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  1. Peter Keesom
    Posted October 31, 2011 at 10:15 am | Permalink

    I am trying to down load the petitions but only get text with question marks. What now

  2. Posted October 31, 2011 at 11:29 am | Permalink

    I’m absolutely gutted to read about the early reduction of the FITs. That will have a devastating effect on community solar energy and our ability to build resilience locally.

  3. Posted October 31, 2011 at 4:11 pm | Permalink

    Really can’t believe that after spend all that time and energy with working out the feed in tariff plan and how it will work and benif all this goverment pulls the plug on the life surport system on this industry and country needs. The meeting with the big 6 energy companys a couple of weeks age apears to have had a hiden agenda of which we are seeing now. What is next! How can we all lobby against this?

  4. Linda Marshall
    Posted October 31, 2011 at 4:43 pm | Permalink

    I am fortunate to already have sv panels installed at the best rate. Had the smaller rate been my only choice I really doubt whether I would have gone ahead with the purchase.

  5. Ryan Patterson
    Posted October 31, 2011 at 7:52 pm | Permalink

    The Construction Industry has suffered the most during this on going recession, once again we are hit where it hurts, I started up a small solar pv company to run along side our 50 year old electrical contractors company to help keep our employees in work while the construction industry sorts itself out. What now???

  6. Russ Clifton
    Posted November 2, 2011 at 10:16 pm | Permalink

    Get all your friends family customers etc to sign the petition, email your mp and local paper, let those out of touch politicians know just how we feel. If all the industry does this we might yet have a future….

  7. ROBERT Pearce
    Posted November 4, 2011 at 12:08 pm | Permalink

    I have paid a deposit for a system which I will lose if I decide not to go ahead, but I am seriously re-considering this now as the cost benefit case no longer stacks up. I am so very Angry at this. How can anyone make any medium to long term plans in this country. This is absolutely crazy. They talk green, but that’s all it is, talk!!!

  8. Posted November 9, 2011 at 11:50 am | Permalink

    We are passionate about the industry offering a first rate service. I’m concerned that with the FIT changes the rogue element of the industry will con people into promising that they can complete by 12th Dec and just take deposit and disappear.
    There has been no thought gone into this. The Watchdog program is going to have a field day.
    All we can hope for is the goverment to see sense and truly at green not just words & sound bites.

  9. Giles Cooper
    Posted November 9, 2011 at 12:25 pm | Permalink

    I have already held dialogue with my Local MP who has expressed his concerns to DECC. The response from them suggested that the decision has been made and that there is no room to move on it. If so, then what does it make this period of consultation? They should just publish the rates as statute now rather than pretend that there is some consultation going on!

    I’ve sent letters all over the place and believe that everyone in the industry should do the same, from company owners to roofers and apprentices as well as customers. We all need to sign up local MPs on Facebook too as this is an excellent way to get your message across. I am “friends” with my MP and with Geoff Huhne, Greg Barker unfortunately doesn’t seem to have an account.

    I think the main point we should try to address is the Governments insistence that 5% return per year is a good return. In truth the cost of the system needs to be written off over 25 Years as it will no longer have any intrinsic value after that. This equates to 4% a year and therefore the real return on investment would be 1% per year which is unsellable. We must campaign for a rate of 30 pence for <=4kW to keep some incentive, otherwise Solar is dead in the water and we may as well just pack up on Dec 12th.

  10. Posted November 9, 2011 at 2:50 pm | Permalink

    Its a great shame people will lose confidence with the renewable sector just as it was starting to realy build.
    I have been talking about solar thermal etc since 2008, we even paid £5000 for a artical to run in the Manchester Evening News solar thermal & solar PV.
    Now the collection results are there for all to see, and these are great results for the UK our goverment pull the plug and kill any confidence that has built over the last.
    Im sure there are clear reasons behind the quick decission but confidence sells and this is the quickest way our goverment could have installed in their words (a vote of none confidence) throughout our industry.
    Time for a re-think on not only sales but marketing a seriously damaged product!

    Roy Gibson
    Energy Gain UK LTD

  11. Posted November 10, 2011 at 11:11 am | Permalink

    The greenist government ever……they are having a laugh. Sad thing this is not funny. As reported this week in the Guardian we have five years to get our act together…..if not we are virtually certain to tip over the 2 degrees world temperature increase.

  12. Posted November 10, 2011 at 11:33 am | Permalink

    I am so disillusioned with this Government, they are supposed to be helping businesses and these cuts are unreasonable given the short notice and at this time of year with the weather to contend with. they have set a near impossible task with orders to complete by the 12/12. Totally stupid.

  13. Posted November 19, 2011 at 12:10 pm | Permalink

    We must help the earth to be cleaner.

  14. Tom Cahill
    Posted December 7, 2011 at 1:23 pm | Permalink

    My thanks to the Government I work in the Solar Industry or did Redundant as from Friday the 9th

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