, will consign those households to a future of fuel poverty.
Paul Delahay,
Please don't kill what is fast becoming just about the only viable trade left in the building industries sector. You are just bowing to the power of the big six when this was just about the only plausible fast route way to keep them under control. Rip Solar uk it could have been great :(
Neal Goddard,
Bob Thompson,
Jo read,
See the light. Please, before jobs are lost
Rob Scully,
I have heard such disinformation talked about this issue over the last few days on supposedly intellectual platforms such as the BBC, it drives me insane.
Following a great PR smear exercise, in which news stories about the success of the solar industry were juxtaposed with news of the highest rise in domestic energy bills for 30 years, the Government has seen the perfect opportunity to appease the giant energy companies who have them in their pockets.
Popular myths peddled by the Carbon heavy energy industry and the renewable-sceptic Tory press (and talked about this week as if they were fact) include -
1. Household energy prices are set to soar because the rapid uptake of the Feed In Tariff is being paid for by all the other energy consumers.
Wrong. The FiT adds only a small amount to the average household's annual bill. In fact the amount is miniscule compared to the variations caused by the rollercaster oil and gas market. The main reason people's bills are so huge is because the energy companies are very quick to pass on any increase in the wholesale price of energy and extremely slow to adjust the amounts back down when the market cools.
2. The scheme needs to be cut because it is just being used by rich people as an investment opportunity, rather than genuinely for people who want to install solar.
An extremely spurious argument for 2 very obvious reasons -
Firstly, I personally do not give a damn whether the people installing solar are making money out of it or whether they are not. The purpose of the scheme is to increase overall solar capacity (thus reducing carbon emissions and increasing energy security) and if it does this effectively without excessive cost (which it has done dramatically) then its working.
Secondly, if you do accept that the cost of installation unfairly discriminates against those on low incomes who would like to install solar and you seriously want to do something about it then the way to address this problem is not by drastically cutting the scheme. Installation and equipment costs have now just about come down to a level where those with less to invest can afford installations (so long as they get a return on the investment to pay it off). Some companies now even operate "rent a roof" schemes where the installation is completely free of charge, the customer gets free use of the electricity and the installation company claims the FiTs. When the FiT is slashed, the rent a roof schemes will be completely unfeasable and the pay back cost for installations will mean that we go right back to the bad old days when only the wealthy will consider intalling solar.
3. The scheme doesn't benefit the UK economy or jobs - all the money goes to countries like Germany, who are the main european manufacturer of solar panels.
Wrong. The solar industry in this country employs something like 25,000 people and is still expanding. No mean feat in a time of job cuts elsewhere in the economy. The Government has encouraged thousands of entrepreneurs to start up their own solar installing companies and to invest in taking on staff and training them to a high standard. Slashing the FiT will remove at a stroke the demand for many of their services and force them to the wall. A great example of disjointed government policy where you set up a scheme to encourage success and then arbitrarily decide that its "too successful" and change the rules. The uncertainty that this move brings will blight the renewables market for years to come. No-one will want to invest in renewables if the goalposts keep moving. Of couse the industry is not helped by the fact that it is made up of thousands of hard working solar entrepreneurs, electricians and fitters - these people are too busy actually doing their jobs to run a slick lobbying campaign on the Government or even to have a unified voice or a coherent spokesperson. The large energy companies, on the other hand, with vast reserves of energy consumers cash in their pockets have this aspect covered perfectly.
It is also a myth to state that the profits from panel manufacture are made in Germany. This may have been true a few years ago, but now the market is centred mainly on high quality Japanese units - a large proportion of which are made in Sharp's factory in Wrexham. This plant recently took on an extra 300 UK workers to help double its output of UK manufactured solar panels.
So, if you can, make a noise about this. Rattle a few cages. It's decisions like this which will affect the future of rebewables in this country and the sort of world we and our children live in in the future.
Ezra Konvitz,
Joseph Allcott,
Don't kill a success story. Solar employs more than the nuclear industry and has the capacity to continue to grow. No other renewable technology has the ability for innovation in manufacture to decrease capital costs. Surely there is enough proof that solar works! Reduce the FIT but don't axe it! Allocate more funds or raise the cap. Consumers are paying a small price for a universal benefit!
Derrick Jacobs,
Chris Hill,
Chrissie Godfrey,
You should be doing absolutely everything in your power to support the renewables industry. I am furious at what seems like a huge blind spot in Government - slicing the feed in tarrif as the leaks have said you are planning not only stops householders from seeing solar as a good investment, it is also potentially decimating a fledgling but vibrant UK industry which, at the time of recession, seems to be to be plain bonkers. Wake up you lot!
Phill Sylvester,
Renewables are the future and should be supported
How much of our energy comes from foreign powers? I am guessing it’s in excess of 90%. How many of those countries would be considered hostile towards the UK?? gas from Russia, oil from the Middle East. The EU is now considering a bail out from Communist China, both China and India have gone past emerging countries and are now or becoming super powers. Their demand for energy with 2 billion people between them will make are demand seem like a small group of scouts huddled around the embers of a once nice fire. We don’t want coal we don’t want nuclear our gas fired power stations are being built and owned by the French, you’ve only to look at the toll on the Severn Bridge to work out how hostile the French are to us to know that energy prices will go through the roof. We have an aging infrastructure that has been badly let down by privatisation. Who made money on privatisation put your hand up; we were sold something we owned at best made a couple of bob but we have been paying for it ever since. Our aging gas infrastructure will be the next thing to go down, much of it laid to carry corrosive town gas back in the 1950s. Fuel poverty is achieved when 10% of a household’s income is used to heat the house. By 2020 the majority of us will be paying 25% of our household income to the energy companies. The banks have robed us and its now the turn of the energy companies both of which are backed by the government. As fuel prices double every 4 years by 2020 we will be paying the power companies over 50p/kW that will make the current feed in tariff look less significant.
The feed in tariff will benefit all of us as it will help to lessen our dependency on foreign fuel an aging infrastructure and corrupt energy companies.
Gerrard McKillen,
Top up the FIT pot with money from the treasury if necessary, this will be repaid with tax revenues from the 25000 people employed in our sector.
These cuts will endanger many jobs, jobs our economy needs.
Mike Andrews,
The PV solar sector has been the most exciting business sector that I know of. Consumers have switched on to the possibilities and a whole industry has taken off on the back of - and in support of Government policy. This potential cut in FiT would be a devastating blow, not just in terms of stalling a fledgling industry but there will be hundreds of individuals who have invested thousands in their new exciting business who are staring insolvency in the face this weekend.
This is complete madness. Stick with the programme.
Ian Ross,
Keith R. Finch,
Warren Brown,
Why stunt an industry which is creating many new jobs? We will be giving notice to half our workforce on Monday if the leaked document is confirmed. Merry Christmas!
Paul Mellia,
Christine Andrews,
Please reconsider your decision to drastically cut the Feed in Tariff for Solar PV installations and support a greener future using renewable energy and support the growing solar energy industry which has created 25,000 new jobs in a time of recession and growing unemployment. Please invest in the power of the sun and support solar energy. Christine Andrews (Leeds Solar)
Dave don't destroy solar
It will be bear for the polar
A coalition own gola
25,000 on the dola
Bankrupt Greece installed 18 times as much solar as uk per head
If solar is so useless why has germany and France installed so much more than us
When will this country stop being an international joke
When the russians cut off the gas and the French turn off the nuclear power, we will all have the opportunity to evaluate by candlelight the short sightedness of this coalition government.
We employ 60 people in solar(at present)
adrian dunne,
Teresa Dunne,
Government policy short sighted, thought we were investing in green jobs and a green future, solar PV can provide the roots for this growth which is badly needed.
Change things overnight and kill those roots, companies will die and the momentum will be lost, tax receipts will be reduced and benefit payments will go up!
sean moore,
Thank you for ruining my livelyhood. I have spent 2 years investing my time and gaining extensive knowledge of the solar industry and this government is about to kill this in one foul swoop. An absolute disgrace to renewable green policies in this country.
Simon Evans,
Alex DeWinter,
You promised consultation, yet you had not done this and you will force this through in six weeks ?
Get some sense and engage with the people and have a meaningful consultation !
Stop being stupid - and help the country grow again
Norman Patersonq,
Samantha Bannister,
Lucy Youngson,
David Keates,
Margaret Rice,
S henderson,
Divert some of the bankers bonuses back into the economy and stop pilfering our pockets and stifling economic growth ,
Nicola Branch,
This is utterly ridiculous. We need renewable technologies to exisit to help with our energy crisis and we need to keep the thousands of people in jobs. This is a growing industry, a good industry that benefits many local people.
I thought the Conservatives were in favour of green issues, but no, same old, same old.
Let's hope someone goes to judicial review on this.
Not sure what kind of people with having running this country but pv has giving over 25000 people work, when we look at the growth of the economy you need the pv solar industry to help pull us out of the recession that we ARE still in. Why not let it run for another year or 2 and we may be better off as a country for companies to reduce the install cost. Material cost have not been reduced by 75% thats a joke. If this is the case please let me know where you are buying them from.
Emma Evans,
No surprise....let me guess some rich Eton banker was going to lose a couple of quid..oh well best you change it, who gives a s**t about the environment.
Anthony Wheatley,
need to promote solar as much as we can , Government need to give some more funding sepecially for small business as at present only the big investers are getting benefits to install solar pv
Anthony - H2 Solar Shop
Christopher Watts,
Looking at the low proportion of new-builds with solar PV fitted, it is clear to see that even this small drop in the FiT badly effects the take-up rate.
Mark W Tebbutt,
Ian Henderson,
First of all, I don't believe that the government have changed their mind about how important solar is to achieving the green goal. Taking this down to a basic level I see the reasons for the kneejerk reaction as follows:
1 The government told the energy providers they could charge a tax levy on fuel bills to fund the FIT. Neither the government not the energy providers told advertised this point.
2 The energy providers are advising that such is the growth of solar installations that FIT payments are greater than anticipated, therefore requiring higher tax levies to cover the FIT payments.
3 Higher tax levies on fuel bills, on top of increases due to fossil fuel hikes, are sending more people in to fuel poverty.
4 So the government are forced to find the balance between increased fuel poverty, the rich getting richer and still meeting the green goal.
5 A tricky one I will admit. As they say, if something appears too good to be true, it generally is. The 43p FIT tariff was just that. However, the kneejerk reaction is not the answer and will bring a MOUNTAIN of problems of it's own, not to mention a disgruntle and mistrusting solar industry.
6 I don't understand why the government allowed the energy providers to charge a tax levy. Why didn't they tax the energy providers on their profits and use that money to pay the FITS???
Either way, it seems like we fell for the government 'double glazing' sales pitch!!!
Heliotricity Solar,
What is wrong with reducing the feed-in tariff by a percentage each year which is directly related to the number of installations completed in the previous year - a la Germany. A slow and steady reduction, which is clear to all in advance would create stability not speculation and uncertainty. How does the Government expect the solar industry to convince the public to be more environmentally responsible without a financial mechanism with any credibility to support us?
David Mooney,
Tories out
Cliff Gardner,
We've achieved growth in an industry that is striving to meet the Governments target for much needed carbon reduction commitments. And they've cut us down in one fell swoop, shame on you
Renewable energy makes sense on all levels; energy security, carbon reduction, jobs and doing the right thing. And while you're at it, let's have some serious insulation programmes to help those in fuel poverty.
Adrian Wright,
We all understand that the rate of the FiT was overly generous given the fall in the cost of product but this has been know for many months and, assuming the leak is correct, creating a cut off date of the 8th December is completely unreasonable and will lead to devastation in the industry which will start with installers falling into administration followed by suppliers who will then go unpaid. Thousands of householders are bound to lose their deposit money irrespective of the REAL deposit scheme and the fall out will be a lack of trust for any future Government programme including Green Deal. Equally how can large retailers feel confident about becoming involved with Green Deal when they will have hundreds of dissatisfied customers who have paid deposits and who wont get their systems installed by the deadline?
Keep solar alive
Ryan Oakley,
This is an absolute disgrace, thousands of jobs are going to be lost! I myself have invested thousands in this industry and left university to get into what i thought was a great industry. But now the government has left me out of university, out of a job and in debt!
Colin Poulter CEng MIET,
Please don't destroy my business just as it's taking off. I thought you encouraged vision and entrepreneurship
Reducing our reliance on carbon fuels is both a moral and economic imperative and one that starts at 'home' with the domestic market. Removing the finanical incentive for householders and dragging out the pay-back ROI time, will not improve the overall environmental situation nor improve the economy with many businesses relying on the growth of this market. It is shortsighted and a knee-jerk reaction that smacks of 'throwing the baby out with the bathwater'. Please don't put this into operation.
Jon Allan,
Steve Luck,
Please remember the pledges that got you into No 10 & support our industry not kill it!!
Your recent decision to change FiTs is shameful, you suggest to be wanting to help new green and sustainable industries and then make this decision. Stop betraying the electorate, and please remember neither of you won the the last election so stop behaving as if you can run rough shod over us. The response to the FiTs to date has been amazing and it is great to see so many homes having these systems installed - it could go much further- start to have an imagination similar to those you say you 'represent' - allow solar to flourish.
How can Cameron cut something that has not started. Many believed Cameron was all for a greener energy and Private Enterprise many people have resigned in the public sector to start a business in Solar power.Many electrician have pain £700.00 to train in Solar Power backward thinking both in Europe and solar power.
Alexander Hole,
David Cheshire,
The leaked rumour of a 50% reduction in FITs for installations after 8 December will damage many small businesses who have geared up to install PVs before the original deadline of April 2012 when FITs were expected to reduce anyway. Give them more time to complete the work they have planned for!
As an employee in a solar company I am very alarmed to see recent headlines suggesting the Government may be about to slash the support for people fitting solar panels. This risks wrecking a new, high-tech industry that just two years ago Government said must increase its sales and bring prices down. As a result, I and many others [if you can explain any training/investment/personal action you took to get into the solar industry here it would be very helpfuI to show that people took the Government at its word, and them breaking it will have real impacts.
Investors in our company made sure that we provided the skilled workforce necessary to help householders and others make the move into renewable energy. But if rumours are to be believed, we could now be facing such severe cuts that this could come crashing to an end.
I know Feed-in Tariff rates are designed to taper over time, and that there is space for support rates for solar to be reduced. We are proud that as an industry we have driven costs down by around 30% since the Feed-in Tariff was first announced, and excited by the very real prospect that within 5 years our systems could be producing electricity for householders at the same price they will be paying their energy company. But the rumoured cuts of 70% are so much deeper than the reduction in cost that it is very hard to see how orders will not dry up, and how our company can continue as it is – never mind continue the growth needed to bring prices down further.
I feel very bitter that solar employees have retrained to do a job the Government said was essential, only to have the rug pulled out from beneath them for being successful just two years later. I urge
you to contact Ministers and insist these vicious cuts do not go ahead.
Stewart Hiden,
Bruce Cross,
Solar PV is providing lots of green jobs and green energy supply - what we ask from you is a stable marketplace with sensible incentives changing predictably in line with the real price reductions and we will continue to grow a world class UK PV industry.
John Leary,
Really need to look at detail of this again. Unworkable. Industry will be decimated by this plan. Employment WILL be affected and trust in government also.
graham miller,
Bev Bambrough,
Tom Paull,
Cutting the feed in tariff each year is necessary but slashing it by 50% is will ruin the industry!!
dont make us go bank rupt! we have just invested everything we had and 4 months off very hard work just to have you kick the crutches away from us? i know you wont be getting my vote next time!!!
Dear Sir
I cannot believe that they have allowed the venture capitalists, suck on the ring fenced budget for so long and allowed the issues now raised to happen, it was obvious to anyone with a brain that this would happen and it was raised on more than one occasion at the initial consultation stage.
Again the man in the street loses out when the fat cats get fatter.
Ban as discussed the rent a roof schemes and give the money to the people it was meant for!!
Kind regards
Stephen Price
Company Secretary
Mr. Electric
Tel: 01630 673945
Fax: 01630 674346
Mobile: 07812 973999
Email: [email protected]
Web site:
"We have the power to make things better" Mr. Electric ®
Greg Bishop,
In these hard financial times our business has actually taken staff on as many other solar companies will have done.
With these drastic cuts plannes it will stop the industry dead in its tracks.
We will have to let staff go and they will be unemployed. Surely this is not the way forward
paul obrien,
have just signed15 van contracts and taken on more staff , some staff have left other companies as they thought solar was the future, we have taken on a new office in wales and have interviews on Monday, some of our staff came from the HIPS work place where they have invested personally in training now THIS GOVT kicks them again
Michael Carrick,
Once more we see a government not prepared to engage in discussions with industry leaders before creating huge unemployment and losses to fledgling business's. What makes the decision even more unbelieavable is the proposed timeframe that these cuts are due to take place.
Please please open up a debate before making this premature and thoughtless decision.
Brian Skipton,
Danny welch,
We have worked hard and invested thousands of pounds on becoming a recognized solar company, we thought we had the full backing of the government we voted In last year, if these changes come into effect it will be the end of the solar industry in this country.
David Dowling,
I employ 18 people in our Solar PV division. If a 50% tarriff cut is imposed they will all immediately be made redundant.
ian williams,
John Fursdon,
we are a small buisness who for once could compete with the big boys on a levell playing field. Now what the doal for christmas?
A Parvinmehr,
This is a disgrace, the goverment is being dictated by the utility companies.
Gareth Thomas,
If you cut the tariff at 6 weeks notice many installers will go bankrupt. We are on 6-10 week lead times for materials and have commitments to orders. If we are left holding stock we will wipe out any profits and hence pay less corporation tax - Bad for us bad for you. Our work will stop on 8th December and employees will be laid off. We have work booked out to April with clients having already spent £20k plus on planning and DNO works to upgrade lines.
Uncertainty is a massive issue. we are a small company (8 employees) how can I order £400k of stock this week to come in 1st week jan if the tariff is going to be cut?
PLEASE ANNOUNCE WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO ASAP, I urge you to make no cuts before April 1st.
80% of my clients are over 50 and use the tariff to give energy security through their retirement.
Cut the rent a roof schemes by making the tariff based on your cumulative installation total, not MPAN numbers therefore it will still encourage domestic, small business and community schemes but eliminate big business's taking the profit out of scheme.
A future tariff for domestic of between 25and 30p will ensure a sustained future. At 20p we will get a small number of people with South facing roofs only - very discriminative.
Gary Carter,
Solar is the way forward, there will come a time when the general working class cannot afford to pay the ever changing energy prices of today, prices are going up NOT down! Continuing the solar industry for years to come will one day make SOLAR PV available to the masses not just to the people with thousands in savings.
Andrew Mullin,
Support Solar. If you go ahead as planned you will kill the industry overnight. Open long term plans are needed for the UK. We have all worked hard to get our businesses up and running, dont put us on the dole.
Andy Haynes,
Jo Abbess,
Please don't destroy the small system solar industry by clamping the feed in tariff in December 2011. Please keep to the April 2012 timeline and have a gradual decrease in the feed-in-tariff. The price of solar photovoltaics will begin to fall significantly in the next few years and we won't need the FiT. In the meantime, we need to protect the industry, and all its jobs, with a suitable, consistent subsidy.
sean lanaway,
distressed solar pv installer
This is a ludicrous backward step and will affect the future of a thriving industry, in these times of economic uncertainty why such a drastic u turn ??? The government is depriving this country yet again
Jeff Szarun,
We are a small, growing solar PV installation company – Bee Solar Power - based in Abercynon, Wales. This ill-thought out changes to policy could lead to our complete closure. We urge you to support small businesses and the Welsh renewable energy industry and to protect the much needed jobs, carbon reductions and energy supply diversity our industry is helping to secure.
Steven Paull,
Reduce the FITs on large "for profit" PV arrays and leave the domestic rates as they are.
Stop paying FITs to local councils.
I'm borrowing money to have them installed on my roof so no quick return for me!
Nicola Johnson,
Donna March,
This ill-thought out changes to policy will devastate the solar industry.
James Breeze,
These cuts will kill the industry overnight and put a lot of people out of a job.
I have worked hard to build up my business over the last 12 months and this is going to take it away from me.
The minimum proposed EPC value of C is also worrying, many properties do not even have the potential to reach this.
It is true that the cost of PV has reduced and maybe a cut to the tariff is needed, but this would be far to drastic.
Simon Campbell,
I am another of many small companies that is trying to grow and this will bring my solar work to an end; I have work booked in until xmas; I don't want to tell people that I cannot complete their work in time.
Benjamin Lenyk,
Slashing the FIT rates as you intend is no more than cutting your nose off to spite your face. The industry is thriving yet you seem to want to do your best to totally destroy on of the only successful technolgies we currently have. Please explain yourselves.
Lee Rose,
I hope dearly that over the next few days the government, ministers and MPs will feel the rage that is being expressed by the industry and its good intentioned customers over the revised Feed In Tariff plans leaked this weekend. If you could only see how much hard work has gone into getting the industry this far in the last ten years.
Shame on those responsible!
Les Bennett,
Richard Humphrey,
The economy needs growth. PV gets money held in savings into the economy. By continuing with an 8th Dec deadline and a 55% reduction in the FIT you are condemning thousands to the dole queue rather than them paying taxes!
Dave Goodwin,
Greg South,
Please reconsider your plans to change the tariff by bringing the change date forward. This will spell disaster for small companies such as ourselves.
Jeremy Ward,
Paul O\'Reilly,
Alastair Barrett,
Current Generation are installers of Solar PV, the proposed changes would massively hit our business costing jobs.
william grafton,
I hardly beleive these FITS cuts are the sensible action of the greenest government ever.
Tim curry,
lloyd scott,
Sean Lovell,
It seems bizare that a Government who stated green issues and employment as the target areas that they are going address in their manifesto.
Are now going to be the cause of a mass decline in solar installs the knock on affect will be solar companies going under and having lay off staff.
This is twice that we have had fast tracked reveiws both implemented within a matter of weeks of its announcement, if it was anything else it would take years look at the digital switch over 15yrs and millions of pounds in advertising, how hard could that be next year we're going to turn off the analoge signal simple.
The FIT should be reduced slowly as was the original deal
give us a fighting chance the public are just coming round to the idea of solar, now that there is no incentive we are going have resistance that will be hard to crack , and we will strugle to reach the 2020 target for the Kyoto agreement.
David Bundy,
Don't be short sighted and invest in the future.
We have just spent thousands of pounds and many draining hours getting our MCS accreditation and haven't even done our first installation - reducing at this rate is despicable and will cause many businesses to fold - we desperately need to recoupe the money we have invested and if you halve this now that will not be possible. The solar industry is going to be catastrophically affected by lack of forethought - reduce gradually as prices fall, not take the bottom out and watch us all fall,
Mitul Govind,
simon ward,
Andrew lister,
Not only are the proposals going to make the solar industry unstustainable it will have a huge effect on employment in rural areas, where there are predomintely SME. Rethink your proposals as the effect of this will bigger than you think! why don't you put back all the unexplained expenses back into the solar budget, this will fund all the ptojects for the next 25years! you do not have a clue!
Richard Hughes,
The future for myself, my family, my business and my employees depends greatly on the decisions about to be made! Solar gives the small scale 'professionals' a chance to prosper in the uncertain times where as focus on wind and tidal technologies slams the door in the face of so many who have trained and spent to gain the right to install solar! If the government have made a mistake by implementing a fit rate that is unsustainable then fare enough but it is utterly disgraceful to expect this thriving green tax paying industry to pay the ultimate price for their mis calculation. Cut don't kill!!!
This has to be one of the worst reviews you could possibly have made. Think again before lots of businesses fold and the unemployment figures and benefits claims go up - use your noggin
Karl Kelk,
Solar Provides Jobs, free energy, a clean environment and hope for the future !
Dave Brown,
6 of our people unemployed on Monday? You decide?
So much for the 'Greenest Government Ever'! How to decimate an industry segment that’s helping with UK employment. Completely Ludicrous
David Mulvey,
I am a contractor and the systems I have installed are all generating more power than the government estimates. PV systems are clean, green and cost efficient. The government should be encouraging people to use this source of energy with the existing feed in tariff. The FITs figures until March 2012 had been published so at least honour those to give time for debate and discussion.
Stop the free solar by limiting the tariff to the home owner only, and not 3rd parties
Gray Scott,
PV systems are a near maintance free green, cost effective form of power generation that the whole world is looking to use. Please Goverment think out of the box this time as to not miss a golden ticket in the market of every expanding power generation.
The Sun will always shine if the world still spins lets not miss the chance at what's glaring us in the face.
Lets not kill off this thriving industry that is providing thousands of job opportunities and safe guarding our energy needs.
Heather Brown,
Why such drastic cuts in such a short time. You are ruining a thriving industry and adding thousands to the umemployed list
duncan Holmes,
pat healy,
Talk about confidence in the 'greenest government ever' first you fastrack the large scale tariff and now you are doing exactly the same to the domestic tariff. Cuts this deep will realy hurt a great industry.
In addition to this, the businesses supported by solar technologies, being among the fastest growing markets in the UK at present, employs thousands of people across the country and recruits many of those who would otherwise be unemployed. The proposed changes to the feed in tariff scheme will do unthinkable damage - not only to the industry, but also to those many people and businesses who depend on its continuing success.
The myth of the 'green government' is becoming clear for all to see.
Richard Lane,
Having been involved in Photovoltaic Systems for most of this year, I have consulted with many Contractors to gain MCS accreditation in the Westcountry. These Contractors have put trust an investment in this industry to help our government reach the targets set out to reduce our carbon emissions. Why is it that our energy providers can still record massive profits, yet allow our 'Green' industry to suffer.
Monday 31st of October is the first day of my own business in Renewable technologies, I can only feel let down if these proposals go ahead as I could become another on the unemployed benefit scheme
Mark Davenport,
Small companies that have invested heavily now totally abandoned. It's great this Big Society ha ha
Gary Brandwood,
The proposed cuts are too far too fast, killing the first sizable renewable industry in the UK whilst it's still in it's infancy
Paul Fincken,
Paul Rogers,
Your policy of a sudden dramatic cut to the feed-in tariffs for solar PV will be a disaster for the industry and risk 25,000 jobs. What happened to the Greenest Government ever? Was it just a blatant Tory lie?
Duncan Holmes,
If those proposals go through, they will wipe out a project that my company has which over 25 years would save the same amount of carbon as taking 8000 ford mondeo's off the road for ever. And created 70 full time permanant jobs. Our company is just one of 3000 pv companies, yet the FIT scheme has only generated 6000 jobs, typical government stats, with a hole big enough to drive a 747 through....
Jack Stubbs,
I truly hope the leaks prove to be wrong, what a hypocratic, ignorant, shortsighted, move from the "greenest government ever?" there are 25000 jobs at stake, thousands of companies employing skilled tradesmen, paying paye, NI, these unfairly premature cuts to feed in tariffs jeapordise all this! the tories got in by airing views like they supported hard work and british grafters that we should be proud of??! As a family business that have been working hard over the past 18 months to invest the money in skilling up and registering with all the appropriate control bodies and employing new staff that we have trained and all the necessary equipment involved in the job to hear that you may be cutting the underpinning promise that was made by you guys makes it hard to believe a god damn word you say! If it is true that the budget is running out then the person responsible for it to be necessary for such a quick drastic cut should explain as the industry is now in turmoil!
Harry Calthorpe,
David Isherwood,
I don't like havinga years worth of hard work destroyed overnight, nor do I like sacking staff, especially the apprentices. Lord knows there's few enough opportunities for them these days.
Freegen Solar Ltd,
Richard Chamberlain,
Greg Jones,
Thats that then, my installer cant install by the 8th of december, because so many people have purchased solar systems, so I have today cancelled my contract. Prehaps I go on a nice long haul holiday instead, seams the government dont want me to save carbon any more. Last Tory vote i'll ever make
Caroline Barrett,
Such a sudden and dramatic drop in the FIT, which is:
- against what was originally outlined
- due to happen in December, rather than April
is likely to deal a crippling blow to the industry. A December timescale is too soon and will affect many people who have planned to get PV and many people who have set up businesses based on the original government FIT plans. Many people will be very dissappointed if this happens.
Lance soni miller,
Please dont do this soni solar is just getting some work in we will all be on the dole by the 10th
Roy Redhead,
Robert Morrison,
Please think about the fuel poor in your decisions. Contrary to what you may have been informed of, the funded programmes are addressing REAL fuel poverty issues by decreasing fuel bills considerably.
You are obvoiously aware of the damage this will cause to our industry.
Heavy and early cuts will not benefit the UK economy in any way. A measured and KNOWN reduction will allow market alignment of cost and ensure that a pioneering industry is not just castrated but allowed to sustainably develop.
Your choice.
Claire Baker,
Mark Bowden,
Why kill one of the only growth industries in the country??
Simon Bunker,
Cut funding cut new jobs what are you doing to this country?
Niko Miaoulis,
This proposal is utter, myopic, madness and contradicts everything the conservatives promised to do.
Bill Johnson,
The tariffs need trimming not felling. 50% is too big a cut and 8 December too soon. Stick to the rules and make it April with a sensible review of the tariffs. Too large a cut now will cripple the fledgling renewables industry.
My family pledged its livelihood into a business that you said would sustain our future. Any failure to keep to your promises would almost certainly spell the end to our business.
Martin Davidson,
Save jobs, save the planet save solar PV
Tiffany Wheble,
Solar has created so many jobs in the UK (both directly and indirectly, e.g. electricians and scaffolders) - I was signed on before I found my full-time job working for a solar installation company in Sussex.
I understand the tariff needs dropping - but slightly, and not until April - as this when everyone in the industry has been working to and expecting. 8th December is far too much short notice and completely unfair - and also what if November has a lot of rain, we won't be able to install!
To double the length of payback time will cripple the industry, as why will people want to spend their hard earned cash, especially when the current rate is such a good investment.
Everyone at our company has been working so hard to get the business going, and it has been a fantastic source of employment and getting our economy going again.
I would also like to know, if the tariff is being cut by 50% are the big 6 energy suppliers going to reduce everyone's bills by this amount or give refunds, as it is they who subsidise it? I highly doubt it!
Please, think about the impact this is going to have before making rash decisions.
Surely an answer would be to only reduce the 'free solar' schemes, which companies have been using to make lots of money quickly, and leave the domestic installs alone.
Surely the government must have realised what a popular scheme it would be when they chose the FiT rates.
We need renewable energy in our country, don't kill it!
Kind regards,
Roger Bell,
The current proposals threaten a young industry. This country needs small enterprises to thrive.
My company has just been set-up for two weeks and now this is proposed before my second installation.
Richard Crotty,
The proposals state a target of 4% return on investment, that may be just acceptable when the invested capital is safe and available to be returned to you at the end of the investment period but not if the funds are consumed on a capital expense. The 18 years payback is laughable, people and/or businesses will not invest significant funds where they are expected to wait nearly two decades to break-even. A gradual, phased and well forecasted reduction in tariffs is the only solution that makes economic, environmental and indeed political sense.
Mark Smith,
More unrealistic targets from the DECC to save there budgets with not a care in the world for anyone else
Andrew Collenette,
Installing solar makes our customers more aware of energy consumption. Surely this impact has not been researched or considered as part of the "consultation".
Tracie Orme,
Why allow over 50kwp 9 months to complete there orders and punish the honest working class who have worked hard and saved for these systems to have it taken away by the fat cats.
Dean Hollick,
D Holmes,
Cutting this tariff will bring the entire PV market to its knees and will leave only a few large companies remaining, these tariffs can easily remain viable by one of several small introductions, may I first suggest cuts to the tariffs for the free solar brigade which put simply is funded by the wealthy making them only more wealthy, secondly the commercial sector who are in the same bracket as those in my previous comments. Let the tariff be there for whom it was originally intended the domestic users and individual tariff owners. Finally may I regretfully add that I was one of those who unfortunately voted for this back tracking shameful party or should I say coalition. A mistake which I will not be making again as their policies seem not to benefit those individuals who wish to push this country or enterprise forward but only those who wish to seek free hand outs, dole, sick pay and other such profitable forms of 'income'. May i finally add that the cost of another "25,000+" unemployed would be rather more costly to the government over the coming months..
Jeremy Fisk,
By all means reduce the FIT rate to a lower level. I think the planned reduction is too much, but was to be expected. however, the CRAZY thing is to bring in the change 4 months ahead of the planned schedule - how on earth can small companies possibly plan their workflow, stocks and cashflow to meet the high demand in only 6 weeks and THEN have to lay off staff, etc just before christmas because the market will take a nosedive. The solar industry has been a great success story over the last year - providing the country with jobs at a difficult time and the only expense is to electricity consumers. the rising prices in electricity are forcing everyone to look more closely at their consumption and find ways of reducing it, which is good for everyone. "Greenest government ever" !!! - Far from it !
John Mayo,
Joshua matthews,
I am a 25 yr old who has invested considerable time and my entire savings into creating a successful small renewable installation company. We employ 5 trainees of varying levels all under 22. Several of theese had previously lost apprentaships when the recession hit and spent time put of work. As they are now in the minority of youngsters who are in training, paying taxes and have prospects to look forward to. As a goverment you have shown us as a generation that you cannot be trusted whatsoever, it's a joke to consider calling yourselves green or interested in the fate of the young during theese difficult times.
Glenn Ashby,
Please re-visit the percentage cut of the FIT tariff for solar PV to allow businesses to transition to a more sustainable business model in a planned manner. Also, 6 weeks is not long enough for planned installs to complete by 8-12-11. Please allow companies which have helped drive down solar PV costs to survive by making the transition to a more sustainable FIT tariff structure more gradual. This will allow hardware prices to fall further to maintain an incentive for the customers and growth for the industry whilst saving thousands of jobs.
Beverley Martin,
Terry Warr,
Phill Sylvester,
We backed the government with our investment it’s now time for the government to honour its pledge to the private sector 1000s of us trusted you what message will you send to other projects you decide to promote does it suit you for us to all be on the dole receiving benefits and not paying taxes. Surly this is a situation where we all lose, the idea of this proposal is enough for people to lose confidences in solar you know all too well how markets reacts, shame on you for even thinking about it.
Jim Lepingwell,
As the fastest growing piece of the solution to the energy crisis and such an important tool in the transition away from fossil fuel reliance, the solar pv industry needs the proper support until it reaches parity. This cut is like burning your crops the week before your harvest them.
Whilst a reduction is a sensible response to the inflated returns now achievable, there seems to be little reason or need for such a drastic cut.
Janet Christie,
This action will kill the solar industry
Ben Nuttall,
I accept that tariff reductions are necessary but giving only 6 weeks notice before they are dramatically cut causes huge problems for us as we currently have 12 weeks work booked in with signed contracts from homeowners who have invested their own money in the good faith that they will recieve the tariff levels that are currently in place. I would urge you to consider sticking to the original intended 31st March deadline.
David Henderson,
Please can we have long term domestic renewable strategy that consults with the stakeholders rather than a knee-jerk reactive government that consults with vested interetsts
The proposed reduction in FIT is completely and totally inequitable
I have been running a solar pv installation business for the last couple of years and have recently started to expand taking on a new apprentice in september. His job and mine may now be in danger. The proposed cuts are to much and too fast and will probably kill the industry very quickly. Also by linking the Fit in future to the energy efficiency of the house will mean that most older houses will have no chance of ever having solar as most of them cannot be improved to this level (C) as they have solid brick walls which are not practical to insulate. The idea doesn't make sense either as regardless of whether the house is energy efficient or not the electricity that it produces by solar pv will mean than less electricity is produced via the usual fossil fuel powered station. So it makes no difference if the house reaches a level c or not as it is still reducing our total carbon footprint and should still receive the Fit support.
Ben Tucker,
Matthew O\'Regan,
jamie howard,
You should've stopped the free schemes or changed the feed in tariff for investors installing it on other peoples roofs. Once again the rich get richer, those who work their arses off get screwed over by the government and the dolies get sky tv and a cushty life doing f-all.
Thomas Garnett,
A whole family will be put out of work if the solar industry collapses due to the cut in feed in tariffs
Capital Energy Solutions,
If your proposals go ahead you will put a thousands of people out of work and will never hit your targets for 2020. If you decide in haste know and KILL the industry it will not be there when you realise you have made a mistake and need it to move forward.
Michael Geller,
There is no justification for slashing the FIT rates as it is entirely funded by the consumer, this will effectively bring an expanding industry to a full stop at a time when we all need to get used to using alternative energy sources.
Mel Todd,
Please look out side the box. Please don't 'cock' up my livelihood and that of my staff. If this comes in, you have personally denied me a living which is disgusting.
Michael Beale,
FiT Cuts are needed, we agree. But severe cuts will bury a fledgling industry.
Gavin Fearnley,
Steve Smith,
Clayton Scott,
Lets see common sence, if this cut takes place thousands of jobs will be lost
Peter Catt,
You destroyed my life with the collapse of the building trade, I'm just trying to pick my life up so please don't destroy it again.
Martin Kingsbury,
Dear sirs,
A deliberately leaked government document was shown on the Energy Saving Trust website 28th Oct.Solar Power PV Feed in Tariff is planned to be slashed from 43.3 to 21 pence per watt on the 8th December 2011. I have a copy of this document, which was only online for about an hour and seen by a few of the right people.
The Climate levy fund was set up in 2001 to stimulate growth in solar and energy saving products industry sectors, reducing our CO2 emissions. Extracting 11% from businesses and homes throughout the country via our energy bills, the fund is worth millions?, and was recently deemed illegal by Europe and is now just another stealth tax. I believe our government intends to legally steal the money in this pot to waste at will.
I have been working in the solar industry for about 12 years now, one of my companies Solar Power GB Ltd, is about to be smashed for the third time in 5 years, due to the decisions made by irresponsible unscrupulous governments. The first was when a feed in tariff was announced for PV but not for Solar Thermal, my business flatlined. The second time was when the banks went belly up, and my potential customers investment stopped paying a return, so they stopped spending, I blame the government for their malpractices. I am now yet again faced with how do I look after the workers, and families that rely on my company, and I have got no time to do this.
This government is about to destroy my company, and our planned growth of around 800 jobs over the next 6 months, will be scrapped if this government planned proposal goes ahead as planned.
A government that keeps telling us how they are working so hard to create growth in business, has just put a great big nail in the coffin of the solar industry, losing hundreds of jobs from my company alone.
The poor people of this country will not now be getting a free solar system.
Yours sincerely
Martin Kingsbury
Solar Power GB Ltd
[email protected]
07860 888877
Steve Brown,
I borrowed £20,000 to set up a business, and got accredited 2 weeks ago today. Sounds like I've wasted 9 months and £20,000.
Tim Godwin,
Oli Carey,
simon linsell,
Paul Shiels,
Save our solar jobs
Nic Goodwin,
We have spent two years building up a small company taking risks to employ staff training them, taking them off support, providing them with what they thought was a future - only to have this all ripped away with no regard to the real consequences within a new industry - where do we go from here ...?
Nic Goodwin
Earthandair Energy
Paul Hutchens,
As a solar installer we know that a 21p FIT level could cripple the solar market. Worse still; changing the rate by the 8th December gives us no time to plan the change, inform our customers and ensure the future of our businesses. Many jobs will be lost! We know the FIT needs to be cut; but so much and so fast does not make sense!
Zandra Waterford,
Cutting the FI tariff will kill this industry, raise unemployment and stifle solar development. How does this accord with the Government's aim of promoting growth. Yet another U turn.
Zara Glew,
Marcus Mackay,
The FITs scheme has created circa 20,000 jobs, injected over a £ Billion into the economy at no cost to government while taking the UK some way towards meeting its carbon reduction obligations. So there is no rational for a sudden unplanned cut that will descimate the industry.
Nick Hammerton,
Modern Day Ambush !
Stephen Barter,
Angus Hone,
If the speculation is anywhere near the truth then DECC/Greg Barker does not appreciate real life business which requires substantial investment to do things properly. Recruiting & committing to high calibre staff, training, building supply chain, permitting sites, undertaking structural surveys etc. Building a quality offering takes time. Policy which changes too quickly is unsettling, and results in under investment. i just hope the cuts are nowhere near those i hear. Otherwise we'll be just like Spain rather than Germany - Germany got it right. Spain got it very wrong.
Andre Mooney,
You created a thriving industry on the back of the green agenda and within 2 years you have destroyed it and given more than 20,000 people only 6 weeks to diversify into alternative employment.
This needs further consultation and involve the industry and their views!
Matthew Saunders,
Dan Stephenson,
Henah Akhtar,
Don't let British communities down by slashing the FIT rate. We need more clean energy, take us into a brighter future.
mark ellison,
Helen Lacey,
Please dont take a sledge hammer to crack a nut. We all agree that the FIT's are unsustainable at the current level but a phased review, giving the industry time to reorganise itself is what everybody needs.
Peter Keesom,
I supported this coalition on its ideas about a greener country. Don't disappoint me.
Julian Pertwee,
25,000 jobs are at risk! Protect this green shoot, stagger the FIT sensibly and Grid Parity will be a reality, cut too quickly and up to 25,000 jobs will go.
Simon Clempson,
Support business and give people a chance !
John James,
Hi Guy's
This scheme is helping to save countless jobs in the M&E engineering sector
We have invested heavily in re-training, equipment and compliance and have saved at least eight jobs which are now at serious risk.
We have expected a cut of around 10% to 15% but 50% will kill the industry.
This scheme gives so many win's it can't be lost.
Please help us help you
Please have some backbone
Help us save jobs, cut are emmisions and re-focus our industry - the votes will come!!!
Dr HJ Hill,
Dean Hill,
Tom Rimmington,
A healthy solar PV industry is essential to meet our environmental targets. Our enviromental targets have been set for a very real issue. Slashing FiTs would put a halt to large scale solar PV and would be an absolutly nonsensical move.
I am the MD of a small solar company (employs 15 people) and we will be forced to close if the proposed cuts go ahead, which means at least another 15 people to add to the governments unemployment stats!
Matt Swindells,
If paybacks go back to 12years plus, thats longer than warranties, and will encourage "ambitious" calclulations and lower quality equipment. Wouldnt it be better to cut the tarriff durations? Then the nation still benefits from the energy long after the tarriff term has ended.
Rosemary Bland,
Do not cut solar a tthe same time as looking at Fracking and Tar Sands! Very regressive.
Ralph Coleman,
Mr Huhne et al need to realise that it isn’t only the companies directly involved with installation and manufacture of PV that are affected. It is a great number of other sectors that have seen an opportunity to propel themselves out of the austerity of the past couple of years and innovate in order to meet the needs of this growing industry in an increasingly diverse range of ways. The cuts will have wide ranging implications and redundancies won’t be limited to ‘the PV industry’ itself.
Greenest Government. Your words not ours!!!!!!!!!!
ETS SOLAR -Anthony Bown,
It's time the UK did their bit to save our planet and secure a healthy environment for our children.
Donald Gregory,
chloe beerling,
pete catt,
Emma Haughton,
If this cut goes ahead, solar pv will be just for those can afford it - a luxury, not a necessity. A bit like university education.
Bryony Hazelwood,
Peter Grant,
Ironically Nick Clegg announced this morning a fund of up to £1 billion to stimulate industry growth and create new jobs, whilst Greg Barker is about to drastically cut PV feed in tariffs which will without doubt lead to massive job losses in the PV industry .
Edward Grant,
By slashing the feed-in tariff you will decimate a very much needed, up and coming progressive industry. Solar has seen massive job creation as well as a smaller dependence on expensive/carbon hungry fuels. Solar is most certainly part of the answer to the UK's future energy security. Why kill one of the real "green shoots of recovery"?
The planned graded reduction in fit payments is a system that works as seen in other countries, why move the deadline and slash payments so hard? Why announce £1 billion pounds worth of investment into 'promoting' new jobs when you already have a system that is 'creating' new jobs. Your announcement today I quote from the telegraph "The Prime Minister says the government is on an “all-out mission” to kick-start industry. Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister, will announce that 35,000 jobs will be created using nearly £1 billion of public money." There has already been 25,000 jobs created using a fraction of the £1 billion you have pledged and more are being created. If you make these proposed changes to the fit payments you will make a large number of this 25,000 unemployed, while your new investment will have seemed pointless by only really creating a possible 10,000 jobs at best.
If these cuts are to be enforced solar will no longer be a realistic option for protecting the environment, protecting against energy price rises and creating a decentralised stable energy network.
Please reconsider reducing the fit payments by so much and look sensibly at the current fit structure and you will see that it is working as it was designed to.
If you really want energy security take solar seriously. There is nothing more guaranteed than the sun rising in the morning and setting at night. Lets not let the sun set on the solar industry.
This will cripple companies, we have invested huge amounts to become registered and the Governments "own" great scheme which convinced us this was the way forward will now wipe out companies....shocking, disgusting & dissappointing!
Ranbir Dhillon,
Jo Smith,
We're quickly running out of time to save this planet! C'mon Cameron!
Christopher Oram,
Absolutely dismayed by the complete ineptitude of supposedly intelligent people that run our country. The PV industry needs tweaking not destroying.
adrienne campbell,
Peter Rolinson,
To lower the tariff is certainly a backward step. It would be foolish for a government to undermine the industry when so much has been invested in persuading the public of the benefits of solar power. If the government take such a myopic view it will leave their claim to be the greenest ever in tatters.
David Barclay,
This is a disastrous day for the only thriving industry in the UK
Scott McDougall,
Carl Cook,
Cutting the throat of the solar industry the day after announcing another huge pot of taxpayers cash for the big6 - how can you justify this?
Jon Williams,
Granted change was needed. But this is too quick and too drastic.
Danniel Gaydon,
If FIT rates are cut to just 21p, our company which we have invested so much time and money starting up, based on the original FIT rate plans set out by our government will undoubtedly fail, as will many many other companies out there.
In a time of such hardship where so many small businesses are struggling to stay above water this would be a cruel and devastating blow. I, for one, and I'm sure many others will lose confidence in a government which already seems to be failing us in many ways.
Richard Gaydon,
Phil South,
S Williams,
G.L. Poulter,
Governments have made such encouragement for us as a country to use more green energy.What is the point of this very retrograde step.I thought we were a forward looking country, not to mention our professional Engineers who have made a career change, especially to boost our energy systems. It just seems a bad government decision.
Chris Monckton,
This will kill the green revolution and put Britain behind in its commitment to be the greenest ever government.
John Ward,
Jason LeRoy,
chris taylor,
Owen Morgan,
Don't destroy thousands of jobs and a positive, growing industry.
Jonathan Griffiths,
Do not lose these jobs! The UK needs them!
Joanne Beech,
Cut don't kill the solar industry!!
Kevin Davis,
I am currently going through MCS accreditation and already planned to employ 5 people, this will not now happen.
Please rething your stragety, there are many more options than what you have proposed that will safeguard jobs.
Shaun Oulton,
we are training providers for all the electrical courses and have found an increase in the people wanting to be qualified to carry out the installation of PV systems and under the new FIT we feel this will stifle the growth in this sector and even force some business to lay off staff due the fall in demand.
John Ward,
How about actually living up to your pledge to be the Green government and Support Solar
Prof Derek Gould,
David Cameron has said his would be the Greenest Government ever. It cannot be thus without continued support for domestic energy generation.
Nicole McCabe,
Steven Box,
Cut necessary, but not one to the throat!
Kevin O\'Dea,
Alan Paul,
Need to increase awareness not kill it stone dead.
Cutting the tariff makes some sense, but this much, this quickly with less than 6 weeks notice - this is grossly unfair to industry and customers - how will we attract investment and win public support for renewables when government messages and policies change with the wind!
s coulston,
Clueless decision from the government!!!!
This is a disgrace! To invest in companys and then the Government does a u-turn!
Lawrence Weetman,
Madeleine Foster,
Jamie Sugg,
kate shayler,
Why kill off one of the thriving industries in the uk?
Elizabeth waters,
Such drastic cuts in the Feed in tariff will remove the economic viability of small domestic schemes and destroy Community projects.
John Mitchell,
I am 67 and have just signed up to have solar panels fitted at a cost of £11,950. If the job is completed before the 8th of December the panels will be paid for in 8 years. I am not in good health but I think I may live to see a small return on my hard earned cash. If I have to wait another 4 years (at the 0.21p rate) before I get a return I will probably have passed on! This will kill the market for people like me as I would not have gone ahead with this sort of uncertainty in the market and the proposed lower FIT and I am sure other pensioners will cancel and put their money in the building society.
Ruth Wharton,
Rebecca Curtis,
Decenltralised (distributed generation) is a threat to the Energy and Distribution majors. The Green Deal is a cynical attempt to prevent this.
Dan Andrews,
There’s no chance of me installing and getting the MCS certificates sorted out for all of the jobs I currently have in the order book before the 12th of December.
So I expect about 60 customers to cancel their order on the basis that it’s no longer what they thought they were buying. Tough times a head for a company with such promise all because of a knee jerk reaction to something that could have been predicted from the outset.
Why stop a scheme that is being successful?
H Evans,
Alan Speirs,
Simon Lawrence,
The Feed-in Tariff helps generate real interest in Solar, it also is highly beneficial to Social Housing schemes, saving residents hundreds of pounds!
John Fowler,
jan lawrence,
wayne lawrence,
Harold Forbes,
The December 12th "reference" date is a complete swizz. Just goes to show what a lying bunch of unreliable thugs politicians really are.
Tom Barker,
Does the government think it is 'the greenest government ever', was it just a matter of more lies to fool the electorate, does the government think that we already have enough renewable energy, or does the government think that such a rate will stimulate the market sufficiently to avoid the economic chaos that inevitably will follow annual oil prices rises and meeting the Climate Change Act? In any scenario, this move hints at a level of ignorance and incompetance greater than anyone feared. The people of Britain, now and in the future, deserve much better than ineptitude.
Eric Hopley,
Terry Donovan,
Roger Ball,
I thought the government was trying to create jobs, not kill a whole industry over night.
Adrian McKeon,
PV is the most successful ever driver for UK green retrofit. The cost of FITS to each home is an order of magnitude less than a 1% rise in power bills and the benefits bill for 25,000 unemployed outstrips both. Cut FITs, yes. But balance out the benefits.
It unfair to impose new conditions at such short notice to both the companies who intall the systems and those planing to install them. we are supposed to be encouraging private industry not pulling the rug from under it.
munro grierson,
Steve Keeney,
The feed in tariff should indeed TAPER, but this is not tapering, it is a swingeing CUT that will damage the nascent solar PV industry badly before it has become properly established. Please reconsider - taper the FiT more gradually and do not undermine renewable energy take up just as it is taking off in the UK.
andrew sharman,
This will kill a whole industry in a time of uncertainty
Stephen Barkley,
Destroying the companies that are delivering new clean energy technology that is friendly to our environment is plain stupid as well as criminal. Please think again before commiting to this action.
Mate Velkey,
John Cummings,
francois Eve,
Matt Thornington,
A chance for the UK to get a foothold in the future as a green energy specialist, don't throw this chance away!
Joanne McMahon,
Jamie Baldwin,
Supporting the well off again.
Freya Govus,
My dad and brother both work in the renewables industry. By implementing these cuts the coalition will kill a growing industry.
Ben Chisnall,
Bhaskar Bhattacharyya,
Lindsay Dale,
Edward Breslin,
Russell Grainge,
Change is needed in the industry but to cut this deep this fast will destroy consumer confidence and leave many businesses in tatters. This industry is too young to recover from this action and subsequently the coalition government will be responsible for destroying one of the UK economies only success stories.
Trevor Crone,
I wonder what hat 21p was pulled out of, it must have cost a £million to calculate.
Chris Atkin,
Please save our FIT's - PV is truly a clean virtually carbon neutral technology - The UK should be a front runner, not an "also ran" - Save our FIT's!
Julia Wain,
Joe Perry,
Debra Storr,
Allen Jones,
We all knew something had to change form next April but the 12/12/11 implementation date is a killer blow to a number of high profile social housing schemes that have created local job opportunities
Make Hay Solar Installers,
Householders are only just coming around to recognising the benefits of the Feed in Tariff. If these cuts go ahead, all confidence in the market will go. The link to efficiency is wrong and adds further confusion. Keep them separate and dont clog business up with further red tape. Total rethink over degree and timing of cuts is required. If this means extending the cap on investment, so be it. £900 million is about 30p per person per week vs 25,000 jobs at risk in the industry? All paying taxes now... The sums don't add up...
Mark Knowles,
john kelly,
richard moule,
Judy MacPherson,
Jono Read,
So much for the greenest ever government!
Jonas Malmström,
Cutting the PV generation tariffs in April 2012 was a sound plan.
Cutting them with 6 weeks notice in December 2011 puts a huge amount of end customers and entrepreneurs under extreme pressure and will permanantly damage the confidence in the stability of the regulations for this business that generates so many local jobs and so much tax income for the UK state.
Our PV start-up company would not have dared the step over the channel to UK if we thought the UK government were inclined to treat businesses in this way.
Catherine Cottrell,
This is craziness. Halving the FITs with six weeks' notice?!
Ian Porter,
if drastic cuts are made too soon, then this industry and mine and my fellow pv installers invested time, money and effort all wasted
Andy O\'Leary,
the announcement to bring forwards the new tarrif date to 12 Dec seems to be unnecessay panic which will devastate many small businesses.
Antonia Kent,
This is unbelievable short-termism, don't do it.
Carl noble,
J-P Child,
Andrew Roughley,
Neil Lewis,
Why destroy something good. Modify, but not this.
Gary Rowe,
The incredibly short notice of the cut-off date is grossly unfair and should be revised into 2012 with immediate effect. Giving a mere six weeks notice after a huge change in tariff is nowhere near enough.
Martin Gladwin,
Perhaps they're just getting us ready for a 50% take up of Green Deal? ;)
This will devastate our industry, our economy and our jobs. This has not been thought through properly.
John Clayton,
how many companies will this banckrupt with panels that can't be sold
David Burns Echo energy,
please support our industry and our jobs
Adam Horan,
About to tell 7 guys they are being made redundant because of this! This is not what the Solar Industry should be about!
Jonathon Moreels,
Andy Coles,
Alyson Bartlett,
Emily Stokes,
Ricky Malson,
Conor O\'Brien,
marie s,
Like many other small businesses, we have been investing in this sector for the last 2 years and all of our funds have gone into general set up/training/finding the right staff and marketing. Like any new business it takes time to develop the brand/trust and recognition of your firm, just as we have gained that and are building a good customer base we are crushed. The government were quick to bail the banks out by billions and still allow for huge bonuses to be paid at our expense - what has happened to this country. Solar was our future Anna not just for businesses and homeowners but for the future of our planet. Our leaders clearly don't share this commitment.
Matthew Dovey,
steven goodall,
It's nothing short of a death knell. Cut deathly quick. DNOs take 45 days for >4kW apps. We've lost our large pending jobs & now have no cashflow to buy up rapidly diminishing stock which is being ordered en mass by the big firms. We've gone from having a great product, to one that is generally unsellable overnight and may not be able to fulfill remaining but the fast-flowing pre-cut off orders due to having no equipment to install.
Having the eligibilty date (12 Dec) set before the end of the consultation period suggests that there is no consultation. It's a 'done deal'.
Ron Dobson,
Mike Simmons,
I worry about jobs but I worry more about the planet and our survival on it - this cut does not make me feel optimistic
We need this growth to help the country get back on its feet after what the banks have done
Matthew Waterhouse,
Just a bit too much too soon????? Slowly, slowly catchee.........
Louise Attley,
What Next!
Stan van den Berg,
Jeni Peterson,
Laura McCarthy,
David Rae,
How many people do the government want on the dole Q's
david briault,
At a time when we really should be pushing solar energy forward, this is not the right option. I think it is disgusting that the sector has only been given six weeks to figure out this problem and I believe that this approach needs to be softened to ensure that thousands of jobs are not lost just in time for christmas.
Gian-Carlo Grossi,
Lee Attley,
Darren Forbes,
Ross Walters,
a crass, short-sighted move which'll negatively impact jobs, growth, the development of advanced infrastructure and a green economy.A betrayal of the gov's own agenda and a kick in the teeth for anyone who invested in time and money into building a solar business. The Condems have no credibility and cannot be trusted.
andrew fearon,
Darren Durrant-Rance,
lara zavaroni,
shocking news disappointed the government fucked us again !
Mainly disgusted with the way the cut off date in early December has been announced giving those of us who have just paid a deposit and have to go through the planning process no chance of hitting the date.
Paul Barnes,
I think the government are being very short sighted in what impact this will have on local and national economy for the green jobs sector and households throughout the uk not ALL being able to afford solar panels along with the rising cost of energy bills keep on going up energy companies racking in massive profits not to forget where this money is actually coming from which is utility bill payers IN CERT (carbon emmission reduction target) funding.
The people should have a say in where THEIR MONEY SHOULD GO !
so what if a few people who invest make a great return on their investment we are in a recession and we all have paid for this tariff.
Paul Barnes
Managing Director
The Energy Saving Team
Louise Burke,
Matthew dutton,
Paul Castle,
Why kill a growing industry overnight?
Paid our deposit about two weeks ago and have to endure the Letchworth Heritage Foundation's extra planning requirements so now won't be able to meet the date of 12 December. If a commercial company acted like this setting a cut off date before the end of a consultation period they'd be taken to court!
David Taylor,
Ian Jamison,
These drastic cuts to the Feed in Tariff will totally decimate to Solar PV Industry & cause severe job losses!!!!!!!!
Stephen Lawson,
We all know it needs cutting but this is a ridiculous amount
Graham Fenton,
I think the goverment have finally lost their marbles. Oh and I bet the power companies are wetting them selves (rubbing their hands together)
simon Lovering,
Please save our industry and our jobs!!! Myself and my husband both work for the same PV company, love our jobs and have two small children!
adam dobson,
i cant see any domestic customer paying for PV with this new FIT rate
John Mustarde,
Steady and planned is what we need not sudden dramatic cuts.
Adrian Farnell,
These cuts will seriously jeopardize my business and that of several of my associates. They certainly do not give us enough time to readjust.
Linda Marshall,
50% reduction on any commodity is far too much to impose in one blow. Consider reduction, please.
Efficiency North,
This is a killer for stimulating UK economic growth, for local authorities and social landlords wanting to do the right thing for their fuel poor tenants, and will put off funders who could have been drawn into supporting the Green Deal
This proposed reduction to the Solar PV Tariff by 50 percent will effectively kill a thriving sector of our troubled economy. An incredibly reactionary move designed to benefit who exactly ?
Sam Fleming,
Vincent Ware,
9 Months of training, business development, MCS, Part P, £15000+ and Stress, putting our last pennies into getting accredited as we believed this was the future and now its being taken away. Looks like sell up the house and go on the doll because we havent got anymore money in the pot to keep going! the very least the governmnet could do is give us more notice! thank Britian
Miranda Bell,
Gurpal Bhaker,
Kevin Keiley,
Francis Jones,
Pat Thorne,
This action will cut jobs, bankrupt small companies and discourage small households from doing their bit to save the planet
James kearney,
How can this government do such a dramatic u-turn changing from April to December and slashing it by over half when they said it would be 5p. This country needs a growth sector like solar and they are going to kill the solar industry over night putting thousands out of work. Get labour back in!!!!!
G. Smart,
This govt. does not understand the working people
david english,
i have just spent the last year building my solar business up , investing over five thousand pounds just to be able to install pv solar , my business is just building up , if the feed in tariff is cut you may as add me to the dole queue,as there will be no pv fitted after dec 12 , how can you trust a government that will do this !
Mark Bradley,
How on earth does the government justify a 50% cut when prices have not dropped by 20%. If this happens which I think it will, it will kill this market and all of us who have invested a lot of time, training and money.
Paul Byrne,
I think its disgusting that they could try to force this through three months before they said thy would originally do it.Also to cut it by 50% is ridiculous,it just shows you they are not concerned about the world we live in there only concern is MONEY
martin hedges,
mike Tomlinson,
Indecision on the government's part will stifle business.
alan joy,
If you must reduce the FIT then do so at a much smaller cut ie 2/3p . The industry has only just got going !!!
Paul Bower,
Short sighted and ill thought out from the least green government ever!
Paul Barker,
government have made us go through hoops with great expense to be able to install the renewables technologies and I for one am a long way off breaking even. Yet another thing which has made legitimate people spend a fortune and then pull the rug from under our feet.
Do these cuts and I loose my job.
Jane Robertson,
Roger Williams,
This is one of the best ways to kill an industry that's barely out of infancy! Reduce the guarantee period to 15years together with a 10% reduction to the FiT - think hard about what is being done.
reg kent,
Keep the tariff level high, outlaw 'free' systems. Tariff needs to be at a level to enable 10% plus return on investment, thereby home owners can raise private funding via mortgage, repay the loan and still be able to make a reasonable profit.
Wayne Watts,
These cuts are just madness!
paul kightley,
Solar is part of a green solution. The industry in the UK has just started to cut the funding at this stage will decimate the industry putting more people out of work. Once again it will only be the well off & commercial enterprises that will be able to afford to have this and they will be looking to make a profit.
Fully understand why cuts need to be made to the FITS, but the speed and percentage is way to much.
How can a business have any hope of planning a future, expanding, creating jobs and wealth for the UK within the Solar PV industry when we have so called professional Politian’s performing like amateurs with these knee jerk policy decisions?
Frank Stone,
I'm lost for words, wont be voting for this government again, they have lost the plot, HOW TO RUIN THE ONLY UK GROWING MARKET..
Duncan Robertson,
Save our Solar!
Ross Martindale,
Mike Wilkinson,
Chris Stretton,
So the government are planning to allow the energy companies to keep the FIT reserves for themselves to profit. Surely the idea is for the householder and country to see some return on the "green tariff" they have paid in to for the past years.
Venugopal Tatikunta,
high peak electrical ltd,
this reduction to the fit scheme will have a detrimental effect on our business,we will have to look at reducing the number of staff we have at present, in the new year
ian parris,
The FIT was due to be reduced at the end of March anyway, so why not advise people now of a higher reduction then rather than dropping the industry on it's arse now. This would increase customers now, so to keep money moving and would assist in the prevention of the country from falling onto it's knees. This would allow more time for companies to prepare for a continuation of work from April onwards. I cannot believe the government sanctioned this especially when the utility company prices are at an all time high and the sun's free harnessed energy can do so much good. Shame on you !!!
Guy Bacon,
after obtaining our MCS acreditation recently which has cost alot of time and effort i think it is a total disgrace that they are looking at doing this.MADNESS!!!
Alan Lawson(solar concept) Sunderland,
Crippling industry before its had a chance!!!
Dan Dodkins,
Nigel Godfrey,
Derick Humphrey,
The UK DECC are rightly reducing and restricting the feed-in tariff. However, their proposals will reduce it by so much that few householders and businesses will seek solar PV in 2012. The intention is to try to encourage householders to spend on other energy efficiency initiatives before they can benefit from solar. This will create a barrier to solar. And, householders and businesses who cannot insulate their houses may be disincentivised from having solar PV as a means to make their house more energy efficient.
Frank Doherty,
We can live at 29p and there will be an industry left to build upon. At 21p THERE IS NO INDUSTRY LEFT!
Patricia Park,
tim Hutchinson,
David Hassett,
I had to fight long and hard to build a small business and get these cuts are way too drastic. It will kill my business.
Brett Reynolds,
geoff locke,
Please re consider changes to solar feed in tarfiffs
charlene gee,
Tariffs and timescales should undergo gradual change in an open manner after debate and not as an underhand and undemocratic 'fait accompli' which damages both the public and the workforce.
Andrew Downie,
Steve Shaw,
Edward Windsor,
Greg Barker and the rest of the government must be the dumbest people on the planet, with 2.5 million people unemployed why destroy an industry that provides new jobs and in the green industry. But I guess there wasn't any extra cash after the government gave 75 billion to the banks. This country is run by morons
John Day,
You cannot expect people to invest thousands of pounds both in new business start ups and for clients to "rush things through" now the date has become known. This is a typical knee jerk reaction to the Govt's inability to have had the CORRECT procedures and FIT tariff's in place, instead of letting "solar farms" taking advantage of the situation and emptying the cash coffers.
Chris Mortimer,
Martin Fellerman,
We have installations to the value of 1.5 Million booked to March 2012. The cuts if they proceed will put 39 people out of work to join the list of unemployed. These proposals are typical of the short sighted Government we are left with.
steve andrews,
Absolutely rediculous to cut the FIT so quickly and drastically. We are all aware that the FIT needs to be reduced but not in one go and within 6 weeks, this will just kill the industry over night with 25,000 jobs on the line. I heard the rumours last week but didnt think it would be possible to be so stupid!
Howard Croft,
Cut the tariff but within reason, please.
Darren Redmond,
This we kill the Solar PV industry over night!!
James Chrystal,
The government are looking for private business to take the country out of recession. They need to support industries like renewables if they want this to happen and help improve the economic prospects of the country moving forward.
Alessandra Marziali,
Today, it is a very sad day... they can't seriously cut 25000 jobs over night, can they?!
Joseph Theobald,
Colin McElhinney,
We must continue to promote Solar PV systems, this is the way forward for our country. These reduced rates will almost certainly kill off the industry.
Anthony Lee,
Ian Hornblow,
Everything one could expect from this knee jerk government hypocritical and two faced
Simon Booth,
We urgently need a joined up energy strategy which considers all forms of renewable technologies, is developed in conjunction and association with the industry, upon which we can invest and build the UK economy. Without this, we will simply lurch from one initiative to the next!
Gregory Norminton,
When the government can 'find' a quarter of a billion to fund black bins (i.e. please the Daily Mail by undermining recycling), the excuse that we cannot afford the FiT rings hollow. This cut will be fatal to one of the few growth industries in Britain. It is stupid and wrong.
Anya Beaumont,
Ian Silman,
As a solar panel installer this will decimate my newly formed buisness, just last week I was looking at the possibility of taking on a full time employee to cope with demand now I am looking at possibly loosing my lively hood this goverment needs to re think quickly
Steve Havenhand,
Colin Brown,
So much for the Government investing in new technology!!! Its hardly started and they are killing it off
Lee Crawford,
Caretech Systems Ltd,
As an electrical installer this action will have a major effect on our intention to employ additional staff.
John Thornicroft,
Why so sudden a change to the FIT? This is not reasonable and unfair to people with outstanding planned installations, like us.
Greg swan,
hopefully this saves our industry, and planet of coarse
Derrick Hodgson,
Today Cameron said that he was to roll up his sleeves and fight for the jobs front and here we are in reality cutting thousands more by devastating the solar industry. What a fantastic opportunity squandered by the government. They give with one hand and take away with the other. Two of my customers said they would not have gone ahead if the FIT was so low. This government are the "greenest Ever" so green that they cannot see the opportunity for growth, at a time of shrinkage an opportunity to grow the jobs market, at a time of shrinkage, an opportunity to grow the economy, at a time of shrinkage, an opportuntiy for prosperity at a time of adversity. Yes they are the greenest party, so green they know not what they do they have no bloody idea.
Susan Spivey,
Gill Hammond,
what a disaster for Solar
nick higham,
Simon Scott,
dont be such chicken shits,continue support for renewables,dont go back on your word again
Joe Jollands,
Andy Tugby,
This proposed cut in the rate goes wholly against all alleged "Green Deal" principles and makes a joke of the coalition sustainability claims
Dave Rutledge,
The government would not consider treating any other industry in this way.
I was hopeing to convince the Trustees to install panels on the Village Hall - don't know if I'll be able to now!!
Amy Thomas,
chris Rennie,
why kill the sector with 25000 job losses to replace it with 1000 in the building sector making a dirty reactor?
Joe Casey,
The market for photovoltaic installations is one of the fastest growing industries around. The proposed cuts to the FITs would seal the end for this technology and as we are in a recession we need to encourage business of any kind not squash it; especially one as promising as photovoltaic’s. This move toward the FITs cuts would only help to destabilize our economy and leave the country in an even worse financial situation than it already is. This harebrained idea is the most ridicules I’ve ever heard, to actively try and ruin an industry capable of supplying huge revenue to the country is sickening. This industry is not only capable of supply revenue to the country but will also provide jobs, benefit the environment, bring about economic growth and encourage the further development of renewable energies.
Mr Kerry Durrant,
Dear All,
If this was the banking sector then the government would be stuffing twenty pound notes in our back pockets. Instead of setting unrealistic dates. The new rates can work but the deadlines are unrealistic.
Mike Godfrey,
Chris Rider,
This is the way to kill a fledgling growth industry, you must not do it!
This decision to change the feed-in tariff will put my fathers company into has just had it's 50th anniversary:(
Anthony Shirley,
Simon Gallear,
David Spencer,
I have real concerns about the renewable industry with this measure, the uncertainty created has already impacted the consumer and urgent reassurance is required.
John Arnold,
As a fairly new company within the industry we are devastated at this news, we have just spent thousands on training, new equipment, website, etc, all based on a business model that no longer exists due to todays announcement. The government knows this will kill the makes no sense.
25,000 redundancies. As a newly registered MCS approved contractor i would just like to thank the government for giving me the opportunity to send all my employees on training courses, allowing me to invest my own money on equipment and sign writing vehicles, and then literally pulling the plug. Thanks a f*****g bunch
Elizabeth Anderson,
Please invest in the solar power industry and invest in our future.
Dominic Solari,
Mr Chris Cook,
How do DECC expect Solar PV installation companies to business plan for the future ?
As of today we are no longer able to quote for any future PV installations, because we cannot let our potential customers know what the feed in tariff will be ?
DECC have now managed to engineer the perfect conditions for "Boom and Bust".
I can see that Solar installation companies will today be laying off their Sales force, whilst the installation side will be working flat out to grt system fitted before 12th December.
After the 12th December, all the fitters will then have to be laid off as no more work will be in the pipeline, as the sales staff, will not have generated any work.
So as usual this Government have a history of talking up how "Green" they are, but actually are the COMPLETE opposite.
The government clearly needs to rethink todays shock announcment
Kevin Reilly,
David Elder,
Gwilym Davies,
I'm a small business trying to survive in this hard financial climate and if this 50% reduction takes place, I will be forced into bankruptcy, it is very difficult to find business as it is. You cant do this to me!
Ian Gibson,
I am still in shock. This cannot go ahead.
James Budge,
I agree with cuts but doing it to an industry that could help our future is madness. Without the 43p FIT the incentive has gone, why would you go for 21p when your neighbour gets 43p, unless the install costs fall 50% allong with it.
Jon Buick,
Moving the March the 31st deadline is a huge blow to projects that have been through OJEU compliant procurement programs. Moving the deadline will lead to huge amounts of money, time and opportunity being wasted.
The government are obviously not that concerned about the future and generations to come as much as they would like us to think they are. My grandchildren and there grandchildren will have to clean up the mess they leave behind.
Mark Clifford,
Sasha rixham,
How much of the FIT fund has been spent on large scale projects initiated by the Energy suppliers themselves? These schemes outstripped the expected take up rate. Not in the spirit of the scheme?
Do not kill a very good scheme.
quite simply, if this deep and sudden cut in the FIT goes ahead our company and its 14 employees will be no more...... enough said!
Mick Gosney,
We all knew cuts were coming , but 50% and in 6 weeks. What are all the Solar companies supposed to do . The cuts need to be less and brought in in April , as we all expected.
Gerald Jenkins,
Andrew Poxon,
not only will the sudden change to the tarriff drastically affect what is being done to help reduce our countries carbon footprint but it is also in danger of putting a lot of staff from a thriving business out of work
james lattimore,
solar daddy loves solar
paul ward,
chris barker,
Please don’t make me make redundancies
Harry Cason,
UK gov show the British public that you care about Britains future and keep pushing forward with alternative energy and not running away from it. Our future depends on it!
Ben Mattock,
Andy Dedman,
We've invested all our money to create a Solar PV business. Our business plan includes branching out into other renewable energies when the reduction in FIT was to come in April 2012. What the government has done has killed us stone dead. Thanks.
Ian Houghton,
Thousands of pounds of my own money, time off work to study the QMS. Endless hours learning everything needed to become part of a proffesional body of people and now you are going to make the cost of investment a waste of time. Do this and this is one vote that you will have lost forever.
Jason Bishop,
I have invested £16000 in my Solar business and am due to be MCS accredited on the 11th with no hope of getting the money back, who can make a business plan when the goal posts are moved so dramatically overnight...just another way to sink us all into debt!
Hannah Shooter,
This is a poor way of the government showing support to alternative energy supplies.
Gareth Whittaker,
ok cut the rates but no so harsly and as quick!!!
Aaron johnson,
please.... you'll ruin my unborn families future
Ryan Patterson,
Mark Stephenson,
the cut will put me on the dole .....
Gerlinda Rehberg,
Backwards move by government just when solar was taking off
Richard Bennett,
Tony Gillett,
End 'rent a roof' and investor driven schemes by all means, but save the rest of the industry!
matthew lanzon,
if this goes ahead not only will destroy a growing business but put thousands of people out of work and the knock on effect of that will be devastating for the whole of the U.K
Elliott Luffingham,
Perhaps the goverment thinks going into the red is the new green?
Kevin Hartland,
Gordon Paterson,
Why could they just not set the date for change for the 1st April instead of a mad rush !!
David French,
The UK was at the forefront of solar technology in the 80s. We fell behind due to lack of investment by past governments. This industry has started to grow rapidly again. Many thousands of people have re trained and now they will loose there jobs. We need incentives to continue to grow not cut backs
This will kill our business!
Martin cornes,
Let's not forget the reason why the fit scheme was born, to incentivise renewable energy to meet the UK targets. I'm all for cutting back to a sustainable rate but let's lead other EU countries such as Germany and take lead for once. Let's also not forget that our UK manufacturing is minimal against other EU countries so make us lead on renewables not only with Solar but wind swell.
Dave Macfie,
Andrew Perry,
bill stephenson,
We have invested a lot of time and money in this market. plus we have taken on 5 staff and we are advertising for a marketing manager. This is now under threat
Gareth Rendle,
I think this plan is truly rediculous. The government have encouraged companies and householders to invest heavily into this new industry, which also creates huge revenue in taxes, is boosting our ecomony and will help us to pull through this recession which still has darker times to come anyway. The people that are proposing this stupid idea of cutting the feed in tariff really need to think about their actions more carfully and the very BAD conseques this will have on our financial situation as a country and also the fact that our national grid is now being pushed to it's limit is a bigger problem than people realise, WE NEED RENEWABLE ENERGY. (Have a word with yourselves)
Jonathan Smith,
We need to collectively support a thriving industry, help to cut our carbon emissions and increase our energy resilience.
J Campbell,
OK, we knew a FIT reduction was inevitable...but 6 weeks to clear all booked in jobs??? If that's reasonable, I'm a Tory MP! Pray the snow doesn't come early again this year. Then we have band C to worry about. In a rural area with many old houses that's half the prospective market ruled out. Many aspects of this plan need an urgent rethink.
martin savage,
stephen ramm,
6 weeks?? We order stock further ahead than that, how can any company deal with such a short timescale?
NorthernEnergy Solutions Ltd,
Nigel Branagan,
I have spent four years building my renewable energy company, First the government stalls on the RHI for the domestic market now you wish it kill the FIT overnight. Between the banks not lending and the governments narrow sighted view, I don't think I have every seen such a destructive force as this government in killing the fastest growing industry in the UK. It's the last time i will vote Tory!!!
steve pears,
i n this be in the best interest of the country and theyve just announsed there building a new coal fired power station in doncaster !.so much for them promoting green power instalations
Regardless of the fact that it will put approximately 25,000 people onto Jobseekers allowance, and that there is blatantly corruption involved somewhere, then it will put much more pressure on the upcoming energy crisis, our economy and will all but destroy the solar industry in this country, I struggle to see hardly any downsides to the feeding tariff how it is, at least until April. Well done to the creators of this website !
Ewa Franus,
Martin Harrison,
I thought this government was to be the greenest ever - that green is now a very watery green!!
Greenest ever government? I'd like to see some evidence for that.
stephanie crutchley,
I am outraged at this short sighted ditching of the Governments supposed green credentials.
This change will devastate the burgeoning solar technology industry and cost 1000s of jobs.This country should be leading the way in CO2 reductions not abandoning any attempt to meet our pledges
Rachel Hopwood,
Cut the "free install" systems by all means as they are the ones whom have raped the system
Lee Bennett,
Send the scroungers back to work instead off blowing up another industry
If this doesnt change i am going to be forced to lay off 26 staff.
Doing my first install inspection was due on 21st december. Hope d to get mcs by jan so could register job well before April cut off. This cut Will mean I have inadvertently miss sold the payback sap calculation. Customer is not happy to put it mildly. I have invested time and money on training, tools and equipment. Two interested customers that approached me while doing the job no longer want to know with the slashing of the fits. I am feeling very let down and angered by this reduction.
Steven Chambers,
g nuttall,
sort the rate now, the future is bleak
chloe healy,
Yet again a growth industry is stuffed by uk politicians
It's enough ....
Yet another U turn by polititions who have lost all trust and respect from the electorate
abby macpherson,
andrew aitchison,
Eileen McDavitt,
John Robertson,
The Construction Industry has taken a hammering in the last few years so as a small electrical contracting company I decided to enter into solar pv to try and safe gaurd my employees future. I have spent a lot of money and recieved my Mcs accreditation last Monday....What now???
daniel carey,
if this happens alot of business will be lost and businesses will go under.
Linda Swan,
One way householders can feel empowered to help the planet and the gov is considering knocking this incentive on the head - crazy!!
I have invested a gigantic amount of money and time into this technology as encouraged by the government only to result in a slap in the face!
dawn wilson,
nigel white,
i think this cut needs looking at
i have spent a long time and a lot of money geting up to speed only to have the rug pulled form under me!!
Paul Wieteska,
It's outrageous that the government made tradesmen invest in what they thougth was a good future with the introduction of the feed in tariffs, then when people have invested and borrowed on the strength of this and helped employe people, then the government decide to cut the rate by 50%. It's outrageous I my self was training up 3 extra staff and now have had to tell them I will have to put it on hold and they will have to stay unemployed.
David Hughes,
It does make you wonder what was discussed at the meeting with the big energy providers the other week when the government was supposed to be putting pressure on them to reduce cost to householders. It seems very short sighted when so many companies have invested, trained and employed thousands of people during a recession who are now at risk of losing their jobs. Does this government really know what it is doing? Or indeed, does it really care? I suspect not!
Mike Rodger,
This is an act of political foolishness, to sacrifice an industry for the sake of £26 per household in 2020.
The electorate won't forget it!
Ian Aston,
What happened to the Greenest Government ever? It just seems to me that this relatively new industry in this country has not been given a "fair crack of the whip".
S Weston,
nick Beaumont,
Trina Caldwell,
Save our solar!
Michael Putnam,
Absolutely stupid to kill such a fantastic oppurtunity not just for industry but for the planet
Tom Elliott,
One great issue here is that cash injected into the economy through private PV expenditure has been coming out of personal savings. The Feed in Tariffs have been a great vehicle for getting private money out of bank accounts and into the 'real economy' to quote favorite government mantra.
Robert Musker,
Jessica Williams,
Matthew Hawkes,
If you truly wanted us the "UK" to be green then you the Government should not have dangled a carrot then take it away. People are doing the solar Pv for an investment, at the same time your changing BEHAVIOUR this BEHAVIOUR is what OUR children will learn from ie turning lights off when not really needed or doing the washing in the day. If our behaviour towards using less electric changes because of solar panels then surely this has to be a good thing, our future is our children, so help us change there minds by making it beneficial for us to part with our hard earned money so we can change the minds of a generation, so hopefully in 25 years when they've grown up there still teaching there children to turn lights off, do the washing in the day etc, or do you want the money for Europe or the banks. Invest in the people of the country the ones whom work bloody hard to get what they've got. The ones whom work very hard to keep you Bureaucrat's in a job.
phillip auciello,
Paul robinson,
We have spent close to £100k on legal fees, training and investment for solar projects we were planning to complete in the next 6 months. We've interviewed for a further 50 jobs based on growth in renewables which will no longer happen, never mind the undoubted redundancies and complete rethink on our business strategy. Once again, it has been proven that you can not trust the UK Government to keep their promises or to back SMEs in favour of big business.
R. C. Conner,
George Neel,
just another broken promise !!
Mitchell Hawkins,
Tom Tranter,
In principle I agree with the cuts but 50% is too sharp for a sustainable decline. It will ruin new upstarting businesses and put off customers. Also the deadline is way too tight! At a time whene the economy is shot, the government has probably just wiped millions off the balance sheets of thousands of companies. 6 weeks is simply not long enough to turn around an open order due to planning and grid applications. It's madness and about as well thought out as we've come to expect from the "greenest government ever". Thanks a bunch coalition.
flip Bakker,
These sudden U-turns in green policy have a devastating effect on everyone's confidence that a green energy future can be built in the UK
Peter Davison,
people will not want Solar PV at this prices.Reduce the price a little but leave an incentive !
Many congratulations to the government for another well thought out plan. Just spoken to the company who were going to install our system. They are in the position of having to turn down potential business as they can't be sure of getting them installed in time. They have a load of stock ordered and arriving on 1st December. I wonder what they will be able to do with them? I thought the government were looking to small private businesses to lead us out of recession and employ all those roofers and electricians who were laid off when the bankers made a mess of things? Are the government going to bail out all the solar PV companies who have made all their orders based on the April deadline? I suspect not. 6 weeks notice for such a change is a joke. Good luck to everyone in the industry and thanks for trying to keep the economy afloat. Shame the government doesn't see it that way.
No reason for the cuts as FIT payments come from the energy companies, not Government funds.
Tim Beaumont,
Russell Faulkner,
Tommy Hudson,
Do not cutt the Solar PV Feed in Tariff so quickly, bring it down slowly in the furture.
Hannelore Fold,
We should be looking to our Scandinavian neighbours and how over 90% of their energy comes from natural resources, not moving away from Solar energy.
I have just paid 3000 pounds to get qualified and paid for adverts 1000 pounds the day they introduced the new tarrif.
I am very upsep and 19000 pounds in defecit already.
Thanks dean staniland.
rex furness,
Paul Stewart,
Rick piddington,
Save our industry! Navitas solar has already had to give 7 valued employees their notice the month before Xmas! The government are criminals
Robert Wright,
Companies have invested time,money and effort to build a Solar industry to benefit the Uk, the Government proposal is to kick every investor in the teeth.
Jessica Paterson,
Clean energy is our future!
Steve Peart,
Gobsmacked! But not surprised! Another typical balls up by a government that's supposed to be run by intelligent people. How can you give 4 weeks until the FIT drop when we have contracts with customers up to April 2012. If it is going to drop then at least let it run until April..
Craig parks,
How we be green if the government is meen !!!!!! Save are jobs n save the world one install at a time
Pete Bulled,
We as a company have invested a huge amount of monies in getting trained for the Governments so called energy backed scheme. Only to be kicked in the teeth. what about the large amount of people going to loose yet again. Thanks to the big fat bosses in industry / government.
T Bush,
what are they thinking about? we will have to cut jobs and sign on dole.
This is ludicrous-Why make people unemployed then turn round and say they are trying to get people back in work-surely they must see the potential for solar photovoltaic energy or do they like leading lambs to the slaughter
C Turner,
This is a cut too severe when we need desperately clean energy.
Please save jobs
Richard Petrovics,
James Bostock,
Mike Gallagher,
Oliver Shayer,
Janice Wright,
Lee Sheridan,
This 21p rate will destroy the lives of at least 20,000 workers in the Solar industry, overnight, Not to mention the loss of work for all the roofers, scaffolders, manufacturing firms, wholesalers, delivery drivers and especially the SME'S who have invested vast sums of money!
Thanks a lot ConDems! for ruining so many peoples lives a fortnight before Christmas!
Yours Sincerely
Lee Sheridan
Partner JS Security & Electrical
Craig Smith,
The Government . Elected individuals to represent the masses. not themselves. You the politicians Really should start listening to the people who put you where you are. We want clean safe energy for our generation and future generations. Solar can and will take some pressure of fossil fuels and with time solar and other new technologies will replace fossil fuels. OR is this the case of the government really been run by the oil barons and the Electric companies. Stinks to high heaven to me. just doesnt make any logical sense. but history shows us that governments will tell you what you want to hear and then when in power. oops sorry didnt hear you or see you there, too busy lining my own pocket.
Julia Fernley,
Have applied to create a government e-petition titled 'Maintain solar FIT tarrifs until April 2012 as originally proposed'. (Website However could take a week to appear, which doesn't give us much time to get the 100,000 signatories. Apologies to anyone else who's already put something similar in the system.
Martin Wilson,
Along with a team of 3 other directors, we have worked tirelessly over the last 4 years to build a reputable solar company which was formed purely on the back of the benefits of the feed in tariff, we have worked to your scheme and your guidelines and today you have destroyed the whole thing, we have put all our staff on notice of redundancy as of 12 December. Last year we turned over 1.3 million pounds in a recession and created jobs for 15 people all of which are now without work, how can the economy ever recover when the government make decisions like this
Michael Johnson,
We have just got some customer confidence and some momentum, please think again of the whole picture. The money being injrcted into the economy from savers, supporting considerable renewable job,s and inturn additional goverment revenue in taxex. All the buisness set up costs.
Please do not betray us and give us a reasonable time to complete work in progress
Troy m,
Please keep our hopes for our and our familys future alive.
Don't snuff out our futures, please
catherine noble,
Stephen Kennedy,
I understand that the rate had to be cut, but 25% would have been sufficient and to bring the new rate in five weeks is to soon for a business to adjust to such a harsh cut
Matt Pallister,
so the government finally reveals its true green credentials. Nuclear energy isn't the answer - its not renewable, its not CO2 neutral and produces 1000 s of years worth of waste. Other countries are waking up to these facts so why destroy a thriving and successful industry.
Jesse Hartigan,
At a time when we need governments to show leadership and provide a clear long-term vision for a better future in the UK, this reduction of 50% in the solar feed-in tariff reveals weakness on both fronts. I moved to this country to help boost the solar industry. This decision to cut the solar feed-in tariff for small-scale households by 50% has undermined my faith in the competency of the government to implement an effective feed-in tariff regime, and to grow a much-needed infant industry.
Michael Hill,
free solar directly benefits individual homeowners. the government have bowed to pressure from the big 6 utility companies to benefit foreign business.
keith thomson,
We need to save this industry, my wife and I both work in this sector and our future depends on it. At the very least I don't see how these cuts can help reduce and meet the goverments CO2 targets, and also to help save and reduce the harm the human race is causing to the planet for our kids and future generations.
too many comments to mention.
Charlotte hill,
Shame, we were saving to install in the new year before March cut off, calculating in the current feed in rates... This may mean we can't install till much later! I'm sure many others will be in our position, which will affect demand and therefore jobs
Tom Piddington,
Paul Moerel,
steve jenner,
there killing the only booming industry in the country how are we ever going to pull out of the mess we are in
The government should stand by the review of tariffs scheduled for spring 2001, and consider the impact on both renewable energy and employment. At the very least it should stand by orders and deposita already paid by 31/10/11. They cannot be allowed to break more promises made to the public, after encouraging them and publishing firm dates.
Dan Cope,
Free solar is literally power to individual people, especially those in social housing, pensioners and others facing fuel poverty. Accessible, easy maintenance, uses existing infrastructure, can forecast generation accurately.
Ian sproat,
Im so disappointed with the way this country is turning , if this happens ,it will surely push us in to a darker ressesion than we are already in.
The government say they want us to go green !! Lol !! Were is the incentive ! They just don't like seeing people rewarded for what could be a worthwhile investment .
Michael Gay,
Archie McIntyre,
Rebecca Dearden,
kenneth pearce,
Typical of the dishonesty we have come to expect from politicians
Adam Charvet,
What happened to 7% porposed cut? I've only just got into this business and am devastated. Even 25% wou;d be manageable, but 50? It's going to kill the industry. Please reconsider and make the cut a reasonable one, or a lot of people will be becoming unemployed, or even going bankrupt!
We can understand a reasonable reduction but this proposal goes too far !
Greenest Government Ever...let the bull run.
Shane Bond,
think again Mr Barker 25000 jobs depend on your decision better paying taxes than claiming benefit
Hefin Richards,
Tim Lawson,
Helen Fitton,
Nick Sandford,
I am a Lib Dem councillor and I am appalled by what the Government is doing. Solar PV is a way individuals can save money and help tackle climate change. The Government should be supporting a thriving solar power industry not killing it off
Tony Brenton,
nuclear power my foot. no one splits atoms in a planets atmosphere?!
Katie Phillips,
Good luck with the campaign x
Kelly King,
Neil Brookes,
In all honesty i blame the larger companies that have been offering free installations and taking the tariffs. The FiTs were never intended for this purpose. I would urge the government to find a way to cease this type of activity. To completely jeopardise a fledging industry is completely unjust in my opinion.
Frank Gradwell,
How green is that tyory tree looking now - we aim to be the greenest party - another political promise in the bin!
Carl-Niklas Wentzel,
darren mason,
save our future
Stuart Mackenzie,
Derek Dilks,
So much so for "the greenest government" claim!
Peter Haken,
OMG The whole industry is in uproar...Greg Barker...cutting the FITS is fair but bringing forward the cut off date...TOTAL CHAOS
Jane Trelore,
Chris Hammond,
Greenest government ever? This coalition will be long remembered as being the one that destroyed the green industry.
Mark Salmon,
Emma piddington,
Emma barrett,
Sharon Evans,
Dont do this to our company it is just started to generate work for us.
Philip race,
What the government has done is a disgrace, yet again we have been lied to and taken for fools
Matt Bell,
Peter Morgan,
Nic Heath,
Sheriden Griffiths,
Is the government trying to totally wreck the country? Does it care about anything other than the rich members of society
Terry Hill,
Chop MP’s expenses and use all that fraudulently claimed money to subsidise the FIT’s.
Paul Goulding,
mark leo,
some good spending a billion on new job generation when they have just put 25,000 on the dole cue
Kevin bell,
Matt Dare,
Don't destroy thousands of jobs and a positive, growing industry
Ryan Powell,
Cutting the tarriff by 50& will not sustain a stablr future for solar. It will destroy it completely and 30,000 people will lose there jobs. This is the worst idea i have heard.
Lewis Brown,
Gary Dinsdale,
Jaime Pedrosa,
Brian Smith,
Defecit reduction and cutting FITs at this stage in the economic cycle will cost more in lost jobs, social decay. Just look at Pit Villages from the 1980's. They never recovered
John Mckeown,
Sharon Owen,
A seriously backward step if this happens!
Richard Johnson,
Mr S Leese,
you are cutting to far and will devastate the industry
This is the way forward. Maximise our understanding of natural energy through use, development and discovery.
Richard J Plant,
This action by the govenment, who seem only to pay lip service to green energy generation, will be a disaster for the PV industry and more importantly prevent ordinary people being able to invest in green technology.
James Smith,
I can't see how the government can cut the rates but this much, potential 20,000 job losses, same old government boom & bust
Graham Scott,
The sun provides kindly provides this resource. The government should kindly support and encourage the use and implementation of this resource.
robin atherton,
I have spent £thousands and many lost hours to have my MCS inspection next week. 12th Dec is too soon to make changes - it gives small businesses no chance to rescue their plans. There will be little or no market at 21p/KW and especially the requirement for band C energy efficient homes. The cut is too deep with not enough notice.
Mrs M Leese,
you will put my husband out of work with this cut
Julian Cartwright,
Paul Killoran,
Peoples jobs depend on this, how can you introduce any cuts so swiftly.
alex lydon,
Larisa Killoran,
At least give 6 months notice.
Rob Carey,
FiT Could be cut over a period of time gradually!
Cut the energy company's greedy, excessive and home destroying profits. Not the jobs of thousands in one of the most important industries to grow in the UK for years
Tom Bennetts,
are they taking the p##s?!
More unemployed and more profit for the energy companies. one step forward, 30 years back!
les smith,
Bill Bowden,
d kerr,
It would help if the French government were not controlling the UK electricity tariffs through EDF.
Brendan Sheridan,
Being a company that has only just signed up for the technology and needs to wait 12 weeks for the accredditation i am going to be too late for getting any installions so the training and the cost of joining is going to cost me money without ever earning it back, the cut of date is too SOON and the the drop is to STEEP!
Richard Arthur,
sharlene smith,
Angela Glen,
Daniel Reid,
I think the cut is too harsh. If they are going to make cuts don't make them so drastic as there are peoples livelyhoods on the line!
Graham Glen,
Russell Hallam,
Joel Randoll,
russell bibby,
very shortsighted!
Andrew Bawden,
Mark Oliver,
Annette Oliver,
Gill Rothwell,
shame on the government for causing so many job losses when it says it is creating jobs. Do not ruin a thriving industry and a real opportunity to make a change in the way people use energy
Paul Bawden,
Leslie Bell,
What happened to the "25 year guaranteed price"?
J Dunlop,
Mick Neville,
paul fenty,
Think about the jobs, think about the tax, think about all the revinues that the goverment is going to loose, and think about how mutch in benifits it will have to pay out on the back of a knee jerk reaction.
Warren Hand,
shaun robjohn,
why did they allow private rent a roof schemes
should have been housing associations only.
Perry Jackson,
Cuts are required but the timing is the killer.
john ridley,
whilst its is apparent that the tariff needs to be cut the speed at which he is trying to implement it is unfair as we are still in the 45 wait period for g59 permission on jobs alreadty contracted
People need to be rewarded for generative green energy, and cutting the FIT tariff is not the way to do this. Please dont cut these rates.
Paul Leadley,
Daniel Fenlon,
simon pattison,
why give in one hand and then take in the other.
John Chittock,
This is too big a drop with too short a deadline. This will kill the growing solar installation business stone-dead and set us back years.
Guy Jones,
We have invested heavily as a business and created jobs in a difficult climate. If these cuts come to fruition it will certainly lead to redundancies in our business.
Daniel Cookson,
Kevan Day,
Stop this now!
John Leonard,
Solar PV isn't THE answer to cutting our carbon emissions, but it is one of the many techniques we must apply if we are to meet our carbon commitments. Solar PV, wind, wave, tidal, nuclear - they all have their place. At least Solar has a small effect on wildlife, unlike some of the others.
David Smith,
James Hamilton,
John Gooden,
Patrick Leonard,
Cuts too harsh on very short notice, progressive reductions should be considered so as not to put so many jobs in danger and kill this industry stone dead
Hugo Sanders,
Why kill off britain's only growth industry?
richard walker,
Jim McGill,
The huge Energy Robbers Lobby wins again good old British Gas and their mates EDF (French) etc
Naomi Stevens,
They want us to lower our carbon emissions, create new jobs and be more green. So what do they do? Almost destroy the industry helping to overcome these problems overnight. Well done Government.
Simon Collins,
Simon Collins,
Simon Knight,
We have invested £25,000 + on marketing and advertising and employed 5 new staff who will now be without work after the 12th December are the government living in the real world, how can they destroy a new and growing industry like this.
Denise Martin,
james bridgman,
we need mass adoption and understanding of green technologies by the consumer - and it needs to be supported.
Marie Hartley,
bob picton,
david drennan,
no work and more cuts goverment are taking the piss
Mark Barton,
Matthew Kay,
Stop this drastic rate drop.
Stuart James,
Why risk destroying an entire industry before it's even found it's feet?
Mr Cameron, instead of installing a wind turbine on your house that doesn't work or cycling to work with your limo following behind carrying your bags - actually support an industry that is creating jobs and allowing the UK to move from a carbon dependancy. The greenest government we've ever had?!?!?!
A crazychange with too short a notice. What about the so called commitment to renewable energy?
Nick Donoghue,
Maddness! Green tech is one area the UK can keep pace and potentially be a world leader again - see what others are doing while we're sinking money into the motor/steel industries
Andrew Conn,
Lisa Dennison,
anders howard,
Toby Ferenczi,
Considering that according to Ofgem the cost of the solar FiT scheme is only £1 per household and creates thousands of local jobs, it is high-time that this Government increases its overall ambition for solar in the UK.
Rob Minnitt,
We need to promote this in our country, SOLAR IS OUR FUTURE !!!!!
Patsy Mckechnie,
P A Brown,
Neil Stothard,
rrob armstrong,
We need solar power more than ever
trevor pierce,
The original introduction of FIT's was one of the few things that the government got right, you only need to look at the fantastic success of a similar system in Germany to know that it is the right path. In this early phase most of the jobs are in the service side however as it grows it will undoubtedly lead to manufacturing growth. This is a rare opportunity to create commercial success hand in hand with doing the right thing for our environment. To make such a radical change to the FIT's in such a ludicrously short time will undoubtedly lead to major losses in jobs, growth and CO2 reductions.
Cabrelli Electrical Ltd,
Tomasz Lechowski,
Joseph Roddis,
I'm an apprentice and this could be the end of my career!
dave lee,
this is not the way to stimulate growth or promote sustainable energy solutions!
Steve Williams,
Yolanda Dominguez - Martinez,
Tom Abson,
Paul Jordan,
Greener Britain? So we decide to put the breaks on solar!
The short timescale is ludicrous, and will result in redundancies on mass. The reduction should take place in April 2012 to give us all chance!
alan gower,
Alison Blair,
Reduce demand, reduce bills, reduce carbon - protect jobs and our future.
Jennifer McCormack,
Philip J,
At least meet us half way. Cutting the rates by 50% is just ludacris, and somes up what the British government is all about.
Leigh Ann,
Mr S Fritzon,
What a disgrace! Encouragement is needed in all areas of green energy; not this farcical, ridiculous governmental hypocrisy.
Colin Pepler,
Kevin Keohane,
I was going to go solar in the Spring but this will stop me. I think there must be many people like me - this will cost jobs and kill the solar industry at a time when we need it most.
Why kill the only UK industry that is growing and produces green energy.
Nick Raw,
50% is far too much, and this is being driven purely by failures in the retail investment market,
lets not forget that PV is the most viable, market ready, low carbon/decentralisation technology,
Tariff cuts are unavoidable but make them realistic - don't sideline PV and revert it to a play thing for academics and megaprojects!
Wayne Cooper,
Please don't kill this renewable energy market, It is the future and people are only just becoming aware of it
Peter McCormack,
We know money is short, but cutting the subsidy by 50% would seem like pulling the rug out from under so many companies feet. Think again and consider the cut of 25-30% that would me manageable and allow these companies to prosper and continue to expand and employ more and more people as it does so.
Hazel Gaylor,
Clare Spanton,
We need to grow solar power not cut it.
Norah Barnes,
Ian Whetham,
Carla Perestrelo,
Laura Potter,
Steve Parkinson,
Like everyone else on the campaign ... Small business 2 years patrolling around the world at own cost looking to support the industry. No chance of recovering as it stands.
Lu Zhao,
Mike Kingswood,
Solar panels can be put on any suitable roof, house or business, without affecting neighbours adversely, the only green technology this applies to. Why do the government want to kill off the industry, effectively sabotageing their own goals for carbon emissions. How stupid and short sighted.
just passed my MCS last week after spending thousands on what i thought was a growing industry.
i think this could take me under as i invested all my savings in getting this up and running
Bob Tinsley,
Allan Thompson,
Ben Richards,
Dont let them take away what we have only just been given!
Lee douthwaite,
Brett Knibbs,
Prove you are the greenest government
John Hole - Strenson Solar,
We just had this through from a customer
Hi John
Jo and myself had a long chat about this last night.
We are also slightly nervous that if the Govt can suddenly change their minds about the tariff with only 6 weeks notice then there is no guarantee that they (or a new govt) will not cancel the scheme all together. Do you get an actual contract from anyone guaranteeing the rate for 25 years?
For these reasons I think we will have to regretably give solar a miss this time.
Thank you very much for the time that you spent with us an the good advice you offered us.
Chris Smyth,
Why is it that when an industry is doing everything that is deemed "right" such as job creation, providing security of fuel supply, encouraging and putting into action the "green agenda", giving the ordinary person access to an affordable investment etc etc does the Government then think "OH, this is actually working.... we can't and don't understand progress so let's make it fail!"??
rebecca warner-hodgkin,
We should be increasing support for solar rather than decreasing it.
lee hook,
The solar market has expanded dramatically over the last 12 months creating new jobs and growth for new business. We have invested a lot of time and money as this was a government back scheme.
To cut the FIT to 21p will have a devastating effect on the industry.Thousands of jobs will go and many companies will fold. The government has created this mess and we feel totally let down.
David Shields,
The government encourages you to do the right thing then kicks you in the teeth. Get a grip Cameron and start to treat the people of this country with respect.
Sophie Rees,
Christoph Klinger,
Finally there is a scheme that is working and now it is getting killed, it's creating jobs, cutting CO2 emissions, doesn't cost the tax payer, is reducing the cost of solar technology, creates capacity and innovation in green technologies - what is there not to like!? other than if you are nPower, eON etc.... just shows what influence these companies have!
James Robert Bolton,
It is essential that we continue to support solar power for the sake of out grandchildren
Stefan Butcher,
Gary W. Adams,
I wish to complain to the Government about the Decision yesterday to bring forward the change in the F:I:T Tariff from April to 12th December, not only is this a disgrace in view of the fact that the promise to continue till APRIL has been broken but also there seems to be a general feeling that the Government has given in to the Power Companies who must be very uncomfortable with all the money they would potentially lose but very shortsighted of them too as they would still benefit from selling un-used power which they only payed 3.1p for and re-selling it for about 4 times that, also there is the impact of lossed jobs in this sector, this government says it is commited to encouraging new firms to develop and likes private enterprise but then in the next breath gives contracts to foreign companies ( i.. Bombardier issue ) or makes it impossible for these new companies to thrive and grow, i cannot understand their policies, i think you would have to be a genius to be able to, maybe not even then.
jason mills,
Madness!!!! How to ruin someones business
Adam Omar,
So so many jobs and businesses riding on this. Would be devastating to the economy
The only winners on this one are the energy companies. This is a classic case of short term government panick in the face of corporate greed. The FIT was supposed to be a long term stratergy and a lot of people have invested in the scheme and will lose there money. How can this be a discussion document you are wasting your time if you think ordinary people can make them change there minds. Its a done deal
Simon Worthington,
I am not happy regarding the cut on the FIT. This 'Green' government is really disappointing!!!!!!!!!!
Andy forte,
Aly Shivji,
Derek Hutchinson,
I have recently started to employ more people most of which are either long term unemployed or find it dificult to find long term employment in the current climate
this is again going to leave these people with unceretain futures unless our green government decide to see sense and revert to the original plan which would also help the possibility of there being a planet for my grandchildren to grow up in
As well as severely damaging the solar PV industry this decision will also have an extreme negative impact on achieving the CO2 targets. My thoughts go out to the social housing providers who are all working towards carbon improvements with Solar PV being the perfect solution to achieve this - where does this leave them!!
paul myles,
James Bond,
will be an unemployed manager if this happens with a family to feed and cloth they have clealy thought the impact this is going to have on many familys i will probably lose my home through this decision i hope there happy.
Martin Stow,
janette mckenna,
Everyone was aware of the change in price next year. How dishonest can a government be to change the goal posts with only six months to go. Surely this is illegal and threatens thousands of jobs which were created as a result of the governments green and eco initiatives.
It is not so called wealthy people buying into the use of solar, schools, charities, housing associations as well as private individuals who have already been failed once before with the reduction in pensions who saw solar as a way to help protect their future as well as the next generation.
Please re examine the decision and at least honour the original commitment. We complain about a society of poor morals and lack of enthusiasm you can't blame them when the leadership cannot honour its word.
Mr J D Bullen,
Please don't kill it before it has chance to grow! We need healthy and thriving industry in this country if we are to get back to being GREAT BRITAIN.
kerry levy,
Q Davies,
FIT have proved that they greatly encourage PV take up and this drastic cut will do the same tio the take up....drastically reduce the take up. agreed the rate should be reduced gradually over the space of 5 years say to keep in line with the reducing cost of having them installed but this cut shows this government is not committed to real green policies. poor show.
Gerard Moran,
The existing tariff have got to be retained too much at stake.
Gareth Bannister,
mick payne,
Karen Robertson,
This was a growing industry the government has stopped in its tracks on the same day it announces its commitment to growth. It's insane. Make cuts,yes, but don't make them so severe that it kills it dead.
Ingars Liedags,
Rudolfs Krese,
Laura Thomas,
We need to continue to invest in renewables in order to drive development, accessibility and reduced dependence upon fossil fuels. To cripple this industry would be appallingly irresponsible.
David Doogan,
Terry Skee,
The power of the Sun is free to us all - but clearly not enough for this government to recognise the value, in real terms of what has been paid back into the Treasury coffers from the Solar PV industry already to date, never mind its real value over the next 20 years, at a time when every single job is vital to the stability and sustainability of our fragile economy. The industry expected cuts and that is fair enough, but this level and in this sort of timeline is "an unwise" gamble founded on as per usual "suspect" data, that is simply pandering to the whims of those who do not have the foresightto take a longer term view, that by taking a more measured approach they could actually end up with more revenue back for the treasury - short termism at its very worst. What did America do at a time of it's darkest days - it invested in building the Hoover dam, what has already been put in place by many people in the UK Solar industry - is in it's own way the same core issue investing in technology to generate energy to stimulate the economy, create and sustain jobs - not just for today - but for decades to come. Has this government not watched and learnt what our European "Partners" have done successfully with their Solar Industries.
Come on - wise up and put a sensible- sustainable level of degradation of the FIT's into place that will allow the industry to continue - without this "Falling off a cliff approach", we must Support Solar, support jobs, support our future generations - Save Our Solar - this is a real SOS.
Dave Sowden, Micropower Council,
Prices have fallen, tariffs need to come down. We all knew that, and were ready for it. But this proposal goes way too far. Rich people with money to spare will be the only players, whilst poor people will pay for the scheme but lose out with the inevitable demise of free solar, social housing, and any non-residential projects requiring any form of 3rd party finance. The 6 week deadline has already caused companies to start the process of laying off staff, and armies of lawyers are now mobilised for the inevitable contract disputes such a tight deadline creates. It doesn't have to be like this - taking tariffs to yield a 5% return for the private residential sector and 8% for the others will allow this industry to carrying on growing, AND remain within the budget the new proposals imply.
K Lewis,
we should be investing in solar power throughout the uk and create much needed jobs not kill off those jobs that are already there
Dr John Minten,
Another example of this government making wrong decisions due to their ideological dogma.
Besides the ridiculous time scale with a deadline before the consultation period ends, are they really going to spend billions on commissioning and then decommissioning nuclear plants? Crazy economics to kill an industry, jobs and renewable energy to save millions, then waste billions.
Derren Burton,
There is not consultation we are being dictated to. Industry is not being given enough time to adapt to the changes. The PV Market will die December 11th. Too Much, Too Soon. We would accept the 37p rate in the interim period during the consultation with a view to the new rate being implemented on April 1st 2012.
Sue Klinger,
Tony Knight,
G Stratton,
As a solar PV user it is proving very beneficial and makes very good GREEN sense
Samuel Green,
If this happens the company I work for, a very entrepreneurial and amazing company, will have to shut up shop, leaving all of us jobless, likewise for the majority of people in the industry if this happens. The amount the loss of jobs and increase in people unemployed will put up tax considerably and there is utterly no good way to look at this cut, it just kills the industry, dead, fact. One day it would be nice if the government could actually listen to 99% of people, not just the 1% screwing the rest of us over. I wish the government would just once listen to its people, because its its own worse enemy. Economic growth in renewables could see the UK lead the way to a better future especially with there being depleting supplies of oil and gas. This is going to ruin the future of the UK in every sense and I can't quite believe this coalition government are backing this. What a joke.
Brent Berridge,
Passing this proposal would only alienate the government further from the voting public and jeopardise peoples futures
michael johnstone,
killing the most sensible thing to happen to the uk is stupid - if its the energy companys paying these fits why is it getting cut???
C Dodd,
We have over 200kw in planning at the moment i dont see how this is fair to put such a quick deadline and not give any tolerance in the date. If this happens goodbye solar side of the business
Raphael Raggatt,
I've just spent the past year studying a masters specialising in solar PV and now my job chances are ruined. Thanks UK govt, I'll be looking abroad for more stable policy now.
Eleanor Seelig,
Brendan Borg,
I spent 6 months trying to get certifications, I am awaiting my MCS accreditation next week, spent over 6 grand setting up a company!
zoe steel,
Just when everything was moving in the right direction for a renewable future the government has gone and pulled then plug... AGAIN
Lindsay Fletcher,
R J Owen,
Linda Martin,
I am concerned about the knock on effect to the rural economy of Lochaline where the sand mine is about to re-open to provide materials for PV glass with the creation of much needed jobs. I fear that a sudden dramatic drop in the rate of FITs will affect confidence and demand at a time when many people have been considering investing in this technology both as customers and as developers and manufacturers
David Sharp,
Charles Patrick,
This is surely a knee jerk reaction from the government and needs to be given due consideration. Cuts were inevitable but to be done so rapidly and at this level seems foolish. At least give these businesses time to plan!
Ben Roberts,
Christina O\'Brien,
Kyle Holsgrove,
Solar energy will fail without large-scale subsidisation; without Solar (and other renewable) energy our country will forever unsustainable without outside energy sources.
Iain Taylor,
R Hatfield,
Howard Jones,
W. Robert Kincaid,
Jane Fisher,
Our opportunity to grow a 'green economy' and reduce climate change will be nipped in the bud!
Ken Fleetwood,
Solar Power is bringing many benefits to homes and the environment . With many power stations closing in the next few years we cannot afford not to take up solar power. Cutting feed in tariffs will kill off this vital source of energy and thousands of jobs, which this country can ill afford to do. If this government is committed to greener energy, then think again about what you propose before it is too late
Alison Wilshaw,
Tim Cieslik,
Ridiculous decision at such short notice. If something does not change, the industry is doomed!
Philip Brown,
I am waiting for planning permission before my pv system can be installed but now don't think I'll go ahead with the install with the such a drastic cut in FIT
Too much loss for the business, too much loss for the people, and way too much loss for the environment!
Steve - Midlands,
I have continually tried to speak to DECC, Energy Saving Trust and MCS today 31/10/11 on the number shown on the DECC website without any success in speaking to a human being or EVEN being able to leave a message because I am just told in an automated voice ‘you cannot leave a message at present’ ‘all our advisors are presently busy’ !!!
I’m not up in arms about the tariff being reduced, that was obviously needed.
People’s investments, jobs, lively hoods and futures are at stake here and you cant even set up a helpful system for us to speak to an advisor. Its a shambles, and one that will be swept under the carpet without any thought for the people it affects most.....the ground floor workers !
How can you call it a consultation when the ‘reference date’ is eleven days before the consultation decided, lock stock and barrel........ Utter contempt !!!
At least have the backbone to tell us that this is what you’ve DECIDED ALREADY WITHOUT CONSULTATION and remove those pointless consultation papers from the DECC website.
I don’t want to express my disappointment on the phone to some poor girl who doesn’t deserve it but the people who make these decisions should be made to man the telephone lines to appreciate who and how many lives they are affecting with such a U turn......they set up the system (obviously without any insight, idea or research) and they have now tarnished the complete Solar PV industry by associating it with a lack of research and uncertainty that will have to be dealt with by the poor advisors in the industry that do manage to keep their jobs.
Confidence, once again has been severely damaged in such an exciting new industry.
You have let people down with either your incompetence or just not giving a damn !!
Have you given a thought to the consumers who have committed themselves to contracts on the understanding of 43p, who have now got themselves locked in a legally binding contract long past the cooling off period and planned fit dates for 2012 ? Could the term of the FIT payment not have been reduced to 15 or 20 yrs together with a less drastic amendment to the 43.3p ? I seriously wonder if these people have the ability to warrant leadership roles in any capacity......... your suits look very expensive but i would rather see you roll your sleeves up and get this country moving forward instead of once again taking any bit of confidence and crushing it.
Think before you speak springs to mind, forget the Feed in Tariff issue......the ‘decision makers’ have seriously damaged the public and business trust in your ability to set up a system that they can honestly believe in. That black cloud will set back the industry, and you couldn’t even be decent enough to use a proper consultation which might have held the solution.
Words cant describe how I feel at the moment but you have crushed my business before it has even started trading, but not one person at DECC, MCS, REA, NAPIT, Energy Trust, ever thought to inform me not to part with my hard earned money !
And people say it’s The Double Glazing Industry and Builders that are Rogue Traders ............ something Mr Barker makes comment about on his own personal website and I quote “ The OFT offers the following advice on how people can avoid being scammed by rogue doorstep traders:
• Do not make snap decisions. Take time to talk to someone you trust before
you make a decision.” ..........unquote !!
Thank You Mr Greg Barker and YOUR team.......grow a pair and argue a case for 25,000 + people keeping their jobs instead of claiming benefits...... benefits that I'm sure will cost more than an additional £3 per household !!
Steve – Midlands
Eniko Kertesz,
Adrian Mees,
An unfair, illogical and ill-conceived proposal, that will lead to thousands of job loses, and set back the UK's Green aganda.
Amanda Blake,
Tunde Kertesz,
Laura Hewett,
We must continue the push towards Green Power if we are to reduce our carbon footprint and ensure our future
cliff dennis,
remove large scale and encourage small scale domestic to improve economy i.e. jobs
Simon Bailey,
Daniel Lang,
cut the solar fits scheme gradually please dont put us out of businesss before we start 5 families depend on it,
Craig Bellis,
This will not aid the government in reaching its green commitment to renewable energy in the future
solar is no longer an option with these cuts
Sarah Hughes,
We cannot go ahead with a 25kw install as the result of cuts because the scaffolding costs and quotes will not be repaid
Philip Brain,
All new industries need support to build confidence amongst private investors, even when the technology is relatively mature as with solar PV. Reducing Government support so drastically and in such a short time will put the private sector off investing, not just in PV, but any sustainable energy technology in future.
Alys Daines,
Emma Butterworth,
Robert Harriman,
To the Government - Please don't implement the recently announced plan to reduce the subsidy by 50% on installations from the 12th December. This is going to put at risk many companies, jobs and the long-term benefits available from this carbon-neutral technology. It is short-term profit at long-term expense.
Cutting the tariffs by 50% makes no sense if we are serious about tackling climate change. It also reneges on commitments made by the previous government - how can we believe anything a government does if it does this?
wayne lee,
James Smith,
Well, i can't say i didnt see it coming but they have not allowed enough time for these changes to take effect.
the solar industry can't take this Boom & Bust attitude the governments seem to take.
The country is desperate for economic growth bad timing for cuts of this magnitude
Emma brown,
Phil Dodd,
Ashley Beeby,
My wife and I are 65. Planning permission, National Grid quote and orders ready for 50 kW system. Rug pulled. Retirement plans in tatters.
Don McCarron,
The proposed changes are nothing short of economic vandalism.
Oliver Williams,
Don't give in to the power companies - we need this power and the incentives.
Ian Wilson,
Graham Lingley,
Jay-Dee Williams,
Dr David TItterington,
Please review your decision: protect the solar industry and promote low carbon technology.
John Rock,
I have a 4kw pv system installed saving CO2 and I produce my own energy. I wouldn't have been able to install the system on the new porposed tariff. We need to encourage renewables not reduce them.
Kathy Wilson,
Helen Daniel,
This is threatening my job security, and there is a real risk I could be made redundant. I urge the government to think twice about these savage cuts and work with the solar industry to meet us halfway.
Susan Williams,
Andrew Wood,
Do not kill a growing business that is employing peoplenot making them redundant
Juliet Carter,
A brilliant way to devastate the solar industry!
Bryan Hair,
The wholw idea of solar power is fantastic, lets not throw it away.
Ben Wilson,
Billal Vindhani,
rupert clare,
This decision is disastrous for investor confidence in the industry and will destroy businesses and livelihoods. It reflects a complete lack of understanding on the part of the government of the importance of stability for sustainable economic growth.
Nigel Foster,
This is crazy , only out of touch MP s can do things like this .
Jan Skrzypkowski,
Stop the FIT CUT! this could jeopardize our and many company's which could lead to them being shut down is this what the government wants? This could be the end of solar! Do not cut Solar PV Feed in Tariff's, is it worth putting 25,000 jobs on the line?
Jill Pack,
Chris meacock,
Barrie Phelan,
martyn watkinson,
After just building a brilliant talented team spending a fortune on training, mcs accreditations, napit accreditations real accreidtations thousands on marketing, vehicles, tools, testing equipment offices, computers endless hours of quotes and desighns. I am very dissapointed that once again the polticians after preaching of honesty and integrity are the ones that brazenly ruin an entire industry.
Happy christmas from the coalition XXX
Ken Hobbs,
Lesley Chatfield,
Aaron Lowbridge,
After having high hopes for a greener, brighter united kingdom, we are now in a horrible situation after ploughing money, time and energy into building up our Solar Company only for the Government to crush it all with one fatal blow. The solar industry is now on its knees due to no fault of our own and it’s up to us to fight back and make them realise how they will affect the lives of people who work, Invest and support solar energy. After joining a solar company around two months ago I was taken back when I come to the realisation of what solar power could do for the United Kingdom, obviously the government do not share the same views and beliefs as me and many other people around the UK.
Karl Barr,
Cherrie McCarron,
This scheme seems to have been abused by large companies profiting from "rent a roof" schemes. Would it not be more sensible to stop this practice, which seems to be entirely about profit and not green energy than penalising the industry per se. At a time of economic stagnation, and a serious threat to jobs (and the minimal impact this scheme has on the large electricity suppliers) does this make any economic sense to stymie a thriving industry in this way with it's impact not only on green energy production, but on the ever threatened jobs market, and on the economy. The deadline becoming effective before the end of the consultation period is highly questionable, and suggests a knee jerk reaction rather than a carefully thought out plan for this country's green and economic future.
Paul Goulbourne,
From Green to Grey.......
Calum McKenzie,
As a government should you be allowed to only look after the big generation companies or is it that they are all your mates and see solar as a thorn in their side, I wonder could there be some greased palms to kill solar? would that happen? Its just that you are all so un trustworthy, hey expenses pointed that out.
Huw Francis,
Paul Amans,
John Tait,
Please reconsider the gravity of the cut and the extremely short time frame to install existing orders. This is a cut far too deep, and far too fast. Why not be reasonable, and reconsider. The implications for manufacturers, installers and customers alike are too serious to just walk-on-by and ignore!
Gareth Hopkins,
Louis Brooke,
These cuts will destroy projects which are helping lift low-income households out of fuel poverty and will leave solar as a niche market for high income homeowners.
Paul Knox,
This news gives me just over a month to get solar electric panels. I thought the idea was micro-generation for all, not the rich
Pippa Goldfinger,
They've whipped the rud from under our feet !
Gary McLschlan,
A big blow to my business , after investing nearly £4k to date to get my accreditation my assessment date is 15th of November leaving me very little time to recuperate my investment. Things are hard enough in business in this climate at present without this blow to the industry .
Adam Shore,
Paul Cray,
How does this engender trust in this government? The decimation of an industry in 6 weeks, quite an acheivement, and jeopardising our carbon dioxide reduction targets too, well done, you must be so proud.
Julie Baugh,
Charlotte Nordenberger,
Bill Green,
This would be terrible for the Industry, costing thousands of jobs.
Geoffrey Keith Naylor,
How very wrong the government's decision is.
James smith,
Denise Hopkins,
What folly to consider stopping people using solar power to create safe clean energy. Surely we're committed to becoming greener and then the government does an about turn by cutting feed-in tariffs. David Cameron is breaking a pledge.
Neil Simmons,
A 50% cut in Tariffs will result in a return of around 5% p.a. for 25 years. That is 125% for the whole period, less 100% initial capital invested which is not paid back, gives an effective return of 25% over 25%, less than 1% p.a. compound. Why bother, my bank account pays more?
Gary Collinson,
Unbelievable decision, particularly the speed at which it is to be implemented. Play fair
Tania Tweedie,
I do not understand why ( Oh so Green Government "NOT" ) why you make LIFE so dufficult.
Simon Barber,
Paul Gauntlett,
Please consider increasing the FiT budget by forcing the big 6 energy companies to contribute from their profits
Craig Whitaker,
We should be supporting new green industries, not bankrupting them.
Jim Fisher,
An awful decision, how can anyone make their way in life when the government make decisions as short sighted as this. Obviously there will be job cuts, but now consumer confidence will be rock bottom too. People were catching on to the benefits of feed in tariffs, but many Brits continued to be sceptical. Deep down we know that the government, whether they are red or blue will make disastrous choices like this, hence our continued ‘British Scepticism’.
While they argue that material prices have reduced, what happens when orders dry up in December and the shipments of panels stop from China? I think that is a supply and demand issue and the prices will rise again. Steady management of the feed in tariff was required not this sudden drop.
I have worked with people in this sector and this sickens me to the core. Companies, small and large have invested time and money following government commitments. Demand will drop off the cliff now and people’s lives will be in a mess again. Add this news story to the sorry strategic direction of this country and we have some dire problems to think about.
For me the feed in tariffs promoted three great positives. Firstly job creation and a new thriving economy, secondly the drive towards renewable technologies and thirdly to help generations of people with very high mortgages, no salary increases and poor pension prospects. You could say that the feed in tariff at the old rate was a way of paying us back for the banker’s misdemeanours and general strategic mismanagement by the government.
They did it to manufacturing and many other sectors…. now it is solar. Are we really stupid enough to wait for the next government failure or get out of this country before certain things really hit the fan!
Katie mchaffie,
Christine Raywood,
Keep March as the cut off date
c armstrong,
Matthew Larner,
Peter Dillon,
Morven Weir,
w henderson,
george hartgill,
Ben Wyatt,
We CANNOT afford to be this short sighted.
unbelievable! well done 'the greenest government we hane ever had' Cameron and co. should write a new book and call it 'HOW TO DISTROY AN INDUSTRY OVER NIGHT' You nshould be ashamed of yourselves!!!
Is it driven by the energy companies? worried about their future profits, methinks so....
colin hubbard,
Cut don't give, give our companies a fighting chance, you have already failed us on the larger schemes.
sarah hubbard,
Please stop this nonsense, solar is the way forward, not backwards!
Phil Blint,
Typical bungling and miss handling by our so called Green Government. We can grasp the reasons for these cuts, but the high handed and arbitrary way this was announced breeds resentment to all politicians, who seem to work harder to get it wrong that right!
Rob Musk,
The Government is currently making a big noise about investing £1bn to create 37,000 jobs. How about putting a little more into the kitty to save 20,000 jobs in a new industry that is good for the country, good for the environment and provides numerous products and services that people actually want....
Andrew Hunt,
Don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on sustainable energy.
Much as I support the Government's efforts to decrease the Deficit, I feel that to cut the support for Solar Power installation would result in many job losses, and this cannot be good for the social stability of this country - unemployment has a devastating effecct on so many people.
Anthony Bailey,
The tariff needs to tbe reduced, but the timescale for implementation of six weeks is far too tight and shoyuld be increased to April 2012
Giles Cooper,
Besides all the points mentioned, it also jeopardises Britain's attempts to reach its green house gas targets, reduces the diversity of energy sources, reduces the proportion of UK produced energy , and it stops the need to have new grid sytems across the country when the PV locally produced electricity can use exisiting grid systems. The policy goes against all the Government's pledges on climate change.
brian siddell,
I strongly support this petition.
Toby Hammond,
Jane Burton,
Come on you MPs in government, think of the bigger picture, think of the planet and our children's future. It's not going to happen unless you encourage green energy and make it a viable alternative.
Caroline McShane,
chris cunniffe,
any chance at times like this to help pensioners and the poorer members of todays society should be taken remember its not only them its also employment for many thousands who only would be on the dole if not doing this work
Andrea Allison,
Henry Freeman,
recently started a business carrying out structural surveys for solar installations. If solar is no longer an attractive investment I will not have any surveys to do.
Timothy Mullen,
June Higgins,
Just think about even more people out of work and we have to have renewable energy sources for the future of mankind
Phil Wittam,
The cut off date of 12 December will put my Company in risk of going under with the loss of 90 jobs. Like all Companies we work on a 3/4 month order book with supply chains geared up to this. We see some £2million of business going down the drain. This decision by the Government is so obviously been made on the basis of pressure from the big 6 energy suppliers and probably back handers too! When all the dust settles the big 6 will be the only suppliers left for Solar PV and we all know how competitive they can be in the market place.
Alan Silvester,
It has been established on the continent that a thriving solar energy sector actually drives down the cost of energy & significantly reduces the use of fossil fuels
this would be false economy. look to the future not just tommorrow
Could not agree more "Cut, Don't Kill"
Solar is no brainer..
Don't create an industry on one premiss and then kill it by taking that premiss away.
liam waldron,
Steven Kershaw,
Benjamin Michael Wilson,
Sam Cordery,
steve homewood,
In my view in an attempt to block the huge profits and returns in the investor market the changes due to be introduced will kill the growth of this industry just as it was starting to get going. Just compare the number of household funded systems compared to the numbers installed in the rent a roof schemes.......
john white,
Stephen Crewe,
“One of the tasks that we clearly have is to rebuild trust in our political system. Yes, that's about cleaning up expenses, yes, that's about reforming parliament, and yes, it's about making sure people are in control and that the politicians are always their servants and never their masters”.
David Cameron
First speech as Prime Minister, May 11, 2010.
If this is the case, and a true reflection of this present day government, then Mr Cameron, listen to the voice of the people and “Cut, Don’t Kill” Solar PV feed-in-tariffs by 50%, thus jeopardising jobs and livelihoods.
M walsh,
The sudden change massively destabilises businesses in this area, disproportionately affecting economic growth because plans were made with the April end date
Ross Gilbert,
Sue Higgs,
Dominic Watkins,
I agree, solar energy has to be a big part of the future of energy generation, we cannot reduce encouragement to use it.
Robert Goundry,
The environment calls us to ensure that PV costs do continue to come down
Chris Jeffries,
Paul Fowler,
Murat Ozcelik,
Rob Titherley,
This irresponsible stop-go, boom-bust stupidity is government led. To create a successful industry then wreck it within months because you don't think things through is not what we want from our poilticians. You need to go off and make the profiteering energy suppliers top up the FIT budget so you can extend to end March 2012 which is what we all planned for. Escape clauses, weasel words and U-Turns do not make for economic recovery. When you behave like this you destroy your credibility and invite scorn, contempt and mistrust. If not corrected forthwith this will become and indelible stain on Greg Barker's political career.
why stop now this is the way forward and the future. come on mr barker think again.
Timothy A Hodgkinson,
George Rushton,
I always thought that if ministers really believed in the essential need to reduce carbon emissions and that climate change was a serious problem rather than just another way of obtaining tax revenue, they would encourage people to use alternative power. Guess what.
Stuart Templeton,
chris gilbert,
Jonathan Garratt,
We need to enourage environmentally friendly initiatives otherwise energy prices will continue to rise!
After so much investment in setting up solar pv business by a lot of companies, this is a real blow to the industry.
Elisabeth Mundle,
Kevin Mclelland,
Mr & Mrs Ramsden,
As pensioners who want to put our small savings to good use we feel we are being penallised because of the large commercial solar installations. They are using a very big hammer to crack a nut!
Siva Muthulingasamy,
Please don't throw the bath water with the baby, this industry can bring thousands of quality jobs to the people of the country on top of saving the environment
I would have expected more support from the goverment in the current climate.
carl Pilliner,
Gary Whalley,
A lot of small companies and their workers are going to have a very bad xmas due to these stupid and ill thought through cuts are MP's a waste of time
Emma Andrews,
Sue P.,
The rich, the councils, roofs for rent schemes and large scale PV farms have ruined this for everyone by seeking to make huge profits. Hit them first and give the owners of domestic installations on their own roofs a chance.
PV Install Ltd,
Save our jobs.
Michael Patterson,
This abrupt change to the tariff will kill the PV market without giving installers and the supply chain any chance to adjust. A phased reduction in line with falling panel and inverter prices would have been far more sensible and is urged.
Lucy phillpotts,
Tony Clarke,
The Industry needs more time to complete orders they have on their books to be able to use the hundreds of thousands of pounds of PV panels held in stock for these jobs.
One government giveth,
the other taketh away.
Alex Ward,
The government is acting too early, the industry needs more time to get established!
John Cook,
At one stroke the government who are supposed to be creating jobs have killed an industry
Jim Gillespie,
Whilst this petition is commendable the government will simply ignore it. I want our industry to unite and fight by issuing a Judicial Review against the government. Please join us by emailing [email protected]
Andrew Fleet,
Eddie leggett,
Just as people begin to invest in Solar the Government pulls the plug!
If the energy rating C classification and above is required for properties to receive the proposed 21p and properties below at 9p, Scottish based companies with a high proportion of installs on rural properties will find it extremely hard to carry on viable businesses. Since these and the tariffs are only proposals we cannot see how many installations can take place before phase 2 review has been completed (due end of Feb earliest?).
lisa baum,
David Bolton,
Jeremy Fielding,
what a shame all the money people have in savings/investments will not be released into our economy, buying solar PV systems. Along with all the redundancies this will cause, its economic madness.
Nicholas Jobins,
Please back this industry with decent incentives. Do it for jobs, economic development and a cleaner more financially stable future for us and generations to come.
Adrian Gauntlett,
Norma Baldwin,
peter jacklin,
Cutting the taffif to 21p per unit will make putting solar into a house not worth doing. It would result in at tops doubling the origanal investment over 25 years. People are better of investing the origanal investment into a standed savings account. The return after 25 years would be greater. How sad is that when were in the middle of a resession and a new Eco investment which would help the indervidual have a better carbon footprint and help the govenment reach targets as set in kaoti agreement. Now with these changes the public are better investing there money in our broken banks. Why can the govenment take the taffif down gradually over a number of years.
derek Hanlon,
Dont Wreck my business
The nation needs to increase incentives to green our energy supplies, not cut them !
peter hodge,
Please rethink the government decision to reduce the FIT for microgeneration.
Jacob Smith,
We need to have a transition to renewable energy within the next 30 years cut subsidies to fossil fuels instead. stop endangering my future because you won't be around in that time period.
Bob Cowan,
Dose this government really want to slow down the generation of free Solar Photovoltaic Energy???
Ian Murray,
it is unexecptable for the goverment to impose these changes with so little notice. How do they expect businesses to react so quickly to these changes. Have the goverment no commercial sense!!! The tariffs should be slowly reduced over time allowing for growth. Not a boom and bust industry were the words from the goverment less than one week ago!!!!!
Suppose now they'll just up the duty on carbon fuels !!!
Sadly yet another u-turn, another promise broken.
Don Gamble,
It is so short-sighted to make these cuts, please reconsider and support an important element in the UK's shift to a low carbon economy.
Gareth Williamson,
Traviss Locke,
frank weston,
why stop people from going green
Lin Barrington,
Sharon Powell,
Jasinski, Gabriela,
don´t leave the planet to the stupid
Daniel Phillips,
Too hasty and not thought through
Klaus-Peter Richter,
don´t leave the planet to the stupid
Matthew Robertson,
This incredibly short-notice move has ruined my immediate chances at a career in a small, expanding company which specialises in solar. They had a job lined up for me, as soon as they had moved premises, but due to this move they have had to change their future plans.
Francis Chase,
Stop this sudden cut as its damaging employment. Phase it in.
Russell King,
Dear Gov. We're running out of time and options. What else have you got!?
John Elphinstone,
Sam Langley-Swain,
Michele Bettison,
Solar is the way forward for this planet! We have the sun - use it!!!
Do not reduce Tarriffs! The planet depends on this!
Laurie Tuffrey,
Ian Morris,
Why cut so deep so soon, just as a fledgling industry is getting started !!!
We all know that we are 5-years behind a lot of other countries and this was our opportunity to catch up, but now we are to be left in the dark ages............ Grrr
Louise Christiansen,
Supporting 100%
Peter Bettison,
Do not reduce the tariffs so much its just going to kill the industry and put thousands on the dole at a time when the government are saying they want to reduce the numbers (on the dole) they have a funny way of going about it!!
The changes are too much and too fast for anyone to adapt and destroys what little trust there was in the government.
Steven Portman,
John Lansley,
As a pensioner I can't commit to a scheme which would require up to 16 years before I recouped my investment.
Fraser Harding,
We proposed to have solar panels fitted but now we may change our minds.
At this time why damage an idustry wihich is employing more persons. We need to employ to mend this country
Aimée Leeds,
Help Save people's jobs, lives, and the planet!
The proposed cut of around 50% for the FIT is much more than the reduction in installation of PV panels and appears to be motivated by reducing overall payments rather than maintaining a stable and growing solar industry.
As one of the 250,000 people currently employed in the solar pv industry I think the governments actions are disgusting. A 6 week timescale to successfully complete all installations that have been awarded to our company is not achievable. These fast track cuts will severely impact the industry both risking jobs in the short term and destroying the public's faith in the future of renewable technologies and the governments support if them in the long term. We all now have to pay the price for westminsters miscalculations.
Stuart East,
Tony Fairhall,
Why such a drastic cut? - is this Government determined to kill off all signs of growth in the economy? Simple economics - if the green tax isn't covering the payouts - increase the green tax and change the rules on the areas where business is taking advantage of the scheme - don't kill the industry? As it is we are heading for a "Power Deficit" within 5 years - we need all the renewal energy we can get our hands on! These politicians don't seem to be able to combine simple arithmetic with common sense!
peter c savva,
My opinion is they should extend the date so people can save the money to have the solar panels fitted in the future
( O O )
Oopps I seem to have destroyed a whole industry! Nevermind.... Ah! the builders have arrived to fix my moat!
Louis cherrill,
D Birch,
Many sleepless nights - shocked by cut in fit rate -bad enough in April
The reaction to this review speaks for itself, you must re-consider.....
typical of all the goverments to back track on what they promise my solar pannel have made a big differance to my electric bills this summer
Julian Austin,
As we know the national electricity grid is at breaking point with the possibility of future black-outs. Does it not make sense to stimulate an industry that suits the grids problems by generating locally thus creating savings in wasteful transportation of electricity?
Joy Whyte,
Ralph Clark,
Why risk so much for so little.
Politicians should be supporting more Solar installations not creating a situation where they become unaffordable again.
Mick Harrington,
People need an insentive to go green! cutting the FIT is a bad idea its only just getting started. Think of all the companies and the enviroment that this may effect. Or is it because the energy companies don't like giving something back! I think so.
pierre sorce,
The Government must not be allowed to put yet more jobs at risk in an exciting and thriving industry such as this. The Solar Industry needs to be supported for a bright future - this action by the Government will do nothing to encourage future investment in the Industry if the rug is pulled from under the investors. The Government should remember they have no mandate!
michelle dalley,
haddon sullivan,
Peter Lees,
Whatever happened to the consultation process? Power comapanies filling the Conservative Party coffers? Stinks to high heaven.
Donald Dalton,
Do not kill off a bright new industry in the UK which is contributing to the green energy sector.
Will Prestwood,
What possible justification can there be to introduce such dramatic cuts with such undue haste? The Solar industry is one of few showing exciting growth trends - give us more time to adjust!
Gordon and Wendy Carr,
What should we believe?
We must plan to make this investment.
How can the goalposts be moved at such short notice
dinesh varsani,
karl taylor,
Lynda Devlin,
we can't afford to lose so many jobs when they are so hard to find.
Lucy-Anna Chant,
Laetitia Nunny,
Dave Watkins,
Mhairi Henderson,
If you care about having a green and sustainable Britain then rethink your approach to solar power. It is the future, and the future of oil and gas is finite.
N May,
Changes to FIT is an ill thought out policy that ignores the wider social benefits and the obligations the UK has to meet climate change reductions.
Martin Peters,
As a small company we have invested over 30k in training and advertising because we were sold down the river that solar was the future. Its just a shame for all that talk the government NOW does not !!!! NICE ONE.
How do they now expect small company's to survive ?
Councillor Bren Gormley,
Verity Dodd,
Why get rid of something that works, our solar has reduced our bills by 50%, which in these times makes a big difference
simon maddison,
support clean energy
Daniel Baverstock,
Why reduce the Solar PV FIT so drastically, just when communities, householders, schools, farmers and SMEs are prepared to invest in all of our future's during this time of austerity. I have a been broadly supportive of the cuts and issues this so called "GREEN" Government has had to deal with, but this is a step too far… Regulate the investment bank speculators by all means, and reduce FITs at a sensible rate over time, but don't limit the truly motivated, and wipe out a whole industry in a matter of weeks. This scenario really does need a little more SOLAR SENSE!
Deborah Cartwright,
Gary Reeves,
Andy Watts,
Andrew Peck,
OVER 50% cut, compared to a 30% reduction in the cost for installation... Me thinks someone arithmetic is little off! Come on, give these guys a break they're creating jobs and this won't effect the deficit as the government isn't even paying for it.
kat lafferty,
Too much too soon.
Alistair Donaldson,
David Stark,
Robin Richardson,
All Greg Barker kept saying is response to Caroline Flint's question was that the budget would run out too quickly and that the industry needs to be slowed down so that the boom doesn't turn to bust. As we are in a race against climate change and the industry is capable of regulating itself this is just nonsensical fake rationalisation. It will turn out the that Tories have been paid off somehow by the big carbon suppliers. Barker is ex-Abramovich/Sibneft and according to Wikipedia he's worth £3.6 million. Let's face it, we are not dealing with nice people here. Watch him speaking on the BBC politics play-again. The Labour back benchers knew exactly what they were talking about and Barker had no comeback except to keep slagging Labour off. It smells very bad.
Lesley Stewart,
robert ozzati,
this could only happen in this bloody country we should all stop paying our utility bills.
Luke heaver,
Malcolm Hodgson,
Bad news for the industry and ordinary working people looking to find sustainability amidst rising energy costs.
Rachel Donaldson,
Gary Dixon,
Sorry Mr Barker but solar really does work - even in the UK!
Jessica Huggett,
Fiona Townley,
Renewable energy is our future, we need it!!!
Danish Iqbal,
James Pellington,
Rosetta Kern,
John Ruckledge,
Yet another extreme cut by the government. Surely they should be looking at the bigger picture and promoting growth in British companies engaged in sustainable technologies.
harry hislop,
Peter Begley,
Why does someone in government always mess up a good thing.
Julie Perry,
It just doesn't make sense to cut the FIT so drastically, we need to make use of solar energy
craig spillane,
This government is a bunch of tossers !!!! jealous greedy fat cats who cant have a slice of the cake so dont want any of us to have a slice !!!!!!!!!!
Kris Daynes,
These cuts are a step to far - intention may well have been for the right reasons but very poorly delivered.
Scott Newton,
Tom Bayley,
Mark Thomson,
tony francis rees,
i'm with you all the on this one.Tony
Paul Phillips,
Benjamin Search,
joanne drake,
i think its a disappointment when we are trying to encourage green living
Rob Glover,
Nicholas Watkins,
Kristian Daynes,
Bad Move !!!
carl webster,
This government is a disgrace. They are either stupid, blind or just dont care. They are basically killing off one of the biggest growing industries this country has ever had.
Dan Lockett,
I was planning a solar pv installation next year. Now I am not.
c'mon government.. look to the future!!
paul o\'connor,
what a wast of money in avesting to my MCS
How much is it going to cost put put another 25000 people on state benefit and give this government the record of highest ever unemployment, I can't afford to pay full price for energy because this government has shafted me in every way possible,
Joel Smith,
Debbie Shephard,
Adrian Houden,
The cut is too much too soon! It will kill a new industry!
Megan Daynes,
this is a bad idea! People will be loosing their jobs.
Rob Holloway,
Our future should not be decided by fossil fuel industry lobbyists and their short-term, monopolising thinking.
The reduction in tariff is a high price to pay insofar as less solar energy will be used in future than would otherwise be the case.
james pratt,
matt hawkins,
how much does a nuclear power station cost to build and decommision and what do our offspring do with the nuclear waste???
Jason Seale,
Greg Hill,
What utter hypocrisy and total contempt this coalition has for successful entrepreneurs. How dare they announce a £1billion fund to support British business to generate growth when just the day before they crucify a Solar Business with insane and devastating cuts as announced. Greg Barker you are a coward and have no balls - you knew what was coming when I listen to your fancy words at Solar Power UK. As an Ex combat soldier who fought for all this country holds dear - I hold you in utter contempt for what you are doing to this shinning example of a Great British success story. Redeem yourself and stick to your timetable of April 1st 2012.
Mrs H.L.Leverett,
Solar PV is an efficient, effective technology, which enables householders to generate renewable electricity. It has enabled many businesses to start up and expand, providing jobs, and helping the economy. How will disincentivising householders by such a drastic cut, far in excess of the price reductions in the price of panels help either jobs, the economy or the governments aims of 'empowering people and giving them a direct stake in the transition to a low carbon economy'?
Dr. Iain Jennings FRGS Chartered FCIPD,
I thought our government wanted to encourage sustainable alternative clean energy sources - the news about reduced subsidies seems to be killing off this wonderful new technology before it has almost begun. We should be leading the world in such technologies - not stifling it.
Jackie Davenport,
bev halstead,
shaun mower,
a disgraceful decision which only looks after the commercial solar farms.
Dan Eynon,
I see no sense or logic in this decision beyond short term, short sighted, desperate economics with no long term plan for growth and recovery. How very uncharacteristic of the ConDem government...
Phil Taylor,
Don't be a nuclear nob'ead. Tear down the curtains of oily curruption and let the sun shine in!
Rod Holt,
If You (politicians) underestimated the popularity of this scheme, You should be punished, not the installers who have worked hard to make it successful.
ash mercer,
Paula Waudby,
stop moving the goal -posts at short notice. It does nothing but prove the Goverment is in dire straits.
scott newton,
Since January this year we have given jobs to over 45 people to carry out PV installations within our company while in the middle of a deep recession, we have ploughed hundreds of thousands of pounds into a local council contract that we are now halfway through and are now unable to finish leaving our profits at the top end of the contract that now will not be earn't to save a thriving local business.
The government should have worked out the cost of all the benefits all our employees will now be claiming for along with the other thousands that will be made redundant across the country..............It would have been cheaper to keep the F.I.Ts as they were!!
Disgusted with the whole thing and how its been handled, saying that, its Britain all over.
Scott Newton
Cookes Renewable Energy.
Tom Price-Stephens,
It's outrageous that such a decision can be made in one hit... it is one of the most positive, fastest growing industries and to make such sudden cuts is ludicrous... why are the fuel companies making such profits and getting away with it?
jolyon western,
Brian Foster,
What an absolute disgrace this government is.
When is our government going to learn that short term dramatic reactions will never create long term solutions! This is what is wrong with this countries political mentality! The FITS in my opinion were high from the start and were not Properly constructed in a way that would work for everybody. The FITS did leave small gaps and loop holes which a small percentage of the market was open to chancers, land fill/farms and if you like cow boy hard sell companys with no obligation to nothing but there pockets? but on the flip side it provided a strong insentive for the domestic public to get behind the technology and invest! and in times like these there is no insentives for nothing! nobody wants to take a loan or borrow money but the FITS gave everybody a opertunity to purchase this renewable technology? it is clear that this industry is the first of many renewable energy source solutions that this country needs. With no insentive and no confidence who in there right mind would get involved in solar or any of the other technology's after the clear indecation that the government can just pull the plug so viciously? what confidence does the customer now have? As for the millions of pounds lost in revenue to councils and housing associations that had signed up to the rent a roof schemes? will the government be funding the properties to be installed as they will have to be eventually installed on? what about the millions of pounds lost in the planning, survey, design and stock purchase not forgetting this countries renewable obligations? yet again the government have succeeded in creating more unrest and job loss not forgetting the dark days ahead when we are held to ransom for foreign gas and energy prices. At the very least i think that the government should have worked hand i hand to perfect and strenghen the industry with the industry not just the energy providers. Now there is little to no chance of that.
Richard Williams,
As a self employed person who has been on working tax credit for nearly two years the solar industry offered me a lifeline. I perform surveys for installers and was looking forward to earning an income I could live on. This sudden, unexpected, cut has destroyed my hopes. If the installing companies I work with are bankrupted I may not even get paid for 2 months of hard work.
Alastair Newton,
If we all generate a little, it will quickly add up!
Do not recall the FIT rate or i will be out of work and on the dole.
john connelly,
Harry Voutt,
the coverment just wants to help itself and not the public,there nothing but a bunch of turncoats
Mike Stevens,
A cut this deep in just 6 weeks makes no sense. Why kill one of the only growth industries, is it to protect the interests of the big energy companies ?
Paul Griffin,
If only to help us move towards energy independence and security, don't kill this newly thriving industry!
jeffrey Pearman,
Martin miller,
Jonathan Watkins,
Naomi Jones,
Jason Rive,
John Taylor,
Alison Chaloner,
Marion Shaw,
We need new jobs & cheaper more environmentally fuels. These systems will encourage people to use greener energy & to use less. Our planet needs this.
Michael Stephenson,
Energy policy needs to be powerful, predictable and persistent. Slashing solar FiTs is none of them, we need to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels ASAP.
Jay Pickup,
G Halewood,
This goes against the Governments policy to encourage the public to go green and the notice given is unaccepteable
Paul Rogers,
Tony Dell,
We all knew it was coming, but 1 months notice is absulutly shocking. I wonder if the shoe was on the other foot, would they stand for it. so many jobs will be lost and just on Christmas. So much for boosting the job prospects.
E Mandeville,
Don't do this. It will destroy jobs, stifle a very promising new industry and threaten the future of those who come after us.
Carol Tanner,
The FIT was due to be cut by 7% in April 2012, Plug Into The Sun have invested over £100K this year in order that our company can deliver the Solar Power targets . We have planned for this . Why has the government chosen to make a change so ruthless in such a ridiculous time scale. Its clear those involved in this decision are acting on incorrect information and oblivious to the consequences. Don't kill the industry, and don't forget its the customers of utility bills paying for this FIT Tariff!
The costs of solar have not fallen enough so that everyone can afford it, we are at the tip of the iceberg. We are very behind other countries in Europe. Renewable s are powerful and clean energy and are our future!
Carol Tanner
Director of Finance and Marketing
Plug Into The Sun
Please do not kill this industry
Iain Richards,
Paul Ballard,
The government need to stop the boom and bust scenario and keep some stability in the growing industries of the UK.
Daniel chiu,
Instead of creating jobs, good family income, building communities and a greener future, let's go back on our word once again after people have worked so hard setting up businesses, instead of funding something great you would rather see your money being wasted on job seekers than an encouraging tariff, jokers
Absolutely ludicrous putting such a short timeframe on the new cuts to the FIT. Right before Christmas people are going to lose their jobs, lots of people, lots of wasted training, lots of wasted money. People who want solar PV systems don't physically have enough time to get one installed - please rethink this date!!
ian parkes,
Dave Konstanz,
Grant Holmes,
phillip hart,
Emma Thomas,
This is a complex and important issue that cannot be rushed through. This is not just about cutting the Feed-in Tariff but also about limiting the number of properties that are eligible, which will have a drastic effect on the industry, in particular the many small businesses who operate within it, threatening livelihoods and jobs.
Jerry Woollett,
When are we going to get a renewable energy minister FIT for purpose?
I have an installation date of the 3,4,5 of January after having made my booking in September. How can that be called Golddigging!
Laura Fielding,
How to destroy a flourishing industry overnight!
colin mcneill,
Malcolm Rochefort,
I have already invested in solar PV at home and generate about 1200 kWh per year this way - cleanly. I would not have done this had the feed in tariff rates been significantly lower than they currently are.
Ian Davies,
Micro Generation has to be the future of energy production and we as a country need to promote this in any way we can. The current proposals to slash the feed in tariff is suicidal and will decimate the solar industry in the UK and will stop many people from installing this technology. I urge you to think again about the process of cost reduction to FITS for Solar PV.
It is suggested that this cut is needed as the take up of Solar5 PV and FITS has been considerable higher than anyone anticipated and the costs to government are spiralling out of control. I wonder if anyone has balanced these costs against thos of paying benefits to the hundreds who may lose their jobs as the market crashes and nobody inmstalls Solar PV from 12th December......
This is a travesty, if we need to decrease the payments lets follow the example set by other countries and do it gently of a period of years. This decision will destroy a fledgling industry, potentially send hundreds of companies into bankruptcy and destroy the UK's populations belief in Green Energy incentives.
I urge you - Do not go down this road
Scott Rae,
Paul Metcalfe,
Why are they doing this if 25,000 people lose there jobs thats about 1.4 million in benefits to pay out each week by the Government does this all make sense NO.
I had planned to have solar PV installed on my roof in January 2012. Now I am no longer certain as it would take me 16 years plus to benefit. I thought renewable energies were the future. What now?
I've just had my solar panels installed on my house and we're delighted with them - it's such a great opportunity for us and so many other people who want to be able to do something similar. These massively ill-thought out and short-notice changes are so short-sighted - please do reconsider.
Simon Hawksley,
At a time of financial crisis it seems insane to place up to 35000 jobs at risk by the stroke of a ministerial pen
Big cuts with 6 weeks' notice sends the wrong signal as well as putting lots of people out of a job before Christmas.
Steven Sellick,
caroline raihan,
Peter Thomas,
R D Marshall,
Dont cut so deep give solar a chance to take off
Save Our Solar - what's the point in creating an industry and destroying it in such a fashion - stop trying to copy Germany, what's good for one country isn't necessarily good for the UK's flagging economy...
Roger Hughes,
Val Woodley,
Nicholas Jewitt,
Make consultation real. Keep feed-in tariffs meaningful. Protect the environment.
This proposal is a tragedy for the environment.
Laurie Thoms,
Andy Scargill,
This is clearly a case once again of how the ordinary person loses out all the time.
Kate Ring,
You are Killing the ethos about people looking at renewable enrgy. I thought you were a gov who wanted to promote this. Another broken promise. Well Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Florence Myles,
I had planned to install photovoltaic panels as part of the renovation of my house next January, but have now had to change my mind.
Joe Montague,
Gill Branston,
Eleanor Newell,
At a time when there is excellent public support for solar technologies, but high uncertainty about jobs and inflation, now is not the time to be cutting investment. Instead we should be investing in and promoting the widest possible uptake of green energy for a brighter sustainable future.
Nic Siddle,
Last Saturday (29 Sept), I made the decision to get a survey and quote for panels on our private owner occupied house. Because of the abrupt change to conditions, this is no longer possible in advance of the new deadline. These changes will kill the installation of PV on private houses. The subsidies are as nothing when compared to the subsidies which are already enjoyed by the Nuclear Power industry (even more so if one includes the ongoing taxpayer obligation for decommissioning the MOX plant).
In addition, the Government looks likely to go ahead with a new MOX plant – have they learnt nothing?
The deadline before introduction of new FITs should be extended at least for private houses and certainly for those already in the pipeline but which will not be completed before 12 Dec 2011.
It is of real concern that this Government (which was going to be the ‘Greenest ever’, has gone back on its obligation in such a dramatic fashion
Eirianedd Evans,
R I Bodels,
To have a sustainable energy future we must promote non fossil /nuclear fuel generation and incentivise those companies and individuals in solar generation and not cow tow to the big energy companies. Instead the government should give the lead by changing building regs such that all new builds must install renewable energy systems and give tax breaks to builders accordingly.
Peter Orr,
Once more the goverment is taking evan more money from us pensioners, who have given them and the banks more than anybody over the years. I've always voted conservertive but that I think is coming to an end
This is disgusting, how can the government justify this, the Feed-in-tariff is paid to generators by the energy companies - not the government, so what's the problem? Sounds like someone’s greasing someone else’s palm as they only like fleecing householders - funny how they are happy to take your money, but reluctant to pay it back. In such a swift way as well - why not allow it to run its course, it's only a few months, and to be honest - working for a solar company - we were fully booked until February and are now trying to shoe-horn all of these installs into a 5 week period which involves doubling our workforce - if every solar company in the country is doing this, then they're not really achieving anything in cutting the date back, just making people panic - the people will get their power, even if it means mentally destroying the staff and completely destroying the public trust in the government - smart move guys, pissing off thousands of people will definitely get you voted in next time *rolls eyes*
Solar Power is the future for us all why kill the goose that lays the golden egg, stop the cut in FIT now, you the government are killing an industry that we need, for all our futures!!!!
cheryl campsie,
Julie Evans,
12th Dec cut off is rediculous.
David Cockayne,
what the UK government has done is tantamount to fraud
Not the time to be slashing the investment individuals are making by installing PV solar panels on their properties. What's happened to the Government's Green Targets?
jessica green,
Leigh Dworkin,
William Patton,
Cutting the feed-in tariff is a scandalous and short-sighted act of misgovernment. No surprise unfortunately as big government (as opposed to big society) will always favour big energy.
Reeni Kennedy-Boyle,
I understand that budgets need to be managed however a blanket cut in the tarriff shows a distinct lack of vision. Surely a 2 tier system could have been introduced that allowed Community Groups and Housing Associations to develop their projects for the benefit of the environment and those in fuel poverty whilst business with capital to spare got less support.
Jeffrey Willis,
taper the reduction over longer time in line with price of panels.
Duncan Brown,
Why set up an industry and future hope for a reduction in carbon just to cut it in half after only 1 year.
Someone did not do there sum's
Steve Wilkinson,
Safe guarding 25,000 jobs and future opportunties for employment in the current market must be a priority for any government.
L Cardy,
michael Allen,
Petrol/diesel has gone up, Gas has gone up, Electricity has gone up, food has gone up, in fact everything has gone up FiT is the only thing to come down
robert payne,
solar is our future
I am about to retire we had solar panels fitted as an investment to help with the bills
Charles Caulkett,
Russell Prince-Wright,
The timing is too short and the cut too deep - No private individual is "getting rich quick" with the existing scheme - with a current payback of 10yrs, (including risks such as hardware failure, company failure etc) this is a serious, committed investment being made - If the rates are slashed, no one in their right mind would want to take on such a risk with an 18yr payback!
On a personal level I'm absolutely devastated to hear about the cuts, having just paid a deposit to have an installation at home - not a decision taken lightly and one that is going to have a severe impact on our finances. Professionally this is kick in the teeth for the renewables sector and the wider Devon economy. It undermines all the work we have done to grow the sector in line with the governments 'original' timeline.
Andrew Bissell,
The sheer level of uncertainty introduced by constant tinkering will by itself have a devastating effect. Renewable Heat Incentive delay, cut after cut to FiT, changes to ROCs. They all smack of short-termism and no commitment. "Greenest Government Ever"? Hollow word.
Peter Goodwin,
Hazel Oliver,
Paul Anderson,
This is a terrible decision, and completely belies the rhetoric about this being the greenest government ever.
Tony Guidal,
Rob Jackson,
We have solar panels ( under the free option ) and are very very pleased with the result
Stephen Pyne,
The benefits are huge and due to continuing technological advances these will become greater still.
Phil Steele,
Loretta Ireland,
AS a user of Solar Panels the reduction in feed in tariff will be a dis-incentive for further solar energy development.
Christopher Hanks,
We understood that the Government was commited to Green Energy.
The problem is the Govt doesn't look past the end of their nose and see the real problems to come quite soon with the ongoing energy price rises.
Alan Ballard,
This savage cut has all the hallmarks of a PR exercise by the Big 6 energy suppliers & the government. The energy suppliers will "generously" shave a little off our bills over the winter without it affecting their bottom line and the government will have been "seen to do something" about rising energy costs.
Cynical, moi?
Haydyn Jones,
This is not only renewable energy, which the government is trying to encourage not just bussiness's, but individauls to invest in,( and now they want to destroy the whole industry, with thousands being put out of work),it is also a way for us little people to reduce our energy bills, which the government seem powerless to do.We have all these so called government department or organisations,offgas ,offgem, offthis offthat and they do nothing but line thier ownn pocket and don't give a toss who it affects.
A knee jerk reaction to an issue that's a long term problem -and a cut off date before the consultation period is over - surely not even legal!
As a farmer we want to do our bit towards reducing reliance on fossit fuels, we have just signed a contract with a pv supplier, the proposals are distressing, give us a chance to do our bit without chaging the goalposts.
Cheryl Easter,
I am currently employed in the renewable energy business after being made redundant twice from the finance industry,if this goes ahead i face redundancy again. I am a working mother of 2 children who has continuously worked full time since leaving school.
How is this cut going to make our country better or greener?
Richard smith,
Suzanne Metcalfe,
We are in the worst recession since the 1920s. Solar is the ONLY industry creating jobs for people at the moment. The government want to make thousands of people redundant and lots of companies go into receivership. Doing this will distroy our country more!
25,000 out of work for xmas
Jim Blair,
I always thought we wanted everyone to get involved in renewable energy programs!
harold bland,
This is a most abrupt reversal, giving us no time to make sensible plans to green our homes. It smacks of "headless chicken" government. We need long term planning that will benefit the country into the future.
steve goode,
solar has to be the future.long term collection of this free energy has to be utilized
Zoe Forbes,
Not only are the cuts brutal there has been no warning meaning companies are struggling to deal with the demand NOT WELL THOUGHT OUT AT ALL....
sian edwards,
Anna Francis,
In the context of rising carbon emissions, climate change, recession and high unemployment cutting the tarrif is insane; we need more incentives and investment not less!
we need this sector to stimualte some growth
Donna Soulby,
Neil Hughes,
Rebecca Hollingsworth,
Milward, R. G.,
Milward, D. M.,
D Keele,
Why! when we are continually told that solar energy is the way to go.
James Raeside,
It makes sense to encourage people to be " green ".
Graham Maguire,
Don't kill the industry off before it's really got going. Increase the levy on the energy companies on our bills
Laura Gill,
Mr S Archer,
I was going to have the panels, but now the date has changed to December for the cut off, this is now not possible. Would've leaving the change untill April really made that much difference to the government?
David Wake,
With the State Aid changes to FiT already making it difficult for community groups to invest in renewables, why add yet another barrier, slowing progress to that 20:20 EU renewable energy commitment. Gradual reduction - not a hatcheting!
stephen jamieson,
sue crockford,
We owe it to our kids not to sell the family silver so let's harness the family gold for the good of all of us!
Jane Skudder,
Local and community generation is a vital part of the fight to break the hold the big 6 power companies have.
Colin Simmons,
Ridiculous for the government to cut this at such short notice. For once the government have a good idea for reducing carbon CO2 emmisions and now they create serious problems for the industry and installers and end users.
The goverment want people to go for green energy and not every body can afford to buy the Solar Panels them selves so i think this is a excellent way of going green and the Subsidy should therefore not be cut by 50%
Hugh Sawyer,
Dear The Government
Grow up
Jeanette Jones,
Don Bruce,
I appreciate the governments wish to stop the really wealthy making a huge killing with FITs. However, if we wish to encourage householders to install a truly green energy system FITs must be retained at a reasonable level. In recent years many companies have employed and trained teams to install such systems. If these guys jobs are terminated we could end up paying more in unemployment benefits than we save by reducing FITs. Our politicians need to look at the complete long term picture rather than short term savings.
Tony Hickinbottom,
This will prove to be a knee jerk reaction that will be regreted in the long term if the PV industry stalls. A reasonable reduction at a annual review would be a easier medicine to swallow. Think again
Georgina Stevens,
Michael Lowe,
What ever happened to claiming to be "the greenest government ever"? Hmmm!
Peter Dallyn,
Debbie Austin,
Simon Clark,
Government support for solar and all other renewable energy schemes are essential to our future.
Jacqueline Wild,
The governments proposal has not considered the affect that it will have on jobs in the industry and the amount of contracts that will be lost due to not being able to complete them before Dec 12.
Victoria Michalska,
andrew williams,
solar energy is the future,its free to generate and clean.the government should help save the planet for future generations.
Claire Lawton,
R A McLaughlin,
This needs more thought we had ordered 10 different systems to be installed over 4-5months and these needed planning permission and structural surveys , now some can't be done in time and others will be only small it's a stupid rash decision made in haste and needed to take into account sytstems ordered like this.How can we and the suppliers run a business under these conditions?
Luis Torres,
Solar PV is creating new jobs in UK. The new level of FiTs will kill many jobs and do not allow end users to save in their electricity bill.
Valerie Batty,
The Government should aim to put panels on every suitable roof in the country, not discouraging this energy saving tool.
Sue Chatterton,
Solar Power is our future
peter francis,
what a short sighted backward concern
Geoff Hughes,
Does the government not realise that they are going to drive investors from this country at the same time as helping to push many companies over the edge and more people to the dole queues.
Why do the Government stop wasting money on inefficient Wind Turbines and put more money into Solar Power.
Laura Corfield,
Steve Garrett,
Dylan Wyn,
I am an oap and have had solar panels put on my roof which has already saved me money. Please do not cut the tariff by 50% as this will devistate the industry.
Sjoerd Vogt,
Too far too fast! Just when the strategy is really beginning to bite .
Dafydd Trystan,
Absolute disgrace.
please do not reduce the feed in tariff.
Gary Douglas,
My family depend on my work within this industry
A more thought out approach needs to be considered
charlotte webster,
solar = jobs, economic growth, clean energy, energy security, pensions, tax income, exports & optimism. Solar is clearly our future.
Andy Went,
if at any time the economy needs support from the government, it is NOW and it is SOLAR!
Reggie Norton,
Mrs Barbara Spriggs,
I had the HomeSun scheme were they lease my roof space, absolutely free. Up to now from March when they were fitted I have saved £141.
Ross Heaver,
The proposed cuts are just criminal, how can you give companies like mine 6 weeks to save our livelihoods...we have full order books and we are honestm hardworking and only sell systems of the highest quality. Thses cuts just can no be DONE, stop punishing hard working men and women for actions of others who's only aim in life is greed and profit!!
Adam Tsang,
1,000,000 employees under pressure because the government state something and do another as always, alot of people who have planned this over last few months releasing monies from icer accounts etc have been charged penalties for releasing money and also lost money on their invesment
Jenny Lundh,
PLEASE WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sue Riddlestone, CEO, BioRegional,
The science tells us we need a 95% renewable grid in the UK by 2030 if we are going to play our part in avoiding dangerous climate change and making the country secure in its energy supply. Solar has an important role to play. The whole country needs to economise, we understand that, but a 50% cut on the FIT for solar is too high and will hold us back from achieving this target.
Mrs Joseph Spriggs,
Saved a third off my electricity bill.
Money for nothing and kilowatts for free.
J Willis,
Mr Paul Reynolds,
As with any form of long term investment, changes need to be on a timescale that is manageable by the businesses involved & a 50% cut within 6 weeks is just crazy !
Jean Powell,
Isn't there enough people out of work at this time and what about the billiions of pounds given to the Wind Turbines in subsidies!!
Rachel Lawrence,
Alison Butler,
Susan Murray,
These cuts will have a serious effect on both domestic and larger scale PV installations in the short/medium term and hit installers hard (all boom and bust for microgeneration again).
Peter Draper,
A mild cut is understandable and acceptable, but a minimum of 28p per unit is required for the larger investors to maintain the free fitting for the fuel poor.
Why stop such a promising industry, the money being cut will go onto create thousands of people into unemployment where you will only be paying job seeker's. Re evaluate and set it to 26p fools!
Kerry Burns,
On behalf of the 40 people who work directly under me installing PV plus the 40+ others who subcontract, an extension to the 12/12/11 deadlne is vital.
nick lishman,
Mark Pearson,
I thought this goverment was supposed to be supporting green energy projects like Solar not killing it.
Rob Nelson,
Destroy the solar generation industry because its too expensive and yet there's money for weekly bin collections which environmentally aware people don't need!
Richard Coghlan,
Mr R E Just,
Big solar farm operators were given much more notice why hit the domestic user so hard
It is completey obvious that the government and Government inisters are not capable of employing good logical common sence. and realising the detrimental effect this proposal if passed will have on this industry an ancillary companies who contribute towards this scheme. This is not the only area of incompitence that good common sense is not employed. There are many other instances of this stuppidity.
Alan Bean,
Shaun Dunbar,
Colin Hooton,
Dear Government - please do not discourage 1000s of individual PV solar energy investments in favour of more expensive, and more dangerous, nuclear power.
Jennifer Dixon,
Jeffrey Ball,
Graham Easterling,
The need for free solar systems for people who cannot afford the out lay is vital to keep the market not just for the wealthy
Roy Tindle,
Britain leads the World - in rhetoric!
Duncan Baker,
This is a growing industry which is totally in line with the government's philosophy of growing green production of electricity. Do not kill it now with a hasty and thoughtless drastic cut in the the feed in tariff.
Gavin Saunders,
What we, the public, and indeed any industry needs is stability. From this comes the ability to plan. You couldnt invent a better way to kill an industry than the current proposals
David Atfield,
A short-sighted and inconsistent decision that smacks of political expediency rather than responsible government.
Niall Hosiene,
laura bradshaw,
Ian Brown,
If this goes ahead I, Like many could be facing redundancy before Christmas - Please don't let this happen to me again.
mr p siddall,
J Chandler,
Dave Russell,
Having benefited from a Solar Power installation which would not have been possible if it had not been for the "Feed In" Tariff subsidy, I am already enjoying cheaper bills and a decreased carbon foot print. These "Feed In" tariffs at the existing rate is essential to bring Britain in to the 21st Century and to make installations as viable as possible. Every one wins with Solar Installations, including the Government of the day in achieving alternative energy resources.
This Government needs to think again. Does it want to continue polluting the planet for future generations or think about the legacy we will leave for others.
It's a no brainer ! Subsidies need to remain untouched for the benefit of every one now and in the future.
just as Solar Panels become popular to use natural alternative energy, why spoil it.
Cutting incentives to harness green energy is not the way to cut emissions and manage power demand.
Its all about money not the environment!
D Wheeler,
Joanne Barnett,
derrick denton,
I am lucky and signed up for FITs early. I was waiting for the RHI but after the delays and messing about with FITs I have decided not to bother as I can't trust the government with a future financial commitment. This constant uncertainty is the main reason that we are still in this financial mess
Don't do this! Give us a soft landing or something! We're losing contracts. We'll be losing staff soon. Last one out on Dec 12th, turn the lights off!
Jeremy Singlehurst,
Its time to keep encouraging people to Solar not put them off, keep the incentives going.
J S Chandler,
David Roberts,
Please dont kill the jobs we helped create!
Linda Hazelden,
jonathan manders,
Please please .. lets have some sense re the FIT reduction timescale ... the 6 week window is far too short and is vertainly disrupting my small 4kw project for a ground mounted PV system that went to planning last month and will not have a decision until 9th December .. nowhere near soon enough to meet the deadline. Meanwhile my potential energy "buyer" is obviouly inundated with calls as there phones are "off the hook". If nothing is done urgently then orders will have to be cancelled and irrepereable damage will be done to the important but still fledgling solar industry. You should keep your promises and revert to an April review and effetctivity date.
Daniel Roca Santiuste,
Please do not kill the only real job-creating industry in the market. The FiT Budget is well doable.
Kevin Smith,
jerry clark,
Incredible - the government plainly wants to kill the solar industry
Jon Carter,
con cronin,
Helen Black,
I was appalled to hear about the sharp cut to the FIT, especially the cut being brought forward to 12th December, 2011.
We have invested a large amount of time and our own capital in this industry. I am an ex-public sector worker, I have employed several of my ex-colleague (Surveyors/Housing Officers etc). I have also promised to take on 3 apprentices in January, 2012. If the FIT is cut by 12th December, 2011, this is going to have a detrimental effect on our business. I have trained all our operatives to very high standards, (most of these operatives came from the unemployment register), we have given these operatives a chance of looking forward in this industry, instead of attending the Job Centre every week.
All our operatives are fully qualified electricians and our roofers have all gained an NVQ Level 2 roofers certificate. They have all received the relevant Health and Safety training and are all 2nd stage CRB checked. They have all attended Photovoltaic training courses.
When we visit a client, we advise that we offer a free Domestic Energy Assessment to their home, the majority of them are not interested in this service, they mainly want a Photovoltaic system fitting, I understand that a Domestic Energy Assessment is being introduced after 12th December, 2011. I feel that the Green Deal Grant should be available to these clients before you can expect them to invest their own funding, I can just predict that when this grant does become available, all of those people who have invested their own funding in making their homes energy efficient will expect the government to back date their grant, which I know is impossible to do. So before we can implement a Domestic Energy Assessment to gain the feed in tariff, I feel that the Green Deal Grant should be available sooner rather than later.
As you can see from the above, we are not here for the short term, we have invested strongly and hopefully this will take us on to be Accredited Green Deal Advisors in the near future. I worked in the Regeneration Section of Local Council for 19 years delivering home improvement scheme grants and I have always strived to have the public’s best interests at heart, never wanting them to be exploited. Yes, there are companies in our industry who are exploiting the public, i.e., rent a roof schemes. The feed in tariff for these schemes should be monitored and looked at more closely. I feel that the majority of these companies (British Gas, Eon) are exploiting the general public, the customer does not understand the implications involved if they want to sell their home, etc.
By cutting the FIT scheme so drastically and so soon, I feel that you are not giving the general public a chance to invest in their own homes to become energy efficient, and also get some investment back for themselves, especially at a time when fuel bills are becoming so unaffordable; my electricity bill has gone up from £60 pm to £100 pm.
Yes, I think the FIT should be reduced by 1st April, 2012, but not by half, you have advertised that the FIT is going to go down on 1st April 2012, not 12th December, 2011. It is not going to look good on Central Government that they have changed their minds on a decision that was made and published in April 2011. We need the public to have confidence in the Government and this industry, so they can invest to reduce their carbon footprint, but by publishing one thing and then reversing it to another is just knocking the general public’s confidence. Reducing the FIT by 12th December, 2011 is just going to panic the general public and have a massive surge on installations which will see cowboys jumping on board fitting systems, when they are not even MCS accredited.
I do hope you consider my comments and keep the FIT at the current rate until 1st April, 2012. I think you should cut the Rent A Roof schemes on 12th December, 2011, this will maybe stop them exploiting the general public.
Frank Rozelaar-Green,
Gill Golding,
Rebecca Savage,
Gordon Smith,
The price of the cheapest panels available to an acceptable standard has brought the cost down by less than 30%. The more expensive and better panels have only droppedby 22%. The current rates should be maintained until 31st March 2012 as previously committed and then the rate should drop, again as previously committed.
Paul Brocklebank,
Do the Government want to support and encourage Renewable Energy or not?
Greenest government ever!?! Start an industry one year and destroy it the next. Consultation, what consultation?
E F H Burt,
Just cancelled order for £100,000 system. W.P.D. can't meet December deadline.
Mark Bryant,
don m cowen,
cant believe the government are backing down on another success they started, this is a must to keep up with other countries and keep jobs.
Walter Belgum,
Antony Packham,
I believe a new tariff should be introduced for domestic systems up to 2.5 kWp so that the lower end of the market and the people who most need the benefits, still get it.
mark thorpe,
We had work booked in until mid February and we can only manage to bring 3 jobs forward and 8 people have cancelled asking for deposits to be returned we have explained to them that we could re-quote in the new year as the our costs could be altered to make it as attractive once the dust has settled and manufactures and suppliers review there position. The answer in all cases (was we have lost faith in having it installed at all now and do not trust this government to even honour a 25 year commitment at 21p). This is devastating news for us and like everyone else within this industry we have invested a lot of time and money on the back of a commitment by governments to promote renewable energy ( I feel conned). To deep and to fast are these measures which will cripple us all throwing yet more hard working people to the wolves. At the moment I am fuming and always told it how it is and if i lose my lively hood and home over this stupid rapid decision the house of commons better step up security because here i come. Sent my local MP Clive Betts an E-Mail explaining the impact of these cuts never even got a response or reply.
D A Jones,
Too deep, too fast
Nigel Payn,
Why is the government proposing to drastically reduce the FIT on solar generated power? Too expensive perhaps? I'm willing to bet that the full cost of this scheme would be a drop in the economic ocean compared to the true cost of nuclear.
Graham Maw,
Mr Phil Bishop,
How can you cut a tariff before the end of the consultation period? Government must be in the back pockets of the energy companies. Kyoto 2020 fines will be greater than these small savings.
Typical of this caring government!! Give with one hand - then take away with the other. Suggest penalising the energy companies not home owners.
michelle hume,
Mike Pope,
Solar is a genuine alternative energy supply and does not need to be subject sudden unplanned changes to FIT. Please stick to the March deadline
ian ferguson,
Solar market in UK is really contributing to CO2 reduction and good investment for UK itself
Tjarko Wieringa,
Steve Edwards,
Personally I fitted pv panels to my roof in August of this year so the proposed changes will not affect this, however I am also a trustee of a local housing trust which was looking to install panels on the roofs of some of its properties and I fear that other trustees will not now be interested in the project, given the reduced financial incentive.
It begs the question - is this government really interested in providing for the future or is it just after a few vote grabbing headlines for an initiative which it then quietly sidelines when it has served its purpose?
Oh for a government which can see further than the end of its nose!
Andrew Voller,
robert curry,
Solar creates a sustainable energy source and in the current economic climate creates much needed jobs, the sudden announcement just goes to promote uncertainty and will not allow businesses to manage the change so that solar can grow, many companies large and small are fearing the worst, "the greenest government ever" have stopped a growing job and energy market in its tracks, Give us time so we can adapt the industry don’t just pull the plug!
Ronald Todd-Young,
John MacMillan,
Disgraceful cuts. Too deep and too fast!!!
Peter Clarke,
I listened, I voted, now you listen, do the right thing every ones happy when the sun shines!!
Solar is one important answer
The government should be giving more help and support not making it more difficult and expensive to install solar panels.
Barry Leverett,
A stepped reduction in FIT tarrif was acceptable and expected but this sudden, drastic cut will make many householders change their minds regarding installation and threaten the livelihood of many newly established installation firms. Is this what the Government wants?
M Hammond,
We should be encouraging everyone with a suitable roof to have solar panels and this cut in the FITs will be counterproductive. Not only will it be bad for the Solar Energy companies who are employing a significant number of people in the UK but also for the planet. Every KWH produced by solar power is saving CO2 gas from being dumped into the atmosphere by fossil fuel power stations. Come on the government, where are your Green credentials?
Fritz Raake,
Graeme Hicks,
David Lea,
We recently ordered a solar PV system to be installed in February, before the review scheduled for the end of March. The decision to cut the FIT in December means that we cannot afford to go ahead. There must be hundreds of people in the same situation. It will have a devastating effect on the small scale solar industries. I find this revised programme shockingly destructive and short sighted. No-one will object to reasonable reductions in the FIT as the industry gains confidence and experience, but these must be properly thought out and programmed. What a hopeless government we have!
Bill Wright,
A. Allen,
Myself and others are cancelling our plannned solar pv installations given the o.t.t. cuts signalled. This coalition government continues to be green in the derogatory sense
Gary Chantry,
More people on the dole, wasted money on MCS approval and PV training. Not amused!!!
jackie wray,
Peter Churchman,
James White,
Brian Such,
We have solar panels and are very impressed with their results. I feel the government should NOT make these drastic cuts but step back to the 25% trriff cut in April 2012.We need more solar energy not a severe cut back as proposed.
HMG/DECC should not make the industry pay for its errors in designing the policy and calculating the tariff
Julien Chirol,
After seeing boom and bust in many other EU countries, soften the review to January-February and the cut to 40%.
All that for the short term sustainability of the sector and to keep motivated a whole bunch of new comers with good will and ideas.
David Leavett,
Jonathan Sampson,
Warren Greaves - Test It Solar,
Lets not kill the industry, the Government should change the feed-in-tarffs to suit size of installation and generation i.e. a smaller installation a higher FIT payment. At the moment a typical house could be <2.5kwp but the band for FIT is <4kwp. A new band of FIT at <2.5kwp and the right amount could still make the deal attractive to homeowners and continue to move Solar PV in the UK in the designed directions the Government intended in the first place.
Robin Hanbury-Tenison,
Anita Daimond,
FIT is a scheme which is working; providing jobs in the green technology sector and producing low carbon energy. This scheme should be extended not stopped.
Tim Williams,
Andrew Hodchild,
Well, what can one say? HMG would not pass OFT audit!
Alva Davey,
This is typical of the government moving the goal posts by stealth. How safe is the feed in tariff for 25 years I wonder?
Aaron Claxton,
Henry Pannell,
Irene Newton,
I am appalled at how easily the government'moves the goalposts' and then says it is consulting until the end of the year. The changes will hit the South-West in particular and will lead to many job losses which I am sure the secretary of state has not factored into his equation. He should allow all contracts signed up to go ahead - it is unbelievable that they can be changed with no regard to the implications. I wish he could be taken to court over it.
Catherine Simcock,
Please do not cut the solar future, as it is a great way forward for the energy future of britain.
Colin Sims,
Mark Davies,
The UK has the opportunity to lead the World in the take up of Solar, but then these cuts brought in early will stop that wave of enthusiasm and jeopardise additional jobs. This is a real short sighted move by Government who have a the opportunity to make a big difference in a "Big Society", but have failed again...........
Dick Powell,
Like many people I am in the process of purchasing PV panels for my home. My investment decision is made on the assumption of 43p feed in tariff. Pleasee do not flush my investment down the drain. Give a reasonable time for the industry to complete its orders, then if the tariff must be reduced do it on a sliding programmed over several 6 month periods so that the installation industry can re-align itself.
David Thomas,
Steve Heathcote,
There will be a massive over night cut in orders, which will jeopodise the industry. Many clients could lose thousands of pounds which they could have taken loans out for. It does not help any industry to completly shift the goal posts mid flow of programme. The Government should at least wait until April before lowering the tarrrif so as to limit damage as much as possable.
If the Government changes this, how can we trust them on anything?
Short term accountancy long term decay. This government needs to get real. More jobs and businesses put at risk. Let this sector grow..........
Richard Hartley,
A 52% cut with an installation deadline of December 12th, before the end of the consultation, is crazy. The cut is too much, too soon. It is claimed solar installations have fallen in cost by 30%. Why then is the cut more than 50%. This will make PV unaffordable for most with a payback time of 16 - 18 years, by which time most people will have moved home. Net result = a negative percentage return, far from the claimed 4.5 - 5%.
David Cooke,
I am very sad to hear about these cuts!
R D meech,
short term, knee jerk reaction is not helpful or constructive. Many people are planing for solar. Financial planning crucial. This drives a coach and horses right through many peoples thought through financial planning. This cut in the FIT is unfair to the many who are trying to mitigate their energy bills.
To make this substantial a change, at this short notice, is serious mismanagement in an area this Government (both parties) sought to play up in their manifestos
kevin robinson,
Michel Henry,
89,000 installed PV roofs out of 20,000,000 UK dwellings = 0.4 % of UK housing stock. The pilot study is a stunning success but has millions of miles to go ... Is this how Clegg and Cameron "roll their sleeves up to kick-start the economy" ???
Martin Long,
Timothy Wheeler,
I believe that this country needs to support the solar energy industry.
Elly Weir,
Two steps forward - and now this is three steps back. Unfortunately our planet doesn't have time for pussyfooting around.
keith lloyd,
It just doesn't make any sense, on so many levels. The suppport you give now will be more than paid back tenfold in the future. Why undo all the good that has been done so far?!
A Bates,
Cut benefits to those who won't work!
Angus Rhoderick Murchie,
Nothing these absurdly self important politicians and their useless advisors touch ever works. They're killing PV and when the ludicrous so-called Green Deal comes in they'll kill the loft and CWI industry too. Utter incompetence would be a kind description for these wastes of space. None of them has any idea what they are doing nor the real consequences of their actions. They are destroying people's livelihoods and they don't even seem to care. Just as bad as the useless bankers who've destroyed our economy. The degree to which I despise them is impossible to put into words.
Robert Compton,
Typical whenever there is a benifit to the consumer the Government always steps in stating it's no longer fundable. Isn't it funny than the don't tackle very high and quickly rising fuel including petrol with such vigor?
John Stringer,
It's even worse that the government brought this day forward to 12.12.11 at such short notice!
Stephen Jarvis,
I am one of the people affected by the timing of this. Fortunately my installation is being brought forward, I am neither rich, nor a venture capitalist, just someone trying to do their best in difficulty times. To pull the carpet out from under the feet of a new industry that has previously been encouraged by the government, just sickens me! It is another shortsighted bad decision, that further alienates the very people who they expect to vote for them!!
Mike Rochon,
C Robinson,
I just cant believe the government have back tracked on this issue. We had planed to have PV but cant now as all installers are busy and we thought we had until April. Lies again
Alex Alston,
Steve Shepherd,
helen Renny,
Chris thomas,
Greenest government ever? No chance....
Matthew Salmon,
The solar systems are a great way to generate electricity in the daytime, when there is high demand, surely much better than building new power stations
Jon Beamson,
If around 50% of south-facing homes in the UK had solar PV panels installed, there would be no need for new nuclear power stations. Invest in the future. You owe it to our children.
Joy Dyson,
Ruth Elizabeth Jarman,
Yvonne Turner,
Emily Wills,
James Thomas,
Solar PV was a success story for the economy and the enviroment. In a time when we all need to cut our carbon footprint and keep jobs this is a wrong move. Keep the feed in tariff at 100%!
Mrs Jayne O\'connell,
Please dont do this. Our village hall refurbishment project is due to be completed early next year. The FIT will enable our hall to be sustainable for future generations. Since running circa 1920 it needs a heating system installed and the FIT will subsidise this. Please help us.
Nick O\'Connell,
Tony Birdwood,
Another shortsighted cut !!!
Diana Smith,
'FiT' fits together localism and renewable energy. Don't guillotine it!
James Terry,
Do the government really want to KILL an entire industry and put 25,000 people out of work just before christmas??? Surely that will cost the tax payer more money? A ridiculous decision and one that needs a careful re-think - fast!!!!
Russ Clifton,
Please don't kill off a thriving new industry just to bow down to the power companies.
Julian Clifton,
This makes no economic sense, and is destroying one of the few potential growth markets. It has no parallels with policies in any other country where PV is being developed.
Phillip Callaghan,
Ryan Clifton,
i was due to be taken on as an apprentice to a solar firm, so now what am i going to do in my future that the government has disrupted? Do they know how far reaching these cuts are????
Dale Clifton,
Andy Perkins,
Alice Sievewright,
It just makes sense! Jobs, clean energy and a positive future. Don't stop when it's just getting started.
Richard Harris,
Solar PV is practically the only renewable electricity generation technology that works in urban areas and can be easily retrofitted to that great waste space zone - the roofs of our houses and buildings.
The Government needs to give a much stronger incentive to fit solar PV to community buildings and local authority property.
Great! So my local primary school which I was working with to educate the kids with special lessons on solar and renewables, to be followed by an installation with educational monitoring equipment to help save on the huge all-electric heating bills and TEACH THE KIDS ABOUT SOLAR, has now been cancelled.
I love teaching and enlightening youngsters on this and I love installing solar. It looks like there's going to be casualties all round.
Thanks, for being the greenest government ever!
Paul Bryce,
Ross Kent,
I'm about to have free panels installed; am waiting for the paperwork to be completed but doubt if installation can happen before 12th Dec. I am devastated, I'm in real fuel poverty and need these panels desperately.
Gwen Shannon,
Nick Ely,
Cutting the FIT to this level is very shortsighted and will slow down the genuine job creation that renewables were beginning to achieve
Bryan blair,
This is up there with the worst idea for cost cutting in my lifetime
No logic in it at all just get the nation to buy into The idea and start parting with there hard EARNED money and then half the incentive to kill the whole thing just as it was taking off!!!!! This can't happen yet give the nation a chance to get going
just been stabbed in the back by our own government !
Mark Candlish,
Director and former Chairman of the Renewable Energy Association
A great employment opportunity is being wasted, and destroying the opportunity for cheaper and cleaner energy. Madness
susan wadhams,
uk needs to do it can to support/promote green energy policy
catrina orwin,
Typical of the Government to break a massive opportunity to help reduce household utility bills, and help the national grid produce much needed power. A great shame for the common people and easy targets!!
Mark Coppel,
Think of the future this is the way to go
Krzysztof Lisowski,
kevin sharpe,
Why would anyone destroy a thriving industry at this time?
Paul Goulbourne,
Mary Goulbourne,
B G Shaw,
Jason May,
The government should stand by its original plans for a reasonable reduction in the FIT from 31st March 2012. A sweeping cut destroys confidence in the payback incentive offered by the FIT scheme and wrecks the blossoming renewable industry.
Tim Howarth,
Please support the UK solar sector not go about bringing it to an end as you these proposed cuts will do.
Chris Ruddock,
The goverments aim is for all properties to be 'C' rated, many of were working on schemes that imed to get properties to that level. The model that made most sense was to install PV on as many properties as possibl;e and then to use the money generated by FIT to upgrade an ever larger stock of housing to 'C'. This change in proposals seems to be lose, lose, lose
Paul Tyler,
martyn jennings,
I support this petition
pier hausemer,
Emma Lowe,
Karla Burke,
The solar industry is booming. Thousands of new jobs have been created as a result. The company I work for has over doubled its number of staff in the past 6 months. Jobs will be lost if these drastic cuts are made. Surely this is the opposite of what Government should be trying to achieve?
Trust is about keeping promises..when you break promises trust is lost. This government expects one to believe that tariffs will be fixed for 25 years then changes its mind after 18 months. How can oone trust what it says. This technology is vital and needs full honest commitment.
colin hutchings,
Howard Coakley,
Not only is this a retrospective step in terms of the environment and our electricity supply structure, it jeopardises local resilience, costs the tax-payer MORE overall, and gives no time for objectors to have a proper say.
chris wheatley,
Encourage people to make their own power, thus reducing demand on fossil fuel pollution.
It's a no brainer, why destroy a good idea?
Marlene Muehlbauer,
George Kay,
John Nugent,
Marie Pearce,
Pete Ross,
We agree the tariff needs to be reduced but not by as much as 50%, and the reference date should be 31 March 2012 as previously proposed, to give all those currently involved in negotiations time to complete their work.
Steven Earnshaw,
The manner in which this whole saga has been done is nothing short of criminal. How can this even be legal????????????
John Furley,
Don't take away our chance to make a difference!
John Richards,
Lynne Parry,
Chris Colborne,
The insustry is already in freefall. How can we trust DECC or the Government again? Total shambles.
Paul Arrondelle,
The more solar we have, the sooner we save the planet!
Chris Dowey,
Derek Wells,
setting a future indexed linked price for renewables can cap our future bills and increase fuel security, the more we have the more WE can control oil prices
Diane Wells,
this country would be better served if goverment concentrated on encouraging the manufacture ofl the hard ware associated with renewables after all it is a growth industry, unless of course it becomes unviable ie by reducing feed in tarrifs
Mr Nigel Dracup,
please rethink the stategy, this is a development we should be encouraging and supporting not pressurising
We have had an installation and undoubtedly it is contributing to the national green energy source. This was our prime motivator for installation. The costs of installation have to be within reach of the average consumer either by outright purchase or leasing roof space to a free/low cost provider. By removing the (yes) attractive feed-in incentives the Government is once again showing its colours on green issues. Plenty of rhetoric but no follow through when ongoing financial support or expenditure is required. We are not talking about a short term political issue - we are talking about a long term environmental issue.
Paul Garnham,
Why put thousands out of work?
Terry Doherty,
Martin McGawley,
The tariff reduction should be properly organised, in gradual increments, and with plenty of prior notice. Killer shocks to the market like this are totally unnecessary and damaging.
This reckless Government clearly doesn’t recognise the key advantages of Solar PV:
It is reliable, safe, flexible in where it can be installed, very low impact, effective at large and small scale, it creates jobs across the regions, and importantly its life-cycle finances can be planned accurately, maintenance and de-commissioning costs are low and the fuel (solar radiation) is free.
so much for this governments promise to encourage and help people who basically cannot afford to do their bit for the environment and in the process save.Obviously the "fat cats" get no benefit.Definitely not getting my vote in next general election.
simon grisewood,
Lot of unemployed people have come over from construction after that was decimated in the credit does the government want disaffected voters...its going to lose seats!
Karen Hurr,
Anthony Morgan,
Cutting off this fledgling industry at the knees is not good for our economy, jobs or this country's future. The UK government needs to ask itself what the heck it is doing?
Another U-turn from our beloved un-elected government. So many promises then once again another industry on his knees.
David & Sarah Franks,
As my wife and I are pensioners, we get hit yet again in our pockets, as this would be a great saving on our electric plus helping the environment.
Deborah Kay,
Mark Tanner,
planning in progress-resources committed - carpet removed - private enterprise foiled once again-a rocky road to Kyoto. To invest we need to trust.
David Perman,
Peter Wood,
Jonathan Musgrave,
was intending to beat the march deadline. gutted!
Prof. Eric Eisenhandler,
After two major "surprises" in half a year, how can anyone ever again trust the promises for the future made by DECC?
Jane Waller,
Elaine Smith,
India Stringer, Renewable Energy Student,
This recent "bombshell" cuttting the FIT from 43.3p to 21p with only 5 weeks notice will cause chaos and disorder in the solar power industry and probably practically stop this industry in its tracks. Businesses and individuals who wish to and have the finances to install domestic solar pv need firm timetables stating orderly progressive reductions in FIT, not "knee-jerk" actions like this - reminds me of Greek referendum to stay in EU !
this move will devistate any chance of us reaching our green targets and cost us dearly in the future.
Nick Leek,
We do need to support Solar Energy not kill it
Roger Thomson,
This announcement has just sounded the death knell of the fledgling solar industry. What is the secret story behind such a rapid and ill-considered action??
This is typical of government unfortunately thousands believed king clown cameron and clegg-the greenest government my ass!
Terry Hannay,
save our solar
lee smith,
D Spalding,
Our Government should stick by its promises and listen to the public.We put them theremwe can take them down.
Oliver Cameron-Swan,
Steven Levers,
This recent announcement means now I'm abandoning two solar PV instalations on seperate properties and shelving further plans for green improvements to my properties. Such huge cuts are rediculous and very short sighted!!!
Nigel Clements,
This government needs to prove that it is serious about its Green commitment. Proposals such as this show it cannot be trusted.
keith goshawk,
they should not u turn on this it is to help the countrys power problem they were all for it when started
kate gathercole,
Adrian Struthers,
alan chandler,
It will deprive many retired people of making a saving at a time when every penny counts
Ron Fleming,
Michelle Roberts,
Power to the People!
Russ Whistance,
solar energy is a vital part of powering our world in the future. The sooner investmetns are made and renewable energy in implemented the better.
I had been pursuing the free solar option, survey done, contract signed; just awaiting installation date. Then t/call from supplier on 2 November to say unable to proceed following govenrment's announcement. Like many people I do not have a "spare" £12 - £14k, so I am left with rising bills and no chance to benefit the environment.
Ian Thomas,
What happened to the government's wish to increase the proportion of renewable energy produced in the UK?
This cut will be a disaster for the industry with more job cuts and less people having the benefit of solar energy
Andres Blanco,
The cut of the Feed-In-Tariff shows that the energy industries have control over the government, and it just makes more difficult to get a greener electricity and affordable.
Simon Jones,
The reduction of FITs will only kill the retrofit of solar panels industry to existing housing stock and will risk not meeting the UK's targets to reduce CO2 emissions
Mark chamberlain,
margaret chandler,
Mrs Carole Coleman,
It is a ridiculous suggestion to cut the Solar Tariffs by 50%. People need to use alternative power sources and in this economic climate need ways to reduce their fuel bills. It will also lose jobs for many people.
raymond appleby,
keep to the original timescale of tariff reduction. do not impose this unfair, no notice, change
Tim Cutting,
It is extraordinary for Chris to talk of renewable energy as the 'third industrial revolution' one week and then be party to cutting support to a vital part of this revolution the next.
The government is desperate to help the economy by encouraging business. The solar panel business was taking off because of the FIT. I cannot understand them killing it.
Donna Riley,
If the Govt is committed to building XXXX thousand new homes every year, every new house built should have solar panels fitted as standard. That would mean cheaper fuel bills for everyone and less of a drain on natural fuels. Surely this is a no-brainer. This would be cheaper to install as it would be done on a massive scale and therefore the cost minimal to any new purchasers.
I had a question read out on Radio 4 some time ago in which I argued that more subsidy/price cuts would help to bring this wonderful technology within the reach of ordinary people - we are a pensionner household enthusiastic to get on with saving money and carbon
willy andrews,
My question to Mr Barker is this - " What are you and the Government actually committed to?"
Tim Whittome,
Dennis Arbon,
Give more time for consultation.
joe hughes,
This would be a massive set back!! Renewables are the way forward!
Michael Finlay,
Brian Hanness,
Government always on about green energy and carbon energy. When it becomes popular they ALWAYS back track
My wife and I are both in our eighties. The "Rent-s-Roof" deal offered by Homesun provided an ideal solution to our energy problem. To now reduce the Pay Back Tarif to such an extent as to make the scheme uneconomic for suppliers is illogical from a government seeking to maximise the use of renewable energy. Add to this the excessive amount spent on the Windfarm Project, with all the questions it raises, and the reduction of subsidy on Solar Pholtaic energy energy production appears capticious.
Johanna Carrie,
Solar has to be an increasing part of our energy mix, even if it can't meet all our needs.
Simon Fisher,
Jon Halle,
Just some of the community solar projects which are aversely affected by the timing of the cuts - these ought to be the beacons of a new community energy sector, supported by Govt in the name of the Big Society!:
Bath and West Community Energy
Wey Valley Solar Schools
Community Energy Warwickshire
Oxford North Community Renewables
Brighton Energy Co-operative
Leominster Community Solar
Whittington and Fisherwick Environment Group
Brixton Energy Solar One
Cumbria Community Renewables Fund
Green Local Energy
Gloucestershire Community Energy Coop
Bristol Energy Cooperative
Morecambe Bay Community Renewables
The Solar Coop
This announcement has killed my ambitions of having panels installed and doing my bit for "the Big Society" in reducing emissions. Better get back to work to pay for my ever spiralling energy bill or will the Conservatives now order the energy companies to cut their prices dramatically now they don't have to subsidise the Feed In Tarriff?
Paul Combellack,
Crazy decision. This is helping Cornwall's economy no end and would have a drastic effect if implemented.
David Luckhurst,
Why do governments in Britain (always slow to get going on green policies) choose to damage fledgling industries, rather than support them in a structured and well-planned way? It happened with the change from Clear Skies to Low Carbon Building Programme and will happen again with this ill-thought-out cut, which claims to be to 'avoid a boom and bust scenario' (Greg Barker). That's precisely what it will create!! Reduce the FIT payment, but don't kill off the industry.
The aim of the government is to reduce our impact on climate change, the only way to achieve this is to give incentives that work financially this recent action is a disincentive and puts in doubt the integrity of the government, in that will it maintain promises or cut at will. They should have controlled the industry better avoiding businesses like rent a roof robbing the FIT of its resources to help older people get a system and some payback before they expire.
elizabeth ings,
why do you encourage us to be green, then halve the tarriff so quickly when we have committed ourselves to the expense of going solar.
Kevin Jones,
Adjusting the rates is reasonable and expected but the way it is proposed to be implemented is not. The trust in our Government has more serious international ramifications for inward investment to the UK.
Peter Ellis,
It is vital that the renewable energy industry is supported at this stage in its development
mr leggett,
As pensioners this scheme is an excellent means of helping us to survive ever increasing fuel bills particularly during the winter months.
Jae Mather,
The UK has been a follower in the renewable world for a good long time and with the FIT we were beginning to make up some of that ground. The recent changes in Aug 2011 and now in Dec 2011 are exactly what is needed to destabilise the industry and erode confidence. It would appear that the Government is laying the foundations for pulling back from its carbon reduction targets and reneging on its leadership commitments due to typical short sightedness. Our leaders are our guardians and there job is to look to the long term security and sustainability of the UK. This does not appear to be occurring!
Chris Knight,
Much better to see solar panels, than those infernal Wind Mills blighting our landscapes.
Nick Dummer,
The technology is sustainable but confidence in deliverability must also be. There are loads of roof panels near me now - if it stops people will think it was just a gimmick. Stuff needs to work better and solar is a prime example of how to do it, and show that it's being done.
The gvernment going back on their word!! after asking us all to help the environment. At least give us till Mach
barbara sheers,
Robert Day,
The greenest government yet? the suns going down on this one!!
Christine Gibbons,
Richard WEETMAN,
Please do not let the Government lose a unique opportunity to help in the fight against fuel poverty in the face of increasing energy prices.
D Morritt,
30% would be more reasonable and NOT unexpected
Roy Rowell,
Paul Cleary,
Don't do this!
Bill Stokes,
This country needs to create jobs not destroy them!
gerald cullis,
In addition the short notice before the proposed implementation is extremely damaging and undermines confidence in government initiatives.
Marcus Spedding,
Support a clean future.
Daniel Senior,
Sign for solar - sign for the future
Sten Salisbury,
Not only will this affect the solar industry but affects those with aspirations to become more carbon friendly.
Mr.& Mrs Read,
Cutting tariffs is not the way to encourage people to save on their energy consumption. Free solar panels is the incentive to do this, also to create jobs.
Karen Lee,
Why does the Government support and promote wind power then do this to kill solar?
The proposed change at such short notice is grossly unfair by any criteria.
Keith Bremer,
For a government that claims to be the greenest ever and also claims to want to stimulate economic growth the FITS was a clear winner. This cut is too big and too early. I still plan to install solar PV (can't do it in time to beat the December deadline - the roof hasn't been built yet) in spite of this cut, because it makes environmental sense. Sadly the economics are much less attractive now (unless the government knows something about future electricity price rises that we don't).
Peter Chilvers,
this government seems to have forgotten its pledges on climate change.
Zaid Bassam,
I suggest (1) retaining current support until April 2012 and the (2) continuing at a tariif reduced by a third to compensate for lower material costs
I am a pensioner and only other people like me could only have solor panels through companies such as home sun giving free fitting.
david John Kuhn, Patricia Anne Kuhn,
It seems strange that the Government has done a distinct back track regarding the payable rate ref Feed In Tariff, especially after the Government has spent a lot of time persuading us that the solar efficiency benefits outweigh the cost ultimately, with reference to for the total supply and installation cost of the units.
Many of us are having to `tighten our belts`in these financial times, so why did the Government persade us to part with our savings etc when ultimately the government were using the FIT costs as an incentive , then ultimately cut that incentive, which apart from putting many people out of work, will ultimately cause closure of Solar Companies.
Tha change in heart of the Government ref FIT we find absolutely idiotic.
The change in the attitude of the government we find absolutely outrageous.
Paul Brett,
Let's invest properly in Solar and other renewable energy technologies. It will create jobs, save money and help meet our carbon emission targets.
helen vos,
mr sidney harris,
Please dont cut this much off solar. If you do, cut your pay and gold plated pension accordingly, to show willing. Start with your finances first before interfering with the finances of the country and business.
John Dinnen,
The Government is killing industry instead of helping.
Darrell Richings,
It would be crazy to cut the FIT so much now just as solar panels are at last within the reach of ordinary householders. Please don't relegate green energy back into the minority market!
Steve Edwards,
dan page,
Amy Catlow,
Losing green jobs and pulling investment from industry at this time is damaging. Renewables needs support to get started until we've shifted the norm away from expensive and harmful fossil fuels. Cut don't kill the tariff.
Jon Wheatley,
I have raised significant funds from investors to help fund a small company employing young people in a free to install business model. The question that was raised in Parliament about whether any investors would ever be able to trust the government again was met with a put down by the minister stating that the questionner was being hysterical.
I can quite catagorically state that all of my investors are deeply upset and feel that DECC has reneged on it's promise particularly regarding the timeframe. Investors are going to run a mile when they hear that DECC are involved in any future Green Project.
I feel deeply sorry for the number of consumers who will now miss out on prebooked installations.
I feel deeply sorry for those in the most vulnerable position regarding fuel poverty as they certainly will no longer be able to benefit from a free to install model.
I feel deeply sorry for an industry that has been lied to.
The minister also stated that solar companies should now concentrate on the sustainability products that are supported by the Green Deal. It will be difficult for any business to work on the Green Deal as nobody seems to be able to tell us what the exact framework will be or indeed when it may or may not come into being. Are companies supposed to just sit around waiting for the Green Deal.
A cut to the feed in tariff is appropriate but not at the rate stated and certainly not in the timeframe proposed. An orderly cut at the end of March as originally set out with a guarantee of full consultation before rulings in the future coupled with a continuation into any future Green Deal would be the only way to ensure that consumers are not left out of pocket, the industry and 25,000 jobs is not decimated and investors in future green projects will have confidence that the government is able to stick to its promises.
Where possible it makes sense for people to install solar panels as a means of reducing energy costs as well as contributing to the national grid. To suddenly reduce the feed in tariffs seems sheer lunacy when we struggle to maintain sufficient supplies for national needs and presumably contribute to carbon reduction. This will make consumers think twice about installation as the payback time is considerably lengthened and this will turn a lot of people off.
Obviously the contractors face not only loss of business if this reduction in tarriff takes place but also there will be considerable job losses which in the current economic situation seems totally unnecessary. Just another crazy government decision by idiot politicians who would have us believe they have our best interests at heart (or should that be their own interests as we have so often seen)
We would be far better off investing in solar technology than expensive ugly giant windmills scattered around the countryside. Surely as a government you should be saving jobs not destroying them more than ever at this time . Please think again
Billie Lewis,
Chris Stephenson,
Change IS needed but these changes have to be phased in responsibly and with due care and consideration. The time scale is the biggest problem without a doubt.
Iain Turnbull,
Jim Dignan,
Our modest array of solar panels generates 90% of our annual electricity consumption. The technology works, it saves carbon, does not require massively expensive infrastructure investment and helps break the stranglehold of the big six energy companies. We know it makes sense, but the government, alas, seems determined to stop the solar revolution in its tracks.
Gerald Vasey,
Andrew Broadhurst,
I have just had panels installed so this does not affect me however during the installation I had a large number of trainees on site learning the job. They all seemed very hopeful for a new future for themselves. This drastic cutback is going to have a huge impact on their futures. Surely a slower reduction in the feed-in tariff is warranted to allow the companies to plan the impacts and more importantly to ensure the continued take up of such a green energy supply.
Mary Ann Hobson,
Energy prices are sky high, solar panels would give long suffering pensioners a little respite and perhaps the option to eat and heat at the same time. If you cut the subsidy, everybody will lose, lots of solar companies will go to the wall, none of us will have the opportunity to get either free electricity or at least lower bills. Government - please think and do not act in haste. The Robin Hood tax on banks would more than compensate for the subsidy currently provided !
Elica G Gylman,
I'm furious to find out about the proposed changes, especially having entered out planning application this week at a cost of £150. We were planning on installing in January and were onld doing so based on the tarrifs.
Quite simply it will not be worth proceeding with these changes.
We were seriosly considering the free solar panel system but this now may not be open to us. Very disappointing. This is a way of reducing costs for families in the present financial climate and a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way of providing energy.
Andrew Jackson,
Andrew Kay,
Hilary Sweeney,
What happened to building this country and increasing job opportunities? The solar industry was moving forward, now jobs, investment and stabilty in the solar market are threatened.
this does not make sense
Mark Owen,
I have recently worked on solar installations and have realised that it is a growing bussines which will create jobs for all types of trades, not only is it good for creating jobs it is a very good way of saving money and reducing your carbon footprint. so what are the government doing when all they go on about is creating jobs and reducing your carbon footprint.
Mark owen
Doug Harris,
I was so incensed by the government moving the goalposts AGAIN that I wrote to the Daily Telegraph. They ran an editorial, but I am not sure they understand the undermining of a whole industry that will be the effect here. There are some things that should be outside of politics, such as food, housing and of course ENERGY. These 5-year cycle short-termists have no vision and they should be ashamed. Such governmental promises should still be kept even if the colour of the party in power changes.
The proposed speed of change is particularly odious - how can a business plan for such a change
David Will,
Solar Electric &Solar hot water should be for any one who has the correct roof for it
Ian Reed,
The proposed cuts threaten to stop our much needed storage barn project dead in the water just when we have paid out for the planning and architects fees. As a small volunteer charity this was the only way we could afford to obtain the coveraged accomodation. To cut the tariff arbitarily at such short notice is patently unfair for those who have committed hard earned funds to projects now certain to be cancelled. So much for supporting the 'Big Society'.
Matt Fry,
merry scott,
We all knew a cut was coming but we didn't know how deep and we didn't think the date of change would be brought forward. Please re-think, at least complete the consultation, thousands of jobs are at stake here!
Debbie Sohan,
David Natusch,
The speed of this cut has left a large number of our clients with project cost incurred and wasted as the time remaining is not enough to commission schemes before 12th Dec. The decision to proceed was on the basis of the current rate which was expected to remain until April 2012. Do politions understand what last minute changes do to people trying to run businesses?
understand with all the cut backs that savings do need to be made, but surely a 50% reduction is ridiculous.
Mandy Dickens,
We are all encouraged to go green in more ways than one. What is the point when the government can do the same, do we all stop recycling? Practice what you preach!
Richard Newall,
d thomas,
The goverment has moved the goal posts .We want more solar power ,this will make more people uneployed .
Andrew Bright,
I have seen first hand the growth and level of work and enthusiasm from contractors, developers, public authorities and the domestic market. This is the wrong policy at the wrong time. You have not given this enough time and I hasten to add, not enough intellectual thought. The only impact that will be felt will be less tax revenue when it is badly needed and increasing carbon emissions. Greenest government! 6 million homes in the social housing sector. Many residents suffering from fuel poverty. What an amazing opportunity wasted by short sighted short termism.
Graham Houston,
The timing of these proposals are outrageous and designed to say money with no regard to the impact it will have on the work currently underway.
Mrs. B. K. Winter,
Solar power is necessary and should be encouraged !
David Alcock,
David Sycamore,
The govt has encouraged citizens to install solar and now suddenly does a sudden U turn! This cut in FITs will stall the growth of the UK renewables industry and frustrate the attempts of many people, like myself, who are committed but could not now achieve an install before the deadline. There should be concessions for customers who committed before 12 December deadline was announced.
Thousands more will join the dole queues as a result - how shortsighted, particularly after all the publicity for saving enery and climate change!
Mr Martyn Reed,
You want us to be a low carbon country, so invest in solar!!!
Having had solar installed I can now see the benefits of doing so. For the government to have such a short sighted purely cost saving decision by reducing the FIT will see many who would otherwise have joined me in saving costs, no longer feel the savings are justified.
Mrs Sandra Paine,
Deverstated as our order got cancelled as our supplier couldn't deliver by the December deadline and pre-orders for jan / feb have been brought forward leaving no installers.
Nick Goude,
gaynor barnes,
how short sighted
Linda Secker,
Dave Coker,
If we all had solar the energy companies would not have such great power, maybe they are worried?
The FITs scheme has turned people on to renewable energy like nothing has before. The industry should be encouraged not penalised.
Stephen and Ann Robinson,
We are in our 60s and strongly believe in solar power being the way ahead. Daylight should be harnessed!
Jim Thomson,
Get real here - fuel poverty in the UK is killing people, here is a chance to recuce energy bills for vulnerable people. By all means go after the profiteers but leave alone the social feed-ins
Faye Wilson,
Daniel Llewellyn,
Greenest government ever!!!????? Clearly not.
I hope the Government will have a re-think about the harm it ill cause to the Solar Industry.
This is madness.
Linda Williams,
Solar power is a sustainable energy source. How can the Government claim to be green and say they want to increase jobs when its current plans are likely to jeopardise 25,000 jobs, bankrupt Solar energy companies?
Sharon Wilkins,
Solar power has to be one of the best.
The government says its GREEN, well time to stick to what you promised.
R J Bagwell,
We need the use of more solar energy, as opposed to building more Nuclear generation plants.
Ian Bradley,
Jon Davey,
Ross Mitchell,
A cut to the current tariffs is the right choice to make especiallly in light of falling unit prices and rising fuel poverty amongst the vulnerable. But the manner in which the cut is proposed is highly irresponsible with potentially huge impacts across communities and the supply chain. Government has an opportunity now to show real leadership by re-extending the cut deadline. Such leadership would be met not only by a happier solar industry but confidence by the entire green sector to invest right across breadth of green technology, supporting governments longer terms commitments. Without this government are at real risk of a long term damage in consumer/industry confidence with knock on consequences to achieving their own carbon budgets.
Nigel Hinks,
Paul Mackay,
An effective rate of reduction agreed with the industry would make much more sense than cutting its knees off.
Peter Woodward,
These proposals are no way to build confidence in a fledgling industry. Think again about phasing and scale of FiT
Ian Chittick,
I know we al have to make cuts but surely an industry that will in the long term be of invaluable aid to the country's energy problems should not only be immune from such cuts but should benefit from more support. Moreover does the Government actually want the number of unemployed people to rise even more? It all seems to be very short sighted thinking.
Having been on the waiting list for approx 7 months I sincerely hope this silly Gov. action does not spoil my freesolar fit and for many others.
Sally Clarke,
George Davis,
The goverment once again shows it is a goverment for the wealthy, especially the wealthy ones who hold shares in energy and oil companies.
David Grace,
Where is the downside in the present payment structure? Surely only giving the full return to 4Kw systems or less is a win for everyone as these are household size not industrial! Solar is a growth industry, green and at present nothing like on the same scale as in Germany. Leadership in the U.K. is sadly lacking.
Tony Linton,
It has cost me several thousand pounds to get myself set up to install solar pv. To have this happen is a disaster for my business. Electrical contracts are already difficult enough to pick up and i get contacted on a weekly basis by electricians looking for work, which has never happend to me before. So to loose all my solar install contracts over night is a joke. What 'SPANNER' got himself stuck in the works without thinking of the consequences of his actions.
Life is hard enough.
Chris Gleave,
Sustainable jobs in a sustainable industry shot dead without a thought! How do we pull the plug on such a short sited government?
Lauren D\'Arcy,
Robin Willson,
Lauren Darcy,
Solar Power has been the best thing to happen to our country in years and it is unfair to put a stop to this flourishing market.
Steve Murphy,
Nick Beehoo,
We need to ensure solar energy is afordable for all, more homes & business's need to cotribute to energy savings by being able to get help with solar instalations.
William Ainslie,
The approach this Government is taking shows total disregard for the businesses and employment that depend on solar. I urge people to remember this treatment come the next general election.
Sarah Ollerton,
Rev J.K.Watson,
John Schwarzenbach,
A 50% reduction in FIT introduced at very short notice is a wholly irrational response to a much smaller decrease in installation cost, and will badly affect this developing green supply industry.
Keith White,
We all knew that a reduction was coming, but it is grossly unfair to implement this before April 2012. If the tariff per unit exported to the grid was increased to compensate, it would make people think more about their energy usage and reduce cost to the supply companies.
This would be an absolute massive blow to the industry and me and my company will really struggle by this as the electrical work has almost dried up through the recession so we spent alot of our own money getting into the solar business and its been great we really enjoy it but yet again the government is going to ruin it and we will all be out of work yet again struggling to pay bills and worrying where our next wage will come from. Its disgusting.
Richard Orttewell,
John Forsyth,
I do understand the reasons for cutting the FIT as the present rate is not sustainable in the long term; however, with a little planning and forethought this would have been better managed in increments rather cutting it by half in one go.
Cally Atkinson,
Jenny Riley,
Not just signing the petition - also signed up for our solar PV and thermal panels :o) Can't wait!!!
Bob Evans,
Just been mugged by Government idiots ..when they do stuff like this how can they ever be trusted by the public and trade alike
Ian Williamson,
We should be promoting the solar (and wind energy) industry as much as possible not reducing some of the benefits.
Steve Bayes,
Ray Stevens,
Keep the solar panel industry alive, you are always banging on about energy, support the cleanest energy of all, no cuts please.
Ian Guest,
To maximise "Energy from sustainable sources" must be an important aim of the UK Government. So why endanger one area of the generation of this "free" power with the proposed cut in FIT to 50% of the current rate? Let us utilize the suitable roof space to generate power currently being lost and also help to ease the number of people un-employed as a bonus.
Sharon wright,
I am in the process of installing solar pannels now but need to replace my roof first all th8is could not be done before december
Richard Edwards,
simon young,
Our home has benefited from this source of electricity. We do not want the tariff to be dropped so low that it will jeopardise the jobs of so many in this industry.
Mark Williams,
Sue Watts,
Wake up government. Think long term . What's so wrong with encouraging growth of solar power? We don't get it...Is there something you are not telling us?
Crole Protherough,
Why deliver such a blow to an industry which was growing , losing jobs and slowing down change to sustainable energy?
chris verity,
combned with the proposed link to home energy efficiency, due to the costs, solar pv is soon to become the reserve of the wealthy.
Nigel Street,
Ann Stewart,
Eric G. Knowles,
Companies that are already in the business of renewable energy through the use of Solar energy need to be encouraged to stay in the business for the sake of the position of this country in the energy business world-wide.
Paul McCallum,
Tim Oakley,
linda lever,
Absolute farce, the government has been exiting the public on renewable energy by providing a sweetener then slashing it.
Geoff Robinson,
My German friend said to me,Colin I know your government is stupid ! But not this stupid!! The future is SOLAR.
The industry needs some certainty and continuity. the proposal to halve the feed-in tariff with only a few weeks notice is madness and will cost more in lost jobs than it saves.
justin havens,
Too hard, too quick.
Samuel Green,
Rita Woodhead,
I do not agree with the 50% cut as it could put people out of jobs!!!!
Pete Evans,
Keith Bennett,
Pam & Terry Jukes,
Have written to our M.P. using the template sent to us. How many more times are the Government going to renege on their promises. Hope this one dies the death.
Peter Anthony,
more solar energy needed
R A Hillyer,
The cut is unreasonably large especially in view of the urgent need to reduce dependence on non renewable sources of fuel
How can the UK meet our sustainable energy targets by 202 without solar?
Colin Jeffrey,
as usual the government have cocked in up. I bet they made sure they had theirs put on before they pulled the plug.
It seems plain daft to destroy a newly growing and successful industry in these times of economic difficulty, especially since solar power is clean, cheap and would go some way to solving the problem of supply. Many people will lose their jobs at a critical time and just be joining the dole queue pointlessly.
we need all the electricity we can generate by this clean method. We also need all the jobs that have been created by this industry.
Jim Pendleton,
Paul Stephens,
This government has got to go
Jill Mickleburgh,
Solar power is necessary for energy security; lets create growth and jobs through promoting solar power not the other way. Its a win win for everyone.
Robert Judges,
Solar is simple, clean and it works
We need to be making the most of all renewable energy and encouraging everyone to use it.
Theresa Mason,
The government needs to end the boom and bust cycle by engaging with the industry so we can help plan FIT changes in a progressive and transparent way which maximises install capacity, jobs growth and CO2 reductions for given 'budget' and achieves swift path to grid parity.
Jamie Ritchie,
D Jarman,
The government need to decide whether they want a greener country or more money at all costs
Yet another kick in the teeth for the ordinary man in the street. The speed of the FIT reduction will cost £1000,s in lost deposits for people already committed to a p.v. installation after December 12th, Whilst making hundreds of solar workers unemployed by Christmas.
This government can find money for bankers, war & overseas aid !
Paul Smith,
The consequences of this Government Proposal have not been well thought through. Another gut reaction that aims to kill another industry off...........
Alternative energy needs to be more accesible and cheaper to install- not less attractive!
Jane Wright,
Michael Fell,
An Absolute travesty, What do the government think they are playing at......
mark finch,
Another example of the blatant incompetence and mismanagement of one of the most significant energy re-engineering exercises ever undertaken.
I changed my job to be in the 'lucrative' solar field.
The other day our new 'Greener Government' destroyed my new job, thus leaving me out of work along with many more. I give up.
Ian Redstone,
lloyd robinson,
greenest government cutting solar pv feed-in Tariffs??.
If cuts are to be introduce make them in the Wind Turbine area. I was in Kent some weeks ago and I noticed 7 on one site not turning and it was quite a windy day.
Mike Trigger,
Paul Goodman,
James Mclinden,
christopher john oakes-monger,
green? - the voters who voted for coalition parties certainly were.
Mick Papworth,
30 % is workable not 50% and the deadline of DEC 12th is crazy
Barry Price,
Ivica Zdraveski,
C M Flitter,
Felix Cory-Wright,
Deon Fischer,
The one practical thing the govt has helped householders do to cut carbon and create jobs and they are killing it dead. Could it have anything to do with them caring more about the big energy company record profits than the future of our planet and economy?
Typical politicians to go back on their word. Not surprised at all.
claire crawley,
An appallingly short-sighted decision.
Stephen Hagan,
Understand cuts have to be made but extremely disappointed with the severity of the cut and the hasty approach to implement it.
Cameron pound,
George McAvoy,
Solar power is brilliant and free from our sun and far better than ugly inefficient wind farms which receive massive Government subsidies. Solar power and tidal power have to be the way ahead. George McAvoy in Norfolk.
I would like to see the payments stay the same but I would also like to see business premises, schools, hospitals and all council offices installed with solar panels that are fitted for free. All new public, industrial and commercial buildings should only given planning permission if they are built with solar panels. What happens when, those of us luckly enough to have solar panels, need back up, repair or service if the companies supplying the panels get forced out of business. Do we take on the government for not supporting this excellent way of producing power!
Mark Chapman,
This is one type of environmental investment that requires capital to be continued to be pumped in to help save the planet and reduce costs for many, especially the vulnerable in the UK... mark.
Simon Powell,
We should be investing and encouraging more in solar investment - not discouraging it.
Steve Henry,
50% reduction in FITs is far too great for domestic installations below 4kW. These are the installations that I understand the government wants to promote. 21p/kWhr pushes payback for these installations well into double figures which is not attractive enough. I was planning to take on extra staff and train them. This is not likely to happen now.
This has affected our decision to have panels fitted as it will take longer to payback
Deborah Lewis,
Mick Hutchinson,
Do as you say and support solar
Peter McIntosh,
Lisa Abraham,
Del Abraham,
Phil Bwye,
This country has enough unemployed and needs solar power. Its not rocket science!
Pat Callaghan,
Absolute madness to virtually destroy a new green industry which will help to deal with climate change and create growth and provide new jobs
Lynda Baker,
Guy Atherton,
sean mark,
Hitler failed coalition may just have defeated BRITIAN NOT VERY GREAT NOW
JJ Ferrandis,
This "cut" has been commented in the renewable energy sector worlwide and it does not make any favour to UK. Please support Solar and show UK as a reliable economy for green jobs and investments!
Charles Potter,
Please re consider this seems a short sighted decision which will have a negative impact on employment and our future environment.
Nigel Gibb,
What about the so called commitment to renewable energy? Can you trust them?
Paul Lewis,
Mike Herrero,
Hannah Moran,
solar power has got to be the way forward
Nathaniel Whitestone,
We need to nourish renewable energy sources in the UK. Cuts of this magnitude would just devastate the nascent solar industry, when other energy sectors receive all sorts of subsidies on an ongoing basis. As a homeowner investing in solar, and a businessman doing business with solar companies, I promise you the UK will lose more than we gain by reducing these incentives. Don't cut! And if you insist on cutting, don't make such an absurd attack on such an essential industry.
Laurie Prescott,
Norman McCubbin,
Obviously a victum of it's own success, increasing the payback time will put off our older generation from investing their savings!!
Dr Eric Pierce,
This Govt seems intent on encouraging entrepreneurs to start up businesses in the renewable energy sector only to remove incentives and let the start-ups crash, thereby destroying jobs and ruining peoples lives.
Meanwhile they support nuclear and fossil energy despite the proven long term risks and public concerns.
I can't help but wonder if a few backhanders are being circulated from the nuclear industry.
I also agree with the comments of Dr Gerry Wolff on this site.
B. Gorse,
Stick with your original dates of March 31st next year to alter subsidies. Don't penalise those that are trying to go green by having panels installed - like you the government wanted. To every one of you that has signed this petition sign the two petitions on the H.M. Government listed below, 100,000 signitures on those means it will be eligablr to be debated in parliment. We can make a difference
Snow Lukka,
kate watson,
the best way that individuals can really feel conected and involved is to manufacture their own electricity and then will alter habits to use it more responsibly. large scale projects will not do this - although of course a combination is needed. It is not a return of '10 %' as of course we will NOT get our capital back !
The extraordinary way this stupid measure has been implemented will ensure that the cynicism with which politicians generally, & unfortunately this government in particular, are regarded by electors - the coalition has now proven beyond all doubt that they are not to be trusted, their professed intention to green the economy & promote initiative and employment in the renewable energy sector is JUST WORDS - contradicted big time by their stupid actions. . . . how unfortunate that politicians have the power to act but no understanding of the dire consequences on the rest of us!
Tom Dixon,
the country needs to encourage solar power
David Wilmot,
David A Spencer,
Derrick Johnson,
Lets hope the government officials have not been shortsighted and decreased the feed in tariff too much, too soon. Any property owner/ occupier that becomes more aware of their energy use in direction relation to production must be a good thing and be one solid contribution to using less energy. Once more aware i feel people will consider how else there property can become more energy efficient as a natural occurrence. Lets Generate less CO2!
If the Government wish to move to greener energy supplies to augment the diminishing natural resources what better way than to harness what we can from one of natures free resources - the sun.
I hope the Government will reconsider the levels being offered for lead in tarifs which will reduce the numbers taking up this option.
Cutting solar PV feed-in tariffs is a backward step in the move toward more efficient and environmentally friendly energy.
Caroline Kemp,
How do they think they're going to meet the Climate Change Bill targets if they make cuts which reduce demand for renewables?
Christopher Payne,
Linda and Chris Ballard,
Anna Lunt,
The feed in tariffs are crucial in pushing on renewable energies - Britain used to be a world leader, now we're falling behind but this could change with committed investment in carbon cutting renewables.
Mick Whitehurst,
D G Bradshaw,
john vaughan,
well this is the goverment for you thay tell us lets go green and then pull the rug from under your feet.
B Bradshaw,
Goff Welchman,
The free solar scheme is the best renewable energy option for anyone without substantial savings to invest. It's vital to maintain this option, especially for older people who cannot afford to wait 10-15 years for a return on an investment.
Patrick Crawley,
Jenny Crawley,
The government should do everything in its power to enliven the economy and save dwindling resources and solar is a practical way to do both. It is madness to lower the feed in tarrif at this time...let the industry get going for at least a couple more years and then maybe phase in a reduction in steps to encourage take up
mr m. w. cox,
I thought the goverment wanted to support renewable energy!!!!!!!.
Sue Lamb,
No more pandering to the big 6 power C.o's
Let the people make power themselves
The government's commitment to a greener world requires more support not less!! Given the current economic/employment crisis it would be totally irresposible to cause the collapse of the companies involved in this project.
susan madron,
I am not opposed to a cut but the size of the cut is excessive. I am opposed to time scales December is much too soon Febuary would have been better.
A cut by 30% instead of 50% would be acceptable and allow the industry to grow and flourish
Mrs J Clemens,
This is such a great opportunity for everyone & such a shame if Homesun is curtailed in trying to help the earth
s w mason,
Mrs G M Davis,
This cut will only prevent us from moving forward to a greener energy and any future progress in innovation also into reducing unemployment etc. This is a good way of loosing confidence and respect.
Cristina MateosArribas,
Rebecca Lacey,
Patrick Barnett,
Solar should be fitted to all new houses as amatter of course to save energy, am in full agreement with your petition.
John Kitson,
Barry Vane,
Paul and Julia Dunthorne,
A ridiculous plan, which doesn't even save the government money - as they don't pay the FIT.
Glenys Brown,
This will help OAP who may have to get additional help from the government to pay their energy bills
Such a shame if this is not supported by the government as a lot of jobs could be lost and then who would be responsible for paying unemployment benefit?
Tom Vosper,
The main thing is to defer the 12/12/11 "reference date" which is far too soon and undermines investor confidence. Many consumers and installers will be left out of pocket simply because the tariffs are changing too quickly. A longer lead in time to a significant change such as this is vital for the industry's stability.
Mike Gummery,
Mrs P M Brocklebank,
The proposals are unreasonable and unworkable in such a short timescale.
when the power companys are increasing there profits its time for the gov to help the solar industry
Howard Foster,
The government does not appear to have taken into account the tax it brings, VAT and tax from those employed in the industry, or the cost of those who will become unemployed in the next few weeks.
There must also be a question raised regarding the governments interest in green energy, as well as the problem further down the line of power shortages which are projected to occur well before new power stations can be planned and built.
Dr Ken Godbert,
Jim Martin,
How many more MP's want to bring this Country of ours to its knees. This subsidy costs the Government nothing so why are they jepodising the 25,000 jobs in this industry. This so called Government has definately lost the plot. They are RUINING the country not RUNNING it
Nick Caine,
I thought it was out for consultation but it seems that it has already been decided
David reid,
This is a ridiculous when the government are spending so much on windmills which only work when the wind is right and ruin the countryside. Solar panels work all day every day!
Paul James,
Please dont cut the FIT. It will lead to the loss of thousands of jobs in the Solar Industry.
Lee Palmer,
I understand that the government were concerned the the PV sector had the potential to get out of control and that maybe the cost of a PV installation was still out of the reach of the average working family so why not address those issues rather than a blanket cut which will cost thousands of people their jobs ?
Firstly restricting solar farms would have been an action which would have protected the funding so as it was channelled to the domestic market and secondly it is almost impossible to obtain finance for solar installations and if the government there told RBS when they were throwing billions of punds at then that 30% of those funds had to be ring fenced for domestic renewable energy projects this would have allowed the thousands of families who want but cannot afford the initial layout for solar to participate and the tariff would have gone to the people it was meant for .
Force the banks to lend on renewable energy and you can save the industry .
Dan Oliver,
Leave it alone!!!! Why kill the only growth industry in the country?
Ian Smith,
When we are trying to encourage alternative energy sources to reduce our emissions why is the government penalising those who want to help.
Ken Bartlett,
John Worby,
Ken Davies,
Please give "Solar" a chance and save many jobs in the process.
John Garside,
Andrew Sharland,
Solar power is one of the most effective and least intrusive forms of renewable energy. It is important in reducing our impact on the environment and reducing our need for ever more costly finite non-renewable energy resources. Solar power also has an important role in employment, in industry in the UK and in UK research. It is therefore essential to continue to support it which the proposed excessive drop in subsidy seems to fail to do.
Srikanth Eluri,
Please support PV industry, dont kill it.
Michael Carr,
Far too drastic a cut.Why couldn't it be done more gradually.
Wake up government!
David James,
This is nonsense at so many levels. 25000 jobs at risk, the opportunity to reduce emissions and generate electricity in THE most eco friendly way and reduce our dependence on dirty fuels. It is totally illogical, unless you introduce the possibility that there are big company vested interests influencing decisions! As if!
Mr & Mrs Pullen,
We have solar panels on our roof and are delighted with them, we prefer them to the wind turbines which are a blot on the landscape
Andy Farrington,
As a lifelong conservative voter cannot believe that a governemnt supposedly committed to reduce carbon emission could take such a short sighted view. I will have to reconsider my voting intentions at thbe next general election.
Emma Hughes,
Milan Wennink,
The new FIT will put 50,000 people out of work. A govt that cares about employment would not lower the FIT but take 0.07% of their £950 military budget (used for example to bomb Libya) and top up the pot of money! The fact is that this Coalition govt are proving again that Britain cannot create a sustainable method of encouraging green businesses - the only way we will get out of recession. When then next oil price spike hits in 2013 we'll be in the deepest recession since 1929-1937. Without support from govt to Green industries, the country will simply sink into the mud, as hyperinflation of electricity, gas, petrol and food prices occurs along with massive economic recession. The perfect storm! The simplest way out of this is to support Green industries. We should be raising the FITs not lowering them.
Nick Neale,
Ridiculous Tory Govt decision, typical of haste (& no thought) by Cameron and his fellow MPs. Stop, think and then act! Remember the costly mistake(s) with NHS reform.
Shirley Cawthorne,
We were just about to apply for full planning permission to erect panels in our field. We now do not have enough time to meet the new deadline so will not be able to continue with this project.
Alan Miller,
Tony Bishop,
This will destroy the renewable industry at a stroke. Probably what's intended from climate sceptics. Reduce steadily in line with prices.
greg badura,
To all polticians. Get your dirty hand off solar pv.
Chris Holland,
At a time of financial difficulty and job losses throughout the UK, there is no sense in this change, which could potentially decimate the pV industry.
Customers will lose confidence in another Government scheme that is changing goal posts. 25,000 employees joining the dole que in a once growing market that has been destroyed by the 50% proposed reduction in FiTs. Why would investors tie up money for 25 years for a return of 5% a year when interest rates over the next 5-10 years will probably surpass this investment?
this is the wrong move for a government committed to green issues.
Anthony Middleton,
Kathryn Middleton,
george bradley-peer,
The sudden reduction of 55% of feed-in tariff can only discourage those contemplating solar renewable energy. One suspects a hidden agenda here cloaked as cost saving. It does not save the country money to have to import liquified gas for electricity generation from unstable countries who can raise the cost or cut off supply unilaterally if we offend them, or for political leverage.
This sudden cut in FIT is both ill timed and ill thought through and sadly reflects the bungling way recent governments of either political leaning have reagarded renewable power generation.
kenneth smart,
I thought this government was pursing a more Greener policy
Peter Bloomfield,
Something thats Green energy and the Government
want to stop people benefitting from the savings
I agree with former MP Alan Simpson that this is "economicaly illiterate & ethically fraudulent" they must rethink this.
Mr Robert Pearce,
This sudden change is making me think again about installing Solar. I have paid a deposit and am awaiting planning permission to install. How can anyone make medium to long term plans in this country. Everytime I try to do the right and sensible thing, the Government changes the rules. Solar power has to be the right thing to do. The Government. This is a crazy thing to do and my plans are blown out of the water! I am very angry at this sudden change in the rules which were the whole basis of my plans. R Pearce, Wales.
Ian Russell,
This reduction makes no sense!
beth wilson,
Tim Durrant,
This cut is a short term gain that will dramatically hurt solving a log term problem. Please rethink.
Mary Skipper,
P J Dutson,
This measure will turn people away from installing PV panels.
James Levy,
Crazy decision!!!
Sophie Wilson,
Tony Jolliffe,
This is nuts - it makes no sense to push us into higher dependancy to fossil fuelled power, when we have a solution that works. Saving pennies will cost us dear.
Politicians should also consider the impact this will have on many of the small businesses set up to service the demand. Yet more people claiming dole......
Melanie Wilson,
Did I misunderstand the term 'greenest government ever'? Cut the FIT, but not by 50%.
Daniel Webb,
Tony Gowland,
George Osborne calls for stability in international markets and cites this for poor UK growth, yet here he is creating instability in the domestic market by reneging on previous government commitments. Perhaps this government, more than most, needs lessons in joined up thinking.
Mike Beale,
We have to encourage, not discourage people from adding renewable energy systems to their property. Let private individuals continue to receive the current FiT rate but reduce it for those commercial firms installing massive solar PV farms riding making huge profits from a domestic application. Also, keep the same rate for organisations and businesses who are wishing to add solar PV to their properties.
Ordinary people are just starting to get behind renewable technology. This cut may kill off the momentum
willliam thomson,
Mark Leech,
The SUN could be the planet`s saviour. Solar panels are a safe way of sourcing energy.
Shaun Grainger,
Cuts to the tarrif were expected but to kill the Pv industry this way when Unemployment is supposed to be a key issue is just going to add to the figures that they are trying to reduce. Forcing Companies to invest heavy into an industry and train for an industry that is so short lived is pointless for any kind of investment.
This is ridiculous from a government targeting to cut our carbon emission. please have a rethink.
It's important for the next generation, as well as this one.
Steve Goddard,
Christine Jeffcutt,
The Government is being ridiculously short sighted. As an environmentally aware householder this sudden change means that I can no longer justify the expense of installing solar panels. I care about the environment so why doesn't the Government?
The solar industry needs to be supported to enable it to grow and to keep jobs. We need some growth areas in the UK in today's current economic environment.
Simon Woulds,
Announcing measures that will put thousands out of work, on the same day as they re-announce funding to 'create' jobs, does not sound like joined up government. It seems that the Lib/Cons have learned all of Labours old tricks...
Phased cuts, that allow the industry and homeowners to adjust is fine. A sharp, large knee-jerk reaction will stop dead lots of planned investment!! Not the best of ideas given current EU uncertainty!
Janis Pearce,
This is a disgraceful breach of trust by the government. People have made their plans based on The April deadline and have once again been let down by government. We have paid our deposit, but our supplier cannot meet the 12th December deadline to get us connected, let alone for us to get the relevant paperwork signed off. I thought government was supposed to be doing everything possible to keep people in work and this will not help those in the industry to survive during difficult times. Individuals should also be allowed to plan, without the constant shifting of goalposts by our elected leaders. Shame on you!!
brutal and disappointing
Joan Preston,
David Adcock,
steve flowers,
Malcolm Channer,
Eleanor Thornycroft,
Jonathan Dereham,
Our local community scheme in Reading has been devastated by this announcement - we had plans for panels on our schools, community buildings and council properties. Now - we just don't think we can do it!
Graham Sowerby,
Please help pensioners who were stupid enough to save during their working lives and thus qualify for no allowances
Jane Henderson,
Michael Jones,
Jenny Handley,
Hugh Bryant,
K J Smart,
Another government change of policy.What next?
David Chambers,
Rather than increasing our Overseas aid programme,the money would better be used in providing a sustainable solar energy programme at home.
Scott Ballard,
Solar Help the Economy
Solar Helps with the energy crisis.
Solar Helps against green house gases.
If we can bail out the banks so they can play the virtual stock market and give themselves bonuses more should go towards the real economy.
The solar tariff cut will sink further an already sinking economy.
Jan Grimes,
Please don't punish careful people who have spent weeks or months researching solar panels and collecting opinions, and - relying on your timetable of 31 March 2012 - have waited to apply until the cowboys have been squeezed out and the good companies have established a reputation.
Please see sense!!!
Peter Cheesman,
Solar energy is the way forward and Government should be doing everything it can to encourage its use.
Mike Pearce,
Betrayal of the ordinary man. No way to 'govern'.
Dennis Orton,
I have solar panels, which are saving me money, and support a greener environment. Much less intrusive than inefficient wind farms!
Matt Hawkins,
lee carthew,
Cicely Slade,
This is the way forward to save our energy resources.
Julian Day,
what is the point in threatening the use of solar power when we are always being told we need to use more green energy. Its senseless
Dr. Larch Maxey,
Please shift investment from fossil fuels, especially shale gas, coal and nuclear to energy efficiency and renewables, especially wind, tidal and solar. Please make this shift as a matter of the highest priority to secure all our futures financially, socially and environmentally.
david skardon,
Hazel Preston-barnes,
If we are to achieve the UKs carbon reduction targets the giovernment must continue to incentivise individuals that are prepared to invest their own money in equipment
chris king,
Chris Wilson,
Another nail in the coffin of a fledgling industry - what sense does it make!
Peter Wrench,
The government MUST leave the tariff's alone otherwise there will be a great loss of jobs and the public will suffer.
Bryan Wells,
This is too much and far too quick. Whats wrong with gradually resizing the FITs over a longer time frame. Lets not kill the whole industry in one fell swoop.
From a personal standpoint this is disasterous. Finally pursuaded the missus on the financials (where I'm fully green on it) and suddenly the financials dont make sense anymore.
Louise Willcox,
h.c bates,
do not make anther mistake, back solar energy
Peter Irons,
Why stifle an up and coming industry that is not only providing clean, free energy, but is providing major job opportunities in what is currently a very depressed employment market?
Marc ter Kuile,
Alex King,
the government should be promoting and encouraging as much as possible any and all means and methods of self generated domestic electric power either solar wind or domestic scale chp systems.
short sighted Government
Sean Wood,
Lynda Ballard,
" It's amazing that common sense was made and dissemble. I wonder what the politics are: government/EDF/NPower? The whole point is to shift to sustainable energy at war speed. Have we not learned anything from all that has been said on this subject. Time has run out and some are still acting like there isn't a problem. We finally had a solution that got every to act. We could sort out our energy problem and bring cleaner air in 15 years with the current feed in tariff. One should also mention all the small business that have geared up and invested in Solar. What other major business is going to help the economy!" Scott Ballard
Solar is so much better than Wind Turbines as it does not cause noise and disruption to the people who live near all so many elderly people can benifit from solar panels to help with electricity bills
David Terry C Eng,
This moving of the goalposts leaves householders,energy advisers, and Solar installations cos worse off and breaks faith in this whole scheme.
Richard Mullins,
Shaun Chamberlin,
Gordon Suttle,
Anna Clapp,
Leon Clapp,
Albert Batty,
Don't stop other benefiting from this essential green strategy. It gives everyone a chance to produce power.
Hilary Hawkey,
Tariffs should be reduced incrementally. Government should encourage users of public building (e.g. schools) to install solar systems and promote the technology.
Pip Clark,
Yet another cock up
Gavin Roberts,
Can we not have a sensible reduction that does not kill the industry.
As one who is fighting the proliferation of wind turbines and the building of the largest electrical hub solar panels are at least 3 times more efficient so subsidies should be going into solar not wind turbines
Joana Monteiro,
jay tompt,
Lesley Kane,
This revolutionary form of power generation is proven to be cheaper, more reliable and longer lasting than any other. It is clean and green, and we should be actively encouraging people to invest in it, not putting them off just as it is getting off the ground.
Marion Brealey,
Solar Power is needed for the future of our planet
Marco Attanasio,
absolutely stupid, this government shooting from the hip again
s rothstein,
All efforts should be made to utilize ways to make clean energy. To cut investments in this is short sighted and makes no sense. The government talks about creating jobs - THESE are the things to invest in.
Lis Johnson,
Crazy; cut spending; more out work less to spend;
less economic growth. PV is growing it needs nurturing....and stick to your original timetable, play fair
Chris Bird,
Link solar PV tariff to home insulation and energy efficiency measures as an incentive to improve but not just to those houses C or above as this discriminates against millions in older, hard to treat homes.
Peter Brackley,
When energy companies are driving up their unit prices at an alarming rate with virtually no effective intervention, it is appalling that the govenrment is proposing such a retrograde step. Meeting our targets for renewable energy as a nation is already going to be challenging but this proposed move to cut the FITs so dramatically will have a hugely negative impact.
As pensioners with a south facing roof we were delighted at the thought of being able to receive some free electricity whilst helping to reduce carbon emissions and save limited natural resources. The new government proposals will stop this in its tracks and at the same time cause serious harm to the economic prospects for the industry.
All in it together, I don't think so. Yet another example of the way in which this government is acting in a shameful way.
Maxime Boiron,
Theo Clapp,
Please minimize the devastating effect that cutting feed-in Tariffs will have on many professionals' livelihoods. Please cut less and not so crushingly soon. Thank you
solar is the way forward
anne humphries,
think of the jobs and the planet
Ann Fanstone,
I think this country should put money into Solar Energy. It creates jobs and will give us energy for the future.
If the tariff is cut it should be by 25% and not untill next year giving people the chance to have them fitted and to save electricity.
Cilla Turver,
The timing of this reduction in feed in tariff is a disaster. Such lack of consultation is irresponsible.
Ian Craigan,
Effectively crippling this fledgling industry at this crucial time is short-sighted and counter productive. This is a 'smoking ban' or 'unleaded fuel' tipping moment!
Tony Jaques,
Some change to FITs - okay. But pulling the rug from under an industry as abruptly as this will deter investment in other green technologies in future too. Shortsighted policy.
do not KILL solar it is the future
diana rigby,
this proposed cut is ludicrous and WILL cost jobs.......
Al Waterhouse,
This would really pull the rug on a vibrant new industry and the future of P.V. in the UK. That can't be right, so please - DON'T DO IT! There has to be a better way.
Nick Pete and Wendy,
The government by cutting the FIT in the way they did shows us one of two things, either the current Government has an utter misunderstanding of how a Feed In Tariff scheme is meant to work or they are in the pockets of the big energy suppliers.
The scheme has allowed the big suppliers to swamp the market with Free to Roof and installation teams, hoover up all the FIT allocation and then pronounce the scheme is over subscribed.
How many of the lucky 100,000 or so on the 43.3p tariff will be Free to Roof schemes and large scale for profit installs that re-cycle the FIT payments back to the big energy suppliers or their subsidiaries.
A cynic could see this as the fossil fuel addicted power companies’ strangling the infant pretender at birth.
Allan Morgan,
Surely, as there was already a planned reduction built into the FIT 'system' there is no need to suddenly accellerate the reduction and put the whole process in geopardy.
The government can't make one policy then change their minds because it doesn't suit them
Derrick Wall,
At this time of economic cuts to jobs and wages to once again cut a service to help people save on fuel and energy bills is a crying shame. When will these cuts stop. Why give something with one hand and take it away when the environment needs protecting.
A structured and planned reduction in FIT is needed over a reasonable time not a sudden and drastic cut
Richard Ian Sinton,
Government renaging on promises:so what is new
Julian Hall,
This is an appalling volte face. It will kill solar energy in the UK stone dead.
If our solar panels are not up and running by december 2011.I will cancel the contract as we have waited about 4 months.
Brian John Wright,
Whilst a cut in the FIT amount was expected due to the increased take up of Domestic Solar Electricity and the reduction of equipment costs , it is not reasonable to reduce the amount of FIT's by 50% in one go and with such a short notice. This is a knee jerk reaction brought forward from the 12th April 2012 proposed Government review.This December proposal will be before the Solar industry has had enough time to complete installations already in the planning stage. With the reduction in daylight hours it will be impossible to complete many installations in time with the Governments December 2011 cut off .
How stupid can this be when it may jeopardize 25,000 jobs in a very new industry?
Ali Jacobs,
It will end up costing the government (and us all) far more in unemployment costs because of the countless number of people who will be put out of work. DISGRACEFUL
Murray Wiltshire,
Another very short sighted decision by a totally uncaring government. What happened to our future green policies? Perhaps this is the first step, today FIT halved, tomorrow we have to pay tax on what we generate!
I am totally against what the Government has suddenly announced. We had our solar booked to be fitted next week, but because of the government announcement, our installers have said that their sockists have now run out of the panels we ordered (due to the sudden high demand) and we will have to wait until after Dec 12! I shall be writing to complain to my MP also.
Brian Davies,
Not only did they more than half the rate, they imposed an impossible deadline which certainly to use the words of Greg Barker will result in 'boom and bust' which he said he wanted to avoid! No doubt many businesses will fail, people will lose their jobs, the public will be disillusioned with Solar PV and no-one will believe that FITs are guaranteed for 25 years.
Richard Wakeman,
Darren Rattew,
Anthony ohn Medley,
This is for the benefit of future generations not the term of a parliament
Lee Penaluna,
Keep a sunny position for this industry
Derrick Price,
Yes! Mr Stuart Price is absolutely correct in his remarks 'there is something fishy going on' Mr Cameron met the big 6 recently & very like the big 5 Oil Giants who also rode rough shod over the world-----this lot have made it clear to the Government as to where they should stand in relation with the big 6 if the expectant feedbacks are to come their way in the future.
Gordon Riddell,
This seems unfair - moving the goalposts. We were already working to an April deadline and will have wasted quite a bit of money on designs, planning, etc. Very shortsighted too.
G. Ayling,
chris hillman,
Louise Burt,
Craig Burt,
You've got it wrong
What happened to Green Jobs for British Workers?
alan hussey,
David and Nick - AKA Ant and Dec have done it again - Save a penny and lose a pound - Boom and Bust!
Steven roberts,
This is our future
William Lanceley,
Why kill a very good scheme??
Mrs M Maidment,
This scheme has only been existence for a short time. We took advantage of it because we are too old to buy a system and get our money back. There are many other people in our position or who simply can't afford to buy the panels but still want to help the environment. The government has drummed into us the need to do this so why are they back-tracking?
Richard Elkan,
I am extremely disappointed in this decision which yet again helps only the rich and I hope the Government rethinks this decision and also helps us keep doing our bit for the evironment, also jeopardising 25,000 jobs doesn't make sense in his economic climate.
Barry Tiddy,
mark hodgkinson,
Yet another example of a Government moving the goal posts at the behest of the Treasury and losing sight of the green objective. A callous and underhand move reminiscent of the decision to link pensions to CPI rather than RPI; anything to save money and to blazes with the people affected. This does nothing to promote small businesses and provide the much vaunted employment in the private sector in the wake of swingeing public sector cuts!
Barry Powell,
why not promote this instead of destroying it?
Neil Marks,
I have an application in to HomeSun to have 16 panels fitted to my roof and I will never vote for this Conservative government again if this 50% reduction is agreed.
Jenny Hole,
Annie Leymarie,
Archie Turnbull,
Peter Hill,
We are oap's and need cheaper power !!
grace hill,
We have to have some way to reduce our electricity bills so don't stop the Feed-in-Tariff now!
Paul Davis,
Solar is the way forward to help families on low incomes.Why stop something good happening in it's prime? The Government should be ashamed of themselves. Put the Great back in Britain and do something that's right for a change. No wonder I don't vote, the people in charge of the Country are way out of touch with the hard working people that keep on paying for the Governments mistakes.
jack tillotson,
Please keep to the original publicised date for FIT reduction.
Tony and Penny Clear,
Solar, not nuclear, everytime !
D.M. Peet,
This so called Majority Conservative Government in league with the Lib.Dems. is again stabbing in the back those members of the population who voted them into power. The number of concrete promises made by Cameron in his manifesto to get himself into power during the runup to the last election and the number of those promises he completely reneged upon with the help of ex Labour Objects like Hutton is beyond belief. This Government is Blair and New Labour in DRAG !
raymond carter,
Governments support for green energy has been like so many areas just empty words. This action will depress an expanding industry at a time of growing unemployment.
We are part way through our application for solar panels but because of the new cuts it looks as if we will run out of time. I am disabled (mobility problems etc.) and both my wife and I are in our 70's. Reducing our energy costs would have been a real boost to our budget and as Conservsative voters we are doubly disapointed that the time limit is now so short. It would be fairer if you had extended the time so that everyone who had already applied could have their panels fitted under the current schems
i would like to use solar energy , i was always supported go green , but i could not effort to pay for solar panels or installation, so please extent the free dateso i can have solar panel installed. thank you
walter rodrigues.
Katarina Clapp Tomic,
Darko Tomic,
Alan Wright,
Peter Oliver,
When will we learn not to trust any politician ?
john moore,
Reducing CO2 emmisions is a world wide objective and as a leading nation we should be demonstrating that we are committed to that goal. For many Free Solar PV provides an attainable opportunity to make a real contribution while at the sametime safeguarding vital jobs during a period of unparalleled enconomic uncertainty.
John Wheeler,
Gary Symons,
It is vital that we continue to plan and prepare now for a sustainable green energy future. We have skilled workers that need work, Investors looking for green projects to invest in, and factories that could be working for UK Solar Energy. This is surely a knee jerk reaction from the government and needs to be given due consideration. Cuts were inevitable but to be done so rapidly and at this level seems foolish. At least give these businesses time to plan.
Labour were the same/worse. So many decisions reflecting the government's poor commercial sense!
The deadline before introduction of new FITs should be extended at least for private houses and certainly for those already in the pipeline but which will not be completed before 12 Dec 2011.
It is of real concern that this Government (which was going to be the ‘Greenest ever’, has gone back on its obligation in such a dramatic fashion.
This savage cut has all the hallmarks of a PR exercise by the Big 6 energy suppliers and the government. The energy suppliers will "generously" shave a little off our bills over the winter without it affecting their bottom line and the government will have been "seen to do something" about rising energy costs.
One of the tasks that we clearly have is to rebuild trust in our political system. Yes, that's about cleaning up expenses, yes, that's about reforming parliament, and yes, it's about making sure people are in control and that the politicians are always their servants and never their masters”.
David Cameron
First speech as Prime Minister, May 11, 2010
Rosemary Wheeler,
I would think the goverment would support green energy not try to stop it
the government should stop doing u-turns and help keep the workers in work and keep backing solar.
e bought solar because it was an investment giving a fair return in a reasonable time scale. the new tariff probably means a pay-back time of close to 20 years. I can't see many new customers at that rate!
So - one green energy policy now stone dead!
This is typical of the government. They never support industry in this country, they only seem too find ways of killing off new growth. When the world is crying out for sustainable energy sources it strikes me as completely ludicrous that they should savagely cut the F.I.T by such a huge amount.
Daniel Towers,
Yet another backwards step by the government!!! Please leave this alone for another 3 months!!! We need energy independence, we can't be at the mercy of other countries for our energy or food.
Robert Hamilton,
This incredibly severe cut threatens to put many companies in severe difficuties. I feel that any cuts to the "FIT" subsidy should be delayed and staged to allow the industry to make appropriate arrangements.
The government bang on and on about reducing our carbon footprint. But do they care, do they fuck. Now they're cutting PV feed tariffs which effect thousands of UK jobs. But, hey I dare say they'll sell the contracts to overseas firms and bring in more fucking immigrants
David Haigh,
So much for wanting to reduce the carbon footprint. Individually, one installation may not be much but overall it can make a difference.
Slashing FIT's is an ill conceived plan to remove incentives for PV systems. The success of the PV generation scheme is evidence that the general public and industry is wanting to move, positively, towards green energy production at a time when the energy providers are making us all hostages to their exponential tariffs.
Ian Ungless,
Lets create jobs says the government what rubbish by killing a growing industry. Hypocrits!
geoff sharps,
Phil steel,
Do not pull the rug from under the feet of a thriving industry in it's infancy !!!
Rosemary Sharps,
john osborne,
this is typical of this goverment penny pinching to balance the books , forget the planet just to save a few quid
john s smith,
At a time when there is excellent public support for solar technologies, but high uncertainty about jobs and inflation, now is not the time to be cutting investment. Instead we should be investing in and promoting the widest possible uptake of green energy for a brighter sustainable future.
Rod Lawless,
So you want the UK to be ECO friendly....we are already behind some of our european neighbours..this is going a long way to destroy what most of us want. We should increase Solar Energy not destroy it....
Mark Manby,
On the face of it , this cut, earlier and more drastic than anticipated, will be one more nail in the coffin of British Industry. How sad is that!
What is going on, this subsidy will enable the costs to come down due to volume of PV installs. This will in turn make it more accessible, therefore reducing CO2. How shortsighted are they being. Think of the future not just the costs.
Barbara Fowler,
Surely the government can see by the response that a lot of people, who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford to, want to go down the 'greener' route.
Why not make it statuary that all new build should ,where suitable have solar panels as standard what an evironmentally friendly way to create more jobs and green energy and reduce household energy bills!
Jan Patterson,
Peter Howarth,
By cutting the tarrif you are making the effort to reduce the country usage of power so much more difficult
kenneth bailey,
Solar power is the fastest growing industry in the UK, and helps house holders save money on energy. It is also good for the environment, and helps towards reducing our carbon footprint. Please reconsider, and allow the original date for the review, April 2912, to stand.
Josephine Unwin,
The proposed cuts in feed-in tariffs and the qualifying requirements will drastically reduce the uptake of domestic solar power in the UK which is, in my opinion, a drastic and negative move. It was such a good scheme, why change it?
I was thinking of going down the solar PV route, but the attraction of this has now been removed.
Brian Peet,
More notice should have been given, with a phased reduction over the coming months
Having previously given a date of march2012 to suddenly change will be very unfair for some and a devastating blow to a good green energy business
jeff walker,
The government has to hold its' nerve and continue to pay the higher tariffs until next year, it is the only way the people of the UK will go for solar in a big way!! the return on the investment is spurring the solar wave.
Simon J Williamson,
We who were about to purchase PV are not wealthy people. With a pay back of 9 yrs I would then be 71yrs so would have my savings paid back and reduced electric as a pensioner. Not too much to ask for a lifetime as a taxpayer.
Anne Rogers,
I along with approximately 25000 others work in the solar pv industry. Not only does this pay my bills but as a tax payer I am a contributer to the nation & as such I need my voice to be heard. This is a fledgling industry that needs to be supported not abused in its infancy. Give it a chance & watch it flourish. Alternatively The government can continue with this ill thought out proposal and kill the industry. Please keep our industry safe.
Diana Majeed,
Alwyn Roberts,
Another very, very poor political decision
Caroline Kerr,
John McFarlane,
You know and we know it makes sence. We will all be winners, now and in the future.
Wilf Bentley,
The 21p announcement is nonsensical and will destroy the industry. 35p would have been a sensible compromise. It's a reckless political act.
John Carty,
Trevor Powell,
We need positive Government support certainly for solar because efforts so far show what can be done to flag up green energy achievement in communities across the country and fostering this sort of mindset could lead in turn to encouragement for investment to harness the huge potential of more challenging eg tidal energy schemes for which the UK has been noted as being ideally suited.
I hope the government will rethink the cut off date, to help keep jobs for people in the solar industry
Jonathan Tyler,
Lizzie Dicken,
It is intensely frustrating that the government are prepared to sabotage one of the few areas of real growth potential for the U.K. Despite lip service to creating employment, supporting research and development and meeting carbon emission targets the government at a undemocratic stroke have severely curtailed one of the best hopes for a sustainable future.
solar energy will help the enviroment keep it going
Paul Marsden,
Cutting the feed in Tariff is a backward step. It will reduce the take up, stall the green energy industry and lead to a loss of jobs in the industry. A typically short sighted policy from a government without ideas and foresight.
P M Hardy,
This industry provides jobs and supports a move away from expensive fossil fuels for a greener future for our kids.
mark foster,
solar is sustainable and clean it is the future!!!!
Colin Cochrane,
To slash FITs by 50% before the consultation period ends is a mindless action, unworthy of HMG. At least six months warning should be given of the intent to make any major change in this sensitive subsidy.
Government still wastes millions of pounds (EU etc)and politicians are regularly being found to be acting in their own (or their friends) best interests. All the time job losses and the climate are ignored - why, because they and their families haven't experienced unemployment and they're too self-interested to consider the climate and the effects on other species!!
glenn perry,
Beverley Thomas,
Steven Maclaren,
Derek Clark,
Please consider the effect of your policy on employment. We need jobs to aid our recovery.
shirley davies,
Nigel Wright,
I beleive that killing the tariff would mean that only the wealthy would be able to benefit from solar power, when it is "normal" households like my own that need to make the savings on our fuel bills urgently. Thank you for considering this comment.
This industry employs over 25 thousand why would the goverment want to jeoperdice this, they have already ruined the comerical side now this reduction in the fits will make it unatractive to investors. Also this goverment need to meet there energy targets & solar pv is one of the cleanest ways of dong this. Wake up & smile the roses DECC
Denver davies,
Una Harnett,
at a time when costs are soaring, the government need to helping not hindering good deals for the electorate
CD Lawrence,
We need this technology - please dont stop the subsidies.Renewable Energy is the future.
Barry and Ann Thwaites,
Sue Coley,
David Chapman,
peter Luck,
We have to say Loud and Clear , "We've Had Enough, And We're Not Going To Take It anymore." On every Poster, On every street corner, and From every home in this land of ours.
Jim Strutton,
We need solar power and it must be encouraged!
rupert marques,
Jane Mayes,
geoff clapp,
stop waisting our money & give everyone the chance
to benifit & provide energy for the National Grid
Mrs M Wheatley,
Zbigniew Storta,
Don't stop when it's just getting started.
Its a disgrace, to many cut backs and a total turn around from the goverment
Alice Bondi,
Encouraging renewables is so crucial - surely any government with any conception of the future should be doing all it can to ensure that we all use these forms of generation?
William Ryle,
This will be a massive blow to those working in the industry, those hoping to make savings on their bills, and most importantly a backward step in making the UK a cleaner and more pleasant land. We will be personally very disappointed if our installation does not go ahead.
ruthluan sabastiane,
as a mother of 2 hopeing to go back to work as soon as my yougest goes to school my partner & i have been cuting back all of our livein cost so that we could aford to have our children we have both all ways workd since we left school & payed our way we looked at the solar pv feed-in tariffs as what it was sopostd to have been,an investment & a hughe saveing as it is now not only will many familley lose out of these saveings when it is most needed in the uk but more familleys will be even harded hit with the lose of jobs & income yet again all down to government choices. i support the solar campaign .
solar panels should be built into all new build houses
Joel Mayes,
Solar power is a vital resource that the future of our Earth may very well depend on.
Mary Whitehead,
the goverment needs to get its act together we are once again lagging behind other countries we need to invest in solar we do not have enough energy resourses
Don Patterson,
Solar energy will become steadily more efficient as the science improves. The Government seems to want to discourage this process of development as well as wrecking more jobs in the UK.
W J Turner,
Jean Miller,
As a pensioner unable to get any other assistance this has been a good thing for me. No-one will be able to afford installation as for most people it would take the greater part of their lives to recover outlay. At 63 a 'paid for' installation under the proposed cut in tarrif would mean the installation cost would never be achieved. If the government want to encourage people to save fuel there needs to be a gain in it. I am saving fuel for my ganddaughters future but the government are so short sighted that any gain I make they will crush with their stupidity. Not to mention all the jobs created that will be lost. I urge them to re-think this. Of course the current tarrif cannot be maintained but it still needs to be a viable figure to encourage continuing growth of the industry and full potential use of this natural source.
Solar is excellent in including the individual to reduce their carbon footprint and take charge of reducing their personal energy bills as well as helping others in providing electric energy for others. We need this for our future of our planet but also in respect of buisnesses and jobs created. Think again Government. This is our future.
Ron Bates,
This is the only way as a pensioner that I can save money on the huge fuel bills. Please help my pension go further.
Mrs Ann Pownall,
This is important-I am a pensioner and have the opportunity to get my electricy bills reduced by 25%
Martin Wood,
Having obtained my quote for solar panels on the 10th October on the expectation of getting the current FIT I am very annoyed to be suddenly told of the new deadline which my company is unlikely to be able to meet. The government are damaging one of our key future industries, not to mention the planet.
roger bartle,
c'mon politicians, stop playing one term politics and think of your children!
trevor robinson,
particularly at such short noticein this present climate it is inconceivable that this facility should be withdrawn
Naomi Crosby,
not very green for a government that promised to be the greenest yet.
Solar power is the way forward.
Jennifer Hardiman,
All green initiatives should be supported not sabotaged. How are companies going to be encouraged to invest in new technology when they can have the rug pulled out from under their feet like this.
jason tilsley,
merry christmas please sir could we have some in the goverment will be lost..economy lost...local investment lost...more crime..enviromental investment give us back our 43p per unit and we can help all of the uk to help each other.........simple!!
Martin Kelly,
jilly Jarman,
this could do damage to a very green alternative thing not only putting peoples jobs. SO NO TO THE CUTS
Caroline Wright,
I was unaware of the scheme until the advertising campaign. If access to free solar energy stops now, people like myself who are pensioners and could not normally fund such a venture will lose the right to save a few pence. Please reconsider or, at least, extend the deadline so that more less fortunate people will be able to benefit.
surely you must agree that solar power is a free NATURAL ENERGY SOURCE!!!!!
Geraint Thomas,
Graham dormer,
This is the way foreward,everyone benifits
katherine parrish,
how short sighted, we must encourage more solar on houses and businesses! it will generate for 25 years and no decommissioning of power stations which costs millions!
Richard Maddicks,
Such a large and sudden cut to the subsidy will knock the industry for six, just when it's expanding and becoming established. It just doe not seem sensible, or fair.
This is another example of the government's short-term thinking. Either the government is concerned about making energy 'greener' or it is not. It is unrealistic to expect that householders will continue to invest in solar energy if they are not going to be rewarded for doing so. Few are so wealthy that they can afford to instal solar panels purely out of concern for the environment. The result of these cuts will be a collapse in the burgeoning 'green energy' movement. The fact that the 'consultation' period is due to finish after the cuts come into effect shows that the government's is using 'consultation' as a figleaf.
Daryl Ling,
Why pump billions into nuclear that most people don't want, invest in solar & wind power, cheaper & safer and generates many, many jobs!
I cannot believe the short sightedness of this move at this time when this is just on the point of taking off.
rupert higgin,
It is a shame when a government who portray themselves as" the greenest government ever" combined with the attacks on labour for being completely incompetent in handling "the boom and bust" have managed in one fell swoop to accomplish such a shambolic display in both areas. Even if this industry survives in the UK this government's credentials will have been destroyed for the environment, the economy, inward investment and our trust. As a conservative entrepreneur I am truly disapppointed and ashamed to have voted for them.
Clare Rogers,
E Cummings,
Michael Graham,
Mr J Fletcher,
So many people want to help make a difference with green power, by cutting feed-in tariffs by 50% will not only crush that chance but also mean that thousands of people involved in the " clean green electricity" industry will lose their jobs and add to the misery we are experiencing. SO CUT, DON'T KILL
The goverment should have cut the feedin tarriff by a much smaller amountand the effects then would not be as devastating to companies. The goverment want to cut our carbon footsteps with one hand and then they take the insentive away.
Without Homesun's free panels we would not have been able to afford to have the panels,so with the goverments scheme we have been able to take advantage of the solar panels and beneifit as well as cut our carbon foot print.It makes achange for ordinary people to benefit instead of just those with money.
geoff whitehouse,
we need this type of energy now more than ever.
Meriel Weston,
Mike Scragg,
Eclipse Solar Limited,
Stephen Beech,
MD of Beech Solar
This is a bad decision taken for the worst of reasons and will have a detrimental effect on the environment and on the economic recovery of the UK.
paul maxey,
If you can forgo a pint of beer/larger, a spirit drink or an equivalent item a week you could switch now to GOODENERGY and be part of the renewable revolution.
See - the time is now!
Dean Jackson,
Support Solar and cut grants and FITS for on-shore windfarms, they are ugly dangerous, unhealthy and noisy
keep the solar feed in ,and cut back on the wasted money in vestd in wnd power especially as most of the turbine are being imported from Germany .It's about time we thought of our British jobs first
Eric Rush,
This technology works do not stop it by rash actions
simon trotter,
Our dual fuel energy bill (from EON) has just leapt from £81 per month to £138 per month. I thought Cameron had been into see the "Big 6" to arrange cheaper fuel prices, cheers you've just increased our fuel bill by circa 70%.
Therefore we're changing supplier.
How can the feed in tarriff be slashed in half to protect price rises(according to Cameron and Barker) then our bill is hiked by circa 70%, ridiculous.
In 2011 E-ON looks to reach profits of around £5.5Billion plus EON selling off its assets to Pennsylania power and light (PPL) for circa £15,000,000,000 (that's 15Billion Euros)
Where does this robbery stop??
They're on about the banks being corrupt, what about the energy companies?
Solar is our future it is free.
Need to promote investment in reneable industries to create more jobs,potental export market as well as consumer savings [thus more to spend]and help UK to be less oil/gas energy dependant.
Graham Unger,
What possible reason can there be for pulling the plug now ! Its crazy.
Neil Finer,
Joy Burrell,
What happened to the promise to help the needy?
Don't kill solar, Just started business, have so lot of loans, and this is it? Without any warning???Where is justice in this country???How can I run business, if I do not know what to expect from this government!!! So sad, so sad!
Peter Phillips,
Leave it be, let it run as promised
P J Pearson,
another example of goverments lack of common sense
Funny how cameron met with the energy suppliers superiors, then next thing announces FIT cut by 50%! Dodgy dealings??
David Patrick,
Rowena Quantrill,
these cuts + the change in cut off date show a real lack of joined up thinking in government threatening loss of jobs and our ambitions to reduce carbon emissions
Peter Cornall,
As a current FIT beneficiary I am very sorry to hear of any step which seems likely to hinder the spread of the use of solar energy. The scale of the reduction in the FIT rate seems bound to have this effect, and to make the achievement of the national target much less probable.
Mick Bridger,
Dathan Eldridge,
Richard Craft,
Certainly weed out the "cowboys' but please don't jeopardise the whole industry; we need every green Kwh it's possible to generate. Make it happen government!
Bernice G Clifton,
Philip Dedman,
A knee jerk reaction from supposedly " the greenest government ever " the facts - jobs will be lost and companies will go bust. The proposed cuts are a huge mistake for a booming industry in these current economic times
Robert Chapman,
David Mansell,
Cut is too big and way too quick
There is no better way of reducing our carbon footprint than making full use of solar energy.
Lorna Rourke,
Christopher Hulls,
John Owen,
When will this government do something right for once and support a clean future with solar
David and Sue Shead,
Give more householders the chance to generate their own free solar power, and this could reduce the need the need to build more necular power sations
Eileen Soutter,
William Salmon,
PV panels are the best way to reduce emissions and cut down the use of fossil fuels and clean up the enviroment
Amanda Bakewell,
Roy D Curtis,
We need to provide our own energy - solar power is a vital part of that self-preservation strategy, and will reduce pollution and global warming. Usual Government reaction, this seems to be popular, lets cut it short and then perhaps tax it......
Zoe Efstathiou,
Andy Roberts,
Ray Parker,
amanda newman,
chris todd,
Ifor Phillips,
Sue Brown,
T. P. Brown,
Yvonne Liddell,
Dr Jeremy Bartlett,
Claire James,
David Cameron promised this government would be the “greenest ever”. Is this how he keeps his word? I feel very bitter about the whole thing.
Thomas & Laura John,
Belinda Cooper,
john sayers,
B Capper,
These tariff changes have been made too quickly and without sufficient consultation - what a about the Localism agenda! An absolute abuse of authority !
Philippa Fletcher,
I already have solar panels, but I would others to benefit too.
angela sanderson,
Rev Benny Hazlehurst,
This is an example of short sighted thinking - we need as many people as possible to join the production side of energy if Government's own targets are to be met.
Solar panels installed last week - my neighbours were hoping for the same deal
Robert Sanderson,
Antonina Szram Brown,
Maggie Long,
We need solar as what will happen in the furture we are trying to help with the carbon footprint and we need to keep people in work.
Jane Roberts,
We ordered solar panels on19th.Sept. Due to be installed in1st. week of Jan.2012. why are we being disadvantaged by a sudden change in the conditions ?
Rebecca Hall,
Solar power is clean and green, why limit its use?
Such a worthwhile cause, the government go on and on about saving the planet by going green, but then they cut the one thing that truly helps the world...
Total idiocy.
Typical Tories - keep changing the goal posts without any concerns about who it affects and without a realistic warning. And the Lib-Dems - well who would vote for Tory puppets? Shame on all of them for bringing this country to it's knees. These cuts MUST be reversed NOW!
Peter Roughley,
Please keep the 43.3p feed in Tariff for individual house owners and not for organisations who are renting peoples roof spaces for pennies
Richard L. Sweetnam,
John Lewis,
The short notice of the cuts will hit many people who have already placed orders and deposits on solar installations in good faith but will be unable to hit the 12 December deadline. It sends out a negative message to potential small generators. Many jobs will be lost in the emerging solar installation industry which is providing valuable work to electricians, roofers and scaffold erectors during a period when the building sector is in the doldrums. Dispersed micro-generation should form an important element of the UK's domestic energy policy. Sadly, this decision is another example of muddled government thinking, being typical of the "make the decision first, think about the consequences afterwards" approach of the coalition. Time for a judicial review of this decision, perhaps?
I am appalled at this reneging by the gov. on its original commitment. Does it not care about either the environment or jobs?
Lisa Bell,
Many people are investing into the buisness of fitting solar pannels. If the Govenment slash the Feed in Tariff prices then there will be less of the public investing in going green and new buisnesses will struggle. We've just had pannels fitted but I doubt we would have done this if the feed in tarrif was 50% less
giuseppe dana,
chris austin,
Peter Barlow,
This is the most stupid thing to do. The present government states lets help industry, well this act will not help this industry. But lets face it they lie about everything dony they
S Thomas,
p mulholland,
devastating news, will kill my solar tracker development stone dead. 18months of hard work and capital done the toilet. I should be a banker
Richard Nussey,
Brian Phillips,
If the government wants to sustain the momentum of installing solar panels, surely the subsidy should not be cut by as much as 50%.
If there has to be any cut why not start with a 10% reduction of the tariff and see how the solar industry copes with that before deciding what to do next.
Angela Sellick,
to short a time scale to deliver projects already planned, three months work down the pan!
Iain Jenner,
We need more renewable affordable energy - make UK lead the way
E Hackworth,
The solar revolution is just starting why stifle it at this stage, we need to be energy independent so a national balance of nuclear, solar and conventional sources are essential.
Tom Christopher,
Reduce our carbon footprint, is this party listening to its own comments.
Many people have planned solar
PV systems on the understanding that the FIT would be cut in March 2012 - not this year. Cutting it in December will have severe consequences for those reputable Solar Installers who have been doing a great job, and their potential customers. Jobs will be lost and less green energy will be produced. Stick to the original agreements even if they were made by the previous government.
I want to know WHY the Government is doing this. They know we need to find other ways for renewable energy and this is the perfect solution to utilise homeowners roofs.
Noel Sellick,
B & J M Jenkinson,
People should be encourage to use clean power not the reverse what happened to this governments 'green' promises went tne same way as most other pre election promises I suppose
J Leaning,
Linda Macaskill,
Think about our grandchildren, vote for Solar!!!!!!
Ian MacIver,
Peter Ding,
frank m may,
I have attended numerous conferences this year and the message for all governments is to provide a consistent and cohesive policy around which businesses can invest. This is one of the worst examples of how NOT to run a country.
Scott Macaskill,
Save solar! It is only just getting going.......let it grow for our futures and that of our children!
Claire Macaskill,
Sara Barnard,
John Whiteman,
I was really pleased to see the UK government supporting British industry by encouraging the installation of solar panels, providing jobs in the economy means that more taxes are collected and the people installing panels also spend money in the economy. By jeopordising 25000 jobs, a significant sector in the economy will shrink to almost nothing. We, as a nation, also need to have more energy security and small scale installations help to provide that security. Rather than reducing this kind of investment, the governent should increase support for this sector, rather than wating billions of pounds supporting banker bonuses.
Leigh Edwards,
A very short sighted decision based on a run on the budget - what about all of the cost of all the extra powerstations we will need?
the only "green shoots" in the whole of the UK economy that will also help towards the 2020 carbon reduction targets and the government has decided to put the brakes on? i dont understand why?
Gafyn Blakeway,
I had just saved enough money to afford solar PV when the government pulled the rug from under my feet with its halving of the FIT on 12th December. I cannot see an installation being done before this date, so the opportunity to install solar PV appears to have totally unaffordable. What kind of government is this? I thought the Lib-Dems were for the environment?
Given the legal obligation placed on the Government to reduce CO2 emissions, this proposal makes no sense at all.
The industry is still effectively at "start up" stage in the UK and could be incredibly successful, if supported properly by Government. Anyone in business will know how important affordable funding is, particularly in the early years. I fear that a reduction in FIT at this stage may have such an adverse impact on the industry that another "start up" will bite the dust.
Gemma Clifton,
My dad has spent thousands becoming an accredited installer and this will render all of that useless!! With everyone struggling already this is not what anyone needs.
Mrs. June Garland,
I already have solar panels which are producing more electricity than I use in a year. I think it is wrong to reduce these feed-in tariffs as more people should have solar panels - and for some who may need to borrow to cover the cost, the tariff will help to offset same. Job creation is vital to get the country back on it's feet. Solar Panels would help, the more people in work means more tax collected and less paid out in benefits. In addition there will be more money in circulation which in turn would mean more businesses would thrive, causing more job opportunities.
Garry Coulthard,
Cheap energy for the panel owners and pumping into the national grid to avoid over consumption of gas and mechanically generated electricity. Why would you want to cut it? Solar panels should be given free subsidised by the government to anyone who wants them
Andrew Dauncey,
My family business has spent thousands on courses getting accreditation and now that is useless because no one will want to wait so long for an investment to benefit them
Being a senior citizen and with solar panels installed it saves money on my electricity bill and in view of the fact of the little we receive in pensions, every penny counts. Solar panels shoud be on offer to every senior citizen with the requisite requirements for the installation. Good luck.
Audrey Parkman,
stuart vincent,
the government should support and promote not devastate an industry that is Green,provides financial benefits and jobs in times of economic difficulty.
laura eccles,
To stop the subsidy would be rediculous cut in the drive for alternative energy
Tom Coley,
Robert Gardner,
adrian sullivan,
where now is the green jobs and future that they sold us at the election.....totally betrayed!!
Trevor Eves,
The "Solar Gravy Train" is over! A bit better than wind but still part of the great ecomentalist climate con.
You've made your money, time to find a proper job.
L Michael Hohmann,
See "Clean Energy Pundit" blogsite for my reasons.
Sue Delling,
The Solar/PV Feed-in Tariffs have helped a lot of people to "buy in to" solar energy which is a sustainable source of energy. To renege on the agreement and change the date to cut the FIT is shameless. Solar energy is part of our future and we must support it.
The future of our energy production relies upon these innovators.
Caroline McCarthy,
We need energy.
Miles McCarthy,
Create the energy we need.
This scheme needs to continue for a cleaner enviroment for future generations.
Marsela Clifton,
Wind farms are not the answer. Not only is the carbon footprint in producing these is ridiculously high but they are also inefficient and detrimental to the environment. Solar panels is the best, cleanest and most efficient option and, as it suits such a large number of properties, should be made available to as many people as possible to produce our own energy thereby reducing the pressure on the national grid.
Roger Styles,
Leon Jones,
Don't Kill Solar!!!
Claire Williams,
leon andrew jones,
if you cut the solar panels now what is going to happen in 10 15 years from now when the power stations can't cope with the amount of electricity needed
Anthony Meehan,
We all need alternative energy what better way than solar energy and all the other green resource’s the government yet again give the initial incentive then pull the rug from under yet another industry, same old story, a brilliant concept we need to fight for the survival of this forward looking industry.
Anne Power,
If this restriction is put in place it shows that this government is only ready to help the rich. Thats why wind turbines get a huge cash incentive for the land owners. Despite the fact that it is a poor way of producing energy.
David Jones,
Greenest government ever!!!!! Just for once why doesn't a government do what it promised.
Is it not evident to those in government that Solar Power is a free concession that could benefit thousands including the elderly and vulnerable members of society.
Gary Eager,
i'm disapointed by a 50% cut in feed in tariffs. fair enough the cost of modules has dropped by approx 30% over the past 2 years but a cut this severe now will kill our domestic sales and companies that have formed over the past 2 years will most likely be unable to carry on doing business thus creating more unemployment. The cuts should have been a smooth gradual reduction in-line with the cost of the technology.
Tom Hollister,
Teresa Sunderland,
Alison Turner,
I find it hard to believe that the government has been so short sighted; not only with regard to the loss of jobs and an additional source of energy but once again it is the less well off who will be unable to benefit from just the sort of thing they need - cheaper power!!
Carolyn Sellick,
Tim Cave,
By cutting FiT in this way, the Government has shown that they have no real ambition to develop a green future in the UK. Cutting an area that is crucial to the future? Thats the coalition way!
Peter Shaw,
you must encourage more people to fit solar panels, so cutting the tariffs this much is a NEGATIVE step, so please reconsider!!
Tracy Sweet,
Germany has benefitted from a decade of FiT for PV which has resulted in it being a global leader in the technology. This has undoubtedly contributed to their strong economy - please have the ambition and foresight to do this for the UK too!
Sarah Davies,
Richard Sickler,
Mary Burtt,
Don't let the Sun go Down on Solar!
Derek Endean,
Robert Mardell,
I have a great job now in the solar industry, the first decent job i've had since leaving university. Please do not destroy these opportunities.
Richard Ellis,
There seems to be no winners in this uninformed deccission. Why in a time when the economy needs to drag itself into the black, do the goverment kill an industry that is helping manufacturing and jobs, stone dead in its tracks, it makes no sense.
Everyone is a winner, customers, employee's employers, the planet. The goverment win on so many fronts, increasing employment, tax revenue, manufacturing output and look good on the world stage re the Kyoto agreement. Just keep with the end of March date and let us all get on with working for Britain and the planet!
Janet Clarke,
This is a disgusting act by the government to destroy the very industry that they are supposed to be promoting in respect of environmental issues. HomeSun installed my panels and I save around a third on my bills, whilst producing clean energy. The government should reverse this disaster of a decision and save British jobs as well as the boost to the economy that companies such as HomeSun bring. They must be made to listen for once, I am fully behind HomeSun in this!
Christian Vaga,
Neil Duerden,
A more gradual change and better timing is needed. It is broadly understood that the higher rates were not sustainable but differing levels of connection and rates are needed, not a sudden collapse of a fledgling industry.
Denise Steer,
Herbert Eppel,
Disgusted about this when the country are trying to promote green issues and economic growth, it seems that the power companies with their obscene profits have pushed the government to put the nails in the coffin of the solar industry.
Joanne Lomas,
Jennifer Carr,
je & eb CUMMINS,
Siobhan Murphy,
Solar power is so important. Lots of small businesses will be affected by this cut, putting their homes and families at risk!
Michael Screech,
Please stop ripping off the public, using our money to do so
Harriet Carty,
It is the speed and depth of the tariff reduction that I disagree with. Many householders have committed to schemes which cannot be completed by12th Dec. a smaller reduction in tariff at the end of the financial year could be more reasonable
Laszlo Csanyi,
chris cullum,
Alice Fisher,
Ian Jones,
Just look what Germany are doing - I have a feeling that they are smart enough to know about their economic and energy future. Shame we are not so smart - AGAIN !
Derrick Hamer,
I have seen the benefits, I don't think that it is fair that others can't.
Freddie Weyman,
Brian osborne,
So much for being "the greenest Government ever"!
Tory Promises!!- you just don't get it, do you.
Helen Thomas,
Helen Thomas,
Margaret Minhinnick,
Crass move that will do massive damage to renewable industry
Erica Lewis,
i will be extremely disppointed not to have the opportunity to make my own contribute to the environment also the loss of jobs within the solar industry
Allan Lamb,
I believe that the Government are not committed to renewables, and they are going back on their promise to support this initiative.
Lisa Glaze,
Ruth Heys,
j charnock-wilson,
how green is your government now, Dave?
russell bewick,
One month was not enough time. Push the date back to give people a chance to commit to solar before it becomes pointless. You owe them that.
David Spall,
So happy with our panels, would like everyone else to benefit. It also benefits the environment.
Nicholas J Ward,
Such large and sudden cuts in the FIT are likely to be devastating to a new and growing sector in the UK economy - why risk loosing these jobs? And why risk wasting the investment made by the government so far? Supporting an emerging sector is the whole point of the FIT - isn't it?
Dominic Bird,
We were just signing an agreement on a 50kw solar pv system when we heard this news. The project is now off and we have spent a great deal of time and effort and incurred a lot of costs which has now been a waste of resources at a time when we could have least afforded it. I feel badly let down by the government.
Simon Rand,
More people should be encouraged to invest in these systems.
I dispair for the future of science and innovation in this country when short sighted and counterproductive decisions like this are made .
Solar panels on all suitable roofs is a good long term investment for future generations
Steve Scatterty,
Like loft intallation and other government initiatives supporting solar energy is a must to help support long term energy needs of this country
Christopher Strangeways,
Elizabeth Salmon,
It seems unjust that such short notice has been given on the cuts when a decision was not expected until April
Joyce Dignam,
Greenest Government ever! Just empty words. This green government is willing to let the abundant free energy generated by light and sunshine go to waste, while they spend billions/trillions on spoiling our countryside with wind turbines.
You are saying that Britain is closed for investment - foolish in the extreme in the current economic climate
Simon Stabb,
Sally Solomon,
Solar capture is the one of the best sources of energy amongst a raft of other renewable options. Why bring everything to a grinding halt with this severe cut ?
paul hillman,
Mrs Jane Mackay,
Peter Wyld,
I'm expected to spend a fortune to meet the Code 3 for Sustainable Homes requirements enforced by Welsh Government whilst Westminster is reducing the FITs! Appalling
We have a large community scale PV project for the installation of circa 1500 properties in some of the ,ost deprived area's of Wales. We were due start installations this month the announcement to reduce the tariff to 21p has in one full swoop destroyed our scheme. The investment was pulled immediately and will not be made available unless there is serious commitment by DECC and ministers to help community schemes by holding the current rate of 43.3p for the lifetime of the FIT. Where is your big society now? Phil White and Green Renewable Wales Ltd
The Hampshire based Hartley Wintney Solar Action Group has gone from zero to eighteen Solar PV installations in two months but the FIT reduction may stop the project. After every 25 installations the group will get a 4kW system on a community building, please Government don't stop our project!
Mike Parker,
Moving the goalpost to a 12th December registration date has scuppered the installation of Panels on our local school and the massive cut to the tariff in April will almost certainly scupper a proposed drive in our village to encourage new solar after March with a sensible lower tariff. Not only is the move too drastic it will mean that any trust in Government planning is lost. Mike Parker.
Simon Thomas,
aaron read,
Robert Turner,
I certainly feel that any change to the current FIT arragements needs to be progressively implemented, such that it maintains a viable scheme for both the industry and the customer.
roy jolliffe,
Sue Ponton,
Very short sighted - could provide a lot of jobs and training opportunities as well as make Britain a market leader in this technology - the Germans are already leading, let's catch them up at least!
Chris Rainey,
This cut is not fair on businesses, employees or people who may have made a financial decision to get solar then signed up but may not get their systems in by the cut off date.
James Boughton-Thomas,
kedrick davies,
This reduction is too step and far too quick. It will have adverse impacts on industry but also undermines the Government's own targets to reduce carbon emissions.
Peter Hughes,
norman hare,
this goverment policy is fixed on poor people from taking any means of saving money or jobs.
Carol Fraser,
Charmaine Coutinho,
Cheryl Grant,
Angie Day,
Ryan Wilson,
Suzanne De Celis,
The Government should be better supporting the clean technology of Solar.Polluting Energy production is not good for the Environment or the future Economy.
Nick Balmer,
The Government wishes to control electricity and all the profit it brings, that's why they back nuclear power. This is just another way for them to cut our choice for alternative energy.
Because of the government and the banks, inflation is rising way above earnings, solar can help people in these desperate times. So instead of thinking about government cuts, why don't you help society instead?
Martin Pingelov,
Save the industry, save the planet, save the people!
jennifer mace,
Iam a single parent and often find everyday bills hardgoin even tho I am a homeowner and work fulltime. I claim NO BENEFITS and I thought finally something for the tax payer!!! Can you tell me why something that benefits the great British public is being CUT yet we still allow ££££'s to go over in benefit to people coming over from the EU!!!
David Edwards,
The cost of maintaining the FIT at a sensible level and from a sensible date is a few pence on electricity bills. These same bills have gone up hundreds of pounds in the last few rounds of gas price rises. So don't believe the lie that it's green taxes that are the problem Mr Cameron - it's the current energy sources that are the culprits.
Lee Siddons,
steven jacques,
Karen Cunningham,
Marjorie Cotton,
The decision to cut the feed in tariff by half will effectively kill the industry. It is shorsighted if nor madness.
J Rossiter,
It is crazy at this time to kill this industry which this reduction in the FIT most certainly will. Germany is encouraging solar and going off nuclear. Doesn't anybody in the Coalition Govt. have the brains to see that solar energy should be a huge part of our energy programme?
PV solar power is the most efficient form of remewable energy and should be encouraged, not discouraged. The FIT was only brought in two years ago and this is a complete U-turn.
John Rigby,
Cutting the FiT by such a draconian amount with practically no notice seems to be unreasonable. The cost of installing Solar Panels has not yet fallen to the point of Grid Parity. If the government has data that shows that the reduced rate still makes the investment in solar panels cost effective it needs to share it. At 21p it seems that the 25-year return (for the total of generation, export and consumption) doesn't match the cost of the installation.
Mike Hallett,
With nuclear no longer an option - witness Fukishima - we in the United Kingdom need alternatives such as Solar and Wave/Tidal. To hinder development of solar now is unforgivable and short sighted in the extreme.
piers gibson,
Please support solar energy. After what happened in Japan, we need it. Take away nuclear power and give us clean energy, please, for the sake of the generations to come.
Elizabeth Curtis-Knight,
Karen Dandy,
J Searle,
Please Mr Cameron Do not cut tariffs. As this is hitting OAPS. Too. Lower their. Electrics. Bills.
Debbie Ellen,
Surely in the current financial climate nobody wants even more people out of a job - there are jobs here for professionals and very many others - these are good jobs - let these people keep their jobs, thus CONTRIBUTING TO THE ECONOMY not taking something from it in benefits etc. Solar power is the future and a much better investment than 'dole queues'
save our grandchildren; vote for solar
save the jobs of 25000 people employed in solar industry
At least HONOUR those who had their orders in before the 31/10/12. The government is rude and do what they like, no consultation! Lost my vote.
Deborah Bird,
I believe the proposed significant reduction in the FiT is an absolute disgrace, will impact severely on the industry, jobs and the government will never be able to meet its targets for carbon reduction.
Solar great !
Janine Ford,
Please continue the solar scheme in full - I had panels installed in June 2011 - we have no gas in our village and I am all-electric. It has made a vest differenec to my bills.e.g. my monthly DD has been reduced from £109 to £69!!! PLEASE Government think again. If something ain't broke why try to fix it? So much that is going on at present is bad for consumers - this is good, please don't spoil it!
Edward Sheldrick,
It makes sense to create this clean, safe and certain NRG generation; it doesn't make sense to create uncertainty by suddenly moving the goal posts and jeopardising business and consumer investment.
This latest fast-track (knee jerk) review of FiT tariffs, in common with the previous review earlier in the year, fails to differentiate between the overtly commercial undertakings (which are in it purely for financial gain), and the many co-op schemes around the country which are using FiT income to benefit local communities.
Roger Burridge,
David Keys,
Heidi Hollobon,
Graham Long,
In these days of attempting to reduce CO2 emission don't destroy an industry that provides clean energy and is an efficient cost effective way of producing electricity. To this Government and all MP's I say think again.
bill austin,
i thought the idea was to save the planet, this is a great way to go in the wrong direction
we need this modern technology, support this renewable energy and help all of us.
Paul Johnson,
mary martin,
The families that solar panels could really help (i.e. families with young children, couples just starting on the property market) are going to miss the real benefit of this system.
I support the "Cut, Dont Kill" Campaign
The reduction in the Feeding Tariff outlined by the government was not thought through, its too drastic and reactionary. They underestimated how many people in the UK would embrace Solar Energy and/or build a lively-hood around it.
Amanda Lewis,
Luke Walsh,
Christopher Thomas,
Anna Gilbert,
Edward Cornell,
If this is not possible then extend the cut off date beyond 18th Dec 2011
craig fowler,
David Camerons government yet again another plan so normal hard working people cant benefit from the fits.
Mark Fyles,
Just had my first job assessed and waiting for my accreditation, to be kicked in the teeth by the goverment who look after bankers with billions to bail them out, The working class need to wake up to what this goverment is about we are not all in this together, the working man is bearing the brunt while the fat cats grow richer at our expence.
John Davies,
12th December is too little notice for those who had ordered a 10kw system early in October. This is due to the 45 working day period that the electric companies have to authorise the connection.
Rhodri Thomas,
While there are valid arguments regarding the unfairness of the FIT benefitting rich private householders, a blanket cut would penalise the initiatives that aim to provide poor households with free solar while using the FIT (via a social enterprise) to re-invest money in community regeneration. If the government is serious about stimulating growth it will not undermine the capacity of social entrepreneurs to use solar PV as a way of bringing investment into some of our most deprived communities.
Mohamed B. Bandali,
I am doing my bit to help reduce carbon footprint by producing 3 times more solar power than my actual use and feeding it into the grid. Surely, detering others will kill the campaign and allow the BIG energy companies to import power and make our country dependent on it!
Leslie Burke,
It is disappointing that there are no manufacturers of PV panels in the UK benefitting our economy rather than those of Germany and China.
Elliott Wachsmann,
Cal Bailey,
I have had to cancel £0.7m of investment last week due to the change of FIT. It feels like I have been forced to take a short term view, when we should be playing a long term game.
K Williams,
for once you can do something usefull and make some cash at the same time , no wonder HMG dont like it , they cant TAX self sufficiency
Matt Ogier-Russell,
j harley,
Jon Glanfield,
Don't kill a burgeoning industry with such an important global role to play.
Richard Johnson,
The government is cutting help to solar because it wants to promote nuclear - a loser by safety, economic and all political considerations!
Dominic Manning,
Only six months ago, our energy minister, Greg Barker, stated that the industry requires TLC: Transparency, Longevity, Certainty. What has happened to TLC and can we ever trust this government, which promised to be the greenest ever, again?
Damon Hart-Davis,
Shaun Hawkey,
Justin Jarrett,
I am on the front line talking to customers and the majority of them cannot understand what the government are doing by cutting the FIT by over 50%! I and they appreciate it cannot be sustained at the current rate for too long, but all without exception feel the current cut to be to extreme, to quick and damaging to their friends and relatives having any chance of free solor and doing their bit to help the environment. I urge the government to rethink this process and increase the FIT to a sensible figure to ensure this industry remains bouyant (it is employing a great deal of people which reduces unemployment) and allowing those residents who are eligible to have free solor installed.
Julian Burn,
These 25,000 jobs across the country, which include highly technical manufacturing as well as the installation workers who get the panels onto the buildings plus the surveying teams MUST be worthwhile saving in these days of job losses and redundancies. So don't cut the FITs, allow the industry to grow. Why does Government knock down booming businesses and squash its growth?
Judith Keys,
m. a. tanner,
we need to support this otherwise our solar industry will follow the offshore windfarms by providing profit and jobs for non-british companies
Patrick Hagan,
Think about the future?
Cedric Robbins,
The Government keeps saying we should go green and now they are U turning they need to get their act together if Solar is going to be our Future
Tony Tyler,
More government hot air. they pay lip service to a really worthwhile scheme & then pull the plug. It is obviously more important to force the HS2 scheme upon us. A very small minority support that white elephant, which the country cannot afford, yet the sensible solar scheme is apparently not worth supporting. ( I really wonder what makes more sense? )
Neill Talbot,
frank harrison,
i thought the government wanted to encourage this not kill it
stephen foster,
keep it going
Damian Thomas,
Typical of the Governemt, wait until something works, then scrap it in case the ordinary folk get some benefit from it, but its OK fo rMinisters to rob the country blind and squander money on illegal wars and assist illegal immigrants to enter the country unchallenged,,,,,,,,well done Cameron/Clegg and thir moron followers
People are supporting the save the plant and our footprint only for the goverment morons to decide they may loose more monies. So lets reduce the amount and loose more jobs which have been created. What future are the goverment trying to save , not our childrens future, thaqts for sure
Linda Grimmond,
paddy sanders,
You the goverment have pushed for cleaner greener energy,don't therefore" kill it" by reducing the subsidy.Many companies have invested heavily into this new form of energy,in both the development and instalation of these systems we already have enough un-employed and escalating energy costs.have you h not taken note of europe ? there plastered with panels,i wonder why ?.
jane richards,
i think the cut is silly when we as a country are trying to become more eco friendly. how brilliant would it be if we could all use and live off things that are naturally found all around us
Ian Wood,
My particular concern is for community projects such as Community Energy Warwickshire.
Maureen Wood,
If the Government wishes to encourage "green energy" why is it reducing the subsidy? It does not make sense.
K. Petty,
Any cut should be in proportion to panel price reduction. Even for those who cant afford to buy their own, Rent a roof is a great way to combat fuel poverty
Melody Cranbourne-Rosser,
Having created a viable industry for the UK, it seems stupid to cut the legs away from it in this manner.
Michael Sackin,
Gabrielle Maughan,
The greenest government? Ho Ho (Hollow laughter)
R A Gregory,
A genuinly good idea scuppered by people who have no idea. It will help the poor and eventually leed to a greener power scource. The rich are allright so why bother to help the needy and the country. The same old story Give in one hand and take it away with the other.
The government said it would last 25 years dose this mean they are going back on there word
T. L.Stamp,
Why take away something that is good for the country and good for the people.
Mrs Sue Shead,
Malcolm Price,
I thought the government wanted to support Green Industry especially as we try and pull out of a long recession and slow recovery. You have my full support to lobby the government to add pressure to force a u-turn on the cut on feed in tariffs for renewable power generation. We this more than ever before!
Peter Farey,
Encourage people to generate electricity please do not cut the feed in tariff,
David Kerrigan,
We need sustainable energy and the FIT to encourage conversion at the present rate
K Manning,
Robin Batten,
richard lloyd,
We are miles behind Europe on the issue of solar energy and this could provide a large amount of green energy with out covering w2ales in windturbines.
Richard lloyd.
Carol Cockings,
Too much too soon, should be left until 1st April as originally planned.
Bob Billett,
You encourage us allto go green, then once we all get a chnace to do something really positive you pull the rug from under us. The majority of people cannot afford the £8k to £10k it costs to install solar power. So come on government wake up and get in touch with reality.
Tristan Brooks,
We are a small family run solar installation business and currently have around 25 projects awaiting planning in our region which we expect to be approved between the end of October and end December. Most of these are on free range poultry sheds or general livestock buildings. In many cases the building owner has already negotiated and committed to loans from Barclays and HSBC especially to fund the projects. On many of these projects the farmer has already paid sums between £3000 and £16500 to the DNO for new transformers and grid upgrades to permit the connection of the Solar PV installation which would be installed over the next 3 - 4 months and before the 31st March 2012 in line with the Feed In Tariff rules.
In the meantime, if, as reported, Chris Huhne, Greg Barker and his DECC colleagues now move the goalposts with effect from 12/12/2011 we have a potential financial disaster for the majority of our customers and our company. We are not talking about 2.9kWp (10 panels) on a semi detached suburban roof. We are talking about 200 panels and 49kWp on a poultry shed costing £100k. Without more time to secure planning and DNO approval and actually make the installs, we are looking at major losses for our customers, our company and the people that work for us.
A Cartledge,
David McKie,
How will we ever reach our green targets if the government keep cutting back on renewable fuels.
Andrew Moon,
The cut is too large and too soon. 25% after the 1st of April.
We have changed email and is now [email protected]
As the government is supposed to be encouraging the general public, please think again and support the solar companies who are trying to get this system up and running.
Kit Forrest,
Why does the uk always do things in such a mad cap way. Cutting the tariffs at short notice just sends the industry and public into panic. Woeful management!! No one will mind if you do a 'u -turn on your u-turn'....
Daniel Mourne,
Nigel C Jones,
The present Goverment are not helping at all.
Fiona Cullen,
I really believe that collectively we need to do all we can to encourage and support a shift towards renewable energy for the sake of future generations.
Matt Bladon,
Is it cheaper to make 20000 unemployed than keep the tariff? It is the consumer paying for it not the government, why not let them have the say?
Cllr Colin Mann,
To suddenly cut this incentive to produce clean electricity, especially at extremely short notice, is a disgrace and goes against the professed green credentials of the Prime Minister
karen stewart,
Thaddeus Dell,
I feel very proud to work in the UK Solar Industry, I am dismayed by the action of the government to change policy at such a pace. Six weeks is a disgrace.
Melissa Brathwaite,
I support the ‘Cut, Don’t Kill’ campaign to stop the Government cutting Solar PV Feed-in Tariffs by 50%, which would devastate the solar power industry and jeopardise 25,000 jobs. I've worked too hard for this.
Paul Lewis,
I support the 'Cut, Don't Kill
mark ramsey,
We have been fortunate to have solar panels fitted - it would be devastating for the government to cut the Feed in tariffs by 50% which would kill the campaign
Richard Patrick,
Robin Dunning,
Please do not kill off the opportunity for so many to opt for probably the greenest for of energy creation this country is likely to see. This appears to be a cutting exercise purely for the sake of introducing yet another form of cutting exercises.
J Gburrek,
An industry growing and creating jobs outside the city apparently needs to be stopped by government...the mind boggles.
As my community centre is about to take up the offer and find the finance to fit solar panels I believe this will be devarstating to many
tony harding,
It really is the height of absurdity for a government that calls itself the 'greenest ever', and says it wants to promote growth, to deal such a massive blow to the solar power industry.
Susan Hannis,
Jane Lawson,
Dr K R Cooper,
Cutting the feed-in tariff by 50% is counter productive, wil slow any future takeup and cost jobs, and doing it by 12 December makes the consultation period laughable.
Tim Brew,
Laura England-Kerr,
I would like to know why my roof is unsuitable
25/30% was proposed don't make it more you will kill our industries the EU is doing enough without our Government helping!
Jos Mister,
We will need some of the people in the industry for maintenance of existing installations
Pam Jarrett,
I think the higher FIT should still be available to charities esp as funding streams are so reduced
I understand the needs to control costs but surely it is only reasonable this limited but significant number of contracts agreed before the Minister’s announcement (31 Oct ) are allowed to be completed i.e. installed and registered on the terms on which they were contracted -.that is, the current FIT rates for 25 years? It would be simple enough to supply a copy of contract date and or deposit receipt with the registration paperwork to facilitate this.
Valerie Callaghan,
We need to go green for the future of the planet. Go solar
Yvan Maurel,
Britain has been years beyond other European countries bringing in the FITs. It is absolutely TERRIBLE to consider cutting them already after just 6 months!!! Green jobs are needed, clean technology is needed. NOW
Shirley Miller,
Please do not cut the Feed in tariffs.I have already had mine fitted but would like to think more people will have the opportunity to do so.Also if it is cut so soon I think it will seriously damage the companys fitting them,who must already have stock in situ.
donald jolliffe,
mary whistance,
mr cameron needs to come on board now,he has asked electricity companies not to put up their charges - this is where solar will come into its own by saving people money on their electric bills and saving jobs for so many people it makes sense, the government claims to be green, now is the time to prove it is.
We have had solar power installed recently and are very glad we did so.
rediculous, short sighted cost cutting
Carolyn Cross,
Glyn Evans,
Cllr Allan Pritchard,
Leader of Caerphilly County Borough Council
pat sykes,
David Cameron has recently asked for a more robust approach to 'growth' and encourages ideas to come forward. The renewable energy industry is 'THE' growth idea to beat all others. What more evidence does Cameron need that the UK has the capacity to grow our way out of unemployment, for starters.
Roger Booth,
Peter Ansell,
This is not the time to cut the F I T as both installers and customers are doing their level best to reduce the carbon use and at the same time help to save money. The Gov't can and should re think their policy and give the industry every chance to provide people with a good and clean energy source
Paul Browne,
george richards,
You have done one U turn !
Now do another, bring back the Tariffs and the time scale, that you promised. You can always find plenty of money for other countries, now for Gods sake find some for your own people.
Keith Gregory,
Unfair and just plain rude in the current times. The government want to create jobs but in the other hand taken them away just as fast. The FIT was the first real scheme that helps both families and employers. Shame shame shame on you
Mark Macaskill,
Dave Blomfield,
Jane Smith,
Steve Dandy,
Lucy-Jo Tostevin,
To the government - This nation has trusted you and put you in power to do the best you can for our society/country. Use your position wisely! Help save our environment and our world, safeguard the solar and all renewable energy industries! This world is our responsibility and our future.
This is from the sign the petition page
Ken Peattie,
D H Tuck,
short sighted and ill timed policy which should be rethought
Victor Walsh,
Ian Hilbert,
Dont let the slashers wreck it for us all!
Anne Trezies,
The Government should think again as this would affect so many people but they just don't seem bothered.
I was planning solar panels but am now thinking twice a about it, what a shame
Jessica hughes,
This is a brilliant scheme that was just finding it's feet. Please don't squash it. It is in everyone's best interests to support it.
If solar energy is such an important part of the Governments re-usable energy campaign, why cut back now -why was the feed-in tariff set at this level in the first place? or was it just a sprat to catch a mackerel! Once we have signed up then the tariff can be reduced to suit politicians!!
just going to install panels but company to busy to fit befor start of next year
Richard Thomas,
Juliet Mansell,
I think this is an invaluable service to homeowners and can not believe that it is being withdrawn at a time when most people need assistance with fuel bills.
Michael Knight,
You know it makes sense..!
Matthew Hayter,
We try to be green then what do you do but pull out the rug from under us!
Seema Patel,
Solar is the way forward x
We try to be green then what do you do but pull out the rug from under us!
Sarah-Kate Beaumont,
Duncan Nocton,
Richard whistance,
cut the tariff but not so much and not so quik
Sharron Hardy,
Jennifer Robinson,
At a time whenthe cost of power is important it is sad to see the Solar Industry which provides green energy being affected by the cut in tarriffs,and making people out off work when there are already so many unemployed
I believe that solar energy will save the country Billions in the long term
Mrs S Richards,
It's crazy to cut Goverment Feed-In Tariff. Green energy is our future with great job opportunities in this climate.
Ian Hill,
rosa richards,
it is a no brainer - we need more renewable energy projects, and we need to support solar power to get it off the ground. we must prevent fuel poverty in these times of increasing energy prices. Solar power can provide resilience against price hikes, and help the UK become more self sufficient in energy generation and less dependent on importing energy or fuel. Also we should be decreasing our reliance on nuclear - the radioactive legacy it leaves is totally unacceptable.
F.C.M & P.D.Thomas,
Kim Davies,
R Frampton,
David hicks,
Chris Noakes,
Colin Milroy,
The Government don't have a clue do they!
James Dimmock,
Don't cloud the future now that, finally, the sun is beginning to shine on this renewable energy source!
Peter Slaney,
We entrust our future to our Government, and future is not limited to the next election year. We hold them in trust that to protect us and our children in perpetuity. Governments that only think of the next 4 years, will be remembered with shame when we look back on what we squandered.
rebecca archer,
Ian Bretherton,
Pam Norris,
The Government is showing that it is not really committed to reducing CO2
Robert Davis,
Alex king,
Faith Moulin,
Solar power for householders is an excellent way of reducing the need for more power stations. Why not the UK leading the world in solar technology at domestic scale? Create jobs, safeguard future for our children and grandchildren. Help the industry please, don't destroy it.
Valerie Sharp,
Felicity Norman,
Since the scheme was introduced in April last year there have been
> thousands of installations, the creation of nearly 4,000 new businesses
> and the generation of 22,000 new jobs, good news on all fronts, economic
> and enviromental. The cuts will halt this success story in its tracks and
> put businesses and jobs at risk.
> Here in Leominster our Community Solar project
> is
> threatened as the installers rush to beat the deadline of 12th December,
> having previously expected to have until April to be eligible.>Please don't put this and all the other solar projects, whether for individual homes or for communities, at risk.
Jenny Maxwell,
Solar is a low-carbon, independent of imports way of producing energy. It is madness to discourage it and sanity to encourage it.
Steve Watson,
roy bickley,
as an opotunity for cuting energy bills for pensioners as well as helping the enviroment Solar should be suported in every way posible for benifit of all.
Angie Lewis,
Anything that saves the public money, the government stops, think twice before you decide to cut this.
Desmond lees,
Mr R D Connett,
Dont kill a good scheme before it has had a chance!
Philip Allen,
Jim Howden,
Tony Redding,
john tayton,
At a time when renewable energy needs all the support and promotion possible this is a very backward step
Hamish Cormack,
Ian Gould,
Karen westcott,
michael robinson,
The uk has got a lot to do to catch up with germany why get cold feet now our power stations are getting old and with solar power we wont need to replace all of them
Robert Wood,
Jane Goodwin,
Janet Calderhead,
Don't destroy our solar future
john matthews,
Yasmin Dix,
David Jones,
graham hill,
surprised tories have not pointed out the loss to the solar world will be to the benefit of the EPC indusry. more jobs for the penpushers.
I do not think it should be cut by that amount the government has cut it by it will jeopardise jobs very fast then there will be more people signing on, as there are not that many jobs out there.
Christine Oxley,
Keep the sun shining on solar
Don't cloud our future
Rik Child,
Shattered by the latest news on the feed-in tarrifs - but should I be? Let’s be honest, there is no sign of this government being green and history shows the Tories will soon be handing yet more power to large private enterprise. Expect a wave of “big solutions” to the energy problem, like nuclear power stations etc….
Marsha Kepic,
To get more homes generating power, more time is needed with good support tariffs
Ian Davey,
W Phelps,
Mr V Palmer,
Bob Wolfson,
I think it is scandalous that the Government are taking away the benefits for solar heating
Martin Grimshaw,
For years the Tories banged on about creating a 'stable investment climate' for nuclear. The hypocrisy! The coalition government is shockingly out of touch. Do they not know that hundreds or thousands of new start up solar enterprises will now fail? People who have given up their lives for the last 3 years to make this work? As if it wasn't hard enough to start up a business with the paucity of support that exists. Community owned projects were looking to restore economic empowerment and energy sovereignty at a local level. Churches, youth clubs and schools were looking to survive via this scheme. Where I live, in Brighton, the council was looking to make up the shortfall in revenue, and avoid the worst of the cuts, with the help of solar PV on school roofs - and I imagine they weren't the only ones.
We were finally on the verge of a mild green revolution, after so many years of resistance to introducing the FiT;
all set to mitigate against long term (perhaps even short term) domestic fuel bills from spiralling out of control; which many would argue they already have.
The coalition has demonstrated itself to be the enemy of small business, of new enterprise, of community, of new green jobs, of empowerment of the vulnerable, and of the economy and planet itself.
I am embarrassed to be British. The coalition government can not be trusted. Greenest Government Ever my arse. As we head at full pelt toward runaway climate change: Most dangerous government ever?
Time for a general election.
Penny Wolfson,
We are benefitting from having solar PV panels fitted to our home this summer and saw this as a positive way to help towards meeting international targets to reduce carbon emissions. I am devastated by this Government's action, which threatens not only the solar power industry and the thousands of jobs which it has created, but also the future for our children and grandchildren.
Gareth Davies,
This proposal by the goverment will destroy the solar industry in 6 weeks. Costing jobs, lost revenue & will not conribute to any kind of sustainable future.
Mischa Nowicki,
Dave Armstrong,
Its outrageous to encourage the growth of solar and then kill it off once companies have invested time and energy. I will probably need to let upto four staff go as a direct result of this killing off of solar. It has severly embarrassed us with clients we have recommended solar to. These clients are not farming solar, they are merely trying to make a dent in their carbon emissions - all other government policy leads them to this (CRC etc).
Gregory Williams,
Dramatically cutting the rate paid via the very successful FIT scheme is hardly going to encourage more people to be green. I thought this was supposed to be the greenest government ever. Policies such as this, abolishing Cycling England, proposing motorway speed limit rises, and reducing the protections in the planning system all show that this is most certainly not the greenest government ever.
Simon Toft,
mr christopher bond,
Luke Cottle,
I work for a major company installing solar panels and if this cut comes in on the 12th dec there will be so many jobs going so close to Xmas. The feed in tariff has created around 25000 jobs and within a month there won't be just 25000 more people jobless. This cut is a joke and our government is a joke!
A balancing of the investment return makes sense but this proposal would kill off the industry. We want solar panels on as many roofs as possible. Can we ever trust this Government again
Lucy Pritchard,
Michele Kondakor,
iain hogg,
I am a surveyor in the solar industry, left a very good job to be involved in renewable energy. It now looks as if I will be made redundant if this crazy drop in the fits goes ahead.That could mean a loss of 65 jobs with my company, cut the fits to 33p on April 1st and let this thrieving industry continue.
m lawrence,
clare stack,
sue essex,
Dale fulker,
We need this to be stopped, otherwise thousands will be out of energy is the future so why ruin it before its fully taken off!!
C Wilson,
Ann & Derek Ashley,
The recent new deadline and drastic cut in FITs(far greater than warranted by reduction in costs of installation) is blatantly in breach of the governments avowed policies of job creation, green energy and the Big Society.
Kim Belding (Solar Creations),
Stop the change!
Alison Harrington,
Just returned from Germany. Government funded pv panels everywhere at no personal cost. Even on farm sheds and traffic islands!
Billy Greig,
I am absolutely disgusted by this governments decision to reduce the FIT so drastically, surely it would have been easier to cut the term from 25 years to 15 years and this would have kept one of the few growing industrys in the country alive.
Mrs Karon Brett,
Glynnis Hills,
look after the future!!!!!!!!!!
Mike Richards,
The disproportionate reduction in the FIT in response to falling component costs fails to recognise that these contribute only part of the total installation cost. In truth the scale of reduction actually reflects this government's weak and ineffectual energy policies. The decommissioning of generating capacity in the next decade, climate change and international competition for energy should be galvanising policy and action, and in particular development of sustainable energy sources. We owe it to future generations.
Tony Waite,
Tony Waite - Director @ SolarLex.
Cut dont Kill !!!
sandra maddox,
cutting the tariff by half is bad enough but to make the cut off point december is terrible. this should be extended by at least 3 months and the tarrif cut in stages. first 10% then 20% etc. give people a chance to get the free panels up and running and so that the companies fitting them dont go down the pan!!!!
Madness - is this a sell out to the big 5 to get the reduction in energy bills DC promised?
Mark McCluggage,
21p/kWh - this cut is to far, to soon, to quick. I was injured serving this country in Afghanistan. Then invested all my time and money in to starting a new company installing Solar PV. Now I'm unsure of the state the PV industry will be in next year. I wish I had never bothered starting a new business in such uncertain economic times. How are we going to grow our economy out of this mess if there is no consistency or support for company's; in what was a new and growing industry! At lease make renewables 0 VAT rated, this would be a small start.
James Gilbert,
We are going back to the 80's again!!! Arghhhh!!!
Stan Mason,
Jeremy Whittingham,
An orderly reduction would guarantee jobs and not nip a small business in the bud.
Nick Christoforou,
Sandy Jackson,
Paul Bosworth,
"The reason why Germany is so far ahead of us is because they have a system of what they call feed-in tariffs." David Cameron October 2009
John Bentley,
How is it that removing government schemes happen quickly, but adopting new schemes takes for ever or not at all....!!! What happened about reducing the carbon footprint, good talk now do the walk..!!
John Wheeler,
Jasmine Palmer,
Ken Dorning,
Please Mr Barker look at what you are about to do and be very sure who will be to blame, don't be a scapegoat, be a hero
Heriberto de Elio,
Why to smash a sector that has not suffer that much during the recession and has been growing until now?
Jean Smith,
Self motivated electricity = awareness, savings in energy use.
Tariffs for every suitable home should be a norm/compulsory
altaf patel,
Alex Kennedy,
Stop tinkering with a fledgling industry and start being serious about what can be achieved with careful planning and foresight.
Caroline Grierson,
Sarah Clarke,
Norman Taylor,
Just another example of governmental incompetence. Do they ever think things through properly?
Ryan Dolan,
Andy Letts,
Solar energy is the future, don't nip it in the bud!!
Simon Cook,
Why is it proposed to rush through this retrograde legislation when so much good is coming from it?
There are so many elements to this cut.
- The elctricity companies having to pay the FiT and still making £125 per customer profit - for which they get caned. Then they hire powerful lobbyist into making policy for the government.
- The 'free solar' installers rubbing the government up the wrong way and profiteering (who can blame them).
- The goverment wanting to be fairer to the have nots - who are fuding the have's FiT payments.
- The nett effect is seen locally by the council shelving their plan to make all their buildings (Council, Schools, hospices etc) greener - it is no longer certain to be cost effective.
However you look at it decimating a fledgling industry is not a good way to go about this.
ron maplesden,
Energy from our SUN!
Jonathan Melhuish,
The FiT needs to fall in line with falling costs - no more, no less. This cut will kill the UK solar industry before it really began
Pete Bursnall,
james hislop,
This can not happen this will cripple yet another industry put hundreds out of work and put back britain in our green quest
Philip Baldwin,
PLEASE Don't waste any more time and money in arguing about it,, get on and put in place a proper policy for prioritising SOLAR power in this country's future programme, for our and future families' sakes, and our national prosperity,
Felicity Gibling,
I am disgusted by this ridiculous, short-sighted, small-minded government action to hit the solar power industry and green energy generation. This is such an important initiative to encourage renewable energy generation so simply and quickly, to create jobs, to help to stimulate growth in the economy. It makes no sense whatsoever to take this action to cut solar power and thereby threaten the industry, as well as cripple small businesses. It is appalling that we are at the mercy of our politicians in this way, when it must be obvious that we NEED to generate energy in different ways for the future. This is a simple and cheap way to do this, as well as encourage small business and create jobs. It makes me furious.
How can a responsible government put at risk 25000 jobs? Seems to be more about party politics than the costs.
The the big 6 energy companies must be pretty pleased that distributed generation is about to take a big knock.
A cut too far - half this cut would be OK and cost reflective.
Cllr Jason Kitcat,
This doesn't just jeopardise green industry and jobs, it risks plans to support local councils as they face cuts; and reduce bills for council tenants.
Peter Milne,
The government should encourage every house in UK to instal solar panels as being a far more effective way (and much more popular) than intrusive wind farms. CO2 emissions would be cut and the FIT should be seen as rent for additional electricity production capacity.
Graham Pike,
Carey Glyn-Jones,
Apart from the fact that this sudden and ill-thought change to the FITs is an example of very poor management procedure by the government it will endanger the very real progress that the country is making towards the government's stated aims of reaching carbon neutrality. Solar technology is a field in which the UK is excelling and providing much needed employment. DON'T ENDANGER THIS PROGRESS!
one of the renewable sources is being withdrawn and this is sad!
David L Smith,
rose manns,
this should be encouraged wholeheartedly not stamped on
Timothy Goodall,
Steph Abiva,
Please keep this scheme going, at least for a little while longer. It is unfair that you have made such a sudden cut.
Giles Boardman,
The cuts are to much and a ridiculaslly short notice of the changes.
Ann butterworth,
keep the solar energy panels coming don,t cut the subsidies.
mike shoring,
How SHOCKING. This is already becoming a serious crime against the future environment. This governments crime against humanity. HERE COMES THE SUN. These BLUE MEANIES cannot stop us. We will see them in some future courtroom being judged for crimes against their own grandchildren.
We have so much optimism. Hey you schoolboy politicians. Listen to the people. Find some WISDOM.
What a way to incourage people to go renewable I dont think!
Pat Sanchez,
What hypocrisy for the government to boast it was going to be the greenest ever! Even more hypocritical to claim it supports small businesses. If they were genuine about wanting to combat climate change and wanting to protect small businesses they would increase their support for home generation, not axe it.
DaVid slate,
Stuart James,
Tim Beecher,
We desperately need to encourage these self-sufficient, clean, renewable energy systems, not stop it in its tracks at this critical time!
Rachel Western,
It was pretty obvious that there would be a move to bring the rate down - so I invested in PVs as soon as I could. I am sorry for those who will 'miss the boat'; for those who may lose their jobs; and the setback to the production of clean renewable energy and its development.
Steve Unwin,
The proposed sudden reduction in FITS is very unfair on those planning a PV installation before April 2013, even more so onthose whao have already committed and may not be able to complete by December. It also risks serious damage to the growing PV installation industry and halting all the progress made on expanding the use of PV as a sustainable power source.
Phyl Carter,
Please reconsider this retrograde step for the sake of future generations and the entire planet.
Richard Linnell,
An organised method of determining future rates needs to be introduced. The German model would be a good start.
A Clinton,
This cut is too much too soon; everyone thought a cut to 37p/kWh or thereabouts was coming in March. It creates a terrible panic for installers and potential customers, and does nothing to create trust in government's support for small businesses. AC
I fully agree
Simon Short,
I seem to remember some lovely promises.
So, what happened?
We need energy from 'Renewables' even more now than we did when you made those promises.
Backing solar will drive development in solar technologies (which has already happened to an extent) and will help wean us off of fossil. It will also make a significant contribution to the UK's emissions target.
Martyn Lowe,
Julia Riddell,
Rosemary Wickstead,
Colin Spokes,
This cut will affect many elderly people on fixed incomes, already hit by the high increases to their fuel bills from the energy supply companies.
we were hoping to have our own solar pv panels fitted in February next year in time for the March deadline but now it doens't look financially viable so we probably won't be able to do it.
linda jones,
David Green,
I have had solar panels fitted already, but you must play fair and let everyone have a chance to feel like they are doing something for our planet.
The 12 December deadline does not reflect the lead times involved in developing projects and this had led to financial losses for my company which intended to develop projects across its 10 business premises.
Francis Mahon,
Too large a cut in FIT at this stage, the industry needs more time to take and for PV panels and inverter unit prices to fall,
Geraldine Graham,
Charles Berry,
Bob Widdowson,
Surely we should be celebrating the increased take up of solar power. The contribution it makes to reducing carbon and emissions and at the same time supporting a new industry and new jobs is a win, win. Killing success is a strange way of encouraging sustainable growth.
The solar industry and our customers rely on stable and transparent policy, not boom and bust instability.
Adam Broadway,
Why hasn't the govenment worked out the huge cost it will incur by slowing down a new emerging industry and making an estimated 15,000 people unemployed?
Gareth Rosser,
My Job on the line support the growing industry not kill.
A devastaing decision by a stupid Government. It will put jobs at risk and cause businesses to flounder.
Leila Dinari,
Lewis Ames,
This revolutionary form of power is in its infancy and green targets cannot be met if this support from the government is cut now. The Isle of Wight is one of the sunniest part of the UK and it would therefore be a pity not to be able to contribute to the national grid. Please reconsider the cuts at least for all the people who have been given installation dates.
This is coming in far too soon. They should have been a much longer consultation. This government never seems to consult before making changes. Look at the mess they left the RDAs in the changeover process. Extend the deadline.
Sue Phillips,
I have been saving up to put PVs on my roof now I can't afford to do so as the pay back will be so much longer.
Susan Horsman,
As chair of a local environmental charity, and working in the environmental field, I am aware of the devastating nature of the proposed cuts. Most damaging of all to the promotion of renewable energy is the short notice given for these cuts. Installing solar panels is expensive, and not something that people want to rush into. A large number of people who have been considering installing solar panels for some time now are now in the position that, without warning, they will no longer be able to get the higher feed-in tariff, as installers became booked up until 12th December within about a day of the announcement.
In addition, people wanting to install before this deadline are often being offered lower quality panels (as the installers are running out of the higher quality panels), and are being charged a higher price than they were before the announcement.
As someone involved with advising members of the public about solar panels, I feel that this drastic a cut, and particularly with such short notice, is very damaging to the solar industry and to people's faith in the government, given that the public was led to believe that the higher feed-in tariff would be available for anyone installing panels before the end of March.
I think that this will result in far fewer people installing panels. I think that any reductions in the feed-in tariff should be more gradual, and that the public should be given considerably more notice of any changes.
Chris Samples,
Susan Horsman,
Please enter an optional comment:
As chair of a local environmental charity, and working in the environmental field, I am aware of the devastating nature of the proposed cuts. Most damaging of all to the promotion of renewable energy is the short notice given for these cuts. Installing solar panels is expensive, and not something that people want to rush into. A large number of people who have been considering installing solar panels for some time now are now in the position that, without warning, they will no longer be able to get the higher feed-in tariff, as installers became booked up until 12th December within about a day of the announcement.
In addition, people wanting to install before this deadline are often being offered lower quality panels (as the installers are running out of the higher quality panels), and are being charged a higher price than they were before the announcement.
As someone involved with advising members of the public about solar panels, I feel that this drastic a cut, and particularly with such short notice, is very damaging to the solar industry and to people's faith in the government, given that the public was led to believe that the higher feed-in tariff would be available for anyone installing panels before the end of March.
I think that this will result in far fewer people installing panels. I think that any reductions in the feed-in tariff should be more gradual, and that the public should be given considerably more notice of any changes.
Do not display name on website:
David Lockie,
Anna Guyer,
Solar is our future
Simon Bottrell,
Toddington Harper,
The costs of Solar Photovoltaic Energy are falling faster than any other generation technology - renewable or otherwise. It's such a versatile and popular technology that will reach Grid Parity in only a few years - let's make the UK at the forefront of the global solar energy revolution!!!
Howard Johns,
Chairman Solar Trade Association
It really is time to start taking solar seriously and investing in growing a serious UK industry.
rob wells,
Sally Guyer,
You claim to be the greenest government this country has ever had. What happens here influences other countries - like Chile where there are plans to justify environmental destruction in Patagonia in the name of hydro electricity when solar power is totally viable in Chile. If countries like Chile see the UK using solar power, there is more chance of it being used there.
David Hampton,
Nuclear is so passee.
Renewables are so clearly (and cleanly) the future.
Robin Dally,
Will John Duckworth,
Robin Brittain,
James Wortley,
Vivienne Sims,
Danielle Sims,
Chris Rowland,
OVESCO is an Industrial & Provident Society which has just raised over £300,000 via a community share issue for a 98kW (544 PV panels) on the roof of the towns brewery called Harveys. A return on investment will be paid via the FiTs to our 220+ community share holders. This will be the largest PV project fully financed by a community share issue in the UK. With the right incentives this project could be repeated at other sites in the UK engaging the public in local decentralize power generation see
Robert Ellis,
John Mustarde,
This technology must be seen for what it is, a revolutionary form of power generation, cheaper, more reliable and longer lasting than anything else.
Please don't kill off the industry whilst it is still fledging!
Nigel Beale,
You know it makes sense.
So just do it, please.
Timothy Mullen,
David Connor,
Chris Ponton,
Georgia Cooksey,
Alice Cambata,
Cathy Newitt,
Think of our childrens futures. Cleaner futures.
Tim Saunders,
Thomas Ellis-Jones,
The benefits are huge and due to continuing technological advances these will become greater still.Do not let this shining light of renewable energy fade .
Jonathan Scurlock, National Farmers Union,
Farmers are ready and willing to contribute to national energy security and job creation in the low-carbon economy. NFU members and their development partners have already begun to invest in solar PV projects from small to large scale on the basis of existing government policy.
Ben Hart,
Mike Jones,
Helen Daniel,
Meraud Ferguson Hand,
Mary Rayner,
Solar power is a relatively easy way for community owned renewable energy enterprises to start generating an income and start the path to more challenging energy generation and saving measures. We need government to show much greater support for this technology.
I feel more than frustrated that the goverment doesnt want to put there support towards a cleaner future.
Richard Holmes,
cathie higginson,
Thankyou for looking after future generations
Laura whitfield,
Alex Fornal,
Be the Greenest Governement Ever and capture the global opportunity that is solar PV. You will be judged in 2-3 years time on that basis.
Jon Walker,
How about actually living up to your pledge to be the Greenest Ever government and Support Solar!
David Owen, Solar Power Portal,
It is time that the government woke up to the fact that we, the public, do not want and from reading this report, do not need, dirty or unsafe forms of energy generation. Make ours a solar future.
Gavin Tester,
Joanna Franks,
Robert Curry,
the greenest government ever, time to put your money where your mouth is and back solar!
Chris Brock,
Let's become world leaders in what has to be the next revolution. Britain has to keep ahead of the game in this fast developing world.
Tom Greeves,
The storage of energy generated by solar is important to cover the time when the Sun is not available, ie. behind clouds or at night. This can be achieved in a variety of ways but must not be overlooked.
Doug Harris,
It's obvious, solar capture and ground-sourced heat are the two best options within a suite of renewables.
Mark Hamilton,
paul woolley,
Oil will run out, price of oil will rise higher, oil companies get richer...all of this is a given, but so is the Sun, its going to out last Oil, Oil companies and us mere Humans, so why let it go to waste. The Sun has been a massive factor on humans. We have worshipped it, given it God status and built Temples for it, so why cant a 21st Century Government harness it to provide power for the people that they serve.
Add some Green colour to your Blue party and you get a bright Sunny Yellow glow to your legacy.
Gareth Hopkins,
We should be investing more in Solar and Wind and making sure that we buy all of the parts from the UK to boost our economy
The difference between UK and German plans for installed capacity in 2020 is remarkable. But what can that tin pot failed industrial nation teach us about how to create jobs and run a sustainable economy?
Nick Pascoe,
Solar PV electricity represents globally a shift of internet revolution proportions in power generation, yet the UK Govt. believes it is some sort of hobby pastime. WAKE UP and allow the UK to grow a significant sector like many other nations are successfully building.
Graeme Hewson,
Dr Gerry Wolff,
A report by Versicherungsforen Leipzig GmbH, a company that specialises in actuarial calculations, shows that if the nuclear industry were to insure fully against the costs of a nuclear disaster, the price of nuclear electricity would rise to 2.36 Euros per kWh, far beyond the cost of any other source of electricity (see ).
“From the U.S. to Japan, it’s illegal to drive a car without sufficient insurance, yet governments around the world choose to run over 440 nuclear power plants with hardly any coverage whatsoever.” Washington Post, 21 April 2011 (in “As Fukushima bill looms, nations weigh dilemma: nuclear plants viable only when uninsured”).
A recent report by the Union of Concerned Scientists shows that government subsidies to the nuclear power industry over the past fifty years have been so large in proportion to the value of the energy produced that in some cases it would have cost taxpayers less to simply buy kilowatts on the open market and give them away.
Connie Hedegaard, the EU commissioner for climate change, has stated publicly that offshore wind power is cheaper than nuclear power (see ).
jill gough,
Nuclear is most certainly not the way forward either. To be truly 'Green' you also need to address the fantasy of 'economic growth' - not only oil is finite but all of the resources on our wonderful planet. We need to change our values and think differently if we are serious about making a good future for all the world's children - and grandchildren.
Richard Mills,
Pat Armstrong,
We desperately need all our alternative energy sources in a world of increasing global warming, increasing political instability, and increasing pollution. We need a combination of these sources to avoid being 'held hostage' by someone whose politics we do not like in another country suddenly raising the price of energy way above what we can afford - and a brief study of history has shown us that that is all too possible.
We need to provide our own energy - solar power is a vital part of that self-preservation strategy, and will reduce pollution and global warming. Act now.
Matilda Lee,
Please support community solar!
Terry Richter,
If the Government is so keen to be green, why can’t it fully, or even partially, fund the installation of solar PV panels on all suitable school roofs? It would create maybe 500MW of capacity. It would provide a nationwide boost to the nascent solar energy industry. The schools might be allowed to benefit from the feed-in tariff income. Schools are already in centres of population, so no new power lines would be needed. The visual stimulus would enthuse whole new generations of youngsters about renewable energy sources. And it could start tomorrow. Have I missed something?
Derrick Knight,
Jim Gillespie,
Successive UK governments need to abandon their fixation with nuclear power and wake up to the fact that renewable energy not only makes sense but is the vital next step the world needs to make if we are to achieve affordable, sustainable energy for all.
Said Bijary,
robert woodland,
we should be investing in solar power throughout the uk and create much needed jobs in the green industry.
Richard Hitchcock,
Linda Rogers,
Kate Wood,
Even if you don't care about the environment this is a golden opportunity for the UK to regain the lost ground since closing down our industries. Like Germany we also could be world leaders in clean, safe, cheap energy. We have the brains - all we need is the political will. Thank you kate Wood
Chris Eaton,
Why not actually encourage people by introducing a scheme similar to the scrappage scheme where the govt provide a contribution to the setup costs. Also commision an independent study of what the costs SHOULD be for a P.V. installation, before all the door-to-door pirates bump the prices up like they did when double-glazing first appeared.
Timothy Colbourn,
Jill Perry,
Please don't delay any more, let all sizes of solar flourish.
Norman Pasley,
sioned huws,
Solar is safe, cheap energy for generations to come. Nuclear is dangerous, expensive energy and Britain should follow Germany's lead and close down old nuclear power stations and halt any further development of nuclear power.
Liz Kent,
It is vital that we continue to plan and prepare now for a sustainable green energy future. We should be training people in solar technology, and we should be supporting the manufacturing renaissance in UK that is needed to produce the equipment. We should be installing solar panels where they can provide most benefits - for schools, hospitals, businesses and other places that use energy in the daytime. We have skilled workers that need work, investors looking for green projects to invest in, and factories that could be working for UK Solar Energy. Let's get going now!
Sylvie Smallwood,
Robbie Corcoran,
mark bowden,
Marco Poliafico,
Dr Thomas Lankester,
Plans to scale back support for larger (non-greenfield) installations will hinder community-level involvement and the development of utility scale capacity whilst ignoring the cost effectiveness of larger schemes.
To alleviate the high unemployment levels, could you invest in training for the installation of all green energies, especially solar.
Nicola Shepherd,
This is a travesty, a real retrograde step, we need to follow Ye example of Germany.
Tides and waves can yield reliable harmless power. Why not develop that too?
Bruce J. Mitchell, Mitchellsolar.,
I have designed a solar format that keeps the solar power costs in the community, speak to Ray Noble. I have had extensite conversations with Ray Noble, Tim German Cornwall Council and Mat Hastings at The Eden Project and all the entities have agreed to get my system up and running, signed, Bruce Mitchell ph01189497582.
Beyond Building Solar,
Gabrielle Patrick,
Abigail McKern,
We have to think LONG TERM to survive!
Jonathan Cogzell,
John Blower,
The job dividend to the UK of solar energy is far higher than for fossil fuel or nuclear. Higher short term costs are therefore offset in part by the benefits kept within the UK economy.
Having just installed PV on my house, I fail to understand your reasons for reducing the FiT for larger installations; regulate to limit the city speculators by all means, but don't limit truly motivated groups, farmers and others from helping to move the technology and its application forward.
Too much money went in the past, and is still going, into centralised systems like nuclear; we now have to spend even more on cleaning up the waste. Solar makes little waste (grranted manufactring must take place) so let's see sense and move forward. After all, even the Germans have seen sense, let's not them get to this beach first as well!
Jo Taylor,
Marit Parker,
This needs to be in combination with a Smart Grid (no huge pylons!) and other locally-owned renewable power sources (ie community energy projects, eg Settle Hydro )
JHS Solar Solutions Ltd,
Jos Reuleaux,
Kim Eyckmans,
Solar energy is our future!
Marcel Landman,
Lorraine Haskell,
Let the UK be the leader and an example in Solar Power , lets shut down nuclear power plants.
Manu Jans,
Jan Kwakkel,
Remember: no CO2, no melt downs and no pollution during generation.
René Blickman,
Cyrille Bertrand,
Harold Vogels,
Jonathan Bates,
Suzy Lennox,
Olaf van der Sar,
Do not allow EDF to continue routinely discharging tons of CO2 into the atmosphere from Hinkley Point nuclear site. Close down the AGR reactors immediately. Rule out new nuclear build. Replace it with wind, wave, tidal power and the Severn Barrage.
David Maclean,
We need to transfer some of the public funding away from the overabundance of wind farm investment to both solar and tidal power which have a natural and 100% reliable cycle which can be easily managed within the power distribution network. In addition the solar PV power generation installations are delivering power direct to the consumers which will help to reduce the long term investment requirements for national power distribution networks. A win - win - win situation!
Elen Huws,
Kim Austin,
klaus frietsch,
in full support, a great opportunity is going astray if the UK Gov goes ahead as planned. the market will die in its infancy. it is as bleak as stated by many observers from different sources.
Kathrin Eichhorst,
We need to reorganise our energy system.
Please do it now.
Nigel Dent,
Solar PV is the clean energy low carbon local solution to reducing green house gases.
Nik Hilton,
This is the human species opportunity to solve its energy crisis by directly harnessing the sun in much the same way the rest of Nature works. Look at the computer revolution and what we are capable of achieving!
Lets show the world how to lead with solar power and that we are genuinely worthy of our title 'Great Britain'!
Lee Chambers,
tim lyddon,
Danny Grimson,
Neil M Smith,
Jan Sisson,
Emma Hughes,
Giles Bristow,
Carbon Leapfrog galvanizes professional support around carbon reducing initiatives - for free. Community groups and investors alike require policy certainty if grass-roots projects are to succeed. This is a crucial time for community projects, early successes need to become mainstream if the benefits of behavioural change associated with community renewable energy deployment are to be realised. This sector - at the heart of the BIG SOCIETY - requires enabling policy to help reduce the significant barriers to community energy. Our plea is to keep it simple, effective and long-term.
Ruth Wharton,
A Big Society is only possible with decentralised power generation and solar is currently the only meaningful way to hand power to the people. Invisible hands ignore invisible emissions...
Justin Woolford,
J Ewans,
Invest now, benefit for a 100 years.
Andrew Reeves,
Michael Calderbank,
Paul Slater,
Allister Muir,
The future is solar!
William Jenkins,
Solar power is a vital part of the renewable energy mix. We need government to lead the way and create the conditions for getting ahead. Britain PLC should be researching, making and exporting solar.
Thurstan Crockett,
Local government wants the solar revolution to get going, not stop-start and stop again. Please listen to the industry but also all the other people who want to make it happen right across the UK.
Editha Campbell,
Glyn Thomas,
Dan Broadbent,
Alban Thurston,
I'd be fascinated to study HM Treasury's rationale for including FITs in the Comprehensive Spending Review. FITs never were a tax, and yield funds freely applicable to all public expenditure. Instead they are a focussed, hypothecated levy, of minimal impact (around £10 a year per electricity account by 2030). The £860 million figure 'pot' proclaimed by DECC is an entirely artificial figure, with no basis in honour. It's voodoo arithmetic, such as Chris Huhne's claim on C4 News that 50kWp systems amount to 1,500 homes-worth of electricity. The true number is 20 homes-worth.
Jennifer Tunstall,
At the risk of appearing to be discourteous,please get off your backsides and push solar anergy in the U.K.
David M. Davison,
Matthew Maeer,
James Helliwell,
Leave fits alone for big schemes until the proper review date next April, get a good foundation of a few large solar schemes to bring prices of solar hardware down and offset a lot of CO2 very quickly, it will also trigger employment and investment in associated industries, R&D, construction etc.
ian crosher,
Frans van Schoor,
Tom Harlow,
Shaun Gavigan,
Mary Smith,
This is a sustainable alternative to nuclear energy. We still have no idea how to deal with nuclear waste safely.
Damian Tow,
Please help us launch the UK's largest community-owned solar array in Brighton by allowing communities to have a higher favourable FiT (eg. 300kW) via a 'community test' linked to the organisation's legal structure.
Tony Major,
Will Cottrell, Brighton Energy Co-op,
Wiebina Heesterman,
Our son has 14 Sharp solar panels on his roof. He generated 2517 KwH since 10 june 2011. If every new builkding was provided with integrated solar panels on southfacing roofs, and home owners encouraged to invest in solar panels, this would ease the UK's energy needs considerably, and encourage a home-grown green industry
A M Bowater,
Let common sense prevail!
Liz Shepherd,
Mathew Taylor,
Roisin Robertson,
By propping up the new Nuclear plans your Government is condemning future generations to dirty and death-giving energy. To give people control- with solar - over their energy generation is a positive policy..better for posterity than the approach your Gov't is now taking.
Simon Heaton,
Joseph Jackson,
Just think how much you could save by dumping the nuclear so called deterrent.The time has come to invest in saving the planet and not in things that could destroy it.
Tracey Essery,
Lily Dai,
Tim Smith,
Barry Johnston,
Solar pays back its embodied and operational energy five to ten times over its lifetime. Few other microgeneration technologies get close to this level of success.
Angela Horsley,
Anne Rickard,
Nuclear is a complete NO-NO. It is totally unacceptable to leave future generations to deal with our selfish contamination, so come on, plug into the sun!
anna thorne,
Simon Vickers,
This is one of the easiest ways to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet and reduce the need for geoengineering. Please support Solar and push as much as you can for renewable and non poluting energy systems, you must realise that what is going on now is not constructive for our civilisation and that things need to really change. Gold isn't everything.
Paul Verbinnen,
Think energy security.
cheryl buxton-sait,
Thomas MacGillivray,
Secure our future energy needs, support SOLAR
Ali Abbas,
Why gamble on dirty, dangerous nuclear when we can have clean, safe solar?
Will Greener,
Alex H,
It is blinkered not to support more solar in the UK. It is viable, deployable and needed. Sort it out!
Sam Wilberforce,
Let us stop exporting carbon-intensive manufacturing to China and start making real cuts in our carbon useage
Ali Edgley,
Natalie McCallum,
Ramping up solar in the UK will create many much-needed new jobs and boost the economy, will help us reach our EU carbon reduction targets and most importantly, will form part of the energy solution for our children and future generations without exploiting dwindling natural resources. Immediate action is needed based on the benefits of a long-term strategy. Short-term quick fixes are not the way forwards and will not appease the public whose understanding and support for these issues is growing daily.
Victor Snook,
Robert Irving,
Susan Moore,
Only solar energy on a commercial scale can make a quick and meaningful difference to renewable energy generation in this sector. It has much less visual impact than wind energy and should be easier to achieve through the planning process than windfarms which attract so much local opposition. Withdrawal of the FIT for comercial sites has thrown this new industry into disarray and stifled private investment in this sector.
Ian Gardner,
Richard Waddell,
The 'Key Findings' outlined on the Ecologist website are a startling indication of why the green energy industry should be driven by central government. At the Birmingham City Council 'Growing Green' Exhibition 2011, Prof. Carl Chinn outlined the economic and social opportunities provided by green energy production and central government should make this a priority to ensure the UK lead the world in sustainable energy production.
Chris meacock,
Peter Grech,
Matt Stavrou,
Rachel Butler,
Julie Gibbons,
Jamie Johnson,
Sue Everett,
While I do not agree with rural solar farms on greenfield sites (and believe it was right for the government to stop supporting these), it is cost effective to support large scale installations for schools, business parks and maybe as 'solar tunnels' along roads and railways (Belgium has just started producing energy from solar panels over several km of railway track - used to power the railway). Please think out of the box and see the potential for both renewable energy and supporting green construction and jobs.
Richard Williams,
It is locally focused micro-generation solutions that will deliver a sustainable future as well as many jobs and economic benefits. The other emphasis needs to be on reducing demand through better insulation, building/product design and encouraging behavioural change.
Kathleen Archibald,
Anna Robertson,
Richard Pagett,
It is essential to our future energy security that this shortsighted approach announced today is reversed
jeremy melhuish,
Please David this technology is vital for our economic future as well as our children's environmental future
Will South,
Brian Leslie,
Philippa Mitchell,
Chris Mack,
Simon Wragg,
I have spent the last two years learning this industry, its benefits and it pitfalls, the only barrier holding it back in the UK is Government policy and the lack of true facts available to the public for both the additional costs and risks of other technologies (such as nuclear in terms of decommissioning and storage of harmful waste) verses the benefits of solar 9and other renewable technology). Its seems that the government would rather back the big boys than support change for the good.
reuben wilkinson,
what's wrong with this goverment? a solution is sitting there to solve our energy problem, meet our CO2 commitments, and create a new industry and many thousands of jobs. The Germans can see that, and are creating a global industry on the back of it. Whats wrong with you? commit this country to a future and stop being so pathetic, gutless and non commital. you are a disgrace to the unemployed, anyone who can see the vital need for a stable future climate, and anyone business who have already risked investing in solar. You are in power to represent the people of the UK, not your donors.
Wayne More,
Why do successive governments in this country refuse to take meaningful action to combat the ever increasing problem of climate change.
Ronnie Persad,
I would like the government to embrace the solar electronics industry and smart grid integration for enhancing cleantech solar solutions with UK branding.
Full capital and revenue cost approaches to energy costings in the UK would help everyone see the full range of options now open to moving towards a sustainable future.
Barbara Smith,
There is very little support coming from the Government at any level bar the Feed In Tariff. But if the general public is unaware they exist solar will not be in demand.
Rob Holloway,
Prof Daniel Nocera believes it's the way to go!
Claire Spencer,
The government's concerns ought to be related to how you promote domestic and community microgeneration, not how you cap a burgeoning market. We can't wait for oil to be priced out of reach before we figure out how to live by using less of it.
Mark Roberts,
Please do not destroy this industry before it has even gathered pace. I have put everything on the line to start my solar business which is now creating jobs for others and raising awareness in our community about the importance of been green
Laura Freeman,
Rea Cris,
Stop thinking profit and start thinking resilience.
Simon Judd,
Stop trying to pretend that nuclear and incineration are renewable and start backing real renewable energy.
June Birch,
Solar can provide 30% of our energy needs by 2020. Ordinary people love the idea, you can use it on roofs of community buildings. It won't produce another Fukushima. You can't guarantee that with nuclear energy, which you are giving a windfall to.
malcolm buteux,
Jessica Bevers,
Tony Stone,
We owe it to the next generation to get on this.we are already 10 years behind germany.we should be ashamed of ourselves!!
gareth george,
Nick Christoforou,
Marion Balke,
Solar is one of the ways people can resonsibilty for their own consumption and to bring money into a community
Paul Stallard,
Sue Lister,
Nuclear power is costly and dangerous and its waste poisons future generations. Common sense dictates we use safe renewable green energy instead.
Tom Tranter,
Germana Canzi,
We need the energy security and the job creation that solar can bring to this country. Forget your nuclear dream - other countries are getting rid of it, including engineering powerhouse Germany but also many others who never had it and manage to keep the lights on perfectly well. Focus on what people really want and need in order to transform their homes and communities.
Jennifer Wrenn,
Solar energy is safe and proven technology. It requires investment to bring it to the next level of production. Nuclear energy using uranium is a by-product of the arms industry and totally unsafe for meeting the needs of our energy supply in the future.
Today we can no longer buy green tea from Japan - contaminated by uranium radiation - please ditch hazardous uranium and invest in a safe solar future.
Other European countries like Germany are leading the way - investing in safe solar and other renewable energy sources - don't let UK be left behind.
Elena Guidorzi,
Paul van der Linden,
David Sully,
Solar energy could not encapsulate the essence of the 'big society' more by empowering people to take an active part in a low carbon future. Please do not shy away from this opportunity Solar energy works!
Please give some certainty into planning for 2012 - 2013
Solar is clean and there is a lot of it! Quite simple.
Richard Kelley,
The U.K.'s indigenous fossil fuel resources are becoming depleted and costly to extract.
Overseas sources are increasingly expensive and unreliable.
Greenhouse gas emissions are rising.
We need to create jobs for all kinds of people.
Let's do something positive. Please help Solar to flourish at all scales, from parking meters to fields.
Philip Taylor,
I realise, as Prime Minister, you have a difficult path to tread between business,
which wants perpetual growth, and the rest of us, who need static or reduced consumption to ensure a habitable environment. As a small island state, Britain
needs leadership from representatives of us all, not only from those that have
your ear. Assuming you are not compromised by conflicts of interest, please
make the right and brave decisions now!
deborah kelly,
The govt should do all its can to support alternative energy for homewoners and business.
Mike Middleton,
Geoff Naylor,
Don't hide our light under a bushel!
John Thomason,
We need PV rather than nuclear. We may not have tsunamis and earthquakes, but what about a war. If they bomb pv panels that's tough. If they knock over our wind turbines, we will have to put them up again. If they bomb our nuclear power stations they will destroy us all. Solar is safe, lets go for it.
Bryan Bond,
I remember the conversion to North sea gas in the 60's. It created jobs and manufacturing oportunities at that time. Solar would create similar growth in UK industries whilst producing huge savings. The roof space is available throughout Britain and the sun will not run out. Mr Cameron the train is leaving let us be on it?
Solar PV Tech, Devon,
Mark Straver,
Jodie Allen,
Bryn Davies,
Even my 10 year old son knows solar power=common sense. This is our's and our children's future world that is getting wrecked beyond redemption. 'Let them eat cake' won't work!
Wicki Nielsen,
Free renewable energy for millions of years to come. Why would anyone use fossil fuel that harms our Earth??
Heather Golden,
Mr A Bateman,
Manjul Rathee,
Graham Lingley,
Amanda Barry-Hirst,
The sun is our very own nuclear reactor, except without all the worrying bits - let's use it.
Karen Varga Green Party,
All energy production has costs to the planet and people, but solar is one of the better ones. Reduction in consumption is a very important part of a strategy - but at the moment we don't seem to have one! To give our children and grandchildren a future with some of the comforts we currently enjoy we must make changes - and making solar available to many, especially those on low incomes and in danger of suffering fuel poverty is important for many people in this country (and around the world).
Rowena Corner,
Jeff Mountford,
Mr Steve Aylott,
Jonathan Roby,
Remember what you promised 'the greenest government ever'
Helen Munro,
Fiona Shukie,
Solar and wind power are the only renewable, clean and sustainable options. Solar now means we can provide a future for our children.
Jamie Hossack,
We all should be a lot more responsible for conserving our environment. You were elected by the people to act on behalf of the people, it's about time you start to listen to us. WE DONT WANT 2 MORE NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS IN THE UK Courtesy of EDFrench thank you. A Clean Green Uk Energy Creating Machine Is What We'd Like Thank You.
George Rushton,
The government should be encouraging as many households as possible to generate Solar energy now.
The money allocated for nuclear energy, with its appalling safety record, terrrorist risk and long build time, would be better spent on clean, immediate sources of energy such as solar energy, heat pumps and sustainable biofuels
Paul Simms,
John Banks,
Having recently just completed a report on solar panels/solar energy i can see the great benefits. So much so, that i have made my own website to spread the word on this renewable energy source. The SUN will be our saviour if its supported......
Helen Miller,
Gary Miller,
Rafael Diranzo,
Stop the carbon and nuclear power and promote renewables
David Pointer,
Rosie Much,
Please reconsider your position on solar. I have spent a great deal of time in New Mexico where solar energy is standard. You will know we don't need large quantities of sunshine to make solar effective. Please reconsider our solar ambitions.
Rob Garvey,
Solar works for me and my family; hot water most of the year and significantly lower gas bills. One of the smartest decisions I've made.
Rachael Hunter,
John Morgan,
The earth gets it's natural energy from the sun. With a little ingenuity and commitment we can add the very little extra energy the human race needs to survive and flourish. It is ironic that we think of China as becoming a very industrialised country and are fearful of the pollution this is causing, however, according to latest figures China invests more money in solar energy than any other country in the world and is set to be one of the Greenest countries in the future.
Ian Reynolds MIET,
A worthy cause, I agree, but as can be seen from the comments, the public at large appear to be ill informed of all the issues. Solar PV generation, as it is currently being rolled out, is far from a magic bullet. No storage, therefore no ability to provide energy in the times of peak domestic demand - early morning and evenings, most especially in winter times. A mix of solar technology, with far greater emphasis on storage and hydrogen generation, for example, would be the best course in my opinion. And don't forget the term 'Efficiency', she's miss Renewable's ugly sister, so much to do. Give us engineers a chance and we'll fix it. We're the only ones who can!
You have the opportunity to demonstrate what being green really means and make it the most advantageous way for people to use energy- it's all up to you!
Paul Hughes,
Mark Simpson,
Laurie Walmsley,
James Grugeon,
Claire Lund,
Do David Cameron & Nick Clegg use solar energy
Nurul Islam,
Rachel Cakebread,
David Houston,
As owner of a nationwide solar pv installation company (PV FIT Ltd I urge you to recognise that the growth potential within the solar energy sector is huge. Solar energy is simple to retrofit, can be rolled out rapidly and costs are dropping significantly from levels prior to the introduction of the feed in tariff system. Help us create more UK green collar jobs by committing to solar as part of the green energy mix.
Kathy McVeigh,
steve parker,
As the "greenest" government ever you must keep promoting this freely available source of energy with decent feed in tarrifs as its got to be better than nuclear. Look at Germany's energy policy!!
immerse small consumers and installers in liquid oxygen, liquid will not let them live and oxygen will not let them die.
FIT for small consumers: only if they can afford it,
No support to small installers and suppliers: eventually survival of the fittest, closest I say
Peter Ball,
Anna Leidreiter,
On behalf of the World Future Council
Melanie Biddle,
I am joining the lobby in support & drive to make Solar PV more accessible and deliverable in the UK domestic and commercial markets
Michal Mroczkiewicz,
2010: Over 1 million sq. m of flat plate thermal installations in Germany against 75.600 sq. m in UK! We need to catch up and quick!
The UK is no longer self sufficient in oil and gas, and is therefore likely to be significantly dependent on imported fossil fuels from increasingly powerful countries such as Saudi Arabia and Russia for many years. As opening sequence of “Have I Got News For You” suggests (with Russian turning off the gas supply pipeline), it's definitely not a future proof concept! A key way to ensure energy security and maintain high standards of living is therefore microgeneration. Solar makes sense!
Steve Cronin,
Ben stentiford,
Fantastic source of clean energy
Val Perry,
Nathaniel Shaw,
Please make the right choice.
Cathy Debenham,
Community sized solar makes so much sense. Please make it a priority
need to promote solar as much as we can , Government need to give some more funding sepecially for small business as at present only the big investers are getting benefits to install solar pv
Dr Kevin Hard,
Solar pv is one of the fastest to deploy and reliable of the clean energy generation technologies. First steps should be to reduce our energy consumption, followed quickly behind by clean energy generation. Solar is one of the only technologies that makes electricity and enables individuals and communities to secure their energy future.
Charles Reynolds,
Every new house should have a roof with a southerly aspect covered in solar panels or tiles. within a generation the country would be producing substantial amounts of power
Wendy Reynolds,
The sun isn't going to go anywhere for aeons, why are we not making use of it?
Please educate yourself on the newer technologies.
We can double up panels now, and print panels on flexible plastic, create cells that can harvest infra-red light.
We should be showing the way.
Julia Drown,
Nick Blackman,
I firmly believe the courrent Governtment have got this worng as for a significantly lower capital cost than is being invested in other alternative green energy generation solar energy could make a significant contribution and is being discrimenated against
Chris Clark,
Karen Lee,
Please give solar energy development a hand, not handcuffs.
Jeffrey L. Allen,
Paul Mould,
Solar is a booming industry and hopefully something that the government will firmly back. It has created alot of jobs and small businesses and this can only be good for the economy, especially in this tough economic climate we're in right now.
Stewart Roberts,
Please support development of using the sun to power our industry, homes, and transport networks and improve our economy.
Stewart Roberts
bernard chaisty,
Mark Henderson,
Please do not underestimate the potential benefite for the UK economy on so many levels.
Iuliana Apopei,
John Lane,
Have installed Solar PV panels and even in the rain and cloud still generating power. This should be avialable for all and not just those that can afford them, this is far more efficent than wind energy.
Rachel Getliffe,
philip brignell,
As Thomas Edison said in conversation with Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone “I’d put my money on solar energy…I hope we don’t have to wait till oil and coal run out before we tackle that.”
Nick Pascoe,
DECC = team nuclear. Conservative party = support big business vested interest. Solar ambition in UK until Coalition are gone AND DECC becomes unbiased.
Paul Neale,
Sulaiman Ahmad,
jon mashhadi,
It is time the government started to walk the talk. How can you expect the nation to buy into the idea of sustainable energy if they are not given every encouragement and incentive.
Gary Fuller,
Greenest Government ever???? Now is the time to show it!!
David Hunt,
For the sake of job creation as well as reduced Carbon, do not slash the FIT
Vicky Baird,
Nigel Calmonson,
Dean Langford,
Michael Clarke,
So many jobs in the Industry rely on Government making a sensible decision. Keep the tariff at a reasonable rate so the industry can thrive and grow. It is the easiest way to generate electricity on nearly every property, it has been proved time and time again that it works. Do the sensible thing!!
Brian Quinn,
We need everyone to benefit from secure, clean, reliable solar energy
Sean Byrne,
Rob Fletcher,
Solar power is the way forward - the government needs to recognise its importance and provide support for its continued development.
Daniel Honey,
Over the past 18 months Sungrid have seen a huge investment from our partners who have invested financially and physically to build entrepreneurial businesses which are contributing to the growth of our industry. These businesses are predominantly focused on the domestic market, coaching and mentoring consumers on the benefits of Solar PV and helping drive the adoption of all renewable technologies. We expect the government to be considerate of these and similar investments from all spectrums of the UK Solar market when making any further changes to the UK FiT.
Please be greener and support industry.
Philippa Rogers,
Vote Blue, Go Green you said.. How will we ever trust you?
Charlotte Webster,
A new energy era is upon us, but unless we act to be part of it we will be mere by standers as the rest of the world catches on. The later we leave it, the worse the consequences for climate, economy and society.
Conor Bishop,
Cut, dont kill the solar FiT
James Redwood,
Tony Roper,
The population has just started excepting that solar pv is a great way of generating energy and that they 'can do their bit' a give a a little back to the environment. You can see that just by walking down the street these days. Now is the time to embrace the technology - not turn your back on it!
barry nutley,
To reduce the FIt's by 80% would be absolute madness! Fine, reduce the FIT's back in line with the initial target (8% - 10% first year return), but if this Government (the "Greenest Ever"??!! My foot!!) wants to create jobs, then it must be saved..
David Cameron, you are not FIT to run this Government! You've lost my support..
Barnaby Fryer,
Nicholas Keelee,
I respectfully request that a wider perspective of energy security is viewed. De-centralised solar could become a very cost effective and large part of the energy mix. Add this to a very necessary shift from digging things out of the ground and burning them, a huge number of sustainable jobs represent a great deal for investment and the UK.
Colin Newlyn,
Many many people have invested their time, money, effort and emotion in this industry on the basis of promises made by the previous government, and supported by both of the coalition parties, that there would be major support for and investment in the solar industry. To dramatically change the tariffs now would be to betray the entrepreneurial spirit and good intentions of thousands of citizens and would be a major breach of trust. The UK would no longer be taken seriously as a player in the renewables market or a serious destination for investment, and the hopes and dreams of many individuals who have shown precisely the positive attributes and industry that you espouse will be destroyed.
The ability of people to invest in solar projects from the bottom up. To invest and take ownership of their energy use and production is the only way that reduction in CO2 will happen.
Paul Lyons,
I have just purchased solar and i hav
Encouraged others to do so. It is one thing that we have got right in the UK, don't make a mess of it.
Keith Tibbles,
A wholeheartedly believe that the impetus must be sustained for the solar industry to succeed
Philip Chow,
People can have some control over their own energy by installing solar panels. They work very well. Do you want to send thousands of installers to the Job Centres?
Geoffrey Woodcock (Dr),
Peta Phipps,
Please reconsider.
Lizzie Fellows,
Jon Starks,
25,000 new jobs have been created since the start of FIT, there is a huge export potential of experience and skilled workforce if the industry is encouraged to grow.
James Ford,
Annie Lowden,
In order for the UK solar industry to develop seriously and offer much-needed employment, we need clear and realistic policy based on sustainable strategies. The last thing this industry needs is any more stop/start funding, uncertainty and mixed messages. The great British public are just starting to understand the benefits of solar PV, don't disillusion them, instead help to nurture an industry that Britain can be proud of, which will stand on its own two feet.
Caroline Summers,
Katie Brown,
Slashing the FiT scheme will not only lead to huge job losses but it's also discouraging people from being energy efficient.. Ridiculous and tragic
David Tattam,
Cutting the FiT by +/- 50% in one fell swoop reflects awfully on the credibility of your policies. Send a message that you are committed to greener energy solutions, but more importantly committed to keeping to your word. In the long-term, none of your problems will be solved by jiggling the numbers and buying more time.
Lee Furlong,
Richard Lowe,
Please support a buoyant and labour intensive industry.
"our small changes might have a significant impact on the world, it will help us grow to become leaders when it comes to 'green environments' please dont jeopardise that strength"
Nicky Frost,
Kirstie Colledge,
mikey baxter,
Benjamin Wade,
Having left a secure career within the Armed Forces i believed that the governments pledge to reduce the UKs carbon foot print was admirable. I therefore embarked on a new career within the renewable industry to do my bit for the country. I realise that the FIT needs to readjusted. But to lower it to 9p would all but kill off this sector in one fell swoop. This would put at least 20000 jobs in peril. Well done Mr Cameron!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tom Heel,
Chris Rigby,
A new and sustainable industry is just beginning to flourish and requires the FIT to succeed. The RO helped the wind industry, and historically the NFFO helped the nuclear industry. Our electricity bills still continue to pay for these schemes, so I don't understand why there is issue with FIT payments being taken from our electricity bills. An extra £1 or less for a greener, more sustainable future is surely a price worth paying.
Sandra Cooper,
A significant reduction in rewards for having solar pv goes against what any government is trying to achieve and will destroy the industry and jobs it has created.
Roger Powell,
Having created so much hype for renewable energy, any major cut-backs to the support programs will seriously damage this government's credibility.
Energy costs continue to rise rapidly and are now of serious concern to the householder.
Solar energy in its various forms can yield substantial reductions in energy costs for the householder.
Any failure in government support will demonstrate yet again just how disconnected they are from the concerns of the general public.
Richard Goldsmith,
Micro Generation in all it's forms provides the best way to mitigate the need for massive capital expenditure on dubiously popular new nuclear generation investment. Being an Microgeneration Scheme consumer I can testify it creates improved energy consumption awareness and will create reduced overall demand as well as contributing to supply.
Dominic Oram,
Seven Walters,
If the government are serious about the future of alternative energy and reducing CO2 emissions then FiTs must stay.
Philip Littler,
I'm planning to build an eco house next year to code 5 and this will cost me a premium of about 20% above standard build cost to code 3. I'm willing to to this becauce I believe this is the future. I'm not moaning at being one of the first and having to suffer an extra 20% build cost increase out of my own pocket but reducing the FIT for PV panels is a blow below the belt. Surely you can see the sence in providing an insentive to households to generate clean electricity. Why reduce it now?
S J Saunders,
My house was built in 2004, I had a 3.5Kw System fitted to my roof, mainly due to FIT value, yes, but have made investments as House is on Soakways (no water discharges in public system) the storm water is used for garden us.
In 2007 had a Thermal Solar fitted to house, so my house is adding efficiency as constructed with Insulation, Double Glazing, Low Energy Lighting.
My then 5 year old car is also LPG converted since 1998.
I agree to the reducing of FIT but this shouldnt be retrospective, but for New Installation from known date so informed decision, and not on Change Government Policy. The Government always says when it suits then that Respective decisions can't be enforced on New Government Policy ( but want Government either Lab, Con or Lib) they just go ahead, put low level MP to argue the case. But theres One decision that you do effect the VOTER and they had choice. Perhaps if more MP or Government lived in Real World, then the level of FIT would have been lower, knowning that as snowball effect forces down prices, but they like to be on TV telling public its unknown, its sursprised us, and this is reason of Economic situation.
I live Near where the HS2 will pass, wrote to Con MP, sent letters to Mr P Hammond, but although Public consultation, the decision was MADE before the Con/LIB Government took over running country.
So shall see
The fastest growing industry in this a time we need it. Providing green clean energy, jobs, keeping small businesses going down the line, helping the consumer to help themselves. An industry with positivity for a change, lets keep all of the above.
I hear that your Climate Minister Greg Barker is to cut the FIT tariff, as I have just spent £10600 on a SSEG installation, on the promise of a government guaranteed FIT payment scheme for the next 25years, it seems that your governments understanding of solar energy and FIT scheme Guarantees is low. If every house in UK was to put a SSEG on some part of the roof , as they are doing in many other countries, I wonder how many nuclear plants would not have to be built.
Honour your guarantees to those of us who believed the governments promise and leave the FIT scheme payments alone for domestic SSEG's.
Paula Urry,
20% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020, the boom in solar installations is moving us towards that goal....don't ruin it now.
Neil Waller,
Last time I looked the sun shone above the uk!........and I expect it will continue to do so for many years to come. We do not have to import this energy.
Supporting the solar indusry reduces our reliance on potentially unstable regimes to supply our energy needs.
As for nuclear........... don't even go there! How much does it cost to decomission a solar panel?
Bill Phelps,
Simon Briggs,
Green is the future. Solar is a part. Think of the future.
Enlighten System,
laura davies,
Mike Graham,
Particularly alarmed to hear the latest rumours of extremely short notice application of the cut. Many projects are in progress, companies and customers committed to buying stock based on current tarriff levels. This could put many solar companies out of business unnecesarily through shock to cash flow.
John Daynes,
Solar energy generating is the most important science of today, generating power without harmful emissions has got to be the way to go.
Simon Griffiths,
Ryan Birch,
come on, lets not make one step forward and two steps backwards, domestic solar can be a big contributor to our energy demands for the future!!
I was hoping to invest myself in Solar PV however if these proposed changes to the FIT do take place not only will I not be in a position to invest I will probably be out of a job as well.
At 45 years old in the current jobs climate and living in the northwest of England that is not a comforting prospect.
'Cut don't kill' please don't snatch defeat from the jaws of success!
Simon rice,
If solar is one of the our fastest growing industries why on earth kill it? This is a massive betrayal!
Tim Rose,
Victoria Treen,
innovation, jobs, carbon reduction, ecomomic growth, houshold bill reductions. Am I missing something? why would the goventment want to put a stop to the growth of the solar industry when it is so beneficial! Crazy!
Bill Roberts,
This will be a hard message for the good and honest people working to install PV and for homeowners and small businesses looking to make their property more energy efficient and to leave a positive legacy for future generations.
James Hoare,
Naomi Andersson,
I employ 9 people, with subcontractors numbering another 15 in a small rural area, we are a success story, we are due to install on a Community Co-Op and Social Housing in the next 2 months....please give due consideration to the fact these installations can take up to 12 months to fundraise and install....years of work by good people doing things for their community are being wasted.
Megan Boyle - Rayotec Ltd,
I was about to install a system on my property but have cancelled the order as the payback is now beyond 15 years. i feel sorry for my supplier as I gather I am the third client to cancel their order in the last hour.
Martyn Rattle,
Disgracefully waste of time money and effort
Nigel Farren,
If you cut FIT before April, 00s of community energy initiatives will be scuppered and homeowners will not invest if the ROI is 4%. You will also at a stroke, lose the support of communities across the country to help you deliver the Green Deal. I urge you to think again.
Mark Smith,
I thought this government had already proved itself short-sighted over recent military decisions. Now they're proving themselves extremely myopic over domestic issues. Are they foreign agents? There's something wrong here.
Brendan Ashford,
Stop the cut in FIT! It will kill our industry.
Solar Plus UK ltd,
another nail in our economy 8th dec what a joke
Russell Rose,
I was about to order solar panels to help save electricity, but now I won't because I can't afford to
Natalie Elvin,
Please consider the drastic cuts in the FIT's, potentially 25,000 people out of work, equating to 25,000 ppl claiming job seekers. 67.50X 52= 3510 per person a year the government would have to fund, where as Solar is a growing industry and will create thousands more jobs if you don't cut the FIT so drastically
Steven Summerbunce,
It is important for politicians and industry members to work collaboratively to develop a long term strategy as this persistent chopping and changing is not only a deterrent to investors but also to quality labour forces. The industry must be prepared to curtail rampant profiteering and policy makers must be preferred to offer long-term stability and sustainability.
Martyn Berry,
Kris Douglas,
I work for PaperClip Software, the company who make it possible for smaller businesses to sell more solar installations than ever before, we are supporting this industry because it is employing the right kind of people for the right reason!
Pete Etheridge,
Further cuts to renewable energy incentives will risk the entire future of renewable energy investment in this country.
We have an amazing opportunity to help those in fuel poverty at very little cost to bill payers. Please don't destroy this.
Daniel Davies,
I have worked in the solar industry for 15 years, it's never been easy in the UK compared to most of Europe but the roller coaster ride has just got seriously dangerous. To implement a policy of support for FITs which has led to massive investment, growth in the industry and momentum being built up. The change in the summer derailed a lot of work underway for ground mounted systems but the latest threat is simply insane. The solar industry is the fastest growing employer in the UK. To cut us off at the knees just as we are getting going and gaining some momentum following the change during summer is an act of hypocritical vandalism from the so called "greenest government ever".
Claire Enstone,
The solar industry is capable of providing a more sustainable future for the UK, not only through clean energy but jobs too. This future is only possible with the backing of the government, so please support it rather than sabotage this wonderful industry.
This is a massive change in polciy mid why through the year, with a review due in May why not wait until then
Connor Woods,
DECC should listen to the installers and people who actually know the industry, not so called experts who have "studied" an industry but never actually worked in it. Your popularity as a government is fast declining due to these decisions you are making by listening to people who have vested interest in not adapting to renewable technologies.
Chris Lowe,
Having been the first PV in Kent ten years ago, the huge rapid take up of PV since the start of the FIT shows how essential the FIT is. We are now carbon negative for electricity- impossible without PV & the FIT.
jenny stevens,
Please keep the feed in tariff and if there are to be changes maintain complete transparency to help support the industry.
Brian Rilatt,
The 'proposed' dramatic cut in Domestic Feed i
John Faulkner,
The FIT should not have been reduced so dratically with so little warning. It is a bad message for renewable energy and it does not giv firms enough time to adapt.
steve henwood,
it's obvious!
Alex Barr,
I have solar PV fitted to my home and think it's a great idea.
gareth evans,
we need this dont cut the feed in tariffs
Dr Elizabeth Archer,
The decision to reduce FIT so much and so suddenly is potentially disastrous for the solar industry, just as it is beginning to find its feet in the competitive environment of energy supply in the UK. The decision could set back the development of solar power by years that we do not have.
John Hobson,
Andrew Beale,
It's a no-brainer. Networks of small local power-generation, integrated into a net. Why depend on monolithic huge centralised power-generation faclilities and big utilities that boss the government around for their own ends? Go local, more redundancy, more employment. Andrew
mari shackell,
Karen Hawley,
Peter McColl,
Karen Gentleman,
Paul Allard,
D A R Wallac,
Angela Heather,
Should we not be aiming to see those glorious panels on each and every roof top? A method of making energy which takes up no extra room or land, and can be added to every existing home. It seems crazy not to make use of such an opportunity.
Yes another example fo the Government's short-sightedness at the expense of future sustainability. What happened to being the 'greenest government ever' I wonder?
Mary Dunn,
The money spent on Solar Feed-in tariffs is an investment in our future and the first steps toward sound ecological lifestyles, and the eradication of political upheaval in oil-producing hot spots, and risky, even more expensive extraction attempts (either deep-water or tar sands). Those are the real unaffordable options!
Andrew Hougthon,
stop going backwards, stop being so short sighted you can only see the next corporate pound, the next election, the next way you can screw the public. Be a smart progressive government that actually serves the people and planet for good.
Mrs A Cooke,
Please reconsider changing the date of change for soiar tarrifs as your proposals will adversely affect the poorer section of society who cannot afford to invest in solar on their own
I was on the brink of commissioning some panels and will now miss the deadline - it's back to the dark ages with this gov.
David Peilow,
The so-called 30% cut in equipment pricing is as a result of dumping by certain countries onto the world market. It will not be sustained and will inevitably rise again. FITs should be cut by at most 10%.
Georgia Power,
Sally Organ,
Margot Cooper,
It is a better investment for the government to support the initiative of individuals who are putting up their own money and enthusiasm and reward them accordingly, than to spend taxs in the normal round of consultanty and blind alley development.
Ken Rowlands,
This has to be the most obvious way forward but as usual politicians show the usual disregard to whatever seems to be the best solution!
This is a retrograde step that will reduce the number of renewable projects and will take jobs from the industries associated with renewables
John Walke,
Surely the more solar energy used has to be a benifit against the use of other traditional fuels, both it cost and savings in polution
I support campaign for solar energy in UK
Hugh Montgomery,
Why slash the feed-in tarrif? 1. Greenest government ever? 2. we lose jobs 3. It puts us behind european competitors like germany 4. it kills 'green growth' 5. It diminishes energy security.
Margaret Morris,
claire pindar,
Solar is the way forward. Don't make it just so the rich can afford it. Think of our children and the future of CO2 admissions.
Vince Jones,
Patrick Blaeser,
Clean energy is our future
I can't beleive this is happening with such short notice. Yoiu hae caused a major panic and a shortage in panels and fixings for us customers who have a legitimate and ongoing order in the pipline. Our panels were due to be fitted next week, but now there is a shortage and we may not get them before the deadline :(
simon main,
Pete Millward,
It isn't so much the cut, it's the time scale.
Usual government ill considered action causing chaos.
Andrew, Stourport,
This is a ridiculous change of policy with the tariff cut by too much and too soon. There needs to be a sensible structured reduction in tariffs on fixed date boundaries. Without this the whole industry becomes totally unstable and it is impossible to plan for the future.
Why can't the Government wait until March 31s t2012 as promised so everyone is prepared?
Not enough warning time
Gabrielle Russell,
Wendy Smith,
anne adams,
I feel it is very perfidious to suddenly cut then feed in tarrif amounts after promising they would continue
Ian Harris,
the smell of a nuclear lobby is strong and odious
Sophie Vanicat,
Nei Hopwood,
Elaine Quigley,
Solar has to be the way forward, why are we wasting the opportunity to harness this available energy?
Ian Farrington,
Toby Walton,
How can the Coalition claim to be the greenest government ever, if they slash support for renewable energy!
Julie Duncan,
Alastair Duncan,
My company employs 18 people, 12 months ago we employed 2. Should this bunch of ignorant completely out of touch buffoon's succeed in their quest, then come January we will be back to employing just 2 staff again.
Undoing everything we have worked 18 hours a day for the last 24 month's to achieve.
"The greenest government ever" what nonsense! 30p FIT and an instant end to the "Roof Renting Parasites" is the answer echoed by practically every other installer I have spoken too!!!
It is so short sighted to Cut the feedin tariff . it will cripple many new businesses and reduce take up of solar power thus increasing use of non renewable resources of energy.
Debbie Pearson,
Please don't destroy solar panels and please don't make more people lose their jobs by cutting the Feed-in-Tariff so much
Rebecca Welton,
Elaine Quigley,
Krish Patel,
Don't Kill Solar !!!
Changing the tariff will greatly extend teh payback time for the system I had planned (my rsouth facing roof has some shading from a tree with a tpo). Changing teh timetable means my installer cannot get a system in before the December deadline so I am not proceeding.)
Richard Hands,
With regard to proposed new nuclear power stations in the UK, theymay receive support via loan guarantees, tax breaks, or other financial instruments and there is concern that, directly or indirectly, such support may be provided for the building of nuclear power stations in the UK.
Several of these subsidies are so large that withdrawal of just one of them would make nuclear power entirely uncompetitive.
Source: Energy Fair
November 2011
Jim & Christine Llewellin,
We see gas & Oil tankers passing our home every day. We cannot continue robbing the worlds resources at this rate
jason naylor / elizabeth wilkinson,
if every home was supported by the government to have solar fitted, how much energy and resources could be saved from powerplant usage??
Keep our beautiful planet clean and green!!
john parker,
One of the few industries that is in growth and providing jobs and helping the environment. Why Kill it? A complete U turn on promises for a better economy.
Phillip Selby,
Dr T Ettling,
Cost me £450 in planning fees so far - now HMG change the rules - money down the drain
Claire lawn,
Lisa Sood,
S Stroud,
Phase any changes in gradually - not this quickly.
Nicholas Vale,
Raise the export tariff to match energy suppliers' rates by ensuring meters run backwards when a customer generates more than they use
Dave Garbutt,
A very short sighted decision by a totally uncaring government.
Peter Walker,
Solar ambition - forward thinking on climate saving AND economic growth
Ian James,
Go green don't be meen!!
Erica Neustadt,
alex allcock,
i would have been looking forward to buying my first home and getting solar panels fitted, offsetting high energy bills, and investing in green energy. this 50% reduction has put me off a solar installation. conservative party should change this policy
Craig Busst,
Ruth Matthews,
Alex Byfield,
I can't believe that this has happenned at such short notice. Good luck to you all.
From Alex at
Rav Stephens,
David Burbidge,
Joe Cliff,
Microgeneration is important, not least because it is transformative connecting people directly and practically with a low carbon future. Don't let vested interests in the power industries turn the government on this.
Matthew Turner,
Solar panels are green and not unsightly I am about ot be forced to have 3rd nuclear power station built on my "doorstep" without even being asked if I want another one - solar panels have got to be MUCH BETTER for everyone
Trevor Read,
Everybody sign up please. Let's spend British money in Britain. Cut overseas aid programmes to help pay for British Solar programmes.
Please re-think this. It is so important for the sustaining of our planet.
greg Clare,
kelly suriol,
Pete Cawley,
becky wardell,
Yera Olagbaju,
I support the ‘Cut, Don’t Kill’ campaign to stop the Government cutting Solar PV Feed-in Tariffs by 50%.
elaine cooper,
Andy Hix,
The government says it wants to help businesses invest in the green economy - let's hold them to that!
Claire England,
John Kaye,
A cut like this will affect the chances of achieving our renewable targets.
Trevor Sharman,
Solar PV is a key componet to creating a sustainable energy & economy.
Anand Mehta,
Solar is the future and part of our life also the NEXT Generation to come!!!
solar is the future to saving energy, don't kill it
Sheila Wade,
David Wickstead,
After planning to install solar pv at home and at work (GP surgery) based on the governments April review date why should I trust them again?
Alison Chaplin,
Solar PV feed-in tariffs were a way that people on low incomes could obtain the benefits of renewable electricity without the outlay which they could not afford.
Yet again the Government has shown it serves and values middle and high income earners over people on average and low incmes. In reducing the tariff as much as they have and as soon as they have they have made so called free electricity and water a preserve of the well off.
Dan Lewin,
Please don't kill an industry and the chance to keep the UK at the forefront of the solar energy revolution
I thought the government had some stupid ideas, but this takes the biscuit. Cutting jobs and disposable income at a time like this is insanity
Erik Fok,
buzz knapp-fisher,
We have saved up for P.V just to be told they have blocked us from making some money to get us out of energy povity!! a brilliant idea destroyed,,the little shits the big boys yet again strike down a good idea to de-centralise power from the big energy oil........
Geraint Roberts,
michael westlake,
Michael Evans,
Solar is one of our only booming industies helping with economic growth. Also it's great for the planet. Surely a win/win.
James King,
yes lower the tariff, but gradually and not a months deadline, absolutley ridiculous and killed the market
Sian Cliff,
Sue Scott,
We can't afford NOT to encourage solar energy
Jackie Rosser,
The Government should be encouraging Solar!!
Debbie Fish,
Community Tariffs needed, we are a community group who have worked for months for backing to install free solar panels in our community, with a percentage of the tariff go back into our local community.
Chris Whitehead,
Colin Osborn,
George Crabb,
David Trangmar,
The next time we encourage businesses to set up in this way, don't be surprised if there are few takers. Changing the rules after only a year or so is just not fair and makes people distrust the government.
John Kettley,
Renewable has to be the way forward if you believe in global warming and the Government must do or why a Department for Climate Change. They must change their minds now.
Jenny Goss,
We were about to place an order for a 3.75 kWp system before the cuts - all our funding, calculation etc. were based on previous tariff so we probably can't do it now
Such a sudden announcement has caused total confusion and chaos and thrown the plans for even those of us who were already signed up for solar power because of the sudden, unprecedented, demand for solar systems.
Iolo ap Gwynn,
This cut presents a serious blow to the development of renewable sources of electricity. It is typical of the ignorance of the current London government.
andy maxwell,
chris pert,
Rosemary Ashworth,
jacqui manders,
December 12th deadline while the "consultation" is still under way is guaranteed to been seen as completely unreasonable and very probably illegal. Disgraceful !
Andrew Way,
Simon Herbert,
Mark Samson,
Investment in renewable energy requires a long term commitment and support from the government. Stop messing investors about by cutting solar PV Feed-in Tarriffs by 50% after the investors have already made long term plans based on the original tariffs. This 50% cut, proves that this government cannot be trusted and may renege on its commitments to the renewable energy industry and its investors.
We have to be forward thinking and realistic about the limitations of oil.
Helen Suddards,
To the Government, please prove that you are committed to promoting greater uptake of green methods of power generation and not just using the environment as a convenient smoke screen in either squeezing more tax out of people, or in denying the tax-payer see benefits from making the effort in going "green".
John Morse-Brown,
Don't kill one of the few growing industries in the UK.
Robert Bourne,
Leonie Cooper,
With the economy so fragile, why destroy thousands of jobs by making large volume small scale installations unviable? be the greenest govt ever - back solar & keep the FIT.
Jonathan Purssell,
Matt Hatton,
Jill Wareham,
Aisling Doherty,
Jim Riley,
I have solar pv myself and encourage others when I can, this can olny reduce the number of sloar panels fitted.
Natalie Hall,
Nigel Brady,
The job losses in an industry that is on the verge of booming would be a catastrophy. Get it right for your children and grandchildren Mr C.
None of us is immune to climate change no matter how much money we have..!
Imogen Morley,
Stop exploitation of this valuable service by subsidising those with income under £15K pa to have panels installed to benefit them and everyone else.
Don`t let this chance slip away!
Again this cut would affect the poorest the most who DON'T have the money to buy solar for an easy money investment just need to cut their energy bills & save energy for the next 30 yrs +. If you don't put back the deadline & don't do a more gradual cut their will be NO option (or at best an extremely limited option of free solar to save us from getting into fuel poverty, by saving £100-£200 & rising every year especially those of us only on electric or oil. We had signed a contract 18 Oct for install date in Jan, they are trying to do it before the new deadline but we are VERY worried we won't have enough time as after they
may not do it if they can't afford to if the 21p goes ahead for the 12Th. Our hopes of saving a great deal of money for our family is in ruins & I don't know how we would cope. It looks like the Government want to make sure there's enough people left to take up their "Green Deal" idea! But also with the planned cut, the APR would have to be a max of 2% APR over at least 20 yrs on 9K for a min 2.5kw & taking into account cost of replacing the inverter which has a life of 10-15 yrs at a cost of at least 1K now, to give people enough incentive. The only confirmed APR I've seen is 6%! so far & that was from a not for profit company! so low APR is not looking likely. The scheme should include maintenance otherwise how would the people who need loans afford it on top? Loan payments on energy bills would need to be from only FITS (& not the whole amount over the duration) not from energy savings & export otherwise who's going to bother? So far this government only knows how to destroy & not improve lives. A Lot of "Rent a Roof" schemes from GOOD established solar companies who do a mix of free & purchase, are at least helping us low income families out of FUEL POVERTY, UNLIKE THE GOVERNMENT. For pities sake PLEASE don't kill off the ability of free or almost free solar for hard working low income families (who don't qualify for a lot of things because we work) & the elderly who don't have a disposable income & need it NOW & can't afford to wait (this yr my energy company put my D/D UP by £30 p/m they wanted £35 but got them to do £30 & don't have much options for changing due to being on economy 10) for a POSSIBLE but not looking promising option, the end of next year. PLEASE RECONSIDER NOW before any more in the industry lose their jobs, future careers & livelihoods (for some its too late) which would have given good growth to the UK.
Rob Townsend,
Peter Ellington,
As an accountant and economist with an interest in teh issue of climate change I consider that this is a backward step that should not be made.
Adam Kamenetzky,
Solar energy generation must be encouraged if we are to transition to a low-carbon future in time to mitigate the worst effects of climate change. I wholeheartedly support this campaign, and hope the government realises the importance of sustaining confidence in this vital industry.
John Wallis,
Claire Curtis,
Solar PV is not the answer to our growing energy demands, however will help to cut our countries emmissions. Move Investment required in new similar technologies like this will help. Therefore government need to incentivise rather than put people off. Buying energy from overseas does not solve the answer.
Our countries leaders need to wake up and start acting.
Chris Williams,
Another blunder from a short-sighted "government"
We've been working towards the 31st March for 18months, renovating roof etc. All fine til the rug was pulled out from under us! Can't trust this Govmt to keep ANY promise.
Shirley B,
Arthur Baker,
William Halligan,
Alan De Witt,
stan read,
Jane Grace,
Kim Howard,
We need green affordable alternatives for our power
we want free solar panels
John Wokersien,
Micro generation using roofs of residential property has to be one of the most effective means of reducing the impacts of climate change and reducing the need for generation at power station level. It is less intrusive than wind farms and less destructive to the natural environment than tidal barriers. Please invest in the feed in tarrif to continue this incentive so that every house owner can contribute significantly to their own energy needs using the power of the sun.
Chloe Hall,
Mima Huggins,
with the current economic state of the country it is important to maintain poeples jobs
Jonathan Hiscock,
The feed-in tariff was to be reduced anyway from April. Why interfere and throw the industry in to chaos? Many jobs will be lost and the benefits will have to be paid. How does that save money?
We were going to have Solar Panels installed not only to our house, but to our daughters as well. Shame on this government who we now consider untrustworthy.
Janet Sly,
Martin Schade,
The gov says that it is cutting the cost now to enable the scheme to continue after april. As I understand it the FIT is financed by a surcharge on everyones electricity bill. How then can they say that the money is running out? Are we not paying electric bills anymore! The surcharge is, I am told, minimal cost to individuals; yet the benefit is huge with the generation of clean electricity. As others have said, local generation will reduce the need for further investment in high power transmission network across the countryside (another saving for the generating companies - this could be translated into further investment in the FIT pot). If the gov are set on reducing the FIT then maybe they should consider stopping making millionaires of those fitting free systems who are generally backed by big investment bankers, and consider leaving the FIT as is for the end user. Cut the FIT for free system suppliers and let us small people benefit from the energy that we generate.
Chris Pajdowski,
Don't kill the UK's solar industry by making the FIT economically unsustainable. We need to support innovation in renewables in the UK and it goes without saying we urgently need more solar power too.
Justin Roberts,
These cuts will kill the industry before it really gets going
Mike Luscombe,
It's unbelievable that this govenrment can claim any green credentials at the same time as cutting the feed-in tarriff. This initiative was only just getting started! Solar power is a great new industry addressing the most urgent global threat to the future habitability of our planet. But it needs a kick-start to gain popular awareness and momentum. The UK should want to be at the forefront of this new industry. Mr Cameron - what kind of environment do you want to leave for your children? Why do you not want the UK to be a major player in this promising & optimistic new industry?
Gareth Share,
Think of the future we are leaving for our children.
Ruth Bradt,
How does cutting Solar PV Feed-in Tariffs make any sort of sense??
David B. Metcalfe,
Everyone must write to their MP I even had a meeting with him at his surgery.
I have no problem with cutting the tariff rate from April next but it is unfair and in my opinion dishonest as you have gone back on your word.
I am 59yrs & have invested my life savings as I have no private pension to receive an income & reduce bills. I now have panels fitted but no microgeneration certificate I have been phoning for nearly 2 weeks to get it & may run out of time for the higher rate so it could all be a waste of money.
Benen Whitworth,
If the government wants to keep its promise on becoming the 'greenest government ever' this cut cannot be allowed to happen.
Dave Baron,
The government should be encouraging solar power not killing off this important sector!
Matthew Jenkins,
We need to de-carbonise our energy supply and solar is a part of the solution. We need long-term vision, not short-term mistakes.
Matt Reeves,
Carol Vaga,
Daniel Vaga-Casseldine,
Jordan Vaga,
David Reay,
let small businesses and home owners build on the installation and benifits of solar power.
Kevin Howell,
Knee-jerk cutting of subsidies is not the way to encourage the take up of alternative energy, which our furutre relies upon as we are so often told.
Support Solar PV--cut out wind farms
This should be a big help to pensioners and people on low incomes
Laurance Thompson,
It sounds very much like a knee jerk reaction in order to save money- or perhaps lobbying by the mains electricity suppliers, who are now being vilified by the public for awarding themselves a 20% increase in profits.
thought the higherarchy in the goverment wanted people to conserve energy and lower co2s. but then again why not kick the small people in b_ _ _ _
A small reduction (say 10%) in FiT could be justified but a 50% reduction will cause enormous damage because householders will not will not be willing to commit to the expenditure for a small return.
Why such a short period of time before changing the rules
Lucy Aitchison,
Why does the Government want to build an industry and then cut it off just as it is getting going? We need sensible, planned, gradual cuts, not sudden chopping and changing.
sustainable is absolutely essential for the UK otherwise we are dependant on other countries to supply us with energy.
Peter Assheton,
Nick Clarke,
Peter Ayton,
I can understand you wishing to curtail those corporate companies cashing in on investment income, but not penalising the single householder wishing to cut their carbon emissions and investing in their home. Instead of loading the cost onto everyone's fuel bills, why not get more support from the big six, which have make adequate profits out of their oligopoly position and would love to have the good PR in helping the environmnet!
Andrew Mascord,
The 12th December cut-off date is unfair and ridiculous particularly if the reports about he government raising more in taxes than the subsidy costs are true. How about some joined up thinking for a change.
Stop companies buying roofs and keep the subsidys for home owners only.
John Keel,
I was pleased to get my roof converted, and despair that others will not get their chance.
Grant Gutteridge,
Ken Elvin,
this solar heating is imperative to helping people like me to try and keep warm in the winter and at least do our little bit for the planet
Estelle Lloyd,
Sarah Howarth,
Solar is the solution for a greener environment!
Amy Curling,
Andy Treby,
David DuBarry-Hennessy,
Making solar power further out of reach for the majority of individual home owners will not prevent their opposition to nuclear power, the development of which is soundly at the core of the coalition's agenda, notwithstanding their pathetic attempts to disguise this. Making large scale commercial and now small scale domestic solar PV projects uneconomic will not have us all rushing for a nuclear alternative.
john white,
when will we see a government with some business like imagination. Think of the huge knock on effects as well as the direct ones.
Jason Taylor,
We need to be encouraging this type of energy generation, our world deserves it, don't destroy it now.
David Hooper,
Nicolas Lehotzky,
thought this government was supposed to be the greenest ever, by cutting subsidies less people would be able to afford to go green therefore we are still reliant on carbon fossil fuels for electricity. Recent energy price rises are largely driven by green taxes, therefore the government still keeps treasury revenues high to pay the deficit.
Shaun Askew,
Mick Dann,
FIT's are such a great idea, so many voluntary organisations were seriously considering adding solar systems to their buildings to provide a cheaper and greener alternative to their current energy supply. News of the government slashing the tariffs has stopped all of these schemes in their tracks.
Irena Lebed,
Jim McDonald,
Sure big companies were abusing the scheme. Changes to arrangements could have imposed upper limits on feed-in tariffs and restricted recognition to residential premises.
We have to become part of the Government's growth agenda. We have the ability to create 100 new jobs in the next 12 months on top of the 50 new jobs we have created in the last 2 years. Repeated through companies across the industry, this adds up to a massive growth opportunity at nil cost to the Exchequer.
John Oddi,
Peter Bladen,
Please do not put me on the dole!
Steve Barnard,
Tony Worrall,
Heather Cooper,
Paula Chatfield,
Damian Tow,
Community solar schemes are a perfect vehicle for allowing the 'non-affluent' to invest in an ethical and environmental project which provides both a reasonable financial return and allows re-investment of the FiT to create a 'double carbon benefit'. Community projects can also act as a trusted third party to support Green Deal implementation locally, but not if our income stream is so drastically cut so quickly.
Tom Rickman,
Rosemary Leavesley,
Ben Kimber,
Debbie Wakefield,
Please keep this wonderful environmental scheme going, don't take a backward step by ending it!! Look to the future, it is becoming brighter because of these initiatives.
Clare Leavenworth Bakali,
Adam Winstanley,
We risk falling behind Germany and the far east with large scale solar technology as we simply do not have the support from government for British companies to thrive.
Matt Willson,
Natasha Moseley,
Garth Shephard,
This stymies a burgeoning industry, peanalises community projects and jeapardises those with insufficiet funds to finance installation (who rely on 'rent a roof' schemes).
William Armstrong,
R J Gibbs,
Paul Gasson,
Adam Stephens,
Mary Stow,
This is madness! Don't kill this country's future economy & energy security like this. THINK
Stick to your promises for once and save the solar industry
A Mawle,
In these difficult times our Country's future electricity supply could be part funded by people buying solar panels. Thus easing the burden on the Government.
Jonny Wilson,
Cut it a bit but not to 21p!!!
tony kerr,
In addition to the renewable energy advantages of the FiT, it is known that SMEs are most effective at creating the new jobs we desperately need. This sudden change of policy is both careless and unnecessary.
Why are this CON DEMned acting like idiots? Can't they see they are raping this country of all worth? Solar is definitely our reasonable hope for the future!
It really IS time to start taking solar seriously and to start investing in and growing a serious UK industry. We still can be world leaders it just has to be recognized and facilitated.
Amyan Macfadyen,
James Robertson,
Don't you think there is some connection between Germany's booming economy and its continued and deep support for renewable energy? - here's a hint: renewable energy is not just good for our national energy security but it takes a lot of people to instal and maintain it - and if we had some decent government support in the UK we would get a similar virtuous circle of jobs and investment.
Brian Marshman,
Why destroy a good thing when it's clearly beneficial to the planet we live on!!
Amble Skuse,
Mischa Altmann,
in the not so distant future the FIT will be seen as one of the most effective tools for catalytic change. But hindsight is easy, how do we inspire foresight? The 4 scientific principles of sustainability are already defined and peer reviewed: search for them!
Catherine Budgett-Meakin,
On all counts this is a stupid and short sighted move. The implications have not been thought through at all
gunning t.h.,
we know this is the wrong thing the government is doing but it will land on deaf ears
Adrian Kellow,
I was about to start a new job on 1 November with a solar PV company in Cornwall where I live but, following the leak from the EST a couple of days before, I received a phone call to tell me that unfortunately they had to withdraw their offer of employment due to the significant effect the changes to the FIT arrangement would have on their business which had been expanding. I am therefore one of many direct victims affected by the changes.
Chris Walker,
tricia golinski,
Hugh Johnson,
You are destroying the jobs of the future not only renageing on your pre-election promises.
Glen Park,
I thought you were planning to develop a growth plan for the UK economy so why the massacre of the burgeoning solar industry?
Alan Kilbey,
We observe the true colour of this "greenest" Government.
In recent months in West Wales accidents in an oil refinery killed four and in a coal mine three. It looks like all systems go for the £1bn Pembroke Power Station after the Environment Agency last week decided to grant the project an environmental permit. The new £1bn gas power station will pump heated water into the Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation (and require consistent supplies of LNG that needs to have sailed through the Strait of Hormuz). PV is benign in operation and presents no more risk than basic construction during installation; duration 1 or 2 days.
The subsidised nuclear industry will require at least £78 billion to clean up its past, yet alone the tremendous investment required for new nuclear power stations; duration from concept to commissioning 15 years!
Whilst it has to be good to improve "energy efficiency", the logical approach is to apply EPC level C requirements to RHI and not PV generation, which during daylight is predominantly used for small appliances and rarely for space heating. Sure, domestic dwellings are responsible for CO2 emissions but predominantly from space heating.
Water bills include charges for repair and investment.
Motor road fund licence, fuel duty and VAT vastly exceed the tiny PV FiT and 25% of that revenue is not used for the benefit of the fuel users.
It is as if DECC et al cannot adapt from big fix power stations/ companies to grasp the notion of distributed generation which in addition to CC benefits is militarily less vulnerable and more secure because no imported fuels are required.
David Moulder,
This is just the sort of expensive industry-damaging knee-jerk red tape that Conservatives promissed to avoid!
George Dove,
Do not cut the feed in tariff!! THis will be an act of madness just at a time when the solar industry is starting to move.
Anne Burley,
The government should be doing everything to encourage renewal energy, not acting against its development.
Paul Angel,
Phillip Jang,
Solar is safe, cheap energy for generations to come
Christopher Collins,
So much for being the 'Greenest' Government ever!!!
Roger Tovey,
Andrea Trueman,
How much have you spent on HS2 already? And you pull this.!?!?!?!
kate holbrook,
It is short-sighted to pull the plug on solar at this stage when people are just starting to take an interest. It is a big investment for people to make so needs to be planned for. The tarriff makes it feasible at last: our country needs a range of sustainable solutions for the future so DON'T pull the plug on this one now!
Claire Drake,
Another stupid cut by this government.
Sadie Rhodes,
David Armstrong,
We elect them as representatives, they don't get it and think they are leaders and stop listening to us... and the rest will be history.
Charles Bushby,
Have installed Solar PV panels and even in the rain and cloud still generating power. This should be avialable for all and is more efficent than wind energy.
martin alcock,
melanie hinks,
Mark Blinman,
Mason O\'Dell,
greenest government ever? not very!
Dr Lesley McLarnon,
Helen Banks,
Ben Comeau,
Danny Kelleher,
Why can we spend billions of £'s on nuclear but can't support jobs and the planet
S Cowell,
Don't kill this 'Green' industry in its tracks.
A Rodriguez,
Renewables are so clearly (and cleanly) the future
Unfortuantely the sun shines on the unrighteous - aka the government - as well as those of us who want to do our part with solar panels!!
Mrs J Basnett,
Vivien Pomfrey MSc,
We should be maximising our focus on, and investment in, sustainable technologies, as it is vital that we move as quickly as possible to a carbon-neutral economy. Climate change will have a catastrophic effect on people in low-lying countries, and we will all be affected.
Jeff Dugmore,
I have already lost my job due to the proposed cuts.
Geoff Stephens,
tim gaymer,
Imposing a change to the feed in tarrif at such short notice will decimate the industry and lead to many mistakes made in installations which are taking place at speed to meet the deadline
Another U NHS..less jobs availables... What next?
Mohammad Tabarra,
In April 2010, the government made a good decision to engage the public and save the environment. Don't change it now.
Thanks to goverment Homesun has cancelled my installation pending on results. Again goverment has acted to quickly and messed up.
Malcolm Heaver,
A sensible cut yes, but don't kill the industry
Alistair McLauchlan,
How are we to reduce the use of fossil fuels if there is little incentive to use alternatives.
Jeff Mann,
The intention to cut the FIT by 50% at this time when tremendous growth in this particular job industry is just starting to take shape is absolute madness! How can the present Government possibly justify this act of Hari Kari at a time when the job market is virtually on its knees?! Maggie Thatcher was revered for her determination in being "not for turning" - you, Mr Cameron can be similarly applauded for doing a complete U turn on this occasion! Don't let us down!!
Kamal Kapadia,
Matthias Fripp,
The fossil fuel industry is subsidised more than renewables and doesn't pay the cost for its environmental destruction. We need solar power and the only way to get it is to pay a fair price.
dontcut dontkill
solar for keeps
d. bednall,
about time the government started looking after us,
Kevin Morrison,
paul cumbers,
Simon Jarvis,
Installers and wholesalers alike have spent a lot of money on training, marketing, stock, planning, job creation only to have the goalposts moved ahead of schedule and without fair warning. What a shame our government could not treat us with more respect.
Stephen Decker,
Ridiculously short-term thinking by the Government. Doesn't make sense for the environment, the economy and employment prospects.
Tony Cooper,
The government's over-hasty and excessive planned cuts in the FiT are very likely to decimate a key nascent renewable-energy industry. Instead the FiT should be steadily reduced in a planned fashion as has been done in other countries such as Germany, and with an announcement later this year for the cut to take effect in April 2012 as was the original plan. (Note that I have no personal financial interest in the solar-power industry)
Brittany Dickson,
surely this is more effective especally if all homes in the ukhad solar panels. much better than wind turbines which are not effective in cold spells when there is no wind.
Clive Burgess,
The blue-est Government yet.
Jake Clarke,
Please keep and create jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Jake Clarke,
Please keep and create jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Gareth Dobson,
Cut the period over which FIT's are paid by all means but don't cut the headline rate and undermine the whole industry!
Deborah Hunt,
Erich Radtke,
It is absolutely unbelievable that the government might actually have the power to make those cuts. To cut the FIT's by 10-20% is understandable. 25% survivable. 50% absolute senseless and inhuman in every way when I think about Installers, manufacturers or the future of our planet.
Tom Cahill,
Martin Fodor,
this rush to kill off the solar industry is folly! We need a steady growth in local generation and jobs from this, not an extreme cut. I'm especially disgusted with the attempt to rule out most older homes from what would otherwise be an obvious low carbon option in 'hard to treat' solid walled properties. The new barrier pushes all older homes in the country into little action ever to reduce carbon by setting such a high threshold for FIT support when they already have excess costs to make any wall insulation projects viable.
Lindsay Southcombe,
The solar industry is a sustainable industry and the FIT is a chance to make generating their own energy possible for many people, cut the UK GHG emissions and generate skilled and useful employment.
Jeremy Anson,
Alan J Walker,
P Clarke,
Keep encouraging solar. Sudden announcements are loosing confidence in jobs, and suggest another Gov UK failing to keep promises. April was the date for tariff reduction, keep it April. Be fair, (and stop paying landowners hundreds of thousands to build profit making turbines installations - wind is good too, this should be for the common good, not profit. 99% of the population should have at least 80% of the world wealth shouldn't they? Guess how much they do have!!
Nick Akbari,
mark thorpe,
Rebecca Aspin,
There are many logical, rational reasons for not cutting the tariff so aggressively and quickly. The fact that national insurance, VAT and income tax contributions contribute more to the UK economy than the cost of the FIT bill being one of them.
Maria Nogueira,
Solar is the future
Don't waste this opportunity. Give the industry more time to complete orders in hand
Craig Sams,
We need a sustainable future for our families, business, country and world. Why are we seeing short term political decisions impair and damage our future and economic growth.
Jan White,
Andrew harwood,
It would also prevent many households from producing greener energy by investing in solar power, as the lower FIT is not enough to pay off a loan within a reasonable time.
Ashley Read,
The goverment has behaved recklessly with little regard for the solar industry and those customers caught up in this mess. How can investors in new technologies ever trust this government again?
Stephen Limb,
I appreciate the feed in tarrifs were a tad generous however a gentle reduction in rates would of been more appropriate given it seems to be one of the few areas creating employment!
I feel solar power is the way forward and the government should do everything it can to support people have solar panels fitted
Think again please
Sue Scales,
D Tucker,
karen taylor,
Nick Connett,
Millions on carbon capture!!! Why? And a kick in the teeth for the man in the street trying to do his bit. Make solar compulsory on all builds, don’t kill it off.
Russell Bridge,
The way in which we have had the rug pulled out from underneath us has been disgraceful. It shows a real lack of understanding of the impact this type of arbitrary decision making has in the real businesss world. Job losses, rushed installations, supply chains in chaos, lack of consumer confidence, boom and bust. Need we say more? Please re-think. Real people's livelihoods depend on this.
Leszek Ziolkowski,
Please help us use green energy.
Andrew Moughtin-Mumby,
I believe it is crucial at this time of crisis both economically and with the fuel crisis/global warming that this scheme continues.
Malcolm Blackmore,
This calculated slamming on the brakes of the fledgling PV and alternative/renewables sector is outrageous and will fling some twenty seven thousand people out of work. Compare this to Germany. The only explanation is that the mega-corporations behind nuclear power (and in support of Fukushima - read "Normal Accidents" from Basic Books for the inevitability of accidents in complex technological systems NO MATTER WHAT PRECAUTIONS ONE TAKES ITS THE THING THAT YOU DIDN'T THINK OF THAT GETS YOU - to gain an insight you daft Oxbridge PPE graduate ignorant of all things technical.
£805 million and you had already stopped the loophole of huge PV farms. It stinks.
M.Blackmore PhD
James Boyes,
Oliver Penney,
Cutting by solar FIT's by 25% would seem fair. 50% is too much and will damage the industry.
Maelle Lego,
Alex Herbert,
Oliver Buxton,
Kevin Nesbitt,
Roger Brown,
As an OAP I am looking to economise as much as possible to ensure a reasonable warm winter.
Thank you
Andrew Finn,
Stuart Homewood,
Danni Craker,
We are not just talking about jobs, we are talking about depriving communities of a way to become energy self-sufficient - solar is a big part of that.
I already have very efficient solar panels so am not affected by new legislation. I voted for this government but I find this move quite illogical - even disgraceful
Robert Smith,
Tristan Goodchild,
Matthew Salter,
Encourage green initiatives – don’t stamp on them!
short sighted panic has won over planned green infrastructure
Ian Gay,
Consumer confidence is a major factor. Trying to believe in Govts that we never trusted in the first place!
daniel marconetto,
My livelihood depends on the government making the right decision.
As pensioners any help is a bonus towards saving money
Rob Howe,
Don't be so short sighted, solar PV is a clean way of making energy. Don't kill it when so many people are starting to see its benefit.
Kay Mitchell,
A very shortsighted move
anthony wood,
unfair to stop on 10 of dec should be april
Claire Aston,
Please listen to the people and look to the future.
Mr Robert G Drew,
It has always been a source of amazement to me that there is no requirement for at least a solar energy assessment to be made in respect of all new building development. The creation of the Feed-in Tariff system by HM Government was/is an extremely important move to promote the usage of a green, re-usable, inexhaustable source of energy. The proposal to significantly cut the Feed-in Tariff, for any new installations not completed by 12th December is quite astonishing to me, and I consider it to be a retrograde move, certainly not in the interests of promoting and encouraging citizens like myself to move towards installing/using solar energy. Your intention is, quite frankly, very very disappointing and reflects very badly on the present Government.
John Eley,
Why in politics now is everything short term and long term plans never thought through properly - I guess just to win votes - Think again on this one and don't destroy an industry that is a job creator and working well
It just makes sense to use the sun!
Tyna Harrison,
From a purely environmental standpoint our planet is relying on industries such as this to give it the longevity is deserves/requires and is entitled to.
Tyna Harrison
Gogreen2 Marketing Ltd
Karen Coupe,
Jonathan Vize RIBA,
It is a complete nonsense to cut this scheme when we need to increase the use of green energy and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Feed in tariffs should be increased to encourage more of us to partake in the scheme and local authorities should only refuse planning consent for the installation of pv panels where these would be extremely unsightly. Applications for installations should be exempt from planning fees
Jane Dancaster,
Sue Cooper,
It is so important to keep on supporting solar power. It will have a huge detrimental effect if the tariff is cut this much.
trev hawkins,
goverment should stick to the original date, why are they putting up barriers to free and green energy?
Alice Klarr,
Atomkraft? Nein, Danke! Solartechnik? Ja, bitte!
Mr Brian Coombs,
Christian Golding - i4c Executive Search - Specialists in recruitment for the Renewable Energy Marke,
We should embrace and promote the technology and become a worldwide leader in Solar usage. The cut has been badly timed and planned. This has a knock effect to many other businesses connected to the Solar Market. As unemployment rises in the UK dramatic cuts of this sort will endeavor to put more people out of work within the Solar market...confusing!
Liz Marsden,
Tom Walsh,
The premature and draconian cut has all but destroyed all the good work the FIT sought to achieve.
So much for our green government
Mr C J Bula,
Employ don't destroy
We are a Nursing Home which ordered solar equipment to benefit from the FIT and started the planning process (required) which takes 8 weeks. Now we won't get planning permission in time to get the 43.3p we expected :-( So much for trying to help the environment, I wish I hadn't voted Conservative!
John Corlett,
Having recently returned fromsouthern Germany I find it hard to believe how far behind we are in solar energy in the UK. Now is not the time to cut the all-important subsidy.
Dr Candida Spillard,
The cost of installations has come down by some 25%: this figure, rather than 50%, should be used for the reduction (so as to maintain payback rates and times). But above all, the date should be set back to April 2012, as originally promised.
Paul Tipler,
I am shocked that the coalition government is even considering reneging on its promise to offer the FIT scheme until at least April 2012. This is a plea for the case of renewable energies and for the government to put its money where its mouth is.
Don Alexander,
complete nonsence to hinder such a worthwhile scheme
Rob Meehan,
Perhaps we should march backwards to Parliament on 22nd November to demonstrate where the 'greenest government ever' are leading us on climate change, job creation and independency from imported fossil fuels charged at ransom prices. The coalition government, their deep connections to greedy corporations and the over bearing influence of lobbyists is a direct threat to our national security, prosperity and my children’s future. This is just the beginning.
Susan House,
I'm afraid I have little confidence in politicians' commitment to renewable energy supply. Particularly so, given the recently announced plans to scale back the FIT scheme.
The emerging renewable industry is a clear threat to the hold that oil companies exert over nations and, together with politicians' and political parties' greed for money (regularly donated to party funds by oil companies) and power, all efforts are being made to prevent the proliferation of renewable energies. In this context, it matters little in the corridors of power that schemes like FIT have an invigorating effect on the economy and employment as well as empowering ordinary people - but there again, ordinary people don't contribute lump sums of millions of pounds to political party funds.
Saving the FIT scheme is almost as much about saving the advance of our democratic rights as it is about providing clean, safe and renewable energy. We owe it to ourselves, our country, our economy, our environment and our children.
Tanya Dean,
Karen Hithersay,
Terry Flatt,
Andy Hawley,
j kirk-alton,
Ive paid up a deposit and look to be left high and dry through an industry crushing decision by DECC to change FIT deadline. Dishonest practice which will scupper small business and undermine a feel good area of the economy, all for the sake of a 4 month short change decision. Brought about by the Committee for Faceless Bureaucratic Disappointments
A forward looking green industry that will benefit our planet should not be strangled at birth. The job opportunity for thousands of people in the UK should not be thoughtlessly thrown away.
Debbie Black,
Reuben Vick,
Brian Harper,
Tom Pakenham,
Keal Wilson,
I am an employee of a Solar PV installation firm, I previously worked in the Solar industry installers, I watched as solar cuts in Australia forced our company directors to lay off 10 of our 40 staff.
Marine Sanchez,
Nimla Poynter,
Don't cut this investment in our future for a short-term profit.
Inigo Harrison,
keith Hubble,
EON cancelled our install due to the deadline, its unlawful what the gov have done in respect of notification.
Angus Campbell,
David Edwards,
Edward Borgstein,
Kevin Warnes,
Paul Smith,
Gary Pennington,
Solar is the way to go !
Simon Howlett,
Emily Thorpe recently gained her first full time, well paid job within a solar energy company - she finished university 2 years ago.
She will soon find out if she is to be made redundant, due to the governments 50% cuts to the Feed-in Tariff.
This industry can support thousands of jobs and change unemployment figures - don't cut.
Chris Goodings,
To much too soon! Keeping tariff at .43p for two years was a mistake, should have been reduced to something like 36p for this year to persuade customers to get on board, 21p will put people off.
It will not only undermine faith in any investment in the PV market, it will undermine any Government backed scheme with a big vote of NO CONFIDENCE in anything they tell us.
Paul Hawley,
Not just the UK but every corner of this globe needs to work aggressively toward a new energy basis for human life.
Why jeopardise an area of growth and employment at a time when unemployment is rising fast?
Paul Jeater,
Clean,green energy needs support not cutbacks
Alexander Goodall,
kim butt,
rch construction Ltd,
Pete Johnson,
Joanna Rimmer,
David Rimmer,
Carole Jordan,
This move hurts not only one of our most vibrant industries but low income families in affordable housing who would be able to reduce their fuel costs. It stymies the enthusiasm for renewable fuel and keeps us dependent upon imported fuel sources to the detriment of the whole country.
Sam Colby Butcher,
The Sun provides an astronomical amount of energy. It dwarfs the quantities we manage to produce by burning stuff. What are we thinking? Wake up and smell the carbon.
Kevin Hawes,
Give customers time to understand the benefits and affordability of this new and exciting energy option
Sophie Rivett-Carnac,
There are so many reasons why solar can revolutionise the way the UK - and rest of the world - generate energy, and so many advantages that this technology offers our country beyond renewable energy generation. Why on earth threaten this burgeoning industry - the government is behaving in completely nonsensical way.
Laura Mayhew-Manchon,
Dave Dickson,
So many people out of work, so many families affected, so many new people joining the dole queue!!!! My company have taken over 300 jobless people into this industry over the last 18 months. Solar is the future for industry in the UK. We cannot allow this to happen.
Vicki C,
Jodie Walsh,
The Government wants the UK to be more energy efficent but yet they take away the only motivation people have to spend so much money on purchasing a system its a joke! Not only are they putting people off having solar panels they will be making thousands of people in unemployed!
Beth Wright,
Solar was one of the best investment opportunities in the UK and the government are willing to end that aswell as thousands of jobs...shocking!
raymond callaway,
Stop this madness before people lose there jobs
Angela Adshead,
Danny Laurence-Long,
For once can you be a government that is true to their initial words?? You know solar makes sense, it's already proving that fact.
Wayne Anthony Phelps,
Solar is a safe future, lets not throw this opportunity away. Get behind Solar!
p adams,
Rupert Waters,
Secon Solar,
Tim Herrington,
If we don't support this industry now think of the fines we will incur from Europe for not reducing our carbon
so short sighted; so unfair to those already committed; so many jobs lost, thus increasing the unemployment total; even less chance now of reaching our mandatory carbon reduction targets by 2015; complete reneging by the government on election promises.
Robert Rees,
The government claims that the drastic cut in the Feed-in-tariff is to prevent boom and bust in the PV industry but by cutting the tariff so suddenl that is exactly what they will achieve.
Chris White,
The government is obsessed with paying down the debt created by the greed of the banks. The FIT has generated a growing but fledgling industry which contributes to paying down this debt. The cuts will jeopardise this industry, lead to jobs losses and ultimately add to the debt burden. Does this make sense? I think not.
R J Craggs,
The proposed cut in PV FiT and the implementation timetable will have a far more significant effect than the immediate effect on PV industry. The whole renewable (micro/small) energy industry will be destabilised by lack of confidence in future arrangements for both customers and suppliers.
Please don't make short term savings and sacrifice the enormous benefits of solar energy.
Alex Dyson,
I have just pulled out of having solar panels installed as I can not get it prior to 12 Dec so not economical for me with interest rates at present.
Lorain Jones,
andrew hardaker,
TJ Hart,
How can the UK have a hope of achieving its legally binding carbon reduction commitments if the government pulls the rug out from under the industry that is a crucial part of reducing our reliance on fossil fuels?
simon glastonbury,
do not kill off FIT incentive
Will Fox,
The pace of these changes is ridiculous
charles barraball,
I support this campaign as we need greener future....
tony curtis,
I support a phased decrease in the tariff to give the industry time to adjust.
Katharine Tatum,
Joanna Downes,
David Freeman,
Stephen Martin,
This government has placed so much pressure and stress on the industry - how are we meant to get our business of the ground now?
Solar Photovoltaic Energy is a great leap forward, for reducing homeowners energy costs. If our current Government cuts the feed-in tarrifs by 50% then there will be little incentive to purchase, for a realistic payback peroiod.
John Coote,
At a time when the UK economy is struggling why would anyone want to jeopardise an industry that is making a positive contribution to a low-carbon future?
Kirstie Wielandt,
The era of fossil fuel has passed, time for a new chapter.
Anne Hall,
As a Liberal Democrat councillor I am disappointed that the Coalition government has taken the decision to cut feed in tariffs and with so little notice. We should be doing all we can to support renewable energy sources.
Marti Mann,
Anthony Ackner,
Tony Stone,
Jyotsna Ram,
paul gilliatt,
the opposite to what we should be doing, safer and cheaper than nuclear
Martin hall,
Barbara Sheppard,
Sue Jones,
Encouragement of non fossil fuel power is essential
Mr Stephen Walters,
There are better things to cut than solar energy
Do not link new installations to the green new deal.
Diane Would,
solar is surely the way that individuals can help improve the environment and contribute directly towards renewable energy.I am sure this is the way forward for renewable.
The cuts themselves aren't the issue - they were expected as solar gets cheaper. The problem is the timing, or rather lack of time between the announcement and the cut off date. Either scale the cuts back on 12th December, or do the 50% cut on 31st March, but 50% on 12th December is an industry killer.
Lorna Coates-Smith,
Alex Hunt,
don't kill off a success story... that is truly insane?
A small cut commensurate with the reduction in panel prices is OK but NOT 50%!
Sam Matthews,
FITs need to be reduced but this is being done too quickly by government.
Chris Archer,
Why try to kill off one of the country's growth industries??????
Mark Coates-Smith,
Guy Watson,
Pilgrim Beart,
What consumers and the nascent UK PV industry need is PREDICTABILITY from government. A steady, regular, measured reappraisal process with no surprises, so that everyone can plan ahead by at least a year.
Slashing FITs by 50% with only 6 week's notice is the third time this year that the government has failed to act regarding sustainability incentives, and then over-reacted at the last minute, hugely damaging the confidence and livelihoods of the thousands of entrepreneurs, employees - and yes customers too - who have responded to the Government's call to move us to a clean future.
I am a solar PV customer with a (long-planned) install scheduled for the end of November. In just a few weeks I have gone from thinking I was being supported in making a significant investment in a clean future for the UK, investing my money in producing a common benefit at a modest long-term return, to feeling like I'm being portrayed as greedy for stealing money from the poor. A investment which is locked-in and will only start providing a 10% return after 10 years is hardly avaricious, is it?
alan croft,
Carl Green,
I will have no choice but to make people redundant when the cut comes in to force due to lack of business.
Nic Goodwin,
This rash decision to cut the FiT may well mean closing our business and making 4 staff redundant
malcolm steele,
Chris York,
Keep up with the rest of the world
Dr Fran Tattersall,
Chloe Bines,
The potential for solar PV in the UK is huge. We need to providing confidence in the market, not pulling the rug from under its feet. Greenest Government ever....what a joke.
Kevin Worthington,
Sarah Oswald,
I understand that there may be a need to reduce the current tariff rate, but feel that a) The government should at least wait until the end of the current consultation before determining the new rates, and b) the reduced rates should be phased in gradually, rather than making an immediate, across-the-board drastic cut.
I would suggest, when determining future subsidy rates, the government compares the amounts of subsidy given to Renewables -t he future of the world's energy needs - to that given to other energy industries such as nuclear and fossil fuels.
Paul Evans,
Power to the people!
David Houlden,
This is one big U turn you need to make David.
Karl Dawson,
helen wilmot,
David Savage,
The term 'fuel poverty' is being used for those who people who cannot afford increased energy bills (more than 10% of their income) but this is really a 'poverty' issue. Fuel poverty is really about where the UK will obtain its energy from when it's rapidly dwindling resources run out. That is why the feed in tariff was initiated to provide an incentive for homeowners to generate their own energy and as a result offset the national energy demand. At a stroke the government have taken away any incentive for people to invest in their own energy generation. It is just another example of the government dancing to the tune of 'big business' and going for short term savings instead of looking at the long term implications.
Nadim Chaudhry,
Solar is the future, costs have fallen 70% in 3 years. The quicker we get as many boots on the ground and skilled up the better for our economy. Solar provides greater value to the British Economy with a greater domestic value chain and reinvestment of profits than our foreign owned utilities.
Step it up 'Greenest Gov'!
Richard McCredie,
Janet Green,
It is crazy to make the cut so suddenly and so dramatically. This is creating chaos in the Installation marketplace
Peter Clarke,
Ashley Handley,
Sefton Owens,
Another kick in the teeth from the alleged 'greenest government ever'. Why would anyone looking to invest in renewable technologies ever trust the British government again. I won't for one.
Chris Wright,
It is cynicism of the first order for Greg Baker to issue platitudes about being the 'greenest government' as he opens the SmartLife Centre in Cambridge the same day as announcing the savage change of date for implementing Feed In Tariff changes.
If free solar power has been fitted into some eligable homes I think this should continue until everyone who has applied gets the same opportunity
Tom Sperrey,
Given the 50% fall in the costs of PV over the past five years it's clear there will have to be a corresponding cut in FIT. But in the current economic climate where we desperately need business growth the rapidity of this swingeing cut cannot make sense. Make changes, certainly, but please let's engage our intelligence first.
Matthew Hill,
Renewable energy is the way forward. Stop limiting our future.
Roger Hughes,
Stanley Knill,
Mears have decided to pull out of the industry and write off £2 million pounds. This is madness. Why does the government want to destroy the industry and thousands of jobs - AND cause the waste of millions of pounds????
Amanda Crosbie,
sarah pearce,
I can not believe the Government have only given the industry 6 weeks. Our small company has lost probably over £''s of potential sales. Many of our orders were awaiting planning permission for listed buildings/barn conversions. Why did the governement just restrict it to one Fit per Electricity account holder - this would have stopped the roof renters and ensured the FITs were going to genuine householders not multi-national investment houses.
Julian Maynard,
Mr Stephen Dicker,
Why not just increase the VAT content rather than cut the tariff? At least the government will recover the over-budget subsidies without affecting the industry as a whole ???
Susan Bourne,
Typical government mismanagement. Make the cut BEFORE the consultation ! Ridiculous !
John Connett,
J Bullen,
Matt Demorais,
andrew dickson,
Pip Howard,
Oliver Clark,
I was planning to have solar panels installed early next year. This cut to the FIT has made it uneconomical for me and so I will now have to abandon the idea.
Sarah Bines,
Peter Longley,
Solar is our FuTURE!
Mrs Jane Chalmers,
Solar panels make so much more sense than the ugly useless windmills littering our beautiful countryside.
Jason Drury,
Steve Healey,
James Mclagan,
I know the world is going into financial meltdown at the moment but surely enabling the UK population to save money where it can, ie, electricity means it will/may have funds to spend elsewhere. Surely this can only be good for the countries financies? Please dont miss another chance of helping to save peoples homes. (In case you're wondering what the 'other' is, Many of us cannot understand why billions was spent to bail out the banks who are ripping of millions of people. The same money split evenly between all the adult population would have meant almost all, if not all debts would've been paid off. The banks would then have had their money back and the whole country would've been better off, what do you think?
Mike Rios-Hall,
Dave; don't let the Big 6 and the bankers make you abandon the Solar revolution
We already anticipate redundancies of 50% of our 20 strong workforce if these Government measures are taken
Susanna salts,
Deirdre Dyson,
Helen Degnen,
We should be doing everything we can to increase sustainable and renewable sources of energy, not cutting back. Disgraceful!
Joe Weeks,
Andrea McGhee,
Mrs Sydney Charles,
On the Tuesday Chris Huhne says '88% of people view solar power favourably, renewables are delivering jobs across the UK, we must deploy public finance intelligently, subsidies for fossil fuels are five times that of renewables....' and on the Monday Greg Barker destroys all of that success. What is behind it? Is it that investment in solar PV is outside the control of the energy companies? They have the ear of ministers and have plans for 30GW of gas powered electricity investment, when only 11GW is needed. The clue is that the government is now talking of Power stations in terms of its Growth strategy - ignoring the green shoots of growth being destroyed by this 'consultation'. Very convenient for the big companies worried about losing custom.
David Langouet,
I am chocked, fustrated, angry by this decision. Many people, companies have invested so much and believed this could be one of the few Industry left in the UK who would carry the country to an Economy recovery and give a chance for the Futur Generations.
But it appear these Gouvernment have betrayed the Bristish Industry (again, thank you Mrs Tatcher) like their did with The Arms Forces.
Why anybody would send Familly men and women to a fight, to tell them that it is for a better futur and betray them by widrawing their promeses and living them with barely nothing to hang on to when they believed and invested so much?
Today the issue is a safe/ Green Environment and already the problem of food production for a growing population worldwild is on the Agenda. If you can't listen/understand the solutions of today how can people like you solve any problem?
andrew croft,
now is the time for investment not cuts. Micro solar is, en masse, an infrastructure project - and just the thing the government should be supporting
Marc Payne,
Ben Russell,
John Stott,
I agree that a reduction is needed but not 50%
Dawn Mannay,
Phil sparrow,
This is really going to affect my company and many of my staff. Please rethink this outrageous decision!
Colin Reading,
Maliya Price,
And there we were, waiting for our bonuses so we could install. This is insane to cut solar. With all the wars over oil, doesn't it make sense to invest in alternatives??!!
Ann Price,
meg owen,
Jan Hinchliffe,
There's nothing new in governments moving goalposts, but suddenly dragging them off the field of play and errecting them on another pitch looks more like a lack of ability to govern.
Ann Williams,
Jim Brown,
Making such a sudden change to the business environment of a significant emergent industry is simply an ill thought-out policy, particularly for an industry to generate so much good for our society in the long term.
Mike Lazonby,
S, Roberts,
Daryll Witt,
Think of the future, renewables is the way to go.
Alison Roberts,
It's a no-brainer
Idiots , DEFINITION OF CONSULTATION IS : a meeting in which people or groups have a discussion before decisions are made!
I know Britain is "Broken" but let's be honest a "broke/n" government can't fix shit!
pascal groves,
N and D Hart Eastbourne,
We think it is unfair that such short notice has been given for changing to solar energy and there is to be such a big cut in the feed in tariff. We thought the government were all for encouraging people to go green!
Matthew Potticary,
After making so much progress in taking the correct path in the future of energy which is the moral thing to do for future generations. We now see the government taking a completely different tact. It would appear green energy is a vote winner in line with public opinion. The government then U Turn implementing huge cuts in the solar energy sector,how very hypocritical. put another way would you buy a used car/bicycle from David Cameron.
mary F,
Oh the intelligence - NOT! Jeopardise the future for our children, increase unemployment needlessly and really put the Uk on the map as the first 4th world country. Seems private education really helped your brain cells Mr Cameron! Sad and pathetic !
christie Townsend,
How many people have paid deposits with companies who will go under if this goes ahead. Is this legal? What about the cost to the taxpayer with all the extra unemployment benefits?
Dr John de los Angeles,
As a past Vice President of the RIBA the Architects Council of Europe and International Union of Architects, I can say that the vast majority of Architects throughout the world would support your campaign, as I do. The UK lags behind many much poorer countries in Europe when it comes to renewable energy and for the UK to inevitably fall further behind is simply a catastrophic disgrace.
Eileen Wragg,
Tenants of a Housing Association in Exmouth, the largest town in Devon, were informed earlier this year that solar panels would be fitted in their homes. The properties have no gas supply, & the heating bills for the pre-payment meters, are unaffordable. Last winter, it was not unusual for parents to pay £50+ per week, just to take the chill off their rooms. With escalating fuel costs, & another harsh winter forecast by the Met Office, plus worsening unemployment, warm homes will be impossible for many. If there is not help for people in fuel poverty, such as PV installations which are now at risk, there are bound to be casualties from health risks. The Government should revise its ludicrous decision, & I shall be asking for this to be debated by Place Scrutiny at Devon County Council.
Chris Wright,
Our small business has been decimated by this sudden change. We can't buy kit to fulfil our existing orders and new enquiries have dried up.
Sandra Harrison,
Its scandalous that this parliament should get these things so wrong! It is unbelievable that the country's finances can be used to prop up and support archiac institutions (the high street banks) and cannot and will not be used to support a growth industry employing thousands and changing the way we use electricity in this country.
Philip Roberts,
Currently doing 7days a week installing, and due to the g'vmnt's unreasonable time frame we're struggling to get equipment. A complete farce to expect such a short timescale to be enough time. Yet another Cock up from the g'vmnt.
Jim Dunn,
Peter Childs,
This is too important for politicians to destroy.
Stacey DeAmicis,
Mike Maguire,
Not only should it be supported, it should also be compulsory on any new builds and especially on the roofs of new 'supermarkets , at their expense, for the benefit of their local communities
I stagger to think of the huge amount that could be saved on the grid if all homes had solar power
Emma Prosser,
Solar power is win-win; home owners benefit and so does the environment. Targetting solar power for spending cuts seems crazy.
solar solutions north east,
Reduce if necessary not Kill the feed in tarriff.
Kevin King,
I have been an electrician all my working life and have had to go through two recessions. I have lost my job in both. After being made redundant in April of this year i thought i would invest my redundancy money into becoming a PV installer. Things were doing well and my buisness was starting to build up,if the current changes take place it looks like ill be back at square one and wasted my redundancy money. Not good for a forty three year old father of two,morgage,loans and fuel bills.
Yours sincerely
Kevin King
Mr. C. Bowker,
Michelle Walsh,
Niall Bamford,
Nigel Potter,
Our Politicians, representing us and intrusted to plan for our future, cannot be allowed to change the goals so devistatingly on our renewables industry.
Gavin Thomas,
UK Gov is shooting itself in both feet with this ill considered move. Job's, & businesses are being destroyed whilst de-centralised energy, carbon emissions and green jobs objectives are ignored. The big power companies continue to make obscene profits. What next...maybe invitations for the big six to join the cabinate of 'The Greenest Government Ever' ?
Jon Yearsley,
Phil Butler,
David Wilkinson,
It is absolutely essential to make the big push towards renewable energy in the UK immediately - if we leave it much longer or fail to support existing schemes, it will be too late.
Clare O\'Brien,
Ian Henghes,
Technology leadership needs investment. Investing in carbon reduction and job creation is win win. Cutting support for solar PV is taking austerity policies too far and undermining our jobs, a growth industry in new technology and our future.
Jon Starbuck,
Catherine Dawson,
Gvt spits in face of business by cutting one of our only growth industries, BEFORE the sham consultation deadline
Joan Morrison,
Susie Wheeldon,
whatever happened to "the greenest government ever"? don't kill the solar industry!
Jennifer Haydon,
Until the British Isles produces ALL the power needed to run our country we will be held to ransom by others & have to pay whatever exorbitant price they choose to charge.
Please reverse your decision & SUPPORT solar power producers & customers.
Do you not care about our children & grand-children's future ?
Kevin Guth,
Anna Doeser,
give real support to renewables now to secure a sustainable future, keep support for green jobs and local solutions to energy.
Ann Kolodziejski,
Andrew Turner,
This drastic and unexpected change in coalition government policy undermines their commitment to reducing CO2 and to help small businesses. It further risks destroying a fledgeling UK industry.
Martin Towers,
I was going to invest. 100%. But not now. I will have to consider my options.
Martyn Ravensdale,
This is so obvious.
Jill Bourne,
Grunde Løvoll,
Solar energy is the only renewable energy source which can meed our demand. So a sustainable future will _have_ to include solar power. Actively hindering the development of solar is in my opinion a crime.
David Edwards,
Julie Pritchard,
Alan Bithell,
David Kime,
CArla Smith,
Martin Holme,
Ben Bishop,
Cuts to the feed in tariff are part of the tariff maturing. However, the proposed cuts are too great. The system was created to stimulate an industry to grow. The cuts will damage the industry terribly. But the cuts have to happen, we as a country do not have enough money to support a tariff on this level. But why cut the level of the FIT, why not reduce the spectrum of people that can apply for it. Currently anyone can apply for the FIT, many companies are now offering solar panels for free to any home owner. But the catch is that the company are the people who get the income from the FIT. Why not make it that only home owners are allowed to benefit from the FIT. Make it so that the FIT benefits the people that matter, the people who pay the taxes. Rather than going straight into the pockets of big business? Stopping these companies from using the FIT as an income generator. Make it so that only the home owners see the benefit. Yes, this will reduce the level of solar deployment accross the country. But it wont kill the sector like the proposed cuts. The British public will still be able to afford solar panels and more importantly its the public who will see the benefit.
Please reconsider the cuts, something like a 20% reduction would be suitable. Please change policy so that companies cannot offer free panels in return for the FIT, why should companies like this be allowed to make money straight from the tax payers pockets?
George Hardill MIET,
You only have to look to Germany to see the benefits a coherent solar policy can bring - wake up Goverment!!
T Cullen,
This is abd for teh planet as well as jobs, industries etc when the government is supposed to be addressing all these issues. Can't trust ANY government
Andrew Pattison,
This cut is unfair to anyone who has already signed up for installation
pam mcnaughton,
Solar is the only way to go for ordinary households
David Morris,
the big six energy companies are charging their customers as pert of their bill up to 12% as a contribution to renewable investment surely this is or should be used for the FITs - this makes a mockery of the statement from the Government that their fund of £860m is running out
Wendy Russell,
This seems such a short-sighted move that doesn't give the industry or the concept any time to adapt
Eddy Adams,
Luke Bellamy,
Hazel Simpson,
You cannot create and develop for the future without investment. We are never going to get on feet without it. Oh, and the environment benefits too.
eva Warman,
Jeremy Ottevanger,
tariff cut is a massive backward step
It's stupidity to stop such a worthwhile scheme, both economically, and environmentally.
Peter Bruniges,
Mark Philpotts CEng MICE MCIHT AIEMA,
They are more interested in propping up tradition power generation and the vested financial interests behind it rather than the resilience a nationwide system of microgeneration will bring. Greenest government ever, green-wash more like!
Jess Phillimore,
John Drysdale,
Gov't needs to learn to cut wasteful expenditure not useful investment that develops jobs and a more sustainable energy base.
Rhona Probert,
Dilys Cluer,
Don't strangle this vital industry in its infancy!
Matt Walton,
Elaine Williams,
Solar makes sense.
Simon Midgley,
How not green is this, Mr Cameron!
Alex Farnell,
The handling of this fast track review has been staggeringly careless. Unforgivable.
Polly James,
The most important fact regarding the fitting of P.V. panels for EVERYONE IS - they are providing electricity at a much lower cost than the electricy suppliers with pylons and underground cabling. TIME TO THINK OUT SIDE THAT BOX DAVID C.
Colin Quickfall,
Rick Leslie,
Richard Bond,
Purdey Silvester,
David Silvester,
Susan Robinson,
alan guy,
still cant trust the goverment!
tanya smart,
wynn connell,
Phil Bitis,
'greenest government ever' I think not
P Kirkman,
we must continue to encorage solar and other forms of green energy!
Sam Brightbart,
With massive Green Energy investment, everyone wins! Come on, policy makers, let's start preparing for the future instead of ignoring it!
We need energy security, diverse energy production strategy and jobs for people doing THE RIGHT THING. Help us all to help ourselves to a better economics and planet.
Peter Westlake,
Julian Porter,
Vicky Wyer,
David A Knowles,
for the sake of our planet please do not cut the insentive so soon
Mark Warwick,
Sally Warwick,
Susan Lees,
Nick Albrow,
Stuart Clay,
Philippa Coleman,
Kevin Greenlow,
Don't do this now! Every attempt to help people & companies out is being stopped! Why! We need Green Energy now more than ever. Think Again!!
The Solar industry is reviving rural economies - support it and save thousands of solar jobs and British companies!
Jenny Burbridge,
wendy clarke,
“I support the ‘Cut, Don’t Kill’ campaign to stop the Government cutting Solar PV Feed-in Tariffs by 50%, which would devastate the solar power industry and jeopardise 25,000 jobs.”
Simon Newton,
Howard Davies,
Solar power is the safe way forward, is this government as blind as they appear to be - you will be judged at the next election.
L Little,
I think you should prolong the time span so more people can get solar panels
Janet Coman,
David Rennie,
We need to think long term and secure our energy independence. the industry needs to streamline but boom and bust only destroys jobs and investor confidence.
Alex Malcolm,
The Government's credibility and local distributed energy generation policy is at stake here.
Nick Shread,
Absolutely ludicrous decision to cut the tariff at a time when momentum is behind people's uptake of solar energy
Stuart Curran,
This is really important. Killing an industry that is so important for all our futures before it has a chance to properly establish itself is short-sighted in the extreme.
Roy Roberts,
Typical back tracking by this Government
Dianne Penny,
Judy Hudson,
Hannah Corr,
Kyla thompson,
Ceri Howes,
Pete Fairhurst,
tony benge,
Kam Sanghera,
At a time when we should be growing the green energy sector, and at a time when we need growth in the job market, knocking the confidence of this sector seems short-sighted.
Drastic changes of policy like this will also undermine belief and uptake of future initiatives.
Neil Ritchie,
Please Mr. Cameron, show the political will to follow through on your green commitments, your children and my children should remember your government for being "the greenest government ever".
Millie Leigh-Wood,
Alan Brignall,
The costs of not making the rapid transition to a solar-electric economy far out weigh any short-term budgetary concerns on offer. Drill up not down! We need to embrace both ground-based AND space-based solar power if we are to make this successful transition. The end of easy energy is upon us and Britain is set to lose 1/3 of it´s generating capacity over the next few years. We can either keep importing fossil fuels at prices out of our control or we can make a start on the path towards energy security in the 21st century with solar. Does seem strange to me that we´re even having this argument.
Anthony Lamb,
Lance Eames,
What's Cameron's thinking behind the cuts? I've heard plenty of speculation, and we can all guess the real reasons, but what has he actually said?
Edward Whipp,
You're relying on companies like Eagle New Energy to exapnd and pick up the pulic sector fall out, don't kill us off just as we're getting started!
Annabel Harford,
The imposition of a 50% cut on 12th Dec - even before the FIT review/consultation is wrong - not to mention an 'own goal' by damaging one of the few high-growth industries in the UK and reversing the carbon/energy security benefits of UK solar power generation. Whatever happened to Cameron's statements about our government being one of the 'greenest ever' - what a joke.
Bethia Smith,
As a pensioner, my solar panels have made an invaluable contribution to surviving fuel poverty. I had hopes that future schemes would do the same for others but this now seems ulikely
Anne Thomas,
Solar energy could make a significant contribution to our energy needs, carbon reduction and jobs creation. It needs to be supported. Sudden cuts in FITS undermine it.
Jonathan Pyke,
Solar is an essential part of the UKs renewable mix. And its the best option for small homes and businesses. It's frankly crazy to be cutting so fast and deep when the industry is still finding its feet, and it smacks more of political gamesmanship and climate change denialism than it does of a sensible and balanced energy policy. Sort it out.
Gordon Morris,
It might well be necessary to modify the scheme as technology develops and component and installation costs change, but the proposed approach to cut the FIT will in all probability emasculate the burgeoning industry, with adverse implications for employment and R&D.
Colin Higginbotham,
Willi Moore,
Cutting FITs sends exactly the wrong message to the population at large - renewable energy of whatever form is the future, creating thousands of new jobs and a whole new energy infrastructure if a smart grid is created.
Christopher Tennant,
Supporting solar is cheaper, cleaner and a more responsible decision to protect our energy security and future energy needs by NOT having to rely on new nuclear power stations that will leave a legacy (and bill) of decontamination for generations after generation to come. The Government are taking a short term view and need to act more responsibly. Don't cut support for renewable energy, cut Trident and cut Nuclear Power.
Andrew Sherwood,
Another short term short sighted act by a government which is far from being the greenest ever.
Debbie Staveley,
The measures taken by the government need to be as sustainable as the technology they support. Cutting the amount of the feed in tariff with just six week's notice is not right, not fair and makes a mockery of the coalition's claims to be "the greenest government ever".
Marc Seery,
A reduction was inevitable but to pull it so far forward is appalling and will cause job losses.
Chris Baxter,
Don't kill the goodwill and the drive forward.
Edward van Reenen,
This government is about to kill off the solar PV industry in this country in its infancy, because it is too successful! If the tariff reductions are staged properly in accordance with the original timings then it will stand a good chance of surviving.
I was lucky enough to get my PV system installed 6 months ago but these cuts are viscous and could stop PV in its tracks!
We need to use every possible natural source for energy and to help people realistically afford energy
madeline carroll,
when we are being encouraged to look for alterative conservation of power its madness to end this susidy
Sally Nutbeem,
Germany has a vibrant micro generation program. They dont change subsidies at short notice
Edward Sadler,
This is ridiculous! Cutting the tariff by this much and giving such little notice is going to kill this still fledgling industry. I am trying to return to the solar industry after a break from work and now cannot find a job, as most solar companies are too scared to employ now in light of what might happen to demand. This government needs to sort itself out, because it is clearly not in favour of renewable energy!
ruth price,
Charles Booth,
Mrs Christa Mardon,
The government should support solar, wind and wave power, and not use palm oil and wood from abroad to power our power stations.
Nigel Pugh,
John Hurley,
This country needs to become as self sufficient in energy as possible, even at considerable cost, and I am also appalled that the government has misled the solar power industry with dire consequences for many firms and employees.
Dan Pike,
s willard,
David Bater,
David Laird,
Dr. Amelia Roberts,
In the face of 1 million unemployed young people, no industry should be attacked, least of all those which support sustainable futures.
Peter Exley,
Will Lord,
Abigail Storey,
John Hastings,
I think it's a disgrace to pull the plug on a thriving industry when it should be bolstered. The government wants to increase employment, but, with this ill-thought out move, it's going to make several thousand workers unemployed.
Rene Scherer,
Paul Jesson,
Simon Gershon,
...And deny community organisations free electricity
David Hoadley,
Mr Tom Wells,
John Hill,
Solar PV has emerged as the most accessible way of producing clean, renewable energy for communities, commercials and private individuals but this emerging market still requires the support of the government. We all expected a cut in the FIT rate but the ill thought out timing and implementation has already caused massive damage and will erode confidence. All we ask is that you (our Government) stick to plan and stop moving the goal posts.
Cristian Ramis,
We need to produce as much renewable energy as possible. This proposal will send us backwards
Mike Clay,
Please provide a realistic and sustainable reduction of the solar subsidies that stimulate sustainable industry growth rather than unpredictable changes that make business planning and realistic growth impossible. Also PLEASE do not introduce the 'Energy Efficiency Rating C' caveat for FIT qualification, this will exclude a huge proportion of suitable south facing housing stock that will never be able to achieve the qualification due to historic building techniques - energy efficiency through insulation and electricity generation are two completely different sides of the coin - linking them is unrealistic
Ruth Baber,
This is so short-sighted. We need to increase sustainability incentives, rather than damaging business and employment prospects
Richard Evans,
Jake Lauder,
I will lose my job, income acssociated with that, social life and relationship if these cuts go ahead. My company has already gone into administration with redundency looming. This accompained by the fact i'm a 22 year old graduate who has just witnessed record unemployment numbers for people my age is bleak to say the least. What will I be able to do now?
Chris Tinson,
Back incentives that promote growth and new jobs. Celebrate new industries, don't kill them!
Farah Sabba,
Hugh Sneddon,
Keep it real for joe public and dont bite the hand that feed you.
Christine Mumford,
It is too early to cut the feedin tarrif.
Roger Watson,
Judith Ayres,
A L Little,
Installation costs have, and will continue, to fall, but sudden changes in the FIT are disruptive to the industry and jeopardise jobs. A gradual reduction in the Tariff would be fairer to all concerned.
James Wickham,
Not a green decision.
Trevor Stephens,
Nigel Smith,
Jacqui White,
David Bryden,
Surely the change is ultra vires - it is coming into force prior to the end of the government's consultation period.
Martin Sherring,
How come the government can find extra money to build more houses, but when it comes to a measure design to promote a new industry in the UK, it's happy to throw away all the benefit from the FIT so far?
Mark Burton,
We are living in a climate emergency. Government needs to use whatever means it can to reduce emissions and rapidly. Feed-in tariff is one of those means and should not be killed at birth.
Neil Hawkey,
This will kill off any new FIT's rated green technology investment in the future!! What a short sited view and again proves that you cannot trust The government.
Everyone should be encouraged to instal PV without any dead line
richard holmes,
the conservatives changed their logo to a tree to illustrate their green credentials, what hypocrasy. I am more appaled at the liberals to be honest, where are they? I work for a small solar business and we have been decimated by this decision.
I was made redundant last week by PV solar company. For the first time in 20 years I am now claiming benefits, with no chance of a job till after Christmas,
Lilia Patterson,
I don't support the 'cut' comment in the above, nor do I agree that this is 'an accurate representation of the 'reality' - since billions in investments still remain for 'renewables' just that they are being offered to the priveleged few, via the landed aristocracy, of the UK, and NFU guided investment, rather than the 90% landless majority of the UK instead. It has to be remembered who the 'Tories' mostly represent - those who want to keep 'power' for themselves, mostly from the 'landed priveleged few' rather than those who Labour mostly represent, i.e. the 90% landless majority instead.
Caspar Thomas,
Andy Wright,
Very disappointed with the size and speed of the cuts. My company is now going to make almost 40 people redundant just before Christmas, including me. It's also the second time Osborne's comprehensive spending review has put me out of a job.
Brian Jeanes,
Whilst I agree that the current tariffs are unsustainable in the long term I feel that the proposed cuts are too severe and too quckly implemented.
Ben Smith,
Andrew Bishop,
Takis Lefkaritis,
carefull planning is needed and correct execution of any cut decisions. A 55% reduction in a few weeks is unacceptable on all levels. You simply cannot destroy peoples future with unprofessional handling of a situation.
Begin with a 5% reduction every 3 weeks till a desired level is reached. Base your arguments on data. Add benefits for the homes and organizations that require this the most.
Support this Country and assist economic growth.
Hayley Whitman,
If we want to avoid another crisis, we must do all we can to ensure a clean, independent future for our energy needs.
solar is the way
Solar direct savings llp,
Francis Meynell,
R H Smith,
6 weeks absolute madness.
The costs of flood damage to our towns and cities far outweigh the cost of householders reducing carbon.
The UK needs to invest in green energy instead of using dirty options like Nuclear and Gas. The public wants green!
Brenda Quail,
Moving the goalposts is disgraceful with such short notice, causing needless panic in the industry with the inevitability of job losses. This will not encourage us to use sustainable energy and reduce our carbon footprint.
Ok Uk govet
we palyed by your rul;es, we saved up the cash to fit PV, we have to reroof to do it and no roofer will do extensive work in nov-jan this far north. so the work was set for feb/march and now we get 9p/unit as reward for using all our savings.while you paid fly by night firms to offer free pv but take the tariffs for 25 years. reputable firms will suffer massive cashflow issues.and the next payout is conditional so those of us with old homes wont get more than 9p.tho you suggest 21p is on offer, cheers!you just put a lot of folk off trying to do their bit.
Mrs F Watson,
Listed building owners need exemption from efficiency requirements. We need help to pay our bills too!
I'd like to see a far greater commitment to the present administration taking serious steps which will be maintained in order to fulfil its pledge 'to be the greenest government ever.'
Mitch Henry,
We have invested thousands of pounds in training and accreditation schemes - we are creating local jobs - if the cuts go ahead all this will finish for us and many similar small businesses
Solar still needs more encouragement. The environment still needs more protection.
Verena Stubbs,
Andrew McGowan,
This sudden and drastic cut to the FiT will have a drastic effect on our solar manufacturing and installation industry. Do we really want to damage our own industry - the kind of industry that is key to our future well-being and prosperity?
Simon Forrow,
Michael Adams,
Wake up!
Simon Morrison,
Cutting one of the only beacons in an otherwise dark, economic downturn, sinical!
Justin Benn,
Solar Power. Photovoltaics or prevarication. Only one of these leads to the future.
Prof Robin Roy,
I shall now not be installing solar, although I am very keen to do so, because of the unexpected FIT cut
Fuel poverty as bills increase, particularly for the elderly & lower income families.
Greener environment for us and our kids for the future.
Encouraging children to look after our planet now and the for the future.
25,000 jobs on the line.
Ian Brent-Smith,
How can my clients, who have negotiated £100k loans against single farm projects now face their banks?
Leigh Knowles,
Tracy Scott,
This threat has already meant people backing off having solar panels put in which are much greener for the enviroment. What we going to do when oil etc do run out or become too expensive?
Julie Gill,
Barrie Mould,
The Government encourages planning. SD encourages long term thinking - so what on earth is this six week deadline meant to indicate?
Reuben Barker,
Jeff Smith,
Jobs are important create them not destroy them.
Chris Ellis,
Avery Family Hampshire,
Had my panels instaled and registered 2 months ago now and cannot believe the government can be so short sited... i will still get the higher tarrif but it was more luck than judgement .. our installer has spent a lot of time and money going back to school and registering to become and installer of solar panels and now the market for panels will crash thanks to the governments stupidty ...
Nigel Follows,
I have invested heavily in solar panels for my home and want to buy some more, but cutting the FIT means it no longer makes financial sense to take on the burden of the additional upfront cost, especially when all other costs are going up so fast.
You don't set these things up and then remove them overnight. If the level of FIT wasn't right, reduce it slowly, don't slash it!
John and Meg Bacon,
'The greenest government ever - not on this evidence!
Marc ter Kuile,
I am willing to pay more tax to allow the FIT to continue at the same high rate for new installations for another 5 years.
Brian Scott,
This knee jerk reaction from the government is short term planning at its worst and will hamper national growth.
Darlene Masters,
vivian carr,
I have carefully considered both Solar Thermal & Photovoltaic for a number of years and assessed both to be unaffordable (on an individual basis) for an average household no matter how "green" and have thus not adopted either. Just as the recovery time for the not inconsiderable investment
becomes more reasonable the Government proposes to drastically increase the recovery time under the guise as being too great a return calculated on the basis of the capital being recoverable. Discussion with Estate Agents as part of my assessment of solar technology indicates that, certainly in the North of England, that solar arrays are, at best, not negative to house value and have little or no "resale value" as part of a house sale.
Robert Watson,
I think that the amount of loss involved is absolutely crazy. Support indusrty in the UK not kill it off!
Thomas Scorer,
Why is this government so predictable ? How dissapointing. Surprise us with some good news for a change Cameron.
sarah gleave,
we must develop clean sustainable industrial jobs - for benefit of all the voters under 45 -
Steve Mewes,
The present coalition purports to be truly committed to renewable energy, so why on earth are they cutting the incentive of the Feed-In-Tariff?!
Mike Barnes,
s.m murage,
steve oliver,
Sophie McGuire,
Julian Dines,
Neil McCulley,
Having recently setup my own company to work within the solar photovoltaic industry, I find these cuts both excessive and ill timed. It is now very unlikely that I will remain in the business and have only a small chance to recover my startup costs.
Nicky Leyland,
I feel this work is vital towards moving our country forward on many levels. If cut's have to be made surely they need not be to devastating levels for this important industry.
alec warburton,
The power companies have told the Conservative UK government to stop all clean micro generation schemes as they are tax free and don't put profit in their shareholders pockets, they only want free taxpayers subsidies for huge capital, environment destructive wind farms.
The world is turning to solar power and we are forced by the puppet masters of this government to support the fossil fuel/nuclear power cartels to pour poisons into our one and only atmosphere, the seas and leave the land contaminated for our children and changing the climate for their greed. I despair.
Gary Groombridge,
Stuart Tate,
James Lancaster King,
government has really screwed things up now, even if they backtrack, many industry players have had to make cuts and leave the market
Joanna Lloyd,
Richard Maxwell,
Further to the rate reduction the proposed change of Energy Performance Certificate requirement will rule out a large section of the housing stock constructed prior to 1920.
john cantrell,
lets keep the momentum on solar power - don't cut it back now
Don't make solar something for the elite. Green energy should be accessible to everybody. How else will we ever change our energy future?
Charles Titherley,
You just cannot trust this Government they are prepared to subside the bix 6 Generators with their renewable schemes and allow them to shut power stations thusthen blackmailing the tax payer into subsidising nuclear new build wrong wrong wrong
Sue Tremlett,
Roger Ian Shotton,
I thought our voted MPs wanted us the elctorate to make our country green, cutting solar PV Feed-in tarrifs by 50% won't help WILL IT. We are still in the EC then why don't the MPs wake up and follow their colleagues in Europe who encourage their electorate to instal SOLAR PANELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Making the decision to have a free solar system installed was one of the best life choices I have ever made.
L Atkinson,
The installation of millions of panels on people's homes to generate their own electricity was something to be proud of - now this community spirited and green enterprise will be killed in one foul swoop.
David Childs,
Although we have installed and registered our system for FiT before the proposed changes, it is disingenuous to break promises upon which people have taken big investment decisions. The Government should therefore stick to its previous committments or risk losing credibility.
Alan Stewart CEngMIMechE,
Solar Power and 1 MWatt Windmills are the way forward not nuclear power stations
Graham Fereday,
Eric Branse-Instone,
The country is on the brink of a further recession. What does the Government do? Pulls the rug from beneath one of the few sectors that is showing growth before it has had chance to properly establish itself. Sure, reduce FITs over time, but slashing by 50% by surprise is not the way to encourage future investors.
Dawn Miles,
Susie Holden,
Yet again we waste an opportunity to invest in green technologies for the future. This is a huge and costly mistake.
Shelly Fennell,
Greenest government ever? In with the big 6 energy companies more like
It's ridiculous to build up a UK based industry which cuts carbon emmissions and then destroy it.
claire Fullerton,
I was about to sign up understanding I had till April -
i find this reduced notice an absolute sham.
anne Jackson,
Support this industry, invest in it!!! Progression not regression!!!
Bruce Shayler,
Laila Hackforth-Jones,
John Long,
This is a backward step. Have the courage of our convictions. You know it makes sense.
Isobel tarr,
Cuts to the provision of jobs which contribute to a sustainable future make a mockery of government commitments to reduce unemployment and be the "greenest government ever". The solar feed-in tariff is one of the best things to come out of the coalition government. Don't kill it.
Lucy Craig,
Marion Treby,
Sam Hall,
This government has lost my vote. It's outrageous to make these cuts to one of the few far sighted actions they have taken.
Dirk Plutz,
Roger Banister,
Scheme was possibly over generous but steep cut will undo the progress that has been made.
vernon cooper,
I have no axe to grind - my panels are already installed.
stephen pitchley,
everyone should have a chance of free solar energy.
R. Henderson,
The Government should stick to its original date of March2012 to get the full FIT
Sarah Scott Smith,
Future has to be green.There is no other option.
Monique Stone,
Pete Mesley,
We signed our solar installation contract about 2 weeks before the deadline change was announced, and are now struggling to get them to do the work as they are so busy. Why should we be penalised when we were pro-active and are now being left behind due to the government's knee-jerks?
Mark Buckland,
This is killing this countries need to reduce global warming. How stupid are they
Andy Procter,
colin marriott,
trust the people who already tax us to death to devise another way to prevent 'joe public' from actually benefiting from being 'green' another triumph for the Eton crowd
Paul Whitcombe,
Renewable energy is the only way to protect our environment.
Even in the current climate we must look to the future. Keep the the current feed in tariffs and encourage this relatively new industry.
Jane Collett,
I would ask the Government to reconsider this short-sighted decision which threatens British businesses and goes against David Cameron's pledge to be the "greenest government ever"
Tom Munro,
We are a company who has invested in creating solar jobs and installations - our work in this area will be greatly reduced and jobs affected.
Nick Robins,
Augie Le Carpentier,
It must help being an MP with his head up his arse when looking to the future of clean, safe energy.
David Watson,
The speed and severity of the cut, when a review was due in any event, makes no sense, and its impact on jobs makes even less sense at a time when the economy is stalling!!
Andy Polkey,
Gemma Harris,
Andy Portman,
I live off grid with 750w of solar panels, have telly, washing machine, computer, etc etc - solar works , don't cut it
Nick McAllister,
Totally Unseasonable notice period given for reduced tariff. Many people have made substantial investment are fully commited and now at risk of not making the new deadline!
Simon Annear,
We all agree that a cut in the tariff was needed but not by 50% and NOT within 6Weeks. The greenest government ever R.I.P you wont be getting my vote.
Gerhard Bissels,
It's very sad the Conservative government is pulling the plug on the UK's energy future. Of course, their friends are in the nuclear industry; but it would be nice if they occassionally did something for the benefit of the country!
Daniel Thomas,
Hugh Peters,
This will lose thousands of jobs, and the threat to the climate from this short sited decision giving power companies bigger and bigger profits is just sad. or maybe they went to Eton as well.
Paul Sheppard,
Just think of the future generations and not lining your pockets. The Governments a disgrace.
Richmond Crowhurst,
Sharon Curry,
A cut of this size without suitable notice is unacceptable. Many businesses will now suffer greatly because of the snap desicion which has taken little consideration of lives and families of those in this industry.
Susan Groves,
This is a really valuable initiative which needs continuing support
michael dees,
Why crucify a green, free energy source? We need all the methods of generating energy,not restricting them.
Annabel Gregory,
Nick Seymour,
cut the tariff - yes but over a senesible period of time and by sensible degrees. a cut as severe as this, is going to be the end for most of us in the installation business.
daryl brown,
The Greenest Government ever - pah!
Yes the tariffs need to drop in line with the increase of uptake - but the industry is not that well placed in this economic climate to continue if the incentives for ordinary investors is not there. First the RHI, and now a huge reduction in the FITs - what next?
Martin Bund,
What is the maximum annual budget set at for FIT in the UK, this must be very nearly 1% of the cost to build 1 nuclear reactor, ignoring the cost of waste management, labour, taxes etc. Isn't something wrong about this?
Shawn Duckett,
Katie Watts,
Damian Baker,
Rebecca Hailes,
This cut seems ludicrous when tax revenue is examined - well done Element Energy, great work.
Stuart Clarke,
Cutting PV Feed-in-Tarriffs would be a great step backwards in the efforts to save the planet.
jan tonkies,
Gerard Cook,
Fergus Brazel,
Solar Energy is significantly more cost effective than Wind Turbines or any other form of re-newable energy.
Vasant Gangji,
tim garnham,
Tom Fletcher,
I believe that PV is the future
Please leave this subsidy alone to allow more people to save resources.
Nicole Gordon,
Margherita Colombo,
James Johnston,
Managing Director, Solar Sketch
The UK needs to cut FiT by a maximum of 25% to ensure it does not kill the industry. Any more and its little more than ridiculous - from A) the number of jobs it has created - great for pulling UK out of stagflation, to B) the fact that PV costs are falling steadily (not suddenly), but give 5-10 years more it is predicted to be at grid parity with coal (currently the cheapest source of electricity). C) Most importantly - the innovative new business opportunities that distributed energy are going to bring to the world. Many of which the UK are currently leading, and with a little insight, UK PLC will be in a position to export this knowledge and products around the world. I for one will leave the UK for “greener” shores with my PhD research if there is no home support.
Neil Hardwick,
Dont cut the tariff!!!
Simon Harris,
Director of H2o Solar Power
its criminal
Jo Woods,
GREED not GREEN is the policy now.
Shay Brazier,
David Jones,
The government wont be happy until everybody are out of work
Marie Pritchard,
This is a brilliant opportunity to help save our planet and the government has cut the tariffs by half with minimal notice creating havoc for so many people in the industry. Shame on them.
Lachlan Bateman,
Don't repeat the mistakes seen here in Australia, where thousands of jobs have been lost and many companies closed.
Ieuan Jones,
I was about to commission a PV system for my house, but have now cancelled as a direct result of this change in the feed in tariff
David McKie,
I serious challenge the ethics of the decision made to cut FITs in the manner it has been done. Not only has the cut been announced during the consultation phase, the speed with which the cut has now been introduced gives no orgz nor the public time to react appropriately. I thankfully purchased my system earlier this year, but given this new announcement there is no way I'd consider solar PV. An utterly absurd decision.
Ben Ward,
leslie arther moore,
Kahya Engler,
Tony Gale,
Janet Tolley,
To save the environment is TOP priority, if we can save money that is also crucial.
Alan Savage,
Due to the proposed changes in FIT I cannot now install solar PV before the December deadline. It is not financially viable for me to do it after that date.
Kenneth Perry,
Thomas Royston,
andrew wilkinson,
this is short term thinking - this country is going backwards on renewables and missing a huge opportunity for growth
Francesca Rigamonti,
Stuart Lambie,
I have written to my MP - write to yours if you have not done so already!
Sonya Bedford,
Robert Parker,
The home I'm currently living in has Solar panels and it makes all the difference. When I move out I would invest in solar panels for my new home. I fully support solar power as a new step forward!
Heather Strutt,
NOW is the time to set things right.......the future is in our hands !!
David A A Smith,
Jonathan Blackmore,
Clare Clark,
Just as Streatham is about to launch REpowering Streatham - for a community based energy company - the rug is pulled from under our feet - making our project potentially non-viable economically. So much for 'big society' and 'greenest government ever.' Where is the consistency?
brigitte sims,
andy kelleway,
William Stuart,
Peter Hayward,
This industry has already created ten’s of thousands of jobs and with new technology just a few years away, I can’t help wondering why this government thinks this is the right move?
Sarah McFadden,
Roger Thompson,
A travesty to change the tariff after previously announcing that the rate would persist until April 2012 ... we've been saving for a system in line with the april deadline ....
Matt Day,
rob van nues,
m kelly,
i believe solar power could become the most echo friendly power for the future. tarriffs should not be cut.
Daniel Thorpe,
There is no confidence in the UK government and this completley takes all confidence away in the future of renewables in the UK.
solar is the future, don't kill it
Richard Ian Williams,
Terry Jarman,
I like many people were seriously considering installing solar panels but were waiting for bonds that were tied up to mature. The very short notice period has totally wrongfooted both installers and the buying public. Shame the decision of such short notice cant be legally challenged.
Tim Tabor,
I have already been made redundant due to these changes. The government must not continue to kill what was a rare success story in today's economy.
Anthony Agnew,
Lisa Mak,
This cut is madness. We want more solar panels, installed not fewer
Helen Jenkins,
Stephen Allen,
i was going to think about getting solar but not anymore
James Chapman,
Don't kill the only viable alterative option for the general public
Simon Barrett,
The government misread the intuativeness of British business to maximize a scheme like this but six weeks to adjust after investing millions in money and hundreds of thousands of manpower hours now that is just corrupt, it takes 3 months to have a new 3 piece suite delivered. If the government thinks weve all had some kind of windfall for our hard work then so be it but let us go forward from that and prosper in the coming years for massive job creation and taxes back in the pot and P.S can you stop your "smarmy" smiles Huhne and Barker under questioning your having a better christmas than a lot of our children this year
I am a fresh-faced graduate employed in a sector I truly believed could make a difference. I now face losing a job and adding to the impressive youth unemployment figure.
Stop being so short-sighted, clean energy is a worthwhile investment for the economy. The mishandling of the FiT will kill the industry and undermine all sense of confidence green investors have.
lauren jade holmes,
richard collier,
Rachel Day,
Danielle Hoop,
in these times of dwindling power sources, it seems ludicrous not to continue to promote alternative power production, especially of the solar kind.
Lewis Casey,
Colin Lees,
Barbara Seville,
Not happy about the recent decision
Tom Flack,
Gary Bonnette,
Your given five years to turn your affairs around and we have been given 5 weeks to turn our stock into business when the stock equates to six months work for 80 personnel. Hope the job centres are ready for us.You have the rest of the building industry on it's backside, now the electricians can join them.
Sandra Barton,
Mike Abram,
Sandra Kuhn,
Chris Hancock,
Jonathan Stamp,
Lisa Matthew,
Carol Hayes,
Simon Dyson,
This is a massive industry - especially in non-hub locations (e.g. London) and the introduced cuts are paramount to commerical suicide in these locations that are already struggling with the onset of yet another apparent recession.
keith crowdy,
We all understand that the Government does not hold unlimited budgets for energy saving schemes, however, to deliver such a blow to an industry in its infancy with such harsh timelines is lunacy. Could the Government not look at a more gradual solution and ensure ongoing success.
Jane Shields,
Householders and small businesses do need this initial support to enable solar energy to be used more widely which will directly contribute to the reduction in the use of fossil fuels and carbon emissions and lead to a more secure future.
Lynn Peat,
With these planned tariff cuts and foreshortening the target date the governement is going to kill off about the only industry that is growing and definitely has a future. The UK has quite difficult greenhouse gas emissions targets to meet in the future so why undermine such a beneficial solution as solar. They should be helping households and industry expand in the renewable area not sticking their heads in the sand or spending billions on nuclear which few of us wishes to see in this country.
Deryn Lloyd,
Cut dont kill
Mike GHush,
Vicky Matthews,
D Pulley,
Paul Lovick.,
Seems a shame to stop something that not only helps the homeowner but puts something back to help our environment.
N E Unsworth,
Iwould like this operation to continue for other homeowners
Bill McKenna,
mr peter wingfield,
surely not a good time to risk so many jobs
Matt Evans,
So much for vote blue go green.
the government would be more interested if they could tax sunshine/daylight
The government says it wants to support businesses and encourages banks to make loans. Pulling the rug from under one of the few growth areas in the UK, the solar industry, does not look like supporting industry to me. This is hardly leading by example and will be even more reason for the banks to justify not lending. Best of luck with the judicial review.
Caroline Jackson,
Not sure if I have signed already but it's worth repeating. Just starting up in my new venture installing and in the middle of my first job (after being made redundant 18 months ago) when the law changed. The light at the end of the tunnel that was just starting to look bright at last suddenly went dim again. Thanks for that Cameron and friends.
felicity Nightingale,
Brad Bell,
colin etheridge,
chandra varsani,
Nicholas Nutt,
We need to encourage people to go for alternative energy sources and this will shut it down. It's crazy!
terry Barnaby,
To much of a change to quick.
Perhaps banning "roof leasing" arrangements would be better.
Richard Curthoys,
People living in rural areas only have electricity or oil to heat their homes, yet the media seem to forget those forced to use oil instead of gas, despite oil becoming increasingly expensive. Solar energy is an ideal way of helping rural-dwellers out of fuel-poverty, so remember us and especially use who are also pensioners.
Mark Ellis,
Yet again government cutting too far, to fast. Well I'm sure they know what there doing !?!?
simon piper,
disgraceful. ruined my plans for sustainable home. i will not be proceeding with pv,geothermal package now that most of the incentive has been removed.
r dewhurst,
gary shehean,
The cut will kill the solar power industry
Mike Darby,
As a pensioner looking to save, invest money, and help the environment PV panels were an obvious choice, but it is now too late for us to make that choice, and as an older person I am unlikely to either be living in my large house or be alive to get any return - so whats the point? As for the economy - we are in dire straights and a recession, and this government is determined to chop a developing green energy industry off at the knees, and watch even more people made redundant - and what do they think will happen to the price of solar panels if volume sales dry up - Doh!
Robert Slack,
boom or bust. Well our government can achieve both at the same time!!! A long way to go still a few more areas of renewables to tamper with. Greenest goverment ever, what a joke.
What an utter and disgusting waste of taxpayers money, to be told at the 11th hour, I cannot have the solar panels installed, after 3 surveys, signing contract and lease, it just makes me wonder even more why our country is being run by these individuals.
Solar PV panles are a good thing to have, so its not good what the goverment want to do.
Andrew Margetts,
The goverment should stick to there original promises,that means next year
Energy Ministry seems to be acting to dessimate a fledgling industry to benefit of established big six energy companies vested interests.
Hugh Pryce,
I signed a contract in August but will not now get my panels in time.
Tony BOOK,
we have to make 'them' see sense.
Robert Rusby,
They cannot have acted legally? Chris Huhne on question time quoted " if a government tries to do something before consultation it can get into trouble"! Talk about a self Condemnation!
Jane Baker,
So want to do my bit.....
matt kirkham,
Jenny Hulin,
It's the wrong time to take such drastic action on the subsidy. Just as the new industry is gettign going and could really develop, creating jobs and reducing carbon footprints.
Patricia Chilton,
nick holmes,
C Clack,
Jo House,
The amount of subsidy that goes to cola, oil, and nuclear, I totally fail to understand why the government will cut subsidies to solar installations.
Mat Connolley,
Joanna Clegg,
gesa reiss,
Yet again our completely incompetent Government makes an idiotic decision.
The consultation proposals risk wrecking this country’s developing solar industry and undermine the Government’s claim to be the greenest ever.
Anne Gallagher,
“I support the ‘Cut, Don’t Kill’ campaign to stop the Government cutting Solar PV Feed-in Tariffs by 50%, which would devastate the solar power industry and jeopardise 25,000 jobs.” - So so true! A step backwards not a step forewords.
J Davies,
Paul Robinson,
To move the goalposts with so little consultation and warning is unreasonable.
We cannot have solar now due to the government cutting the feed in tarriff. Households have a big enough squeeze as it is. Nothing like making it as hard as possible for people. Well done government 10/10 for effort.
Iain R S Shore,
Don't do this: leaving aside the negative effect on jobs, this is going to destroy any incentive to retro-fit solar for domestic households: also, why not legislate to require ALL new developments, residential and commercial to carry solar pv? FAR better than wind! And so easy to do this....
Peter Skelton,
Here is a growth industry that not only supplies jobs, but can significantly help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions without leaving a legacy of nuclear waste for future generations to worry about. So why throw away the opportunity now? Regrettably, it's all to easy to imagine why, but one might have hoped for a bit more forward thinking from a government that professed to have green aspirations.
helen tanner,
Eleanor Watts,
Nicholas Stern made it clear in his report that investing in renewables would give us jobs and new expertise in the economic downturn. It is madness to cut down this burgeoning industry just as it is beginning to take root.
Ken Webster,
Who's the short sighted fool who thinks the way to stimulate the green economy is to cut the clearly most effective benefit, i.e. the FIT. The cost of onbe proposed power station would cover the cost of providing PV panels into every suitable property in the country. More jobs, green economy, carbon free capture. Will someone at the highest levels please show some backbone and creativity. Maintain the FIT, it's what is making the difference.
Pip Richards,
david greeves,
Solar power is everlasting, its free, it makes sense, so invest in now not just the future!
James Leaton,
martin burtenshaw,
sally atterton,
Get another stupid cut by this Government !!!
Frank Davey,
S Farmer,
Howard Fuller,
Don't cut the support for solar power. This is a golden opportunity to develop a great British industry which will employ thousands!
joan bond,
Please think again!
David Reed,
David Biderman,
Andrew Allen,
Just another person being made redundant from the Solar PV industry. Thanks Gov
It seems madness to cut the Feed-in tariff by such a large amount in such a short time. Where is the joined up thinking in all of this?
David McQueen,
The talk of the 'greenest government ever' wasn't just hot air was it?
faith fhain,
in the light of recent nuclear disasters,and the apparent lack of money for health and education in this country a move toward nuclear in steed of solar and real clean energy is pure maddness
Angela Scott,
Wilfred Reynolds,
Glynis Freeman,
We signed the contract months ago, but we have been told that we cannot have it installed until after the 12th December 2011. That means that we will not be getting the tariff we signed up for. We have been waiting since March 2011. The government only gave a few weeks notice of cutting the tariffs by 50%. This means that the company have unwittingly missold because of the government's stupidity. They either want us to care for our planet or they don't. If there isn't going to be anything in it for us then why should be bother. I'm really fed up with all the hassle.
brian gibbons,
jonathan mason,
lets profit for the future, fossil fuel is unstainable & nuclear is dodgy
The scheme should not be stopped if more families are to move from fossil fuel energy to save the worlds resources
Deborah Flint,
Please can we stop the one step forward, three steps back kind of energy planning that we are being subjected to in this country?
This goverment is so short sighted. If More Houses had solar panels there would not the need for nuclear power. the german goverment has gone down the solar root why can't we!!
Liam Edden,
I Have lost my job as a solar installer because of the mess the government have caused despite this I will continue to fight for solar and hopefully return to my job in the near future
Mark Sutton,
Roy Lawson,
You are letting down the elderly who cannot afford to buy
Christopher Sharpe,
The Government has reneged on its commitment to the renewable energy sector with this action. It is a double whammy of slashing the FiT and introducing a requirement for the premises to be Energy Level C or above to qualify for the Tariff from April 2012. As an installer I can honestly say that the argument that Tariffs have been reduced to match decreasing equipment costs simply doesn't stand up. Secondly the introduction of the Energy Rating requirement introduces a huge consumer barrier particularly in rural areas where there is far less new or recent housing stock. The homeowner now has the upfront cost of an energy audit plus any costs involved in getting the premises to Energy Level C before they can even consider a Solar PV system. Far from costs reducing I see overall costs rising particularly for anybody in an older property. To me this looks like a budget led ill thought out knee jerk reaction to a problem that hadn't been properly thought through. Yes the FIT needed reviewing but there is no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater and cripple an industry that is still in its formative years. We are at least 10 years behind Europe in the acceptance, understanding and investment in this technology and with this legislation we will stay there. We have a tremendous opportunity here to invest in a globally growing technology thereby creating jobs with a long term future in a struggling economy. I emplore the Government to re-think and re-schedule their plans to give the industry time to get established and play its role in getting us out of this recession.
Paul Lewin,
Charles Wong,
Sarah Maguire,
We're going to run out you know. Finite resources and a linear system and all that. Then what? Lets just fix it now, before the Russians truly have us over a barrel. Pun? Not entirely.
paul craven,
Jan Penrose,
Stephen Larkin,
Will anybody trust government green energy schemes again? Destroying confidence is just so wrong. Maybe we will also know that government action has been illegal too soon.
Francesco Anselmo,
I have installed 6 PV panels over my roof in August this year and am delighted with discovering that with such a small investment I can match my annual electricity needs. A solar future for UK and Europe is truly possible! Distributed generation is the key for the future. Let's subsidise families, not big energy businesses who only want to maximise profit at the expense of the taxpayer!
duncan wordley,
it is madness to cut this. what about the free energy devices as well. we all know they are there!
Tracey Jackson,
The UK can never quite manage doing something green for very long can they. I bet loads of middle class families managed to get their panels fitted in time before the tariff was cut making the richer even richer.
mark pratley,
Leif Leszczyński,
Jane Dickson,
Pamela Horner,
Don Cunningham,
Joy Stewart,
Had hoped to install before end of March 2012 but this sudden change gave us no time to do it. Unfortunately we will probably not be able to proceed now This is a 'mad' decision from a supposedly 'green' government
Cameron Winn,
Why cut back on a solar future now when it is growing and giving people jobs? Make a cleaner future for our children.
Jamie wood,
Cecilia Liszka,
To slash the tariffs by the amount proposed, so much earlier than planned and to backdate the reference date to before the legal implementation of the tariff changes is a combination of factors that spells disaster for a developing and hugely valuable industry, and risks arresting it at an early stage by removing investors and installers from the market, ruining commercial confidence and demonstrating a total lack of reliance on government policy support for a clean energy future.
Peter Andrews,
Madness! Government nurtures the solar industry, it takes off, it employs people, it cuts the UK's carbon footprint...and government kicks it in the teeth. Madness!
Jerome Macdonald,
Ive just spent six months getting MCS and real approval, and only had a week to ocnduct any business before the cust took place, I have invested £000's of pounds in re training, advertising litriture, web site creation, nearly all my savings, and now its been a total waste of time, I have had 4 cancelations over the week, and only managed to do a handful of installations, as people decidednot to go ahead with the 21p tarrif, I have no one interested in it now and I think te future is very grim for the industry, only ritch people with lots of spare cash will invest now as the returns are too long term.
lee newham,
Catherine Beeston,
Anne McLaren,
It's fair enough to cut the feed-in tariff as the cost of installation falls. What's not fair is to make that decision unilaterally, before the consultation process was complete, and to implement it immediately before the fledgling industry has as chance to regroup.
Ashley Kay,
Peter Yeo,
Bring in chnages slowly, a little at a time.
Terry Carter,
Ingrid Murphy,
All you need to do to understand why we have got to keep on installing solar is read a few books on the subject. Have you not read these, ministers? What are you planning for your children post-carbon?
John Marshall,
This measure will also jeapordise many community ventures in this field. Whatever is happening to "The big society"? We have a responsibility to future generations in this.
Jeremy Gass,
Mike Arundale,
Mark Devaney,
It is madness to cut the tariffs so quickly! We need to cut Carbon output and we need to grow our economy! If the FiT is cut so drastically then both of these targets are pushed back considerably!
Kate Graham,
Surely spending on solar power is more important than weekly bin collections?
Al Clark,
Penny Locke,
Laura Harrison,
Tim Ayers,
Stephanie Pywell,
David Cameron's claim to head "the greenest government ever" rings hollow in the light of this proposal. The FiT needs to be high enough to offer a full payback in about 15 years for an average system, in order to attract clients other than committed "greenies".
Hester Higton,
Kerstin Hewitt,
Gavin Warnes,
Sue McNab,
Graham Gaskell,
Keith Heywood,
Solar panels will help energy self-sufficiency - but not on their own. The FIT was too generous, but it should be reduced more gradually to allow stability in the industry.
Linda Whitebread,
Jan Harney,
Seriously considering getting some. Worried that your cuts will force companies out of business leaving people with no maintainers to call upon.
Laurent Talbot,
Elizabeth Shepherd,
Something as vital for our future as solar power should not be a political football.
Patrick Cosgrove,
Austin Wilkinson,
David Ambrose,
Dan Jennings,
Take a look at any country (Say - Germany) that has developed a lead in solar technolgy and you will see investment by the government to get it off the ground.
We may have missed the opportunity to be top tier technology developers for now, but Britain could lead the way in Solar business, if only it had the encouragement. Stopping the PV Feed-in would send the very worst of signals.
This is an investment, not an expense. Be smart and keep a feed in tariff
George Niblock,
I'm only one of thousands whose project has now been axed as I could not possibly have completed before the December deadline: My timescale had already slipped due to the Council refusing to clarify the position on PV panels in a (minor) coservation area unless I paid them a fee plus several hundred pounds to get scale drawings done to get a Certificate of Lawfulness.
Caroline Royds,
Please don't undo all the good that the generous fee-in tariff did to promote solar power in this country - it made a real difference and the proposed cut is really really putting off a lot of people who were considering having them installed.
Owen Clarke,
Stephen Trinder,
Rebecca Hilder,
Teresa Seed,
We need to continue to encourage individuals as well as organisations like schools and the FIT is easily the most effective way of doing this.
Nelis Drost,
John McClean,
Boost the Solar PV industry and support the installation of panels on public buildings, social housing, factories etc. This is a tragic waste of a fantastic opportunity where so many will benefit.
How the government can even be thinking of this is beyond me, we need sustainable alternatives to generate power and should be encouraging installations!!!
niki bannister,
Angela Rees,
Mike Goddard,
Felicity Radford,
Alex Corless,
Fatima Martin,
I have installed solar panels and even at the current feed-in tariff we hesitated to invest. Any less and we would not have dared to do it.
Jill Cunningham,
I already have solar panels on our roof: 2 for hot water and 5 for electricity.
Leona Graham-Elen,
Pamela Lorimer,
Marjorie Drake,
Clare Codd,
Hugh Kelly,
If we don't start making the transition from dirty energy now, when will we? Consistent policy on clean energy is essential for this technology to get off the ground and become the new normal. Please don't betray the principle of being a 'green government' by undermining all the projects that the FIT has helped to get started!
david britten,
Donna Vose,
The upfront costs of installing solar PV are still unaffordable for most people, cutting the tarrid will only further slow down uptake.
Julie White,
Dennis Gound,
Judy Masters,
Fiona Moore,
The Government`s decision is utter madness. Tariff reductions should be phased in gradually.
It is surely only reasonable to give as much time for a change in the Tariff as it takes to plan, order, manufacture and install the panels...there is a big future for solar, we need industries like this. Please re consider the speed and consequent devastation of this proposal...
Sue Hobbs,
Alistair Owen-Thomas,
Why was a true green initiative halted so needlessly? It's time to rethink this decision and to back solar fully now!
Paul Brain,
Joanna Lowndes,
It is very irresponsible to cut the tariff by such a large amount. Is this the greenest government ever?
Loic Lopez,
john dougill,
Euan McPhee,
Instead of short-term commitments, more careful long-term planning is needed by the Government to encourage Solar PV take-up at a reasonable cost. A gradual reduction in Feed-in Tariffs (possibly not guaranteed for life) as the price of installation drops, seems a more sensible way to achieve the necessary take-up if we want to reduce our dependency on imported fossil fuels.
Clare Maynard,
Richard Randall,
John de Carteret,
A rapid transition to renewable energy and investment in solar technologies is essential and urgent. Premature cutting of FITs is short sighted.
karen smith,
Susan Garnett,
Carole Shorney,
I agree, let's make the UK at the forefront of the global solar energy revolution!!!
Alison McKay,
Jen McClelland,
Sophie Franklin,
Jonathan Pinnick,
Don't kill the solar energy industry & put thousands out of work in the process
The FIT scheme should exist to cover a gradual transition period until the cost of installation naturally reaches a level where support is no longer needed. Cutting this process off now is sheer madness, as in the long term it will save money and promote green industry in the UK, not to mention cutting carbon emissions.
Ruth Jagger,
Don't take steps backwards where our environment is concerned.
I disagree with the rash way this has been. There should have been a gradual reduction
Meg Henderson,
The solar industry is an emerging market and could make an massive contribution to the economic growth of the UK. Why kill it now?: 'Cut, Don't Kill'
Phillip Smith,
Joan Groizard Payeras,
Getting the "little man " to install solar panels is essential to reduce carbon emmisions - in these hard times dont disincentivise us!
Carol Smith,
I think my tiny installation may have beaten the deadline, but what about the thousands of people who would have been on board if they had the money and the installation companies had not been overwhelmed by the rush, together with their (mostly non-British) manufacturers. Let's taper this thing and increase the involvement of British companies in the investment needed. Our people and the economy need the jobs - try Derby for starters.
Peter Daniels,
Rosemary Humphries,
Encouraging people to use solar PV is very important. Don't cut the tariffs now and put it out of reach of people.
Peter Randerson,
The sudden reduction is particularly damaging for Community projects who, in many cases, have already committted money for surveys and plans.
Evelyn Glarvey,
Let the solar tree of life blossom and grow. Don't cut it off at the roots
Mark Wellington,
Adam Maunder,
Solar power looks increasingly like the European continent's best option - cut it out of the equation, and we've got a whole lot less open to us. C'mon, chaps!
Rod Evans,
Bob Baylis,
I have solar panels - they work. Keep the industry going & give everyone a chance to have them too!
Tracy Humphrey,
Stephen Swinley,
To fast to soon the installation price has not dropped at the same rate.
Douglas Reid,
Abrupt cut-off = mad short-sightedness
Karin Haverson,
The success of the solar power industry should be a reason to be pleased, especially in today's economic climate. There are thousands of small local businesses who will be affected. Just cut gradually, not slash all in one mad go, give everybody time to adjust. Anything done too hasty and drastic always causes serious problems.
Ed Carlisle,
emyr owen,
Please support our green industry, don't kill it off in its infancy.
Bridget Bradley,
We had been seriously considering solar panels as part of our efforts to reduce energy usage at home. I "ran the numbers" on the EST website and found that, with the 50% reduction in FIT, after 25 years the panels would still not have paid back their cost. Unless there is a re-think, we won't now be going for solar.
Solar really is a no brainer
It's so so so much saner
Why the wait
why so late
when we'll all - you & me - be the gainer?
J Buckner,
A project that provides jobs, skills, growth, reduces fuel poverty and carbon emissions...isn't that what we need?
It took me a year to plan the installation of my PV panels based on projected feed in tariffs. The Government must behave responsibly and honour the promised dates for reduction of tariffs so that businesses and individuals can also plan for their future commitments.
John Ellis,
It must make business sense to bring the FII figure down gradually rather than in the draconian cut as at present.
Alan Godfrey,
Slow reduction of tariffs may allow good firms to adapt and others to redeploy and keep more employed. The community share projects have really started to spark widespread public interest which may be snuffed out with a 50% cut in tariff.
Colin Smith,
Alan Quilley,
This is a very short-sighted decision and not in keeping with a Government that claims to be the greenest ever.
It's more of the same from this government they don't seem to think anything through before acting on it.
Tony Neeve,
Short sighted decision that will leave the solar industry in tatters.
Cathy Rosa,
Director / Ocean Solar
Of course the tariffs have to be reduced EVENTUALLY. This sudden reduction is very damaging. The change should be phased to keep pace with the falling cost of solar panels and to encourage development of this vital area of the economy. Green criteria are important!
Iain Pickles,
Rosemary Rechter,
Joan Ruddock MP,
michael brosnan,
this idea not only saves me money it is also preserving the world resources its a win win situation
sandra brittain,
am one of the customers with signed contracts and no panels,it just not fair
Paul Mellor,
Ann English,
Amanda McIntyre,
The Government is erasing the legitimate expectations of a growth industry in the most bizarre way - how can what they are doing be called a consultation?
Joe Norman,
Solar panels on house roofs are a visible sign of support for renewables.
Community solar initiatives, whether on a community building or as a "solar farm" bring people in the community in active support.
Both help to change the thinking of a community, creating the political support the government will need to meet its legal obligation to reduce carbon emissions (an obligation we are currently not on target to meet).
All this in addition to a useful contribution to the nations renewable electricity supply.
Jeremy Aston,
We need a stable RE environment. Make a strategic long term plan and negotiate annually with industry on reductions.
Phillip Clarke,
I am writing this whilst using the free electricity generated by my solar panels whilst generating no CO2, please help support this fledgeling industry become a viable renewable industry for the future.
Jamie Caulfield,
Jill Williams,
Thought the plan was to create 5000 new jobs in the private sector so why cut jobs in the essential green industries
Wesley Thomas,
Will Letts,
As an MCS installed, I have fitted over 100 domestic systems this year, totalling almost 500kWp. Our systems are offsetting 284 tonnes of carbon emissions annually and my company alone has employed 6 staff who have a very uncertain future if the industry is allowed to collapse. Cut, Don't Kill!
David Ley,
The action taken by DECC was irresponsible and ill-timed. We have a market sector that is geared to developing the renewables contribution by the nation and this action has mimited teh impact of such growth drastically. same on you !!
Chris Blanchett,
Yone Zubiaurre,
John Thompson,
Karen Merritt,
mike roach,
Anne Clements,
The first really good thing that was facilitating this industry and now it's been stopped - shame on you!
graham crowley,
i currently work for carrillion energy services and have seen 15 people in our depot lose their jobs as a direct result of the government cutting the feed in tariff some thing must be done to overturn the decision and stop more people losing their jobs
alan gaudry,
Susan Francis,
Nicholas Scales,
Dave the Chameleon strikes again. All that talk of climate change, going Green and turning the conservative logo to a Tree. - utter greenwash! - Time this coalition did some good and put renewable energy BACK on the Agenda
Mr Phillip Edwards,
End of January will see the completion of my south facing property,we were going to purchase the full package of up to £20,000 worth of solar products. After this 'disgusting' goverment slashing the tarrif, that cash is now going to be invested abroad, probably towards an apartment in Turkey, on the Bodram peninsular. So Mr Cameron you can stick your solar panels where 'the sun don't shine'. Yours hatefully Phil Edwards.
Come on give us a break. I have been waiting nearly 5 months for free panels to reduce our bills and this has jepordised everything. Have a re think in the summer of 2012. You should be supplying free panels to those who want them.
Colin Tapley,
Chris Francis,
this is such a good scheme that will help save the environment and it is criminal that it will not continue.
lucy Power,
Kevin Atkins,
We need to keep doing this to try to save the planet and show others what they can be doing. It is a step forward we need not a step back
graham colin beard,
Gavin Caniff,
This government are a complete joke they put the prices of fuel,gas,electricity,food etc:- up and then go on that it's all to do with global warming etc,what a load of c**p. I'm a qualified heating engineer that changed my line of work to the renewable industry thinking that's where it's all going to be going, so i sat a solar pv course done part p and 17th edition in electrics that cost me £2500. Then i got a job installing solar pv which i thought would be a steady field to be working and as a big future.In the lasted two months,thanks to Mr Cameron.Been laid off three times in the last six months since these w*****s have been in power. Bring Back Labour And Get HITLER Out
sue james,
short term cuts to long term invetment in solar, very very stupid
I had previously sined up for a Solar Installation but cancelled the agreement when the Cutt OFF Date was changed without notice to 12 December 2011.
John Kelly,
Peter Gibson,
You made a mistake ..... Now just swallow your pride, move on and grab hold of this fantastic opportunity!
Alan Lambet,
Consultation should mean what it says, and not be usurped by government dictat during a consultation process.
C T Bolton,
We signed a lease with Homesun for free solar panesl. These were due to be installed on 18 Nov 2011 with scaffolding being erected on 17 Nov. The scaffolding was not put up until the 18th and nobody came to install the panels. The scaffolding remained for nearly three weeks. We are hoping that following the High Court decision installation will start again and that we will finally get our panels fitted.
Derry Bowman,
Sarah Goldstone,
Paul Baskerville,
would not only be a cost saving excersize for myself,i strongly believe in the future of solar energy not only to offset the need for potentialy disasterous issues around nuclear energy but to create a better enviroment for the next generations.
Don West,
Robin Phillips,
Steve Whalley,
jimmy lettice,
please dont go back on your promise and put the full tarrif back and dont slash it by a greedy 50%
Solar energy is the way to go its free lets try to save our planet not distroy with polution
We need to have a re-election and get rid of these millionaires that is running and ruining our once good country
Robert Currie,
Andy Edwards,
i think what the government have done is awful,they obviously dont care about our planet
Let's reinforce the massive benefits of free, clean, renewable energy by supporting the industry to sustain the economic growth of the UK and build a better future for ourselves and our families.
my job as a solar pv installer is now on the line
I hvae missed out because I could not get the capital together for fitting panels in time to benefit. So the planet misses out . . .
Andy Kennington,
rosemary horton,
Sallie Unger,
This is so unfair and unjust loads of people have lost their jobs because of this
Julian Bishop,
Yet another braindead kneejerk decision from this incompetent coalition - and the reason? Simply that the big energy suppliers stand to lose money, and to hell with the British people, many of them struggling to make ends meet, who just want to save a bit on their energy bills, whilst helping the environment at the same time. Please, Cameron and co, please try to get something right soon - for all our sakes. Getting rid of Chris Huhne would be an intelligent start.
Katherine Gutkind,
as the world dies, we need governments who do not add to its death, but support the slow but vital process to stop its decline, not the opposite. When will the right people have the power?
Graham Cox,
Apart from PV is the most sustainable energy, this is a one industry where jobs are created. So there is increased tax to the government. A cut like this is nothing but sabotage. FiT should be reduced gradually rightly in line with the reductions of cost of PV panels. If not sure look in the German success story, UK 38 thousand homes, over there 300 thousand.
Lewis Kelly,
Kevin McConnell,
Nick Kingston,
solar can be the pathway for all renewable technologies and lead to greener communities across the UK. Solar is KING !!
Solar has got to be one of the ways to go for free energy
all new builds, Homes and Buisnesses should be built with solar roofs,
To cut the tarrif before April 2012 will mean no-one will trust govenment policies regarding energy again.
Mani Vannan,
Britain's future lies in wholeheartedly supporting the solar energy projects.
gillian harman,
Christopher Carter,
Better to support PV Solar than to throw taxpayers money at wind turbines!
ray cox,
Christy-lee Knight,
Keep the solar industry alive! cleaner and greener practice is crucial for the countries economy
Working in an energy efficiency company we have had a marked decrease in solar enquiries from the public. FiT's are a great way to tackle our already lagging carbon targets and should continue at the fullest rate.
Mike Gibson,
I beleive this governments reversal of it's commitment to the FIT is crass and ill thought through
David Rudge,
The solar industry should be encouraged by the government,not penalised by it! Solar panels are much better for the environment than the grossly inefficient and and landscape despoiling windmills.
Janet Read,
Rajiv Bhatia,
We require long term clarity and a consistent and sustainable policy.
CRS Energy Ltd,
Alex Thompson,
S j Mellor,
Solar power is a much better way of generating cheap energy than the grossly expensive wind turbines.
With the decline in costs heading for grid parity and the huge potential across the rooftops of Britain, solar P.V is clearly a game change in energy production. If the UK messes this up we will be confirmed as "twilight" economy stuck in the past as far as energy in concerned and everything that follows from it.
Warren Miller,
I was employed in the Solar industry and because of this cut i have been made redundant, so i am 100% behind this campaign and hope we can get a positive result.
rob mcghie,
Gerry Fletcher,
It's a no brainer. Schools, offices, let alone homes could produce enough electrify even in winter to make a substantial contribution to reducing their electricity costs. Cities could become mini power stations. We have a grid let'all add to it and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and imported electricity
Philip Richardson,
Chris Jones,
N buswell,
Andrew Coveney,
Brian Edwards,
It makes no sense whatsoever to kill off this industry in its early days, when Europeans recognise its value and the UK needs the jobs.
Paul Chapman,
The fits tariff should have been cut gradually way back in 2011 and not 50% in December 2011
How can the government pretend to back alternative energy solutions and carbon emission reduction with actions like this.
Paul McCabe,
Gary McMeekin,
The government is using my taxes to fund legal action to prevent me claiming at the higher tariff. My panels went in on 12th January (after ordering 12th November). Now I'm in limbo....
Roy Cotton,
Unlike Wind, to the best of my knowledge Solar PV makes no sound, causes no sleep disturbing vibrations, and is incapable of macerating passing wildlife !
thomas paterson,
18th of jan 2012 just had to lay off 9 workers today
Stuart Harvey,
Davorin Sadar,
Lynne Humphrey,
Naomi Brandel,
An intelligent government is one that supports all eco power for the future. Solar is successful. Why weaken it?
stephen gifkins,
we need as many alternative energy solutions as possible now so that we are NOT reliant on oil and gas.
Colin Gathercole,
mark jones,
Mr Cameron how are the panels on your home performing with your full rate FIT
We don't need coal ! We need vision! Please don't kill the solar option.
Rachel Mulliner,
clive silverson,
stop the rent a roof not penalise the home owner
Joanna Harper,
Evie Sier,
Solar is the future, support it like you did that white elephant of a nuclear industry!
However much it costs the government/energy companies it will be only a fraction of the cost of de-commissioning nuclear power stations.
yvonne davies,
why not cut the benefits for these totally usless wind turbines that cause devestation to the mountains and areas where they are errected and are not as effeciant as solar panels. Yet again the goverment is wrong
Yes, a GRADUAL reduction is needed, but stop wasting taxpayers money pursuing a supreme court case when you have alreay lost twice and reduce FIT gradually so that the return on investment is still attractive to take out a loan to install PV.
Stevan Gorgievski,
John Downie,
I bought a solar panel system and have a contract with Eon. I gave my latest meter readings to them on 26/01.2012, and was told I would not be paid until 6 weeks after my readings, is this a stalling tacktick to stop paying the proper tarrif I had signed up for? I think the Government are penalising not only Solar businesses but the individuals that have paid out on the selling tactick of being told we would have a tax free benefit on the energy produced from our solar panel array's.
Nuclear waste with an unimaginable half life what about a secure holding location like in the cellars of the Houses of Parliament then short termist politicians can have a daily reminder of their folly. Support Solar Mr Magoo aka PM its THE FUTURE and your legacy to your children
Trevor Barker,
As a retired person in their 60's my free installation option could now be scuppered by further reductions in the FIT beyond the threatened 50%. No way can I consider paying for an installation with the extra costs needed by any supplier that survives this reduction, nor can I, at my age, await a 25 year return period to break even on costs.
So much for reducing my carbon emissions.
Matthew Little,
Emma Spurgin Hussey,
Mark Johnson,
Parag Bhargava,
We need to think of the future and our children. Encourage them to be green by promoting this alternative energy!!
silly changes to something that could generate a lot of income for the copiuntry
ron e henry,
How can a government say it wants to be GREEN on one hand then pull the rug from under the feet of a succesful method of generating power for the next 25 years
Marcus Mötley,
martin cornish,
Solar energy is our best hope for the future!
John McCarthy,
Joe McMorrow,
Why decimate a successful and thriving Industry, that achieves what it sets out to do? Solar Panels do not spoil the view (wind Turbines) do not wear out (Wind Turbines) do not cause local planning mayhem (wind turbines) and do not line the pockets of disinterested Corporations looking to cash in (wind Turbines). Madness.
it is cheaper to install it is no danger to wildlife. It works if there is no wind only snow can stop working
jo markham,
David Fitzpatrick,
Time for us to be a tad more assertive in this. Show in detail the lies about nuclear, both its actual and true carbon costs, as well as supporting a *suite* of alternatives, not least better construction and building regs (such as Passivhaus) so we do not use energy in the first place!
think of our children and grandchildrens future
Peter Sharpe,
Solar is an essential way to assist in the reduction of greenhouse gas.
Kerry Taylor,
Everyone should have a say on our solar future.
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